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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2013, 06:47:39 PM »
Car chase in down town sydney . really weird since there is a shit load of trafic even at night time .

Saw a dude with a cracked skull in poland , we just walked by and saw the dude laying on the ground mid city . It was with my hockey team so the coaches just told us to move on and they would call a ambulance .  He didnt look to be breathing and the blood pool out of his head was big . Never got told what happend but that was the first dead dude I think I saw

Another time while doing warm ups with the hockey team out in grass field / bike patch . One of the dudes felt sick and was gonna head back , pretty much out of nowhere a car showed up  down the bike path , dude had to kinda rush away so he didnt get hit .

The coach that was with us was ex special forces and basicy just walked into the middle of the bike path and just stood there with his hands on his hips while the car was racing against him . Dude didnt fucking move at all . the car took a sharp turn to avoid him and then we saw a cop car coming up from the other side of the path

one of the bravest / stupidest things Ive ever seen a dude do

Ive seen some nasty burns and cuts from working in the kitchen . Some dude droped about 10 Liters of boiling water on his arm . People burning their faces on steam when opening up ovens

I have some others but cant think of them right now


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2013, 06:55:11 PM »
One morning when i was like 7 years old or something i was on the highway on my way to school and there was this car with a shattered windshield and a few feet ahead was this dude laying in the ground with a blanket covering him. Idk if i was shocked or what but it didnt affect my day, not even talked about it in school.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2013, 07:19:39 PM »
In 2010 I was in Kuala Lumpur. I was only a couple of hours off the flight but had had a couple of beers and eaten some tasty food. I was having a blast when all of a sudden this guy went flying past me and smashed into the concrete. He had been riding his motorbike down the wrong side of the road and hit a car or swerved I'm not sure. I still remember his head hitting the concrete. It was really brutal, his eyes rolled back in his head and he started to twitch a bit. His forehead looked dinted and I was pretty sure that he was dead. This happened within 1-2 meters of me so naturally I was pretty freaked out and yelled for someone to call an ambulance. People started to crowd round and my mate suggested we bail as there wasn't much we could do-figured better to let a local sort it out. I went back down to where it happened an hour or so later and asked the store holders what ended up happening. They seemed completely blas? about it, oh he was just drunk he will be fine. I dunno about that, the guy looked pretty fucked.

In 2009 I was in Tripoli in Lebanon. I was staying at a small hostel that was just a family home with a couple of beds in the spare room for guests. The city is known to experience civil unrest so I was pretty scared when machine gun fire started nearby. For about an hour or so there was a steady stream of gun fire, the red streaks visible in the night sky. Being from Australia, I am not used to random machine gun fire so was pretty stressed out. No one at the place I was staying at spoke any English so I couldn't get an understanding of what was happening. I sat in my room with this old Syrian man and he shared his bread and yoghurt with me whilst we listened to the gun fire. He didn't speak a word of English either (I spoke next to no Arabic), it was a really solemn moment, like the last supper or something. All I could think of was that I really appreciated this guy sharing his bread with me and keeping me company. I later found out that the gunfire was in celebration of a local politician. The people I was staying with thought it was a bit funny that I was worried, must be a common occurrence I guess.
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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2013, 08:57:17 PM »
This doesn't compare to some of the shit in here, but I thought I would contribute.
A couple years ago I was on a train home from skating, and we get to a stop, the doors are open and I could hear the PA system from the station saying something about a fugitive/criminal being in the station and that he just got off a train fleeing a crime. Everyone in my train is exchanging nervous glances and then we see a hooded and masked guy with a backpack running out on the platform about 10 feet in front of us. An older transit security type who is not even a real cop tried to tackle him, and they both ended up on the ground. They wrestled for a second, and the hooded guy reached in his pack and grabbed a can of spray paint and just blasted the guy right in his eyes. He was spraying paint into dudes eyes for about 5 seconds straight, and then took off running. Right then there was a ding, and our doors closed and we took off. No one in our train said a word the rest of the way home. I cannot begin to imagine what that would feel like.
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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2013, 08:58:48 PM »
Damn, compared to most of you, what I have isn't that gnarly, but I'll post it anyway.

When I was probably around 5-7 I saw a slightly underdeveloped horse fetus/foal in the dumpster behind my dad's vet clinic. The thing has basically no skin and was all bloody and gross. Only saw it because the dumpster was pretty full and it couldn't fit inside since it was a horse.

Then in 3rd or 4th grade I was walking up the stairs to our apartment and heard a big crash and ran up and looked out the window. This crazy ass lady hopped up on meth crashed her truck into the fence across main street from our place and two cop cars showed up immediately, guns drawn and yelling at her to, "get out of the fucking car!!!" Then they got her out and two big cops were holding her, yet somehow she body slammed them into the concrete with her, breaking her nose bad. The finally restrained her and got her away. I think at least 6 cops showed up in our tiny town of 1,500 people at that point.
The crazy part was she hit a car right outside my friends place and a tire went flying onto the sidewalk. We were walking on that not a minute before on the way to my place. it was sketchy. She was going 80+ in a 25mph zone.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2013, 10:01:44 PM »
not that gnarly in a gruesome sense, but still crazy to witness.

on christmas day me and my parents were out driving looking for a car repair place because my car was kinda fucked (i rear ended someone like a dumbass the day before). Anyways, since its christmas the roads are pretty mellow, a few other cars and shit. Were driving down a road, when out of seemingly no where a nice ass mercedez zooms past us.
Literally when the car got like 20 feet ahead of us, they somehow lost control and started to rotate/skid across the street. With all that momentum built up, it even flew over the medium which fucked the bottom of the car, and completely fucked the tires.

My dad still drove on like a person haha and my mom started screaming "stop!". In the end their were two people in the car and they got out of the totaled car fine. we drove back past them and it looked like some jersey shore douche bags. the driver looked super bummed making a call on his phone lol.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2013, 11:22:20 PM »
I didn't witness the suicide but there was a whole section of my apartments blocked off one day while I was skating around. I saw like 2 or 3 dudes in these hazard suits just covered in blood. The mom or whatever was being held by one of her female relatives yelling, "Why him?!?! Why?!?!?!?!", crying hardcore. Shit was intense.

Oh, There was this old guy that was stabbed not too far from where I stayed. Once again, didn't see it go down. It didn't affect me in the slightest. Everyone at school was crying over it but I was just there thinking "Yeah, it sucks but everyone goes". I guess since my Grandfather died, I hardened up a lot emotionally.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 11:26:40 PM by GarglesCmen »



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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2013, 11:29:38 PM »
Had to watch my dog almost bleed to death after being attacked by a German shepherd that lived in my street.

Skating in the city one time and saw a dead body covered in a white sheet, blood all over the place, dude had suicided off the building.

Watched my mum have a heart attack, it was only a minor one but fucking traumatizing.

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2013, 11:56:24 PM »
Drunk as fuck, 2 am Juarez, Mexico. 2010 in a drink n drown bar on the strip. Mexican cops shut the place down. Lights come on, every one exits the bar, a head in the middle of small dancefloor.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2013, 01:15:29 AM »
Drunk as fuck 2 am Tijuana Mexico. 16 years old going to the strip clubs for the first time with a group of homies. I'm in the club and the lights are dim. Coherent enough to notice a group of other dudes making a loud commotion over one of their friends. I look over since they are to my immediate left and there it was, a TJ stripper bent the fuck over with her panties to her ankles and that drunk dudes tonguing the fuck out of her bare ass. Gnarliest thing I've ever seen for sure


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #40 on: April 06, 2013, 01:21:53 AM »
that's cool, but I think the head in the middle of the dance floor has you beat as far as Mexico stories go. 
Fuck brandon biebel... The lemon thrower


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2013, 01:37:12 AM »
About 6 or 7 years ago my friend was driving another friend and I home from a skate park. We pull up to this light and there's a huge lifted bro truck filled with bros next to us asking if we wanted to race. My friend turns to them and says no man. Light turns green and my friend speeds up to get in the right hand lane as we were about to make a right hand turn at the next street. The bro truck takes that as a challenge and speeds up switches to the left hand lane but as they were doing that the car in front of them was doing the same thing and he jerked the steering wheel to avoid the car and went onto the median. This part was in slow motion straight of a movie. The truck loses control on top of median rolls twice does a flip while knocking over those arms that come down at railroad crossings. It then lands right side up and one of the wheels is just rolling down the road. Turns out my friend in the back seat knew everyone in the truck as we passed by. Everyone was ok but the kid driving was freaking out and his face was all bloody.

In P.E. two friends of mine would do this thing called table topping where you go and kneel on your hands and knees behind someone and then the other person would push them and they would fall backwards over the other person. This one day they were talking getting this kid the whole class at the end of class perfect opportunity comes up. As he falls over the kid kneeling I guess his knee was in the weird position and he fell back and broke his leg and it was twisted in some weird way I never want to see again.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 01:41:56 AM by ontheswarm »


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2013, 01:54:42 AM »
the immediate aftermath of this:

and this:

same day, same hour, same trip from home to work.

In cambodia I saw a few traffic accidents, a poor guy was left with his neck in a completely wrong angle.

In country australia you see a lot of gnarly traffic accidents. Drove past one late one night, the authorities were removing a telegraph pole from where it had speared into the cabin of a truck, there was a lot of blood.

also when I was younger I travelled through pakistan, was really gnarly the way people had to live out in the desert.
I was lucky enough to visit Mohen-Jo Daro, a 4500 year old forgotten city, the ancient egypt of the sub continent.  Amazing place, skeletons and bones everywhere from where the city flooded and was lost.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2013, 01:58:09 AM »
and to the guy that saw his squad mate shoot himself, thats heavy, kinda thing that gives me nightmares for sure.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2013, 11:47:33 AM »
I ran cross-country in high school.  My friend/teammate and I were running north downhill from the school when we passed Raley's, a local supermarket.  There was a crowd gathered with police, firetrucks, and an ambulance.  We ran through to investigate.  At the center of the crowd was an SUV with blood splattered all over the interior windshield and a man's head propped up against the driver's side window.  Apparent cause of death:  self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2013, 01:13:21 PM »
Dogs aren't supposed to commit suicide, but I've seen one jump off of a 5 story parking garage and try to just walk it off. Didn't work out too well for the little fella.

 You and the D00D have turned this thread into a horrible head-on-collision between a short bus full of regular kids and a van full of paraplegics.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2013, 01:20:44 PM »
Dogs aren't supposed to commit suicide, but I've seen one jump off of a 5 story parking garage and try to just walk it off. Didn't work out too well for the little fella.



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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2013, 04:44:06 PM »
Dogs aren't supposed to commit suicide, but I've seen one jump off of a 5 story parking garage and try to just walk it off. Didn't work out too well for the little fella.

God, that's awful.


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2013, 06:30:22 PM »
Thank God I didn't see it happen, but I was on a trip to Chicago and when I got to my room, a guy had committed suicide by jumping on the roof from the building next to mine. They just had a blanket over him and he landed literally right next to a cafe with outside seating where people were sitting. That would be insane to be eating dinner and have a dude just fall out of the sky next to you. The thought of it freaks me out.

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2013, 06:49:36 PM »
this thread is fucking gnarly

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #50 on: April 06, 2013, 07:44:58 PM »
and to the guy that saw his squad mate shoot himself, thats heavy, kinda thing that gives me nightmares for sure.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

oh shut up you faggot

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #51 on: April 06, 2013, 07:59:18 PM »


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #52 on: April 06, 2013, 09:00:31 PM »
I've seen some fucked up things while in emergency operating room but after a while shit just doesn't feel that gnarly anymore. When I see someone twisting an ankle at the park it feels worse than seeing some random people's guts spread all over the operating table.
One thing comes to mind though. At one night we got a call from paramedics that there's been a car accident with some teenagers in it. One of the teens had died already at the crash site and two others were brought straight in. The other was like 15-16 year old girl who had dislocated hip and minor broken bones and pieces of shattered windshield all over in her face. Her nose was almost ripped off and she was just shaking before set under anaesthesia. The other survivor (about the same age) came in with his both femur bones broken in two, which looked pretty gnarly. Though he was so well medicated he was like "that's nothing". They didn't have clue that the driver had died.

Other one was couple of years ago. We were sitting at some park and this middle-aged dude drove with his bike down the cycle lane when a truck driver parked next to the lane suddenly opened the door right in front of the 30mph-blazing-cyclist. Dude crashed the door and took a nasty flipping tumble down the pavement ending up bloody and unconscious. Heard a couple of months after that from a friend of mine that the cyclist had "mid-severe brain damage" and couldn't go to work anymore and had all kinds of mental problems too. The helmet he was wearing probably saved his life but

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #53 on: April 06, 2013, 09:01:57 PM »
I saw a cat get run over once. I'll never get that image out of my head.

Some kid in my middle school was trying to jump some stairs on his mountain bike and he ate shit, resulting in the gnarliest compound forearm fracture I've ever seen. It seriously looked like a movie prop. Just a perfect white bone sticking out of his arm. No blood, which was weird.

Also saw a rollover accident before any paramedics came, and there was a seemingly lifeless arm hanging out of the drivers window.

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #54 on: April 06, 2013, 09:44:08 PM »
Rememberd one more

Back in the day in like 4th grade or so . We used to play with marbles , the shittiest ones were the ones that were basicly just stone with some color on it . Basicly they were the shittiest one and you could give them away to others and not be botherd

Anyways at the school play ground we had this big tower and what we used to do was throw away marbles down the side of the tower and have other school kids try to catch them / fight for them . When we threw away the stone ones , we used to shout " Stone rain "and throw them down .

Well I had the bright idea to bring a brick up the tower , shout stone rain , throw the brick down and ofc I clocked one dude in the forehead .  Dude just dropped . straight down , big gash and some blood and he just lied there . I didnt even see the blood until later , second the kid dropped I sat down , my friend did the same , He looked fucking shocked and I just said " Holy shit I Killed him "

Anyways , dude got away with a concusion and a gash / stitches , I got in alot of trouble  ,


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #55 on: April 06, 2013, 09:56:08 PM »
Rememberd one more

Back in the day in like 4th grade or so . We used to play with marbles , the shittiest ones were the ones that were basicly just stone with some color on it . Basicly they were the shittiest one and you could give them away to others and not be botherd

Anyways at the school play ground we had this big tower and what we used to do was throw away marbles down the side of the tower and have other school kids try to catch them / fight for them . When we threw away the stone ones , we used to shout " Stone rain "and throw them down .

Well I had the bright idea to bring a brick up the tower , shout stone rain , throw the brick down and ofc I clocked one dude in the forehead .  Dude just dropped . straight down , big gash and some blood and he just lied there . I didnt even see the blood until later , second the kid dropped I sat down , my friend did the same , He looked fucking shocked and I just said " Holy shit I Killed him "

Anyways , dude got away with a concusion and a gash / stitches , I got in alot of trouble  ,

It's always a shame to stop when the game is at it's peak. Though you kinda went too far with the stone rain?

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #56 on: April 06, 2013, 09:57:32 PM »
Just remembered another one after hearing that brick story^

I was in 4th or 5th grade & went to some hoghschool basketball game with my half-sister & her fam. I was hanging out in the commons with her brother Jay who's around my age playing with some other kids. We're playing soccer or some shit with a bottle & Jay (on defense) did this lil running sweep kick to save the ball without looking up & he ran head first into the corner of this brick pillar. Blood pretty much running down his forehead n shit so after wrapping his forehead we ran to the hospital. I don't remember exactly what he did other than getting a concussion but when he came home from the hospital a couple days later he had to wear sunglasses for like 2 weeks because his eyes were super sensitive to light like when you have migraines. Dude ran into that pillar hard as fuck he got knocked back & fell on some cartoon shit


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #57 on: April 06, 2013, 10:05:44 PM »
One time this kid at school got his arm stuck between the wall and handrail in the stairwell. Had to call the paramedics. They buttered him out


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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #58 on: April 06, 2013, 10:07:51 PM »
I walked in on my mom getting eaten out by her boyfriend when I was 6.

Also, a couple years ago we were visiting my girl's family in eastern Washington and her cousin's 4 month old baby died from some type of heart failure. So we get the news and go with her family to the hospital where all of these people I don't really know are crying and passing around this dead little baby girl that is like a grayish purple color and kissing it and stuff for like 4 hours. It was pretty sad.

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Re: Gnarly things you've seen.
« Reply #59 on: April 06, 2013, 10:18:30 PM »
I walked in on my mom getting eaten out by her boyfriend when I was 6.

Also, a couple years ago we were visiting my girl's family in eastern Washington and her cousin's 4 month old baby died from some type of heart failure. So we get the news and go with her family to the hospital where all of these people I don't really know are crying and passing around this dead little baby girl that is like a grayish purple color and kissing it and stuff for like 4 hours. It was pretty sad.

Pics or get the fuck out.

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