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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #180 on: September 05, 2008, 10:43:16 PM »
Look Newton, Palin is running for vice president, and it's not an attack to simply ask what her history is and to look at the know just like we do for every other candidate.

Here are some things that we know so far:

-She campaigns and repeatidly mentions "saying no" to the bridge to nowhere and other pork barrell projects, all of which she actually supported for years.

-She constantly mentions her family to further her campaign, but asking questions, like why would someone campaign saying that she understands the needs of special needs children better when she cut funding by 60% in her state?:

-She claims to be a feminist for life, whose central goal is to make it easier for young mothers to not choose abortion. So what does she do in her state? She cuts funding for houses that specifically helped those kinds of mothers, for girls in similar situations as her own daughter, without the money.

-She admitted two months ago TO NOT EVEN KNOWING WHAT THE JOB OF THE VICE PRESIDENT ENTAILS. And Mccain's campaign refuses to let her do almost any interview indicates that this woman really doesn't know much, and is gonna get destroyed by Biden in the debates.

Palin Will Not Do Unfriendly Press Interviews

-She campaigns as a reformer, when in actuality she was more entrenched with corporations, specifically oil and gas corporations than probably any other governor in the nation, and rewarded them with gigantic contracts. That's not reform.

-Aside from being mayor of a town of 6000, and governor of a state with less than a third the population of chicago for a few years, she also has the very relevant experience of being a sports anchor!!!!!

Now read this quote about 50 times and ask yourself:

In June 2008, Palin spoke at her former church. On the topic of Iraq, she asked that people pray for the soldiers and that "there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan." In regards to a proposed natural-gas pipeline she said, "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built."


And there is no "left wing media" Newton, or right wing for that matter. There is corporate media. As Chomsky points out:



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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #181 on: September 05, 2008, 10:57:27 PM »

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #182 on: September 05, 2008, 11:44:22 PM »
fuck I read all 7 pages of this shit so ima make it count

dnewt stfu!
*you brought up biden's grandfather in the oil business somehow "tying him to it" as much as palin ignoring the fact that his grandfather's executive title was essentially gone (and they're wealth reversed) by the time his father had grown up, hence his being raised in middle america,0,2533927.story

*do you honsestly support this woman?
(Mccain WILL be incapacitated within 8 years)

offshore drilling
I'm sure your stupid and stuborned ass has heard the evidence against offshore drilling and just choose to ignore it but just in case heres a refresher course for yo ol sophmore in high school bitchass
The crude oil market is globally determined. Oil companies do not sell just in the United States of America. Crude oil and gasoline is a product shipped globally. Therefore, the price of crude barrel oil is established by global supply and demand. Lets say, 3 million additional barrels a day could be extruded from lands and seabeds of the United States. Compare that to the 90 million barrels now produced around the world. So thats what 6% of the total? In the best of circumstances, thats no difference to the American consumer.

Second, Crude Barrel Oil isn’t just waiting there to be pumped out of the earth. Exploration takes time. Erecting drilling equipment takes time. Getting the oil out takes time. Turning crude into various oil products takes time. There'd be no significant impact on domestic crude and natural gas production until 2030. Thats well after the administration and possibly life expectancy of John McCain, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, but not myself or my nieces and nephews and your children and grandchildren and yourself.

Finally, the big oil companies already hold a significant number of leases on Federal Lands and offshore seabeds where they are now allowed to drill, and which they have not yet fully explored. Why then would they seek more drilling rights? Because they want more leases now, when Bush & Cheney are still in office.

Ownership of these parcels would serve to to pump up their balance sheets even if no oil is pumped.

So don't buy this strategy. Like WMD's....this is just another scheme by the administration and party that brought you the Iraqi War. Theres no exit strategy for this either

back to that bitch(from now on sarah palin will be reffered to as that bitch)
firing of the state trooper, call it justified call it w/e you want, there were a million other ways she could have handled that AS GOVENOR, and look at the specifics, you cant tell me all of that is true and you can't tell me it irrelevant it shows a disturbing willingness to use her power as a means for personal gain.

your ignorant ass isn't going probablly will remain ignorant but fuck it.

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #183 on: September 06, 2008, 01:12:53 AM »
^That was pretty good.
Dagger is so amazing at always bringing it back around to Chomsky.
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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #184 on: September 06, 2008, 08:58:43 AM »
LOL, I am sensing some real hostility toward Sarah Palin -- this is starting to lead me to believe that John McCain selected a real winner.

On the "affair," her "lying about having a child," her "having five children making her an incapable leader," etc. etc. -- this is all just garbage. Two of these are lies, and one is just an absolute joke.

Offshore drilling: -- if we had listened to Pat Buchanan in 2002, we'd be fine in just four years by your own god damned statistics.

McCain being incapacitated within eight years: His mother turned the age he is now during the Ronald Reagan administration, and is still alive. It's really a non-issue. They called Ronald Reagan "old" too -- he lived to see three more presidents, and had a serious illness through two of those. 

State Trooper: The guy tased a fucking ten year old kid. I knew that as soon as Palin was nominated and I checked the Wikipedia article on her. It raised an eyebrow for me at first, but then I realized that there were legitimate reasons to fire this guy. How many of you wanted that cop fired after he choked a 13 year old skateboarder? Well this guy tased someone three years younger than that.

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #185 on: September 06, 2008, 09:31:54 AM »
I think republicans like you are getting confused about the "hostility towards Palin." The reason people are hostile towards her is because she is an inexperienced right wing nutjob who won't even do a legitimate interview. People think its quite obvious she should not be president. Its easy to talk about how fucked up she is. Just like we used to say about Bush, when people said this "Washington Outsider" was going to shake things up. He did, by fucking up the entire country with his ignorance, ridiculous ideology, and stubbornness. So recently, when the left has said that somebody is a nutcase and needs to be kept out of the white house, we have been totally right.
Also, I don't know what thread I put it in, but I predicted the right would do this. They picked a totally underqualified woman, waited for people to point out the fact that she in no way has any business being VP at this point, and then screamed sexism in a pathetic attempt to win over Hillary supporters. I predicted it somewhere on here I know, and BOOM! The whole right, including Newton, did exactly what I said.
I'll admit that the "she should be at home with her downs syndrome baby" argument is lame, and wouldn't be used against a man. BUt the fact that she is an amateur, selected, not elected, to be on the presidential ticket and has, as recently as two months ago, joked about the fact that she didn't even know what the Vice President does- essentially making her less qualified than a high school student who got an "A" in civics.
   This sunday 3 out of the 4 candidates on the presidential tickets will hit the traditional "sunday morning talk shows." Harding hitting interview news shows like "Meet the Press," where they will make their cases to tough interviewers. Who isn't going? Palin. They won't allow her to do tough interviews. What does that say about her knowledge? There obviously is no depth- she just parrots McCain and tells stories of shooting Moose and being a hockey mom. It also tells me that she can't think on her feet. Its pathetic, he is claiming she is ready to be a heartbeat from president when she can't even deal with Tom Brokaw? Fuck that.

And Reagan was younger than McCain when elected, and his health was an issue too. He lived through 2 more presidents- though he had such extreme allzheimers that he stopped making public appearances during the Clinton Era. To claim John McCain's health is a non-issue because Reagan was able to survive is not a legitimate argument. Could McCain survive the term? Of course. Is it possible he will die during his term? 8 years from now he would be 80, and have spent the last decade in a job that ages people at like 5 times the rate of anybody else, so to say he could be dead is not too outrageous of a claim.
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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #186 on: September 06, 2008, 09:38:05 AM »
Its pathetic, he is claiming she is ready to be a heartbeat from president when she can't even deal with Tom Brokaw? Fuck that.
:) I must have been tripping last night

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #187 on: September 06, 2008, 09:40:10 AM »
because these alaskan rednecks asked for him to. ill play out the scenario

10 year old: im no mommas boy
Palin's daughter: ya you is
10 year old:daddy get da taser, ima show you bristol!

In a September 2008 newspaper interview Wooten denied making the death threat and said that he "deeply regretted" the Taser incident.[17] He said that he set the Taser to "test" mode, meaning that it was on low power. Wooten claimed that that he attached clips to the child rather than firing darts from a gun, that he turned on the power for less than one second, and that afterwards his stepson "thought it was great and wanted to do it all over again". He claimed that "everyone laughed about" the incident at the time.[17] He also said that he "would like to put this behind me and get on with my life", and wished Palin and her family good luck.[17]


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #188 on: September 06, 2008, 10:02:54 AM »
Gipper - I don't think the argument for Palin to drop out to family issues is lame. She has a 5 month old child with special needs and a teen daughter with child, if that doesn't scream family emergency I don't know what does. And I would be saying the same thing if it was a man, I would say what a horrible father taking all this time away from his kids and putting the brunt of it all on his wife, but in this case it is nannies taking the brunt of it.
We need to refocus this election on Mcbush and not Palin, she is just a distraction.

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #189 on: September 06, 2008, 10:39:08 AM »
Gipper - I don't think the argument for Palin to drop out to family issues is lame. She has a 5 month old child with special needs and a teen daughter with child, if that doesn't scream family emergency I don't know what does. And I would be saying the same thing if it was a man, I would say what a horrible father taking all this time away from his kids and putting the brunt of it all on his wife, but in this case it is nannies taking the brunt of it.
We need to refocus this election on Mcbush and not Palin, she is just a distraction.
I don't know. People didn't give Edwards too much shit for campaigning right after his wife was diagnosed with cancer- and that is certainly a family emergency. The thing is- there are so many other flaws of hers that its stupid to focus on something that is not related to her policy or experience.
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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #190 on: September 06, 2008, 10:42:28 AM »

Surprisingly she is also openly racist.
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Gipper - I don't think the argument for Palin to drop out to family issues is lame. She has a 5 month old child with special needs and a teen daughter with child, if that doesn't scream family emergency I don't know what does. And I would be saying the same thing if it was a man, I would say what a horrible father taking all this time away from his kids and putting the brunt of it all on his wife, but in this case it is nannies taking the brunt of it.
We need to refocus this election on Mcbush and not Palin, she is just a distraction.
I don't know. People didn't give Edwards too much shit for campaigning right after his wife was diagnosed with cancer- and that is certainly a family emergency. The thing is- there are so many other flaws of hers that its stupid to focus on something that is not related to her policy or experience.

I didn't think he should have kept in the race, but it turns out he didn't care much about his wife any way having an affair and all....

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #191 on: September 06, 2008, 10:45:25 AM »
for canadians, its amusing how much you guys focus on personalities down there.  and i dont mean "who is cool, who is creepy, " or "who is the better parent / husband / warrior / whatever," or even "whose got bigger balls?"   i mean that so much of the discourse is centred around "the president" rather than the party and its platform of policies...

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #192 on: September 06, 2008, 10:47:54 AM »
^Obama made a joke about that. He said he thinks his personality is pretty good, but that he would rather people vote on issues like the economy and healthcare.
I guess the "open" thing is surprising about her racism. I assume any person with extreme views like hers at least hates gays and arabs, and thinks black people are scary.
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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #193 on: September 06, 2008, 10:48:13 AM »
LOL, I am sensing some real hostility toward Sarah Palin -- this is starting to lead me to believe that John McCain selected a real winner.

On the "affair," her "lying about having a child," her "having five children making her an incapable leader," etc. etc. -- this is all just garbage. Two of these are lies, and one is just an absolute joke.

Offshore drilling: -- if we had listened to Pat Buchanan in 2002, we'd be fine in just four years by your own god damned statistics.

McCain being incapacitated within eight years: His mother turned the age he is now during the Ronald Reagan administration, and is still alive. It's really a non-issue. They called Ronald Reagan "old" too -- he lived to see three more presidents, and had a serious illness through two of those. 

State Trooper: The guy tased a fucking ten year old kid. I knew that as soon as Palin was nominated and I checked the Wikipedia article on her. It raised an eyebrow for me at first, but then I realized that there were legitimate reasons to fire this guy. How many of you wanted that cop fired after he choked a 13 year old skateboarder? Well this guy tased someone three years younger than that.

you just never stop being an idiot
science might be a little advance for you so heres a breakdown

its hardley if at all cost effective, it would take more than 4 years from now had we listened to pat buchanen(i cant belive you said that dumb shit) and it would be exhausted within a couple of years (being generous)

In 2007, the United States consumed a total of 7.5 billion barrels of oil. The latest preliminary data show that the United States consumed around 24% of world total oil used in 2006.



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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #194 on: September 06, 2008, 10:50:33 AM »
for canadians, its amusing how much you guys focus on personalities down there.  and i dont mean "who is cool, who is creepy, " or "who is the better parent / husband / warrior / whatever," or even "whose got bigger balls?"   i mean that so much of the discourse is centred around "the president" rather than the party and its platform of policies...

We Americans suck, care to host my family so we can immigrate up north :)


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #195 on: September 06, 2008, 07:06:55 PM »
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How can you support someone who has done essentially nothing in the US senate?

How can you support someone who has wasted the most taxpayer’s money on travel?

How do you justify the fact that he ahs been the head of the European Affairs Sub-committee for a little over a year now and has yet to call a meeting?

Hell, can you even give me one good reason why you support this candidate?

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Keep voting on peripheral issues.

You moron. All those issues you just mentioned are peripheral issues. You know why to vote for Obama?

"Its the economy stupid!"
Look what 8 years of republican economic policy has done to this nation. A more liberal approach is needed in times like these, and of the two major candidates, Obama is the one that offers this. McCain offers more conservative economic bullshit, like special favors to the rich and powerful, that led our economy down the shitter.
Another side issue- The War in Iraq- right now, not even Bush wants to stay much longer. Its clearly wrapping up and there is no good reason to want to stay, but McCain wants it anyway.
Also, if we want to base this on judgment- Obama risked his political career to say Iraq was a mistake when it took a lot of balls to say that. He turned out to be right. Its a profile in courage. He said the right thing when it was unpopular to do so and was proven right. McCain was wrong, and made the stupid, crazy, and/or cowardly position.

What possible reason would you vote for an old man who wants to continue with policies that have led this country into ruin? Maybe you aren't, but you seem to think McCain is some sort of clear choice the way you challenge Obama voters.

And Newton- you attack me personally, I attack you personally right back. I have a whole laundry list of ways to make you look and feel like nothing but a naive little kid.

Wait. So a candidate’s complete lack of administrative experience is peripheral when he is being considered for the highest administrative office.  (Something which you criticized Pallin you fucking hypocrite) A candidate’s unethical use of taxpayer’s dollars is peripheral when he is immersed in a profession that is known for corruption? A candidate’s refusal to perform his duties is a peripheral issue? Put in bold to point out the way you reframed the experience question as well as the wording of the rest of your questions Who’s the moron here exactly?

The rest of this argument is just ridiculous. Explain to me in your own words how Obama’s economic policy is good. Please highlight at any text I have typed that is indicative of supporting McCain.
I clearly wrote that it appears that you support McCain- you have defended him consistently,  You are defending his choice of Palin right now and your name calling shows that what I say bothers you.* Also, you question people who support Obama as to why they do. You don't have to say in exact words "I support John McCain," to clearly be siding with him. Maybe its a devil's advocate position-- but I don't know you so I can't know that, and you are defending him. You even use Republican talking points.
As for you calling me a hypocrit. Sarah Palin has no experience in Washington D.C. Obama Does. Sarah Palin has no experience in international relations, Obama does. Sarah Palin, as governor, is responsible for less people than Barack OBama was as a STATE senator in Illinois, and has held her position for less time than he held his state positions, and has been in statewide politics for less time that Barack Obama has been in national politics. If the only experience that counts is administrative or in the executive role, then John McCain has no experience either. Obviously Senatorial experience does count, and because it does, Barack has more experience than Sarah Palin who still has never even been responsible for even a million people. So no, its not hypocritical for me to say somebody with less than two years of experience in statewide politics isn't ready for prime time while Obama is.
As far as those questions, I don't find him traveling a lot to be corrupt, he does handle a very large constituency, and has obviously been getting involved in a lot of fact finding missions recently while running for president that make him a more effective Senator and better ready to be president. Some trips, including the most recent fact finding mission to Iraq, when Maliki endorsed Obama's plan, he was challenged by McCain to go on. The fact that he hasn't made many votes or been to many meetings in the past year is pretty easy to explain- he's been kind of busy doing this thing called running for president. I can get passed your angry accusations, and bet that during high campaigning time McCain, Clinton and Obama all have missed a lot of time in the senate. Still, I can vote for Obama over that bumbling old man.
My argument is not ridiculous at all. I know its easy to refute an argument by calling it ridiculous and not giving any explaination to its flaws, but please don't do that anymore. Conservative economic policies result in what we are seeing today and what we saw in the great depression as well as the 1890's. There is a total lack of government oversight of large business right now. Every time a president comes into office that lets big business do whatever they want, the big businesses get rich off of exploitation at first, then the bottom comes crashing out. Its exactly what happened in the past year or so. Traditionally, more liberal presidents have done a far better job of reigning in big business and of making sure oversight occurs. Both Roosevelts did- even though Teddy was a republican, his domestic policies resemble what you would call a liberal. Clinton helped reign in economic problems that were starting to show themselves after Bush and Reagan left office. You could point out that often times things go too far to the left, stifling growth, and it takes a republican to reallign things. However at the current time I trust the guy who has more liberal tendencies because our current economic problems have resulted from conservative economic principals. I feel a more liberal economic policy would be a good solution, because you know, I looked back into us history and found that it tends to work that way time after time. Also, Obama's tax policy gives a better tax rate to 95% of Americans and according to independent studies that factor in the military budget, Obama's budget is tighter, and McCain's huge military budget would tip his budget into deficits. I think it counts as an answer to your "One good reason" question.
*In bold in case you challenge me on it

Wrap it the fuck up or at least put some space between your points. I honestly only read the first part which was just nutty seeing as I had attacked McCain just a few posts before this one.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2008, 07:17:33 PM by Novella »


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #196 on: September 06, 2008, 07:48:42 PM »
for canadians, its amusing how much you guys focus on personalities down there.  and i dont mean "who is cool, who is creepy, " or "who is the better parent / husband / warrior / whatever," or even "whose got bigger balls?"   i mean that so much of the discourse is centred around "the president" rather than the party and its platform of policies...

For Americans in general your criticism is spot on(although we are by no means unique in this), although on here we've had some relatively in depth policy and political philosophy discussions.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #197 on: September 06, 2008, 07:55:01 PM »
LOL, I am sensing some real hostility toward Sarah Palin -- this is starting to lead me to believe that John McCain selected a real winner.

On the "affair," her "lying about having a child," her "having five children making her an incapable leader," etc. etc. -- this is all just garbage. Two of these are lies, and one is just an absolute joke.

Offshore drilling: -- if we had listened to Pat Buchanan in 2002, we'd be fine in just four years by your own god damned statistics.

McCain being incapacitated within eight years: His mother turned the age he is now during the Ronald Reagan administration, and is still alive. It's really a non-issue. They called Ronald Reagan "old" too -- he lived to see three more presidents, and had a serious illness through two of those. 

State Trooper: The guy tased a fucking ten year old kid. I knew that as soon as Palin was nominated and I checked the Wikipedia article on her. It raised an eyebrow for me at first, but then I realized that there were legitimate reasons to fire this guy. How many of you wanted that cop fired after he choked a 13 year old skateboarder? Well this guy tased someone three years younger than that.

Look Newton. I don't really give a shit that it appears she had an affair on her husband. I don't give a shit that she either is pretending that her daughters baby is hers or is a horrible mother. I do care that she's a beauty queen with no basic skills or knowledge of the vice presidency or apparently much of anything at all. You should be insulted by that too.

Now it's arguable that it dosen't really matter, when corporations run the show now anyway. And its now (literally)just another face to fill the office why they push their legislation through. But they could have at least picked someone slightly competent. They didn't.

She just fucking sucks dude.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #198 on: September 06, 2008, 08:00:07 PM »
One of the protesters during Mccain's speech, a Ron Paul supporter, and members of Iraq Veterans against the War.

In other words a REAL PINKO!

I think Mccain is a real Maverick in how he gets elected on his heroic service, then immediately votes to cut veterans benefits and give no-bood contracts to shitty corporations.

10 billion a month in iraq is so cool!

A message the repuclicans are never ever going to understand:


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #199 on: September 07, 2008, 11:44:31 AM »
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How can you support someone who has done essentially nothing in the US senate?

How can you support someone who has wasted the most taxpayer’s money on travel?

How do you justify the fact that he ahs been the head of the European Affairs Sub-committee for a little over a year now and has yet to call a meeting?

Hell, can you even give me one good reason why you support this candidate?

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Keep voting on peripheral issues.

You moron. All those issues you just mentioned are peripheral issues. You know why to vote for Obama?

"Its the economy stupid!"
Look what 8 years of republican economic policy has done to this nation. A more liberal approach is needed in times like these, and of the two major candidates, Obama is the one that offers this. McCain offers more conservative economic bullshit, like special favors to the rich and powerful, that led our economy down the shitter.
Another side issue- The War in Iraq- right now, not even Bush wants to stay much longer. Its clearly wrapping up and there is no good reason to want to stay, but McCain wants it anyway.
Also, if we want to base this on judgment- Obama risked his political career to say Iraq was a mistake when it took a lot of balls to say that. He turned out to be right. Its a profile in courage. He said the right thing when it was unpopular to do so and was proven right. McCain was wrong, and made the stupid, crazy, and/or cowardly position.

What possible reason would you vote for an old man who wants to continue with policies that have led this country into ruin? Maybe you aren't, but you seem to think McCain is some sort of clear choice the way you challenge Obama voters.

And Newton- you attack me personally, I attack you personally right back. I have a whole laundry list of ways to make you look and feel like nothing but a naive little kid.

Wait. So a candidate’s complete lack of administrative experience is peripheral when he is being considered for the highest administrative office.  (Something which you criticized Pallin you fucking hypocrite) A candidate’s unethical use of taxpayer’s dollars is peripheral when he is immersed in a profession that is known for corruption? A candidate’s refusal to perform his duties is a peripheral issue? Put in bold to point out the way you reframed the experience question as well as the wording of the rest of your questions Who’s the moron here exactly?

The rest of this argument is just ridiculous. Explain to me in your own words how Obama’s economic policy is good. Please highlight at any text I have typed that is indicative of supporting McCain.
I clearly wrote that it appears that you support McCain- you have defended him consistently,  You are defending his choice of Palin right now and your name calling shows that what I say bothers you.* Also, you question people who support Obama as to why they do. You don't have to say in exact words "I support John McCain," to clearly be siding with him. Maybe its a devil's advocate position-- but I don't know you so I can't know that, and you are defending him. You even use Republican talking points.
As for you calling me a hypocrit. Sarah Palin has no experience in Washington D.C. Obama Does. Sarah Palin has no experience in international relations, Obama does. Sarah Palin, as governor, is responsible for less people than Barack OBama was as a STATE senator in Illinois, and has held her position for less time than he held his state positions, and has been in statewide politics for less time that Barack Obama has been in national politics. If the only experience that counts is administrative or in the executive role, then John McCain has no experience either. Obviously Senatorial experience does count, and because it does, Barack has more experience than Sarah Palin who still has never even been responsible for even a million people. So no, its not hypocritical for me to say somebody with less than two years of experience in statewide politics isn't ready for prime time while Obama is.

As far as those questions, I don't find him traveling a lot to be corrupt, he does handle a very large constituency, and has obviously been getting involved in a lot of fact finding missions recently while running for president that make him a more effective Senator and better ready to be president. Some trips, including the most recent fact finding mission to Iraq, when Maliki endorsed Obama's plan, he was challenged by McCain to go on. The fact that he hasn't made many votes or been to many meetings in the past year is pretty easy to explain- he's been kind of busy doing this thing called running for president. I can get passed your angry accusations, and bet that during high campaigning time McCain, Clinton and Obama all have missed a lot of time in the senate. Still, I can vote for Obama over that bumbling old man.
My argument is not ridiculous at all. I know its easy to refute an argument by calling it ridiculous and not giving any explaination to its flaws, but please don't do that anymore. Conservative economic policies result in what we are seeing today and what we saw in the great depression as well as the 1890's. There is a total lack of government oversight of large business right now. Every time a president comes into office that lets big business do whatever they want, the big businesses get rich off of exploitation at first, then the bottom comes crashing out. Its exactly what happened in the past year or so. Traditionally, more liberal presidents have done a far better job of reigning in big business and of making sure oversight occurs. Both Roosevelts did- even though Teddy was a republican, his domestic policies resemble what you would call a liberal. Clinton helped reign in economic problems that were starting to show themselves after Bush and Reagan left office. You could point out that often times things go too far to the left, stifling growth, and it takes a republican to reallign things. However at the current time I trust the guy who has more liberal tendencies because our current economic problems have resulted from conservative economic principals. I feel a more liberal economic policy would be a good solution, because you know, I looked back into us history and found that it tends to work that way time after time. Also, Obama's tax policy gives a better tax rate to 95% of Americans and according to independent studies that factor in the military budget, Obama's budget is tighter, and McCain's huge military budget would tip his budget into deficits. I think it counts as an answer to your "One good reason" question.
*In bold in case you challenge me on it

Wrap it the fuck up or at least put some space between your points. I honestly only read the first part which was just nutty seeing as I had attacked McCain just a few posts before this one.
Read it. I don't talk to illiterate fucks who want me to dumb shit down for them.  You want to act like some arrogant, smarter than everybody guy, you better be able to read 3 paragraphs. Either that or read the comments afterwards that point out that you got smoked.
I need somebody smarter to argue with than you. At least maybe I'd learn something instead of hearing shallow parroting of right wing pundits.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #200 on: September 07, 2008, 12:30:44 PM »
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How can you support someone who has done essentially nothing in the US senate?

How can you support someone who has wasted the most taxpayer’s money on travel?

How do you justify the fact that he ahs been the head of the European Affairs Sub-committee for a little over a year now and has yet to call a meeting?

Hell, can you even give me one good reason why you support this candidate?

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Keep voting on peripheral issues.

You moron. All those issues you just mentioned are peripheral issues. You know why to vote for Obama?

"Its the economy stupid!"
Look what 8 years of republican economic policy has done to this nation. A more liberal approach is needed in times like these, and of the two major candidates, Obama is the one that offers this. McCain offers more conservative economic bullshit, like special favors to the rich and powerful, that led our economy down the shitter.
Another side issue- The War in Iraq- right now, not even Bush wants to stay much longer. Its clearly wrapping up and there is no good reason to want to stay, but McCain wants it anyway.
Also, if we want to base this on judgment- Obama risked his political career to say Iraq was a mistake when it took a lot of balls to say that. He turned out to be right. Its a profile in courage. He said the right thing when it was unpopular to do so and was proven right. McCain was wrong, and made the stupid, crazy, and/or cowardly position.

What possible reason would you vote for an old man who wants to continue with policies that have led this country into ruin? Maybe you aren't, but you seem to think McCain is some sort of clear choice the way you challenge Obama voters.

And Newton- you attack me personally, I attack you personally right back. I have a whole laundry list of ways to make you look and feel like nothing but a naive little kid.

Wait. So a candidate’s complete lack of administrative experience is peripheral when he is being considered for the highest administrative office.  (Something which you criticized Pallin you fucking hypocrite) A candidate’s unethical use of taxpayer’s dollars is peripheral when he is immersed in a profession that is known for corruption? A candidate’s refusal to perform his duties is a peripheral issue? Put in bold to point out the way you reframed the experience question as well as the wording of the rest of your questions Who’s the moron here exactly?

The rest of this argument is just ridiculous. Explain to me in your own words how Obama’s economic policy is good. Please highlight at any text I have typed that is indicative of supporting McCain.
I clearly wrote that it appears that you support McCain- you have defended him consistently,  You are defending his choice of Palin right now and your name calling shows that what I say bothers you.* Also, you question people who support Obama as to why they do. You don't have to say in exact words "I support John McCain," to clearly be siding with him. Maybe its a devil's advocate position-- but I don't know you so I can't know that, and you are defending him. You even use Republican talking points.
As for you calling me a hypocrit. Sarah Palin has no experience in Washington D.C. Obama Does. Sarah Palin has no experience in international relations, Obama does. Sarah Palin, as governor, is responsible for less people than Barack OBama was as a STATE senator in Illinois, and has held her position for less time than he held his state positions, and has been in statewide politics for less time that Barack Obama has been in national politics. If the only experience that counts is administrative or in the executive role, then John McCain has no experience either. Obviously Senatorial experience does count, and because it does, Barack has more experience than Sarah Palin who still has never even been responsible for even a million people. So no, its not hypocritical for me to say somebody with less than two years of experience in statewide politics isn't ready for prime time while Obama is.

As far as those questions, I don't find him traveling a lot to be corrupt, he does handle a very large constituency, and has obviously been getting involved in a lot of fact finding missions recently while running for president that make him a more effective Senator and better ready to be president. Some trips, including the most recent fact finding mission to Iraq, when Maliki endorsed Obama's plan, he was challenged by McCain to go on. The fact that he hasn't made many votes or been to many meetings in the past year is pretty easy to explain- he's been kind of busy doing this thing called running for president. I can get passed your angry accusations, and bet that during high campaigning time McCain, Clinton and Obama all have missed a lot of time in the senate. Still, I can vote for Obama over that bumbling old man.
My argument is not ridiculous at all. I know its easy to refute an argument by calling it ridiculous and not giving any explaination to its flaws, but please don't do that anymore. Conservative economic policies result in what we are seeing today and what we saw in the great depression as well as the 1890's. There is a total lack of government oversight of large business right now. Every time a president comes into office that lets big business do whatever they want, the big businesses get rich off of exploitation at first, then the bottom comes crashing out. Its exactly what happened in the past year or so. Traditionally, more liberal presidents have done a far better job of reigning in big business and of making sure oversight occurs. Both Roosevelts did- even though Teddy was a republican, his domestic policies resemble what you would call a liberal. Clinton helped reign in economic problems that were starting to show themselves after Bush and Reagan left office. You could point out that often times things go too far to the left, stifling growth, and it takes a republican to reallign things. However at the current time I trust the guy who has more liberal tendencies because our current economic problems have resulted from conservative economic principals. I feel a more liberal economic policy would be a good solution, because you know, I looked back into us history and found that it tends to work that way time after time. Also, Obama's tax policy gives a better tax rate to 95% of Americans and according to independent studies that factor in the military budget, Obama's budget is tighter, and McCain's huge military budget would tip his budget into deficits. I think it counts as an answer to your "One good reason" question.
*In bold in case you challenge me on it

Wrap it the fuck up or at least put some space between your points. I honestly only read the first part which was just nutty seeing as I had attacked McCain just a few posts before this one.
Read it. I don't talk to illiterate fucks who want me to dumb shit down for them.  You want to act like some arrogant, smarter than everybody guy, you better be able to read 3 paragraphs. Either that or read the comments afterwards that point out that you got smoked.
I need somebody smarter to argue with than you. At least maybe I'd learn something instead of hearing shallow parroting of right wing pundits.

Um, having bad eyes and not having the desire to read a wall of small, poorly punctuated text does not make you illiterate, especially when I asked you be concise. Thinking some one who has attacked someone is a supporter of that very same person is highly indicative of being illiterate though. It is also a logical fallacy, Argumentum Ad Populey, to say because people agree with you that you are correct. The last part is hilarious, the person who lacks basic reading comprehension says he needs smart people to argue with.  I get the feeling that you have never met someone smart enough to argue with because you define intelligence as strict adherence to everything you say, which makes you by definition the annoying asshole that you calim to hate so much.

How is this anymore relevant than Obama's pastor. If you really want to attack the McCain campaign personally you should point out that he failed his Navy Schooling and received better treatment as a POW because of his connections.

Yeah this post was a few posts above the one where you initially accused me of supporting McCain. How are those extra chromosomes working out for you?

« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 12:59:39 PM by Novella »

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #201 on: September 07, 2008, 12:48:17 PM »
My cousin's grandfather worked in the Nixon cabinet and still works in Washington D.C. was telling me that Bush and Cheney plan on attacking Iran during October.
The answer is Dutch Masters, you fat fucking catastrophe.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #202 on: September 07, 2008, 01:16:41 PM »
My cousin's grandfather worked in the Nixon cabinet and still works in Washington D.C. was telling me that Bush and Cheney plan on attacking Iran during October.

October surprise, wouldn't doubt it for a moment.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #203 on: September 07, 2008, 01:27:48 PM »
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My cousin's grandfather worked in the Nixon cabinet and still works in Washington D.C. was telling me that Bush and Cheney plan on attacking Iran during October.

October surprise, wouldn't doubt it for a moment.

I'm not so sure. It seems like it would really dick over the Republican party.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #204 on: September 07, 2008, 01:33:29 PM »
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My cousin's grandfather worked in the Nixon cabinet and still works in Washington D.C. was telling me that Bush and Cheney plan on attacking Iran during October.

October surprise, wouldn't doubt it for a moment.

I'm not so sure. It seems like it would really dick over the Republican party.

I think it would energize the redneck base, they want to kill more muslims


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #205 on: September 07, 2008, 01:35:44 PM »
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My cousin's grandfather worked in the Nixon cabinet and still works in Washington D.C. was telling me that Bush and Cheney plan on attacking Iran during October.

October surprise, wouldn't doubt it for a moment.

I'm not so sure. It seems like it would really dick over the Republican party.

I think it would energize the redneck base, they want to kill more muslims

...and marginalize the rest of the country. Why the hell would they essentially throwaway millions of supporters in an attempt to pander to a group of people that were going to vote for them anyways?

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #206 on: September 07, 2008, 01:38:01 PM »
It doesn't have anything to do with pandering to red necks.

It really wouldn't surprise me at all. I guess we'll see in another month....
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 01:39:49 PM by KrookedEyes »
The answer is Dutch Masters, you fat fucking catastrophe.

sebastian toombs

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #207 on: September 07, 2008, 01:53:41 PM »
unfortunately, the lesson every 'bad guy' country around the world learned with the iraq invasion is that it makes sense to get nuclear weapons so you can defend yourself from the self-appointed 'worlds policeman'.  you either make peace quickly like libya did, or you go the way of iran, syria, pakistan, north korea... 

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #208 on: September 07, 2008, 02:15:02 PM »
Look Newton. I don't really give a shit that it appears she had an affair on her husband. I don't give a shit that she either is pretending that her daughters baby is hers or is a horrible mother. I do care that she's a beauty queen with no basic skills or knowledge of the vice presidency or apparently much of anything at all. You should be insulted by that too.

Now it's arguable that it dosen't really matter, when corporations run the show now anyway. And its now (literally)just another face to fill the office why they push their legislation through. But they could have at least picked someone slightly competent. They didn't.

She just fucking sucks dude.

See, you keep going on and on with these out of context quotes; it's gotten to the point that I'm no longer convinced that you know what the vice president does.

Formally, the vice president does two things:
1. Acts as a tie-breaker in the event of a deadlocked Senate vote
2. Certifies electoral votes

Neither of these two things are "day to day" activities. The last time Dick Cheney had to act as a tie breaker in the Senate was seven years ago. The last time he had to certify an electoral vote was about four years ago. Now, we can both agree that neither of these two things are "day to day," right?

Okay, now that we have a consensus there, let's examine the quote again:

Quote from: Sarah Palin
As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day? I'm used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we're trying to accomplish up here for the rest of the U.S., before I can even start addressing that question.

See there? Doesn't it make a lot more sense in that context? She's essentially saying that the job is a do-nothing government slot -- which it is. She's saying that she's not interested in it unless she gets more informal roles -- the number of informal roles a VP gets varies from administration to administration.


Well, if you believe that, I guess this will even you out some:


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #209 on: September 07, 2008, 02:21:16 PM »
Stop Newton.

They nominated a fucking beauty queen.

If you can't admit that's shitty and cynical then you need to take a look in the mirror-and probably a shower.