Author Topic: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters  (Read 4223 times)

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2014, 09:05:44 PM »
you saw the silhouette of a tree then when you went to play back the footage in your room you accidentally hit record for because you were 11

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2014, 09:08:20 PM »
once i was in cabrini green in chicago. my asshole friend flip dogg said 'candyman' thrice and then candyman appeared and beat us w/ a hook hand. we started a fire and candyman's particles separated into a herd of bees [flock of bees?] and we got back on the bus, back to damn iowa.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #32 on: February 01, 2014, 07:55:58 AM »
Last summer I've experienced something that just cannot be explained either. Me, this girl I was seeing, my cousin and a couple of their friends went to a closed down mental hospital in a nearby town after dark. Now, in the western part of Massachusetts there are lots of these places that have been shut down. This place was like a full college campus that was completely run down. The school was closed in the 80's for many reasons which include terrible treatment of it's patients and sub-standard living conditions.

Well, we get inside the first building by hopping into a window that drops down into what seemed to be like an elevator shaft sized room, which opens into a larger room. We all hop down in and we look into the larger room ahead of us and there was a red light shining from another room attached to the larger one, as soon as we noticed it, it went out. We all try reasoning, it's not too far fetched that there would be other people here looking for something to do. But why red light? Anyway, we walked around the building and couldn't find the source of the light. We thought it was weird, but kept moving on.

The second building we got into was weird as well. We had to get in through a window since the doors were all sealed shut. We get into this large room where one of our friends who claims to be a "clairvoyant" starts to cry and says she doesn't feel right in this room. To the left of us we find something similar to a doctor chair with what looks like dried up blood on it. This room was the only room that made us all feel uncomfortable. We walked through the rest of the building and though it was creepy and abandoned, nothing seemed paranormal.

We then headed to another building down a long path away from the previous one. Before we were about to attempt to enter it there was a bright white light off in the distance ahead of us, probably 30 feet, as we noticed it, it went out. We walked down the trail in the direction of where the light was and the path went off to the right. In front of us was just low bush, nobody was there. As we stood there trying to make sense of what it was, and as we were standing around we hear a loud BANG from off in the distance. It sounded almost like a gunshot, we all looked at each other, and then we hear it again.

At this time all the group ran up the path back where we came from except me, my cousin, and my girl. We decided it was best to walk back up, because if it were other people, they knew where we were (because we had flashlights) and we didn't know where they were. We looked back as we were walking and we almost felt like something or someone coming up the path towards us. At this time, my girl ran away because she swore she saw a black figure in the path coming towards us. My cousin and I walked a little further towards where she said she saw something. Now it was just my cousin and myself pointing our flashlights in the middle of the path, just waiting for something. Then, to the left of us we both saw a giant white hooded thing through the bushes coming towards us. We both saw this thing and we booked it back down the path. My cousin said he saw the light once more as we were making our way out of this place.

I'm not sure what this thing was, but we both described the same thing coming after us. Our lights shined through it and the top of it looked almost like a KKK hat. I'm glad that I've been able to witness something that in which I consider to be paranormal. I hope more SLAP posters post their stories.

man, that's some shit I never even thought of ,racist ass ghosts, fuck that shit.

I enjoy reading ghost stories and some are mad convincing, I feel like that there might be some sort of energy out there but I dunno I have only ever had one sort of spooky thing happen to me, I was sleeping one night in bed and woke up to my blanket falling on me from my feet to my face , I got scared as shit and had to have the lamp on for a while,  i try to hope that i just managed to some how kick and push the blanket up in the air in my sleep, but it did fall from quite high so I'm not really sure what the fuck happened.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2014, 09:09:45 AM »
once i was in cabrini green in chicago. my asshole friend flip dogg said 'candyman' thrice and then candyman appeared and beat us w/ a hook hand. we started a fire and candyman's particles separated into a herd of bees [flock of bees?] and we got back on the bus, back to damn iowa.
that movie takes place at an older somehow shittier version of my school
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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2014, 09:12:54 AM »
One time I was tripping balls on shrooms and thought I was on the set of Seinfeld

would've been even better if you thought you were on the set of the Merv Griffin show in Kramer's apartment.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2014, 12:33:10 PM »
I guess I'll add a couple starting with my first experience.  I'm just going to say they are creepy as I can't prove they are anything more than that.

So my first memory is when I was younger.  My mom moved her, my sister and myself into a 3br apt from the house we were renting because it was closer to everything and would make life easier.  The apt was weird but it was newer and being able to walk to hang out with people and go to the store was cool.  But the reason the apt became available was due to one of the prior tenants getting in a motorcycle accident and not making it a couple months prior.  Fast forward to a little down the road and I'm in my bed sleeping.  I was going through a lame phase where I thought cuban link type necklaces were cool and I for some reason slept in it.  I wake up in the middle of the night because I can't breathe only to realize somehow my super cool necklace is super tight around my throat like it was being pulled from behind.  I was sleeping on my stomach so I'm not sure how it could of been caught on some thing and causing this (although that is how I pass it off in my head).  Anyway, I grabbed the necklace and yanked it off and covered my head with the blankets and didn't sleep the rest of the night.

This story is about my ex gf.  We were at my moms house and were the only two there.  She wasn't feeling well so she went to my old room to lay down for a while and I stayed in the living room watching tv.  I think I hear something so I turn down the tv.  I can kinda make out her talking a bit, so figure she's on the phone or talking in her sleep or something.  A few minutes later she yells my name so I go running up.  She asks why I was just staring at her.  When I ask what she means, she said I had been just standing at the end of the bed looking at her for a few minutes and not responding to her then left.  I told her I was down in the living room the whole time and didn't know what she was talking about.  Needless to say we both felt quite uncomfortable there after that.

The last one I'll share was the most recent and the only one where I saw something I couldn't explain.  So the same gf asks if I can stop by her apt and fix the door since the handle was broken.  She tells me no one will be there, which is the only way I'd do it because I didn't really get along with her roommates.  Let me explain the layout for a second.  You enter into the kitchen and if you look immediately to your right you can see into the living room and passed that the two front bedrooms.  So I walk in and go through the drawers in the kitchen looking for a screwdriver when I see someone walk through the left of the living room into the bedroom on the right.  I then say I'm sorry and that Anna had asked me to come fix the door and if they knew where the screwdriver was.  No answer.  I thought they must not of heard me so I walk through the living room to the room they went into and no one was in it.  I was like wtf and left.  Fast forward a couple weeks and I'm over there hanging out.  She says tell them what happened to you.  At which point I thank her for making me look stupid and she assures me she told no one.  Anyway I tell one of her roommates and her bf the story and he starts freaking out.  He had seen the same thing that day and didn't know about it happening to me.

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2014, 05:07:39 PM »
Last summer I've experienced something that just cannot be explained either. Me, this girl I was seeing, my cousin and a couple of their friends went to a closed down mental hospital in a nearby town after dark. Now, in the western part of Massachusetts there are lots of these places that have been shut down. This place was like a full college campus that was completely run down. The school was closed in the 80's for many reasons which include terrible treatment of it's patients and sub-standard living conditions.

Well, we get inside the first building by hopping into a window that drops down into what seemed to be like an elevator shaft sized room, which opens into a larger room. We all hop down in and we look into the larger room ahead of us and there was a red light shining from another room attached to the larger one, as soon as we noticed it, it went out. We all try reasoning, it's not too far fetched that there would be other people here looking for something to do. But why red light? Anyway, we walked around the building and couldn't find the source of the light. We thought it was weird, but kept moving on.

The second building we got into was weird as well. We had to get in through a window since the doors were all sealed shut. We get into this large room where one of our friends who claims to be a "clairvoyant" starts to cry and says she doesn't feel right in this room. To the left of us we find something similar to a doctor chair with what looks like dried up blood on it. This room was the only room that made us all feel uncomfortable. We walked through the rest of the building and though it was creepy and abandoned, nothing seemed paranormal.

We then headed to another building down a long path away from the previous one. Before we were about to attempt to enter it there was a bright white light off in the distance ahead of us, probably 30 feet, as we noticed it, it went out. We walked down the trail in the direction of where the light was and the path went off to the right. In front of us was just low bush, nobody was there. As we stood there trying to make sense of what it was, and as we were standing around we hear a loud BANG from off in the distance. It sounded almost like a gunshot, we all looked at each other, and then we hear it again.

At this time all the group ran up the path back where we came from except me, my cousin, and my girl. We decided it was best to walk back up, because if it were other people, they knew where we were (because we had flashlights) and we didn't know where they were. We looked back as we were walking and we almost felt like something or someone coming up the path towards us. At this time, my girl ran away because she swore she saw a black figure in the path coming towards us. My cousin and I walked a little further towards where she said she saw something. Now it was just my cousin and myself pointing our flashlights in the middle of the path, just waiting for something. Then, to the left of us we both saw a giant white hooded thing through the bushes coming towards us. We both saw this thing and we booked it back down the path. My cousin said he saw the light once more as we were making our way out of this place.

I'm not sure what this thing was, but we both described the same thing coming after us. Our lights shined through it and the top of it looked almost like a KKK hat. I'm glad that I've been able to witness something that in which I consider to be paranormal. I hope more SLAP posters post their stories.

This happen to be in Northampton? Sounds like the old state hospital

Similar story:

In high school my buddies and I went to the State Hospital in my town. We break into the last standing building, which happens to be way in the back of the grounds. It should be mentioned that the buildings were in the process of being torn down so there's construction material all over the place. As we're walking through the building there's a huge boom above and all this shit starts falling around us. Needless to say we high tail it out of there, but our only problem is that the way out is about a story high and one friend breaks his ankle jumping out, so we have to haul this kid through the mud while the building is loud as fuck. Looking back on it, I'm sure there were squatters, but that night is definitely in the top 5 scariest moments of my life

edit: just saw that it was Belchertown, didn't realize there was one there
« Last Edit: February 01, 2014, 05:12:06 PM by pancake man »


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2014, 10:54:23 PM »
Aight I got one. When I was about nine or ten my sister, who is a couple years younger, and I shared a bed room. Our beds were caddy-corner to each other, so if you were laying in the bed facing the room you could see the other bed. Im just gonna preface this by saying I had real sleeping problems and I was scared of fucking everything which probably explains what happened.

So my mom made my sister this life sized doll as a craft project one weekend. I immediately hated the thing, the face was scary as fuck and I didn't like something life sized in my room. My sister loved the thing though so I kept my fears to myself and let it slide. The doll slept in my sisters bed every night and I would always fall asleep trying not to look at it. One night I was woken up by footsteps next to my bed, I looked up and there were two figures next to my bed. At first I thought it was my sister holding her doll standing next to my bed so I just told her to go back to bed, but she didn't respond. I turned around to turn my bedside light on, and when I turned back around I was scared shitless. It was my sister and her doll, but the doll was the one standing upright, my sister looked limp in its hands. I screamed and shot under my covers. When my parents came in the room my sister was laying next to my bed with the doll in her hands, fast asleep. It was scary as fuck but looking back I was probably just half asleep and mis saw things. Anyways the next day I ripped up the doll and blamed it on the dog.


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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2014, 11:53:09 AM »
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Last summer I've experienced something that just cannot be explained either. Me, this girl I was seeing, my cousin and a couple of their friends went to a closed down mental hospital in a nearby town after dark. Now, in the western part of Massachusetts there are lots of these places that have been shut down. This place was like a full college campus that was completely run down. The school was closed in the 80's for many reasons which include terrible treatment of it's patients and sub-standard living conditions.

Well, we get inside the first building by hopping into a window that drops down into what seemed to be like an elevator shaft sized room, which opens into a larger room. We all hop down in and we look into the larger room ahead of us and there was a red light shining from another room attached to the larger one, as soon as we noticed it, it went out. We all try reasoning, it's not too far fetched that there would be other people here looking for something to do. But why red light? Anyway, we walked around the building and couldn't find the source of the light. We thought it was weird, but kept moving on.

The second building we got into was weird as well. We had to get in through a window since the doors were all sealed shut. We get into this large room where one of our friends who claims to be a "clairvoyant" starts to cry and says she doesn't feel right in this room. To the left of us we find something similar to a doctor chair with what looks like dried up blood on it. This room was the only room that made us all feel uncomfortable. We walked through the rest of the building and though it was creepy and abandoned, nothing seemed paranormal.

We then headed to another building down a long path away from the previous one. Before we were about to attempt to enter it there was a bright white light off in the distance ahead of us, probably 30 feet, as we noticed it, it went out. We walked down the trail in the direction of where the light was and the path went off to the right. In front of us was just low bush, nobody was there. As we stood there trying to make sense of what it was, and as we were standing around we hear a loud BANG from off in the distance. It sounded almost like a gunshot, we all looked at each other, and then we hear it again.

At this time all the group ran up the path back where we came from except me, my cousin, and my girl. We decided it was best to walk back up, because if it were other people, they knew where we were (because we had flashlights) and we didn't know where they were. We looked back as we were walking and we almost felt like something or someone coming up the path towards us. At this time, my girl ran away because she swore she saw a black figure in the path coming towards us. My cousin and I walked a little further towards where she said she saw something. Now it was just my cousin and myself pointing our flashlights in the middle of the path, just waiting for something. Then, to the left of us we both saw a giant white hooded thing through the bushes coming towards us. We both saw this thing and we booked it back down the path. My cousin said he saw the light once more as we were making our way out of this place.

I'm not sure what this thing was, but we both described the same thing coming after us. Our lights shined through it and the top of it looked almost like a KKK hat. I'm glad that I've been able to witness something that in which I consider to be paranormal. I hope more SLAP posters post their stories.

This happen to be in Northampton? Sounds like the old state hospital

Similar story:

In high school my buddies and I went to the State Hospital in my town. We break into the last standing building, which happens to be way in the back of the grounds. It should be mentioned that the buildings were in the process of being torn down so there's construction material all over the place. As we're walking through the building there's a huge boom above and all this shit starts falling around us. Needless to say we high tail it out of there, but our only problem is that the way out is about a story high and one friend breaks his ankle jumping out, so we have to haul this kid through the mud while the building is loud as fuck. Looking back on it, I'm sure there were squatters, but that night is definitely in the top 5 scariest moments of my life

edit: just saw that it was Belchertown, didn't realize there was one there

Yeah, there is one there and it is pretty big. Everything I've read said that the most haunted area there is the gymnasium. After researching it that seems to be the general direction where the bangs came from. My brother and a lot of my friends used to go to the Northampton one, I really wish I had went.

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Re: Creepy Things/Paranormal Encounters
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2014, 12:10:01 PM »
worcester state hospital was creepy when i was a kid. not metaphysical but like electric chair, rubber room and old files and shit. we usedta get lost in there and find a way out that was too high to jump from then hafta scramble around some more. it was one of those old 'kirkbride' buildings w/ the clocktower all gothic and shit. in the early 90s the city laid off a bunch of firefighters and the next day them bitches lit it ablaze. most of it was ruined but the clocktower was still there til a few yrs ago. i hope whoever burnt it dies in a fire.