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« on: December 28, 2010, 08:27:51 PM »
found this pretty rad independent news channel on tv tonight, i rarely watch tv, but they have opened my eyes up to some shit. namely this quote by eisenhower:

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed." - General Dwight D. Eisenhower

i know people say support the troops, hell i have friends i used to skate with who have gone into the military, but deep down inside i kinda have a feeling that all the money we put into the military could do so much more good if we were to hook up america.... build more skateparks, build more water fountains, put more money into local farms, build more places to sleep for those who can' afford a spot.

maybe its just me that sees the potential of being more creative with this military budget instead of constantly producing weapons.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 08:31:59 PM by tkp »


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Re: war
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 08:30:41 PM »
We got money for wars but cant feed the poor.
I like my trucks how i like my women, Loose.

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Re: war
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 08:33:32 PM »
Whatever keeps gas prices low.


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Re: war
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 08:36:49 PM »
for sure. and strangely enough some of the poorest people i've met have had some of the most life / stories in them. i'm not saying that's what we should all strive for but it's just wild to think about humanity.

i once had a friend who dated this girl who was a single mom. the father had acquired a really nice house in the suburbs, had fully decked it out in all the best gear you can get for a house, had a motorcycle in his garage, a brand new bmw with rims and body kits, and was fully set financially. yet he shot himself in the head one day.

how easy is it to find a water fountain in your hometown? how about an apple tree?

i'm not a rich person so maybe it's me wanting more freedom to roam and do what i truly love to do which makes me happy, i'm stoked to be where i'm at but i wonder how else our life could be designed. what if instead of so much focus on work, the world was focused on sustainable world travel? allowing everyone the same capabilities to see and enjoy the planet? radical ideas get radical results right?

and as for gas prices, i sold my car a while back so don't worry about those too much. solar powered cars would be sick though.

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Re: war
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2010, 10:20:01 PM »
They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.
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Re: war
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2010, 10:24:13 PM »
i see what you did there
:) I must have been tripping last night


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Re: war
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2010, 10:26:55 PM »
They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.
Yep, Dick Cheyney got even richer off of the Iraq War. Yeah, and the repulicans that declared war on Iraq wouldnt dare send there son's to war. After all, George Bush dodged the draft.What Peter thought Saddam was behind 9/11, is what the average American thought saddam was behind because they were led to believe it by **** Cheyney and George Bush, What people dont know is that **** Cheyneys made billions of the iraq war, he couldnt care less that we lost 5,000 of our finest men for him to make more money, he wanted oil and money and didnt care what happened, as long as he made his money he was fine, thats why he doesnt support evidence of global warming, because the oil companies are paying him to support the destruction of the enviroment. Saddam didnt have weapons of mass destruction and Bush and Cheyneey knew that. They didnt care about afganistan because there was no profit involed. Millions of Ethnic Sudanese people were being mass murdered at the time and Bush And Cheyney put a blind eye to it. You know why? no oil and profit, in my opinon Bush and Cheyney led the most corrupt regimes since nixon. They also invaded iraq because they were Muslim, and Bush and Cheyney beleive that if your not some rich white bible thumper that you dont need to be on earth, that you should just go and die. If the elections werent rigged, Al gore would have been president in 2000 and none of this mess would have started,i also find it weird that the day before the democratic Primary in 2004, Cheyney and the posse released an updated terror watch when there was no evidence of an incoming attacked being prepared, they did it to take attention off the democratic National Convention. It also makes me mad that Glenn Beck and sean hannity and all the fox hypocrites said that if you didnt buy health insurance you would be thrown in jail, which is 100%. So please slap or anyone else , dont listen to Fox news or any other of these nuts.
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Re: war
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2010, 10:32:45 PM »
They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Uh what other reason would you have for going to war? Almost every war in human history has been motivated by economic concerns. Spear wielding tribes in Africa go to war with each other for better grazing land for their cattle, it has always been that way.

Even if you broaden the definition to rebellions and revolutions, the key issue is almost always money, or lack thereof for the common man.

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Re: war
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2010, 10:47:26 PM »
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They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Uh what other reason would you have for going to war? Almost every war in human history has been motivated by economic concerns. Spear wielding tribes in Africa go to war with each other for better grazing land for their cattle, it has always been that way.

Even if you broaden the definition to rebellions and revolutions, the key issue is almost always money, or lack thereof for the common man.
Danger to the security of the nation should really be the only reason to go to war.
 Every war we have gone to has also had other theoretical, non-economic reasons. We had to stop a spreading nation from becoming too powerful and attacking us or taking us over, we had to stop a genocide, we had to free another nation or people from a terrible dictator, terrorists attacked us. Read up on history and you'll figure out the other reasons wars are started or are supposed to be started.
Little tip- Don't try to be dismissive when you don't know shit about what you are talking about.
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Re: war
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2010, 10:47:58 PM »
The money that we spend on wars really could be used to improve America vastly, but sometimes we have to go to war. �America should help other nations in need whenever we can. �But the two wars that we are in now are completely unnecessary. �We are not defending anyone, in fact we are invading their countries and pushing ourselves upon them. �America holds the distinction of being the most powerful country on the planet, and that fact is being used more irresponsibly now more than ever. �Some hail Obama as the bringer of change, others believe that he is nothing but a nuisance. �In no way do I think that Obama has brought the change that is going to turn this country around, but he is in the unfortunate position of leading this country after years of unjust leadership. �Our leaders have run this country into the ground financing two wars that we shouldn't even be fighting. �It isn't just a matter of the money that we are losing, they are responsible for the countless lives lost while defending America. �I mean no disrespect to any troops overseas fighting in these wars, whether or not I agree with the wars has no bearing on the great respect I have for our soldiers.
it's not fantasizing if it really happened.  your gay as fuck for even thinkin about them havin sex u fagit


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Re: war
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2010, 10:53:24 PM »
The money that we spend on wars really could be used to improve America vastly, but sometimes we have to go to war. ?America should help other nations in need whenever we can. ?But the two wars that we are in now are completely unnecessary. ?We are not defending anyone, in fact we are invading their countries and pushing ourselves upon them. ?America holds the distinction of being the most powerful country on the planet, and that fact is being used more irresponsibly now more than ever. ?Some hail Obama as the bringer of change, others believe that he is nothing but a nuisance. ?In no way do I think that Obama has brought the change that is going to turn this country around, but he is in the unfortunate position of leading this country after years of unjust leadership. ?Our leaders have run this country into the ground financing two wars that we shouldn't even be fighting. ?It isn't just a matter of the money that we are losing, they are responsible for the countless lives lost while defending America. ?I mean no disrespect to any troops overseas fighting in these wars, whether or not I agree with the wars has no bearing on the great respect I have for our soldiers.
Thats why if Obama doesnt win the democratic primary in 2012, I hope it's either Hiliary Clinton, John Kerry, or Al Gore, but unfortunatly doubt that Kerry runs agian.
I like my trucks how i like my women, Loose.

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Re: war
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2010, 12:50:31 AM »
I really would've hoped Crass would've been in here by now to post the ol' "Fight War! Not Wars" slogan.
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Re: war
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2010, 01:24:02 AM »
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The money that we spend on wars really could be used to improve America vastly, but sometimes we have to go to war. ?America should help other nations in need whenever we can. ?But the two wars that we are in now are completely unnecessary. ?We are not defending anyone, in fact we are invading their countries and pushing ourselves upon them. ?America holds the distinction of being the most powerful country on the planet, and that fact is being used more irresponsibly now more than ever. ?Some hail Obama as the bringer of change, others believe that he is nothing but a nuisance. ?In no way do I think that Obama has brought the change that is going to turn this country around, but he is in the unfortunate position of leading this country after years of unjust leadership. ?Our leaders have run this country into the ground financing two wars that we shouldn't even be fighting. ?It isn't just a matter of the money that we are losing, they are responsible for the countless lives lost while defending America. ?I mean no disrespect to any troops overseas fighting in these wars, whether or not I agree with the wars has no bearing on the great respect I have for our soldiers.
Thats why if Obama doesnt win the democratic primary in 2012, I hope it's either Hiliary Clinton, John Kerry, or Al Gore, but unfortunatly doubt that Kerry runs agian.
So, you would prefer Obama gets replaced with the more militarist democrats? Hillary and Kerry voted for the Iraq war- which to me means they should never be elected to public office again. Gore has done far better shit outside of DC than he could as a politician.

And Friendly Dave, here's some punk rock antiwar music for you:

I couldn't think of any others right now. I'm sure I'm missing some good ones. And for those who will question me, no I don't get my politics from punk rock lyrics.
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Re: war
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2010, 08:37:47 AM »
No, If Obama doesnt run again or gets defeated in the primary.

I like my trucks how i like my women, Loose.


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Re: war
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2010, 08:50:23 AM »
what isss it good for, absolutely nothing, hunnnh say it again, good god


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Re: war
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2010, 09:36:39 AM »
we really need to shift back to our pre WWII isolationist policies and hopefully at some point the independents in this country will see that. i don't think we should not be prepared for major war, we still need to spend, but we definitely don't need to waste the money we are wasting now on frivoles wars.


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Re: war
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2010, 09:49:01 AM »
we obviously need to speak to the ex-selfish rep about about the defense budget. He makes armor for soldiers.

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Re: war
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2010, 10:04:03 AM »
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The money that we spend on wars really could be used to improve America vastly, but sometimes we have to go to war. ?America should help other nations in need whenever we can. ?But the two wars that we are in now are completely unnecessary. ?We are not defending anyone, in fact we are invading their countries and pushing ourselves upon them. ?America holds the distinction of being the most powerful country on the planet, and that fact is being used more irresponsibly now more than ever. ?Some hail Obama as the bringer of change, others believe that he is nothing but a nuisance. ?In no way do I think that Obama has brought the change that is going to turn this country around, but he is in the unfortunate position of leading this country after years of unjust leadership. ?Our leaders have run this country into the ground financing two wars that we shouldn't even be fighting. ?It isn't just a matter of the money that we are losing, they are responsible for the countless lives lost while defending America. ?I mean no disrespect to any troops overseas fighting in these wars, whether or not I agree with the wars has no bearing on the great respect I have for our soldiers.
Thats why if Obama doesnt win the democratic primary in 2012, I hope it's either Hiliary Clinton, John Kerry, or Al Gore, but unfortunatly doubt that Kerry runs agian.
So, you would prefer Obama gets replaced with the more militarist democrats? Hillary and Kerry voted for the Iraq war- which to me means they should never be elected to public office again. Gore has done far better shit outside of DC than he could as a politician.

I couldn't think of any others right now. I'm sure I'm missing some good ones. And for those who will question me, no I don't get my politics from punk rock lyrics.

As far as the 2012 election goes, who do you think would be the strongest anti-war candidate? Kuchinich comes to mind for me. Out of everyone who ran int he past election I believe he was the only one who didn't vote for the war in Iraq.  Also,

Because you can't kill and idea, and we will not be ruled!

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Re: war
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2010, 10:22:23 AM »
Here's a little lesson for you guys from Poli Sci 101.  The U.S. (and every country for that matter) spends so much on defence because of the nature of the world at the international level.  Relations between countries take place in a state of anarchy, that is, there is no world government to regulate laws and enforce agreements.  As citizens, most of us are deterred from committing crimes because of the threat of punishment from the government, and this simple concept of deterrence and enforcement keeps society running smoothly.  However, since there is no global police force (the U.N. hardly counts), every country's survival rests on its own shrewdness and preparedness.  Relations and negotiations even between allies are taken very seriously because the only way to really enforce things like trade pacts and national boundaries when you are on your own is by show of force.  The bigger show of force you can muster, the more secure you can expect to be.  That is why every country in the world spends so much on defence.  The U.S. spends the most simply because as the only remaining superpower it has a huge target on its back from every country that is trying to move up in the world.


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Re: war
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2010, 10:22:32 AM »
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The money that we spend on wars really could be used to improve America vastly, but sometimes we have to go to war. ?America should help other nations in need whenever we can. ?But the two wars that we are in now are completely unnecessary. ?We are not defending anyone, in fact we are invading their countries and pushing ourselves upon them. ?America holds the distinction of being the most powerful country on the planet, and that fact is being used more irresponsibly now more than ever. ?Some hail Obama as the bringer of change, others believe that he is nothing but a nuisance. ?In no way do I think that Obama has brought the change that is going to turn this country around, but he is in the unfortunate position of leading this country after years of unjust leadership. ?Our leaders have run this country into the ground financing two wars that we shouldn't even be fighting. ?It isn't just a matter of the money that we are losing, they are responsible for the countless lives lost while defending America. ?I mean no disrespect to any troops overseas fighting in these wars, whether or not I agree with the wars has no bearing on the great respect I have for our soldiers.
Thats why if Obama doesnt win the democratic primary in 2012, I hope it's either Hiliary Clinton, John Kerry, or Al Gore, but unfortunatly doubt that Kerry runs agian.
So, you would prefer Obama gets replaced with the more militarist democrats? Hillary and Kerry voted for the Iraq war- which to me means they should never be elected to public office again. Gore has done far better shit outside of DC than he could as a politician.

I couldn't think of any others right now. I'm sure I'm missing some good ones. And for those who will question me, no I don't get my politics from punk rock lyrics.

As far as the 2012 election goes, who do you think would be the strongest anti-war candidate? Kuchinich comes to mind for me. Out of everyone who ran int he past election I believe he was the only one who didn't vote for the war in Iraq.?  Also,

Ned Lamont
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Re: war
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2010, 10:26:22 AM »
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They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Uh what other reason would you have for going to war? Almost every war in human history has been motivated by economic concerns. Spear wielding tribes in Africa go to war with each other for better grazing land for their cattle, it has always been that way.

Even if you broaden the definition to rebellions and revolutions, the key issue is almost always money, or lack thereof for the common man.
Danger to the security of the nation should really be the only reason to go to war.
 Every war we have gone to has also had other theoretical, non-economic reasons. We had to stop a spreading nation from becoming too powerful and attacking us or taking us over, we had to stop a genocide, we had to free another nation or people from a terrible dictator, terrorists attacked us. Read up on history and you'll figure out the other reasons wars are started or are supposed to be started.
Little tip- Don't try to be dismissive when you don't know shit about what you are talking about.

i disagree, the United States has never historically fought a war that was not rooted in its own hegemonic interests. we were not concerned with the genocide of the Jews, in fact we sent many back to germany when they showed up on our shores, of course we fought to stop Hitler, but that was in our interests. terrorists? what does that even mean? we go to war with a country that had nothing to do with 911 and that is fighting terrorists? not to mention, it is impossible to win a war on terrorism, also that is simply another war protecting our interests, e.g., oil.


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Re: war
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2010, 10:31:29 AM »
Here's a little lesson for you guys from Poli Sci 101.  The U.S. (and every country for that matter) spends so much on defence because of the nature of the world at the international level.  Relations between countries take place in a state of anarchy, that is, there is no world government to regulate laws and enforce agreements.  As citizens, most of us are deterred from committing crimes because of the threat of punishment from the government, and this simple concept of deterrence and enforcement keeps society running smoothly.  However, since there is no global police force (the U.N. hardly counts), every country's survival rests on its own shrewdness and preparedness.  Relations and negotiations even between allies are taken very seriously because the only way to really enforce things like trade pacts and national boundaries when you are on your own is by show of force.  The bigger show of force you can muster, the more secure you can expect to be.  That is why every country in the world spends so much on defence.  The U.S. spends the most simply because as the only remaining superpower it has a huge target on its back from every country that is trying to move up in the world.

kind of a shallow rationalization actually. plus people are not all abstaining from committing crimes simply for fear of punishment. and those who do commit crimes, a large section of the population, are obviously not deterred. Fear of punishment exacerbates the intention to do harm. this is why the world is in the state that it is in. countries arm out of fear, causing other countries to be afraid and seek armament. it is a circular problem. we are speaking idealistically. pragmatism is often a fearful rationalism that is rooted in a weak abstract idealism. one that has no high societal goal and must be done away with.


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Re: war
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2010, 10:34:24 AM »
They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Yep. We're completely imperialistic. Except we call it democracy, etc whatever you want to whitewash the fact. Check out the Koch Brothers industries, etc and their exploitation of the global south. As well as every major corporate entity. These assholes keep this shit machine going so we can jack off to megan fox and watch reruns of family guy and buy new sedans/suvs/what have you. Its a straight up pay to play system. Which conflicts with the morals you've been taught, etc. But they have a pill for that! Look into big pharma also helping coin diseases/making up new ones.

I'm pretty much sickened on how these things have come to be and how greed has essentially been legalized in the last 100 years, but its even more worshiped now than ever. Everyone wants to be a celebrity for nothing. So they buy the image and try to act out some jr. high fantasy about status, blah blah. No wonder the world hates the U.S.

Original story appeared on Der Spiegel, but yeah. Read financial news to see how royally fucked this country is. Its sad.


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Re: war
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2010, 10:49:52 AM »

Crass is the shit, and it pisses me off anarchy is so misleaded by regular mall goths.. anarchy and peace go hand in hand, anarchy is not angry Sex Pistols fans running around smashing windows, anarchy is a utopian society where borders and social classes don't exist. Kinda how John Lennon explains in Imagine
« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 10:53:06 AM by Nick »


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Re: war
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2010, 10:57:10 AM »
Here's a little lesson for you guys from Poli Sci 101. �The U.S. (and every country for that matter) spends so much on defence because of the nature of the world at the international level. �Relations between countries take place in a state of anarchy, that is, there is no world government to regulate laws and enforce agreements. �As citizens, most of us are deterred from committing crimes because of the threat of punishment from the government, and this simple concept of deterrence and enforcement keeps society running smoothly. �However, since there is no global police force (the U.N. hardly counts), every country's survival rests on its own shrewdness and preparedness. �Relations and negotiations even between allies are taken very seriously because the only way to really enforce things like trade pacts and national boundaries when you are on your own is by show of force. �The bigger show of force you can muster, the more secure you can expect to be. �That is why every country in the world spends so much on defence. �The U.S. spends the most simply because as the only remaining superpower it has a huge target on its back from every country that is trying to move up in the world.

uh nope. the reason the united states spends so much on defense is because it is a form of subsidizing the private sector and keeping the wheels on the economy. go through the state and defense department documents after ww2. people like dean acheson and harry truman knew that after the war the american economy would be back in the shitter. the only reason the great depression ended in the first place was because we had to ramp up production for a nearly limitless demand of arms and troop support. after the war people in the state department convinced truman that the best way to avoid a depression was through massive defense spending. if we didn't have a war to fight to keep our economy afloat we could at least be constantly preparing for one, which was why the "communist threat" was so convenient and ironic considering that modern defense spending is basically constant war time socialism. this isn't shady conspiratorial belly gazing- president eisenhower, who had the most experience with the military of any modern president, laid it all out in black and white in his farewell address.

did you know that a piece of the b2 bomber is built in every single state? there's a reason for that. if anyone in congress votes against funding what many consider to be a stupid and expensive defense project they will inadvertently cost their constituents jobs. add to that retards like you who will howl that anyone who thinks that 51% of our resources going to defense is too much is a pussy and it is politically unfeasible to stop the growth of the defense industry.

thanks for the lesson though, jackass.

Buddy G

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Re: war
« Reply #25 on: December 29, 2010, 12:08:02 PM »

i know people say support the troops

only stupid people.

Ronald Wilson Reagan

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Re: war
« Reply #26 on: December 29, 2010, 12:32:33 PM »
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They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Uh what other reason would you have for going to war? Almost every war in human history has been motivated by economic concerns. Spear wielding tribes in Africa go to war with each other for better grazing land for their cattle, it has always been that way.

Even if you broaden the definition to rebellions and revolutions, the key issue is almost always money, or lack thereof for the common man.
Danger to the security of the nation should really be the only reason to go to war.
 Every war we have gone to has also had other theoretical, non-economic reasons. We had to stop a spreading nation from becoming too powerful and attacking us or taking us over, we had to stop a genocide, we had to free another nation or people from a terrible dictator, terrorists attacked us. Read up on history and you'll figure out the other reasons wars are started or are supposed to be started.
Little tip- Don't try to be dismissive when you don't know shit about what you are talking about.

i disagree, the United States has never historically fought a war that was not rooted in its own hegemonic interests. we were not concerned with the genocide of the Jews, in fact we sent many back to germany when they showed up on our shores, of course we fought to stop Hitler, but that was in our interests. terrorists? what does that even mean? we go to war with a country that had nothing to do with 911 and that is fighting terrorists? not to mention, it is impossible to win a war on terrorism, also that is simply another war protecting our interests, e.g., oil.
You are entirely missing my point. I agree with you on all of that stuff, as I stated before. You know what? Just read what you wrote and I wrote. I'm not explaining something this basic, but you misread what I wrote.

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They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Yep. We're completely imperialistic. Except we call it democracy, etc whatever you want to whitewash the fact. Check out the Koch Brothers industries, etc and their exploitation of the global south. As well as every major corporate entity. These assholes keep this shit machine going so we can jack off to megan fox and watch reruns of family guy and buy new sedans/suvs/what have you. Its a straight up pay to play system. Which conflicts with the morals you've been taught, etc. But they have a pill for that! Look into big pharma also helping coin diseases/making up new ones.

I'm pretty much sickened on how these things have come to be and how greed has essentially been legalized in the last 100 years, but its even more worshiped now than ever. Everyone wants to be a celebrity for nothing. So they buy the image and try to act out some jr. high fantasy about status, blah blah. No wonder the world hates the U.S.

Original story appeared on Der Spiegel, but yeah. Read financial news to see how royally fucked this country is. Its sad.
If anybody deserves a bullet in the head for our national security, its the Koch brothers.

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Here's a little lesson for you guys from Poli Sci 101. �The U.S. (and every country for that matter) spends so much on defence because of the nature of the world at the international level. �Relations between countries take place in a state of anarchy, that is, there is no world government to regulate laws and enforce agreements. �As citizens, most of us are deterred from committing crimes because of the threat of punishment from the government, and this simple concept of deterrence and enforcement keeps society running smoothly. �However, since there is no global police force (the U.N. hardly counts), every country's survival rests on its own shrewdness and preparedness. �Relations and negotiations even between allies are taken very seriously because the only way to really enforce things like trade pacts and national boundaries when you are on your own is by show of force. �The bigger show of force you can muster, the more secure you can expect to be. �That is why every country in the world spends so much on defence. �The U.S. spends the most simply because as the only remaining superpower it has a huge target on its back from every country that is trying to move up in the world.


uh nope. the reason the united states spends so much on defense is because it is a form of subsidizing the private sector and keeping the wheels on the economy. go through the state and defense department documents after ww2. people like dean acheson and harry truman knew that after the war the american economy would be back in the shitter. the only reason the great depression ended in the first place was because we had to ramp up production for a nearly limitless demand of arms and troop support. after the war people in the state department convinced truman that the best way to avoid a depression was through massive defense spending. if we didn't have a war to fight to keep our economy afloat we could at least be constantly preparing for one, which was why the "communist threat" was so convenient and ironic considering that modern defense spending is basically constant war time socialism. this isn't shady conspiratorial belly gazing- president eisenhower, who had the most experience with the military of any modern president, laid it all out in black and white in his farewell address.

did you know that a piece of the b2 bomber is built in every single state? there's a reason for that. if anyone in congress votes against funding what many consider to be a stupid and expensive defense project they will inadvertently cost their constituents jobs. add to that retards like you who will howl that anyone who thinks that 51% of our resources going to defense is too much is a pussy and it is politically unfeasible to stop the growth of the defense industry.

thanks for the lesson though, jackass.
Looks like cuddle monster took poli sci 102!
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: war
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2010, 02:50:12 PM »
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They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Uh what other reason would you have for going to war? Almost every war in human history has been motivated by economic concerns. Spear wielding tribes in Africa go to war with each other for better grazing land for their cattle, it has always been that way.

Even if you broaden the definition to rebellions and revolutions, the key issue is almost always money, or lack thereof for the common man.
Danger to the security of the nation should really be the only reason to go to war.
 Every war we have gone to has also had other theoretical, non-economic reasons. We had to stop a spreading nation from becoming too powerful and attacking us or taking us over, we had to stop a genocide, we had to free another nation or people from a terrible dictator, terrorists attacked us. Read up on history and you'll figure out the other reasons wars are started or are supposed to be started.
Little tip- Don't try to be dismissive when you don't know shit about what you are talking about.

i disagree, the United States has never historically fought a war that was not rooted in its own hegemonic interests. we were not concerned with the genocide of the Jews, in fact we sent many back to germany when they showed up on our shores, of course we fought to stop Hitler, but that was in our interests. terrorists? what does that even mean? we go to war with a country that had nothing to do with 911 and that is fighting terrorists? not to mention, it is impossible to win a war on terrorism, also that is simply another war protecting our interests, e.g., oil.
You are entirely missing my point. I agree with you on all of that stuff, as I stated before. You know what? Just read what you wrote and I wrote. I'm not explaining something this basic, but you misread what I wrote.

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They call what you are talking about a "peace dividend." Unfortunately, that will never come, because the military industrial complex will never stop churning out new excuses to go to war or spend money on new useless war technology. The fucked up thing is that with over half of the U.S. budget going to defense, they still couldn't give proper armor to soldiers in the field, or keep military hospitals to code. Most of it goes to R & D for weapons systems and defense contractors, like the one selfishrep works for. It also should be noted a great deal of America's weath comes from war. Fuck, The United States exists because of a genocidal series of wars. Pretty much every war The U.S. has been in has been primarily motivated by economic concerns.

Yep. We're completely imperialistic. Except we call it democracy, etc whatever you want to whitewash the fact. Check out the Koch Brothers industries, etc and their exploitation of the global south. As well as every major corporate entity. These assholes keep this shit machine going so we can jack off to megan fox and watch reruns of family guy and buy new sedans/suvs/what have you. Its a straight up pay to play system. Which conflicts with the morals you've been taught, etc. But they have a pill for that! Look into big pharma also helping coin diseases/making up new ones.

I'm pretty much sickened on how these things have come to be and how greed has essentially been legalized in the last 100 years, but its even more worshiped now than ever. Everyone wants to be a celebrity for nothing. So they buy the image and try to act out some jr. high fantasy about status, blah blah. No wonder the world hates the U.S.

Original story appeared on Der Spiegel, but yeah. Read financial news to see how royally fucked this country is. Its sad.
If anybody deserves a bullet in the head for our national security, its the Koch brothers.

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Here's a little lesson for you guys from Poli Sci 101. �The U.S. (and every country for that matter) spends so much on defence because of the nature of the world at the international level. �Relations between countries take place in a state of anarchy, that is, there is no world government to regulate laws and enforce agreements. �As citizens, most of us are deterred from committing crimes because of the threat of punishment from the government, and this simple concept of deterrence and enforcement keeps society running smoothly. �However, since there is no global police force (the U.N. hardly counts), every country's survival rests on its own shrewdness and preparedness. �Relations and negotiations even between allies are taken very seriously because the only way to really enforce things like trade pacts and national boundaries when you are on your own is by show of force. �The bigger show of force you can muster, the more secure you can expect to be. �That is why every country in the world spends so much on defence. �The U.S. spends the most simply because as the only remaining superpower it has a huge target on its back from every country that is trying to move up in the world.


uh nope. the reason the united states spends so much on defense is because it is a form of subsidizing the private sector and keeping the wheels on the economy. go through the state and defense department documents after ww2. people like dean acheson and harry truman knew that after the war the american economy would be back in the shitter. the only reason the great depression ended in the first place was because we had to ramp up production for a nearly limitless demand of arms and troop support. after the war people in the state department convinced truman that the best way to avoid a depression was through massive defense spending. if we didn't have a war to fight to keep our economy afloat we could at least be constantly preparing for one, which was why the "communist threat" was so convenient and ironic considering that modern defense spending is basically constant war time socialism. this isn't shady conspiratorial belly gazing- president eisenhower, who had the most experience with the military of any modern president, laid it all out in black and white in his farewell address.

did you know that a piece of the b2 bomber is built in every single state? there's a reason for that. if anyone in congress votes against funding what many consider to be a stupid and expensive defense project they will inadvertently cost their constituents jobs. add to that retards like you who will howl that anyone who thinks that 51% of our resources going to defense is too much is a pussy and it is politically unfeasible to stop the growth of the defense industry.

thanks for the lesson though, jackass.
Looks like cuddle monster took poli sci 102!

you should be more clear if you want people to understand you. I know you teach high school or something, but that does not mean you are always right or always make sense. You said " We had to stop a spreading nation from becoming too powerful and attacking us or taking us over, we had to stop a genocide, we had to free another nation or people from a terrible dictator, terrorists attacked us." you were arguing that we have non empirical reasons for war, i disagreed with them. i did not misread. plus, your grammar is pretty fucked up on that one, so, yeah, straw men dont win arguments.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 02:52:08 PM by geoff »


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Re: war
« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2010, 02:55:39 PM »
read this article today. here's a quote:

"From 2004 through 2008, 80 percent of retiring three- and four-star officers went to work as consultants or defense executives, according to the Globe analysis. That compares with less than 50 percent who followed that path a decade earlier, from 1994 to 1998."


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Re: war
« Reply #29 on: December 29, 2010, 03:03:34 PM »
Monroe Doctrine.
Neo liberalism.
"Fair Trade"