Author Topic: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme  (Read 240462 times)

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1110 on: March 22, 2014, 01:42:02 AM »
Nakel>Kevin>tyshawn>sage>aiden>Sean Pablo

Nakel really killed it. That hardflip down the double set and his gap to feeble were absolutely insane

Kevin's kickflip was fucked and tyshawn had some gnar shit

Sean Pablo had some ok tricks but his style is just atrocious

The courthouse footage was just unbelievable. Nollie hardflip??

Dylan's footage was really fucking good

AO had some good shit but his little temper tantrum with the elderly dude ruined his footage. So fucking what if he asked the dude to move nicely, he was probably too old to understand that Alex was trying to skate that shit. Even if he did, who gives a fuck he doesn't owe Alex shit and seeing him flip out and grab his shit like that was mind blowing that someone his age could act so childishly. He's going to learn a very, very hard lesson at some point if he keeps behaving so pathetically.

Koston had some sick shit. His lipslide one foot on the bench was cool. Pops' footy was literally shit we all could do and the scene with him and the dude smoking was fucked, if fucking with the less fortunate is something him and stroebeck find amusing that's disgusting.

Dill had some super sick footage and some hilarious footage too, he was a treat.

One thing that would have made the video literally a million times better is if everyone had an individual part. Especially for the FA kids, having an individual part in this would greatly help create an image for themselves and distinguish themselves from one another. Sometimes defying convention isn't a good thing, stroebeck.

Gonz had some really great footage, crazy how he's still skating at that caliber at his age.

Overall this video really did make me want to skate. I liked it.
Something deep down tells me that you are a tool and super annoying in real life because your "opinions" all seem to be cut and pastes of other people's opinions. You don't know what happened between Alex in the tourist guy, you don't know if Pops and Strobeck were fucking with the smoking dude to be assholes to the "less fortunate". Sean Papblo's style is his own, the video is mainly montage format not separate parts so build a bridge and get over it. You probably talk about how you crave something out of the ordinary or new or gritty or edgy and then as soon as you get it you can't handle it so you go back and watch Pretty Sweet waiting for the Plan B video or wondering if PRod's company will even make a video or just sell individual parts on iTunes.

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It was good.  A lot of rad skating.  The androgynous young bucks are try-hards with their image (clothes/attitude), but they have some unique tricks.  Rad to see Reese with a line.  If Gonz lands that quick stall on the high bar from the bank...easily the sickest trick in the video.  Weird editing but some great songs in the mix.  Def worth a view--it'll get you pumped to skate.       

Or maybe you don't try enough. Trying to look like you don't try. Now post a fit u total fucciboi fagit.
Those kids dress just fine, people are just reaching for shit to hate on. Next poster to talk fashion must post a fit.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1111 on: March 22, 2014, 01:51:14 AM »
although I had to skip a lot of parts, I really liked the vid. Will have it on repeat for a while.

Alex and Dylan fuckin killed it ... also I was very hyped on some BA Action!

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1112 on: March 22, 2014, 01:59:22 AM »
Wasn't nearly as good on the second view, don't know why, but felt a lot more boring and the editing and filming seemed more annoying now.   

How does everyone know those random kids names let alone be able to tell them apart?

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1113 on: March 22, 2014, 02:01:30 AM »
Who was the guy that did the front nose followed by the caveman nosegrind? that was tight


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1114 on: March 22, 2014, 02:21:31 AM »
That BA line in the Redwings jersey was so so good. 

Hipster Runoff

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1115 on: March 22, 2014, 02:46:23 AM »

If photosynthesis was the love park video and penal code was an EMB video then cherry is the Instagram video. Most of the skaters in this video received most of their hype from Instagram clips/photos. Almost all of them were no names outside of tyshawn who was getting toy machines flow. Usually you see loads of 'mag-centric' content 4 years before something like this 'comes out' but this videos an interesting study in buzz / a new way to hype a video up via 4 year cycles.

Usually if a tenured buzz human with an authentic personal brand posts something on Instagram for 'you and 18600 of your closest friends' there's 3 ways to look at it:

1. You're getting an honest opinion shared only with his closest friends....and the entire internet.

2. If the post doesn't align with your personal brand you either realign your beliefs or become 'a h8r'

3. It doesn't matter what gets posted, because you're forced to have an opinion on it.

Most skaters never get the opportunity to be liked or disliked. Forcing someone to choose via volume posting is an effective way to get your preferred content out there. Who is this little negro dancing around? Why does bill like him? Why is dill spending so much time with him without parental supervision? There must be something to it.

Using montages was a great idea. Not because it creates a mood and adds an identity to their skating but because it doesn't give you a chance to judge anyone. No one has names everyone does the same tricks. You can't judge one skater without judging the person next to him. 'Everything is embarrassing' or it has 'heavy metal heart' . In a neatly packaged part I get an opportunity to judge every aspect of his being from clothes, lifestyle, song selection, trick selection and tone but in the montage format each persons vibe rubs off on the other & your attention loses focus. Strobeck has curated a masterpiece: he's found a way to immunize himself and the people around him from criticism.

 There was lots of amorphous buzz for the FA kids and Instagram was the go to way to ~guess~ how good someone is. You're only option is to build up the skater in your mind because these tenured guys adore him/her. When the video 'dropped' It didn't matter what ______ did, its better than the meager content you were getting before.

Do you guys remember clusterfuck ? The first video after mind field was over ? People say there was no hype cycle for a strobeck/supreme video but you can go far back and read interviews about him wanting to make a video. I'm pretty sure this is it. In the end he was smarter than his fan base, he was able to seed his content and create hype for a video without being upfront about it. It was a video five years in the making without being a video five years in the making. This is the new video hype model.  
This format also leads you to the obvious question: what's the difference between a Trunk Boy? and an FA kid ?

Trunk Boyz? are interesting because they weren't seeded correctly like the FA kids were. They have as much tenured buzz support as the FA kids, both groups of kids were artificially grouped together by team managers(Sam Smyth)/older ppl(bill strobeck) and both groups of kids are 'just discovering alcohol for the first time'  but the Trunk Boyz? are the only ones called artificial.

I think this speaks to the power of seeding ideas via Instagram. Crailtap didn't give ppl enough time to process their existence via web clips, crail couches, days in the lives, Instagram clips, thrasher burnouts over a multi year period, or a chance to be artfully edited by alt videographers allowing them to co-opt someone else's personal brand into authenticity. It might have been easier to get ppl to buy into #trunkboys if it was merely a hashtag and some mysterious Instagram photos for a couple months before it became a branded experience with trademarked boards and t-shirts. maybe they needed more interviews from mike Carroll. Maybe they needed another beauty and the beast tour.  Maybe they needed more opportunities to get 'deep web' clips with the gonz or atiba for ppl to mine and present on also like a piece of gold. Imagine if they 'traded places' with the FA kids. who would u like? Who would u h8?

is co-branding yourself with someone else's authenticity 'cheating' ? you never have to stand on your own two feet that way or 'be your own person'. seems like a great way to exist. I wish i was born into it, Suckling on the buzz of Alex Olson's floppy teets, being nurtured with William strobecks camera wall. Getting @'ed by relevant ppl toward a higher plane of relevance. Getting lots of inteviews with blogs and free supreme swag and a lucrative shoe contract. I hope one day I get adopted by dill & ave foster home for relevance. I'm thinking of running away and getting some hair gel.

anyways look out for I <3 New York. ~Full~ parts from:

Jake Johnson
Brandon westgate
Dylan ryder
Alex Olstein
Tyshawn the creator
Kevin the sweatshirt
Nakel the afro
Jason the dill
Billy mcfeely
Brian wenning
Anthony pappalardo
Arne stein
And other ppl
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 02:56:03 AM by Hipster Runoff »

piece of shit, straight up.

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1116 on: March 22, 2014, 02:48:51 AM »

If photosynthesis was the love park video and penal code was an EMB video then cherry is the Instagram video. Most of the skaters in this video received most of their hype from Instagram clips/photos. Almost all of them were no names outside of tyshawn who was getting toy machines flow. Usually you see loads of 'mag-centric' content 4 years before something like this 'comes out' but this videos an interesting study in buzz / a new way to hype a video up via 4 year cycles.

Usually if a tenured buzz human with an authentic personal brand posts something on Instagram for 'you and 18600 of your closest friends' there's 3 ways to look at it:

1. You're getting an honest opinion shared only with his closest friends....and the entire internet.

2. If the post doesn't align with your personal brand you either realign your beliefs or become 'a h8r'

3. It doesn't matter what gets posted, because you're forced to have an opinion on it.

Most skaters never get the opportunity to be liked or disliked. Forcing someone to choose via volume posting is an effective way to get your preferred content out there. Who is this little negro dancing around? Why does bill like him? Why is dill spending so much time with him without parental supervision? There must be something to it.

Using montages was a great idea. Not because it creates a mood and adds an identity to they'll skating but because it doesn't give you a chance to judge anyone. No one has names everyone does the same tricks. You can't judge one skater without judging the person next to him. 'Everything is embarrassing' or it has 'heavy metal heart' . In a neatly packaged part I get an opportunity to judge every aspect of his being from clothes, lifestyle, song selection, trick selection and tone but in the montage format each persons vibe rubs off on the other & your attention loses focus. Strobeck has curated a masterpiece: he's found a way to immunize himself and the people around him from criticism.

 There was lots of amorphous buzz for the FA kids and Instagram was the go to way to ~guess~ how good someone is. You're only option is to build up the skater in your mind because these tenured guys adore him/her. When the video 'dropped' It didn't matter what ______ did, its better than the meager content you were getting before.

Do you guys remember clusterfuck ? The first video after mind field was over ? People say there was no hype cycle for a strobeck/supreme video but you can go far back and read interviews about him wanting to make a video. I'm pretty sure this is it. In the end he was smarter than his fan base, he was able to seed his content and create hype for a video without being upfront about it. It was a video five years in the making without being a video five years in the making. This is the new video hype model. 
This format also leads you to the obvious question: what's the difference between a Trunk Boy? and an FA kid ?

Trunk Boyz? are interesting because they weren't seeded correctly like the FA kids were. They have as much tenured buzz support as the FA kids, both groups of kids were artificially grouped together by team managers(Sam Smyth)/older ppl(bill strobeck) and both groups of kids are 'just discovering alcohol for the first time'  but the Trunk Boyz? are the only ones called artificial.

I think this speaks to the power of seeding ideas via Instagram. Crailtap didn't give ppl enough time to process their existence via web clips, crail couches, days in the lives, Instagram clips, thrasher burnouts over a multi year period, or a chance to be artfully edited by alt videographers allowing them to co-opt someone else's personal brand into authenticity. It might have been easier to get ppl to buy into #trunkboys if it was merely a hashtag and some mysterious Instagram photos for a couple months before it became a branded experience with trademarked boards and t-shirts. maybe they needed more interviews from mike Carroll. Maybe they needed another beauty and the beast tour.  Maybe they needed more opportunities to get 'deep web' clips with the gonz or atiba for ppl to mine and present on also like a piece of gold. Imagine if they 'traded places' with the FA kids. who would u like? Who would u h8?

is co-branding yourself with someone else's authenticity 'cheating' ? you never have to stand on your own two feet that way or 'be your own person'. seems like a great way to exist. I wish i was born into it, Suckling on the buzz of Alex Olson's floppy teets, being nurtured with William strobecks camera wall. Getting @'ed by relevant ppl toward a higher plane of relevance. Getting lots of inteviews with blogs and free supreme swag and a lucrative shoe contract. I hope one day I get adopted by dill & ave foster home for relevance. I'm thinking of running away and getting some hair gel.

anyways look out for I <3 New York. ~Full~ parts from:

Jake Johnson
Brandon westgate
Dylan ryder
Alex Olstein
Tyshawn the creator
Kevin the sweatshirt
Nakel the afro
Jason the dill
Billy mcfeely
Brian wenning
Anthony pappalardo
Arne stein
And other ppl

So you were the paranoid guy smoking with Pops.  Nice jacket btw.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1117 on: March 22, 2014, 03:09:06 AM »
Yo Hipster Runoff, save this shit for your fucking blawwwwwg that no one reads 'cept for the fat girl that serves you at fair trade coffee shop because she wants to have gross sex with complete with noisy kissing. Your video will inevitably suck but you'll claim it was ahead of its time or misunderstood or "I didn't even want people to like it, that was the point".


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1118 on: March 22, 2014, 03:43:43 AM »
Still trying to figure out what Tino did on that bank to wall, wallie hurricane? the clip with no music, it had koston, BA, Dylan and a few others

Twas rad.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1119 on: March 22, 2014, 03:55:14 AM »
Dylan's skating has got to be some of the most powerful skating ever. The distance and pop he flips out of the front blunt and just shit like how high and proper the fake tre was compared to ones you see in other lines all the time. Best flip tricks out right now. Whole video was great.

sid vicious

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1120 on: March 22, 2014, 04:19:47 AM »
I'm hyped on the video.......solid edit/skating.

Hyped on the kids, Dylan, Olson & dill killed it.

So good to see Reece & sj in the mix

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1121 on: March 22, 2014, 04:39:25 AM »
Does Tino Razo, Todd Jordan, Jeff Pang, or Scott Johnston have any clips in it?


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1122 on: March 22, 2014, 04:44:58 AM »
was the smith, 180 nosegrind line reese or scott johnston?

Scott. Reese is regular.

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1123 on: March 22, 2014, 05:43:54 AM »
The skating seems to be pretty well summed up here, so can we talk about the fits? Frankly, I was expecting more pizazz just got old dudes and young dudes in t shirts and a ginger with mismatched socks ??? maybe the black and white downplayed the fits? ps skaters leave the all white fits to the professionals, it aint workin

Toadfish Rebecchi

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1124 on: March 22, 2014, 06:08:40 AM »
I like Pablo's style. The run with the feeble on the picnic table was cool. As a Pappalardo fan, I must say they were the worst tricks in the video.
Sage and Nakel are pretty powerful.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1125 on: March 22, 2014, 06:45:26 AM »
I'll always associate that Jane's Addiction song with the slam section in the Powell video Play. It has a lot of similarities with cherry too, there's half naked women, a skate legend, a fight, a car almost running over a skater, young boys, etc...
Hosin' out the cab of his pickup truck
He's got his 8-track playin' really fuckin' loud


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1126 on: March 22, 2014, 07:01:41 AM »
I like Pablo's style. The run with the feeble on the picnic table was cool. As a Pappalardo fan, I must say they were the worst tricks in the video.
Sage and Nakel are pretty powerful.
Really, you've never mentioned it before.

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1127 on: March 22, 2014, 07:34:14 AM »
did anyone else feel bad for the guy AO pushed? he just looked like some sad old tourist. also did pops hit his head or something?
oh yea the skating was really neat too
the way it was portrayed i did but who knows? i got off a train in jackson, ms and there was an overweight bald gentleman at this coffee place w/ a camera around his neck taking pictures of girls when they turned around and shit. talking mad creepy. i didn't know if it was my job to handle it cause i hate heros but he definitely made it uncomfortable for any females on the patio so i got stuck smoking, talking to him. maybe i should've grabbed his camera strap and shoved him away.
w/out context alex looked like a bully.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1128 on: March 22, 2014, 07:55:08 AM »
 Watched it with my girlfriend and she asked me who from the skater guys fucks Chloe Sevigny.

Vid was good. I was suprised by the skating of young kids but i guess i am too old to not be disturbed by youth lameness, so i was kind of put off by that. Cool skating by most older guys and some cool shots but stuff felt kind of forced to relive the 90s vibes. I know the 90s are over and even though i loved that era i think that we are capable of doing new things. Skaters were always silent trend setters.

Even though i laugh with Dylan's forced style the dude is so good that makes me ignore it every time. FucK!


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1129 on: March 22, 2014, 08:05:57 AM »
Good to know Pops can board slide.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1130 on: March 22, 2014, 08:47:53 AM »
It's been 24 hours, and I still can't stop thinking about that gap to feeble.

perverted super otaku!

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1131 on: March 22, 2014, 09:03:45 AM »
Good to know Pops can board slide.

edit: get it? :p
« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 09:28:13 AM by perverted super otaku! »


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1132 on: March 22, 2014, 09:21:56 AM »
who did the indy over the picnic table?


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1133 on: March 22, 2014, 09:23:10 AM »
who did the indy over the picnic table?

Reese i think?

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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1134 on: March 22, 2014, 09:36:40 AM »
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who did the indy over the picnic table?

Reese i think?



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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1135 on: March 22, 2014, 09:37:39 AM »
It's been 24 hours, and I still can't stop thinking about that gap to feeble.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1136 on: March 22, 2014, 09:44:21 AM »
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Nakel>Kevin>tyshawn>sage>aiden>Sean Pablo

Nakel really killed it. That hardflip down the double set and his gap to feeble were absolutely insane

Kevin's kickflip was fucked and tyshawn had some gnar shit

Sean Pablo had some ok tricks but his style is just atrocious

The courthouse footage was just unbelievable. Nollie hardflip??

Dylan's footage was really fucking good

AO had some good shit but his little temper tantrum with the elderly dude ruined his footage. So fucking what if he asked the dude to move nicely, he was probably too old to understand that Alex was trying to skate that shit. Even if he did, who gives a fuck he doesn't owe Alex shit and seeing him flip out and grab his shit like that was mind blowing that someone his age could act so childishly. He's going to learn a very, very hard lesson at some point if he keeps behaving so pathetically.

Koston had some sick shit. His lipslide one foot on the bench was cool. Pops' footy was literally shit we all could do and the scene with him and the dude smoking was fucked, if fucking with the less fortunate is something him and stroebeck find amusing that's disgusting.

Dill had some super sick footage and some hilarious footage too, he was a treat.

One thing that would have made the video literally a million times better is if everyone had an individual part. Especially for the FA kids, having an individual part in this would greatly help create an image for themselves and distinguish themselves from one another. Sometimes defying convention isn't a good thing, stroebeck.

Gonz had some really great footage, crazy how he's still skating at that caliber at his age.

Overall this video really did make me want to skate. I liked it.
Something deep down tells me that you are a tool and super annoying in real life because your "opinions" all seem to be cut and pastes of other people's opinions. You don't know what happened between Alex in the tourist guy, you don't know if Pops and Strobeck were fucking with the smoking dude to be assholes to the "less fortunate". Sean Papblo's style is his own, the video is mainly montage format not separate parts so build a bridge and get over it. You probably talk about how you crave something out of the ordinary or new or gritty or edgy and then as soon as you get it you can't handle it so you go back and watch Pretty Sweet waiting for the Plan B video or wondering if PRod's company will even make a video or just sell individual parts on iTunes.

??... Damn dude, since you are attacking me with absolutely no facts and 100% speculation all I can say is get a grip. Maybe you need some help? I'm sorry words I typed on the internet made you so mad.
I can ollie 6 decks why would I want to scrape the ground with my tricks


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1137 on: March 22, 2014, 09:52:01 AM »
I'm not mad and I wouldn't really consider that an attack. I find your Slap persona generic, middle of the road and you seem like a fence sitter waiting for the populous mood to form your opinion. If you're hurt by that I don't think I can do anything about it. What sort if help do you think I should seek?


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1138 on: March 22, 2014, 09:57:25 AM »
video was good. i have high hopes for dill and his urban orphanage.


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Re: "Cherry" a video by William Strobeck for Supreme
« Reply #1139 on: March 22, 2014, 10:14:09 AM »
someone make a gif of dill hitting himself in the face like an idiot.

dylan tyshawn nakel & kevin bradley killed it. also aidan but he only had a few tricks, they were sick though like the dirt hill bomb