...I think the stand up ones are harder to reel in any day.
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a fat ass ollie melanchollie to fakie boned out like hensley
I like 'em better on concrete, you don't have to ollie as much.
You gonna post some pics?
oh fukkks yeah dude
thats what the fukkk im talkin bout
a skateboard messageboard moderator that not only actually skates
but rips
stellar shit
i was gonna call bullshit on you being a mod
i wasnt hating, i just wasnt so sure
i woulda pikkked sleazy
until i went to the ceo site
almost got a negro riled up and ready to bust caps on the industry
then i remembered
that i havent bought a board in yrs
its like all that shit doesnt pertain to me (in a way)
ive been skateboarding for so long and went through so many stages in skateboarding that
whose making what boards, outta what what wood, wherever
and how much pros get paid and how skating is being exploited by big money
is really some shit i could care less about
im still not used to skating even being popular
as long as i can get a board
none of that shit matters
im off the radar anyways
im not even considered when companies think of who they can persuade to buy thier product
im a NEGRO
their too busy trying to make me wanna be a rap star or ball player, smoke newports, or spread hiv to my sista
oh yeah
this is about the feebs
the second one is bangin