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max power

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #120 on: September 03, 2008, 09:30:23 PM »
so assuming that it'd mainly be switchgrass and that we'd have too buy a newer vehicle too benifit from the newer fuel (both reasonable assumptions), do you still see compelling arguements against it? surely it's not horrible, especially compared to oil which that oil billionare i linked too above projected would be 6-8 bucks a gallon in 5 years.

it just means that soil will be stripped of nutrients and more land cleared for crops, no matter what they are.

electric is only good when used in tandem with a fuel system.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 09:36:20 PM by max power »

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #121 on: September 03, 2008, 10:07:26 PM »
The thing about electric though, is that you still gotta get that energy from somewhere, do you plug into an electrical grid with clean power? Maybe, maybe not.

I know ethanol is very costly in terms of how much corn is needed, but what would happen if we dropped farm subsidies and told them all to grow us some corn!
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #122 on: September 03, 2008, 10:13:06 PM »
ethanol is the dumbest shit ever the production uses more fuel than it produces

it's a scam, very similar to farm subsidies

regular on many levels

lets get off of oil,

AND not be regular.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #123 on: September 03, 2008, 10:20:20 PM »
Hemp would be a great crop to grow for fuel. *

*Ironically this is my 420 post :)

« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 09:25:55 AM by Gatoraids »


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #124 on: September 03, 2008, 10:46:16 PM »
She's not down with skateboarders.  So any skater that votes for McCain is a traitor.
do more yoga!


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #125 on: September 03, 2008, 11:07:14 PM »
I normally don't get into internet politics arguments, because I already know who im voting for, but since Palin got involved, it took a new personal level for me. I used to work for the Defenders of Wildlife. I used to be trained to curse her name every chance I got, because she pays money for people killing wolves. This is a total democrat "the world is perfect" viewpoint. Those people I worked for never realized that those wolves are fucking abundant. So people like to hunt, so what. She has no less experience than anyone just because she governs a small amount of people. A state is a state. And even if I wasn't already voting for McCain, I'd vote for him to cancel out the crack smoking shitheads next door.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 11:09:00 PM by deathandnightandblood »

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #126 on: September 03, 2008, 11:27:06 PM »
She has no less experience than anyone just because she governs a small amount of people.
The number obviously does make a difference, it relates to the size of the economy, the state's budget and the scope of the issues facing the state. The Mayor of Chicago has bigger responsibilities than the Governor of Alaska. Why? Because Chicago is bigger and deals with more problems. And yes, she has less experience than everybody on every ticket, regardless of whether the state was Alaska or California, she would still have the least amount of experience in government. he fact that her tiny amount of experience is in the least densely populated state just makes her tiny amount of experience even more laughable.
Why are you voting for her? Just to spite coworkers? Crackheads usually don't vote btw. But really? You would be down with our economy continuing to crumble, for us to get into more debt by staying in Iraq, and with not hunting down Osama in the Pakistan/Afghanistan border just because you like that she is down for killing wolves? This is the problem with American politics. Dumbass dipshits voted for Bush because they could have a beer with him, now dumbass dipshits are going to vote for McCain because they like killing wolves. The republican party tricks people into paying attention to dumb shit, and they vote about non-issues. The world hates America for a reason.
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Hemp would be a great crop to grow for fuel. *

* Ironically this is my 420 post :)

You need to look up irony in the dictionary before you open your stupid fucking mouth.
That was kind of unnecessarily harsh...
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #127 on: September 04, 2008, 05:32:56 AM »
The thing about electric though, is that you still gotta get that energy from somewhere, do you plug into an electrical grid with clean power? Maybe, maybe not.

I know ethanol is very costly in terms of how much corn is needed, but what would happen if we dropped farm subsidies and told them all to grow us some corn!

the truth, except you can also make ethanol out of sugar cane and switchgrass which both have good energy in too energy out ratio's so the corn arguments (bad ratio and food for energy) are both moot points.

ethanol is the dumbest shit ever the production uses more fuel than it produces

it's a scam, very similar to farm subsidies

regular on many levels

lets get off of oil,

AND not be regular.

please elaborate how using switch grass or sugar cane too produce ethanol is regular. i know you got a good arguement there, put it up.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #128 on: September 04, 2008, 05:46:52 AM »
Disregard my comments, I was talking about ethanol in terms of corn production, which seems to be the direction people are pushing in-which is a horrible idea.

Ethanol production involving switchgrass or sugarcane is something I don't know much about.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #129 on: September 04, 2008, 05:47:47 AM »
PUMA's react to Palin's speech.

seems so next -door neighborly, very down-to-earth, but quite composed and at ease…
i’m doing a happy dance right now…pretending it is SOB’s Political Grave…

    She’s a POWER HOUSE and can hold her own…Biden better keep drinking so he can sleep through his thrasing…

    WHOOP there it is just told off MSm!
oooo…she is obviously a student of hillary…spicy…a fighter..articulate and all around wonderful!!!!!!
I am laughing my ass off. I can’t help it. What were the Dems thinking by dissing HC? The Clintons handed them the presidency on a silver platter and they said NO. Oh well.
Glass ceiling ? Sara palin isn’t going to shatter it - she’s gonna shoot it like it’s a f***n MOOSE !

    I think Sarah is a SMART, ARTICULATE, EXPERIENCED, showing she is TOUGH and what a BEAUTIFUL Mom!!!

    I feel, for me my father gives amazing blowjobs, American will be safer with McCain~ I know I won’t be afraid to sleep at night & that we won’t be sold out!
There it is folks she is no dummy she went straight after BO she knows he may not be the one saying things about her and her family but as we all know he has his minions do it and he sits back and watching. Don’t mess with her family Barrack.
i absolutely LOVE HILLARY!!!!! and I cant wait to see her in 2012! right now we have to focuse on getting cupcaked off a cliff! and what better way than to have another woman Palin give him the final kick he deserves!
Compare Sarah’s warm face and poise with BO’s hard-set angry-mask-like face during his speech last week.
she is hitting him with everything hillary couldn’t.

    he thought he brushed them bitches off his shoulders.

    guess not.
I'm a faggoth…i love my female pitbulls!!!!!! hillary number one pitbull! and palin number 2!!!! can u imagine if they both joined forces….? yikes!!!!!!!!!

btw…no offense…im a pitbull myself…I'm a faggoth!
Beat up on barack night………
    she brought him to his knees… but not in a mean way… just told the truth.

    All men on PBS discussing Palin.
    man, they will never get it.
    Black commentator saying teh speech was designed to appeal to white women voters. Jesus…it’s enouygh already with superficial arguesments based on complexion. christalmighty.
What is your problem? Don’t you realize that Sarah Palin can help pave the way for Hillary to have an easier go at it in 2012? If she is a competent and strong leader, as she seems to be, Hillary can only benefit from it when she runs again.

Of course, she could very well be facing Palin. That would be a hell of a campaign.
I know she is a Republican, but I have to give credit where it is due. She was incredible. An advocate for special needs children…that means a lot to me. She skewered Barack for his bombastic speechifying and grandstanding…and did very little finger pointing, unlike Barack who points so much my shoulder has sympathetic pains. Barack may be eloquent for the elite, but she has more eloquence and poise in her pointer finger, than Barack has studiously created for himself.
she was freakin awesum
the party elite should be shittin their pants now
they definitly have my vote
stick it to the dnc for screwing us !!!!
i bet the pelosi dean and brazile nut wish they nominated hillary now
I cannot wait for the VP debate now. She’s gonna destroy O’Biden. He’ll start stuttering and say some terrible offensive gaffe then he’ll lose his mind and start chanting Barack America, uh, yes we can’t?
I love this woman! She tore Obama apart with a smile! Can’t wait til she is up against Biden she will tear him apart. Got Obama Camp running scared way to go Sarah!

    Hillary 2012
Sarah Palin was a total success! I hope Hillary does not come out to try to get me to vote for the Zero. Somehow I think she will not. And even though I don’t agree with many of Palin’s positions, I admire her character enormously, and I trust she will not sell out the country, say, to the Saudis. If Hillary were running, she would get my vote. And because I am against sexism in the media, I will vote for Sarah Palin, so that the good-old-boys will never call a woman “shrill” again.
I heard that she did not use a teleprompter. She spoke from her heart. She had some notes to give her topics so she did not miss things. She is a good speaker.

There also were some males asking who wrote her speech implying they would destroy her without a speech writer. But it was coming from her apparently.

I think she will win the debates. Obama would have a hard time with her. Joe Biden does not have a chance. I can hardly wait to see her crush Biden.

max power

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #130 on: September 04, 2008, 05:48:56 AM »
to continue what i was saying before i went to bed. the energy in energy out issue with ethanol isn't the only one.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #131 on: September 04, 2008, 06:02:55 AM »
Why the media should apologize LOL:


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #132 on: September 04, 2008, 06:22:03 AM »
Disregard my comments, I was talking about ethanol in terms of corn production, which seems to be the direction people are pushing in-which is a horrible idea.

Ethanol production involving switchgrass or sugarcane is something I don't know much about.

Obama is going to of course not be against corn production as his state is a corn producing state but making ethanol doesn't seem like it has too be all or none and as I've pionted out, there are much better ways than corn of doing this. If a farmer can still turn a better buck on corn though as an outcome of this, I say good on em.

I normally don't get into internet politics arguments, because I already know who im voting for, but since Palin got involved, it took a new personal level for me. I used to work for the Defenders of Wildlife. I used to be trained to curse her name every chance I got, because she pays money for people killing wolves. This is a total democrat "the world is perfect" viewpoint. Those people I worked for never realized that those wolves are fucking abundant. So people like to hunt, so what. She has no less experience than anyone just because she governs a small amount of people. A state is a state. And even if I wasn't already voting for McCain, I'd vote for him to cancel out the crack smoking shitheads next door.

i find this post really sad and this is in no way an attack on you but just seeing the reality of the team sport politics in america always kind of bums me out. i know sports are fun, i know cheering for your team is fun, i know debating politics and critical thinking about issues isn't that much fun, but god damn, please give it a try.

she was obviously not selected for her credentials and was selected to pander to rednecks, pro lifers, women, evangelicals, hilary's base, etc... it's a shallow and shitty move that just makes me feel the republicans are making more of a mockery of the system than they have in the last 8 years (and i'm not republican basher, i voted for both bush on his first term). do you really think that anyone that lives outside of this country takes her appointment serious? do you really think they'd take her serious in the event of Mccain killing over? do you think she could assemble a crowd of 200,000 in berlin and deliver an inspiring, historic speach? do you think the rest of the world will take us serious after fucking up so bad the last 8 years, having a real candidate as an option but then letting team sports win out again and electing a party puppet with furniture comercial steez and some redneck bimbo who doesn't even know what a VP is?

and what makes you think that crackheads vote and why do you think they'd be democrats?

and why are you so happy with the policy's of the last 8 years? what's one thing that's gone right? it's cleary time for a new approach and the republicans just aren't putting one on the table. they are actually putting a worst choice than bush, at least he can half ass give a speach. if the dems had run shit into the ground this bad, i'd vote republican in a heartbeat. who cares what party it is, they both give away the t-shirts and stickers.

come on man, take some more pride in our freedoms than that...


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #133 on: September 04, 2008, 06:48:24 AM »
I haven't been genuinely surprised by anything in American politics in years, but choosing such a supremely, unqualified woman, who confessed recently that "she doesn't even know what VP does," is one of the most bizarre things I've ever seen.

I have to assume there is some Karl Rove genius here that I'm missing, something like "well if pick her, then when Biden destroys her in the debates women and others will feel sorry for her and like he's attacking her( ).

Not to mention all the scandals:

-Alaska Milk

And that video of her as a sportscaster is probably the best thing i've ever seen.

I've watched it at least 30 times now.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #134 on: September 04, 2008, 07:15:02 AM »
And even if I wasn't already voting for McCain, I'd vote for him to cancel out the crack smoking shitheads next door.



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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #135 on: September 04, 2008, 07:16:53 AM »
I agree completely Sleazy: Palin for VP is a crass, manipulative choice that shows how hollow this campaign is.

how the fuck they going to compare Obama to Britney and then put this chic up as VP?


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #136 on: September 04, 2008, 07:48:04 AM »

sebastian toombs

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #137 on: September 04, 2008, 08:50:23 AM »
I've been too busy to post for a while but holy shit I cannot BELIEVE that they picked this woman:

"winnipeg's killin' toronto, seven to three..."

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #138 on: September 04, 2008, 08:59:14 AM »
Fact checking Palin's speech:
Yeah, she doesn't seem ready for primetime at all. The bridge to nowhere thing has already been exposed, but she still proudly brought it up. Also, despite what she says, I feel like a community organizer in Chicago does way more than the mayor of some tiny backwater town in Alaska. This woman is used to local politics with an ignorant base- most Americans are more perceptive than she gives them credit for..

Also, if you don't want the fact that your daughter got knocked up to be a campaign issue, is it fair to brag about the rest of your kids? She said "Track" is about to ship  off to Iraq and she couldn't be prouder. She isn't talking about the fact that while she pushes abstinence only sex education her daughter is a fucking cum dumpster. Whenever it is mentioned people say to leave her children out of this.

Oh, and since people seem to be affected by stupid shit like this- did anybody else find her squeeky ass voice and stupid accent unbearable? I figure that is why she never made it to Sportscenter.

And Nick, those puma posts are ridiculous. These people are going to put women's rights back 50 years. Still though, I think PUMAs for the most part are Republican plants trying to convince actual Hillary supporters that its ok to vote McCain. I think real Hillary supporters know Clinton isn't done for good, but that her base going to the right would end her career.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #139 on: September 04, 2008, 09:04:03 AM »
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Hemp would be a great crop to grow for fuel. *

* Ironically this is my 420 post :)

You need to look up irony in the dictionary before you open your stupid fucking mouth.

blah blah blah blah sorry I made a mistake, sue me you fucking piece of shit.

sebastian toombs

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #140 on: September 04, 2008, 09:08:08 AM »

 I feel like a community organizer in Chicago does way more than the mayor of some tiny backwater town in Alaska. This woman is used to local politics with an ignorant base


so is a community organizer in a truly important city like los angeles or new york even more important than the mayor of a backwater like chicago?


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #141 on: September 04, 2008, 09:08:54 AM »
I normally don't get into internet politics arguments, because I already know who im voting for, but since Palin got involved, it took a new personal level for me. I used to work for the Defenders of Wildlife. I used to be trained to curse her name every chance I got, because she pays money for people killing wolves. This is a total democrat "the world is perfect" viewpoint. Those people I worked for never realized that those wolves are fucking abundant. So people like to hunt, so what. She has no less experience than anyone just because she governs a small amount of people. A state is a state. And even if I wasn't already voting for McCain, I'd vote for him to cancel out the crack smoking shitheads next door.

Anyone who hunts from a fucking helicopter is a fucking piece of shit. The people of Alaska have voted twice to make this kind of hunting illegal. And anyone voting for Mcsame is a fucking traitor to the USA!


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #142 on: September 04, 2008, 09:13:22 AM »
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Hemp would be a great crop to grow for fuel. *

* Ironically this is my 420 post :)

You need to look up irony in the dictionary before you open your stupid fucking mouth.

blah blah blah blah sorry I made a mistake, sue me you fucking piece of shit.

"an incongruity between what is said and what is meant; or between an understanding of reality, or an expectation of a reality, and what actually happens."

i think it qualifies as irony because most would feel a bit of suprise when seeing that their post about weed is their 420th post.

i think people are way too trigger happy about calling out irony after "isn't it ironic" got such a huge backlash.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #143 on: September 04, 2008, 09:18:05 AM »
Yeah, she doesn't seem ready for primetime at all. The bridge to nowhere thing has already been exposed, but she still proudly brought it up. Also, despite what she says, I feel like a community organizer in Chicago does way more than the mayor of some tiny backwater town in Alaska. This woman is used to local politics with an ignorant base- most Americans are more perceptive than she gives them credit for..

By all accounts shes the worst person imaginable. Manipulative, inexperienced, ignorant, and another empty suit that holds others to standards she refuses to apply to herself. HOW IN 2008 CAN SOMEONE WHO PUSHED FOR THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE BE ALLOWED TO GET UP AND SAY "I SAID NO! TO THAT BRIDGE!"

Oh, and since people seem to be affected by stupid shit like this- did anybody else find her squeeky ass voice and stupid accent unbearable? I figure that is why she never made it to Sportscenter.

Yeah, I half expected her to stop mid-speech and investigate Jerry Lundegaard.

And Nick, those puma posts are ridiculous. These people are going to put women's rights back 50 years. Still though, I think PUMAs for the most part are Republican plants trying to convince actual Hillary supporters that its ok to vote McCain. I think real Hillary supporters know Clinton isn't done for good, but that her base going to the right would end her career.

Yeah, I think some of it is(check out the Fox news interview with the woman who did the Hillary supporters for Mccain ad-she admitts the republican party financed her trip to the DNC). I think the repiglicans are hoping it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #144 on: September 04, 2008, 09:18:31 AM »
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Hemp would be a great crop to grow for fuel. *

* Ironically this is my 420 post :)

You need to look up irony in the dictionary before you open your stupid fucking mouth.

blah blah blah blah sorry I made a mistake, sue me you fucking piece of shit.

"an incongruity between what is said and what is meant; or between an understanding of reality, or an expectation of a reality, and what actually happens."

i think it qualifies as irony because most would feel a bit of suprise when seeing that their post about weed is their 420th post.

i think people are way too trigger happy about calling out irony after "isn't it ironic" got such a huge backlash.



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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #145 on: September 04, 2008, 09:29:50 AM »
"Irony" is probably the most misused word. I blame Alanis Morissette.

biggums mcgee

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #146 on: September 04, 2008, 09:30:05 AM »
you guys are ruining the thread! ::)


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #147 on: September 04, 2008, 09:32:57 AM »
Did anyone else see the signs that people where holding at the RNC that said "country first?" That is one of the first rules of fascism, scary times we live in.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #148 on: September 04, 2008, 09:34:33 AM »
you guys are ruining the thread! ::)

isn't it ironic?

Ronald Wilson Reagan

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #149 on: September 04, 2008, 09:38:20 AM »
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 I feel like a community organizer in Chicago does way more than the mayor of some tiny backwater town in Alaska. This woman is used to local politics with an ignorant base



so is a community organizer in a truly important city like los angeles or new york even more important than the mayor of a backwater like chicago?
Even when comparing it to New York  and LA, Chicago still isn't a backwater town. The city has comparable problems to those two cities, as well as similar influence in the world. Chicago is the home to the most not for profit organizations in America. More than LA, more than New York. To imply that because LA is a little bigger and has more exposure on tv than Chicago doesn't put it in another league. We are comparing a fortune 500 company to a corner liquor store here. Is it better to be in charge of the liquor store, or to be an influential voice in the fortune 500 company? Chicago is LITERALLY 500 times the size of the small town she was mayor of (population of a city of 3,000,000/ population of a city of 6000= 500).  What issues do you face as the mayor of a town that small? Basically none. Make sure the stoplight still works and that the one police officer gets paid on time. A community organizer needs to recognize some real problems, crime, violence, oppression, widespread unemployment, problems with the schools and more,  and needs to organize and work with way more people. Your metaphor just doesn't work.
I stand by my word. More responsibility as a community organizer in the third biggest city in America than as the mayor of a small town. OF course it goes without saying that being the Illinois state senator from Hyde Park has way more responsibilities than the mayor of a tiny town. Obviously, Senator too. It might be important to note that despite Obama being in the Senate longer than Palin was governor- he still hasn't been investigated on an ethics violation- Palin is teetering on being impeached.

Hey Dagger- you seem to be actually pretty indpendent- you've talked shit on both sides. You know who your going to support?

Did anyone else see the signs that people where holding at the RNC that said "country first?" That is one of the first rules of fascism, scary times we live in.
I think its just classic republican motto. They think pride in America is more important than recognizing and fixing its problems
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out