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nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #120 on: April 13, 2015, 07:42:29 AM »
i saw boserio skate at vans gsd riverside 2013. he did a good kickie nosebluntslide on the box . it was obvious that he is a very skilled skater

and rusty berrings
im mad impressed. that wall piece is more than dope qualify. hell yeah

i should use it on my pro model deck. if i ever get one


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #121 on: April 13, 2015, 10:44:36 AM »
Hey Jedi,

Sorry I've been gone for awhile. I've been getting really into fan fiction and I decided to write find and replace one about you and Ben Cousins. I hope you like it.

The Silent Guardian

Jedi peered down at the Mornington peninsula from his usual perch in the rooftops, wearing his purple Lakers jersey, completely still. He was tired of all the egos, he was tired of Tony Hawk, Kelly Slater, Christian Hosoi, especially. The whole group of them made him sick. As far as he was concerned, there was only one redeeming person in the business. The one person he kept saving over and over. Ben Cousins. His one reason for living.

Oh, he knew he was a little insane. His obsession with Ben was the only thing keeping him going. He lived for the moments he saved him, those were the only moments he even felt alive. The TV news reporters would yell that he saved him because "Cousins is the most famous person on the Mornington peninsula" and he let them think that. Easier that way.

Jedi didn't stick to the rooftops. He parkoured through the streets like a ghost, following Ben from the parking deck to the locker room, then he would climb up into the rooftops to watch the show. He paid close attention to the battle Ben was in, and breathed a sigh of relief when it went off without a hitch.

For a while, he didn't intervene. He stayed perched in the rooftops, a silent guardian. The New World Order continued their nefarious ego trip, but as long as they left Ben alone, Jedi left them alone. He watched with interest as a brawl began, the New World Order against Ben Cousins. He leaned forward, his heart thumping as Ben ran into the melee. He watched him hold his own for a few moments, then he saw Hawk punch Ben in the face and throw him out of the ring. Ben landed hard on the floor. He didn't move. Jedi grabbed the lightsaber he kept with him and leapt off the rooftop, swooping down until he was next to Ben. He shrugged off his harness, then stood over Ben protectively, pointing the saber at the men in the ring, daring any one of them to try and touch Ben. Slater came at him and he attacked him with the saber, beating him until he didn't move anymore. He bent over Ben, hooking him up into the harness. He whacked Hosoi, then tugged on the rope. It retracted, sending him and Ben shooting back up into the rooftops. Jedi pulled him into his alcove, a small area carved out into the side of the building.

He was still unconscious when Jedi laid him out. Jedi checked his pulse, which was still beating fairly strong, so he just decided to wait it out rather than risk running into Hawk or his disciples. He couldn't help but stare at Ben now that he had the object of his obsession right next to him. He stared at him, his eyes roving over Ben. He reached out a trembling hand and traced the "Such is life" on his chest, over his shoulder, and into his short black hair. He closed his eyes at the soft feel of it. He trailed his fingers over Ben's cheek and onto his chest so he could feel the steady rise and fall. He closed his eyes and tried to control his still trembling fingers. His hand seemed to move on it's own, down to Ben's belt buckle. He moved his fingers lightly over the front of Ben's pants where he could feel a slight bulge. He knew he was wrong, but he couldn't stop himself. He rubbed gently, gasping a little when the bulge grew bigger and firmer. He couldn't deny the effect this was having on his body as well. Ben stirred and Jedi drew his hand back quickly. He slipped out of the alcove before Ben could wake up, find him there, and assume the worst.

As the weeks dragged on, Jedi watched Ben ever more diligently. He saved him again and again, this time fleeing as soon as he knew Ben was safe. He couldn't allow himself to be alone with Ben for too long- he couldn't let himself lose control again. Ben made it too easy for him to do that. He knew people were starting to whisper, what was so special about Ben that made Jedi save him over and over again? Jedi knew it was a question he would never answer, at least not out loud.

One night he saved Ben, and before he could get away Ben's hand shot out and grabbed his arm. They stared into each others' eyes for what felt like a millennium. Jedi could see the questions in Ben's eyes, and he could only hope that his own eyes weren't giving away any answers. He pulled his arm away and left silently, his heart beating against his ribs like a caged bird. The night Ben came to find him was the beginning and the end. He was perched in the rooftops as usual. A hand clapped on his shoulder, spinning him around. It was Ben.

"Why me, huh?" he growled in his husky voice. "No one knows. Everyone is asking. Now I'm asking. You keep saving me over and over. I wanna know what you're playing at." Jedi just stared at him.

"Can't you talk anymore? Did you rip out your vocal cords when you left us behind?" Jedi shook his head. "For god's sake, tell me what the hell is going through your head right now!" Ben exclaimed. Jedi leaned forward, pressing his lips to Ben's. Once he felt that electric shock pulsing through his system, he knew there was no turning back. He kept kissing Ben, who just went limp, seeming shocked. Jedi took advantage of this by laying Ben down and covering him with his body. Amazingly, Ben began to kiss him back, fisting his hands in Jedi's hair and pulling him closer. Jedi rubbed his crotch against Ben's, and nearly died when Ben rubbed back, moaning into Jedi's mouth. It felt incredible, and Ben tasted like sin. Ben began rubbing against him faster, and Jedi could feel himself quickly losing control. He pressed Ben's hips into the floor with his own, bringing the pace back down, biting at Ben's neck until Ben's eyes were nearly rolling into the back of his head with desire. Only then did Jedi press his erection hard against Ben's and grind against him fast, rolling his hips until Ben came apart, groaning out Jedi's name like it was a prayer, and Jedi came silently, his body shaking. As soon as Ben let go of him, he was gone.

The next few weeks were a strange reversal of the last few: instead of Jedi following Ben, Ben followed him. However, no one could find Jedi if he didn't want to be found. He kept to the rooftops, swooping up before everyone got there and not coming down until everyone was gone. He roamed the buildings, haunted by his moment with Ben. He had no earthly idea if Ben regretted it, loved it, loved him, hated him. The not knowing was driving him insane (more than usual) but he couldn't bring himself to confront Ben about it.

After a two months, it seemed that Ben had sussed out all of his tricks, because when he ascended the rooftop in the next building, he was waiting. Jedi froze, staring at him. Before he could even think about opening his mouth, Ben was on him, his lips soft and warm against Jedi's. He felt that same electric feeling coursing through his veins. He grabbed Ben back, pinning him against the wall, pinning his hands to his sides as he moved to Ben's neck, biting hard enough that he knew a mark would form there. He bit another mark into his shoulder before ripping his shirt clean off. He ran his hands down Ben's chest, hardly even hearing the gasp of breath. He dug his fingernails into the skin near Ben's waist, dimly registering the moan Ben let out. He did it again, this time starting at Ben's neck, dragging his fingernails all the way down to his belt line this time. Ben dropped his head against Jedi's shoulder, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Without speaking, they moved together again, kissing and biting and rubbing against each other until they were both a ragged mess. Jedi was about to leave again, but Ben grabbed his arm, shaking his head.

"Come with me," he said. Jedi cocked his head. "To my hotel," Ben added. Jedi shook his head. "I don't care who sees," Ben said, exasperated. After a moment of hesitation, Jedi nodded.

When they got to the hotel, Jedi glanced around the room. It was the nicest room he'd ever been in. Ben noticed him staring, and smiled.

"Perks of bring a champ," Ben said softly, dropping his duffel next to the rest of his bags. "I know there's only one bed, although I hoped we wouldn't be doing much sleeping, to be honest..." he trailed off. "I'm rambling," he said softly, "but you make me nervous. You never talk, but then again, you don't really need to, I understand you." Jedi inclined his head in Ben's direction, wanting to hear more. Ben grinned. "See, right there," he said. "You want me to tell you more about how I understand you." Jedi smiled. "See, I knew it," Ben chuckled. Jedi smiled wider, astonished at how... normal this felt. Almost like they were a real couple who did normal things like tease each other. He wanted to speak, to tell Ben how much he meant to him. He opened his mouth, then closed it. Ben crossed the room to him, touching his cheek gently.

"Anyway, as far as I can figure, I think I'm falling in love with you," he said quietly. Jedi's eyes widened, and he pressed his lips to Ben's, gentler than he ever had. Ben kissed him back, eyelids fluttering shut against Jedi's cheek. After a few moments, Jedi pulled back, opened his mouth, and finally spoke ten words, ten words that mattered most.

"I am the most famous person on the Mornington peninsula."
« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 11:14:22 AM by poopnutsupreme »
Any dude that hates on roller hockey hasn't played, and likely haven't played a sport in their entire life.


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #122 on: April 13, 2015, 11:21:40 AM »


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #123 on: April 13, 2015, 12:03:21 PM »
Hey Jedi,

Sorry I've been gone for awhile. I've been getting really into fan fiction and I decided to write find and replace one about you and Ben Cousins. I hope you like it.

The Silent Guardian

Jedi peered down at the Mornington peninsula from his usual perch in the rooftops, wearing his purple Lakers jersey, completely still. He was tired of all the egos, he was tired of Tony Hawk, Kelly Slater, Christian Hosoi, especially. The whole group of them made him sick. As far as he was concerned, there was only one redeeming person in the business. The one person he kept saving over and over. Ben Cousins. His one reason for living.

Oh, he knew he was a little insane. His obsession with Ben was the only thing keeping him going. He lived for the moments he saved him, those were the only moments he even felt alive. The TV news reporters would yell that he saved him because "Cousins is the most famous person on the Mornington peninsula" and he let them think that. Easier that way.

Jedi didn't stick to the rooftops. He parkoured through the streets like a ghost, following Ben from the parking deck to the locker room, then he would climb up into the rooftops to watch the show. He paid close attention to the battle Ben was in, and breathed a sigh of relief when it went off without a hitch.

For a while, he didn't intervene. He stayed perched in the rooftops, a silent guardian. The New World Order continued their nefarious ego trip, but as long as they left Ben alone, Jedi left them alone. He watched with interest as a brawl began, the New World Order against Ben Cousins. He leaned forward, his heart thumping as Ben ran into the melee. He watched him hold his own for a few moments, then he saw Hawk punch Ben in the face and throw him out of the ring. Ben landed hard on the floor. He didn't move. Jedi grabbed the lightsaber he kept with him and leapt off the rooftop, swooping down until he was next to Ben. He shrugged off his harness, then stood over Ben protectively, pointing the saber at the men in the ring, daring any one of them to try and touch Ben. Slater came at him and he attacked him with the saber, beating him until he didn't move anymore. He bent over Ben, hooking him up into the harness. He whacked Hosoi, then tugged on the rope. It retracted, sending him and Ben shooting back up into the rooftops. Jedi pulled him into his alcove, a small area carved out into the side of the building.

He was still unconscious when Jedi laid him out. Jedi checked his pulse, which was still beating fairly strong, so he just decided to wait it out rather than risk running into Hawk or his disciples. He couldn't help but stare at Ben now that he had the object of his obsession right next to him. He stared at him, his eyes roving over Ben. He reached out a trembling hand and traced the "Such is life" on his chest, over his shoulder, and into his short black hair. He closed his eyes at the soft feel of it. He trailed his fingers over Ben's cheek and onto his chest so he could feel the steady rise and fall. He closed his eyes and tried to control his still trembling fingers. His hand seemed to move on it's own, down to Ben's belt buckle. He moved his fingers lightly over the front of Ben's pants where he could feel a slight bulge. He knew he was wrong, but he couldn't stop himself. He rubbed gently, gasping a little when the bulge grew bigger and firmer. He couldn't deny the effect this was having on his body as well. Ben stirred and Jedi drew his hand back quickly. He slipped out of the alcove before Ben could wake up, find him there, and assume the worst.

As the weeks dragged on, Jedi watched Ben ever more diligently. He saved him again and again, this time fleeing as soon as he knew Ben was safe. He couldn't allow himself to be alone with Ben for too long- he couldn't let himself lose control again. Ben made it too easy for him to do that. He knew people were starting to whisper, what was so special about Ben that made Jedi save him over and over again? Jedi knew it was a question he would never answer, at least not out loud.

One night he saved Ben, and before he could get away Ben's hand shot out and grabbed his arm. They stared into each others' eyes for what felt like a millennium. Jedi could see the questions in Ben's eyes, and he could only hope that his own eyes weren't giving away any answers. He pulled his arm away and left silently, his heart beating against his ribs like a caged bird. The night Ben came to find him was the beginning and the end. He was perched in the rooftops as usual. A hand clapped on his shoulder, spinning him around. It was Ben.

"Why me, huh?" he growled in his husky voice. "No one knows. Everyone is asking. Now I'm asking. You keep saving me over and over. I wanna know what you're playing at." Jedi just stared at him.

"Can't you talk anymore? Did you rip out your vocal cords when you left us behind?" Jedi shook his head. "For god's sake, tell me what the hell is going through your head right now!" Ben exclaimed. Jedi leaned forward, pressing his lips to Ben's. Once he felt that electric shock pulsing through his system, he knew there was no turning back. He kept kissing Ben, who just went limp, seeming shocked. Jedi took advantage of this by laying Ben down and covering him with his body. Amazingly, Ben began to kiss him back, fisting his hands in Jedi's hair and pulling him closer. Jedi rubbed his crotch against Ben's, and nearly died when Ben rubbed back, moaning into Jedi's mouth. It felt incredible, and Ben tasted like sin. Ben began rubbing against him faster, and Jedi could feel himself quickly losing control. He pressed Ben's hips into the floor with his own, bringing the pace back down, biting at Ben's neck until Ben's eyes were nearly rolling into the back of his head with desire. Only then did Jedi press his erection hard against Ben's and grind against him fast, rolling his hips until Ben came apart, groaning out Jedi's name like it was a prayer, and Jedi came silently, his body shaking. As soon as Ben let go of him, he was gone.

The next few weeks were a strange reversal of the last few: instead of Jedi following Ben, Ben followed him. However, no one could find Jedi if he didn't want to be found. He kept to the rooftops, swooping up before everyone got there and not coming down until everyone was gone. He roamed the buildings, haunted by his moment with Ben. He had no earthly idea if Ben regretted it, loved it, loved him, hated him. The not knowing was driving him insane (more than usual) but he couldn't bring himself to confront Ben about it.

After a two months, it seemed that Ben had sussed out all of his tricks, because when he ascended the rooftop in the next building, he was waiting. Jedi froze, staring at him. Before he could even think about opening his mouth, Ben was on him, his lips soft and warm against Jedi's. He felt that same electric feeling coursing through his veins. He grabbed Ben back, pinning him against the wall, pinning his hands to his sides as he moved to Ben's neck, biting hard enough that he knew a mark would form there. He bit another mark into his shoulder before ripping his shirt clean off. He ran his hands down Ben's chest, hardly even hearing the gasp of breath. He dug his fingernails into the skin near Ben's waist, dimly registering the moan Ben let out. He did it again, this time starting at Ben's neck, dragging his fingernails all the way down to his belt line this time. Ben dropped his head against Jedi's shoulder, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Without speaking, they moved together again, kissing and biting and rubbing against each other until they were both a ragged mess. Jedi was about to leave again, but Ben grabbed his arm, shaking his head.

"Come with me," he said. Jedi cocked his head. "To my hotel," Ben added. Jedi shook his head. "I don't care who sees," Ben said, exasperated. After a moment of hesitation, Jedi nodded.

When they got to the hotel, Jedi glanced around the room. It was the nicest room he'd ever been in. Ben noticed him staring, and smiled.

"Perks of bring a champ," Ben said softly, dropping his duffel next to the rest of his bags. "I know there's only one bed, although I hoped we wouldn't be doing much sleeping, to be honest..." he trailed off. "I'm rambling," he said softly, "but you make me nervous. You never talk, but then again, you don't really need to, I understand you." Jedi inclined his head in Ben's direction, wanting to hear more. Ben grinned. "See, right there," he said. "You want me to tell you more about how I understand you." Jedi smiled. "See, I knew it," Ben chuckled. Jedi smiled wider, astonished at how... normal this felt. Almost like they were a real couple who did normal things like tease each other. He wanted to speak, to tell Ben how much he meant to him. He opened his mouth, then closed it. Ben crossed the room to him, touching his cheek gently.

"Anyway, as far as I can figure, I think I'm falling in love with you," he said quietly. Jedi's eyes widened, and he pressed his lips to Ben's, gentler than he ever had. Ben kissed him back, eyelids fluttering shut against Jedi's cheek. After a few moments, Jedi pulled back, opened his mouth, and finally spoke ten words, ten words that mattered most.

"I am the most famous person on the Mornington peninsula."

Truly magical, and extremely sus.

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #124 on: April 16, 2015, 04:04:28 PM »
fucking hell. if thats you tony. then u are fucking wack as hell. fucking wack

cunt ? - homosexual tendencies ? with ben cousins? what?

dude? tony if thats u? then ? fuck you ? ask islam what they think of your fucking little short story ?

its easy to pick on jedi when he's all by himself.

but if islam back jedi. then tony's little fucking story aint so funny any more is it

and remember i am not muslim

i didn't ask for islam's help

they assisted jedi of their own violition

because if jedi has proved that magic is real=

then surely this could possible ? possible? maybe? not definite? maybe? prove the existence of God? or such powerful celestial creatures such as gods or wizards or creatures from other planets

surely if magic is real then = yes god or gods could be real? and so could creatures from other planets

so shut you fucking trap if thats you tony pretending to be poopnutsupreme = and get with the fucking program.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 03:51:09 AM by nick jedi sk8boarder »

perverted super otaku!

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #125 on: April 17, 2015, 05:57:45 AM »
HAH! that story is class, as riveting as it is arousing...

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #126 on: April 17, 2015, 11:17:57 PM »
no offense crew.



i have a suggestion

the high class female hawk can go down on the even higher class female kelly slater

and real fucking men like jedi and cousins

who are fucking 5 times the man that fuckwits like tony and kelly are

will continue the positive work

while negative females like tony and kelly can enjoy giving each other oral

while they count their big piles of shit (sorry that big piles of money)



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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #127 on: April 17, 2015, 11:19:11 PM »
you have lost

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #128 on: April 17, 2015, 11:20:00 PM »
hate bantam randozzi grimcity

i am saying this 2 more times

kelly tony

you have lost

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #129 on: April 17, 2015, 11:20:27 PM »
you have lost


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #130 on: April 17, 2015, 11:31:58 PM »
i won
Any dude that hates on roller hockey hasn't played, and likely haven't played a sport in their entire life.


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #131 on: April 18, 2015, 01:33:41 AM »
i won
We all won as soon as "chinese weed" posted that picture.


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #132 on: April 18, 2015, 01:39:30 AM »
Expand Quote
i won
We all won as soon as "chinese weed" posted that picture.

Can't argue with that, that picture is going up on my bedroom wall.
Any dude that hates on roller hockey hasn't played, and likely haven't played a sport in their entire life.


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #133 on: April 18, 2015, 04:32:45 AM »
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
i won
We all won as soon as "chinese weed" posted that picture.

Can't argue with that, that picture is going up on my bedroom wall.
Hell yeah dogg!

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #134 on: April 18, 2015, 08:58:01 AM »
The story was pretty steamy, but can someone put that picture into braille. Can only feel to small bumps and that's it. What am I missing?

"Sorry 360 frip, you are banned from using this forum!" HATE

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #135 on: May 01, 2015, 05:39:17 PM »
need i say fucking more

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #136 on: May 01, 2015, 05:40:25 PM »

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #137 on: May 01, 2015, 05:43:13 PM »
maybe its because i obstructed/stole the olympic torch for the 1st time in history

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #138 on: May 01, 2015, 05:44:19 PM »
He was in the edit I saw.

"Sorry 360 frip, you are banned from using this forum!" HATE

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #139 on: May 01, 2015, 05:45:39 PM »
to be more specific = y wasnt train racer xxl series - excerpts

and skate menace

in vans propeller video

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #140 on: May 01, 2015, 05:46:34 PM »
then y didnt i get paid

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #141 on: May 01, 2015, 05:47:37 PM »
i wasnt told beforehand that i was in it

so i didnt bother watching it


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #142 on: May 01, 2015, 05:50:29 PM »
your part is pretty tight jedi, i liked it.

nick jedi sk8boarder

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #143 on: May 01, 2015, 05:59:15 PM »
ok so we've established that im in the vans video

and my part is tight

so point is - for the 1st time in my entire life - do i recieve a paycheck from skateboarding?

or is it just another

nick works for free

while everyone else gets paid = situation?


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #144 on: May 01, 2015, 06:56:15 PM »
Your check is in the mail Jedi

360 frip

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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #145 on: May 01, 2015, 06:56:58 PM »
ok so we've established that im in the vans video

and my part is tight

so point is - for the 1st time in my entire life - do i recieve a paycheck from skateboarding?

or is it just another

nick works for free

while everyone else gets paid = situation?

Hold on, might have got you mixed up with Grosso...

"Sorry 360 frip, you are banned from using this forum!" HATE


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #146 on: May 01, 2015, 06:57:46 PM »
Archibald Vans III should be sending you a check any day now.

Your part was good. I thought skating to audio from September 11th was a risky choice, but it worked really well. Definitely a classic skate video song.


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #147 on: May 01, 2015, 07:39:30 PM »


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #148 on: May 01, 2015, 08:12:08 PM »
Cooperate with the doctors jedi, you'll get out faster.


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Re: Nick Jedi
« Reply #149 on: May 01, 2015, 08:41:52 PM »
Archibald Vans III should be sending you a check any day now.

Your part was good. I thought skating to audio from September 11th was a risky choice, but it worked really well. Definitely a classic skate video song.

Yeah worked out way better then I would imagine. I got to say Jedi, even though we've been feuding and you hated my story that I took a bunch of time to write, you did great.


I might or might not have something to do with your check missing.

There was a lot of talk at the premiere that your part might only be in the premiere edition they are showing and not the one they release for sale. Can't say for sure cause you never know but I'd definitely try contacting Vans to see what's going on.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2015, 08:54:09 PM by poopnutsupreme »
Any dude that hates on roller hockey hasn't played, and likely haven't played a sport in their entire life.