Author Topic: You've probably got a scar from doing something dumb or rad. What's the story?  (Read 1564 times)

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The Drew

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I still have a very faded lighter "smiley" scar on my arm from 30 years ago... that was pretty dumb

I never wore shoes when i lived in Australia... when i was 12 I broke a fluorescent bulb in the garage and was sweeping it up and swept it right into my left foot ruining my little toe (it didn't cut through the bone but the fleshy part of my toe was just hanging on). I didn't go get stitches or anything cause i didn't want to get in trouble for breaking the light.. so i got my older sister to help me patch it up with bandaids and bandages. it stopped bleeding pretty quickly but it took ages to heal properly because the skin grew into wound first... so it kind of just flapped around on my foot until fused together...  my toenail doesn't grow properly on that little guy now


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i grew up in the french countryside, we used to go cut trees at fall with my dad, brother and sister eversince we were little kids. My dad would cut the trees down and me and my brother and sister would pick up the cut wood and pile it. When i was 14 my granpa died and my dad got his chainsaw, so he had two. He though that it would be a good idea to give it to me since i didn't like picking up wood and was chopping small trees with an axe instead.
Well, give a 14 years old a chainsaw with no protection or safety training and sure enough i cut my thigh while cutting a tree at ground level. The cut was big and deep, but thanks to being extremely lucky i didn't touch the knee (i cut 5cm from it) nor the artery (5cm from it) nor any tendon (pretty close too)
i got like 25 stitches on three levels and couldn't snowboard that winter, i remember i was pretty pissed about it. It's only nowadays that i'm pretty much my dads age when this happened that i realize how irresponsible he was (and been on a lot of other occasions). Now the scar is smaller than it was and i kinda like it, i'm happy i could keep on walking, skating, biking, i could have ended my life or changed it significantly that day.


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When I was 9 or 10 I was doing arts and crafts when Another One Bites the Dust started playing on the radio. I loved that song, so I began to dance around the room. I still had my scissors in my hand and realized I could imitate the song's baseline perfectly...

Snip, snip, snip
Snip, snip, snip, snip, snip, OUCH!

That's how I learned there's a reason why I wasn't supposed to run around with scissors. I cut off most of the fleshy bit from my right thumb and didn't get to do any more arts and crafts for quite a while.


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A few years ago, I dropped a fairly heavy (170#) barbell on my left shin after losing control in the bottom of my squat while doing a "hang snatch" exercise (reference video below):

My shin somehow didn't fracture and I only needed stitches. I had an insane adrenaline rush so I wasn't in much pain at all and was laughing/joking with the medical staff who administered first aid. Still very grateful I didn't destroy my shinbone and still have the scar to show off.

Ricky Vaughn

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Called a girl a “dumb bitch” in 5th grade and she dug her fingernail into my hand as hard as she could while gritting her teeth in my face. Still funny to me especially because of the scar
Tell the world to eat my dick
I’m a prick motherfucker
Life Hell Tough shit
I’m the bic motherfucker


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Opened the web between my thumb and first finger of my L hand dicking around in the crawlspace. Put my hand to the back wall and sliced a screw through my hand about 3 inches long from edge to palm, luckily not super deep. Scar is still there, but it healed super well and it just looks like a crease.

Lil brother clubbed me in the dome with a PVC pipe - ever seen those PVC marshmallow blow guns? - 6 stitches straight in the scalp. Cool lil break in my hairline.

Busted chin a few times, its all scarred up and makes the hair grow all crazy.

Pretty thick keloid on my hip from getting smoked on my first real hill bomb at 13-14yo, its healed to ~1''x1'' fleshy, pink square. Knocked myself out, tore open my hip and hand, woke up carrying my skate up the hill back to the little kids B-day party or whatever
Wow sorry, didn't realise I was dealing with a sick cunt here


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I have a scar on my hand from being a goofball at 5 or 6 years old.

I acted as if I slipped on a banana peel to make my friends laugh, only thing is I landed on the root of a tree right on the back of my hand.

Damn thing took 4-5 stitches to close up. It was a deep cut and didn’t stop bleeding because it was straight on a vein.

Young me was pretty dumb.


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dad overthrew a backyard football and i ran face-first into the corner of our barbeque. gashed open the spot between my eye and eyebrow, got some stitches and now i have a cool ass scar. thanks dad.


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skated this flat rail in an underground parking garage when I was around 13... dumb thing was, there was a metal barrier right after the landing. so I landed wrong and of course fell head first into the barrier. I had the imprint of it on my face!   ::)
as well as a cut under my nose that required a few stitches. But it's barely visible now.

Also had a few stitches in my eyebrow after getting cut by the studs of a teammate playing rugby....
and finally 8 stitches in the middle of my head at age 10 or so, when I was doing front flips into a pool and hit the edge. that's it for my dome!

edit: to sic a dog on a teenager for that is crazy! Scary really.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2023, 05:52:59 AM by OldieButFrenchie »

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I jerked my jack with Nair. It was like the 5th worst thing I ever did to my junk.
I saw the legs and had to have a go with the leg cream. I was like young AF. I had just st discovered it and couldn't nut yet. But I could edge like a mother fucker right out the gate.
Wish I could be like that again lol
But yo
It burned little holes into the tip of my junk and irritated some spots down the shaft. I was so young I was way to embarrassed to speak up.

Took weeks to heal up. The wounds like sank in so it looked hella deep. I was so scared.
I almost gave in and said something but I pulled out at the last second and went to the bathroom to weep probably. Xo
Now I have like a constellation of stars crossing the top and down the shaft. It's like the little dipper big dipper. Big dipper is hard to see unless I been tanning and stuff.
The biggest one on the tip peels off once in a while like a scale. Hasn't happened in some years tho.


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I have two cat claw scars over my top lip that I received when I was 19. My old room in my mom's house opened up to our lanai/ pool in the form of sliding glass doors. On the outside of the sliding glass doors was a reflective mirror finish, so on the outside looking in, all you saw was your reflection. My bed was a mattress on the floor and my head on the mattress met the sliding glass door.

Early one morning, while I was still asleep with my dog close to me, I heard my cat meowing outside the door to get in. With my eyes half open, barley awake, I open the slider. As soon as I open the slider, my cat, not expecting to see my dog, lunges forward with her claws out and catches my lip.

Warm crimison colored blood instantly starts pouring down my face as my face stings and I'm overcome with confusion. The time from opening my eyes to getting slashed is less than 10 seconds.

That was almost 15 years ago. Both cat and dog have since passed, but I still love them dearly.


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Freshman year of college, 1991. I had gotten pretty good at riding my bike no-handed, even through a bike circle intersection if there wasn't a bunch of traffic. On my way back to the dorms from miserably failing a calculus test. It had rained that morning, so I guess my feet were a bit wet. Pushed down on the pedal, foot slipped off, and it was over, Straight to the chin for several stitches, the pedal itself left a deep gouge on my inner thigh. Ahh, youth!


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Sacked a rail (1st and last)  when I was 19 my cock had a weird zipper stitching. 


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Oh god, I just remembered this.
I was in the first grade, and we were at a dock waiting for a boat. I was being a kid and jumping around, and I ended up scraping my shin on some scrap metal that was lying around (?). It didn't bleed right away, so I went back to playing. The boat came, and my dad told me to look at my leg. I looked down, and it was fucking covered in blood. It had started bleeding right after I went back to playing, I guess. Anyway, all these years later I still have a one inch scar on my shin.
- the worst skater on the planet DO NOT LISTEN TO MY ADVICE


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When I was around 11,me and my best friend at the time were bored outside his apartment building. For some reason, the best thing we could  come up to do, was to throw rocks at each other.

Couple minutes go by, and I hit him in the elbow. He gets mad, and throws a perfect one straight above my left eye. If it was 5-6cm down, I would be wearing a pirate eye patch now. Anyway, his mum was a nurse, so we just run to his house in panic, because I was bleeding like crazy, and she took care of that. I dont even remember if I got stiches or not.

Typical dumb kids shit, but I wouldnt change it for anything, got a cool scar out of it.


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I worked in a skate shop in the mid to late 90’s. I was putting on grip tape for a customer who wanted a racing stripe. We used one of those big, industrial, stainless steel rulers. As I was cutting down the tape lengthwise with a razor blade, the blade slipped over the ruler and sliced into my index finger nail bed and down about a quarter inch past the cuticle. The scar is still there and although the doctor told me there wasn’t any damage to the tendon, I still get a kind of pins and needles feeling when I apply pressure to it. 


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I worked in a skate shop in the mid to late 90’s. I was putting on grip tape for a customer who wanted a racing stripe. We used one of those big, industrial, stainless steel rulers. As I was cutting down the tape lengthwise with a razor blade, the blade slipped over the ruler and sliced into my index finger nail bed and down about a quarter inch past the cuticle. The scar is still there and although the doctor told me there wasn’t any damage to the tendon, I still get a kind of pins and needles feeling when I apply pressure to it.

this reminded of my getting my left index crushed in a scroll bender in metalshop. 14yo me couldn't keep my fingers out of the holes and someone swung the arm around and about took the tip of my finger off. That one hurt pretty fuckin bad. Getting sutures near the fingernail sucked, and i think i waited a few too many days to get them removed. That sucked even more.

Also focused a light fixture trying to be all cool, mimicking a 5050 on the bannister at an apartment. Totally fucking smashed the glass and sliced a nice gouge between my thumb joint and wrist. Didn't go to the hospital but stuck some butterfly bandages on it. Definitely took way too long to heal and was ultra sensitive for months. The worst was when saran wrap clung to the cut (at my job) - if nails on a chalkboard was a physical feeling, that was it
Wow sorry, didn't realise I was dealing with a sick cunt here


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avocado finger on my right hand index finger straight to the bone


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lacerated my large intestine while front 50 on a curved handrail. had to go into emergency life saving surgery and have a 5 inch scar going through my belly-button. 
Mrs Elf is a pretty cool name.

And Mrs Elf destructing is even cooler.


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lacerated my large intestine while front 50 on a curved handrail. had to go into emergency life saving surgery and have a 5 inch scar going through my belly-button.

Fuck.  That is crazy.

My best one is that I have a scar on my forehead because I ran off of the school bus, jumped the stairs, and smashed headfirst into a stop sign.

I was pouring blood out of my face and a neighbor tried to stop and help, but I was super indoctrinated on stranger danger at school, so I completely flipped out and ran full speed home because I thought he was going to abduct me.

double fakie ollie grind

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Used to work as a construction laborer when I was younger. Carrying some stuff around a site. They’re laying down material for the surface of a playground (that rubbery bouncy stuff they use) and have a string running all around the perimeter of it about 3 inches off the ground. I cannot see this string bc I’m carrying stuff. I get a little tangled in the string and, in my effort to step away from it, step directly onto the head of a rake. Just like in the cartoons (think sideshow bob) it launches the wooden handle directly  into my face with a ton of force. I try to play it off like I’m fine and one guy is like ‘no dude, you are bleeding out of your eye, like a lot.’ Turns out I have a p good gash under my right eye. I put a bandaid on it and get on with it. Probably needed stitches, have a small scar there to this day

TLDR I have a scar on my face from stepping on a rake like a goddamn looney tune


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I got a scar on my D.

When I was young I did a vacation job in a factory that produced ammunition for like 30 mm auto guns. I took a cartridge case home. Thought I’d would be funny to smoke weed out of it and put my junk in it. You know. Little did I know that there must have been some kind of acid or some shit from production on it. Next day I got a ring of rash around my dick. It’s still kinda there  :(

So don’t do stupid things with your most valuable part haha

Anyone else has these round inverted scar from vaccination on the shoulder? Looks like a gunshot wound. I hate it.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2023, 09:17:44 PM by Sick_McCrank_ »
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i've got a tiny scar on my left eyelid from when I crashed my car (was racing, found not guilty). they had to remove glass from  the fatty tissue.

and my knee has been scarred purple for almost a year, playing rugby in the snow without leggings.
schoolteachers can get paid $100k when they get a collab with dragonball