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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2018, 04:03:32 PM »
The only thing that bothers me about all these new demographics being welcomed into skating is that everyone thinks it's about fun and community and not about lines on ledges.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #61 on: July 01, 2018, 04:09:43 PM »
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No ones mad about them creating their own group. Its the lowkey shit talking to non lgbgt people that people don't like. Its not hard to understand.

This. The gipper up there is classic kook material.

This is how easy it is for white people. They are worried about being shit talked when all these other groups are worried and discrimination and safety. Poor babies.

I know right. Tired of arguing with people who live in this alternative reality where they actually think LGBTQ people are harassing and oppressing them.
Like I said, kids always want revenge for the wrongs of the world...

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2018, 04:14:00 PM »
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No ones mad about them creating their own group. Its the lowkey shit talking to non lgbgt people that people don't like. Its not hard to understand.

This. The gipper up there is classic kook material.
Bawtawd is a fake account that exists to intentionally be as stupid as possible, and you just bought into it in a serious way. There’s no lowkey shit talking to non-lgbt people there, just people who are exclusive to others. But you probably think your homophobia and abuse toward lgbt people is some inherent right that needs to be respected, which is why you took inclusion to be an affront to you.

The nice karma about trash like this dude is that this is a skate messageboard, and there’s no way this dude lives in or near a city...meaning he skates shit spots. We already know that about sharktits, whose videos look like fucking gummo cut scenes
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2018, 04:37:54 PM »
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No ones mad about them creating their own group. Its the lowkey shit talking to non lgbgt people that people don't like. Its not hard to understand.

This. The gipper up there is classic kook material.
Bawtawd is a fake account that exists to intentionally be as stupid as possible, and you just bought into it in a serious way. There’s no lowkey shit talking to non-lgbt people there, just people who are exclusive to others. But you probably think your homophobia and abuse toward lgbt people is some inherent right that needs to be respected, which is why you took inclusion to be an affront to you.

The nice karma about trash like this dude is that this is a skate messageboard, and there’s no way this dude lives in or near a city...meaning he skates shit spots. We already know that about sharktits, whose videos look like fucking gummo cut scenes

Hey man I've fucked a dude before, your fight is with someone else. I just hate anything new.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 04:43:01 PM by shripshrapper »


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2018, 04:41:59 PM »

And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.
Fuck brandon biebel... The lemon thrower


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #65 on: July 01, 2018, 04:43:16 PM »
Can somebody please just beat the fuck out of shark tit’s sealioninng ass? He’s such a trash nazi loser scumbag, I have no idea how he posts his racist bullshit peacefully, while others get vibed.

This is just a thread of trashy assholes LOSING THEIR FUCKING MINDS over the idea of creating a community that helps them feel like they belong in skateboarding.

Literally nothing they do excludes straight white males from skateboarding, they just meet together at public places to support each other. I’ve been to skateparks when groups like the ones mentioned above have been there. They’ve never told me to leave, just asked me to be respectful of those who were there and why they were there, which apparently is too much for the triggered racists of slap.
And lets be real, your claim that you don’t like them for being exclusive (which they are NOT) is really just you finding a reason to complain about people trying to build a more diverse community in skateboarding, and its very transparent.

As far as people of color not creating their own communities and safe spaces in skateboarding...of course they fucking did. Back in the 80’s when vert was hot and swastikas were just chill decorations, there weren’t many skateboarders of color, as they didn’t feel welcome. In fact, I’ve heard the discussion MILLIONS of times where black kids call skateboarding a “white sport” to this day. So yeah, community like that was and is necessary, and guess what, spots like EMB and companies like World, Menace, Chocolate, and DGK came around to help build black community within the skateboard community.

And to the dumb racist who said race and gender shouldn’t matter, that may be true, but guess what? Whether they should or shouldn’t matter, they do matter, and you trying to deny positive expression of those individual experiences are trash.

And seriously, all of you who claim LGBT people don’t deserve their own space in skateboarding are just bigot trash who have no place in skateboarding.

Now, on to the actual humans in this thread (unlike subhuman trash like sharktits and his trashy bigot followers), lets discuss the merit of the article as we would any other article:
One thing that annoyed me is their complete passing over of Unity as an LGBT+ brand and community. The article somehow brings up a much less-known sister brand to Unity, which is cool, but it literally only talks about Unity in relation to that brand.
Unity and Jeffery Cheung deserve more shine.

Oh, and Jarret Berry was a pro for a couple Chicago companies. I used to seriously admire him as a local skateboard hero. He had a part in the 90’s in Cold Broke, a video by Tough Guy skateboards, that was sick. Grinding rails in the high teens, throwing biggerspin heelflips into lines, etc. dude was a solid skater. Oh, and Tough Guy was a predecessor to Affiliate skateboards if anybody remembers that.

In closing, good people on slap need to chase these nazi-lovers like Sharktits and the new losers off this board.

Primed and triggered;)


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #66 on: July 01, 2018, 04:50:43 PM »
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And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.

Yeah... can we just acknowledge the photo for a minute? What a fucking mockery. Some goofy shit that ya’ll would be hating on hard if it was representing a Zumiez sale.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #67 on: July 01, 2018, 05:07:27 PM »
and who the fuck skates black wheels? that chick in the beanie is so fucking confused

Ronald Wilson Reagan

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #68 on: July 01, 2018, 05:19:07 PM »
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And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.

And I agree. The post could be worded way better in order to be truly inclusive. If it were me, I would not have added a cynical tagline about cis, male dudes not being welcome. That's very counterintuitive and our allies are our greatest resource. Who cares if they are cis, straight white dudes. A homies a homie.
Unfortunately with things like this though, the entire community of LGBTQ skaters gets dragged through the dirt and then every Jordan Peterson fanboy begins the same cycle of SJW boogyman-ism.
It literally doesn’t say cis white dudes can’t come. What it does say is if you want to come, come in a way that is to support those who the event is designed for, and support them in other aspects of life. Then all the new slap posters who heard about it after that nazi Jason jessee got exposed decided to turn it into an attack on their fragile egos.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #69 on: July 01, 2018, 05:21:47 PM »
<blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink=" " data-instgrm-version="8" style=" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:658px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);"><div style="padding:8px;"> <div style=" background:#F8F8F8; line-height:0; margin-top:40px; padding:62.5% 0; text-align:center; width:100%;"> <div style=" background:url(); display:block; height:44px; margin:0 auto -44px; position:relative; top:-22px; width:44px;"></div></div> <p style=" margin:8px 0 0 0; padding:0 4px;"> <a href=" " style=" color:#000; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none; word-wrap:break-word;" target="_blank">@sk8.cott</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> Morgan Hayden</a> (@mo.hayden) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2018-05-25T01:48:24+00:00">May 24, 2018 at 6:48pm PDT</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async defer src="//"></script>

if you wanna be accepted as a skater don't show up to the park wearing birkenstocks. just a friendly tip


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #70 on: July 01, 2018, 05:29:27 PM »
That shit is beyond ridiculous, I know a trans and gay girl that skate the park all the time, very welcomed and know most everyone. Treated with nothing but respect.

But these ladies made a list to exclude me for being a straight male? Do those things before you even CONSIDER going?

Is this reverse bullying? They felt like outcasts and now have a club for just them? That post is more dividing than unifying. Too much divide in this country already, we can't just be skaters who skate the same park? Have to fit the ideal image of a few feminists? Honestly every female/gay/trans/poc I know would probably cringe at that post

Lets just SKATE TOGETHER without politics


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #71 on: July 01, 2018, 05:40:57 PM »
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In closing, good people on slap need to chase these nazi-lovers like Sharktits and the new losers off this board.

but you'll have no one to aim your self entitled abusive rants at. your existence will become futile

These self-entitled, abusive rants have been going on long before your dumb ass showed up.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #72 on: July 01, 2018, 05:47:34 PM »
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In closing, good people on slap need to chase these nazi-lovers like Sharktits and the new losers off this board.

but you'll have no one to aim your self entitled abusive rants at. your existence will become futile

These self-entitled, abusive rants have been going on long before your dumb ass showed up.

and they will continue


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #73 on: July 01, 2018, 05:52:06 PM »
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And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.

Yeah... can we just acknowledge the photo for a minute? What a fucking mockery. Some goofy shit that ya’ll would be hating on hard if it was representing a Zumiez sale.

I don't know these women so I'm not going to guess their seriousness but there was a similar "Girls Skate" group near me and they seemingly all flamed out within a year and disappeared. The only one I know kept going was trans and had been skating a guy for 15 prior.

I do know about a half dozen serious female lifer skaters and I don't think anyone gives them grief but they all skate solo or with guys.

This isn't meant as ammunition for some argument, just an observation.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #74 on: July 01, 2018, 05:58:09 PM »
The only thing that bothers me about all these new demographics being welcomed into skating is that everyone thinks it's about fun and community and not about lines on ledges.
What kind of mikey taylor logic is this?


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #75 on: July 01, 2018, 05:59:09 PM »
Most of the girls in the article started skating in their 20s and older. They are not real skaters. They are posers. I’m all for skaters that put in real time on their boards. Claire rips and he/she wears a dress. If I were Elissa or Alexis I would not be happy about fake lesbian skaters appropriating skate culture.

If you dont start skating at age 3 your a fucking poser and embarassment.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #76 on: July 01, 2018, 06:00:42 PM »
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And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.

Yeah... can we just acknowledge the photo for a minute? What a fucking mockery. Some goofy shit that ya’ll would be hating on hard if it was representing a Zumiez sale.
I dunno, the girl on the left looks like she's having fun. I'm more concerned about the man and dog in the background, as they are clearly mugging those two guys on the ground for their phones.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #77 on: July 01, 2018, 06:04:10 PM »
Most of the girls in the article started skating in their 20s and older. They are not real skaters. They are posers. I’m all for skaters that put in real time on their boards. Claire rips and he/she wears a dress. If I were Elissa or Alexis I would not be happy about fake lesbian skaters appropriating skate culture.

Yeah, I'm sure they are really broken up that more people like themselves are getting involved and spending money in an industry currently supporting their careers. 


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #78 on: July 01, 2018, 06:14:07 PM »
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Most of the girls in the article started skating in their 20s and older. They are not real skaters. They are posers. I’m all for skaters that put in real time on their boards. Claire rips and he/she wears a dress. If I were Elissa or Alexis I would not be happy about fake lesbian skaters appropriating skate culture.

If you dont start skating at age 3 your a fucking poser and embarassment.

Even nuns need to be at least 18 to devote the entirety of their lives to god. Skateboarding is fucking strict.

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #79 on: July 01, 2018, 06:15:22 PM »
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And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.

And I agree. The post could be worded way better in order to be truly inclusive. If it were me, I would not have added a cynical tagline about cis, male dudes not being welcome. That's very counterintuitive and our allies are our greatest resource. Who cares if they are cis, straight white dudes. A homies a homie.
Unfortunately with things like this though, the entire community of LGBTQ skaters gets dragged through the dirt and then every Jordan Peterson fanboy begins the same cycle of SJW boogyman-ism.
It literally doesn’t say cis white dudes can’t come. What it does say is if you want to come, come in a way that is to support those who the event is designed for, and support them in other aspects of life. Then all the new slap posters who heard about it after that nazi Jason jessee got exposed decided to turn it into an attack on their fragile egos.

I'm curious about your opinion on the "Pay black women for their time" part
I was standing staring at the world, and I still can't see it

shark tits

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #80 on: July 01, 2018, 06:19:45 PM »

i'm a nazi from gummo? you're wil'in dummy. i live in one of the most diverse neighborhoods there is.
don't be jealous that i fuck w/ more nonwhite people in a day than everyone calling me racist can hope to.
i'm building community while you're mad on the internet.
way to change the world for the better, silly geese.
ps to alan, yeah i used some n words in 2014, one colloquially and one to describe how racist ghandi was. he was only about peaceful protest cause he knew india couldn't beat england in war so he feigned non violence.
prior to that he tried to incur englands' love and affection through slaughters of african people at the behest of england's wars of conquests.
but good use of your time on this earth.
what have you done to HELP anyone? criticizing isn't help.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #81 on: July 01, 2018, 06:27:08 PM »

i'm a nazi from gummo? you're wil'in dummy. i live in one of the most diverse neighborhoods there is.
don't be jealous that i fuck w/ more nonwhite people in a day than everyone calling me racist can hope to.
i'm building community while you're mad on the internet.
way to change the world for the better, silly geese.
ps to alan, yeah i used some n words in 2014, one colloquially and one to describe how racist ghandi was. he was only about peaceful protest cause he knew india couldn't beat england in war so he feigned non violence.
prior to that he tried to incur englands' love and affection through slaughters of african people at the behest of england's wars of conquests.
but good use of your time on this earth.
what have you done to HELP anyone? criticizing isn't help.

Happening to reside in a diverse neighborhood isn't "building community"


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #82 on: July 01, 2018, 06:29:25 PM »
maybe slave owners that had relationships with their slaves werent racists either. plus they gave them a place to stay rent free and food to eat! also that nba owner who said that racist stuff probably wasnt racist either since he employed a bunch of black players for millions of dollars. he even ran some charity probrams to help mentor black youth. so obviously the terrible things he said about black people can be disregarded.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #83 on: July 01, 2018, 06:30:40 PM »

i'm a nazi from gummo? you're wil'in dummy. i live in one of the most diverse neighborhoods there is.
don't be jealous that i fuck w/ more nonwhite people in a day than everyone calling me racist can hope to.
i'm building community while you're mad on the internet.
way to change the world for the better, silly geese.
ps to alan, yeah i used some n words in 2014, one colloquially and one to describe how racist ghandi was. he was only about peaceful protest cause he knew india couldn't beat england in war so he feigned non violence.
prior to that he tried to incur englands' love and affection through slaughters of african people at the behest of england's wars of conquests.
but good use of your time on this earth.
what have you done to HELP anyone? criticizing isn't help.

Chaun Shabu in Worcester gets my dick hard.

shark tits

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #84 on: July 01, 2018, 06:35:25 PM »
Quote from: I sniff my own butthole all the time link=topic=100371.msg2824251#msg2824251  date=1530494385
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i'm a nazi from gummo? you're wil'in dummy. i live in one of the most diverse neighborhoods there is.
don't be jealous that i fuck w/ more nonwhite people in a day than everyone calling me racist can hope to.
i'm building community while you're mad on the internet.
way to change the world for the better, silly geese.
ps to alan, yeah i used some n words in 2014, one colloquially and one to describe how racist ghandi was. he was only about peaceful protest cause he knew india couldn't beat england in war so he feigned non violence.
prior to that he tried to incur englands' love and affection through slaughters of african people at the behest of england's wars of conquests.
but good use of your time on this earth.
what have you done to HELP anyone? criticizing isn't help.

Happening to reside in a diverse neighborhood isn't "building community"
well i know that, big sexy. i'm referring to the DIY we're making and the cross section of rad people [and undesirables like anthony shetler] jk he's sick but him and his friends did tip over a trash can and leave almond milk containers.
i digress, we built a spot and it's got a life of it's own. oh and i got taught a bunch of people how to keep bees so now there's like 5 new beekeepers in my city.
as you may or may not know, beekeeping and gardening go hand in hand so not to take full credit but i've influenced the number of gardens in my area, bees for certain.
w/out bees we'll only have a few yrs left.
w/out sjws we've lived for millenia.
sorry what i do holds more import than protesting language or whatever ya'll are into.

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #85 on: July 01, 2018, 06:36:19 PM »
Being lesbian and skateboarding is about as trendy as Thrasher T shirts are these days.

Budgie Lasek

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #86 on: July 01, 2018, 06:59:55 PM »
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And here I go with my bullshit: what exactly do they mean by "pay black women for their time?"

these people are clearly pretending to skate in this photo, and badly.  maybe they're feelings of not being accepted are stemming more from a lack of commitment to actually learning how to skate, as opposed to some kind of gender/racial/sexual bias?  anyway, the message of that post is pretty shitty, presumptive, and exclusionary.

Yeah... can we just acknowledge the photo for a minute? What a fucking mockery. Some goofy shit that ya’ll would be hating on hard if it was representing a Zumiez sale.
I dunno, the girl on the left looks like she's having fun. I'm more concerned about the man and dog in the background, as they are clearly mugging those two guys on the ground for their phones.

This is definitely some heavy posering, but now I'm focussed on the background and the sick janky bank to curb for a pivot fakie challenge.


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #87 on: July 01, 2018, 07:21:52 PM »
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Quote from: I sniff my own butthole all the time link=topic=100371.msg2824251#msg2824251  date=1530494385
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i'm a nazi from gummo? you're wil'in dummy. i live in one of the most diverse neighborhoods there is.
don't be jealous that i fuck w/ more nonwhite people in a day than everyone calling me racist can hope to.
i'm building community while you're mad on the internet.
way to change the world for the better, silly geese.
ps to alan, yeah i used some n words in 2014, one colloquially and one to describe how racist ghandi was. he was only about peaceful protest cause he knew india couldn't beat england in war so he feigned non violence.
prior to that he tried to incur englands' love and affection through slaughters of african people at the behest of england's wars of conquests.
but good use of your time on this earth.
what have you done to HELP anyone? criticizing isn't help.

Happening to reside in a diverse neighborhood isn't "building community"
well i know that, big sexy. i'm referring to the DIY we're making and the cross section of rad people [and undesirables like anthony shetler] jk he's sick but him and his friends did tip over a trash can and leave almond milk containers.
i digress, we built a spot and it's got a life of it's own. oh and i got taught a bunch of people how to keep bees so now there's like 5 new beekeepers in my city.
as you may or may not know, beekeeping and gardening go hand in hand so not to take full credit but i've influenced the number of gardens in my area, bees for certain.
w/out bees we'll only have a few yrs left.
w/out sjws we've lived for millenia.
sorry what i do holds more import than protesting language or whatever ya'll are into.

butterballs for jerry

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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #88 on: July 01, 2018, 07:24:24 PM »
Shark tits I got ya back. Low as my post count is I had another account that I was forced to abandon, I been here awhile,  I've seen a decade's worth of slap at least. May your bees live long (what do they live, a year?)  And prosper. You don't harbour no hate
I was standing staring at the world, and I still can't see it


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Re: LGBTQ Skateboarding CNN Article
« Reply #89 on: July 01, 2018, 07:55:59 PM »
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