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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #120 on: September 30, 2022, 01:26:37 AM »
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That Andreas guy seems to really love himself. Posting all the books he has read on Instagram is so cringe.

Also I cannot believe Mikey had to look up the definition of facist. Jesus Christ

Why is that “cringe”?   Nothing wrong with someone talking about their interests on their own page.  Maybe it’s igniting some insecurity in yourself?

Quite the opposite. I feel this guy has something to prove intellectually with these crusades.

I mean I get your side - I do post book shit on my IG page, but always debate whether It makes seem like a try-hard intellectual, but honestly I just like cataloging it (never caption only on stories).    I guess I just seen him being on the less egregious side of what I’ve seen on IG of “reading is my personality” type of peopel


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #121 on: September 30, 2022, 01:26:55 AM »
Mikey Taylor of homeless shelters, confirmed.

"Cringe"? They're just books. When was the last time you picked one up?
"Was just about to say, wtf is up with this EdLawndale guy?"


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #122 on: September 30, 2022, 01:30:24 AM »
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That Andreas guy seems to really love himself. Posting all the books he has read on Instagram is so cringe.

Also I cannot believe Mikey had to look up the definition of facist. Jesus Christ

Why is that “cringe”?   Nothing wrong with someone talking about their interests on their own page.  Maybe it’s igniting some insecurity in yourself?

Quite the opposite. I feel this guy has something to prove intellectually with these crusades.

I mean I get your side - I do post book shit on my IG page, but always debate whether It makes seem like a try-hard intellectual, but honestly I just like cataloging it (never caption only on stories).    I guess I just seen him being on the less egregious side of what I’ve seen on IG of “reading is my personality” type of peopel

Yeah for me it's the sum of everything he is doing.

Nothing wrong with people expressing their interests. Be it reading, skating or whatever
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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #123 on: September 30, 2022, 01:38:27 AM »

I burst out laughing at this.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #124 on: September 30, 2022, 02:25:42 AM »
That Andreas guy seems to really love himself. Posting all the books he has read on Instagram is so cringe.

suciu did the same, he even had a second account for it.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #125 on: September 30, 2022, 02:35:09 AM »
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Woof, so many comments that have me feeling ways, but I don't want to deal with the hackery of replying to them all in one post.

To the people claiming homelessness is simply an issue of having a home - have you ever actually worked with the impoverished? Actually dealt with their literal insanity or their addictions? Addicts and the insane aren't reasonable people. What about the truly bad apples, I've met more than a few homeless POS's who would still be POS's with a home.

I did a decent amount of research into the Seattle homeless issue, and the shocking thing I found was the majority, like 3/4s of the homeless had been on the streets for a decade or more. Sometimes it's a choice, however bad the logic is.

I agree that existence is a right, I don't agree that people should get the benefits of society without any of the cost, and that includes me paying your rent. I worked 80-90 hours a week for 5 years to pull myself out of poverty and now that I'm here I'm supposed to feel shame? Nahhh

Ugg, I hate topics like this because I have so many feels but can never articulate them without sounding like a scrouge. I just think it's fairly ignorant to look at Horseman and call him a racist who hates the homeless just because he's gone real estate bro. Dudes just making cash - be mad at the ***** negotiating your deals.

What's the alternative to the current real estate market? Everyone gets a free house? What about on the beachfront, who decides who gets those houses? What about repairs, that free too?

so you met some homeless people with mental problems and now for you its ok for them to be homeless?
are people in the us not common with solidarity, a core concept of christianity?
this hustle and grind mentality is terrible and showing the worst side of people, as seen in the comments. fuck prod and jeron!

investments in public housing and more psycho-social care are things which should be pushed more if you you want an sustainble and long-lasting solution to fight homelessness, crime and poverty.
and not believing some grifters and scammers who pray to the allmighty dollar.

There was a recent WTF podcast with Sam Quinones and he talks about one of the effects of this super cheap meth that plagues  these areas (aside from an apparent fascination with collecting bicycles - truly!) is that they don’t want to leave these areas.   If you gave them shelter, they’d likely abandon it and go back living on the streets.   
addction and homelessness are cmplex problems which need to be tackled in more than one ways. giving people housing is a good start but not enough if they struggle with addiction and and the resulting social problems, stigmas and so on.

the opiate crisis in the us is a subject for itself and i doubt that mikey is interested in a solution for the problem other than being a nimby and gentrifier.

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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #126 on: September 30, 2022, 03:58:56 AM »
Ugg, I hate topics like this because I have so many feels but can never articulate them without sounding like a scrouge.
that’s because articulating (and simply holding) these opinions makes you a scrooge. hopes this helps!


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #127 on: September 30, 2022, 04:55:42 AM »
Woof, so many comments that have me feeling ways, but I don't want to deal with the hackery of replying to them all in one post.

1. To the people claiming homelessness is simply an issue of having a home - have you ever actually worked with the impoverished? Actually dealt with their literal insanity or their addictions? Addicts and the insane aren't reasonable people. What about the truly bad apples, I've met more than a few homeless POS's who would still be POS's with a home.

I did a decent amount of research into the Seattle homeless issue, and the shocking thing I found was the majority, like 3/4s of the homeless had been on the streets for a decade or more. Sometimes it's a choice, however bad the logic is.

2. I agree that existence is a right, I don't agree that people should get the benefits of society without any of the cost, and that includes me paying your rent. I worked 80-90 hours a week for 5 years to pull myself out of poverty and now that I'm here I'm supposed to feel shame? Nahhh

Ugg, I hate topics like this because I have so many feels but can never articulate them without sounding like a scrouge. 3. I just think it's fairly ignorant to look at Horseman and call him a racist who hates the homeless just because he's gone real estate bro. Dudes just making cash - be mad at the ***** negotiating your deals.

What's the alternative to the current real estate market? Everyone gets a free house? What about on the beachfront, who decides who gets those houses? What about repairs, that free too?

1. i've met more rich assholes than homeless assholes, by far. and surprisingly, not all homeless people are fucking addicts. a large group, i'd even say the majority of homeless people are not homeless by choice. obviously addicts are hard to work with but rich addicts are just as hard if not harder to work with too, with the only difference being that they're rich. there's tons of insane rich people and just because they're rich they're even harder to stop, especially in the fucking usa, which i believe to be one of the worst countries in the world to live in. but i kinda understand your thinking, i mean why the fuck someone that doesn't work 80-90 hours a week should be able to live a life that isn't completely shitty when you have to pay doctors thousands of dollars just because you broke your wrist and struggle to pay rent? i was being sarcastic with that last sentence btw

2. you pay taxes just like everybody else, but the thing is that the government of the usa doesn't use tax money to increase the standard of living, they use it to become rich themselves without doing all that much. the fact you had to work 80-90 hours a week to pull yourself out of poverty is sad, NO ONE should have to do that. it's inhumane to force people to work that much. no, you shouldn't be ashamed of that, but you're obviously jaded because of that situation and what you went through. would it really hurt you to learn that somebody is able to get off the streets because you paid your taxes? i'd personally be happy about that. i see that you think most homeless people are leeches or something but i'm sure that a lot of them would actually be grateful and they would at least try to find a job and support themselves.

3. read the subject of the thread again. there's proof that mikey has connections with evil people. being a real estate bro is a bad thing in itself, but the fact that he's working with these kinds of people makes things much much worse. btw housing should be a right, not a fucking luxury.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #128 on: September 30, 2022, 06:55:04 AM »
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I do think that these companies buying up all the houses to rent them is a problem, but are ALL landlords bad? Am I an asshole if i decide to rent my current house out when/if i buy a new one? At what point does renting our properties become bad? Serious question. I see a lot of people who use the term "landlord" as a pejorative and I think i know what types of people they're referring to. I also know a handful of middle class people that are technically landlords that arent rich, still work full time jobs, and just rent their previous house out as an investment property. I just want to know where the line is drawn, or if the second you decide to rent out your old home you become an evil person.

again, these giant real estate conglomerates are a huge problem especially in conjunction with Zillow/air bnb, this shit needs to be addressed. I'm just genuinely curious about where/if a line is drawn between them and regular ass people trying to prepare for their future. Please keep in mind that markets are different everywhere and where i live you dont have to be a millionaire to buy property, even now.

Renting a former property doesn't make you what Mikey and his likes do. Hell, even being on your third home renting the first two are still in okay territory. Its the people that are buying (residential) properties for the sole intention of being a (residential) landlord. Buying whole blocks and then price fixing the rent. I get that landlords will need to exist in some capacity because of the way the market is set up and the banks etc. But owning 10/15/25 properties is a bit much.

I get in the situation of renting a previously lived in property at some point might create profit/or at the very least some liquid income. But that is playing the long game.

At least for me if I were to buy a new house right now, I would likely need to sell my current house to unlock built up equity to have the resources to close on a new house/show a bank I am worth a larger mortgage.

ok this was good to hear haha. having a couple homes is basically my retirement plan and people were starting to make me feel like i was doing something wrong for planning that. fuck a 401k, fuck committing to this "market" which is basically just a tool the rich use to syphon money from the lower classes.

What the hell do you think owning numerous rental properties from which you are able to "retire on" is doing? Profiting off of basic human needs so you can live the comfy life, right on, right on.

So how should I ever plan to retire?

idk maybe just put the money you would spend buying 4 fucking houses into a roth IRA

like the people that wanted to retire in 2008 did? yea, fuck all that. Do you understand why they offer incentives for IRA/401k? Its because the brokerages and banks holding those accounts stand to gain more off of holding your money than you do. Big money uses IRA/401k/pensions as leverage for bets in the fucking casino we refer to as the market. What happens we they lose the bet? They get bailed out, you get fucked and left with nothing. They want you to keep your money in the market so they can gamble with it and make money off of it. If you think real estate investment is bad because it widens the wealth gap, you must not know anything about the stock market, or more specifically the derivatives market.

Saving enough money to retire off of is basically impossible for most people, we live too long now, and things are too expensive. This is by design, that's why a 401k/IRA seems like the reasonable choice for most people. But you are completely committed to the ebb and flow of the market, if you want to retire when its down, too bad. Having assets that can generate income and with hold their value or appreciate is the only realistic way to be in control of when you retire. All rich people do this, but you don't have to be rich (obv you need some money) to do this yourself or at least understand these principles.

Sorry to rant, but our entire financial system being completely fraudulent and predatory makes me a little cranky to say the least.

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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #129 on: September 30, 2022, 07:17:13 AM »
Andreas rules.

I watched the Mikey rebuttal video up to the point where he said that the UWK post was insinuating that "Anyone who owns real estate is bad," and shut it off after.

It's pretty clear what values he's aligning himself with, and that should be more than enough reason to not support him in any future political endeavours.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #130 on: September 30, 2022, 07:22:27 AM »
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Landlords, airbnbs, vacation homes, Zillow, etc are all proof of a broken system which places a burden on the future of humans.

Houseless humans could all have homes but instead we displace them because we’ve deemed them useless without understand their own issues. Capitalist society works it’s media outlet to deem those who don’t comply, as not trying hard enough.

If you’ve ever had or know people that have certain mental health/social issues, shits hard enough as it is. I feel safe in assuming the people who made it out of nothing did it on the backs of others or are grossly exaggerating where they came from. Fuck our current systems in place

There are plenty of unused houses in Baltimore City that could house thousands of houseless individuals.

No one wants to fund it. Literal whole blocks, both sides of the street 30+ homes. Large 4+ bedroom rowhomes, multiple blocks in a row, abandoned for as long as I can remember.

I agree fuck the current system. No one wants to fund fixing people because they don't see value in it.

i could not disagree with you more - no one wants to fund the system because they see great value in it being exactly the way it is and trending worse.

your job gets you to stay because you need money and benefits. they threaten you with other workers from the class beneath yours taking your spot. the class beneath you is killing themselves to hardly survive, so obviously you want to avoid purposely putting yourself in that situation. in order to keep those people at work, we need a class below them that has fucking nothing and is very visible. the system relies on having a class of people to step on and another class to grind into dust. it’s an evil world and the mikey taylors of it will do everything in their power to ensure that nothing changes for anyone “beneath” them.

Agreed 100%. So many people are kept homeless and desperate in order to remind everyone that there's a way in which things for you could be much worse than working 60 hours a week for sub-minimum wage.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #131 on: September 30, 2022, 07:59:05 AM »
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I do think that these companies buying up all the houses to rent them is a problem, but are ALL landlords bad? Am I an asshole if i decide to rent my current house out when/if i buy a new one? At what point does renting our properties become bad? Serious question. I see a lot of people who use the term "landlord" as a pejorative and I think i know what types of people they're referring to. I also know a handful of middle class people that are technically landlords that arent rich, still work full time jobs, and just rent their previous house out as an investment property. I just want to know where the line is drawn, or if the second you decide to rent out your old home you become an evil person.

again, these giant real estate conglomerates are a huge problem especially in conjunction with Zillow/air bnb, this shit needs to be addressed. I'm just genuinely curious about where/if a line is drawn between them and regular ass people trying to prepare for their future. Please keep in mind that markets are different everywhere and where i live you dont have to be a millionaire to buy property, even now.

Renting a former property doesn't make you what Mikey and his likes do. Hell, even being on your third home renting the first two are still in okay territory. Its the people that are buying (residential) properties for the sole intention of being a (residential) landlord. Buying whole blocks and then price fixing the rent. I get that landlords will need to exist in some capacity because of the way the market is set up and the banks etc. But owning 10/15/25 properties is a bit much.

I get in the situation of renting a previously lived in property at some point might create profit/or at the very least some liquid income. But that is playing the long game.

At least for me if I were to buy a new house right now, I would likely need to sell my current house to unlock built up equity to have the resources to close on a new house/show a bank I am worth a larger mortgage.

ok this was good to hear haha. having a couple homes is basically my retirement plan and people were starting to make me feel like i was doing something wrong for planning that. fuck a 401k, fuck committing to this "market" which is basically just a tool the rich use to syphon money from the lower classes.

What the hell do you think owning numerous rental properties from which you are able to "retire on" is doing? Profiting off of basic human needs so you can live the comfy life, right on, right on.

So how should I ever plan to retire?

idk maybe just put the money you would spend buying 4 fucking houses into a roth IRA

like the people that wanted to retire in 2008 did? yea, fuck all that. Do you understand why they offer incentives for IRA/401k? Its because the brokerages and banks holding those accounts stand to gain more off of holding your money than you do. Big money uses IRA/401k/pensions as leverage for bets in the fucking casino we refer to as the market. What happens we they lose the bet? They get bailed out, you get fucked and left with nothing. They want you to keep your money in the market so they can gamble with it and make money off of it. If you think real estate investment is bad because it widens the wealth gap, you must not know anything about the stock market, or more specifically the derivatives market.

Saving enough money to retire off of is basically impossible for most people, we live too long now, and things are too expensive. This is by design, that's why a 401k/IRA seems like the reasonable choice for most people. But you are completely committed to the ebb and flow of the market, if you want to retire when its down, too bad. Having assets that can generate income and with hold their value or appreciate is the only realistic way to be in control of when you retire. All rich people do this, but you don't have to be rich (obv you need some money) to do this yourself or at least understand these principles.

Sorry to rant, but our entire financial system being completely fraudulent and predatory makes me a little cranky to say the least.
yeah man, that's very understandable, but the concept of "no ethical consumption under capitalism" doesn't mean "everything is fucked and nothing i do will ever be truly good, so i might as well do whatever i want." it means you should do the most you can do to mitigate harm under the circumstances we live in, and hoarding multiple properties as a means to leech money from others seems to be the opposite of that (not to mention that investing in real estate implies that said investment could nosedive at any moment)

I don't believe it does mean that.

I don't believe renting a property at a fair price to be "leeching" money. People in their 20's starting out cant really afford to buy a home or maintain one (even in more reasonable markets). But they can split a house with a couple friends and get out of their parents house.

Even if the housing market tanks, you can still rent out a property, and that doesn't mean you have to gouge your renters either. Renting has its place, it is just being abused by big money right now, as are most things.

The issue is that there is no fairness because big money has made it that way. Big money has made living so expensive that people are willing to be unfair in order to stay ahead. but that doesnt mean that renting is inherently predatory. It means that our system has been corrupted by greed.

How would you suggest someone prepare to retire?


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #132 on: September 30, 2022, 08:00:42 AM »
SJW vs. Delusional ex pro skater. Turd vs. turd.

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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #133 on: September 30, 2022, 08:17:57 AM »
I wish he was cool. Look at how handsome that boy turned out.

I wanna see his butt hole yesterday.

I dedicate this song to Mikey's imaginary brown eye in my minds eye.

Together you and I can save them all boi. All you gotta do is keep grabbing them sox and we can make it out together.



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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #134 on: September 30, 2022, 08:20:16 AM »

Frank and Fred

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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #135 on: September 30, 2022, 08:37:57 AM »
Addicts and the insane aren't reasonable people.

Did you really just say that?


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #136 on: September 30, 2022, 10:35:45 AM »
Investors Bought a Quarter of Homes Sold Last Year, Driving Up Rents

Fuck Mikey Taylor and Comune Capital


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #137 on: September 30, 2022, 10:36:14 AM »
I'm embarrassed about liking his DVS Skate More part. Ewwww.

Did u listen with the sound off?


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #138 on: September 30, 2022, 10:47:55 AM »
Investors Bought a Quarter of Homes Sold Last Year, Driving Up Rents

Fuck Mikey Taylor and Comune Capital

Fuck Airbnb also. Me and my ex were trying to buy a flat in this town and we got out bid 5 fucking times by some cunt who furnished them and they are on all five fucking flats. The amount of stress killed our relationship. If I'm terminal I'm gonna rent each one and destroy them.

Edit. To be clear we wanted to buy one after another to live in, spent months looking find our dream flat and get out priced over and over...they sold for way more than they were worth...stay in a hotel. Thank fuck the landlord of my appartement was super cool and sold me the flat for a decent price.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 11:17:04 AM by Síota »


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #139 on: September 30, 2022, 11:08:55 AM »
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I'm embarrassed about liking his DVS Skate More part. Ewwww.

Did u listen with the sound off?

Very deep question.
I thought it wasnt just him solo, shouldve stuck with my og thought.
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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #140 on: September 30, 2022, 11:29:29 AM »
Investors Bought a Quarter of Homes Sold Last Year, Driving Up Rents

Fuck Mikey Taylor and Comune Capital

It all makes sense. 2008 was a catalyst for our current housing cost issue. Banks approve mortgages for people who definitely cannot afford them. Demand for homes skyrockets as everyone is approved, and home prices inflate at an unrealistic amount. People default on their loans and then owe more money than the home they bought is even worth (Bryan Herman's 9 club touched on this, dude got fucked in '08), and they lose the home to foreclosure. Homes go to auction, where they are then sold for a FRACTION of their "appraised" value, and are then swallowed back up by investment firms and financial bros with vested interests. The banks then control the debt owed to them, the houses the debt was caused by, and the rent money coming in from renting the homes out at these current insane costs. They're making money from at least 3 different avenues from the same source (housing), and they really haven't done shit. They didn't build the house, they just allowed people to hold their money for a bit, only to collect it back with interest and fee's.
Hopefully not a kook, but if so, fuck it.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #141 on: September 30, 2022, 11:45:54 AM »
Fuck Airbnb also. Me and my ex were trying to buy a flat in this town and we got out bid 5 fucking times by some cunt who furnished them and they are on all five fucking flats. The amount of stress killed our relationship. If I'm terminal I'm gonna rent each one and destroy them.

Edit. To be clear we wanted to buy one after another to live in, spent months looking find our dream flat and get out priced over and over...they sold for way more than they were worth...stay in a hotel. Thank fuck the landlord of my appartement was super cool and sold me the flat for a decent price.

Sounds like the Bay Area to a degree with people flipping houses. My wife and I spend 2.5 years getting outbidded on homes, especially in Oakland area. One house was for sale for a $1M which was classified as a fixer upper and sold for $1.3M. Then in 6 months you'd see it on Redfin/Zillow fully remodeled and selling for an asking price of $1.5M but eventually selling for $1.7M. They made in theory $400K in 6 months minus the cost of materials and labor but that is still some good ass money.
I'll fuckin
I'll fuckin
sew your asshole closed, and keep feedin you
and feedin you, and feedin you, and feedin you!

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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #142 on: September 30, 2022, 12:04:17 PM »
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Fuck Airbnb also. Me and my ex were trying to buy a flat in this town and we got out bid 5 fucking times by some cunt who furnished them and they are on all five fucking flats. The amount of stress killed our relationship. If I'm terminal I'm gonna rent each one and destroy them.

Edit. To be clear we wanted to buy one after another to live in, spent months looking find our dream flat and get out priced over and over...they sold for way more than they were worth...stay in a hotel. Thank fuck the landlord of my appartement was super cool and sold me the flat for a decent price.

Sounds like the Bay Area to a degree with people flipping houses. My wife and I spend 2.5 years getting outbidded on homes, especially in Oakland area. One house was for sale for a $1M which was classified as a fixer upper and sold for $1.3M. Then in 6 months you'd see it on Redfin/Zillow fully remodeled and selling for an asking price of $1.5M but eventually selling for $1.7M. They made in theory $400K in 6 months minus the cost of materials and labor but that is still some good ass money.
Pretty hard to get a place in western Sydney same shit some asshole on a phone just outbids everyone and nobody moves into the house. Gets a bit of work done and back on the market or worse gets leveled and turned into appartments. Seems like that would be good but it fucks over all the existing residents because now there's appartments buildings on a street that was designed for a house often built without any parking so instead of 2 cars there's like 40.
Other thing heard happen in a few places is they somehow get the traffic rules changed around so no trucks etc but that means no public transport so now everyone has to drive their kids to school because there's no bus. But everyone whos kids go to public school have been priced out so they have to drive ten mins to school and all the now rich people who live around the schools kids don't go to public school so they all have to drive out making entire suburbs into near standstill traffic for two hours every morning and afternoon.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #143 on: September 30, 2022, 12:16:24 PM »

This is Mikey’s pastor.

Easy to deflect saying those things said about the pastor aren’t his own beliefs. But, kind of a bizarre move to attend his church, rub elbows with dude. Mikey’s actions are speaking a lot louder than his words.
The chillest1

Mean salto

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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #144 on: September 30, 2022, 12:21:40 PM »
Wouldnt be putting much faith in what specific words someone apparently used two thousand years ago.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #145 on: September 30, 2022, 12:26:15 PM »

This is Mikey’s pastor.

Easy to deflect saying those things said about the pastor aren’t his own beliefs. But, kind of a bizarre move to attend his church, rub elbows with dude. Mikey’s actions are speaking a lot louder than his words.

"You know who's got hands? The DEVIL. And he uses them for...holding!" (1:20)
Hopefully not a kook, but if so, fuck it.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #146 on: September 30, 2022, 01:06:55 PM »
Folks criticizing Andreas for posting pics on IG of the books he's reading reminds me of the old Bill Hicks bit:


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #147 on: September 30, 2022, 01:20:56 PM »

So good.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #148 on: September 30, 2022, 01:21:58 PM »
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I'm embarrassed about liking his DVS Skate More part. Ewwww.

Did u listen with the sound off?

Very deep question.

Oh shit my bad. Thought it felt kinda trivial and within the UWTB theme.
Is there section for evocative musings that I could possibly migrate that question to?

Btw if you're in socal, Nosferatu is screening in LA next month, with a live ensemble doing the score.


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Re: Mikey Taylor and his Far Right Connections
« Reply #149 on: September 30, 2022, 08:16:23 PM »

To the people claiming homelessness is simply an issue of having a home - have you ever actually worked with the impoverished?
I have, and all the bullshit you wrote after asking that question, as seems to be so often the case, is a clear indicator that you haven't and should therefore shut the fuck up about it. I can guarantee you that there are insane addicted homeless people that understand the standard normal distribution even though you don't. In almost every circumstance I would consider you the problem.