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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #60 on: February 11, 2016, 02:25:33 PM »
When I see CigBeer's posts I can't help but think of that time he went off about fucking Rob Brink's girlfriend. That was a wild one.


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #61 on: February 11, 2016, 02:48:11 PM »
When I see CigBeer's posts I can't help but think of that time he went off about fucking Rob Brink's girlfriend. That was a wild one.

Or that time he smoked crack with Reynolds and it expanded his mind to an IQ of 141.  8)


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #62 on: February 11, 2016, 03:29:32 PM »
He said that blacks commit the most crime, yet white criminals get shot by cops more. That in and of itself is a ridiculous assumption.
i think he is talking odds. it makes sense more whites are shot by police. the white population is 4 to 5 times bigger. i just saw on tv the other day 1:3 black men will go to jail and 1:27 whites. you can't deny how big gangs are in some black communities. i think it's kind of weird how black people stand up for their criminals when they are the ones making life hell in their neighborhoods. what is it like, 600 gangs just in chicago? and 115 people were shot in 10 days . how can anyone be mad at the police being on guard in that area? isn't it the people in gangs creating the profiling? imagine it without gangs, would the police really target black people so much? if white biker gangs were as violent as street gangs, i know they do stuff too, but it's not anywhere near 100 a week in one area, but let's say white biker gangs ruled some neighborhoods where people were afraid to go outside after dark. if i live in that area and i had the big beard, tattoos, vest , what a typical biker dresses like, i would totally expect to get flagged down by police all the time. i wouldn't resist and challenge them, i would just comply and move on ( which i have been stopped several times just for riding a bicycle late at night)...see most people are defending criminals ... they hated the stop and frisk rule because they have drugs on them or an illegal're defending criminals not wanting to get caught because they don't think it's fair. and it really doesn't help now that many gang members dress like everyone else. i've seen a lot of videos of these kids that  look like frail pussies, or a preppy kid,  pulling out their guns.. just wearing skinny jeans and a polo shirt. that makes profiling much bigger than when people mainly dressed the part of a gang member.

Will i was laughing at your post. you really expect 1-4th graders to be well behaved? private school with a lot of bratty spoiled rich kids? you don't know girls at that age even bully their crush? everyone gets made fun of for their looks and other things at that age. kids brains are developing. they are mean and often don't even realize it. i hope you recovered from that man...that sounded so weak compared to real victims of racism. even howard stern had it 100 times worse than you getting beat up several times just for being a shy white kid at a mostly black school ::)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 03:44:55 PM by wallieD »

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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #63 on: February 11, 2016, 05:19:59 PM »
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He said that blacks commit the most crime, yet white criminals get shot by cops more. That in and of itself is a ridiculous assumption.
i think he is talking odds. it makes sense more whites are shot by police. the white population is 4 to 5 times bigger. i just saw on tv the other day 1:3 black men will go to jail and 1:27 whites. you can't deny how big gangs are in some black communities. i think it's kind of weird how black people stand up for their criminals when they are the ones making life hell in their neighborhoods. what is it like, 600 gangs just in chicago? and 115 people were shot in 10 days . how can anyone be mad at the police being on guard in that area? isn't it the people in gangs creating the profiling? imagine it without gangs, would the police really target black people so much? if white biker gangs were as violent as street gangs, i know they do stuff too, but it's not anywhere near 100 a week in one area, but let's say white biker gangs ruled some neighborhoods where people were afraid to go outside after dark. if i live in that area and i had the big beard, tattoos, vest , what a typical biker dresses like, i would totally expect to get flagged down by police all the time. i wouldn't resist and challenge them, i would just comply and move on ( which i have been stopped several times just for riding a bicycle late at night)...see most people are defending criminals ... they hated the stop and frisk rule because they have drugs on them or an illegal're defending criminals not wanting to get caught because they don't think it's fair. and it really doesn't help now that many gang members dress like everyone else. i've seen a lot of videos of these kids that  look like frail pussies, or a preppy kid,  pulling out their guns.. just wearing skinny jeans and a polo shirt. that makes profiling much bigger than when people mainly dressed the part of a gang member.

Will i was laughing at your post. you really expect 1-4th graders to be well behaved? private school with a lot of bratty spoiled rich kids? you don't know girls at that age even bully their crush? everyone gets made fun of for their looks and other things at that age. kids brains are developing. they are mean and often don't even realize it. i hope you recovered from that man...that sounded so weak compared to real victims of racism. even howard stern had it 100 times worse than you getting beat up several times just for being a shy white kid at a mostly black school ::)

First off, the issue with stop and frisk was that a vast majority of black people being stopped DIDN'T have anything on them, and white people who were stop and frisked were found to have contraband more often than black people.
But also, your argument overall is misinformed. If people in gang dominated territories did nothing in response to them, then you would have a point. HOWEVER, the reality is, "stop the violence" rallies are much more common, but get less press. Along with that, there are a lot of groups, mostly made of reformed gangsters, that are constantly doing work to reverse the tide of gang violence and membership. Along with that, programs, including many run by police, such as after school programs and weekly events like "midnight basketball" are designed to give kids positive outlets and alternative communities to identify with.
Also, you are making HUGE generalizations about entire communities. I've worked in High Crime/High poverty underserved communities in many cities, and a vast majority of the people I have worked with hate gang culture and what gangs do to their communities. Here's where the problem comes in though- most of those same people who hate gangs are also often times victimized by police. Police don't play a proper role in their communities, protecting the innocent from the guilty. They treat everybody like they are guilty and try to "protect" the rest of the city from EVERYBODY in the community.
Now think about it- if you don't want gangs in charge, you do want an effective police force, but when the police criminalize everybody in the community, they can not be a genuinely effective organization. People fear and distrust police, and that creates a ton of other problems. That means people don't call them when they are in trouble, and suddenly some people "taking care" of problems on their own. Gang problems and police corruption and racism aren't exclusive issues in any way.
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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #64 on: February 11, 2016, 06:00:37 PM »
oh, now i understand. everything i said was wrong because i am white. i got stopped on my bike probably 20 times over a year because there were a lot of break-ins in the area. i was doing nothing wrong, it only took a few minutes and i was on my way. it just doesn't bother me. it might be rare, but i personally think it's great taking a criminal off the street before a crime happens....and scaring others from risking getting caught at random.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 06:02:55 PM by wallieD »


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #65 on: February 11, 2016, 07:41:39 PM »
You're not wrong because you're white. You're wrong because you only look at this from one dimension/perspective, your own. You don't live in those communities, or understand the dynamic in them.

 You and the D00D have turned this thread into a horrible head-on-collision between a short bus full of regular kids and a van full of paraplegics.


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #66 on: February 11, 2016, 08:20:33 PM »
If you can't distinguish between true and false beliefs, in regards to truth and falsity, your views are random 

Since there's more ways to go wrong (have false beliefs) than go right (have true beliefs), if your beliefs are random,
your beliefs are false.

The odds of rolling 2-6 on a six-sided die are greater than the odds of rolling 1, therefore if you roll the die, you will roll 2-6.

Good job.
Who are you to judge what kinds of cocks he wants to suck?


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #67 on: February 12, 2016, 12:46:48 AM »
You're not wrong because you're white. You're wrong because you only look at this from one dimension/perspective, your own. You don't live in those communities, or understand the dynamic in them.
can i have an opinion on a murderer or do i have to be murdered first?


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #68 on: February 12, 2016, 08:36:13 AM »

"Don't use anything from/about 1984, makes it seem like your education is the one book you remember reading in high school". You say I'm using ad hominem  arguments? Look at you. George Orwell's 1984 is an amazing book and sadly it seems to be prophetic.

"If you can't distinguish between true and false beliefs, in regards to truth and falsity, your views are random 
Since there's more ways to go wrong (have false beliefs) than go right (have true beliefs), if your beliefs are random,
your beliefs are false.
Your beliefs are random, so your beliefs are false"

English is not your first language is it? What do you mean when you say my views and beliefs are random? Because I'm not siding with any specific ideology?

What exactly makes my authorities garbage? Using youtube makes the claims invalid? Explain to me why that's so. I'm refuting claims that are being made by a youtube video. Larry Elder is an expert. Which experts are you citing?

An ad hominem is discrediting an argument by attacking the person. I'm not attacking any of Orwell's arguments (we're not discussing any), so I'm not using an ad hominem. (This is another example of your inability to recognize or evaluate arguments)

1984 is a book for high schoolers, by relying on it, you appear to have nothing more than a high school understanding of politics.
A high school understanding of politics is a limited understanding of politics
A limited understanding is an ignorant understanding
So, relying on Orwellian categories you evidence your ignorance of politics

Also, issues and positions/arguments are complex and nuanced, Orwell's categories are simple, so when you call an entire line of thinking "newspeak," you're over simplifying the complexity and nuances of an issue or position.  That is, using Orwellian categories dumbs down discussions.

So when you rely on Orwellian categories, you show your ignorance and you dumb down the conversation.

1. Clear thinking appears muddled to those that do not think clearly. (Students with poor thinking claim textbooks talk in circles or don't make sense)
2. Logical thinking is clear and precise
3. My arguments are logical
4. By claiming English is not my first language, you're claiming my arguments are muddled
Therefore, you do not think clearly, since you think clear thinking is muddled

1. Reason and evidence distinguish true beliefs from false beliefs (more reason/evidence for a claim, more likely it is true)
2. Arguments are the use of reason and weighing of evidence, so arguments distinguish between true and false beliefs
3. You can't identify, evaluate, or construct good arguments
So, you can't distinguish between true and false beliefs.

This argument is not due to your disagreeing with my ideology, but your failure to make good arguments (I pointed out your fallacies), your inability to identify or understand arguments (you think clear/logical thinking is muddled), and your inability to evaluate arguments (you claim the video is full of fallacies, but can't name one, you misidentify ad hominem)

Since you can't construct, identify, or evaluate arguments, and arguments are the method to distinguish true beliefs from false beliefs, you cannot distinguish true beliefs from false beliefs.


If a belief of yours is true, it's by randomness, not your ability to weigh evidence or use reason (which you can't)

If a belief of yours is false, it's by randomness, not your ability to weigh evidence or use reason (which you can't)

Since there are more false explanations for a phenomena than true explanations, and your beliefs about what is true/false are random, your beliefs are false.

Youtube is not authority because there are no standards of veracity, people can post whatever.

You ask whom I'm citing, but I'm not making arguments from authority, so I don't need to cite any authorities.
This is another example of your inability to recognize or evaluate arguments.

Gipper's right, there's no getting through to you.
You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways.

To criticize these conclusions you need to (1) show my conclusions do not logically follow from premises or (2) my premises are false.
Replying with 5 youtube videos doesn't do either.

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If you can't distinguish between true and false beliefs, in regards to truth and falsity, your views are random 

Since there's more ways to go wrong (have false beliefs) than go right (have true beliefs), if your beliefs are random,
your beliefs are false.

The odds of rolling 2-6 on a six-sided die are greater than the odds of rolling 1, therefore if you roll the die, you will roll 2-6.

Good job.

It's more that 2-6 is the true belief while the other 35 combinations are false beliefs,  but whatever is rolled, CigBeer claims it's a 2-6.

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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #69 on: February 12, 2016, 08:51:14 AM »
oh, now i understand. everything i said was wrong because i am white. i got stopped on my bike probably 20 times over a year because there were a lot of break-ins in the area. i was doing nothing wrong, it only took a few minutes and i was on my way. it just doesn't bother me. it might be rare, but i personally think it's great taking a criminal off the street before a crime happens....and scaring others from risking getting caught at random.
You aren't wrong because you are white. You are wrong because you are wrong.
STOP PLAYING THE RACE CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #70 on: February 12, 2016, 09:55:45 AM »
Gipper's right, there's no getting through to you.
You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways.

I gave up. After presenting him with hard scientific studies supported by decades of medical treatment; and he retorted with an article written by a devout Catholic doctor who quoted no studies (just an alarmist tangent), I knew any sound argument would be lost on him. Feels over reals for Cigbeer. He has an axe to grind and dismisses any factual evidence. He claims they demand special privileges when this is legal: How's it a privilege not to suck dick or sell your ass for a living? Isn't that a human right?

How utterly myopic and stupid his race statistics are. Let's not forget:

Black receive longer prison sentences:

Blacks are targeted for drugs:

Racial profiling/frisking in Cali:

And NYC:

Wrongly convicted and later cleared through DNA:

Black youth more likely to be tried as adults:

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts:

Race Bias in Britain Employment:

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students:

Segregated schools screwing over Blacks:

Black Preschoolers more likely to be suspended:

Discrimination in health care:

Discrimination in the ER:

Black-white inequalities in mortality and life expectancy:

It's only getting worse:

Nevermind the lack of inheritance due to decades of racism, or when a black family moves into a white neighborhood the property value goes down. Sure, blacks can be horrible people (as can anyone, after all, we're all just people), and I'm annoyed how white men have been vilified by the extreme left, but to dismiss a whole group of people based on nearsighted statistics which doesn't factor in years of prejudice is puerile and arrogant.  

I've lurked for years before making an account, Cigbeer has always been a vile asshole. I doubt his woes of victimhood as he likened SLAP to a role playing game.  ::)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 10:43:02 AM by Tay »


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #71 on: February 12, 2016, 11:31:34 AM »
white people don't shoot each other in the streets like black people do...

they shoot each other at school, because they have class.

stole that from reddit. thought this thread could use a good LOL


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #72 on: February 12, 2016, 11:55:18 AM »
Tay, is your ankle all healed up yet?


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #73 on: February 12, 2016, 12:19:58 PM »
Tay, is your ankle all healed up yet?

No.  :( I can skate with it but it's uncomfortable and often painful, I think I tore a ligament.


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #74 on: February 12, 2016, 01:33:30 PM »
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Tay, is your ankle all healed up yet?

No.  :( I can skate with it but it's uncomfortable and often painful, I think I tore a ligament.

Well, I think I strained my calf muscle, then tried skating it two weeks later and ended up tearing it since the following morning one foot was noticeably a shade darker and the bottom part of my calf stayed firm and looked a little bruised.

Sorry to hear your ankle still sucks.


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #75 on: February 12, 2016, 06:30:34 PM »

lol @ Cigbeer really trying to act like black racism is a worse problem for america than white supremacy. Yes, some blacks can be racist, but their prejudice comes from a different place. Centuries of your people being exploited as slaves and then even still while they are "free" can obviously make someone biased towards whites (not that its right, but more understandable than the white superiority complex). Plus, in america, blacks hardly have any power to truly practice systemic oppression, let alone oppression on whites.

Now as we all know any type of black extremists get squashed out quickly by our police/judicial systems but what of extremist whites? The FBI itself reported back in 2006 about the risk of groups like the KKK actually infiltrating law enforcement & the courts. You can look at the report here but let's see what happens afterwards.

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Several key events preceded the report. A federal court found that members of a Los Angeles sheriffs department formed a Neo Nazi gang and habitually terrorized the black community. Later, the Chicago police department fired Jon Burge, a detective with reputed ties to the Ku Klux Klan, after discovering he tortured over 100 black male suspects. Thereafter, the Mayor of Cleveland discovered that many of the city police locker rooms were infested with �White Power� graffiti. Years later, a Texas sheriff department discovered that two of its deputies were recruiters for the Klan.
In near prophetic fashion, after the FBI�s warning, white supremacy extremism in the U.S. increased, exponentially. From 2008 to 2014, the number of white supremacist groups, reportedly, grew from 149 to nearly a thousand, with no apparent abatement in their infiltration of law enforcement.

This year, alone, at least seven San Francisco law enforcement officers were suspended after an investigation revealed they exchanged numerous �White Power� communications laden with remarks about �lynching African-Americans and burning crosses.� Three reputed Klan members that served as correction officers were arrested for conspiring to murder a black inmate. At least four Fort Lauderdale police officers were fired after an investigation found that the officers fantasized about killing black suspects.

The United States doesn�t publicly track white supremacists, so the full range of their objectives remains murky. Although black and Jewish-Americans are believed to be the foremost targets of white supremacists, recent attacks in Nevada, Wisconsin, Arizona, Kansas and North Carolina, demonstrate that other non-whites, and religious and social minorities, are also vulnerable.
Perhaps more alarmingly, in the last several years alone, white supremacists have reportedly murdered law enforcement officers in Arkansas, Nevada and Wisconsin.

In fact, the FBI reports that of the 511 law enforcement officers killed during felony incidents from 2004 to 2013, white citizens killed the majority of them. Of the citizens stopped by law enforcement officers in New York City and Chicago, white citizens were more likely to be found with guns and drugs. Given the white supremacist penchant for violence, guns and drug trafficking, the findings may be an indication that their network is just as destructive and far-reaching as that of foreign terrorist groups. Source

Now let me start by saying I'm not trying to throw all white people under the bus or generalize them as one in the same, but it fuckin kills me to see some of yall really buying into that bullshit media rhetoric of the oh so self-destructive black man while all this other shit gets slipped under the rug. A lot of white people are truly ignorant of the African American struggle while they just follow the common narrative so they act all surprised whenever you talk about black injustices. I have to deal with this on my mom's side (my white half) as well because yall are just truly not exposed to the same shit. In 1st-4th grade my grandparents paid for me to goto the same private christian school my mom & her siblings went to. Mind you, at the time my mom is a single mother living in low-income housing so clearly we aren't the usual demographic here, and I was literally 1 of 3 black kids in the entire school. My grandparents couldn't even fathom how I would get called things like "black rat" or how the yuppy parents there were even throwing shade at my mom because of our situation. I could go into detail about how some blonde girl kicked me in the nuts on multiple occasions, my mom wrote a letter to the school about it, she then cried in the principles office and got off without any type of trouble. Imagine what would happen had i been smacking her ass repeatedly and HER mom ended up writing a letter? You already know i aint getting off scot-free.

It was just a totally different experience for me than any of their kids or their friends kids that they knew. None of those kids EVER felt any type of racial prejudice in what was basically an all white school, so they were fine. When they hear about my situation though, they're just baffled as to how I could be treated this way at such a "great school". This is a microcosm of a lot of white Americans. "White Privilege" is not a racist term its simply just how America is. Whites get a lot more leeway in most scenarios where blacks or other minorities dont. Check this vid out (it sites all sources in the description in case you wanna look at these stats in detail)

Racism in the United States: By the Numbers

Now granted there's a lot of things that blacks need to do in order to better themselves & our communities. I won't deny that, but the reality is that between good ol fashioned racism and the prison industrial complex, our families, communities, and culture have been getting sabotaged for centuries, so that makes it tough to just "rise above" when you have generations upon generations of fucked over people who's families have been split up & culture destroyed. And even when we do well for ourselves, like when we had Black Wall Street, White Supremacy rears its ugly head and blows it all up.

The USA is a country built on Native American genocide & African American enslavement. Look at the status of native americans & AA's in this country compared to Asians, Arabs, and other minorities today. Some of yall act like centuries of slavery, decades of racial inequality, and continued systemic oppression are just minor setbacks or something. We're fighting an uphill battle. You know they already had to check Texas for trying to put out school books referring to african slaves who "came here as immigrants and indentured servants"? They STILL tryna play us & rewrite history, even in the school systems. Gonna have your kids on SLAP 20 years from now talkin bout some "well they should've never came here to work if they didnt want to get treated this way & live in poverty"

I know the history of America. My grandmother is Native American. It's really sad what they did to Native Americans and Africans. There have been many races that were treated like shit. I don't think the rich white assholes cared about the color of people they used. Irish slaves were cheaper than African slaves. So the Irish had to bare worse conditions oftentimes.

In my opinion Black racism has become a problem. I think the media is starting a race war. I'm not a white supremacist or any other kind of supremacist. I would like to see black poverty, crime,and racism disappear.

I feel that most of the black communities prejudice comes from the liberal media and their manipulative leaders. Liberals need the black man's vote. I'm not on the oppressive government's side. I'm well aware that the U.S. government, including the CIA, has done some really horrible shit. But it's not just black people that are being fucked over. Everyone that's not in their elitist club is getting screwed.

Most Americans don't know the real history of slavery. Slavery wasn't invented by white people. I think slavery is barbaric and disgusting but it's unjust that whites are portrayed as the only group to practice slavery. The only people in my family that were involved with slavery is my Irish side. They were slaves. The rest of my white ancestors didn't migrate to the U.S. until long after slavery. I don't think it's right for modern people to take the blame for their ancestors.

The worst slave traders were Arabs (mostly Muslim)

North Africans had many European slaves and treated them worse than animals

Africans sold their own people

Irish people were slaves as well. Why aren't the Irish always bitching about slavery?

I read the articles about white supremacists infiltrating groups with power. That shouldn't be tolerated whatsoever. There are black supremacist groups as well. Some have made terrorist threats to kill all whites. I think both groups are equally disgusting.

I think there are a few things that have been detrimental to the black community. Feminism has done the most damage, the welfare system, 73 % of blacks grow up without a father, the hip hop industry has made the black youth glorify criminal activity. And the crack epidemic did massive damage.

What do you think the solution for blacks is? I'm not sure to be honest. Do blacks have animosity towards Jews? Jewish people own a lot of shit.

"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon

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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #76 on: February 12, 2016, 08:09:36 PM »
Heroin is a good idea- another idea from cigbeer.
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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #77 on: February 13, 2016, 03:17:30 PM »
  Cig beer that stefan guy in "the truth about race war" is a sketchbag, you should check him out a bit more before getting behind his vids i'd say.
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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #78 on: February 13, 2016, 09:51:46 PM »
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Gipper's right, there's no getting through to you.
You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways.

I gave up. After presenting him with hard scientific studies supported by decades of medical treatment; and he retorted with an article written by a devout Catholic doctor who quoted no studies (just an alarmist tangent), I knew any sound argument would be lost on him. Feels over reals for Cigbeer. He has an axe to grind and dismisses any factual evidence. He claims they demand special privileges when this is legal: How's it a privilege not to suck dick or sell your ass for a living? Isn't that a human right?

How utterly myopic and stupid his race statistics are. Let's not forget:

Black receive longer prison sentences:

Blacks are targeted for drugs:

Racial profiling/frisking in Cali:

And NYC:

Wrongly convicted and later cleared through DNA:

Black youth more likely to be tried as adults:

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts:

Race Bias in Britain Employment:

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students:

Segregated schools screwing over Blacks:

Black Preschoolers more likely to be suspended:

Discrimination in health care:

Discrimination in the ER:

Black-white inequalities in mortality and life expectancy:

It's only getting worse:

Nevermind the lack of inheritance due to decades of racism, or when a black family moves into a white neighborhood the property value goes down. Sure, blacks can be horrible people (as can anyone, after all, we're all just people), and I'm annoyed how white men have been vilified by the extreme left, but to dismiss a whole group of people based on nearsighted statistics which doesn't factor in years of prejudice is puerile and arrogant.  

I've lurked for years before making an account, Cigbeer has always been a vile asshole. I doubt his woes of victimhood as he likened SLAP to a role playing game.  ::)

That's laughable. Your hypocrisy is astounding. The funny thing is you disagree with science over identity politics. Yet you have the nerve to say" You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways". You are describing yourself! I use scientific data when presenting an idea. You do not. Therefore my arguments hold more merit. This is the first time you've attempted to prove your argument with facts.

 What "hard scientific studies" did you supply me with to counter my argument of race and IQ? That's right, none. You resort to name calling and demonization of your opponent because you do not have a logical argument. Debating an angry, lesbian,SJW is a waste of time.

"Feels over reals" huh? I believe in science. You believe in identity politics. You choose to live in a false reality. A place where everyone is happy. Everyone but heterosexual males of European ethnicity.

What would you like me to do with your copy and pasted links? Critique them if I disagree?

Transabled: Disabled By Choice, Body Integrity Identity Disorder Makes People Feel Like Impostors In Their Own Bodies

Caitlyn Jenner has brought attention to the transgender community, but another group - transabled - is talking about the struggles of being able-bodied. Those who suffer from Body Integrity Identity Disorder - recently added to the DSM-5, the psychiatric bible, as "emerging measures and models" - do not feel whole with all their body parts.

"We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment," said Alexandre Baril, a visiting scholar of feminist, gender and sexuality studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn., according to Canada's National Post. "The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic. It's a really, really strong desire!".

Clive Baldwin, a Canada Research Chair in Narrative Studies who teaches social work at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, has interviewed 37 people across the globe who identify as transabled. Most are male and live in Germany, Switzerland and Canada. Most of the individuals that Baldwin has spoken to told him they feel an intense desire for amputation or paralysis. One man wants his penis removed. One man wants to be blind.

Some transabled people feel so trapped in their bodies, they stage accidents. A man who identifies himself as One Hand Jason, did just that. In order to keep his identity a secret, One Hand Jason would not divulge many specifics to Body Modification Ezine. "I don't want to be hugely specific, but I used a very sharp power tool, after having tried out different methods of crushing and cutting. I know first aid so I was able to stop the bleeding with pressure, but I was worried that I could pass out and not call for help and lose too much blood. No worries, though, I guess I'm in good enough shape that I didn't even feel dizzy," One Hand Jason said during an interview.

"My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do," he continued. "I did experiments with animal legs I got from a butcher. It's lucky I thought of that, because some of my early attempts were total f--k ups and would have ended up with a damaged hand which might have had to undergo years of painful reconstruction, and worse yet, no amputation."
Baldwin believes that transability is akin to another form of body diversity, transgenderism, and amputation is a type of cosmetic surgery that someone would undergo to look like their ideal self. As transgenderism become more accepted, transabled people want their cause to garner the same attention and understanding, but the disability and transgender advocates aren't having it."They tend to see transabled people as dishonest people, people who try to steal resources from the community, people who would be disrespectful by denying or fetishizing or romanticizing disability reality," Baril said. "Each try to distance themselves." Baril is both disabled and transgender, according to the National Post.

One Hand Jason summed it up: "For most of my life I thought I was the only one, but I've met quite a few since I made my amp happen. We're a lonely, isolated company, though."
Link between gender dysphoria and dissociation found:

"This study evaluated dissociative symptomatology, childhood trauma and body uneasiness in 118 individuals with gender dysphoria, also evaluating dissociative symptoms in follow-up assessments after sex reassignment procedures were performed. We used both clinical interviews (Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule) and self-reported scales (Dissociative Experiences Scale). A dissociative disorder of any kind seemed to be greatly prevalent (29.6%). Moreover, individuals with gender dysphoria had a high prevalence of lifetime major depressive episode (45.8%), suicide attempts (21.2%) and childhood trauma (45.8%), and all these conditions were more frequent in patients who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for any kind of dissociative disorder. Finally, when treated, patients reported lower dissociative symptoms. Results confirmed previous research about distress in gender dysphoria and improved mental health due to sex reassignment procedures. However, it resulted to be difficult to ascertain dissociation in the context of gender dysphoria, because of the similarities between the two conditions and the possible limited application of clinical instruments which do not provide an adequate differential diagnosis. Therefore, because the body uneasiness is common to dissociative experiences and gender dysphoria, the question is whether dissociation is to be seen not as an expression of pathological dissociative experiences but as a genuine feature of gender dysphoria".

One study published in 2014 looked at certain suspected areas of the brain for an association with male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism and found none.

Another study, published in 2009, looked for “evidence that genetic variants of sex hormone-related genes confer individual susceptibility to MtF or FtM transsexualism” and didn’t find any.

Yet another study, published in 2013, found that “gender disorder does not seem to be associated with any molecular mutations of some of the main genes involved in sexual differentiation.”

researchers have found is that a majority of transgenders have at least one psychiatric co-existing (co-morbid) disorder, the most prevalent being major depressive disorder, specific phobia and adjustment disorder

"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #79 on: February 13, 2016, 11:02:55 PM »
Heroin is a good idea- another idea from cigbeer.

Heroin feels amazing. You should try it

  Cig beer that stefan guy in "the truth about race war" is a sketchbag, you should check him out a bit more before getting behind his vids i'd say.

I've read some weird shit about him. How he tells people to leave their family and other cult like behavior. Sometimes you can see he's insane in certain videos. Doesn't he also work for Alex Jones' channel now?

I thought he made some decent points in that video regardless. But I guess even Hitler made some valid points now and then.
"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #80 on: February 14, 2016, 04:24:54 AM »
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Heroin is a good idea- another idea from cigbeer.

Heroin feels amazing. You should try it

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  Cig beer that stefan guy in "the truth about race war" is a sketchbag, you should check him out a bit more before getting behind his vids i'd say.

Maybe Im just a bitch but I reacted differently than Jesse. I puked my guts out every time I moved due to motion sickness, could not control my eyelids/eyeballs and scratched my fucking face off. Normal people would say that it sounds terrible, I on the other hand got hooked there and then.


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #81 on: February 14, 2016, 05:18:14 AM »
  Just chiming in on the heroin.  Takes not too long to become dependendant and then it will give you the same feeling as being with friends and family. Once i realized this I stopped (which hurt ow!) Weed is way the fuck better than heroin, acid is way better than heroin, lots of drugs better in my opinion.  Not trying to shit on H users tho.
"I just care about the river, I dont care about your back"


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #82 on: February 14, 2016, 06:01:09 AM »
  Just chiming in on the heroin.  Takes not too long to become dependendant and then it will give you the same feeling as being with friends and family. Once i realized this I stopped (which hurt ow!) Weed is way the fuck better than heroin, acid is way better than heroin, lots of drugs better in my opinion.  Not trying to shit on H users tho.

I love this "dependendant" term! Although difficult to pronounce, it is like a super mutated mega version of "dependent". And you know what, us smackheads dont really deserve any better. My speedfreak friends would always rant about how pointless heroin is, it was kind of hard to talk back...


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #83 on: February 14, 2016, 07:47:41 AM »
tough call on the speed cause that is pretty bad maybe I'm glad I was dependantant on H rather that 'speed'.   (I got words all over the place)   I was running out of money is also why I had to quit.  I stockpiled weed money and was pissing it away on heroin for a year.  Certainly am not cut out for any 'street grind' type shit to support a habit so I cashed my chips
"I just care about the river, I dont care about your back"


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #84 on: February 14, 2016, 08:07:28 AM »
The way I got addicted to heroin was weird. I was taking tramadol and sometimes norco for arthitis in my back and knees. My amazimg ex-wife suggested I take methadone because it's cheaper. Like a dumbass I agreed without doimg any research. After.a.year of being on methadone I was getting so sick of it. For the first time in my life I was hooked on a drug. It made me fat, lazy, bitchy. I was at 135mgs and decided to quit one day because I was so fed up. The week before the nurse got me a DUI in the morning because I smelled like alcohol. I was just hungover. My BAC was legal but the cop still gave me a DUI. Most likely because he thought I was a junkie scum bag thief.

After a couple days of going without methadone I began to get very sick. My whole body ached. It was a pain I'd never felt before. It felt like my bones were on fire while being crushed, while having cold sweats, puking and having panic attacks.

I decided to use some heroin to "ween off". The heroin really helped, of course, but then I became a junkie. Being a junkie is the shittiest way one can live. Somehow I didn't die or get a disease. I'm a lucky man.

It's crazy that I got arrested when I did. I was trading a couple guns for a large quanity of heroin. I was planning on commiting suicide but luckly I was arrested. I'm not trying to make the story dramatic. I was set on suicide. I tried before and I was surprised the amount of drugs and alcohol I took didn't kill me. This time I would have been able to die 20 times.

Cigsforsurfgroms is right. Don't fuck with dope. Shrooms, acid, DMT can be good if you have an open mind. Cocaine is alright but a bit dangerous. Speed worked for me but I don't suggest it. If you don't need drugs I wouldn't suggest trying them.
"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #85 on: February 14, 2016, 08:32:48 AM »
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Gipper's right, there's no getting through to you.
You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways.

I gave up. After presenting him with hard scientific studies supported by decades of medical treatment; and he retorted with an article written by a devout Catholic doctor who quoted no studies (just an alarmist tangent), I knew any sound argument would be lost on him. Feels over reals for Cigbeer. He has an axe to grind and dismisses any factual evidence. He claims they demand special privileges when this is legal: How's it a privilege not to suck dick or sell your ass for a living? Isn't that a human right?

How utterly myopic and stupid his race statistics are. Let's not forget:

Black receive longer prison sentences:

Blacks are targeted for drugs:

Racial profiling/frisking in Cali:

And NYC:

Wrongly convicted and later cleared through DNA:

Black youth more likely to be tried as adults:

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts:

Race Bias in Britain Employment:

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students:

Segregated schools screwing over Blacks:

Black Preschoolers more likely to be suspended:

Discrimination in health care:

Discrimination in the ER:

Black-white inequalities in mortality and life expectancy:

It's only getting worse:

Nevermind the lack of inheritance due to decades of racism, or when a black family moves into a white neighborhood the property value goes down. Sure, blacks can be horrible people (as can anyone, after all, we're all just people), and I'm annoyed how white men have been vilified by the extreme left, but to dismiss a whole group of people based on nearsighted statistics which doesn't factor in years of prejudice is puerile and arrogant.  

I've lurked for years before making an account, Cigbeer has always been a vile asshole. I doubt his woes of victimhood as he likened SLAP to a role playing game.  ::)

That's laughable. Your hypocrisy is astounding. The funny thing is you disagree with science over identity politics. Yet you have the nerve to say" You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways". You are describing yourself! I use scientific data when presenting an idea. You do not. Therefore my arguments hold more merit. This is the first time you've attempted to prove your argument with facts.

 What "hard scientific studies" did you supply me with to counter my argument of race and IQ? That's right, none. You resort to name calling and demonization of your opponent because you do not have a logical argument. Debating an angry, lesbian,SJW is a waste of time.

"Feels over reals" huh? I believe in science. You believe in identity politics. You choose to live in a false reality. A place where everyone is happy. Everyone but heterosexual males of European ethnicity.

What would you like me to do with your copy and pasted links? Critique them if I disagree?

Transabled: Disabled By Choice, Body Integrity Identity Disorder Makes People Feel Like Impostors In Their Own Bodies

Caitlyn Jenner has brought attention to the transgender community, but another group - transabled - is talking about the struggles of being able-bodied. Those who suffer from Body Integrity Identity Disorder - recently added to the DSM-5, the psychiatric bible, as "emerging measures and models" - do not feel whole with all their body parts.

"We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment," said Alexandre Baril, a visiting scholar of feminist, gender and sexuality studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn., according to Canada's National Post. "The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic. It's a really, really strong desire!".

Clive Baldwin, a Canada Research Chair in Narrative Studies who teaches social work at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, has interviewed 37 people across the globe who identify as transabled. Most are male and live in Germany, Switzerland and Canada. Most of the individuals that Baldwin has spoken to told him they feel an intense desire for amputation or paralysis. One man wants his penis removed. One man wants to be blind.

Some transabled people feel so trapped in their bodies, they stage accidents. A man who identifies himself as One Hand Jason, did just that. In order to keep his identity a secret, One Hand Jason would not divulge many specifics to Body Modification Ezine. "I don't want to be hugely specific, but I used a very sharp power tool, after having tried out different methods of crushing and cutting. I know first aid so I was able to stop the bleeding with pressure, but I was worried that I could pass out and not call for help and lose too much blood. No worries, though, I guess I'm in good enough shape that I didn't even feel dizzy," One Hand Jason said during an interview.

"My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do," he continued. "I did experiments with animal legs I got from a butcher. It's lucky I thought of that, because some of my early attempts were total f--k ups and would have ended up with a damaged hand which might have had to undergo years of painful reconstruction, and worse yet, no amputation."
Baldwin believes that transability is akin to another form of body diversity, transgenderism, and amputation is a type of cosmetic surgery that someone would undergo to look like their ideal self. As transgenderism become more accepted, transabled people want their cause to garner the same attention and understanding, but the disability and transgender advocates aren't having it."They tend to see transabled people as dishonest people, people who try to steal resources from the community, people who would be disrespectful by denying or fetishizing or romanticizing disability reality," Baril said. "Each try to distance themselves." Baril is both disabled and transgender, according to the National Post.

One Hand Jason summed it up: "For most of my life I thought I was the only one, but I've met quite a few since I made my amp happen. We're a lonely, isolated company, though."
Link between gender dysphoria and dissociation found:

"This study evaluated dissociative symptomatology, childhood trauma and body uneasiness in 118 individuals with gender dysphoria, also evaluating dissociative symptoms in follow-up assessments after sex reassignment procedures were performed. We used both clinical interviews (Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule) and self-reported scales (Dissociative Experiences Scale). A dissociative disorder of any kind seemed to be greatly prevalent (29.6%). Moreover, individuals with gender dysphoria had a high prevalence of lifetime major depressive episode (45.8%), suicide attempts (21.2%) and childhood trauma (45.8%), and all these conditions were more frequent in patients who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for any kind of dissociative disorder. Finally, when treated, patients reported lower dissociative symptoms. Results confirmed previous research about distress in gender dysphoria and improved mental health due to sex reassignment procedures. However, it resulted to be difficult to ascertain dissociation in the context of gender dysphoria, because of the similarities between the two conditions and the possible limited application of clinical instruments which do not provide an adequate differential diagnosis. Therefore, because the body uneasiness is common to dissociative experiences and gender dysphoria, the question is whether dissociation is to be seen not as an expression of pathological dissociative experiences but as a genuine feature of gender dysphoria".

One study published in 2014 looked at certain suspected areas of the brain for an association with male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism and found none.

Another study, published in 2009, looked for �evidence that genetic variants of sex hormone-related genes confer individual susceptibility to MtF or FtM transsexualism� and didn�t find any.

Yet another study, published in 2013, found that �gender disorder does not seem to be associated with any molecular mutations of some of the main genes involved in sexual differentiation.�

researchers have found is that a majority of transgenders have at least one psychiatric co-existing (co-morbid) disorder, the most prevalent being major depressive disorder, specific phobia and adjustment disorder

Did you even read my post? You said I hate white men when in fact I said, "I'm annoyed how white men have been vilified by the extreme left". You accuse me of being a lesbian, but I'm happily married to a man. You resort to ad hominem, then the slippery slope fallacy to draw a false correlation between transgender people and "transdisabled" idiots. Then you pompously declare yourself the victor.

Before switching my degree to the IT field, I studied endocrinology. The underlining cause of the condition hasn't yet been found but its effects are clearly seen in MRI results (which I previously linked you ). I switched to the IT field because I hate the obese. If I had stayed with endocrinology the majority of the people I'd work with would be fat, lazy, disgusting piles of excuses and lard, nevermind the infuriating fat activists who believe their bodies are breaking the laws of thermodynamics (how's that for political identity?  ::)).  

Half the studies you linked me were inaccuracy labeled by you, coming from someone who uses transgender as a noun says a lot about the validity of his statements, but anyways... Once again, even if there's no found SRY gene mutation (or other gene mutations) found it still doesn't change the results of MRIs on a trans person. And your last study? It really comes as a shock to you people who are huge targets of public ridicule may be emotionally scarred? Really?

Yours truly; the angry lesbian SJW who's views somehow aren't backed by science even though I studied this shit for years.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 09:36:28 AM by Tay »


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #86 on: February 14, 2016, 08:37:58 AM »
I switched to the IT field because I hate the obese. If I had stayed with endocrinology the majority of the people I'd work with would be fat, lazy, disgusting piles of excuses and lard, nevermind the infuriating fat activists who believe their bodies are breaking the laws of thermodynamics (how's that for political identity?  ::)).   

If you switched to IT to get away from obese people, you may be in for a rude awakening.

 You and the D00D have turned this thread into a horrible head-on-collision between a short bus full of regular kids and a van full of paraplegics.


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #87 on: February 14, 2016, 08:44:03 AM »
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Tay, is your ankle all healed up yet?

No.� :( I can skate with it but it's uncomfortable and often painful, I think I tore a ligament.

Well, I think I strained my calf muscle, then tried skating it two weeks later and ended up tearing it since the following morning one foot was noticeably a shade darker and the bottom part of my calf stayed firm and looked a little bruised.

Sorry to hear your ankle still sucks.

Sorry friend.  I had a friend in a similar situation who unknowingly fractured his leg and kept skating on it, it turned bruised as well. Maybe get it checked out if it doesn't heal up.   :(


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #88 on: February 14, 2016, 10:16:24 AM »
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Gipper's right, there's no getting through to you.
You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways.

I gave up. After presenting him with hard scientific studies supported by decades of medical treatment; and he retorted with an article written by a devout Catholic doctor who quoted no studies (just an alarmist tangent), I knew any sound argument would be lost on him. Feels over reals for Cigbeer. He has an axe to grind and dismisses any factual evidence. He claims they demand special privileges when this is legal: How's it a privilege not to suck dick or sell your ass for a living? Isn't that a human right?

How utterly myopic and stupid his race statistics are. Let's not forget:

Black receive longer prison sentences:

Blacks are targeted for drugs:

Racial profiling/frisking in Cali:

And NYC:

Wrongly convicted and later cleared through DNA:

Black youth more likely to be tried as adults:

Black former convicts get fewer employer callbacks than white former convicts:

Race Bias in Britain Employment:

High schools with mostly African American and Latino students are less likely to offer courses in Algebra II or Chemistry than high schools with mostly white students:

Segregated schools screwing over Blacks:

Black Preschoolers more likely to be suspended:

Discrimination in health care:

Discrimination in the ER:

Black-white inequalities in mortality and life expectancy:

It's only getting worse:

Nevermind the lack of inheritance due to decades of racism, or when a black family moves into a white neighborhood the property value goes down. Sure, blacks can be horrible people (as can anyone, after all, we're all just people), and I'm annoyed how white men have been vilified by the extreme left, but to dismiss a whole group of people based on nearsighted statistics which doesn't factor in years of prejudice is puerile and arrogant.  

I've lurked for years before making an account, Cigbeer has always been a vile asshole. I doubt his woes of victimhood as he likened SLAP to a role playing game.  ::)

That's laughable. Your hypocrisy is astounding. The funny thing is you disagree with science over identity politics. Yet you have the nerve to say" You're like a schizophrenic, despite showing their claims false/crazy and their reasoning faulty, they still firmly believe in dumb shit and think in dumb ways". You are describing yourself! I use scientific data when presenting an idea. You do not. Therefore my arguments hold more merit. This is the first time you've attempted to prove your argument with facts.

 What "hard scientific studies" did you supply me with to counter my argument of race and IQ? That's right, none. You resort to name calling and demonization of your opponent because you do not have a logical argument. Debating an angry, lesbian,SJW is a waste of time.

"Feels over reals" huh? I believe in science. You believe in identity politics. You choose to live in a false reality. A place where everyone is happy. Everyone but heterosexual males of European ethnicity.

What would you like me to do with your copy and pasted links? Critique them if I disagree?

Transabled: Disabled By Choice, Body Integrity Identity Disorder Makes People Feel Like Impostors In Their Own Bodies

Caitlyn Jenner has brought attention to the transgender community, but another group - transabled - is talking about the struggles of being able-bodied. Those who suffer from Body Integrity Identity Disorder - recently added to the DSM-5, the psychiatric bible, as "emerging measures and models" - do not feel whole with all their body parts.

"We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment," said Alexandre Baril, a visiting scholar of feminist, gender and sexuality studies at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn., according to Canada's National Post. "The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic. It's a really, really strong desire!".

Clive Baldwin, a Canada Research Chair in Narrative Studies who teaches social work at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, has interviewed 37 people across the globe who identify as transabled. Most are male and live in Germany, Switzerland and Canada. Most of the individuals that Baldwin has spoken to told him they feel an intense desire for amputation or paralysis. One man wants his penis removed. One man wants to be blind.

Some transabled people feel so trapped in their bodies, they stage accidents. A man who identifies himself as One Hand Jason, did just that. In order to keep his identity a secret, One Hand Jason would not divulge many specifics to Body Modification Ezine. "I don't want to be hugely specific, but I used a very sharp power tool, after having tried out different methods of crushing and cutting. I know first aid so I was able to stop the bleeding with pressure, but I was worried that I could pass out and not call for help and lose too much blood. No worries, though, I guess I'm in good enough shape that I didn't even feel dizzy," One Hand Jason said during an interview.

"My goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or re-attachment, and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do," he continued. "I did experiments with animal legs I got from a butcher. It's lucky I thought of that, because some of my early attempts were total f--k ups and would have ended up with a damaged hand which might have had to undergo years of painful reconstruction, and worse yet, no amputation."
Baldwin believes that transability is akin to another form of body diversity, transgenderism, and amputation is a type of cosmetic surgery that someone would undergo to look like their ideal self. As transgenderism become more accepted, transabled people want their cause to garner the same attention and understanding, but the disability and transgender advocates aren't having it."They tend to see transabled people as dishonest people, people who try to steal resources from the community, people who would be disrespectful by denying or fetishizing or romanticizing disability reality," Baril said. "Each try to distance themselves." Baril is both disabled and transgender, according to the National Post.

One Hand Jason summed it up: "For most of my life I thought I was the only one, but I've met quite a few since I made my amp happen. We're a lonely, isolated company, though."
Link between gender dysphoria and dissociation found:

"This study evaluated dissociative symptomatology, childhood trauma and body uneasiness in 118 individuals with gender dysphoria, also evaluating dissociative symptoms in follow-up assessments after sex reassignment procedures were performed. We used both clinical interviews (Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule) and self-reported scales (Dissociative Experiences Scale). A dissociative disorder of any kind seemed to be greatly prevalent (29.6%). Moreover, individuals with gender dysphoria had a high prevalence of lifetime major depressive episode (45.8%), suicide attempts (21.2%) and childhood trauma (45.8%), and all these conditions were more frequent in patients who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for any kind of dissociative disorder. Finally, when treated, patients reported lower dissociative symptoms. Results confirmed previous research about distress in gender dysphoria and improved mental health due to sex reassignment procedures. However, it resulted to be difficult to ascertain dissociation in the context of gender dysphoria, because of the similarities between the two conditions and the possible limited application of clinical instruments which do not provide an adequate differential diagnosis. Therefore, because the body uneasiness is common to dissociative experiences and gender dysphoria, the question is whether dissociation is to be seen not as an expression of pathological dissociative experiences but as a genuine feature of gender dysphoria".

One study published in 2014 looked at certain suspected areas of the brain for an association with male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism and found none.

Another study, published in 2009, looked for �evidence that genetic variants of sex hormone-related genes confer individual susceptibility to MtF or FtM transsexualism� and didn�t find any.

Yet another study, published in 2013, found that �gender disorder does not seem to be associated with any molecular mutations of some of the main genes involved in sexual differentiation.�

researchers have found is that a majority of transgenders have at least one psychiatric co-existing (co-morbid) disorder, the most prevalent being major depressive disorder, specific phobia and adjustment disorder


Did you even read my post? You said I hate white men when in fact I said, "I'm annoyed how white men have been vilified by the extreme left". You accuse me of being a lesbian, but I'm happily married to a man. You resort to ad hominem, then the slippery slope fallacy to draw a false correlation between transgender people and "transdisabled" idiots. Then you pompously declare yourself the victor.

Before switching my degree to the IT field, I studied endocrinology. The underlining cause of the condition hasn't yet been found but its effects are clearly seen in MRI results (which I previously linked you ). I switched to the IT field because I hate the obese. If I had stayed with endocrinology the majority of the people I'd work with would be fat, lazy, disgusting piles of excuses and lard, nevermind the infuriating fat activists who believe their bodies are breaking the laws of thermodynamics (how's that for political identity?  ::)).   

Half the studies you linked me were inaccuracy labeled by you, coming from someone who uses transgender as a noun says a lot about the validity of his statements, but anyways... Once again, even if there's no SRY gene mutation (or other gene mutations) found it still doesn't change the results of MRIs on a trans person. And your last study? It really comes as a shock to you people who are huge targets of public ridicule may be emotionally scarred? Really?

Yours truly; the angry lesbian SJW who's views somehow aren't backed by science even though I studied this shit for years.


Did you say white men are vilified by the left? Thank you! I used to believe in feminism bit now it's turned into female supremacy and hatred for men. I'm only joking about the lesbian stuff. I never got you back for hungangels. I will be civil from now on if you agree to be as well.

I'm not saying transdisabled are related or not. I wanted your opinion on it. I did see your article about endochrinology. It was very interesting. I'm genuinely curious what the cause is. I'm not looking for a reason to discredit anyone. There's a lot of stuff posted by trans humans saying it is indeed a mental illness. So, it really gets a bit confusing. Please feel free to send more articles if you'd like.

I don't know why the links weren't properly labeled. Pretty sure I just copied and pasted them. Also, I don't claim to be an expert. I've studied psychology and I'm pretty knowledgeable about mental health. To me it mirrors several disorders I know of. But I might just be looking for what's not there.

I'm very surprised you hate fat people haha. I loathe the corpulent slobs of America as well. Now they have fat pride? Fat models? They even sued a company for using a slim woman! This kind of crap really needs to stop. People generally think fat people are gross because, well, they are fat and gross. I actually suffered from bulimia and anorexia when I was younger. Not saying that's a good thing. But it shows how I'm frightened of being fat.

I'm terribly sorry for accusing you of not posting articles. I either missed your post or my memory failed me. I must have just been considering our debate about race and IQ.

You also sent me black crime stats. Do you want me to tell you if I agree with them or not? I agree with quite a few, some I'm not sure on and there were a couple I believe to be false. Don't get the wrong idea about me. I truly hate cops and our prison system. The whole country's beyond repair in my eyes. I am not some right wing weirdo though. Most of my views are liberal. Classic liberal to be exact. Neo progressivism is what I'm truly against when it comes to the left.

I highly recommend these videos if you don't know what neo progressivism is:

"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon


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Re: MTV News: Black people can't be racist
« Reply #89 on: February 14, 2016, 10:47:34 AM »
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I switched to the IT field because I hate the obese. If I had stayed with endocrinology the majority of the people I'd work with would be fat, lazy, disgusting piles of excuses and lard, nevermind the infuriating fat activists who believe their bodies are breaking the laws of thermodynamics (how's that for political identity?  ::)).   

If you switched to IT to get away from obese people, you may be in for a rude awakening.
this made me laugh