Slap MessageBoards

General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: heckler on December 27, 2015, 11:33:22 AM

Title: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: heckler on December 27, 2015, 11:33:22 AM
This is a thread to commemorate the more memorable antics, hijinks, and stories that have occurred on the boards over the past decade and change. I'll start with the first two that come to mind.

Jamie Thomas cancels a Mystery premiere that poster Carlton/Diego Menendez attends. Carlton posts a "FUCK JAMIE THOMAS" thread, describing the situation for all to see, and Jamie Thomas offers to pick Carlton up at a gas station and give him a ride to the next demo. He obliges, buys a bag of chips on the Chief's dime, and doesn't say a single word.

During the height of Fully Flared mania, poster Marty wrote "Slap Message Boards Rules" on his balls in sharpie to get a link to the video.

Anyone else who's been here for a minute, feel free to add.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: pencil on December 27, 2015, 11:56:11 AM
rockadio420 was a legend in his own right
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: iKobrakai on December 27, 2015, 12:05:37 PM
Too many to mention but iŽll try:

Kyle Robinsons meltdown and threaths to Little Fucky. Included live updates of criminal behaviour and endless insane/inane walls of low quality text.

Shetlers rant of how much Suskie needed a shoe. The guy has no basic knowledge of supply/demand.

Pretty much anything Jamie Thomas. I have to say, Jamie did a pretty good job in some threads.

That sponsor me site had some awesome jems.

The very painful Ryan Kenrich thread. I dont want to read it again.

White Rawbs early threads.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: vegan*shawn on December 27, 2015, 12:19:52 PM
nothing ever happens here
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: augustmoon on December 27, 2015, 12:24:40 PM
Brooklyn Brawler was a god amongst men

until someone outed him
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: chuck d on December 27, 2015, 12:32:53 PM
I remember Beans was supposed to meet someone irl to fight, maybe ymhy, I can't remember, but it was at the same time that Knox Godoy was drawing stick figures and someone said he should watch the fight and report back to Slap with a stick figure transcription of it and for some reason I still remember that.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Noble Experiment on December 27, 2015, 12:37:13 PM
When Newton 2.0 got exposed.... That was pretty damn entertaining.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Nosferatu on December 27, 2015, 12:55:27 PM,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?board=10.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?board=10.0)
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on December 27, 2015, 01:01:08 PM
Jamie Thomas cancels a Mystery premiere that poster Carlton/Diego Menendez attends. Carlton posts a "FUCK JAMIE THOMAS" thread.
I tried to find that thread and came across this one entitled Joe Castrucci: WORSE than Jamie, which was fun reading since I haven't been posting here that long. Castrucci and Jamie Thomas commenting in the same thread:,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=12622.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=12622.0)

The relationship between Silas and Habitat must've been really rocky despite his talent. Maybe it still is.

Also liked this quote:
I always thought it was weird that the company is about Aliens and conspiracies and the dudes name who started it is Chris Carter, while around the same time, another guy named Chris Carter created The X-Files which is about aliens and conspiracies.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Tracer on December 27, 2015, 06:54:49 PM
GAY has posted some absolute gold. When he questioned why people post anonymously he said something like "you could do a quick Google search and find me smoking a meth pipe and taking a dildo in the ass"

That wasn't accurate but it made me lol. Rusty always made awesome videos followed by supremely bizarre text. Jamie Thomas stuff sounded hilarious, I could see why he doesn't post here anymore.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: paraquat on December 27, 2015, 07:01:39 PM
Ted DeGross explaining why he left professional skateboarding.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Prison Wallet on December 27, 2015, 07:45:03 PM
Where to start... Vikki sexcapade was bonkers and was the beginning of the end for BB. SB threatening to expose Slap Posters IRL if the celebrity center account didn't stop posting. Slap backed down and deleted the account. Sanchez bragging about cheating with is wife while he was still married. I feel like if someone did a thorough retrospective of highlights it'd be coffee table skatebook worthy.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: 7 year old on December 27, 2015, 08:23:07 PM
tit flick
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Jake From State Farm on December 27, 2015, 09:08:50 PM
Anthony Shetler.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: nylin on December 27, 2015, 09:28:39 PM
COTG and Jeremy tranny bet where COTG claimed he would be better at skating tranny than Jeremy after 1 year. After a year COTG could barely back disaster and I think Jeremy came up 100 bucks.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: iKobrakai on December 28, 2015, 03:24:57 AM
Where to start... Vikki sexcapade was bonkers and was the beginning of the end for BB. SB threatening to expose Slap Posters IRL if the celebrity center account didn't stop posting. Slap backed down and deleted the account. Sanchez bragging about cheating with is wife while he was still married. I feel like if someone did a thorough retrospective of highlights it'd be coffee table skatebook worthy.

Expose us? Who cares? Not like we have friends or employers.

Back to the topic:

COTG interview and his endless faggot/fag insults and love for P-Rod.

Passionate fights between Gipper and half of this board.

Irish Cop could really start some shit at times.

DaSK8DOODs wise investments into his album that yielded just below a thousand clicks on Myspace or Youtube.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: perverted super otaku! on December 28, 2015, 05:33:55 AM
I second the Ted Degros vent about how lame the photosynthesis era crew actually was

Also that sk8dood post "What happend to the cammraderie", was fuckin weird

edit: Here it is, he only made one post under the name Oggopogo
"Let me help clear this up. this is my de-virginizing post, so if you think you've seen me on here before , you haven't, and hi Dallas, don't ask me what facebook does, it's buggy and deletes who it wants, you're always cool in my book. anyways.....

I "disappeared" because I didn't want to do the whole slow painful death spiral that most people do. You know how you see someone going from riding for DC, then to say......Osiris (no offense, but a step down in my book) then Recs (if you remember them) and eventually everybody starts their own company, and they're like "hey guys!!!! this is going to be great!!!!. It's going to be me and 5 other washed up dudes (no offense to some of my old friends who are still in denial) acting like we're still on the upswing!!, it's gonna be huge!!". but it never is. I've seen dozens of these last ditch efforts come and go and it's not for me. If I'm going to bust my ass for something, I'm going to get rewarded for it.

okay...let's clear up some stuff. I think I asked Zasflasky, not Russ to look into City, not Think for me. I've always liked City, they're not in the big leagues like the other guys, but they're a cool company full of young energetic underdogs.

listen to the mosaic commentary again. Tim calls me weird at first, then corrects himself, and says I'm not weird, I'm just so normal that its weird. I don't think any of the Alien/Habitat guys from the Mosaic tour (where I first met Tim) were used to someone who just wanted to live quietly and had a kind of "serious" attitude. like a "normie", not your typical skate misfit type. most people who knew me know that I've gotten into plenty of bad things in my life, but I kept it separate from skating.

 That tour was horrible. I was so excited to be on tour with my idols and all the guys I wanted to be on a team with and build something great. I had no idea everyone there would be so jaded, negative and catty. it was weird. totally soul crushing for a bright eyed young kid from canada. I cannot tell you how many times the guys would storm into the hotel room with hookers and whatever drugs.booze they could get their hands on. fuck those guys. Danny Renaud is a great skater with excellent style and a lot of flair, but what a jerk. Tim O is sweet and sour, not just the sweet he puts out there all the time. Heath Kirchart was cool.

Coldplay was Kurt fillipone's Idea. I wanted "the lights go down" by ELO, but he was pushy and I got what his vision was. I like Kurt. still do. I can live with that on my record.

Earl the Pearl guessed the closest. Borderlands 2 is awesome. I'm not over skating though, Its more of a social thing for me though, and all the skate homies are in vancouver/vic and phoenix.

don't know what happened with any girl/lakai stuff. I probably came off overeager and presumptuous. I could see that, I just loved those guys though. oh well. I should have just gone over to some teams I could have gone on trips with. anyways......

that pretty much covers it. I live in the Richmond hills in the Bay Area. I can hear cows from my house. I start work at 630 most days. Iam a "tree climber". I have an embarrassing link I'll post. (

comeback is doubtful, but I still like to skate."
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: castillo's curls on December 28, 2015, 07:45:28 AM
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: brent on December 28, 2015, 07:59:33 AM
David L. Lumpkins and his quest for videos. I can't remember the video though... It wasn't a real skate video though, it was something like The Life of Ryan.... Help me out guys.
it was the nbc show Sk8
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: SodaJerk on December 28, 2015, 08:50:08 AM
Not many people noticed, but The Situation came through Manny Mania in NYC and killed it...

Greasy boardslide on the flat rail...

The Situation reps Jersey hard...

Getting in a (balanced?) nose manny before the shenanigans and rain set in.

The Situation couldn't believe the amount of shit Darren was talking to lil' Stevie...

Mike stays true to his meathead roots and jumps in, even when it's not necessary


Looks like Berra may have a guest role on the Shore...
After the shenanigans at Manny Mania, The Situation headed over to Pop's woodshop.

I don't think Pops was feeling the unannounced visit...

Pops wanted to work, The Situation had other things on his mind...

The Situation quickly grew tiresome of Anthony's bench crafting, and proceeded to subtly express his feelings towards his work.

After coaxing Pops out of his woodshop and into the streets, a good session was had by all...

It looks like The Situation is upping the insanity with J-Rog...








Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: perverted super otaku! on December 28, 2015, 08:55:11 AM
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: ill_Murray on December 28, 2015, 08:59:13 AM


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Did a pretty good caveman darkslide if I don't say so myself, the BMXers at the skatepark sure liked it.

Also, made this note to go in my camera bag.

Everything about that note is fucking amazing. 
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: GAY on December 28, 2015, 09:47:11 AM
I miss Inbred Jed and RockADIO.

I've gone from a Tracer hater to lover.

Rusty was wonderful.

Sk8Dood focusing over and over, smiling all the while.

Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Alan on December 28, 2015, 01:19:24 PM

Hahahaha!!! Thanks for the reminder, that was easily a HoF episode.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: doomstation55 on December 28, 2015, 01:36:31 PM
I think it was the tinder or confessions thread, but somebody had a very long post about hooking up with a ladyboy on more than one occasion. I know that shark tits will remember who posted it and where to find it.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: pencil on December 28, 2015, 02:40:27 PM
I think it was the tinder or confessions thread, but somebody had a very long post about hooking up with a ladyboy on more than one occasion. I know that shark tits will remember who posted it and where to find it.

hahahaha that was hilarious i think it was an akward sexual encounters thread
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: shit_for_brains on December 28, 2015, 03:14:03 PM
That ladyboy story was an emotional rollercoaster.

RockADIO was and always will be my favorite poster ever. Why did he have to focus? Why couldn't he just slow the posts to a trickle and then stop altogether? It was like Robin Williams killing himself.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: nice_guy_2 on December 28, 2015, 03:20:44 PM
best slap poster of all time ALEXACTLY
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: childhood on December 28, 2015, 03:37:23 PM
best slap poster of all time ALEXACTLY

ha I just posted almost the exact same thing in the best/worst posters thread.

BB's unveiling was shocking at the time, but even after that he seemed pretty cool most of the time, although he could be pretty petty sometimes. I remember being jealous of that spoon cd dill signed.

Best I can think of right now is ATM doing austin Stephens opening line, slap getting a girl to break up with him over shit he said on here (anyone else remember this? It was during MySpace days), sheffledge threatening to rape someone's mom, and "fuck slap, nuke the earth".
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Baron Samedi on December 28, 2015, 04:08:15 PM
Sk8d00d/Strike a Pose feud which ended up including a "freestyle battle", multiple thread hijackings, and the subsequent focusing of both posters

The Twitch/Grim fiasco

Pappalardo on Nike photoshop thread

Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Alan on December 28, 2015, 04:12:13 PM
Remind me about the Twitch/Grim thing, please?
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Baron Samedi on December 28, 2015, 04:14:07 PM
Remind me about the Twitch/Grim thing, please?,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=24465.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=24465.0)
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Coconut Lotion on December 28, 2015, 04:35:37 PM
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Remind me about the Twitch/Grim thing, please?
[close],com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=24465.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=24465.0)

Read the whole thread. Shit really went down around here a few years ago, huh
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: slappies on December 28, 2015, 05:14:11 PM
Fuck, I can't remember their name for the life of me ,but there was that guy that Photoshopped everyone's faces into gay porn and a pile of shit. He started that weird alternate message board where I think only he posted, does anyone have a link to that anymore?
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Alan on December 28, 2015, 05:49:46 PM
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Remind me about the Twitch/Grim thing, please?
[close],com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=24465.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=24465.0)

Ha, I don't remember this at all...

Slappies, I think you're thinking of Perfection.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: kilgore. on December 28, 2015, 06:05:52 PM
damn...the good ol' days
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: paraquat on December 28, 2015, 06:11:55 PM
Fuck, I can't remember their name for the life of me ,but there was that guy that Photoshopped everyone's faces into gay porn and a pile of shit. He started that weird alternate message board where I think only he posted, does anyone have a link to that anymore?
Perfect Cock.

Also, FUCK GINO and POPS had some quality stuff. I think he made shirts that said "Fuck pops and his stupid benches"
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Joust Ostrich on December 28, 2015, 06:38:38 PM (
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: realitycontrol on December 29, 2015, 12:09:22 AM
Mizzark and Hillary
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 29, 2015, 02:05:04 AM
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: ttching! on December 29, 2015, 06:24:27 AM
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"36, still got tricks.'

Every time he posts I laugh because his sig is a screenshot of Kareem Campbell accepting his Facebook friend request like it's a badge of honor.

Best birthday present ever (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=68039.msg1849879#msg1849879)
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: heckler on December 29, 2015, 07:47:38 AM
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Fuck, I can't remember their name for the life of me ,but there was that guy that Photoshopped everyone's faces into gay porn and a pile of shit. He started that weird alternate message board where I think only he posted, does anyone have a link to that anymore?
Perfect Cock.

Also, FUCK GINO and POPS had some quality stuff. I think he made shirts that said "Fuck pops and his stupid benches"
Greg Lutzka never ended up on Element, did he ever send those shirts out or did he back down?
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: GOKU on December 29, 2015, 08:05:33 AM
tonycoxhox was pretty great, very poetic.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: perverted super otaku! on December 29, 2015, 08:14:40 AM
Hipster Runoff's scumbug diss post was great, also dissed DGKalis backing/defending him,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=73131.msg1998447#msg1998447 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=73131.msg1998447#msg1998447)

edit: Actually Hipster Runoff might be the best poster ever
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: pancake man on December 29, 2015, 08:50:33 AM
The DefiantNate photoshop thread and Chris Hansen/ Vov battle thread were legendary
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: happenstance on December 29, 2015, 10:08:58 AM
Come back to us rainbow_equality.

this forums is many mean times to users... i seen that lots of u make insult to every sk8r on website this,, i haev a story that u shud have hearing

that girl you called a slut in class today...she is pussy broke. the boy you called lame...he can do a hamstand. ... that girl you pushed down the other day...she dead ,,. that girl you called fat..she dad is fedding her icecream 2nite. the old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars... he is a gost.. the boy you made fun of for crying...he was cut onion.. think you know them. guess what? you don't!

so please think about what you say and done in online an in neighberhood (in real life). thx.

helo pals of slap i have,, so muhc joy that sum u have been able to make think of how words that u say on th., internet can happiness murder people.

i was sad when i see that pal of slap here is pussy broken,, i not of pussy broken  but i use for example 2 show u al differnt people can be injury from h8tred....

i fell pain in ventircl of heart 4 mr dixxom,, becaus we know he has many talented but the america crack cocaine drug make him sick badly so he lose the best end from talented.. it is shame drugs have this affect on many sk8r like mr dixom, mr gatour and mr nyjah. houstone to mak them los it all an then we neva get 2,, enjoy they footages ever again.

i hop u get beta from drug sick in short times mr dixom if u have been read this

i thinking of the being attitude of thread is dissatisfactory,, as sk8brdr us must always have remember that the tricks is of art..,

much like the life most human. tricks is all having different, but these different make for sk8 to be excite!!if not for having different then sk8 would be too bored, happen the same if all human not have the different. example be in my land i like to eat chinese food,, but it not people food of my country! for reason i thinking that all sk8brdr need like all sk8 beautifuls trick
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: chuck d on December 29, 2015, 10:35:15 AM
Sluggo mailing Red Dragons VHS tapes
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: SodaJerk on December 29, 2015, 12:27:03 PM
Hipster Runoff's scumbug diss post was great, also dissed DGKalis backing/defending him,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=73131.msg1998447#msg1998447 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=73131.msg1998447#msg1998447)

edit: Actually Hipster Runoff might be the best poster ever
You're trippin'. Hipster Runoff sucks.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Kickflop on December 29, 2015, 12:47:01 PM
"thats our Sweeney!" (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=30350.0)
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: ice nine on December 29, 2015, 02:58:28 PM
Sluggo mailing Red Dragons VHS tapes
also robyn at vans sending out cardiel epicly later'd was really nice. jamie thomas also met BB and had beers with him.

on a more personal note when bantam let mikefork use his admin/mod account and mikefork used it to take over my 'stagefright' account along with stabmaster arsons '89-90 pistons' account. he changed the passwords and  posted a bunch of garbage and not even grimcity could figure out what was going on for a while.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Joust Ostrich on December 29, 2015, 04:52:23 PM
This just showed up on FB.  Coincidence?  Nope. (
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Willie on December 30, 2015, 07:33:11 AM
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"36, still got tricks.'

Every time he posts I laugh because his sig is a screenshot of Kareem Campbell accepting his Facebook friend request like it's a badge of honor.

Best birthday present ever (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=68039.msg1849879#msg1849879)

That was awesome. Wasn't he full of pick up artistry advice too?
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: slappies on December 30, 2015, 07:45:34 AM
All of Vov, this one in particular though.

 "No holds barred, til labias say "free us"
then its straight to your kids' school, wine coolers in the Prius"

I still think about that line on a regular basis.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: @thewilleasley on December 30, 2015, 12:05:41 PM
Sk8d00d/Strike a Pose feud which ended up including a "freestyle battle", multiple thread hijackings, and the subsequent focusing of both posters

As long as they still remember me when I'm gone then all the fuckery was worth it (
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: layzieyez on December 30, 2015, 12:17:33 PM
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"36, still got tricks.'

Every time he posts I laugh because his sig is a screenshot of Kareem Campbell accepting his Facebook friend request like it's a badge of honor.

Best birthday present ever (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=68039.msg1849879#msg1849879)

That was awesome. Wasn't he full of pick up artistry advice too?
What about his clothing label? DT LA or some shit.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: iwishilivedinfinla on December 30, 2015, 08:54:43 PM
Sheffledge is, and will always be my favorite poster.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: StabMasterArson on December 30, 2015, 10:36:40 PM
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Sluggo mailing Red Dragons VHS tapes
also robyn at vans sending out cardiel epicly later'd was really nice. jamie thomas also met BB and had beers with him.

on a more personal note when bantam let mikefork use his admin/mod account and mikefork used it to take over my 'stagefright' account along with stabmaster arsons '89-90 pistons' account. he changed the passwords and  posted a bunch of garbage and not even grimcity could figure out what was going on for a while.

That was so fucked up, I had no idea what was going on. I couldn't even log into that account, so how could anyone else?

The exact details are a bit fuzzy, but does anyone remember when that dude posted photos of his mom or someone close to him covered in cum by a dude that looked like duke nukem?
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: nylin on December 30, 2015, 10:39:18 PM
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Sluggo mailing Red Dragons VHS tapes
also robyn at vans sending out cardiel epicly later'd was really nice. jamie thomas also met BB and had beers with him.

on a more personal note when bantam let mikefork use his admin/mod account and mikefork used it to take over my 'stagefright' account along with stabmaster arsons '89-90 pistons' account. he changed the passwords and  posted a bunch of garbage and not even grimcity could figure out what was going on for a while.

That was so fucked up, I had no idea what was going on. I couldn't even log into that account, so how could anyone else?

The exact details are a bit fuzzy, but does anyone remember when that dude posted photos of his mom or someone close to him covered in cum by a dude that looked like duke nukem?

Dude!! I've been trying to find that thread for the past few years. I remember the kid was like 15 and said he didn't mind showing the photos and said he would share them with his friends.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: hufs calve muscles on December 30, 2015, 11:26:37 PM
Some of the funniest things I have ever seen, anywhere, have been the photoshops. Too many to name.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: on December 30, 2015, 11:34:39 PM
Some of the more recent ones were Rusty's board mods and that rolling ramp or manual pad.....
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: bort. on December 31, 2015, 02:10:19 PM
Rawbertsons slap rap (

RAWB in general really, starting with this thread,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=18815.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=18815.0)
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Bobby Peru on January 06, 2016, 06:03:27 PM
During the height of Fully Flared mania, poster Marty wrote "Slap Message Boards Rules" on his balls in sharpie to get a link to the video.

...and it wasn't even the real link. That was probably my favorite moment in SLAP history.

I forgot about Duke Nukem. That was unbelievable.

I really liked it when Jamie Thomas found out that Dan Murphy left Mystery for Foundation via SLAP.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Bobby Peru on January 06, 2016, 06:13:43 PM
Kyle Robinson threatening Jamie Tancowny via SLAP while standing outside his window was also pretty amazing.,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=55975.0 (,com_jfusion/Itemid,4/index.php?topic=55975.0)
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Alan on January 06, 2016, 08:26:06 PM
Damn, sven thorkel! I forgot about that dude.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: slappies on January 07, 2016, 09:57:40 AM
Does anyone have a working link to either of the previous Slap Pals videos? I had them on an old hard-drive somewhere but I have no idea where unfortunately.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: ill_Murray on January 07, 2016, 11:19:36 AM
Some people really wanted the link to Plan B True



Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: ttching! on January 07, 2016, 11:45:18 AM
I want Busey to share the collection of Dwayne Johnson haiku's sent to him for Pretty Sweet links

The smell of cooking rock
Scorpion kingdoms of sand
Hurricanes football
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Kickflop on January 07, 2016, 05:42:48 PM
Does anyone have a working link to either of the previous Slap Pals videos? I had them on an old hard-drive somewhere but I have no idea where unfortunately.

#2: (

Sadly can't find the first so I'd also appreciate it if anyone could post.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: bentmode on January 08, 2016, 06:28:04 AM
what a shame. latern pole was an all timer.
Title: Re: The Slap Messageboard Hall of Fame
Post by: Alan on January 08, 2016, 07:47:37 AM
Lantern Pole (