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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: DaSk8D00D on March 17, 2012, 05:38:47 PM

Title: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: DaSk8D00D on March 17, 2012, 05:38:47 PM
ive got a ton but there are two that come to mind first. 1str was when my friend dared me to snort pixie dust (the candy fool!) for a blunt.  i actually did it, and ended up lookin like one of those cinnamon challenge niggas. he filmed it on his phone and titled it Scarface 2. 2nd one was when i was about 4 or so and i was too lazy to walk to the bathroom so i literally just pissed in the corner of my bedroom. we lived in tha hood back then so it wasnt like i really ruined anything nice but needless to say momma beat dat ass. ill prolly end up posting more later when my memory isnt shit, tell me some of your own bad ideas!
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: codithou on March 17, 2012, 06:39:17 PM
When I was younger I stepped on a rake to see if it would hit me in the face and it did.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Gnarwhal on March 17, 2012, 09:20:39 PM
earlier i sat in a wheelchair in the middle of the street directing traffic
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on March 17, 2012, 09:30:56 PM
shot a wasp nest with a super soaker filled water and pee
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Strike A Pose on March 17, 2012, 09:44:25 PM
Tipped strippers
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Perro Mojado on March 17, 2012, 10:22:49 PM
got 5tacks tattoed in my wrist in high school in tribute to stacks bundles
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: mandibleclaw on March 17, 2012, 10:23:25 PM
tried to eat 100 buffalo wings
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: The Donger on March 18, 2012, 12:01:12 AM
Fucked a fat bitch.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 18, 2012, 01:11:33 AM

Moving to LA

stuffing a foil gumwrapper into an electric socket during class in school.

On a similar note, making these little things that shorted out and popped electric sockets, I showed this gnarly kid how to do it on his first day, the way he did it resulted in the thing lighting on fire, falling out of the socket and lighting some other kid's backpack on fire. He got suspended on day one, and I got my ass kicked for getting him in trouble.

Dying my entire body pink attempting to dye my hair pink when I was 13.

Trying to make an elevator to get into an abandoned barn some friends and I used as a club house when I was 10. We got a rope and a pulley and hung the pulley from the roof, my friend started at the top and put his foot in a loop on one side and I started at the bottom with my foot in a loop. A friend was holding the rope at the top to make sure it went slowly. The friend with his foot in the loop stepped off the edge and my foot slipped out of the loop instantly, he got tossed to the ground by the rope and the friend spotting literally launched about 15 feet into a tree. It was kind of amazing to see actually.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: apad88 on March 18, 2012, 02:44:14 AM
Shaved my eyebrows 1 week before my freshman picture was taken. I think I might still have the I.d card
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: KoRnholio8 on March 18, 2012, 03:29:54 AM
I'm the only one missing from the group photo from the prom - getting a drink at the bar and the teacher getting sloppy at head counting. Makes me look like such a drunk.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Bronson on March 18, 2012, 10:57:21 AM
I'm the only one missing from the group photo from the prom - getting a drink at the bar and the teacher getting sloppy at head counting. Makes me look like such a drunk.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: jimi420 on March 18, 2012, 11:50:29 AM
my entire life.

When I was 16 I decided to strip buttnaked in broad daylight by a casino and jump a 20 foot tall by 10 foot wide gap into the Missouri River. That river is filthy. Then I had to climb back up the wall while boats were driving by. Oh and I took a shit at the base of it.

airduster. nuff said.

came in a girl who wasn't on birth control.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: happenstance on March 18, 2012, 03:27:13 PM
Jumping my friends car on what was literally a dirt road mega ramp. Had to have made it at least 10 feet in the air. Landed in a nose manual for about 15 feet, the front chassis snapped, the dash popped out and the floorboard popped up. Was literally squished into a little ball happy to be alive.

Bombing hills without looking at what was at the bottom or how long they are. I have told this story on here before but long story short I went about 50 mph (maybe faster. The speeding ticket I have says 45 but where I was clocked wasn't even at the bottom of the hill), slammed into a traffic circle, flew about 30 feet, left a foot deep impression in the grass, slid on my side for about 30 feet in the grass, tumbled in the street and almost got hit by a car.

Skating on injuries over and over and over... Trust me on this - let your body heal.

Took 3 bad trips on mushrooms in a row to realize I should never do hallucinogens again. Each bad trip was exactly the same. Lets just throw in trying any drug (except the mary-ju-ana)

Staying with my ex for 3 years.

Used to get in trouble for blowing things up/burning stuff in elementary and middle school. Got caught blowing up a mailbox and was caught trying to blow up a window at my elementary school (ended up being a strong window!). The worst we didn't get caught for - lit some dry brush in a creek on fire and seriously almost started a forrest fire.

Drove drunk in high school way too much.

Unprotected sex.

Took me 26 years to finally realize that when you are interested in a woman it is better to act uninterested. Crazy.

Edit: removed a couple that were bad decisions in theory that had good outcomes.

Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: cringe. on March 18, 2012, 03:43:24 PM
turning down a offer to study at Oxford university, probably kinda stupid but i don't regret it (...yet?)
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on March 18, 2012, 03:44:57 PM
haha if i got a speeding ticket for bombing a hill i would frame that shit and put it above my mantle
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: happenstance on March 18, 2012, 03:46:17 PM
^I am one step ahead of you. Seriously though, it was a gnarly near death experience. I re-lived it in my head sporadically for the next 2 or 3 months and it would give me anxiety and sometimes panic attacks.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on March 18, 2012, 03:57:12 PM

i bombed the fastest hill of my life drunk on christmas eve 2010. i almost made it to the bottom but the speed wobbles literally made me look like i was slaloming between cones or something. i got tossed from the board and slid on my front for about 5 or 6 meters. put a huge gaping hole in my knee that they couldnt' stitch because there was no skin to suture, so i was left with this oozing pus-hole for months. the swelling in my knee didn't go down for about 6 weeks either so i could barely move it. hillbomb slammaz 4 lyfe.

edit: would't say mine was near-death though haha, yours sounds scary as fuck
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Hercules Rockefeller on March 18, 2012, 04:03:17 PM
shit, that story left me cringing... my left knee kept on tickling.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: happenstance on March 18, 2012, 04:05:37 PM
Beer Keg - I walked away with mild whiplash, a bloody nose and what looked like a few hundred razor blade cuts on my arm. Turns out grass can fuck you up when you are sliding across it at 50 mph. Your story is worse considering you fell on concrete. Pretty sure I would have died or be a vegetable if I didn't make it to the grass. Happy we are both in one piece!

Lets also add bombing hills in the rain/when the ground is wet. That one has turned out bad for me on a few occasions. One time I was bombing a hill going to my friends house in SF. I was at least a mile and a half away. It had just rained. I am bombing a hill that curves, slide out and tear my hands up bad. Literally blood pouring from my hands. I walk the rest of the way with my arms covered in blood and people are looking at me half worried for me and half thinking I am insane or something.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: DaSk8D00D on March 18, 2012, 04:39:05 PM
i have a crazy hill bombing story as well. a few years ago i was out at my dads house in this fancy ass subdivision & i would fuck around with my younger siblings riding bikes down this kinked hill that stretched about 3-4 blocks. looong blocks cuz the front yards were huge. its pretty steep and ona bike it was damn fun to ride down. at the end is one of those long uphill driveways so itd absorb all your momentum when youd ride up it. i was feeling ballsy and tried to bomb it ona board. keep in mind i was like 12 and this hill was not some pretty shit, it was definitely a big boy hill bomb. anyways i get halfway down it and im fucking FLYING down this thing, after i get past the flatter part in the middle i get about half way down and decide to go off to the side and land in the grass. i hop off my board and i must flown like 12 feet into the grass. i tried to land flat on my feet but i just got flung forward after my leg hit the ground. ended up tearing my meniscus and had super sore knees for at least 2 years. whats crazy is that that next summer i was dunking on a lowered rim and after i did some basic ass dunk i blake griffined myself. as soon as i landed i felt something in my OTHER knee give out. it looked like i landed perfect fine too, but i immediatly knew that i tore my meniscus yet again, and i had another sore knee to go along with my other one. i was limping every for about a month or 2 and when i finally was able to skate again i always had to extensively stretch beforehand. i wasnt even in high school yet and i literally had old man knees. if i stopped skating for 10 minutes id have to restretch them all overagain cuz theyd tighten up. didnt truly get over that shit for YEARS. i think i stopped noticing it after my freshman year in high school but i got both injuries in 6th-7th grade. even now i have a very tender area on my knee that hurts with even the slightest force
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 18, 2012, 05:28:52 PM

Used to get in trouble for blowing things up/burning stuff in elementary and middle school. Got caught blowing up a mailbox and was caught trying to blow up a window at my elementary school (ended up being a strong window!). The worst we didn't get caught for - lit some dry brush in a creek on fire and seriously almost started a forrest fire.

We had similar youths. I got sent home early in 4th grade for starting a little bonfire out of woodchips in the playground, some kleenex, and matches. I got kicked off the bus for the year in 8th grade for lighting one of the seats on fire while trying to make lighter smiley faces, and also suspended for flicking lit matches into lockers in the gym locker room in 7th grade. I still am a pyro, I just am better at controlling it now.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: ivegotlevitation on March 18, 2012, 06:20:34 PM
Sprayed water in my neighbor's mailbox every day for a month, completely ruining his mail when I was 7.
Stole my baseball coach's cell phone when I was 12.
Took acid with some friends last year and tried to walk a few miles to the closest Wal-Mart. A cop pulled over and ran all our ID's wondering what the fuck we were doing out walking at 3 in the morning.
Slashed kids bicycle tires in my neighborhood when I was 12.
Stole Pokemon Ruby for GBA from a friend's birthday party when I was little. I got caught.

Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: get gnarly on March 18, 2012, 06:46:46 PM
Forrest fire.

Puking/pissing on peoples doors at 3am and ringing the doorbell.

Destroying people's shit/mailboxes.

Calling girls I don't know cunts.

Blowing an internship.

Ruining my mind with drugs and alcohol. Not that I'm fried, but I'd be insanely smart otherwise.

Definitely more shit
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Joe Pesci on March 18, 2012, 07:42:06 PM
bombed a pretty gnarly hill where i used to live that was like an upside down T ... there was no where to go at the bottom except left or right but i didnt really realize it until i was down there trying to turn away. ended up running fast as fuck jumped up a curb and tripped over one of those little tarp fences used on construction sites
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Amish Rifle on March 18, 2012, 09:09:41 PM
This girl I was into was home alone, parents on their way home from a vacation, boyfriend at work. I had time to get it and get out but out of no where her boyfriend dropped by so I had to hide in the parents room while he hung out. It was a close call.

Mission: Impossible Trailer HQ (1996) (

Mei Ling Call #3 (

Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Clayton on March 18, 2012, 11:31:56 PM
Right after I graduated high school I had a shit load of grad-money in my wallet. A van pulls up at a gas station with three dudes and the back is filled with stereo surround sounds for TVs. One of them walks up to me and starts his sales pitch. Shows me the catalog they are featured in where they retail for $2500. He tells me he'll sell me one for $300. In my head I thought, "hmmm VX2000s retail for that much and sell on ebay for $1300. I can make a profit!" I give him $300 that under any other circumstance I wouldn't have had. Immediately go home and log on ebay. I find numerous versions of the same models starting at $70 with zero bids. I couldn't even use the surround sound myself because it was the fancy kind you needed an amp for. After holding onto it for 7 years out of spite I finally threw that shit out.

Also driving home blackout drunk, waking up the next morning finding puke residue I didn't remember creating, the keys still in the front door, and my car parked crooked as hell with the blinker still on after starting it the next morning.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: ontheswarm on March 19, 2012, 10:25:43 AM
These are some pretty good stories.

Staying with my ex for 3 years.

Skating my fractured ankle not letting it heal properly.

Quitting my $14 hour job in vegas to move to la. Love the skating in la though.

So I was about 13 or 14 going out with this girl. Her mom and my mom decided to go out to eat somewhere because they were close. My girl and I decided it would be a good idea for me to go to her house real quick so I could smash. I think I was putting it in as her mom walks in the door. We both trip out and she has me hide in the closet. I'm thinking I will just stay there till she goes to sleep no big deal. I was younger and it was getting late so moms is blowing up my phone. I just tell her the truth and tell her to not say anything I will be fine and make it home. Well it was about 1 in the morning and her mom finally decided to go to sleep. I'm sneaking down the stairs and have to dip out with no shoes because she hid them in the garage and it would be too loud to open the door. I make it out and I'm thinking im home free and I'll just call my mom and she'll come get me. As I am pulling out my phone walking down her street I see my moms car. I walk over to her car and get in. She literally called her mom two seconds before I got in the car to tell her the whole situation. She drove me back to her house and we all sat down and had a talk.

Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: happenstance on March 19, 2012, 11:52:59 AM
I thought of more:

My friend was at the chalk board with the teacher in Junior year of high school. I threw a pencil at my friend, missed and it came within a centimeter of my teachers head. They both turn around and my jaw is just dropped in shock. No way to cover up I did it, she just knew. She of course has me stay after class and was thinking of what to do. I somehow talked her out of doing anything.

In 7th grade I sprayed my friend's cologne on this girl I had a crush on (because you bully the girls you like at that age, ha!). She broke out in a rash and pretty much hated me until Sophomore year. Blew it with her.

Ran from a cop at gun point while smoking weed Junior year. He let everyone off and I was the subject of a city-wide manhunt in Irvine (the cops are pretty bored there). I was chased at least 6 different times during the day. Jumped through so many backyards to hide, got chased by dogs and people. Actually made it home but the cops were already there when I showed up. Turns out all my friends played dumb as to who I was but one said "I don't know him but that is his car". Moron!

Used to smoke weed on my high school campus all the time.

Again, high school, took 4 vicadin one time and forgot. Smoked a bunch of weed (with Krystal Steal before she began her porn career 8)) after and pretty much felt like I was going to die. Turned ghost white, had some mild tremors and saw colors. It was scary.

I mentioned I drove drunk but one time was especially bad... In high school again... I drank 6 pitchers of beer. My house was 6 blocks away. I get in my car, close the door, immediately open the door and puke a pile of beer foam 2 feet across on the pavement. Close the door and proceed to projectile vomit, exorcist style, more vomit than I have ever seen in my life in my car. Had to be over a gallon.

I was such a fuck-up until college. Made a lot of sense though because my home life was about as fucked up as it can get. Besides all the brain-cells I lost in the process, I think it worked to my benefit. I got all the partying out of my system and when I went to college I was super focused. Got straight A's at Berkeley. I feel like I could go on forever in this thread.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: woodsman on March 19, 2012, 12:24:54 PM
I threw a brick at some guys head in the middle of some stupid brawl. Thank god the kid ducked it. Had I smashed his face in like I planned I would probably still be in prison
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: ontheswarm on March 19, 2012, 12:32:21 PM
I remembered some more.

Took loratabs for my first time after eating pf changs. Felt so good but then proceeded to projectile vomit all over my friend's driveway when I dropped him off. Next day went to school after smoking a blunt. Vision started to go black started sweating and feeling cold. I got up to ask the teacher to go to the bathroom but at this point my vision was completely black so I was guessing where the door was. All of sudden I lost my balance and fell back as my teacher caught me by my arms (She could tell there was something wrong). They called someone to bring me a wheelchair. As I was getting into the wheel chair I vomited into the trash can. All my classmates were watching. I was then wheeled to the nurses office and sat there till my mom picked me up. I was fine after all that and went skating later that day.

Puffing my shoes back in the day with other tounges of shoes. I had the all black ellington 1s and I cut the straps of the tounge so they were super fat. The same day my friends dad gave me this walmart type skateboard but it was actually a decent shape just the wood was really weird. I went to this 7 stair that everyone skated to try 360 flip. I was warming up on kickflip when i fractured my ankle. It hasn't been the same since.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Dominic Hynard on March 19, 2012, 02:36:21 PM
Making out with a goth/emo chick. She got really attached to me and clingy. So i broke up with her. Then she started self-harming. Now i see it as my fault...
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've DoneGhh
Post by: oneshovel on March 19, 2012, 03:30:14 PM
Didn't wrap it up the first time I got buns.  Or the next few times after that.
Stole hubcaps from a junkyard for some choch.
Found roommates on kijiji.
Slashed my friend's tire because he was being a dick.
Leaned in to kiss my dreamgirl and accidentally farted.  We haven't spoken since.
And much, much more.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Amish Rifle on March 19, 2012, 04:47:57 PM
i'd drive for miles to get home drunk only to wake up once i arrived.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've DoneGhh
Post by: gutterhead. on March 19, 2012, 10:30:15 PM
Didn't wrap it up the first time I got buns.  Or the next few times after that.
Stole hubcaps from a junkyard for some choch.
Found roommates on kijiji.
Slashed my friend's tire because he was being a dick.
Leaned in to kiss my dreamgirl and accidentally farted.  We haven't spoken since.
And much, much more.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: realitycontrol on March 19, 2012, 11:03:34 PM
selling narcotics

driving drunk

beating the shit out of people

really lucky to be alive and with a clean record
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Lordata on March 19, 2012, 11:12:43 PM
Another stupid hill bomb story.

I'd just gotten a zipzinger type cruiser board. I decided to skate to a hill over a mile from my house on it. I'd bombed the hill before and my normal deck and never got going too fast. This time as I climbed up the hill I noticed a bunch of gravel on one of the corners, but I could push uphill through it fine so I thought it was no big deal. I was never more wrong in my life. I'm get to the top and start bombing down, turning and carving a little but not doing much to slow down. Then I realize I'm going a lot faster than the last time I bombed it. I get to the corner with the gravel and realize I'm fucked. I try running it out instead of dragging my foot for some reason. Get about two steps and I'm sliding on my left side, shoulder, palms, and knees bloody as hell. Slid for a good ten feet, ripped a brand new shirt to shreds, and tore through my jeans into my knee. Remember this hill is over a mile from my house, so I have to skate home, bleeding everywhere. It's also slightly uphill on the way back so it takes a long time.
Once I get close to home I pass a teacher one the path and wave, my hand super bloody. I get home and my dad gives me some gauze bandages. It takes about two weeks for most of my wounds to heal. My knee was stiff for about 4 weeks just because the scar tissue was on the joint. I still have visible scars on my hands. My shoulder has two round scars that stick out about a quarter of an inch still. It's been over two and a half years time.
Haven't been back to that hill with a skateboard since.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 20, 2012, 12:14:37 AM
yeah man, hills leave lasting marks. At least you weren't on your way somewhere. Its odd to explain to people why your clothes are shredded and you are bleeding.
Title: Re: Stupid Shit You've Done
Post by: Omamori on March 20, 2012, 05:47:54 PM
Ate 10 mustard packets for money. I could taste and smell mustard for 2 days.

Turn down girls that liked me because I was young and stupid.

Didn't stop at a stop sign because I was day dreaming and that intersection just had to have a car (unlike the 3 others before). Now my insurance is high and has hardly gone down.