Author Topic: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?  (Read 12166 times)

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Dante Bichette

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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #90 on: August 20, 2020, 06:29:05 PM »
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Pretty sure tranny has been slang for transition for longer than whatever fucking PC bullshit you guys are smoking.

It hasn't. The word tranny used in a derogatory way originated around the 60s.

But when were transmissions invented?
Tranny is short for transmission at least 10 times more often than it is for transition. It is very very very commonly used.  And has been for a long time.  And a lot of the people who use it commonly aren’t the type to call a trans person a “tranny” but more likely a “fag” or “queer” or some other colloquial insult.
Not a defense, but a word that can quite commonly be given a pass as it started as an abbreviation for a very common part of any machine with a motor which requires changing gears or speeds.  It’s not like saying “frick” instead of “fuck,” which means the same sentiment.  When you tell someone that “tranny fluid is probably required in this transmission, hence the dipstick” you are not calling it that because transmissions are for weaker humans because real men only ride fixed gear mountain bikes, so all gearing designed to facilitate changes in load blah blah blah is a “tranny” because they are men who should wear dresses, you’re calling it that because “tranny” is quicker and a time honored short version of transmission.

Never once have I heard a single person in real life refer to a transmission as a tranny. Why not just call it a trans? It's one syllable.

Just because you can’t change a tire or tell me what kind of brakes you have doesn’t mean there aren’t people with years of experience who will create a jargon or lingo based around that shared experience. They don’t know what a “brony” is but that doesn’t mean you and your friends don’t have fun at the conventions.

When did I say that there weren't? I just said I've never heard it before.

Can someone explain in Fortnite terms?


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #91 on: August 20, 2020, 06:31:16 PM »

BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.

Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #92 on: August 20, 2020, 06:42:00 PM »
Chink chink is a whack name and really a whack trick anyways but these things have been known by these names and abbreviated names for a long time.  Is it really time now to change everything we know to have any sort of offensive connotation?  Personally I think intent is the main thing that bums people out, but just to be clear I’m just throwing this out there.  I’m neither for nor against the questionable terminology of skateboarding, I simply like a good frontside grind and that keeps me coming back.

Good questions, thanks for being respectful. I just think our universal lexicon has the ability to evolve and change over time to escape the historical association of said words and their prior bigoted attributions. Glad you brought up intent because that is the reason why I do not universally condemn every person who chooses to use tranny when referring to transition. To say that I would would be extremely disingenuous.

My opinion is that things equal things, on some transitive property type of shit. But it is also true that context/intent is the variable that unbalances the equation, and therefore you cannot have a black and white answer for this topic. But here is the reason why I stand where I stand on this topic, if we have the opportunity to do better towards others, why not take that opportunity?

I like making people more welcome to the community rather than unwelcome. Trans folk are taking up skating on a monumental scale right now. So if they are beginners and go to the park alone and are unaware that people refer to transition as "tranny" then I got to imagine that is an offputting way to introduce them to the culture. The context for them could indicate that they interpreted it as a slur more than anything. But it's all different because everyone's different.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #93 on: August 20, 2020, 07:04:59 PM »
I think responsible language is a net positive but I do agree that it’s hard and may sometimes seem arbitrary. (Eg at work they want us to stop saying “sync” is it may appear ableist to those with autism?).

To be completely honest, I find it hard to imagine a scenario where someone using “tranny” in a skate-related context  can be misconstrued. I know enough not to use the term within earshot of anyone transgendered  (fairly rare at skateparks but becoming more common). I also find it hard to believe any of the transgendered people I’ve met would get offended by those words in that context - especially given the amount of shit they unfortunately deal with. I think  we should give their resolve more credit.

 Of course, minimizing exposure to the word is a net benefit, but it’s worth discussing. I don’t think it’s fair to judge someone as bigoted if they unknowingly use diction not up to twitter’s current standards, and that’s a vibe I get from some users.

How do people feel about the term bastard? Genuinely curious why that hasn’t reached the topic of responsible dialect, especially as it is a prominent term among those who care about such things (eg acab) and applies to a large set of people by means outside their control.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #94 on: August 20, 2020, 07:42:51 PM »

How do people feel about the term bastard? Genuinely curious why that hasn’t reached the topic of responsible dialect, especially as it is a prominent term among those who care about such things (eg acab) and applies to a large set of people by means outside their control.

Hadn't thought of that one but good point.

What about the use of "negro" in things like beer names?

You know what else is nuts? In Nova Scotia there used to be a warehouse for a bearing company in Truro, right by the main highway. The name? FAG bearings. Huge red letters.

Oh yeah, still going.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #95 on: August 20, 2020, 07:57:36 PM »
I think responsible language is a net positive but I do agree that it’s hard and may sometimes seem arbitrary. (Eg at work they want us to stop saying “sync” is it may appear ableist to those with autism?).

To be completely honest, I find it hard to imagine a scenario where someone using “tranny” in a skate-related context  can be misconstrued. I know enough not to use the term within earshot of anyone transgendered  (fairly rare at skateparks but becoming more common). I also find it hard to believe any of the transgendered people I’ve met would get offended by those words in that context - especially given the amount of shit they unfortunately deal with. I think  we should give their resolve more credit.

 Of course, minimizing exposure to the word is a net benefit, but it’s worth discussing. I don’t think it’s fair to judge someone as bigoted if they unknowingly use diction not up to twitter’s current standards, and that’s a vibe I get from some users.

How do people feel about the term bastard? Genuinely curious why that hasn’t reached the topic of responsible dialect, especially as it is a prominent term among those who care about such things (eg acab) and applies to a large set of people by means outside their control.

Excellent response and you are right about a lot. Where does the overextension of the condemnation of certain words or terms become an overreaction? That's why this topic is so black and white because there really isn't a concrete answer to that question. Here's my take, the line is drawn when certain words reach a threshold for its overt usage in its application to demean people, especially minorities, in a vitriolic manner.

For the word "faggot", the threshold reached critical mass in the mid-2010s because its association became so hostile that to use it was an act of clear homophobic implication. That word was everywhere too pre mid-2010's such as the most popular comedy movie of the time The Hangover. Nowadays, that's not the case and has been fazed out.

Here is the thing though, there are still people today who try and argue that "faggot" is just a way to describe a lame person but that it doesn't actually mean they are homophobic. That's where I call bullshit. Trying to dissociate its meaning is an act of erasure that seeks to dissolve the history of the word.

Tranny is a difficult one because it does not have a negative attribution when it's used to refer to transition. And trans people definitely do deserve their resolve because like I said in my previous posts, we are all different and react to things differently. We definitely do have more to deal with more important matters than someone saying words at a skatepark. But this insinuation by some people in this thread that trans folk are out there openly confronting people in public for using "tranny" is vastly unrealistic. It's just as unrealistic to label all cis straight men as bigots - its all just dumb generalizations that does more harm than anything. Other than the overly militant subsect of trans folk, we're very nonconfrontational because being confrontational could lead to violence which is a very real, very scary part of our reality. And in some places, there are laws on the book that if we do confront you, you can beat us to death and claim panic defense and don't get convicted. 

I'm rambling but I just wanna say, you sound like a thoughtful person. Again, situational awareness is so important and you seem to have it dialed. Of course, we can't all succumb to everyone's shifting sensibilities but if I have the opportunity to try and make people feel comfortable then I want to at least try to be the person who can provide them that.     
« Last Edit: August 20, 2020, 08:07:21 PM by ihatejulio »

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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #96 on: August 20, 2020, 08:04:53 PM »
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BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.


Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".

I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but I don't believe Armin's statement is meant to speak for all cisgendered skateboarders, just certain straight skaters who don't give a shit about the negativity of the word tranny, and even want to keep using it because of how offensive it might be. Like how Kid Rock said that anyone who uses "gay" in a pejorative way should be free to keep doing so. It's that kind of backwards-ass, stagnant mindset which Armin's statement is aimed at.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #97 on: August 20, 2020, 08:19:07 PM »
so pressed over a word that you go online and cry about how it has ‘nonbigoted history’
if you defend the use of the word tranny you are a pussy plain and simple...


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #98 on: August 20, 2020, 08:22:07 PM »
If you can't handle me at my Marc Johnson, you don't deserve me at my Bobby Puleo.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #99 on: August 20, 2020, 08:27:47 PM »
You guys are hilarious. Good lord lol

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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #100 on: August 20, 2020, 08:49:17 PM »
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BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.


Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".

I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but I don't believe Armin's statement is meant to speak for all cisgendered skateboarders, just certain straight skaters who don't give a shit about the negativity of the word tranny, and even want to keep using it because of how offensive it might be. Like how Kid Rock said that anyone who uses "gay" in a pejorative way should be free to keep doing so. It's that kind of backwards-ass, stagnant mindset which Armin's statement is aimed at.

Thank you Adam.

Also Szechuan you hit the nail on the head 8)

Here for you Julio - thank you for all your words in this thread.

Anyway Glurmpz, you conveniently didn't quote the part where I said:

Granted, tranny in skateboarding is simply a truncation of the word transition.

That's pretty weird, considering your argument.

And I don't hate cisgendered / straight males. But shalom for the new tagline.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #101 on: August 20, 2020, 08:52:26 PM »
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BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.


Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".

Pal of the year right here.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #102 on: August 20, 2020, 10:25:45 PM »
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BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.


Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".

I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but I don't believe Armin's statement is meant to speak for all cisgendered skateboarders, just certain straight skaters who don't give a shit about the negativity of the word tranny, and even want to keep using it because of how offensive it might be. Like how Kid Rock said that anyone who uses "gay" in a pejorative way should be free to keep doing so. It's that kind of backwards-ass, stagnant mindset which Armin's statement is aimed at.

Thank you Adam.

Also Szechuan you hit the nail on the head 8)

Here for you Julio - thank you for all your words in this thread.

Anyway Glurmpz, you conveniently didn't quote the part where I said:

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Granted, tranny in skateboarding is simply a truncation of the word transition.

That's pretty weird, considering your argument.

And I don't hate cisgendered / straight males. But shalom for the new tagline.

My post was addressing your statement saying that all straight male skaters get some sort of kick out of using the word tranny because it's taboo. You even said if we don't feel that way that we're lying. That second part insinuates it's ALL straight male skaters. If you didn't intend for that to be the message then you probably should have said "...SOME skaters...", and left out the second part. I think it's pretty easy to see why I took your statement as such, especially when taking into account your other comments regarding straight male skaters. If you don't hate "cisgendered" skaters then maybe don't make posts where you call for all straight male pros to take a hike from the industry. I can't really take that ANY way except as extremely offensive. It's blatant prejudice.

I don't see how that relates to the other part you quoted or how it makes my own point weird. Explain?

Edit: to be clear - not endorsing use of the term tranny. Fuck that. Fully support ending that and never really used it anyway. And fully support people like you, Armin, enjoying skateboarding as much and as comfortably as you can. I hate to even be criticizing you because I don't want to give off the wrong impression. Just hoping you can realize there's plenty of us who are decent humans and welcome you with open arms.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #103 on: August 20, 2020, 10:59:10 PM »
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BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.


Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".

I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but I don't believe Armin's statement is meant to speak for all cisgendered skateboarders, just certain straight skaters who don't give a shit about the negativity of the word tranny, and even want to keep using it because of how offensive it might be. Like how Kid Rock said that anyone who uses "gay" in a pejorative way should be free to keep doing so. It's that kind of backwards-ass, stagnant mindset which Armin's statement is aimed at.

Thank you Adam.

Also Szechuan you hit the nail on the head 8)

Here for you Julio - thank you for all your words in this thread.

Anyway Glurmpz, you conveniently didn't quote the part where I said:

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Granted, tranny in skateboarding is simply a truncation of the word transition.

That's pretty weird, considering your argument.

And I don't hate cisgendered / straight males. But shalom for the new tagline.
not ALL men !!!

fixed it for you.

but jokes aside... I think if one consider oneself an ally in this context, it’s important not to get defensive when one’s demographic is singled out as part of the problem. this is something I had trouble with when I was younger, as a white-passing, heterosexual and (mostly) cisgendered male (in my mid/late twenties I’m still learning a lot about this and about myself if I’m honest), so this post isn’t to talk shit. sure, Armin’s stance might’ve been clearer if they qualified it, but I personally don’t think one should tone police marginalized peeps, esp when we’re living in a time when so many groups are finally strengthening their voices in society. being an ally is not a title, it’s active work

as an aside, being cisgendered is not the same as being heterosexual.
Lil' Wayne is more core than Jaden Smith.
Damn. Chico of Chocolate now Pyramids of Giza. What the hell is going on?


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #104 on: August 20, 2020, 11:18:36 PM »
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BUT. It is disingenuous to claim that cisgendered skaters don't get their rocks off saying the word tranny. You're lying if you don't want to admit that.


Not saying tranny anymore is easy, though I honestly rarely ever used that term to refer to transitions anyway. It's more than worth it if it makes some people feel less persecuted.

But I'll definitely call bullshit on your insinuation that me using the term "tranny" had literally anything to do with trying to use a taboo slur. For real. I never ever heard that term as a slur until at least 18 years of living in a world where it ONLY meant the transmission in a car, or transitions on a ramp. I honestly don't even remember when I eventually heard it as a slur, because I don't hang around hateful people. But I do remember thinking, once I knew it as a slur, that saying "tranny" when talking about skating was kinda iffy.

This thread is based on the premise that using a word with multiple meanings is offensive because of one of those meanings, so I don't think it's at all out of line for me to be offended by your constant prejudiced statements about "cisgendered" males, which are very direct and intentional. I feel like you should just start each post with a disclaimer "Hey folks, just a reminder I hate all straight males, but on the topic of Tiago's shoe...".

I don't mean this in a confrontational way, but I don't believe Armin's statement is meant to speak for all cisgendered skateboarders, just certain straight skaters who don't give a shit about the negativity of the word tranny, and even want to keep using it because of how offensive it might be. Like how Kid Rock said that anyone who uses "gay" in a pejorative way should be free to keep doing so. It's that kind of backwards-ass, stagnant mindset which Armin's statement is aimed at.

Thank you Adam.

Also Szechuan you hit the nail on the head 8)

Here for you Julio - thank you for all your words in this thread.

Anyway Glurmpz, you conveniently didn't quote the part where I said:

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Granted, tranny in skateboarding is simply a truncation of the word transition.

That's pretty weird, considering your argument.

And I don't hate cisgendered / straight males. But shalom for the new tagline.
not ALL men !!!

fixed it for you.

but jokes aside... I think if one consider oneself an ally in this context, it’s important not to get defensive when one’s demographic is singled out as part of the problem. this is something I had trouble with when I was younger, as a white-passing, heterosexual and (mostly) cisgendered male (in my mid/late twenties I’m still learning a lot about this and about myself if I’m honest), so this post isn’t to talk shit. sure, Armin’s stance might’ve been clearer if they qualified it, but I personally don’t think one should tone police marginalized peeps, esp when we’re living in a time when so many groups are finally strengthening their voices in society. being an ally is not a title, it’s active work

as an aside, being cisgendered is not the same as being heterosexual.

I legitimately did not know that until I just looked it up, interesting.

Yes, I got defensive about Armin's statements regarding "cisgendered" male skaters, but more so because when the good guys start to slip up and use the bad guy tactics, I think it's important to remind them not to slip to the dark side. Be better. If the whole topic is about words and how they can be hurtful, then don't make a sloppily worded statement that appears to directly, and negatively, target one specific group.

I apologize if my confusion about the true meaning of cis vs straight was mistaken for intentional.   

I take care of my curbs.

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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #105 on: August 21, 2020, 12:13:14 AM »
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Chink chink is a whack name and really a whack trick anyways but these things have been known by these names and abbreviated names for a long time.  Is it really time now to change everything we know to have any sort of offensive connotation?  Personally I think intent is the main thing that bums people out, but just to be clear I’m just throwing this out there.  I’m neither for nor against the questionable terminology of skateboarding, I simply like a good frontside grind and that keeps me coming back.

Good questions, thanks for being respectful. I just think our universal lexicon has the ability to evolve and change over time to escape the historical association of said words and their prior bigoted attributions. Glad you brought up intent because that is the reason why I do not universally condemn every person who chooses to use tranny when referring to transition. To say that I would would be extremely disingenuous.

My opinion is that things equal things, on some transitive property type of shit. But it is also true that context/intent is the variable that unbalances the equation, and therefore you cannot have a black and white answer for this topic. But here is the reason why I stand where I stand on this topic, if we have the opportunity to do better towards others, why not take that opportunity?

I like making people more welcome to the community rather than unwelcome. Trans folk are taking up skating on a monumental scale right now. So if they are beginners and go to the park alone and are unaware that people refer to transition as "tranny" then I got to imagine that is an offputting way to introduce them to the culture. The context for them could indicate that they interpreted it as a slur more than anything. But it's all different because everyone's different.

Thanks for this reply, it genuinely helped me gain some understanding about the subject.  I do my best to be understanding and welcoming while at the same time keeping some of the older traditions of skate culture, that I think are cool, alive.  But I’m no gatekeeper, I remind myself on a daily basis that I just happen to be someone who put a lot of time into a wooden toy.  Again though, thank you for the rad reply, I always look forward to reading your posts. 

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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #106 on: August 22, 2020, 09:50:44 AM »
To be completely honest, I find it hard to imagine a scenario where someone using “tranny” in a skate-related context can be misconstrued.
"This tranny has been slapped around"


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #107 on: August 22, 2020, 09:56:10 AM »
Can’t believe noones posted this


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #108 on: August 23, 2020, 10:58:50 AM »
Who cares. Should we stop calling it fakie, because it’s still considered real skating? Switch shouldn’t be switch because it’s just a regular stance too just different


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #109 on: August 23, 2020, 11:08:53 AM »
I used to say it when I was younger, I didn't really think of it being *homonymous with a slur, when I realised it was I just stopped saying it, it wasn't that difficult


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #110 on: August 23, 2020, 02:28:07 PM »
I don't know about any of this, but somewhat related can someone tell me the origin/reason for "chinese ollie?"
Also, pretty sure "chink chink" is more of a reference of the sound that trick makes, but what do i know maybe it was some Q Anon racist conspiracy started in an early 90s skatepark.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #111 on: August 23, 2020, 03:21:06 PM »
This is what happens when a country doesn't have enough problems, we need a world war and we need it now.


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #112 on: August 23, 2020, 06:38:47 PM »
I like a good backside and when people talk about going doing tricks ‘backside’, I feel triggered because my deeply held beliefs regarding juicy butts are not being respected.
'No Mouth, you have a negative rep because you are a fan of growing your wealth off of the backs of low paid workers and brag about having bodyguards. You literally kook people for doing charity in South East Asia. Don't deny it.'


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #113 on: August 23, 2020, 08:23:30 PM »
Jesus Christ. This is really not hard. Some people just don’t want to hear a word. Didn’t your parents teach you manners? When a guy has no legs is the first thing you say is what happened to your legs? And if he gets a little weird about it do you freak out and call him a soft snowflake pc lib ?? Also tranny is a slang term for transmission, sometimes. Shut up about it. There is no logical argument for things sometimes being called things, it just is called that by some people. Maybe you haven’t heard it, but I also thought people did not call soda,  “pop”, but they do sometimes.
Up here, we only call it "pop".


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #114 on: August 25, 2020, 11:26:26 AM »
I used to say it when I was younger, I didn't really think of it being *homonymous with a slur, when I realised it was I just stopped saying it, it wasn't that difficult

What makes it a slur?  Not trying to be an asshole ...Serious question. And it’s not like the trans community is a monolith where they all prefer to be called the same classification, hence all the gender pronouns


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #115 on: August 25, 2020, 11:36:37 AM »


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #116 on: August 25, 2020, 11:48:32 AM »
The word police!


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #117 on: August 25, 2020, 12:02:31 PM »
nah, i dont think so


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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #118 on: August 25, 2020, 12:19:45 PM »
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I used to say it when I was younger, I didn't really think of it being *homonymous with a slur, when I realised it was I just stopped saying it, it wasn't that difficult

What makes it a slur?  Not trying to be an asshole ...Serious question. And it’s not like the trans community is a monolith where they all prefer to be called the same classification, hence all the gender pronouns

It's derogatory? I'm happy enough to update my vocabulary, I don't see the issue. Your point about the multitude of gender pronouns has no relevance, I'm speaking about my own vocabulary and about this specific slur, I don't feel comfortable using that word anymore now that I know that it hurts good people who don't deserve to feel like that. The english language is vast and it's not hard to apply some tact.

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Re: Is using the word tranny when referring to transition offensive?
« Reply #119 on: August 25, 2020, 12:59:11 PM »
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I used to say it when I was younger, I didn't really think of it being *homonymous with a slur, when I realised it was I just stopped saying it, it wasn't that difficult

What makes it a slur?  Not trying to be an asshole ...Serious question. And it’s not like the trans community is a monolith where they all prefer to be called the same classification, hence all the gender pronouns

No community is a monolith, you will find outliers and anomalies within any group. If a black person lets their white friend use the N-word does that mean everyone should be able to.