Had 4 days on snow, top of the highest Hakuba resorts open.
Been doing this for years, and thought I had all the decent jumps figured out but then at the end of the first day spied a ok-sized gap I never noticed before.
It’s not really doable later on in the year for a bunch of reasons, and figured out the speed and did it. Powder landing and perfect transition.
Had a photo shoot for the company I work with a couple days later and went back, did it again, super nice but the landing was getting chopped.
Second go at it, brought the other instructors there to try it, my boss shows up as well as the manager of the hill, and I fucking blow it, haha.
Popped a bit too hard, went forward, and did a full double tomahawk.
At 48, I was worrried mid-rag doll the this would be a season ended, but fuck me, the mediocre work I did at the gym paid off and I walked away without even a sore neck.
Exercise and stretching works.