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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #150 on: August 14, 2018, 04:56:56 PM »
My friend was a huge Geoff Rowley fan and volcom was doing a signing in our local shop. So my friend asked me to go with him and his girlfirend to get some shit signed by Geoff. He got his copy of Chichagof, Rowley deck and Xlts signed. I guess he was not satisfied with everything he asked and pulled his girlfriends tits out not all the way and tells Geoff "sign my girlfriends tits!" He tells him "sorry mate, can't do that". I was stoked that Geoff declined since we were 15 or 16 and also stoked on what i just witnessed.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #151 on: August 15, 2018, 02:53:24 AM »
Prod block me on instagram once
only cool guys push switch mongo

Johnny Rad

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #152 on: August 15, 2018, 06:36:47 AM »
I was skating my local park a saw Satva Leung with his whole family just watching from the sidelines. I would watch Heavy Metal all the time and was the only person who seemed to recognize him so I went to talk to him and he told me he was on a family vacation and heard there was a park nearby and came to check it out. He had his board but they required helmets to skate and he didn't have one and the park did not have any to provide. I was like "You can use mine for awhile if you want" and he said "Thanks man that would be great!" The thing is, it was summer and I had been sweating hardcore into the thing for 2 I hand him the helmet there is sweat literally pouring onto the floor from the thing. There was a moment of pure awkwardness where we both give each other "this is fucking really gross" looks. He actually put it on anyway and skates off. I still cringe at that for some reason.

The funniest one is I went to a get together with a few people in the early 2000s. People had to take off their shoes and leave them by the front door. The friend I came with picked up one of the shoes, looked at it, and goes "Holy shit, look at this ugly monstrosity" or something to that effect and threw the shoe across the room. It turns out it was either the sample or first run of a signature shoe for a dude sitting in the living room. I don't want to name who it was because I could easily dox myself, but the dude has not been pro for over a decade. 18 years later and I still laugh at that moment every time I remember it.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 09:42:53 AM by Johnny Rad »
I also saw him snake a kid with cancer once for some go fund me or some shit.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #153 on: August 15, 2018, 07:41:47 AM »
I got a million of these stories.
on an early Lakai filming trip to my city, I ended up at a bar with some of the dudes and drunkenly tried to tell Pappalardo that I thought his skating was tight, after a five minute rant of me fanning out, he just stared at me and didn't say a word.
at ASR a friend introduced me to Smolik, this was post-shortys, pre-skate mafia, he seemed pretty down and out.  I'm too old to have fond memories of Shortys but felt bad for him so I told him I was a huge fan, he was hyped and gave me a huge hug.  Really made me feel like a good dude.
Once gave Koston a ride to the airport in my Hyundai, he liked the Lakai shirt I was wearing so I said I could get him one, he told me it was ok, he knew a few guys over at Lakai, he'd get one from them. Duh.
Playing foosball in HB with a friend once when Greg Lutzka came in, my friend knew him but aborted the game halfway through to bounce, he said Greg had voice immodulation and can't stop himself from yelling so we bounced while Lutzka yelled his greetings too us.  I was actually hyped to meet the Lutzka!
After knowing Tim Gavin for a number of years, I ran into him and he incorrectly called me Jeff in front of my friends. 
Was hyped to bring MJ to a friends house for a BBQ, feeling like the man for hanging with him in public, but he wanted to play a weird trivia game about music that no one wanted to play, just awkward as he keeps trying to get it started with zero participation from anyone.
Was at a coffee spot with a friend and Rick Howard walked by, he came over to say hi and my friend asked if they had met before, because he looks familiar.  Rick was smooth and just said yeah maybe.  Also, that friend skates.
On my first trip to LA I ended up staying a hotel on sunset, somehow anthony moseley ended up in my room and ordered a steak, I didn't have the courage to say anything so I ended up paying for it.
and this is my favourite one, during the RDS FSU video premiere, Danny Way overheard my friends sarcastically make a comment about how strong Danny is, because obviously he's a beast.  Danny then proceeds to lose his shit threatening this friends life, with statements like "I know who the fuck you are, you're fucking dead" and then for some reason says don't go anywhere, I'll be right back.  so clearly we dip at the speed of light, my friends phone is blowing up all the way home, after which he answers it and claims ignorance saying he was home all night. Beef squashed.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #154 on: August 15, 2018, 09:27:10 AM »
Was at a bodega in Brooklyn a few years ago with a crew of dudes.  We were on a trip for our (now out of business) shop.  Some very drunk older dude behind me in line says the name of the shop and asks about another pro who rode for said shop.  Friends and I kind of cool-guyed him, thinking it was weird that some rando knew about this pro's affiliation with our shop.  When we got outside one of my friends tells us we just blew off Kenny Reed.
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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #155 on: August 15, 2018, 12:27:26 PM »
I was leaving a bar in Philly and Nick Merlino made fun of my bicycle, but I didn't really give a shit because why would I care that someone didn't like my bicycle. One year later I am in an uber in Margate, NJ pretty drunk and some how it comes up that I skateboard and the uber driver explains to me that he's Nick Merlino's Dad. I mentioned that he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that likes bicycles and his dad was like, "No, no bikes, always skateboards."

One time I was out in front of that same bar in Philly like a year or so earlier and Ishod was saying hi to all these people I was near and then gave me daps and like a handshake hug. He was super nice and came right up to me like he's known me forever, but has probably maybe seen me at a skatepark or something here and there (Also I am pretty ordinary looking). Then he was like wait how do I know you. I was wasted so I jokingly say, "Oh you probably recognize me from the Catholic Star Herald from 5 years ago." Important disclaimer: My senior year of highschool there was this fundraiser/charity that I helped with and I guess at sometime my picture got taken and a picture of just me got put in the Catholic Star Herald. I would never of known about this picture if the catholic star heralds target demographic wasn't Irish Catholic Grandmothers in their 90s, because my Grandma saw it and went nuts. She called to get more copies and cut out the picture of me and sent it to my parents and a bunch of my aunts and uncles and stuff. It didn't even say my name under the picture, it was impressive she knew it was me. Long story short, Ishod is not an Irish Catholic woman in his 90's so he did not get the joke. He just kind of stared at me confused. One girl from the group of people he said hi to thought it was hilarious but none of my friends laughed at it besides that.

I was at nocturnal once and this little kid that skates (maybe 12-13 at the time) was cursing a ton and Kevin Taylor pulled the kid aside gave him a little talk were he was out of earshot of everyone. I was looking at boards and I over heard KT give him like a nice talk about he doesn't need to talk like that and stuff. It wasn't scolding but it had a sick thoughtful dad like vibe, it was pretty rad.

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #156 on: August 15, 2018, 03:42:40 PM »
and this is my favourite one, during the RDS FSU video premiere, Danny Way overheard my friends sarcastically make a comment about how strong Danny is, because obviously he's a beast.  Danny then proceeds to lose his shit threatening this friends life, with statements like "I know who the fuck you are, you're fucking dead" and then for some reason says don't go anywhere, I'll be right back.  so clearly we dip at the speed of light, my friends phone is blowing up all the way home, after which he answers it and claims ignorance saying he was home all night. Beef squashed.

The most plausible story in this thread


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #157 on: August 15, 2018, 08:07:01 PM »
-I went through Love the day Tyshawn varial flipped the fountain. The people I was there with really wanted to get food so we ended up leaving before he landed it, but he went out to the street to get speed to try it again, and as we were walking past him, I said "Yo Tyshawn, you got this shit," held my arm out for a fist bump, and he just looked at me and said "Thanks." Shit was sick

-The Huf team came through Syracuse on a filming trip recently. I brought up Termite to Austyn Gillette when they came through the Everson, and he did not seem amused haha. Still filmed a clip with me though.

-Went to a Zumiez Couch Tour stop in Buffalo with the Girl/Chocolate team. Pre-teen me was going down the line to get my copy of Pretty Sweet signed, and Carroll goes to me in the most monotone voice you could imagine:
"Hi, my name's Mike. What's your name?" and from there I had the most awkward conversation with him. Also MJ yelled at me in a thick, southern drawl, "END OF THE LINE," wearing a cowboy hat and all. People are fucking weird.

Barry Bongs

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #158 on: August 15, 2018, 10:12:51 PM »
Was leaving the away days premier in London and it was a pretty small venue, loads of heads there all night but I managed to not fan out. On the way out I was pretty tipsy and as I was leaving got in the way of Daewon having his photo taken out front and think my exact words were "oh shit, Daewon!". Drunkenly dapped him up and said I was a fan and he was cool about it but seemed pretty shy. Wouldn't have approached him if I hadn't nearly tripped over him. Bit awkward, but chill. 


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #159 on: August 15, 2018, 10:57:30 PM »
Shot pool w/ Cole Wilson & his lady once (they were next up, I had the table).

Got super nervous & awkward, and completely choked on the game.

Good times... and I'm about 15 years older than Cole.

Also, sorry Cole.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #160 on: August 15, 2018, 11:10:58 PM »
hanging out at love, donny barley asked to bum a cigarette off my buddy and all he could do was ask him where the spot where he smashed his tooth in ee3 was. it was just a super awkward exchange. over a decade later he was in my town to help build a park and we took him to skate a local vert ramp. all i could think of to talk to him was telling him about the time my friend asked him about his tooth. pretty sure i left shortly after that.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #161 on: August 16, 2018, 04:09:12 AM »
Tony Hawk gapped the vert ramp to spine ramp at my local and it ended up being in the opening credits of THPS2, after he did it I went to hi 5 him and he left me hanging.
Sometimes when seeing him on video these days I find myself raising my hand to catch that SLAP.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #162 on: August 16, 2018, 04:18:55 AM »
i met mark appleyard a couple days ago. it was the second time i've seen him irl, the first time was in 2015 in london at a globe demo at southbank. i was 15 at the time and english is not my first language so i was kinda scared to come up to him and ask for a photo even though he was and still is one of my favorite skateboarders. i decided to get the photo this time and i told him the whole story about meeting him 3 years ago but being too scared to talk to him. he laughed about that and i got the photo i wanted. turns out he's really nice and down to earth and it made me like him even more.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #163 on: August 17, 2018, 03:38:50 AM »
I was at a Volcom demo in Sydney 2000ish, the demo was pretty shit it was just a ramp and funbox that the pros were barely even skating. My friend and I left to go for a skate outside, we found some 7 or 8 stair and did some ollies down it, it had a rail that he tried to boardslide a couple of times and on maybe the 3rd try he sacked himself and faceplanted, he was laying on the ground for a while and seemed fucked up so I was pretty concerned. I helped him up and got his board, his face was all grazed and bruised but he could walk. We went to go find some help so we went back to the arena to see if we could find a pay phone or something, we walk around the corner and Geoff Rowley was standing there having a smoke, I told him what happened and he seemed super impressed and was like "Fuck yeah gnarly keep shredding lad" and signed our boards and my bucket hat hat I still have, My mate was so stoked from Geoff that he like instantly recovered from his injuries. Crap story tbh but its a great memory


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #164 on: August 17, 2018, 06:40:12 AM »
I was in the Philadelphia airport and I saw chris Cole lacing up his skate shoes, this was 2007 and i said what’s up and everything, he said he was going on tour for the mystery video, and I asked him what the name of the video was and he didn’t know 🤣 he was really bummed he didn’t know the name.

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #165 on: August 17, 2018, 06:49:22 AM »
Met Mike V at a demo in Jackson, MS after he quit Element for his own brand. He was pretty formal and I was only 15, but it was a decent experience. Got to watch him, Duane Peters and Cyril Jackson when he was still on 1031.

Got to meet James Hardy 2 years ago at Faith before he quit Real. Seems like a humble, kinda quiet guy. Wish I could've talked more with him since I always loved his skating.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #166 on: August 17, 2018, 07:06:59 AM »
Few years back I went to skate the ledges in golden gate park. It was super windy so I had the spot to myself.  I was there for an hour and started to get the weird feeling someone was watching me.  I looked and could see some bum staring at me near through the bushes.  He waited until I landed the trick then approached me.  I have awful vision without my glasses so I couldn't recognize who it was until he was two feet or so from me.  Ended up the bum wasn't a bum but it was Jason dill.  First thing he asked me was how old I was.  I told him thirty five and he got super stoked and told me he couldn't believe how cool the trick I was doing was and that he was super motivated watching me skate this way.  The conversation ended up being really cool and we chatted for sometime about mutual friends and Barcelona and shit. 


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #167 on: August 17, 2018, 07:26:06 AM »
Long time ago during Tampa pro we were out with DGKALIS and he was macking on some girl from Brooklyn. At the end of the night somehow he got a rose and was rubbing it on her neck on the drive back to the apartment. He kept saying "That feels dope, right?"

A few years before that at the same venue a few guys I was with latched onto Josh Kasper for the night. When everyone was filing back to the cars Josh got sick and asked one of the guys to hold his hair back while he puked. Anyone in Chicago go to Asylumn for scooter lessons? Ask Jeff about that night.

Way back in my high school days there was a World demo in my hometown. Jovantae Turner was there and asked me if the X on my hat was for Malcolm X. I said, "No. I'm straight edge." Would have been way cooler if it was for Malcolm. That was a couple days before Berrska said something racist and Jovontae punched him in the face and sent him running back to Cali like a little baby.

I was visiting Tommy Budjanec for a week when he rode for Human with Andy Mac and Gershon. He and his girl were living at the same apartments in San Diego that MJ, Dave Mayhew, and Chad Knight were at. One morning I was on the balcony and saw them heading to the car to skate and I was bummed because I was stuck with a bunch of guys who were more interested in hanging out than skating. The highlight of the trip was kicking it with Chad at the pool while he and Mayhew spit water at each other. Chad kept calling himself a "cobra" and spitting water.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #168 on: August 17, 2018, 07:31:32 AM »
One time Jason Park came to town to skate with some local YouTubers and wore a colorful ‘raver girl’ outfit and danced at cars as a prank. I don’t have anything against skaters wearing women’s clothing, but it was a really cheap gag and my god I hate youtubers


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #169 on: August 17, 2018, 09:12:28 AM »
Got to meet James Hardy 2 years ago at Faith before he quit Real. Seems like a humble, kinda quiet guy. Wish I could've talked more with him since I always loved his skating.

was out of the loop for a while, why did he quit? did some voyeurism on his insta, he's working construction now? had a sick kickflip over a barrell at the site in his workboots. seems pretty happy tho! also real apparently won't take him off the team page and the last post on his insta was a heartwarming letter that they miss him along with an alabama hat they found. he said he's going on tour soon with the crew.

EDIT: yo not sure if i misread that, he said "trip soon!!!" not that anyone says i make up rumors.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #170 on: August 17, 2018, 09:26:46 AM »
At the Since Day One Real premiere, I had some liquid courage and was trying to say hi to as many pros as possible. Everyone was super friendly and Caswell Berry gave me a hug and drank some of my PBR outside of a bar. I even worked up the courage to talk to Peter Hewitt and tell him his Washington St crailslide was one of my favorite covers, and he was very thankful, which surprised me because I would see him cruising around OB all the time and I was always intimidated to talk to him.

When JT Aultz cruised up to the bar with his family, I decided to bust out some some inside knowledge and tell him how lame it was that he didn't get a Thrasher cover that he was supposed to (an insane fs board on this wooden rail you can see on the way to Shelter Island in SD) that ended up going to TK fs crooking a 10 rail. I went on and on basically fanning out and he was super friendly, and then he kindly just said, "Hey, I'm going to go inside and see my family, but great to talk to you." Not that awkward, but on the night of a video premiere he had a part in when he's with his family, I felt bad I held him up for 5 minutes talking about random fan out moments, but it also shows how nice he is.

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #171 on: August 17, 2018, 12:31:33 PM »
a couple years ago i saw danny montoya at a ying yang twins show and i (very insincerely) told him i loved his adio shoe, he was acting cool and didn't even say thanks so fuck that guy

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #172 on: August 17, 2018, 12:39:02 PM »
I had a lengthy dm conversation with Colin McKay. It started off flaming him about how much plan b sucked but by the end we were friends and he told me he was learning to play the piano lol

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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #173 on: August 17, 2018, 12:47:00 PM »
I had a lengthy dm conversation with Colin McKay. It started off flaming him about how much plan b sucked but by the end we were friends and he told me he was learning to play the piano lol
I have his black amex card number,but am never going to use it

Damn I left my bubbler at my parents house


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #174 on: August 17, 2018, 12:47:08 PM »
Few years back I went to skate the ledges in golden gate park. It was super windy so I had the spot to myself.  I was there for an hour and started to get the weird feeling someone was watching me.  I looked and could see some bum staring at me near through the bushes.  He waited until I landed the trick then approached me.  I have awful vision without my glasses so I couldn't recognize who it was until he was two feet or so from me.  Ended up the bum wasn't a bum but it was Jason dill.  First thing he asked me was how old I was.  I told him thirty five and he got super stoked and told me he couldn't believe how cool the trick I was doing was and that he was super motivated watching me skate this way.  The conversation ended up being really cool and we chatted for sometime about mutual friends and Barcelona and shit.

You can't humble brag that hard and not mention the trick you were doing. What was the trick?!

Long time ago during Tampa pro we were out with DGKALIS and he was macking on some girl from Brooklyn. At the end of the night somehow he got a rose and was rubbing it on her neck on the drive back to the apartment. He kept saying "That feels dope, right?"

A few years before that at the same venue a few guys I was with latched onto Josh Kasper for the night. When everyone was filing back to the cars Josh got sick and asked one of the guys to hold his hair back while he puked. Anyone in Chicago go to Asylumn for scooter lessons? Ask Jeff about that night.

These both had me laughing haha


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #175 on: August 17, 2018, 02:17:16 PM »
not a pro skater but the only famous person I met was Frank black /black Francis.
my homie got free tickets to see the picked a few years ago.
the gig was rad. we drank, sang and danced. at the end of the gig we had a beer at the bar. the pixies were drinking on the benches behind ours.
I turned to my musical hero since when I was 13 years old and with genuine admiration and love said 'Jack, I love your music man'.

I called Frank black Jack black.

he said 'thanks' and turned away in a shroud of anger and disgust.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #176 on: August 17, 2018, 04:15:35 PM »
It was a nollie shuv behind me to backside nosegrind to shuv out the same direction.  Kind of like a helicopter I guess.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #177 on: August 17, 2018, 05:17:21 PM »
not a pro skater but the only famous person I met was Frank black /black Francis.
my homie got free tickets to see the picked a few years ago.
the gig was rad. we drank, sang and danced. at the end of the gig we had a beer at the bar. the pixies were drinking on the benches behind ours.
I turned to my musical hero since when I was 13 years old and with genuine admiration and love said 'Jack, I love your music man'.

I called Frank black Jack black.

he said 'thanks' and turned away in a shroud of anger and disgust.

I've called Murph from Dinosaur Jr. Lou Barlow once and I've been a fan since Video Days. The wrong name just rolled off my tongue. Murph just said "no. he has hair", and I felt so embarrassed I just turned and walked away.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #178 on: August 17, 2018, 05:29:56 PM »
Met Jereme Rogers in Dominican Republic and he told me to find Jesus. No context, I didn't even say anything to him first.


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Re: Awkward (but not bad) Pro Encounters
« Reply #179 on: August 17, 2018, 10:49:46 PM »
Was on a trip to SF couple years ago, our hotels was in Chinatown. Went outside for a phonecall and to smoke pretty late at night, out of the corner of my eye see someone with a board drunkenly ambling across the street up to me, ended up being Phelps, he asked me if I was goin to bomb the hill or something then stood there for a minute and swayed waiting for the light then bombed down through dragons gate and almost ate shit.

Also Rodney Mullen had a house in my hometown, we used to randomly come across him at like 3 am skating by himself with his dog, when we would stop to talk to him it was surprisingly not that awkward.
Next thread is about how dope AA is for caveman grinding a 3 stair out-rail. Crazy times.

Damn you got a link for that?