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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #60 on: December 11, 2006, 12:58:36 PM »
yes, it does. Dogs are carnivores. Perhaps find a different way than supporting the big ranch industry that you despise so much to get the meat, but they generally most naturally eat meat. And its forced, not a choice.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out

trent steel

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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #61 on: December 11, 2006, 01:10:31 PM »


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #62 on: December 11, 2006, 02:07:34 PM »
remEMBer, please tell me you don't wear those dunks that say "mission sf ca" on them. That just epitomizes hipster trash.
Nah fuck that I skate them, they just don't have enough support I get heel brusies when skate em


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #63 on: December 11, 2006, 02:21:20 PM »
having the chance of skating this ramp. sure it was over a year ago but still it is the best ramp ever. you get so much speed and it seems like as soon as you leave one wall you hit the other instantly. grinding behind the trees is harder than it seems too. by far the best ramp in mass


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #64 on: December 11, 2006, 03:37:57 PM »
that looks sooo fun.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #65 on: December 11, 2006, 03:39:24 PM »
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Yeah it gets pretty hectic there, smaller park but its really fun.
sadly its closed on monday, my only day off during the week.

Next Monday I'll meet you at Skate Barn when they open at 10:00. Billed as the "old man session" it's usually empty for the first few hours. We'll play skate on the ski jump.
ive been skating my ramp alot, im getting antisocial...


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #66 on: December 11, 2006, 03:43:11 PM »
that looks sooo fun.
By the look on dudes face... not really!


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #67 on: December 11, 2006, 03:45:37 PM »
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that looks sooo fun.
By the look on dudes face... not really!
that is the ezra dude issac talks about. probably not the reason why but it is very easy to hit the trees with your head or your whole body and it hurts
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that looks sooo fun.
if you only knew how fun it is and it is in one of the worst parts of boston. it is amazing


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #68 on: December 11, 2006, 06:23:55 PM »
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it'd be interesting to see what kids from 3rd world countriest responses to your pictures would be
probably something along the lines of "what a bunch of pricks"

is the other half of you this much of a dick?

yeah most definitely
...and i'm never wrong either


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #69 on: December 11, 2006, 06:29:37 PM »



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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #70 on: December 11, 2006, 07:00:34 PM »

     The Truth About Cats and Dogs

    by Ann Martin

    Canada -- The pet food industry -- a billion-dollar, unregulated operation -- feeds on the garbage that otherwise would wind up in landfills or be transformed into fertilizer. The hidden ingredients in a can of commercial pet food may include roadkill and the rendered remains of cats and dogs. The pet food industry claims that its products constitute a "complete and balanced diet" but, in reality, commercial pet food is unfit for human or animal consumption.

    "Vegetable protein," the mainstay of dry dog foods, includes ground yellow corn, wheat shorts and middlings, soybean meal, rice husks, peanut meal and peanut shells (identified as "cellulose" on pet food labels). These often are little more than the sweepings from milling room floors. Stripped of their oil, germ and bran, these "proteins" are deficient in essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants.

    "Animal protein" in commercial pet foods can include diseased meat, road kill, contaminated material from slaughterhouses, fecal matter, rendered cats and dogs and poultry feathers. The major source of animal protein comes from "dead-stock removal operations" that supply so-called "4-D" animals -- dead, diseased, dying or disabled -- to "receiving plants" for hide, fat and meat removal. The meat (after being doused with charcoal and marked "unfit for human consumption" may then be sold for pet food.

    Rendering plants process decomposing animal carcasses, large roadkill and euthanized dogs and cats into a dry protein product that is sold to the pet food industry. One small plant in Quebec, Ontario renders ten tons (22,000 lbs) of dogs and cats per week. The Quebec Ministry of Agriculture states that "the fur is not removed from dogs and cats" and that "dead animals are cooked together with viscera, bones and fat at 115* C (235* F) for 20 minutes."

    The US Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is aware of the use of rendered dogs and cats in pet foods, but has stated: "CVM has not acted to specifically prohibit the rendering of pets. However, that is not to say that the practices of using this material in pet food is condoned by the CVM."

    In both the US and Canada, the pet food industry is virtually self-regulated. In the US, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) sets guidelines and definitions for animal feed, including pet foods. In Canada, the most prominent control is the "Labeling Act" -- simply requiring product labels to state the name and address of the manufacturer, the weight of the product and whether it is dog or cat food. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and the Pet Food Association of Canada (PFAC) are voluntary organizations that, for the most part, rely on the integrity of the companies they certify to assure that product ingredients do not fall below minimum standards.

    The majority of the pet food sold in Canada -- 85-to-90 percent--is manufactured by US-based multinationals. Under the terms of the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement, neither the CVMA or PFAC exercises any control over the ingredients in cans of US pet food.

    Pet food industry advertising promotes the idea that, to keep pets healthy, one must feed them commercially formulated pet foods. But such a diet contributes to cancer, skin problems, allergies, hypertension, kidney and liver failure, heart disease and dental problems. One more item should be added to pet food labels -- a skull-and-crossbones insignia!

    Ann Martin, an animal rights activist and leading critic of commercial pet food industry, lives in London, Ontario.
Meatless Meals for Dogs and Cats
If you have been feeding your companion animals commercial pet foods, you may be jeopardizing their health. Supermarket pet foods are often composed of ground-up parts of animals deemed by U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors unfit for human consumption. The flesh of animals who fall into one of the categories of the four D’s—dead, dying, diseased, or disabled—is what often goes into pet food. Many of these animals have died of infections and other diseases. In all but a few states it is legal to remove unusable parts from chickens and sell them to pet food manufacturers. Most pet foods contain the same hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics that are found in commercial meat products for humans. If you are concerned about your companion animals’ health and about the cruelty of the meat industry, now is the time to stop buying meat-based commercial pet food.
Vegetarian Dogs and Cats
Many vegetarians and vegans feed healthful, meatless diets to their companion animals. One remarkable example is that of Bramble, a 27-year-old border collie whose vegan diet of rice, lentils, and organic vegetables earned her consideration by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s oldest living dog in 2002.(1) Studies have shown that the ailments associated with meat consumption in humans, such as allergies, cancer, and kidney, heart, and bone problems, also affect many nonhumans. Pet food has also been recalled during mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), scares because of the risk that contaminated meat was processed into the food. One deputy commissioner states that cats especially “are susceptible to BSE.”(2) 
The nutritional needs of dogs and cats are easily met with a balanced vegan diet and certain supplements. James Peden, author of Vegetarian Cats & Dogs, developed Vegepet™ supplements to add to vegetarian and vegan recipes. They are nutritionally balanced and also come in special formulas for kittens, puppies, and lactating cats and dogs.
Some people wonder if it’s “unnatural” to omit meat from the diet of a dog or cat. Animals in the wild commonly eat quite a lot of plant matter. Besides, to feed them the meat that they would naturally eat, you would have to serve them whole mice or birds or allow them to hunt for themselves, an option that is unfair to native species of birds and other small animals, since companion cats and dogs have been removed from the food chain and have advantages that free-roaming animals lack. Vegetarian or vegan dogs and cats enjoy their food and good health, and a vegetarian diet for your companion animal is ethically consistent with animal rights philosophy.
Important Supplements
Making vegetarian food for dogs is easy because dogs, like people, are omnivorous and usually hearty eaters. Recipes for vegetarian and vegan dogs are available along with the Vegedog™ supplement from James Peden’s company, Harbingers of a New Age. It is important to follow directions carefully. If you make any changes in ingredients, make sure that you do not change the nutritional balance of the recipe. If a dog receives too little protein, calcium, or vitamin D, his or her health could be jeopardized.
Additionally, some dogs need two amino acids called L-carnitine and taurine which are not generally added to commercial dog foods and can be insufficient in homemade dog food as well. A deficiency of these nutrients can cause dilated cardiomyopathy, a serious illness in which the heart becomes large and flabby and can no longer function. This illness generally strikes young or middle-aged dogs who are deficient in L-carnitine or taurine because of breed, size, individual genetic make-up, or diet. Supplemental L-carnitine and taurine can be bought at your local health food store
Cats are often more finicky than dogs, and their nutritional requirements are more complicated. Cats need a considerable amount of vitamin A, which they cannot biosynthesize from carotene, as dogs and humans do. Insufficient amounts may cause loss of hearing, as well as problems with skin, bones, and intestinal and reproductive systems. Cats also need taurine. A feline lacking taurine can lose eyesight and could develop cardiomyopathy. Commercial pet food companies often add taurine obtained from mollusks. James Peden found vegetarian sources of both taurine and vitamin A, plus arachidonic acid, another essential feline nutrient. He then developed veterinarian-approved supplements Vegecat™ and Vegekit™ to add to his recipes. These recipes are probably the healthiest way to feed cats a vegan diet at this time.
Dogs and cats who are eating only cooked or processed food also benefit from the addition of digestive enzymes to their food. These are obtainable through animal supply catalogs and health food stores. Any raw vegetables in a dog’s diet should be grated or put through a food processor to enhance digestibility.
Companies That Sell Vegan Dog and Cat Food
Evolution Diet
Dog and cat kibble and canned food, ferret kibble, fish food
F & O Alternative Pet Products
Vegan dog and cat kibble and canned food
Harbingers of a New Age
Vegecat™, Vegekit™, Vegedog™, Vegepup™, and digestive enzymes
Natural Life Pet Products
Canned and kibble dog food
Nature’s Recipe
Canned and kibble dog food
Newman’s Own
Organic vegan dog treats
Pet Guard
Canned dog food and biscuits
Wow-Bow Distributors
Canned and kibble dog food and biscuits
Wysong Corporation
Dog and cat kibble
If you decide to prepare your own vegetarian dog or cat food, we recommend that you read Vegetarian Cats & Dogs to ensure that you understand the nutritional needs of dogs and cats. Do not rely on this factsheet for complete information. The book has several recipes and helpful hints. If your library or bookstore doesn’t have it, you can order it from Harbingers of a New Age.
Making the Adjustment
To help with the adjustment to a vegetarian or vegan diet, start by mixing the vegetarian food in with what you usually serve. Gradually change the proportion until there is no meat left. If your efforts are met with resistance, tempt your animal friends by adding soy milk, nutritional yeast (available at natural-food stores), olive oil, tomato sauce (most dogs love spaghetti!), catnip (for cats), powdered kelp, baby food that doesn’t contain onions or other seasonings, or by serving it warm. Many cats like nutritional yeast and pieces of melon, and most love mashed chickpeas and veggie burgers. If your companion animals are addicted to supermarket pet food, it may take a while for them to adapt.
After switching dogs or cats to a vegetarian diet, monitor them closely to make sure that their new diet agrees with them, especially if they are still puppies or kittens. Watch for chronic gastrointestinal and skin problems, and note any new health problems. Most dogs and cats’ health improves on a vegetarian diet, but occasionally an animal may not thrive, so use common sense if this occurs.

1) “27-Year-Old Vegan Collie Could Be World’s Oldest Living Dog,” Ananova, 29 Aug. 2002.
2) Steve Mitchell, “FDA May Recall Pet Food Due to Mad Cow,” United Press International, 24 Dec. 2003.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 07:05:01 PM by fuckingvegan »


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #71 on: December 11, 2006, 07:07:04 PM »
way to ruin the thread you stupid fucking prick.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #72 on: December 11, 2006, 07:16:03 PM »
you really vegan what the fuck

you should post pics of jim ross instead


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #73 on: December 11, 2006, 07:27:11 PM »
Holy shit a 27 year old border collie?


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #74 on: December 11, 2006, 08:29:03 PM »

that shits not even a TI 83 plus, you dont know what your missing
"Front row tickets to a bomb ass play"
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i moved to my city 1 year ago and i'm becomming a little hero here ... everybody thinks that i'm really cool, even the girls fight each other because of me. people are talking how a cool guy i am and stuff.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #75 on: December 11, 2006, 08:29:36 PM »
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now, i'm not trying to start some huge debate here, but doesn't making a dog a vegetarian seem wrong?

I didn't ruin this thread I was answering this guys question, I forgot to quote him when I did it though.

Sorry if I got your panties in a bunch.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #76 on: December 11, 2006, 09:10:28 PM »
ezra looks like he's in some serious pain. poor bastard. (heheheheheee)

that ramp is at a friends house back in Mass. heard nothing but good things about it.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #77 on: December 12, 2006, 01:00:09 AM »

brooklyn brawler

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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #78 on: December 12, 2006, 01:19:28 AM »
How good would with look with that?


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2006, 11:51:25 AM »

 The Truth About Cats and Dogs

 by Ann Martin

 Canada -- The pet food industry -- a billion-dollar, unregulated operation -- feeds on the garbage that otherwise would wind up in landfills or be transformed into fertilizer. The hidden ingredients in a can of commercial pet food may include roadkill and the rendered remains of cats and dogs. The pet food industry claims that its products constitute a "complete and balanced diet" but, in reality, commercial pet food is unfit for human or animal consumption.

 "Vegetable protein," the mainstay of dry dog foods, includes ground yellow corn, wheat shorts and middlings, soybean meal, rice husks, peanut meal and peanut shells (identified as "cellulose" on pet food labels). These often are little more than the sweepings from milling room floors. Stripped of their oil, germ and bran, these "proteins" are deficient in essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins and antioxidants.

 "Animal protein" in commercial pet foods can include diseased meat, road kill, contaminated material from slaughterhouses, fecal matter, rendered cats and dogs and poultry feathers. The major source of animal protein comes from "dead-stock removal operations" that supply so-called "4-D" animals -- dead, diseased, dying or disabled -- to "receiving plants" for hide, fat and meat removal. The meat (after being doused with charcoal and marked "unfit for human consumption" may then be sold for pet food.

 Rendering plants process decomposing animal carcasses, large roadkill and euthanized dogs and cats into a dry protein product that is sold to the pet food industry. One small plant in Quebec, Ontario renders ten tons (22,000 lbs) of dogs and cats per week. The Quebec Ministry of Agriculture states that "the fur is not removed from dogs and cats" and that "dead animals are cooked together with viscera, bones and fat at 115* C (235* F) for 20 minutes."

 The US Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is aware of the use of rendered dogs and cats in pet foods, but has stated: "CVM has not acted to specifically prohibit the rendering of pets. However, that is not to say that the practices of using this material in pet food is condoned by the CVM."

 In both the US and Canada, the pet food industry is virtually self-regulated. In the US, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) sets guidelines and definitions for animal feed, including pet foods. In Canada, the most prominent control is the "Labeling Act" -- simply requiring product labels to state the name and address of the manufacturer, the weight of the product and whether it is dog or cat food. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) and the Pet Food Association of Canada (PFAC) are voluntary organizations that, for the most part, rely on the integrity of the companies they certify to assure that product ingredients do not fall below minimum standards.

 The majority of the pet food sold in Canada -- 85-to-90 percent--is manufactured by US-based multinationals. Under the terms of the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement, neither the CVMA or PFAC exercises any control over the ingredients in cans of US pet food.

 Pet food industry advertising promotes the idea that, to keep pets healthy, one must feed them commercially formulated pet foods. But such a diet contributes to cancer, skin problems, allergies, hypertension, kidney and liver failure, heart disease and dental problems. One more item should be added to pet food labels -- a skull-and-crossbones insignia!

 Ann Martin, an animal rights activist and leading critic of commercial pet food industry, lives in London, Ontario.
Meatless Meals for Dogs and Cats
If you have been feeding your companion animals commercial pet foods, you may be jeopardizing their health. Supermarket pet foods are often composed of ground-up parts of animals deemed by U.S. Department of Agriculture inspectors unfit for human consumption. The flesh of animals who fall into one of the categories of the four D’s—dead, dying, diseased, or disabled—is what often goes into pet food. Many of these animals have died of infections and other diseases. In all but a few states it is legal to remove unusable parts from chickens and sell them to pet food manufacturers. Most pet foods contain the same hormones, pesticides, and antibiotics that are found in commercial meat products for humans. If you are concerned about your companion animals’ health and about the cruelty of the meat industry, now is the time to stop buying meat-based commercial pet food.
Vegetarian Dogs and Cats
Many vegetarians and vegans feed healthful, meatless diets to their companion animals. One remarkable example is that of Bramble, a 27-year-old border collie whose vegan diet of rice, lentils, and organic vegetables earned her consideration by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s oldest living dog in 2002.(1) Studies have shown that the ailments associated with meat consumption in humans, such as allergies, cancer, and kidney, heart, and bone problems, also affect many nonhumans. Pet food has also been recalled during mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), scares because of the risk that contaminated meat was processed into the food. One deputy commissioner states that cats especially “are susceptible to BSE.”(2)
The nutritional needs of dogs and cats are easily met with a balanced vegan diet and certain supplements. James Peden, author of Vegetarian Cats & Dogs, developed Vegepet™ supplements to add to vegetarian and vegan recipes. They are nutritionally balanced and also come in special formulas for kittens, puppies, and lactating cats and dogs.
Some people wonder if it’s “unnatural” to omit meat from the diet of a dog or cat. Animals in the wild commonly eat quite a lot of plant matter. Besides, to feed them the meat that they would naturally eat, you would have to serve them whole mice or birds or allow them to hunt for themselves, an option that is unfair to native species of birds and other small animals, since companion cats and dogs have been removed from the food chain and have advantages that free-roaming animals lack. Vegetarian or vegan dogs and cats enjoy their food and good health, and a vegetarian diet for your companion animal is ethically consistent with animal rights philosophy.
Important Supplements
Making vegetarian food for dogs is easy because dogs, like people, are omnivorous and usually hearty eaters. Recipes for vegetarian and vegan dogs are available along with the Vegedog™ supplement from James Peden’s company, Harbingers of a New Age. It is important to follow directions carefully. If you make any changes in ingredients, make sure that you do not change the nutritional balance of the recipe. If a dog receives too little protein, calcium, or vitamin D, his or her health could be jeopardized.
Additionally, some dogs need two amino acids called L-carnitine and taurine which are not generally added to commercial dog foods and can be insufficient in homemade dog food as well. A deficiency of these nutrients can cause dilated cardiomyopathy, a serious illness in which the heart becomes large and flabby and can no longer function. This illness generally strikes young or middle-aged dogs who are deficient in L-carnitine or taurine because of breed, size, individual genetic make-up, or diet. Supplemental L-carnitine and taurine can be bought at your local health food store
Cats are often more finicky than dogs, and their nutritional requirements are more complicated. Cats need a considerable amount of vitamin A, which they cannot biosynthesize from carotene, as dogs and humans do. Insufficient amounts may cause loss of hearing, as well as problems with skin, bones, and intestinal and reproductive systems. Cats also need taurine. A feline lacking taurine can lose eyesight and could develop cardiomyopathy. Commercial pet food companies often add taurine obtained from mollusks. James Peden found vegetarian sources of both taurine and vitamin A, plus arachidonic acid, another essential feline nutrient. He then developed veterinarian-approved supplements Vegecat™ and Vegekit™ to add to his recipes. These recipes are probably the healthiest way to feed cats a vegan diet at this time.
Dogs and cats who are eating only cooked or processed food also benefit from the addition of digestive enzymes to their food. These are obtainable through animal supply catalogs and health food stores. Any raw vegetables in a dog’s diet should be grated or put through a food processor to enhance digestibility.
Companies That Sell Vegan Dog and Cat Food
Evolution Diet
Dog and cat kibble and canned food, ferret kibble, fish food
F & O Alternative Pet Products
Vegan dog and cat kibble and canned food
Harbingers of a New Age
Vegecat™, Vegekit™, Vegedog™, Vegepup™, and digestive enzymes
Natural Life Pet Products
Canned and kibble dog food
Nature’s Recipe
Canned and kibble dog food
Newman’s Own
Organic vegan dog treats
Pet Guard
Canned dog food and biscuits
Wow-Bow Distributors
Canned and kibble dog food and biscuits
Wysong Corporation
Dog and cat kibble
If you decide to prepare your own vegetarian dog or cat food, we recommend that you read Vegetarian Cats & Dogs to ensure that you understand the nutritional needs of dogs and cats. Do not rely on this factsheet for complete information. The book has several recipes and helpful hints. If your library or bookstore doesn’t have it, you can order it from Harbingers of a New Age.
Making the Adjustment
To help with the adjustment to a vegetarian or vegan diet, start by mixing the vegetarian food in with what you usually serve. Gradually change the proportion until there is no meat left. If your efforts are met with resistance, tempt your animal friends by adding soy milk, nutritional yeast (available at natural-food stores), olive oil, tomato sauce (most dogs love spaghetti!), catnip (for cats), powdered kelp, baby food that doesn’t contain onions or other seasonings, or by serving it warm. Many cats like nutritional yeast and pieces of melon, and most love mashed chickpeas and veggie burgers. If your companion animals are addicted to supermarket pet food, it may take a while for them to adapt.
After switching dogs or cats to a vegetarian diet, monitor them closely to make sure that their new diet agrees with them, especially if they are still puppies or kittens. Watch for chronic gastrointestinal and skin problems, and note any new health problems. Most dogs and cats’ health improves on a vegetarian diet, but occasionally an animal may not thrive, so use common sense if this occurs.

1) “27-Year-Old Vegan Collie Could Be World’s Oldest Living Dog,” Ananova, 29 Aug. 2002.
2) Steve Mitchell, “FDA May Recall Pet Food Due to Mad Cow,” United Press International, 24 Dec. 2003.

Why that?  just watch this!


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #81 on: December 12, 2006, 12:00:01 PM »
ezra looks like he's in some serious pain. poor bastard. (heheheheheee)

that ramp is at a friends house back in Mass. heard nothing but good things about it.
i thought it was ezras ramp. i am friends with ezras brother jon and i think he said it was his brothers ramp. anyways it is sick and loads of fun. those guys destroy it


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2006, 12:03:28 PM »
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ezra looks like he's in some serious pain. poor bastard. (heheheheheee)

that ramp is at a friends house back in Mass. heard nothing but good things about it.
i thought it was ezras ramp. i am friends with ezras brother jon and i think he said it was his brothers ramp. anyways it is sick and loads of fun. those guys destroy it

my brother owns the nintendo but i own all the games, so when we get mad at each other no one can play anything
"Front row tickets to a bomb ass play"
Quote from: Matze
i moved to my city 1 year ago and i'm becomming a little hero here ... everybody thinks that i'm really cool, even the girls fight each other because of me. people are talking how a cool guy i am and stuff.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #83 on: December 12, 2006, 12:08:30 PM »
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ezra looks like he's in some serious pain. poor bastard. (heheheheheee)

that ramp is at a friends house back in Mass. heard nothing but good things about it.
i thought it was ezras ramp. i am friends with ezras brother jon and i think he said it was his brothers ramp. anyways it is sick and loads of fun. those guys destroy it

ezra help build it but it's at Adam's house.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #84 on: December 12, 2006, 12:10:56 PM »
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ezra looks like he's in some serious pain. poor bastard. (heheheheheee)

that ramp is at a friends house back in Mass. heard nothing but good things about it.
i thought it was ezras ramp. i am friends with ezras brother jon and i think he said it was his brothers ramp. anyways it is sick and loads of fun. those guys destroy it

ezra help build it but it's at Adam's house.
ah, i see. i am still waiting for the day someone rolls in off the big garage into the ramp


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #85 on: December 12, 2006, 12:32:00 PM »

my puerto rican love child, too bad that's not my hand on that but just some white guy on the internet's hand.

purple nurple, fucking nice. I would love some purple shit.


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #86 on: December 12, 2006, 12:41:48 PM »


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #87 on: December 12, 2006, 01:20:58 PM »

Yeah man it's cold out, i'm stoked on coal as well !!!
...can't believe this thread brought Donnie Murdo out of the woodwork!


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #88 on: December 12, 2006, 01:40:20 PM »
yaaa couldn't find a good picture of hash or didnt look hard enough for that matter


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Re: Pictures of crap currently making you happy.
« Reply #89 on: December 12, 2006, 01:59:45 PM »
yaaa couldn't find a good picture of hash or didnt look hard enough for that matter

hahahaha at least you took it as a joke, not some deadly insult hahahaha
...can't believe this thread brought Donnie Murdo out of the woodwork!