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Shoes & Gear / Re: Spitfire formula four
« Last post by Frank and Fred on Today at 03:59:59 PM »
I've gone from classics to lock in fulls and while it certainly affects the way your board flips, I don't think a change in wheel shape (and not size) should make your flip tricks disappear.

I thought the same but it certainly fucks with me. When I go back to more rounded wheels Radials/ Classics my flips tricks come back. But I suck...
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: David Gonzalez #gonzvibes Thread
« Last post by toe_knee on Today at 03:59:44 PM »
Can any pals that held onto their hair for way too long explain the emotions that arise when you finally let it go?

Got you, had a great head of hair up until my son was born, the stress of that and my first relationship falling apart def lead to some early baldness, I first went with the close cut for a year or so and have since been bic’ing it going on about 6 years now, it was the most liberating feeling ever, I’ll never look back
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I was at a park in Colorado Springs and a kid casually strolls up with a rifle on him and asks me for a cig. I don’t smoke and told him that and got the fuck out of there. Keep your bullshit out of the park there’s kids there. Plus I was just getting warmed up and it was going to be a good session. One of the ledges there had rebar for the grind surface and it gave nice sounds when skating it. Dude was all dressed up in army gear too.

Side note what were those blue trucks in the vid???
Can't remember the name but pretty sure Duncombe rode for them. Could it be Turk?

close, it was TORK TRUX

Vallely rode for Tork for a minute if my recollect is correct.
Maybe still does?
He had Svitak on those things for a minute as well, thanks, no doubt, to their association through street plant scrapebloards.
Funny looking things, those Tork trux are.
Named after that one guy from The Monkies?!
Shoes & Gear / Re: Post UPCOMING/RECENT shoe releases thread
« Last post by iw0 on Today at 03:58:34 PM »
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Oh duh.   Still seems weird

sometimes color names really give weed strain names a run for their money
MUSIC / Re: Post your own music...
« Last post by tony volume on Today at 03:58:06 PM »
My latest album, and I just got on another Container Ship so I will be making some new music on here.

The Album is named the way it is because of a news story that was talking about Truth Social having terrible Advertising selling “Antiwoke Sleeping Pills” and then I added Cyanide in Japanese (a chunk of my songs were made between Yokohama, Naha, and heading to  Busan, South Korea)
Put your tinfoil hats on for this one: Last Resort AB is secretly Converse/Nike. Or at least funded by them.

Think about it man, Alv, Rios, Stenström, Brady, Grund, Decker, Loreth has worn Nikes in the past, they're practically shoving it in our faces.

I still have my Air Trainer 1's. I got rid of the Jack Purcell collab that they did. Did Nike/Converse fumble their deal with Polar? I always wonder.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination"
« Last post by jorge on Today at 03:54:01 PM »
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Friendly reminder that there are still no skateboards with the words “Nick Matthews” on it.

Friendly reminder there are still no women on the 18.
There are almost no gay pros on any other team either so I mean 🤷‍♂️
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Being worked on right now. Been working on it almost every day. Some of my fitness have got to skate it looks pretty fun

Is Allen Russell a part of the build?

Nope. Jud is the only builder I've heard of being on the project. Thrasher has been there too.
Jud is in town!
Shoes & Gear / Re: Slappy trucks (Mike Sinclair's new brand)
« Last post by toe_knee on Today at 03:53:50 PM »
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Damnit I feel the needle moving…. I’m gonna end up with some slappy lows, hopefully with some 52s I won’t wheelbite too crazy

Is that the ideal slappy (trick not truck) wheel size?

lol I don’t really do slappys…. I learned them frontside and that’s about it, I skate a lot of flat, ledges and manny pads, haven’t really felt the itch to spend an afternoon in a parking lot with a curb, but tastes change and it does seem like fun, I prefer low trucks, have been on ace lows with hard bushings, the metal is softer and I’m not a fan of the way they grind, it’s always a chore to push something further, and everyone says that these are made with a harder metal and they grind better also I’ve always wanted a pair of ikp trucks so these may finally push me over to the dark side

It's a long wait until the slappy lows fall release tho. =(

As for, I don't know maybe with some harder bushings or if you ride super tight. Sub 50mm trucks usually need equivilent or smaller sized wheels. The ACE lows with hard bushings and 50mm wheels were on point for that style of setup tho....just always felt I was defeating the purpose of getting ACEs at that point...weird that ACE low, Slappy low, Forged Mindy...ML...all similar style trucks provide the lowest options yet they're the turniest trucks but Venture lo are becoming extinct and only 147s are in the 'low' space.

Yea it’s a bad time to be a low rider
« Last post by thehogsniper on Today at 03:49:26 PM »
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For those thinking they could see them not fucking with Ben k anymore...letting the man put on his own shows with vans money


That's pretty sick actually, Toxic State is the best current punk-label (and have been forever...).
Punk rock sponsored by… Vans! So punk rock

Yes..none of us ever went to the warped tour or listened to bands that were on it...Wait..
I have absolutely no memory of any specific band on warped tour.
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