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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3540 on: December 11, 2023, 01:37:59 PM »
I just called my stupid British neighbor a “plonker” and he got so flustered with all my “rubbish” that he filed a complaint with the HOA on me.

Mongo Lloyd

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3541 on: December 11, 2023, 01:44:57 PM »
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If he was making these jokes about an "uncool" skater you guys would be clapping like seals.

I find funny how he picked the most bland ass dude to rip and suddenly SLAP became a shitshow, yall gagging too hard on that soy latte boy

For me it’s not so much his targets, it’s just that the world is full of so much pointless negative influence, that someone building an entire platform around that feels regressive and stagnant.

It’s akin to someone who peaked in highschool, and has not the self awareness to evolve or grow as a human being.

In regards to coming after Tom though, it does feel like GH is punching down a bit. Or that it’s a soft undeserving target.

oh come on. I like Tom Knox a lot but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I guess I just feel like Tom Knox seems like a decent dude who’s not really out there doing anything kooky.

It’s soft prey.

Micky Papa seems like a nice guy who had an extremely troubled upbringing, and nobody bats an eye when he gets endlessly shit on. Tom has his name on New Balance and Dickies products. I think he'll be okay.

It sounds like you’re trying to use Micky as an example of why it’s ok to shit on people, but it’s kinda lame in either case.

We’re talking about a grown man who has an entire platform based on tearing people down. I’m not entirely sure how particular sponsor’s are relevant in the matter.

Those particular sponsors are relevant because you think a YouTuber making fun of a guy with multiple corporate sponsors is “punching down”. I don’t know what you think punching down means, but it is not that.

You make it seem as if Tom Knox has those sponsors not by the merit of his own work or accumulated skills. He earned those sponsorships, they weren’t gifted to him.

My feelings on the matter aren’t economic based, nor referring to sponsorships, but more to the character of the individual himself. I didn’t watch, nor do I care to consume GH’s content, so I can’t speak to the severity of anything he said. I just simply think it’s kind of dumb when people build a temple around negative energies. It’s exactly what the world needs less of.

I think it’s punching down because his target is unassuming and inoffensive.

How on earth have you arrived at that conclusion?

You appear to be equating lucrative sponsorship to some sort of elevated status of being.

That it can’t possibly be punching down as Tom’s sponsors seem to afford him some sort of standing above GH?

It just seems like a strange argument to make, especially given GH is just as much part of the industry as Tom is.

By that logic the argument is even stronger since Tom has a tangibly higher status in the skateboarding industry than GH, if that is an actual point you are trying to make.

I’m not the one that implied there was any sort of hierarchy. That was the argument you made by mentioning Dickies and NB.

They are equal differing (vastly) parts of the same industry.

Do you actually think it is the same status, or are you just saying things for the sake of saying them?

Skill wise they are not even close to equals, but GH has a rather large draw that comes with its own brand of influence.

They are both parts of the same industry, just differing facets.

I don’t believe in perceived hierarchies in this instance. That’s why I think it’s silly that you think it can’t possibly be “punching down”.

My usage of “punching down” was in reference to the character of the individuals, absolutely nothing to do with sponsorship or your ideas of standing.

It sounds like “punching down” in your mind must only strictly apply in reference to status. Which I can understand, but we’re getting way off topic if your argument is centered around my usage of a phrase.

i appreciate some of the points you're trying to make, but the phrase 'punching down' specifically refers to picking on someone of lower status, or with less power (whatever that might mean in context). gh is targeting tom in the context of his standing in the industry - which is very high. so it might be whack as fuck, but it isn't 'punching down'.

also, as much as i disagree with his criticisms of tom, none of it's been particularly hateful. for the most part, he tried to give a detailed, dispassionate critique of why he found his recent stuff underwhelming. personally, i don't think he succeeded - a lot of his arguments were contradictory or half-baked. but they were made in good faith i think.

the meaner stuff like calling him a plonker just scans as silly/playful to me (as a massive tom knox fan). 'plonker' is more or less the mildest insult in all of english, and as far as connotative meaning goes, it has an affectionate undertone.

i think the 'hater' part of his moniker is supposed to be self-depreciating. he doesn't really strike me as waving a flag for negativity. he just prefers chatting shit about skating and making loads of money to getting a real job, which i can understand to be fair.

Thank you for giving me a bit more context so I don’t have to go back and watch the video to see if I was getting it all wrong. I appreciate this write up.

The bolded is mostly what I take issues with, because it came across as kind of lowly.

I think it’s quite possible second hand accounts amplify GH’s views in a way that makes his criticisms seem much harsher than initially intended? I don’t know, as I’ve made clear, I’m not the target audience.

About me personally, I’m not perfect but I tell myself each day I am going to be better than the last. The word “hate” is no longer part of my personal lexicon, and I’m practicing compassion and understanding in the broadest sense. I’m saying this to acknowledge that I won’t always get it right, we’re all flawed individuals as human beings, but I do intend to try my very best each day. That’s where I come from with all of this.
Do you get deja vu, huh?

Mongo Lloyd

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3542 on: December 11, 2023, 01:47:34 PM »
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If he was making these jokes about an "uncool" skater you guys would be clapping like seals.

I find funny how he picked the most bland ass dude to rip and suddenly SLAP became a shitshow, yall gagging too hard on that soy latte boy

For me it’s not so much his targets, it’s just that the world is full of so much pointless negative influence, that someone building an entire platform around that feels regressive and stagnant.

It’s akin to someone who peaked in highschool, and has not the self awareness to evolve or grow as a human being.

In regards to coming after Tom though, it does feel like GH is punching down a bit. Or that it’s a soft undeserving target.

oh come on. I like Tom Knox a lot but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I guess I just feel like Tom Knox seems like a decent dude who’s not really out there doing anything kooky.

It’s soft prey.

Micky Papa seems like a nice guy who had an extremely troubled upbringing, and nobody bats an eye when he gets endlessly shit on. Tom has his name on New Balance and Dickies products. I think he'll be okay.

It sounds like you’re trying to use Micky as an example of why it’s ok to shit on people, but it’s kinda lame in either case.

We’re talking about a grown man who has an entire platform based on tearing people down. I’m not entirely sure how particular sponsor’s are relevant in the matter.

Those particular sponsors are relevant because you think a YouTuber making fun of a guy with multiple corporate sponsors is “punching down”. I don’t know what you think punching down means, but it is not that.

You make it seem as if Tom Knox has those sponsors not by the merit of his own work or accumulated skills. He earned those sponsorships, they weren’t gifted to him.

My feelings on the matter aren’t economic based, nor referring to sponsorships, but more to the character of the individual himself. I didn’t watch, nor do I care to consume GH’s content, so I can’t speak to the severity of anything he said. I just simply think it’s kind of dumb when people build a temple around negative energies. It’s exactly what the world needs less of.

I think it’s punching down because his target is unassuming and inoffensive.

How on earth have you arrived at that conclusion?

You appear to be equating lucrative sponsorship to some sort of elevated status of being.

That it can’t possibly be punching down as Tom’s sponsors seem to afford him some sort of standing above GH?

It just seems like a strange argument to make, especially given GH is just as much part of the industry as Tom is.

By that logic the argument is even stronger since Tom has a tangibly higher status in the skateboarding industry than GH, if that is an actual point you are trying to make.

I’m not the one that implied there was any sort of hierarchy. That was the argument you made by mentioning Dickies and NB.

They are equal differing (vastly) parts of the same industry.

Do you actually think it is the same status, or are you just saying things for the sake of saying them?

Skill wise they are not even close to equals, but GH has a rather large draw that comes with its own brand of influence.

They are both parts of the same industry, just differing facets.

I don’t believe in perceived hierarchies in this instance. That’s why I think it’s silly that you think it can’t possibly be “punching down”.

My usage of “punching down” was in reference to the character of the individuals, absolutely nothing to do with sponsorship or your ideas of standing.

It sounds like “punching down” in your mind must only strictly apply in reference to status. Which I can understand, but we’re getting way off topic if your argument is centered around my usage of a phrase.

I mean your use of the phrase is, by definition, wrong. But to stay on topic, there are plenty of uncool skaters who are undoubtedly nice guys, and if Tom Knox were one of those skaters nobody in here would be feigning any kind of moral outrage like they are now.

My point is that people here are coming off as disingenuous because the guy they like finally got made fun of.

I think people should genuinely care more, and try hating less. It’s a strange world when embracing difference, avoiding judgement of others, and kindness is more difficult than the alternative. I feel this way regardless of whom is being targeted.

Anyways, I’ve made my position clear and enjoy the discourse. Even if it is a little off topic.

I found a post of you among others dogpiling on Andy Schrock, so my point stands.

I’ve definitely shit on a lot of people on here on this account, and moreso my initial account.

The core of my philosophy has changed immensely in the last few months, and I’m trying to be better. I addressed this in my last post.

If I can be better anyone can.
Do you get deja vu, huh?


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3543 on: December 11, 2023, 01:57:25 PM »
let's get some more big quote tunnels goin in here.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3544 on: December 11, 2023, 02:02:39 PM »
"If I can get better, anybody can." And the first guy who needs to be preached on how to change off of my shining new high horse is Joa... the only dude with the guts to call a widely exploitative and nepotistic industry out on its bullshit with the occasional lapse in tone. Breh you sound like some born again Christian kinda Taylor Silvermann ass shit. If you only recently converted to a positive worldview, ponder the entire past life you lived in ignorance and do that pondering in humility and silence. If you were wrong for so very long, that should give you greater cause to shut that trap than the short time you've apparently spent "on the right side".


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3545 on: December 11, 2023, 02:09:23 PM »
Taylor Silverman is Jewish (Israeli).

Mongo Lloyd

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3546 on: December 11, 2023, 02:18:44 PM »
"If I can get better, anybody can." And the first guy who needs to be preached on how to change off of my shining new high horse is Joa... the only dude with the guts to call a widely exploitative and nepotistic industry out on its bullshit with the occasional lapse in tone. Breh you sound like some born again Christian kinda Taylor Silvermann ass shit. If you only recently converted to a positive worldview, ponder the entire past life you lived in ignorance and do that pondering in humility and silence. If you were wrong for so very long, that should give you greater cause to shut that trap than the short time you've apparently spent "on the right side".

I never claimed superiority over anyone, just simply stated my point of view.

This is a great example of negativity though, thank you.

Do you get deja vu, huh?


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3547 on: December 11, 2023, 02:26:11 PM »
 Wow you boys are extra insufferable today huh.

Fakie backsideflip

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3548 on: December 11, 2023, 02:58:41 PM »
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If he was making these jokes about an "uncool" skater you guys would be clapping like seals.

I find funny how he picked the most bland ass dude to rip and suddenly SLAP became a shitshow, yall gagging too hard on that soy latte boy

For me it’s not so much his targets, it’s just that the world is full of so much pointless negative influence, that someone building an entire platform around that feels regressive and stagnant.

It’s akin to someone who peaked in highschool, and has not the self awareness to evolve or grow as a human being.

In regards to coming after Tom though, it does feel like GH is punching down a bit. Or that it’s a soft undeserving target.

oh come on. I like Tom Knox a lot but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I guess I just feel like Tom Knox seems like a decent dude who’s not really out there doing anything kooky.

It’s soft prey.

Micky Papa seems like a nice guy who had an extremely troubled upbringing, and nobody bats an eye when he gets endlessly shit on. Tom has his name on New Balance and Dickies products. I think he'll be okay.

It sounds like you’re trying to use Micky as an example of why it’s ok to shit on people, but it’s kinda lame in either case.

We’re talking about a grown man who has an entire platform based on tearing people down. I’m not entirely sure how particular sponsor’s are relevant in the matter.

Those particular sponsors are relevant because you think a YouTuber making fun of a guy with multiple corporate sponsors is “punching down”. I don’t know what you think punching down means, but it is not that.

You make it seem as if Tom Knox has those sponsors not by the merit of his own work or accumulated skills. He earned those sponsorships, they weren’t gifted to him.

My feelings on the matter aren’t economic based, nor referring to sponsorships, but more to the character of the individual himself. I didn’t watch, nor do I care to consume GH’s content, so I can’t speak to the severity of anything he said. I just simply think it’s kind of dumb when people build a temple around negative energies. It’s exactly what the world needs less of.

I think it’s punching down because his target is unassuming and inoffensive.

How on earth have you arrived at that conclusion?

You appear to be equating lucrative sponsorship to some sort of elevated status of being.

That it can’t possibly be punching down as Tom’s sponsors seem to afford him some sort of standing above GH?

It just seems like a strange argument to make, especially given GH is just as much part of the industry as Tom is.

By that logic the argument is even stronger since Tom has a tangibly higher status in the skateboarding industry than GH, if that is an actual point you are trying to make.

I’m not the one that implied there was any sort of hierarchy. That was the argument you made by mentioning Dickies and NB.

They are equal differing (vastly) parts of the same industry.

Do you actually think it is the same status, or are you just saying things for the sake of saying them?

Skill wise they are not even close to equals, but GH has a rather large draw that comes with its own brand of influence.

They are both parts of the same industry, just differing facets.

I don’t believe in perceived hierarchies in this instance. That’s why I think it’s silly that you think it can’t possibly be “punching down”.

My usage of “punching down” was in reference to the character of the individuals, absolutely nothing to do with sponsorship or your ideas of standing.

It sounds like “punching down” in your mind must only strictly apply in reference to status. Which I can understand, but we’re getting way off topic if your argument is centered around my usage of a phrase.

I mean your use of the phrase is, by definition, wrong. But to stay on topic, there are plenty of uncool skaters who are undoubtedly nice guys, and if Tom Knox were one of those skaters nobody in here would be feigning any kind of moral outrage like they are now.

My point is that people here are coming off as disingenuous because the guy they like finally got made fun of.

I think people should genuinely care more, and try hating less. It’s a strange world when embracing difference, avoiding judgement of others, and kindness is more difficult than the alternative. I feel this way regardless of whom is being targeted.

Anyways, I’ve made my position clear and enjoy the discourse. Even if it is a little off topic.

My brother in Christ , skateboarding is at its most accepting and nicest it ever has been lol the hate and judgement always been a part of the game . The ideology of skaters being peaceful people is silly.

Mongo Lloyd

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3549 on: December 11, 2023, 03:02:54 PM »
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If he was making these jokes about an "uncool" skater you guys would be clapping like seals.

I find funny how he picked the most bland ass dude to rip and suddenly SLAP became a shitshow, yall gagging too hard on that soy latte boy

For me it’s not so much his targets, it’s just that the world is full of so much pointless negative influence, that someone building an entire platform around that feels regressive and stagnant.

It’s akin to someone who peaked in highschool, and has not the self awareness to evolve or grow as a human being.

In regards to coming after Tom though, it does feel like GH is punching down a bit. Or that it’s a soft undeserving target.

oh come on. I like Tom Knox a lot but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I guess I just feel like Tom Knox seems like a decent dude who’s not really out there doing anything kooky.

It’s soft prey.

Micky Papa seems like a nice guy who had an extremely troubled upbringing, and nobody bats an eye when he gets endlessly shit on. Tom has his name on New Balance and Dickies products. I think he'll be okay.

It sounds like you’re trying to use Micky as an example of why it’s ok to shit on people, but it’s kinda lame in either case.

We’re talking about a grown man who has an entire platform based on tearing people down. I’m not entirely sure how particular sponsor’s are relevant in the matter.

Those particular sponsors are relevant because you think a YouTuber making fun of a guy with multiple corporate sponsors is “punching down”. I don’t know what you think punching down means, but it is not that.

You make it seem as if Tom Knox has those sponsors not by the merit of his own work or accumulated skills. He earned those sponsorships, they weren’t gifted to him.

My feelings on the matter aren’t economic based, nor referring to sponsorships, but more to the character of the individual himself. I didn’t watch, nor do I care to consume GH’s content, so I can’t speak to the severity of anything he said. I just simply think it’s kind of dumb when people build a temple around negative energies. It’s exactly what the world needs less of.

I think it’s punching down because his target is unassuming and inoffensive.

How on earth have you arrived at that conclusion?

You appear to be equating lucrative sponsorship to some sort of elevated status of being.

That it can’t possibly be punching down as Tom’s sponsors seem to afford him some sort of standing above GH?

It just seems like a strange argument to make, especially given GH is just as much part of the industry as Tom is.

By that logic the argument is even stronger since Tom has a tangibly higher status in the skateboarding industry than GH, if that is an actual point you are trying to make.

I’m not the one that implied there was any sort of hierarchy. That was the argument you made by mentioning Dickies and NB.

They are equal differing (vastly) parts of the same industry.

Do you actually think it is the same status, or are you just saying things for the sake of saying them?

Skill wise they are not even close to equals, but GH has a rather large draw that comes with its own brand of influence.

They are both parts of the same industry, just differing facets.

I don’t believe in perceived hierarchies in this instance. That’s why I think it’s silly that you think it can’t possibly be “punching down”.

My usage of “punching down” was in reference to the character of the individuals, absolutely nothing to do with sponsorship or your ideas of standing.

It sounds like “punching down” in your mind must only strictly apply in reference to status. Which I can understand, but we’re getting way off topic if your argument is centered around my usage of a phrase.

I mean your use of the phrase is, by definition, wrong. But to stay on topic, there are plenty of uncool skaters who are undoubtedly nice guys, and if Tom Knox were one of those skaters nobody in here would be feigning any kind of moral outrage like they are now.

My point is that people here are coming off as disingenuous because the guy they like finally got made fun of.

I think people should genuinely care more, and try hating less. It’s a strange world when embracing difference, avoiding judgement of others, and kindness is more difficult than the alternative. I feel this way regardless of whom is being targeted.

Anyways, I’ve made my position clear and enjoy the discourse. Even if it is a little off topic.

My brother in Christ , skateboarding is at its most accepting and nicest it ever has been lol the hate and judgement always been a part of the game . The ideology of skaters being peaceful people is silly.

Quite true, I’m probably expecting a bit too much here.
Do you get deja vu, huh?


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3550 on: December 11, 2023, 03:34:34 PM »
Without a doubt skaters are the worst people to deal with, the audacity, the entitlement, for no reason whatsoever.

fakie nollie

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3551 on: December 11, 2023, 04:53:01 PM »
If for nothing else at all, I hate Tom Knox for what happened here today


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3552 on: December 11, 2023, 05:32:29 PM »
let's get some more big quote tunnels goin in here.

I agree I like it when quotes stack up like a monument to Amon Ra. Let’s do this.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3553 on: December 11, 2023, 05:38:28 PM »
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If he was making these jokes about an "uncool" skater you guys would be clapping like seals.

I find funny how he picked the most bland ass dude to rip and suddenly SLAP became a shitshow, yall gagging too hard on that soy latte boy

For me it’s not so much his targets, it’s just that the world is full of so much pointless negative influence, that someone building an entire platform around that feels regressive and stagnant.

It’s akin to someone who peaked in highschool, and has not the self awareness to evolve or grow as a human being.

In regards to coming after Tom though, it does feel like GH is punching down a bit. Or that it’s a soft undeserving target.

oh come on. I like Tom Knox a lot but that is absolutely ridiculous.

I guess I just feel like Tom Knox seems like a decent dude who’s not really out there doing anything kooky.

It’s soft prey.

Micky Papa seems like a nice guy who had an extremely troubled upbringing, and nobody bats an eye when he gets endlessly shit on. Tom has his name on New Balance and Dickies products. I think he'll be okay.

It sounds like you’re trying to use Micky as an example of why it’s ok to shit on people, but it’s kinda lame in either case.

We’re talking about a grown man who has an entire platform based on tearing people down. I’m not entirely sure how particular sponsor’s are relevant in the matter.

Those particular sponsors are relevant because you think a YouTuber making fun of a guy with multiple corporate sponsors is “punching down”. I don’t know what you think punching down means, but it is not that.

You make it seem as if Tom Knox has those sponsors not by the merit of his own work or accumulated skills. He earned those sponsorships, they weren’t gifted to him.

My feelings on the matter aren’t economic based, nor referring to sponsorships, but more to the character of the individual himself. I didn’t watch, nor do I care to consume GH’s content, so I can’t speak to the severity of anything he said. I just simply think it’s kind of dumb when people build a temple around negative energies. It’s exactly what the world needs less of.

I think it’s punching down because his target is unassuming and inoffensive.

This is the problem with the internet. People trying to argue about something they know nothing about and CHOOSE to know nothing about. But still want to argue about it.

To anyone ever having a conversation with someone like this, you're wasting your time. Just let them sit in their echo chamber.

I come to SLAP for the lollipop and rainbow takes everyone here has for skaters... This place was literally built on calling peoples bullshit and keeping people accountable.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3554 on: December 11, 2023, 05:41:03 PM »
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If he was making these jokes about an "uncool" skater you guys would be clapping like seals.

I find funny how he picked the most bland ass dude to rip and suddenly SLAP became a shitshow, yall gagging too hard on that soy latte boy

For me it’s not so much his targets, it’s just that the world is full of so much pointless negative influence, that someone building an entire platform around that feels regressive and stagnant.

It’s akin to someone who peaked in highschool, and has not the self awareness to evolve or grow as a human being.

In regards to coming after Tom though, it does feel like GH is punching down a bit. Or that it’s a soft undeserving target.
im weak as hell. You probably DMd Tom like “dont worry bae I’m here, I got you”

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3555 on: December 11, 2023, 06:53:57 PM »
I’m convinced Tom Knox fans are a little queer for him lol

He's kinda turning into Dr Strange tho. Gonna bet salt sides soon

So like I thought about it.

Asta is kinda like Mark Suciu a little. The style is way different but they both think about like mirroring tricks and lines and shit.

Personally I prefer Asta. A little more. Not by much. Im honestly not sure why.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3556 on: December 12, 2023, 01:09:15 AM »
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I’m convinced Tom Knox fans are a little queer for him lol

He's kinda turning into Dr Strange tho. Gonna bet salt sides soon

So like I thought about it.

Asta is kinda like Mark Suciu a little. The style is way different but they both think about like mirroring tricks and lines and shit.

Personally I prefer Asta. A little more. Not by much. Im honestly not sure why.

asta skates good as shit but he ain't got no flavor
Sipe nousee sisään,
Niin nousee herkkokin.

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3557 on: December 12, 2023, 02:04:38 AM »
Kinda sad that of all people Robert neal was the one made gifted hater change his content and now he is just being a regular patriot punching down foreigners..

He used have original takes but nowadays it’s either content farmed from here or his 15 year old discord mods… it’s okay but shit is milquetoast


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3558 on: December 12, 2023, 02:54:20 AM »
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I’m convinced Tom Knox fans are a little queer for him lol

He's kinda turning into Dr Strange tho. Gonna bet salt sides soon

So like I thought about it.

Asta is kinda like Mark Suciu a little. The style is way different but they both think about like mirroring tricks and lines and shit.

Personally I prefer Asta. A little more. Not by much. Im honestly not sure why.

Best take ever if you take asta style and nuke out of existence



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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3559 on: December 12, 2023, 03:57:32 AM »
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I’m convinced Tom Knox fans are a little queer for him lol

He's kinda turning into Dr Strange tho. Gonna bet salt sides soon

So like I thought about it.

Asta is kinda like Mark Suciu a little. The style is way different but they both think about like mirroring tricks and lines and shit.

Personally I prefer Asta. A little more. Not by much. Im honestly not sure why.

asta skates good as shit but he ain't got no flavor

neither does suciu

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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3560 on: December 12, 2023, 06:03:17 AM »
I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3561 on: December 12, 2023, 06:15:40 AM »
I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.

Wouldn’t making fun of obvious targets people already dislike such as Skate Mama and Scientologists be the real “low hanging fruit”?

Do people on this site know what words mean?


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3562 on: December 12, 2023, 07:07:08 AM »
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I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.

Wouldn’t making fun of obvious targets people already dislike such as Skate Mama and Scientologists be the real “low hanging fruit”?

Do people on this site know what words mean?

Have a gnar
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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3563 on: December 12, 2023, 07:28:59 AM »
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I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.

Wouldn’t making fun of obvious targets people already dislike such as Skate Mama and Scientologists be the real “low hanging fruit”?

Do people on this site know what words mean?

Honestly, I hate to admit it but sometimes I have to stop and think for a second when the affect/effect conundrum comes up.
Like, I can always use effect properly, but when it's affect's turn I always get a little nervous.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3564 on: December 12, 2023, 07:59:28 AM »


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3565 on: December 12, 2023, 08:02:19 AM »
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I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.

Wouldn’t making fun of obvious targets people already dislike such as Skate Mama and Scientologists be the real “low hanging fruit”?

Do people on this site know what words mean?

Honestly, I hate to admit it but sometimes I have to stop and think for a second when the affect/effect conundrum comes up.
Like, I can always use effect properly, but when it's affect's turn I always get a little nervous.

I got you, player <3


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3566 on: December 12, 2023, 08:03:57 AM »
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I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.

Wouldn’t making fun of obvious targets people already dislike such as Skate Mama and Scientologists be the real “low hanging fruit”?

Do people on this site know what words mean?

Honestly, I hate to admit it but sometimes I have to stop and think for a second when the affect/effect conundrum comes up.
Like, I can always use effect properly, but when it's affect's turn I always get a little nervous.

basically effect is a noun and affect is a verb except for when effect is a verb and affect is a noun.


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3567 on: December 12, 2023, 08:10:20 AM »
"Most people understand what i'm trying to do"


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3568 on: December 12, 2023, 08:25:17 AM »
If for nothing else at all, I hate Tom Knox for what happened here today
Wow sorry, didn't realise I was dealing with a sick cunt here


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Re: Thoughts on Gifted Hater?
« Reply #3569 on: December 12, 2023, 08:27:17 AM »
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I think what drew a lot of people to GH in the first place,  was that he wasn't just 'hating' for the sake of it, he was going after kooks and genuinely shitty people, like that Skate Mama and Scientologists. He critiqued shitty things in skating, it feels like going hard on Tom Knox's character is low hanging fruit. Edgelord behavior.

Wouldn’t making fun of obvious targets people already dislike such as Skate Mama and Scientologists be the real “low hanging fruit”?

Do people on this site know what words mean?

Honestly, I hate to admit it but sometimes I have to stop and think for a second when the affect/effect conundrum comes up.
Like, I can always use effect properly, but when it's affect's turn I always get a little nervous.

I got you, player <3

I sometimes get confused but since I make music and use effects, it helps me understand the correct context