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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: via on April 04, 2015, 12:09:06 PM

Title: Gripping your own board.
Post by: via on April 04, 2015, 12:09:06 PM
I just made a post in a different thread, and it got me thinking about another potential generational gap in skateboarding.

When was the last time anyone but yourself gripped your own board? When I was a kid, it was a sin for anyone to grip your board for you, but a lot of kids these days (in the 18 range, I'm not talking about 10 year olds) come into the shop and have the counter guy grip their board for them.

Do kids not find someone else gripping your board for you weird now? I understand generation gaps, and that things change, so I'm not even really hating if thats common all over the place now... I guess I'm just curious if it's some weird fluke in my area, or if it's everywhere.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 04, 2015, 12:24:00 PM
I had the guy grip my board a couple years ago because I was in a rush and just wanted it done, and sometimes when I see him I want to apologize.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: fang on April 04, 2015, 12:26:12 PM
I think my dad gripped my first couple boards at age 10,11 , because he didn't want me using those boxcutters. Then supervised the next couple and it's been all me since.

I'm super picky about how my grip looks/feels. I put the grip on, sand it with a screwdriver and when I cut, I angle the blade in as hard as possible, because I mentally need that edge-of-top-of-deck-showing-all-around or my OCD goes haywire. Can't stand grip covering the top edge.

Last year (at age 38) I bought a board and the guy (probably age 31) asked me if I wanted him to grip it. I know I had a very confused look on my face, like "uh...wait, are you serious??"

I also feel like someone else gripping your board, tightening your trucks etc... if you aren't a small child, it's weird as fuck. That's like letting some guy fingerbang your girl to get her wet , before you jam your ramrod into her. "Here man, she's all ready to go".
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: via on April 04, 2015, 12:37:44 PM
I think my dad gripped my first couple boards at age 10,11 , because he didn't want me using those boxcutters. Then supervised the next couple and it's been all me since.

I'm super picky about how my grip looks/feels. I put the grip on, sand it with a screwdriver and when I cut, I angle the blade in as hard as possible, because I mentally need that edge-of-top-of-deck-showing-all-around or my OCD goes haywire. Can't stand grip covering the top edge.

Last year (at age 38) I bought a board and the guy (probably age 31) asked me if I wanted him to grip it. I know I had a very confused look on my face, like "uh...wait, are you serious??"

I also feel like someone else gripping your board, tightening your trucks etc... if you aren't a small child, it's weird as fuck. That's like letting some guy fingerbang your girl to get her wet , before you jam your ramrod into her. "Here man, she's all ready to go".

Thats an astoundingly astute description...
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: poopnutsupreme on April 04, 2015, 12:49:34 PM
I let them do it when I've just broken a board and I want to get all my stuff ready to continue skating right after, other then that I usually grip it myself. Never really found it a big deal but I can see why people think it's so important to do it yourself.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: shark tits on April 04, 2015, 12:59:41 PM
i've only gripped my board a few times. i don't have a complex about it or wheel graphics going a certain way or whatever. maybe it's a pain in the ass for the skate clerk and not trying to be inconsiderate or anything. it's like having a mechanic change your tire even though you're physically capable.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Noble Experiment on April 04, 2015, 01:02:43 PM
Last time I had someone else grip my board was almost over a decade ago. It's just one of those things that I have to do myself. It would be weird to have someone else grip it for me.
Also, am I the only one that thinks gripping boards is fun and not just some task? Putting trucks on and cranking down the hardware feels like a task, putting wheels on feels like a task, but gripping boards has always been fun to me. Whenever one of the homies is at a sesh setting up a board and doesn't wanna grip their deck, I always rush to do it for them.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Tufty on April 04, 2015, 01:18:27 PM
I always have the skateshop dude grip it. He does a good job. I guess I am lazy.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: via on April 04, 2015, 01:43:47 PM
Expand Quote
Also, am I the only one that thinks gripping boards is fun and not just some task?

Nope, I'm like this too.  It's like how I enjoy certain chores like folding laundry or mowing the yard.  It requires zero thought, and I can zone out to it while listening to some music and when I am done, I can look back and see an accomplished task.

I've got my board gripping down to a one shot, takes maybe 3 seconds, perfect every time. It feels good to slice through and making it look crisp and clean.

 It's something I enjoy, would feel weird about having someone else do, and it takes zero effort. I just don't understand having someone else doing it.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Crybaby Shithead on April 04, 2015, 01:54:17 PM
i always have the guy at the shop grip my board because he's really good at it
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: bentmode on April 04, 2015, 02:24:43 PM
I dont always have the shop guy grip my board but when I do I give him a tip  ;)
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: bentmode on April 04, 2015, 02:26:15 PM
Just in case there was some uncertainty I am talking about my penis.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: 360 frip on April 04, 2015, 02:35:35 PM
Recently I have been buying boards on the net. So I grip them myself at home.

I'm painstakingly slow about it and it has to be perfect. I suppose it's kind of relaxing to do with a beer. Unless you get an air bubble...

However, when I had a shop I regularly went to, I often let the owner grip it* while I took apart the trucks. Simply to save time and due to lay out of the shop.

*Finbar Saunders would be proud of me.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: SHARPSHOOTER on April 04, 2015, 02:41:23 PM
I do it for customers in like 30 seconds, so I'm sure they don't have a problem with it. You'd be surprised at how many people don't grip their boards themselves. All of my friends even get me to grip it.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Tracer on April 04, 2015, 02:44:54 PM
I would be totally OK with all decks coming pre gripped (with jessup)

Zero pre grips all the boards for their riders

Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: poowizard on April 04, 2015, 02:52:14 PM
I grip most of the boards that get run through my shop unless someone says to lay off. I enjoy it. I've always enjoyed gripping boards. But if you are a team rider.......... grip your own shit!!! Ha!
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: tony volume on April 04, 2015, 02:53:12 PM
If I'm lazy, I'll let them grip it for me. Lately I've been into putting lines in my grip or doing my own thing with my grip. I swear I took like 20 minutes when I was setting up my new deck a few days ago
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Noble Experiment on April 04, 2015, 02:55:36 PM
Zero pre grips all the boards for their riders
I remember reading an interview waaaay back that Dan Murphy did (when he was still with mystery) where he mentioned that Black Box would do that upon riders request. I always thought that was pretty neat.

As for gripping speed, if the blade is sharp I try to do it in one quick motion. If it's a dull/worn out blade, I usually take my time a bit. I feel if you try to go fast with a dull blade you have a higher chance of getting jagged edges or accidentally taking a chunk or two out.
I prefer a sharp blade, but you gotta work with what you got. I remember seeing Alex carolino grip a deck with some sort of debit card one time.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Just sniff some glue on April 04, 2015, 03:23:18 PM
I always grip my board. I have an OCD when it comes to gripping my board. I always use a new blade and have to watch a skateboard video while gripping it. I don't think I could let anyone grip my board because it clears my mind. It's the same clear thinking you would get by doing a zen garden.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: @thewilleasley on April 04, 2015, 03:28:58 PM
i do that shit all the time. Ill grip my own boards if I buy something online or if i buy a deck one day then grip it at a later time but if I'm just at the shop shooting the shit then Ill have them grip my deck while i take off the trucks on my old setup. Makes the board change take less time with 2 people so why not? Im not superstitious and my board skates exactly the same no matter who grips it so its whatever. I'm lazy and hold no pride in applying griptape so I do it when I have to and let the dude at the shop do it when I dont.

the analogy of someone else gripping your board and another guy fingerbanging your chick before sex is pretty ridiculous tho. if anything, its more like one of the girl's friends already taking her out to eat that day & gassing her up to get her freak on for when she comes over to your place later that night to "chill". Sure, if you a real nigga then you should already know how & be willing to make it happen on your own but hey, why turn down the assist tho!? the dude at the skateshop just makes it quicker & more convenient for you to get going & have a good time
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Julz on April 04, 2015, 03:44:17 PM
I'm 25 years old, I've been skateboarding since the tender age of 10 and I have gripped 2 boards in my life, those 2 boards were purchased online. I've been blessed with good core local shops my whole life and the folks that work in them do a hell of a good job gripping the boards for me, so why do it myself ? I never had any issues with them and it's a service that I like to receive... no homo.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: dillanharp on April 04, 2015, 03:58:09 PM
I grip my own board because I don't like air bubbles. It's not any less anything to let someone else do it, I just don't trust them.

I worked at a shop when I was 20 and kids would ALWAYS want a line by the tail bolts to differentiate nose and tail. I'd do that, but if they wanted a zig zag or some custom shit it was on them or their dads to do it. I put so many of those lines on boards that I can only ride solid black grip now.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: landCow on April 04, 2015, 04:03:24 PM
I always grip my boards. I find setting up new boards, grip and all weirdly relaxing.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Toadfish Rebecchi on April 04, 2015, 04:41:26 PM
I always grip my boards. I find setting up new boards, grip and all weirdly relaxing.

Yep. Me too.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: WeirdBeach on April 04, 2015, 04:43:45 PM
Expand Quote
Also, am I the only one that thinks gripping boards is fun and not just some task?

Nope, I'm like this too.  It's like how I enjoy certain chores like folding laundry or mowing the yard.  It requires zero thought, and I can zone out to it while listening to some music and when I am done, I can look back and see an accomplished task.
it makes me feel like a real skater. Because god knows skateboarding doesn't make me feel like one.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: essal on April 04, 2015, 04:52:58 PM
I don't care who grips my board as long as they do a good job... But I'll never let anyone put my trucks on, that would be freaking weird.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Randozzi on April 04, 2015, 05:04:49 PM
Have been gripping my own boards since the first year i started. Haven't had anyone else do it for a few reasons. I like gripping my board, fun process while watching a vid. or listening to music. Also, I feel that if you've been skating for long enough, you should grip your own board. It's not hard.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: RollingThunder on April 04, 2015, 07:59:23 PM
I worked at a skate shop many years ago and probably gripped 95% of the decks sold there. I've always gripped my own decks and have always liked doing it. I was taught to always scrape the top of the deck with a razor blade to get rid of any excessive film/wax/whatever and make the grip stick better.

Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: tobey on April 04, 2015, 08:49:21 PM
My last board i just got i made my friend grip it while i took the trucks off my old one, TEAMWORK!
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Noble Experiment on April 04, 2015, 09:50:30 PM
I worked at a skate shop many years ago and probably gripped 95% of the decks sold there. I've always gripped my own decks and have always liked doing it. I was taught to always scrape the top of the deck with a razor blade to get rid of any excessive film/wax/whatever and make the grip stick better.

I was taught that about the top of the board too, but I use excess grip to sand the top of the deck instead to get the excess laquer off the deck so it sticks better. I feel like when I scrape the top with a blade I might accidentally take a chunk out or something.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: spool of cord on April 04, 2015, 10:16:14 PM
Always sand from the top son, never from the bottom son. Always cut from the bottom son never from the top

I was in a Zumiez 8 or 9 years ago with a friend who was getting his brother a board....they wouldn't let him grip his own board...liability....we got a kick out of that at the time.

I prefer a sharp blade, but you gotta work with what you got. I remember seeing Alex carolino grip a deck with some sort of debit card one time.

Anyone else have more stories like this? When I was way younger a friend of mine got a board in the mail and was so excited he rushed into town before setting it up - and no one had a knife or a blade for him. He gripped the board and attempted to cut it with a rock....I wish someone snapped a photo, it was the most hilarious thing ever. He pretty much ruined a brand new board by doing that..and skated the jagged p.o.s. all day the way it was. answer the question- put me in the group of 'i don't give a fuck' long as there's no air bubbles, anyone can grip it. I wonder if a kid has ever been told by a shop employee 'you've got to grip your own board'...some funny cool-guy shop shit.

Does anyone else ride Paradox grip exclusively?  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Tracer on April 04, 2015, 10:23:03 PM
My last board i just got i made my friend grip it while i took the trucks off my old one, TEAMWORK!
The worker should start gripping right away, it's what they're paid for. It's gettn on either way, I don't understand needing to grip your own board.

"It's fun"

Yea its 30 seconds of pressing your hands on a piece of wood, and trimming the excess. it's not fucking fun and I'd rather have someone else do it. Have none of you been to Six Flags?
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: layzieyez on April 04, 2015, 10:25:08 PM
i always have the guy at the shop grip my board because he's really good at it
I let the dude at the shop skate my board.  He's really good at it.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Custom skater on April 04, 2015, 11:13:07 PM
I usually grip my own boards, but if someone can grip it better than I do, then i will happily let them do it.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: smokecrack on April 05, 2015, 12:10:37 AM
how you gonna let another man grip your board? (
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: gaunting on April 05, 2015, 12:36:09 AM
Ive been skating for 14 years, and im still terrible at gripping a board, air bubles everywhere, but i kind of like how it looks all shitty, instead of a clean, crisp grip job, idk. Anyway, i still prefer to do it, ive never let someone else grip my board, that i can remember.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Paco Supreme on April 05, 2015, 12:44:09 AM
I'll always do it, usually i'll get bored at home and grip one for fun before i need it
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: DannyDee on April 05, 2015, 02:00:47 AM
Always sand from the top son, never from the bottom son. Always cut from the bottom son never from the top

I was in a Zumiez 8 or 9 years ago with a friend who was getting his brother a board....they wouldn't let him grip his own board...liability....we got a kick out of that at the time.

Expand Quote

I prefer a sharp blade, but you gotta work with what you got. I remember seeing Alex carolino grip a deck with some sort of debit card one time.

Anyone else have more stories like this? When I was way younger a friend of mine got a board in the mail and was so excited he rushed into town before setting it up - and no one had a knife or a blade for him. He gripped the board and attempted to cut it with a rock....I wish someone snapped a photo, it was the most hilarious thing ever. He pretty much ruined a brand new board by doing that..and skated the jagged p.o.s. all day the way it was. answer the question- put me in the group of 'i don't give a fuck' long as there's no air bubbles, anyone can grip it. I wonder if a kid has ever been told by a shop employee 'you've got to grip your own board'...some funny cool-guy shop shit.

Does anyone else ride Paradox grip exclusively?  :D :D :D
I've heard stories about Supreme doing this, no idea if its true.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Weededed on April 05, 2015, 02:31:37 AM
Generation Fame - Max, Vilkka and Vesa on Vimeo (
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: perverted super otaku! on April 05, 2015, 05:09:07 AM
Generation Fame - Max, Vilkka and Vesa on Vimeo (
+1 rad
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Schmaltz on April 05, 2015, 05:50:42 AM
You let the dude at the shop grip your board? Do you let him tie your shoelaces and suck your cock too?
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: stephop on April 05, 2015, 07:13:32 AM
I ride my boards and trucks how the shops think I should. I only have time to think about tricks.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: stone cold steve austin on April 05, 2015, 07:38:18 AM
its just one of them perks of buying a new board
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: jayrolla420 on April 05, 2015, 08:22:31 AM
I only do it myself because I grind off the grip the sand down all the edges.

Anyone else do this or any other different techniques?
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: abudabi on April 05, 2015, 08:37:37 AM
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Zero pre grips all the boards for their riders
I remember reading an interview waaaay back that Dan Murphy did (when he was still with mystery) where he mentioned that Black Box would do that upon riders request. I always thought that was pretty neat.
kinda cool, but also pretty douchy to make some guy at the warehouse grip your board when you get paid to skate.
youre a professional skater, how do you not have time to grip a board?
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Rusty_Berrings on April 05, 2015, 08:47:21 AM
I had the guy grip my board a couple years ago because I was in a rush and just wanted it done, and sometimes when I see him I want to apologize.

you if anything he should be apologizing to you. gripping your board is one of the greatest parts of setting up.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Randozzi on April 05, 2015, 09:41:06 AM
I only do it myself because I grind off the grip the sand down all the edges.

Anyone else do this or any other different techniques?
Sand down the edges then take a scrap piece and mellow out the harshness of the new grip from nose to tail.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: faarooq on April 05, 2015, 09:52:30 AM
I take a screwdriver and an old wheel for rolling out bubbles. Start from the center and work your way to the nose and tail.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: straight on April 05, 2015, 10:20:47 AM
You let the dude at the shop grip your board? Do you let him tie your shoelaces and suck your cock too?

So I guess you answered yes to,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=38270.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=38270.0)
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: carbonite on April 05, 2015, 10:35:27 AM
the weirdest thing about working in a shop was when dudes would come in and ask "yo can I get a re-grip?"
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Budo on April 05, 2015, 10:41:54 AM
^ Holy shit, yes, that was weird as fuck.  Bust out the blow-dryer and spend 75% of the time taking old grip off because a kid wanted "cooler" grip.  Don't get me started on gripping scooters...

My funny memory is that I remember watching the first Tony Hawk's Trick Tips video and really liking Tony's description of how to grip a board.  Still do it like that to this day hahahah!
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Wall of Nausea on April 05, 2015, 11:32:24 AM
I had the guy grip my board a couple years ago because I was in a rush and just wanted it done, and sometimes when I see him I want to apologize.

If you were in a rush you could of just took the roll and the board then do it later ya doofus

I always grip my boards even after working at a shop a decade ago, it's a trust thing and a lot of dudes don't give a fuck, I'm not on that air bubble tip. Takes hardly anytime if you've done it a bunch and you're not a lazy turd. Also investing a hard ink brayer helps eliminate small fuck ups.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Willie on April 05, 2015, 11:48:23 AM
You let the dude at the shop grip your board? Do you let him tie your shoelaces and suck your cock too?

I suck my own cock, thank you very much!
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: L33Tg33k on April 05, 2015, 12:13:22 PM
I hate gripping my board but I'll always do it because if I fuck it up I'll only have myself to blame.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: TINCL on April 05, 2015, 12:17:55 PM
How else are you going to get your pink and orange grip tape squares arranged just right for your welcome logo?  Having the shop guy grip your board is so mainstream
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Iceman on April 05, 2015, 12:36:01 PM
this thread makes me feel like half of slap just came out as rollerbladers.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: dillanharp on April 05, 2015, 01:16:54 PM
You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: on April 05, 2015, 02:20:26 PM
I actually think the opposite is true....I've never heard that you should grip your board...I didn't learn for years because I bought decks from shops.

It's only when I started getting decks from sponsored guys....distros....the Internet when I started doing it myself. 

While sure you have some lazy shits coming into your store....part of me thinks there are kids who buy online, learn to grip on line, connect with other skaters online, and skate with their headphones why do they even need a skate shop? 

Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: 360 frip on April 05, 2015, 02:43:02 PM
I actually think the opposite is true....I've never heard that you should grip your board...I didn't learn for years because I bought decks from shops.

It's only when I started getting decks from sponsored guys....distros....the Internet when I started doing it myself. 

While sure you have some lazy shits coming into your store....part of me thinks there are kids who buy online, learn to grip on line, connect with other skaters online, and skate with their headphones why do they even need a skate shop? 

Fundamentally, I don't think you do anymore. It is cool if you have some good local store but do you really want to waste hours in a shop? Everyone I skate with,  I met skating, not shopping.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: straight on April 05, 2015, 02:57:28 PM
You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?

I always do this. I like to take my time too. It's actually fun. Sometimes I don't even need to shower but Just feel like doing it. I would never let anyone else get near my shoulder though.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: layzieyez on April 05, 2015, 03:02:09 PM
You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: fangen on April 05, 2015, 05:08:23 PM
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You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.

hahaha shower barrels are the shit.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: HyenaChaser on April 05, 2015, 08:17:22 PM
The worker should start gripping right away, it's what they're paid for. It's gettn on either way, I don't understand needing to grip your own board.

"It's fun"

Yea its 30 seconds of pressing your hands on a piece of wood, and trimming the excess. it's not fucking fun and I'd rather have someone else do it. Have none of you been to Six Flags?

You get your board gripped at Six Flags?
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Tracer on April 05, 2015, 08:22:55 PM
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The worker should start gripping right away, it's what they're paid for. It's gettn on either way, I don't understand needing to grip your own board.

"It's fun"

Yea its 30 seconds of pressing your hands on a piece of wood, and trimming the excess. it's not fucking fun and I'd rather have someone else do it. Have none of you been to Six Flags?

You get your board gripped at Six Flags?
I get sunburns and walletburns at six flags. Much like skating
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: obZen on April 05, 2015, 09:12:53 PM
10 years of gripping boards for me and my brothers and good friends. I never file the edges, just sand them after I cut it. Clean cut 100% of the time and have never had my grip peel up unless it's Jessup.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Just sniff some glue on April 05, 2015, 10:02:50 PM
this thread makes me feel like half of slap just came out as rollerbladers.

Seriously, after this thread i feel like a grip tape god. Are people gripping their boards with their teeth or something.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: JB on April 06, 2015, 07:41:41 AM
the last few boards ive bought, the guys at the counter act shocked when i say that i want to take it home and grip it myself. its almost like they dont want me to do it or dont think im capable.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: 144p on April 06, 2015, 07:48:37 AM
90% of the people buying boards at the shop aren't even interested in gripping their own.
We try to offer good service so we just automatically do it to speed things along.
Anyone is welcome to take 45 min gripping a board though, I enjoy doing it and most people appreciate a non bubbled clean cut job.
I used to think people should do their own but much like every other aspect of skateboarding, things change.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Iceman on April 06, 2015, 02:10:27 PM
the last few boards ive bought, the guys at the counter act shocked when i say that i want to take it home and grip it myself. its almost like they dont want me to do it or dont think im capable.
yeah, i almost feel offended if they ask to do it. this isn't some mid-life crisis fad that i'm trying out. like... i've been doing nollie flips since before you were born, shop kid.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Baron Samedi on April 06, 2015, 02:12:07 PM
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You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.
you guys are blowing my mind right now
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: coneklr on April 06, 2015, 02:15:16 PM
yeah, i almost feel offended if they ask to do it. this isn't some mid-life crisis fad that i'm trying out. like... i've been doing nollie flips since before you were born, shop kid.

Bwahaha!  This shit made me lol so hard!  My friend is 40 and kills it and he gives the younger kids that are shit heads a hard time when they are out of line and once made a comment like I could treflip when you were in diapers and this reminded me of that ... thank you
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Chavo on April 06, 2015, 03:50:05 PM
I let them grip it once in a while (usually when buying a complete as a gift). I insist on tightening the mounting hardware myself as I prefer it flush with the deck (countersunk about 1mm past the grip). Most people tighten it too much or unevenly.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Wall of Nausea on April 08, 2015, 06:28:09 AM
I let them grip it once in a while (usually when buying a complete as a gift). I insist on tightening the mounting hardware myself as I prefer it flush with the deck (countersunk about 1mm past the grip). Most people tighten it too much or unevenly.

If you're that precise then do it yourself, you're sounding like a Saks Fifth shopper.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: 360 frip on April 08, 2015, 06:52:01 AM
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You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.

Do you have to put some force behind it or do you guys have that racehorse gush? Even got me thinking of trying it...
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: heckler on April 08, 2015, 07:04:19 AM
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You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.

Do you have to put some force behind it or do you guys have that racehorse gush? Even got me thinking of trying it...
It's usually that first piss of the day. One of my goals a few summers back was to piss over my shoulder at a public urinal. I got the hang of it in the shower, but never had the balls to bust it out.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: posguy on April 08, 2015, 08:04:59 AM
I saw a kid buy a board at zumiez and when he asked to grip it himself they wouldn't let him do it there. I asked the guy about it after and it's cause kids with razors tend to cut themselves. I never cut myself when gripping my board and I don't think many people here have either but I can see why they wouldn't want to hand a 11 yr old a fresh razor blade.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Bobby Peru on April 08, 2015, 08:38:36 AM
the last few boards ive bought, the guys at the counter act shocked when i say that i want to take it home and grip it myself. its almost like they dont want me to do it or dont think im capable.

If I've ever appeared shocked after that statement it's because I was hyped that I didn't have to grip another board.

Having worked in a shop and gripped many more boards than I've ridden, I'm on team "it's not fun." Sometimes I'll do a grip art project and that will be fun. But that isn't to say I had a problem with gripping a customer's board. The macho territorial business has never even occurred to me. If I can grip a board to make the shop guy's day easier, sure,I'll do it. If theydo it for me on their own, that's tight too.

I definitely made customers that were friends grip their own board when I found out they'd never done it before. Kind of a tough love older brother kind of thing.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Retox on April 08, 2015, 08:42:26 AM
I use to let shops grip my board when I was younger.  But now I always grip it myself cuz I like making a different cut out in front of the back truck bolt holes.  Even now with colored bolts I still cut it and place stickers under the cutout gap.  I just like the look when I look down to pop a trick.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Retox on April 08, 2015, 08:48:55 AM
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the last few boards ive bought, the guys at the counter act shocked when i say that i want to take it home and grip it myself. its almost like they dont want me to do it or dont think im capable.

If I've ever appeared shocked after that statement it's because I was hyped that I didn't have to grip another board.

Having worked in a shop and gripped many more boards than I've ridden, I'm on team "it's not fun." Sometimes I'll do a grip art project and that will be fun. But that isn't to say I had a problem with gripping a customer's board. The macho territorial business has never even occurred to me. If I can grip a board to make the shop guy's day easier, sure,I'll do it. If theydo it for me on their own, that's tight too.

I definitely made customers that were friends grip their own board when I found out they'd never done it before. Kind of a tough love older brother kind of thing.

Nice.  It's like a rites of passage or baptism.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Mikey on April 08, 2015, 10:01:32 AM
I don't always grip my own board.
But when I do...
I have the dude kickflip for me too.

grip your own board!
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: the snake on April 08, 2015, 10:19:13 AM
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You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.

Do you have to put some force behind it or do you guys have that racehorse gush? Even got me thinking of trying it...
It's usually that first piss of the day. One of my goals a few summers back was to piss over my shoulder at a public urinal. I got the hang of it in the shower, but never had the balls to bust it out.
can't remember if i ever did that cause of damaged memory due to abusive gandja smoke in my youth, but i'll give it a try tomorrow morning
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on April 08, 2015, 11:22:41 AM
You guys wouldn't say any of this grip tape shit to me face to face
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Sleazy on April 08, 2015, 11:29:45 AM
always get them to grip it so that i have plenty of time to ask questions about the differences between the bearings...

actually i do it because i'm always in a hurry and i usually buy a ton of shit on the rare occassion i go to the shop so i pick my board first and give it to them to grip first and set up while i get shoes and other stuff worked out and if all goes well i'll be checking out right when my wife starts getting a stink face from trying to keep the kids form destroying the shop.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: StabMasterArson on April 08, 2015, 11:33:18 AM
I had a lot of fun gripping my board last time.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Get fired up on April 08, 2015, 02:49:59 PM
Worked at a shop for years, so I feel weird letting anyone grip my board.  I usually have a fresh back up deck at home. So I grip it there before I set it up.   Different grip pattern from the last every time.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Iceman on April 08, 2015, 05:43:37 PM
to clarify, it's not really a territorial thing to me. it's more that i am particular and i don't trust anyone else to be able to grip a board to my standards. "if you want something done correctly, do it yourself" kind of thinking. plus, those requirements have become more important over the years.

though, i have to admit that i do frown on those that don't really have standards for their own stuff. if bubbles in your grip are fine, you're cool with doing regular kickflips off the nose, and mongo pushing just has a bad rap, man. well... good for you. i'm sure you still wholeheartedly love skating, but i can't get down with that stuff.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: fulfillthedream on April 08, 2015, 06:44:12 PM
the first time i gripped a board was like my 2nd or 3rd deck i ever got and my mom and being 13 my mom was opposed to it- did a fucked up job but it improved each time.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: straight on April 08, 2015, 06:59:49 PM
I had a lot of fun gripping my board last time.

Not into artsy grip but you may have changed my mind. Really good. I knew that was ld before I even read the text
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on April 08, 2015, 07:49:49 PM
On Tinder telling skate chicks I'll hit them if they grip my board.
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: Dengles on April 14, 2015, 10:03:08 PM
The other day I picked up a board at a shop I had never been to before, the dude started peeling the grip right away and I told him I wanted to do it myself but he said "why don't you just let me do it."  I then requested to have him leave a gap in the grip to show off the top deck graphic and he obliged but he had me help him do a two man grip job where I helped him by helping hold the grip while he aligned it.  It was one of the weirdest shop encounters I've ever had in my life, he was super nice though. 
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: mattdlx on April 16, 2015, 10:40:27 AM
As a shop employee who takes pride in top-notch customer service, I'll grip whomever's board if necessary.

That said, somebody once proposed a "tax" of a dollar for every year over 13 you are if you ask for your board gripped (beginners excepted, obviously) and it's an idea with some merit.

I'd also have more money for my kid's education / credit card bills / etc :)
Title: Re: Gripping your own board.
Post by: new_york_shitty on April 16, 2015, 11:51:51 AM
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You ever try to pee over your shoulder in the shower?
I try to pee over my head.

hahaha shower barrels are the shit.

Oh shit, reading 'shower barrels' just made me laugh out loud at my desk at work. So funny. Got a couple strange looks too. Kudos on that one.