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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Spunkchild on October 20, 2020, 09:10:16 AM

Title: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Spunkchild on October 20, 2020, 09:10:16 AM
thread name says it all, how is this fucking terrible year treating you people? I know i'm really struggling with a lot of different things, come commiserate slappers
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 20, 2020, 09:31:27 AM
I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Dirk_Diggler on October 20, 2020, 10:17:47 AM
I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.

That’s heavy man. I wish you well.

This year really does suck hard. Whoever is having a rough time- things will get better.  I know that sounds cliche these days but whatever you’re going through is just temporary and doesn’t have to define who you are or your life.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: layzieyez on October 20, 2020, 10:41:14 AM
Hang in there.

My dilemma is my meds for depression/anti-anxiety messes up my balance if I take enough to counter my anxiety. With a lower dose where I feel my balance is where it's supposed to be, I feel anxious during my skate sessions if I can overcome the nervous feelings prior to actually putting on my skate shoes. Trying any trick that takes effort is significantly harder than it should be. I'm just happy I can do and deal with this without anyone around or I probably would skate even less.

I've been at my lower dose for over a couple of months or so.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on October 20, 2020, 10:57:54 AM
I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.
Jesus dude, hope you manage to kick that shit. Everyone I’ve worked with that used fent is fucking dead.

I’m a miserable fuck. Everything annoys me. The world is fucked, I don’t even want to skate, or go outside. I’m constantly exhausted. I’m going to force myself to go for a bike ride and try to clear my head.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: theSketchLord on October 20, 2020, 11:09:14 AM
Shit, hope you all manage to get by.

On the opposite side, things here are decent. We're about to go into summer with a rad new park opened.
With this Covid shite for me it just means my job is more secure, plus I now get free public transport as I'm an emergency services worker.

My downside is my entire family are in the UK and I should be there this week for my brothers birthday.

If it'll help anyone, DM me your address and I'll send you a zine and some random stickers (it's the best I can do) to get your mind off shit.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 20, 2020, 11:26:04 AM
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I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.
Jesus dude, hope you manage to kick that shit. Everyone I’ve worked with that used fent is fucking dead.

I’m a miserable fuck. Everything annoys me. The world is fucked, I don’t even want to skate, or go outside. I’m constantly exhausted. I’m going to force myself to go for a bike ride and try to clear my head.

Thanks dude. I've kicked heroin a bunch and it's nothing like fent. I just spent the last two hours going back and forth in my head about going to use. If it wasn't for my fiance I would have went. I can kick h standing on my head. Literally almost no problem. Fent is the worst thing I've ever been through. I had to go to the hospital and get an IV yesterday because I was so dehydrated from throwing up. I'm in a constant state of discomfort. It's hellish.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Stu Pickles on October 20, 2020, 11:31:49 AM
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I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.
Jesus dude, hope you manage to kick that shit. Everyone I’ve worked with that used fent is fucking dead.

I’m a miserable fuck. Everything annoys me. The world is fucked, I don’t even want to skate, or go outside. I’m constantly exhausted. I’m going to force myself to go for a bike ride and try to clear my head.

Thanks dude. I've kicked heroin a bunch and it's nothing like fent. I just spent the last two hours going back and forth in my head about going to use. If it wasn't for my fiance I would have went. I can kick h standing on my head. Literally almost no problem. Fent is the worst thing I've ever been through. I had to go to the hospital and get an IV yesterday because I was so dehydrated from throwing up. I'm in a constant state of discomfort. It's hellish.

hang in there guys, and bless your fiance, wish everyone progress in what they are walking away from and running towards. m

This year has sucked, every time something positive has happened theres a family death or a second wave or a friend you though you connected with turning into an insufferable douchebag. quarentine and absence of bar nights has made quitting darts a little easier at least
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Telly on October 20, 2020, 11:59:20 AM
1) I’m quite private and other than playing poker I don’t interact with the world at large all that much, so social distancing and other than gf or work pretty much slinging life by myself, so cutting back on social occasional s was nearly impossible for me. 
2) I was super stoned the other day and about to put on my mask and go grocery shopping when I had a weird feeling of being in a horror movie with an invisible enemy type scenario.  I can’t name an example because I don’t watch those movies.  Never seen elm street, Friday the 13th, saw, none of them.  If there is a serial killer or haunting, I’m fucking out.
3) anxiety is at an all time high, but it is not unfounded(see pandemic) so I’m finding other anxiety easier to deal with.
4) now I get the movie vibes at least once a day.  If you have ever tripped and thought your hands looked like feet and still get flashbacks to that image when your hand is on the steering wheel of your car you get what I mean.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Banned from the room on October 21, 2020, 11:35:48 AM
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I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.
Jesus dude, hope you manage to kick that shit. Everyone I’ve worked with that used fent is fucking dead.

I’m a miserable fuck. Everything annoys me. The world is fucked, I don’t even want to skate, or go outside. I’m constantly exhausted. I’m going to force myself to go for a bike ride and try to clear my head.

Thanks dude. I've kicked heroin a bunch and it's nothing like fent. I just spent the last two hours going back and forth in my head about going to use. If it wasn't for my fiance I would have went. I can kick h standing on my head. Literally almost no problem. Fent is the worst thing I've ever been through. I had to go to the hospital and get an IV yesterday because I was so dehydrated from throwing up. I'm in a constant state of discomfort. It's hellish.

hang in there guys, and bless your fiance, wish everyone progress in what they are walking away from and running towards. m

This year has sucked, every time something positive has happened theres a family death or a second wave or a friend you though you connected with turning into an insufferable douchebag. quarentine and absence of bar nights has made quitting darts a little easier at least

You can do it bud.

I been there. I've kicked so many times I lost count. Mulitple opioids.  Every time you catch a habit the kick it's going to get worse.

I wish I could tell you the right thing to do but it differs.

NA is likely the best way

I took what I needed from them and others and created my own thing kinda.

I mostly copied my homie.

I likely wrote about it on here before.

...My life now...

I'm struggling with reconnecting with f&f. Social interactions etc.. Friends and family are bummed. I'm full blown flakey hermit now I'm 4 years outside the city.

I want to go see my family and my friends but I'm like such a huge disappointment in all areas of life from the last time I saw them.

I feel bad about disappearing.

I didn't get to say goodbye to my aunt. She was like my mom.

We only saw each other like 2-3x in 15 years. I wanna stop this behavior because the gap is widening daily.

I gotta straighten out my life a bit. I gotta start eating better. I got to get on the bus again.

I'm still negative for covid. So I'm frightened about getting others sick from public transportation.

I have pre existing conditions with breathing too.

What a frickin nightmare.

I need to get off my ass tho
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on October 21, 2020, 11:50:38 AM
I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.

best of luck, man. <3
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: krookedjuice on October 21, 2020, 12:30:12 PM
I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.

Wishing you the best, that's really rough.

The worst part of this year was I lost my best friend right before the quarantining and lock downs started and haven't really snapped out of it. He had a history with opioids and no one knew he was even doing it.

Good and bad, my girl and I got a puppy in June and she travels a lot for work and I'm working from home for who knows how long and as much as I love the little guy, it's way more stress than I had imagined when she's out of town. I'm already a very anxious person so that doesn't really help. There's days I have to force myself to eat just so I don't get sick.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Spunkchild on October 21, 2020, 02:43:40 PM
Shit, hope you all manage to get by.

On the opposite side, things here are decent. We're about to go into summer with a rad new park opened.
With this Covid shite for me it just means my job is more secure, plus I now get free public transport as I'm an emergency services worker.

My downside is my entire family are in the UK and I should be there this week for my brothers birthday.

If it'll help anyone, DM me your address and I'll send you a zine and some random stickers (it's the best I can do) to get your mind off shit.

Ur a sweetheart kid, this comment is really nice
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Spunkchild on October 21, 2020, 02:45:12 PM

Wishing you the best, that's really rough.

The worst part of this year was I lost my best friend right before the quarantining and lock downs started and haven't really snapped out of it. He had a history with opioids and no one knew he was even doing it.

Good and bad, my girl and I got a puppy in June and she travels a lot for work and I'm working from home for who knows how long and as much as I love the little guy, it's way more stress than I had imagined when she's out of town. I'm already a very anxious person so that doesn't really help. There's days I have to force myself to eat just so I don't get sick.

I feel that, every day is a battle but we are showing up to the fight
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Andmoreagain on October 22, 2020, 04:33:12 PM
Thought I was gonna make it through 2020 unscathed, but just got laid off this morning. Luckily I'm going to be able to jump on my GF's health insurance. Hoping I can line a new job up quickly.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Freelancevagrant on October 22, 2020, 05:12:34 PM
My wife found a lump in her left arm pit and were scared the cancer is back.

I’ve been shitting blood due to stress.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Featherdale wildlife park on October 22, 2020, 05:21:55 PM
Sending positive vibes to all you guys.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: RichardBarkley on October 23, 2020, 08:58:59 AM
My wife found a lump in her left arm pit and were scared the cancer is back.

I’ve been shitting blood due to stress.

Positive vibes your way
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: RichardBarkley on October 23, 2020, 08:59:45 AM
I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.

Are people taking fent over h by choice now?

Best of luck through this.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on October 24, 2020, 01:21:34 AM
Man, I was doing well up until now.  It got cold out and started snowing so my anxiety is through the fucking roof.  I think I'm going to ween off alcohol again.  A few beers offers some relief, but makes the anxiety worse when it wears off.  It fucks my sleep schedule up too.  These next few months are going to be rough, but I am optimistic about things slowly returning to normal by next summer.

I live alone, I work 3 12 hour shifts overnight a week where I interact with a total of 3 other people.  I skate and have a few friends I meet up with, but often go 48 hours without really seeing anybody.  Forums and discord chat have been a lifesaver during all of this.  I think I have handled this better than most, I grew up in the country and spent long periods of my childhood pretty isolated socially.  It took a toll on me mentally then, and is taking a toll on me now.  I get off work in 4 hours, hopefully I will get some rest and come back tomorrow night with a post about the positive things I have done during quarantine.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Sila on October 24, 2020, 01:45:03 AM
The loneliness is kicking in hard for me at the moment.

I live with an ex and she has friends over all the time and we just don't connect. Not that I even want to, it just affirms how alienated I can feel. My family don't seem to have any interest in anything I have to say either. I've lived a colourful life and have tonnes of stories and insights to share but they've never taken the time to hear me out or get to know me.

I had to cut out a fair few close friends because they were somewhat toxic to me. I've dealt with heavy depression for most of my life and exhaust myself trying to stay centered and positive so I can't have negative people around me.

Was taking pain meds just to feel warmth and slight euphoria but it wears off so quickly and I feel worse off afterwards.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 24, 2020, 03:48:43 AM
The loneliness is kicking in hard for me at the moment.

I live with an ex and she has friends over all the time and we just don't connect. Not that I even want to, it just affirms how alienated I can feel. My family don't seem to have any interest in anything I have to say either. I've lived a colourful life and have tonnes of stories and insights to share but they've never taken the time to hear me out or get to know me.

I had to cut out a fair few close friends because they were somewhat toxic to me. I've dealt with heavy depression for most of my life and exhaust myself trying to stay centered and positive so I can't have negative people around me.

Was taking pain meds just to feel warmth and slight euphoria but it wears off so quickly and I feel worse off afterwards.

It sounds hard, but I really admire when people can take control of their life in ways like this. Stay strong brother. <3
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Mbrimson88 on October 24, 2020, 04:34:21 AM
Finding solace in conversations with other skateboarders on here has been a good thing for me, hence the recent flooding of comments in every other thread or so, but sometimes not having to talk to people or be around others is a lot nicer than being stuck in a crowded room, even if it is your friends.

Rad that someone could have started this conversation too and even better others are coming to join in.

Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 28, 2020, 04:39:27 PM
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I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.

Are people taking fent over h by choice now?

Best of luck through this.

fuck no. it's just easier to get where I'm located. East coast dope is all fent now. I have to get H shipped to me and it's expensive.

I ended up going back after about 48 hours off. It was soul crushing to be honest.

I'm giving it another go this weekend. Well, basically today is the start actually. Doing a rapid taper down and should be hard kicking by friday night since my fiance's mom should be going out of town for the weekend. Hoping to actually make it this time. I know if I can get past 72 hours I'll be okay, it's just the first couple days that are beyond brutal for me.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: RichardBarkley on October 29, 2020, 01:48:46 PM
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I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.

Are people taking fent over h by choice now?

Best of luck through this.

fuck no. it's just easier to get where I'm located. East coast dope is all fent now. I have to get H shipped to me and it's expensive.

I ended up going back after about 48 hours off. It was soul crushing to be honest.

I'm giving it another go this weekend. Well, basically today is the start actually. Doing a rapid taper down and should be hard kicking by friday night since my fiance's mom should be going out of town for the weekend. Hoping to actually make it this time. I know if I can get past 72 hours I'll be okay, it's just the first couple days that are beyond brutal for me.

There must be some meds on Dream Market that can help you ?

Keaton and benzos perhaps?

Sorry to hear your suffering like this.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: jamersonbass on October 29, 2020, 02:59:21 PM
I appreciate everyone sharing their stories.  It's been a horrible year.

Around March I started drinking what I would normally drink on the weekends every weeknight.  I worked in a small town and at the front of this, I was browsing the news for new cases while coworkers around me where commenting on how it wasn't a big deal, or it was bullshit in general.  I had to hear their comments on it until mid July, when I got fired.  I was trying to boost morale by helping my coworkers, particularly the ones who bitch a lot, with their duties.  I ended up getting so behind on my own workload that I got fired.

I saw it as an opportunity to skate more for the first week or two, and then I fell into depression.  I've been on Paxil for awhile, and while it's pretty mild, it wasn't cutting it for me anymore.

Stopped skating and keeping a normal schedule around late July, and I had the worst bought with dehydration, diarrhea, and eventually cracking a lacroix in the morning would make me vomit.

I figured out that it was a perfect storm of anxiety triggered acid reflux and constipation.  Just this Sunday I was in doubled over in pain.  Felt like my ribs were being stabbed.  Couldn't get comfortable laying down.  Thought I might have Covid until I realized that the pain was similar to 18 years ago when I had to get an ultrasound because I was pregnant with poo.

Everything really bounced back for me Tuesday.  I was more conscious about my health, drinking tons of water and trying to eat cleaner.  I got regular again (!) and I've been pooping the best I have in a long time.  Not drinking too much and between that, nutrition, and regularity, I have a new lease on life.

Hope everyone hangs in there.  I'm down to listen and talk to anyone if you want to dm me.  Stay strong!
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Salsa Verde on October 29, 2020, 09:45:01 PM

Been dealing with what has turned out to be a year long breakup with my GF. It just keeps dragging on because of our connection with each other even though we know we are toxic together. I still love her, but she only wants to be with me when she comes home drunk for the dive bar. Ugh.

Just had to bury my Grandmother. I was particularly close with her and it just felt like she was going to live forever because she out lived all my other grandparents by 25-40 years. This just happened less than two weeks ago. Super bummed about it.

Work has been a nightmare dealing with all the Covidiots this year. It has been fucking beyond frustrating having to tell grown men my fathers age to stop acting like little children and put on their damn mask and fill out the stupid paper work so they can go fuck off for a few days instead out work. Fucking grown men-children. Why am I putting 50 year old men in “time out” like they were 4 for throwing a temper tantrum because they didn’t get a cookie. Ugh.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: TheLurper on October 29, 2020, 10:42:25 PM
My wife found a lump in her left arm pit and were scared the cancer is back.

I’ve been shitting blood due to stress.
Fuck, good luck dude.

It has been a hard year. It is just all over the place. I've had some amazing ups but for every up there is an equal down. And some of the ups turned out to be huge bummers. I'm exhausted at this point.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on October 30, 2020, 07:36:47 AM
Sending good wishes to those going through it. These are certainly trying times with or without extended circumstances.

2020 has been a series of waves for me. I live alone and generally love it, but the first while of quarantining with literally zero interaction with anyone was definitely a very jarring experience. After awhile I finally got motivated to make the most of it and skated/filmed with a small group I trusted and started working on some music that had been sitting on the backburner and it was very exciting. Then I broke my wrist and had to get surgery, so not only am I mostly stuck inside again, but I can't even do any of the downtime hobbies that made me feel better in the first place. I'm trying to keep my head up and use my downtime to force myself to read about more audio production stuff so I can make music more efficiently once I can play again. But some days it's pretty hard to feel motivated to do much of anything.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Sila on October 30, 2020, 08:58:21 AM
Sending good wishes to those going through it. These are certainly trying times with or without extended circumstances.

2020 has been a series of waves for me. I live alone and generally love it, but the first while of quarantining with literally zero interaction with anyone was definitely a very jarring experience. After awhile I finally got motivated to make the most of it and skated/filmed with a small group I trusted and started working on some music that had been sitting on the backburner and it was very exciting. Then I broke my wrist and had to get surgery, so not only am I mostly stuck inside again, but I can't even do any of the downtime hobbies that made me feel better in the first place. I'm trying to keep my head up and use my downtime to force myself to read about more audio production stuff so I can make music more efficiently once I can play again. But some days it's pretty hard to feel motivated to do much of anything.

I broke my wrist two weeks ago aswell. On the first skate back after taking a month out with a quadriceps strain. Definitely feeling the lack of motivation. Some days I wake up and lie there for hours. Got some resistance bands though so I can still keep my body in check. What instruments do you play? I play bass and drums but have a synth and make electronic music too some i'm learning more about music theory and stuff so even if I can't play instruments i'm still chipping away.

How was your surgery? If mine doesn't look healed when i'm out of my cast the doctor said surgery is recommended. I'm nervous and hop it doesn't come to that.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on October 30, 2020, 09:56:06 AM
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Sending good wishes to those going through it. These are certainly trying times with or without extended circumstances.

2020 has been a series of waves for me. I live alone and generally love it, but the first while of quarantining with literally zero interaction with anyone was definitely a very jarring experience. After awhile I finally got motivated to make the most of it and skated/filmed with a small group I trusted and started working on some music that had been sitting on the backburner and it was very exciting. Then I broke my wrist and had to get surgery, so not only am I mostly stuck inside again, but I can't even do any of the downtime hobbies that made me feel better in the first place. I'm trying to keep my head up and use my downtime to force myself to read about more audio production stuff so I can make music more efficiently once I can play again. But some days it's pretty hard to feel motivated to do much of anything.

I broke my wrist two weeks ago aswell. On the first skate back after taking a month out with a quadriceps strain. Definitely feeling the lack of motivation. Some days I wake up and lie there for hours. Got some resistance bands though so I can still keep my body in check. What instruments do you play? I play bass and drums but have a synth and make electronic music too some i'm learning more about music theory and stuff so even if I can't play instruments i'm still chipping away.

How was your surgery? If mine doesn't look healed when i'm out of my cast the doctor said surgery is recommended. I'm nervous and hop it doesn't come to that.

My surgery was fine. There was actually like a 3 month gap between the injury and the surgery because the first urgent care I went to told me I was fine when I definitely wasn't so they put a screw in there. Once my cast comes off and I do some moderate physical therapy I'm expecting it to be fine but until then I'm just trying to play it super safe.

I play guitar, bass, sax, and I can loosely dabble on keys/synth, uke and mandolin. There have been like 3 or 4 points in my life where I've tried to buckle down and make a solo record but something extreme always gets in the way. Last time the computer I was using bricked and none of it was backed up, the time before that I lost my house and had to go stay with my parents. So breaking my wrist in middle of trying again feels so defeating but I'm trying to stay motivated and not give up again.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Cellular on November 03, 2020, 10:05:25 PM
i really am slipping behind and i dont know if i can keep living like this

i havent been eating three full meals for at least three months now, some days i wont eat anything at all, other days ill eat a lot.  i cant eat a lot of things i loved bc my body doesnt want to eat

i lost the most important people in my life or im in the process of losing them

i found benzos in a medicine cabinet and ive been taking them daily, and it leaves me so unmotivated and lazy

i have little motivation to skate and im worried bc i dont wanna lose the one thing keeping me sane

Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Sila on November 04, 2020, 03:44:14 AM
Think the withdrawals from stopping my antidepressants is kicking in. Thought I got over the hump but i'm having constant nightmares. Life feels like one long repetitive day where I don't really feel anything but apathy and the weight of my body.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: beatifk on November 04, 2020, 05:33:09 AM
i really am slipping behind and i dont know if i can keep living like this

i havent been eating three full meals for at least three months now, some days i wont eat anything at all, other days ill eat a lot.  i cant eat a lot of things i loved bc my body doesnt want to eat

i lost the most important people in my life or im in the process of losing them

i found benzos in a medicine cabinet and ive been taking them daily, and it leaves me so unmotivated and lazy

i have little motivation to skate and im worried bc i dont wanna lose the one thing keeping me sane

I have this too. I usually eat breakfast (1 apple, yogurt, and some musli) and I'll eat a banana or a piece of bread during the day but other than that I'll eat nothing.

I never really cared much about food, but now I actively avoid eating because I hate feeling full, even a little bit. It must be some type of control thing in my mind, like it's the only thing in my life I can control now.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Banned from the room on November 04, 2020, 08:55:18 AM
i really am slipping behind and i dont know if i can keep living like this

i havent been eating three full meals for at least three months now, some days i wont eat anything at all, other days ill eat a lot.  i cant eat a lot of things i loved bc my body doesnt want to eat

i lost the most important people in my life or im in the process of losing them

i found benzos in a medicine cabinet and ive been taking them daily, and it leaves me so unmotivated and lazy

i have little motivation to skate and im worried bc i dont wanna lose the one thing keeping me sane

You giving a shit and writing about is a sign that you can still stop your current direction.

I know because you're describing decades of my life.

I wrote this long thing but I know it would make people feel worse and potentially give people bad ideas not solutions.

The positive way I beat myself back into shape once in a while is with lists and alarm notifications.

So like today

I woke up 730 I smoked a half joint and did speed bag then the treadmill for a bit. Smoked half my one cigarette.

Then I did the cat pan and the cat food etc. Now I'm about to eat

I cooked blueberry banana oatmeal way too late.
I sat around here doing nothing till two alarms passed.

So just smoked the rest of the joint just now and I'm going to have a full banana on the side skip my lunch plan.

It's very hard for me to eat without my medical marijuana.

Then I got 4 appointments via the phone today.

I'll get in the shower and skate to the pharmacy hit

Then I gotta clean part of the house. Any part it doesn't matter so long as it's done well.

I usually focused on the bathroom or kitchen.
I just do what I can.

Right now I got to put down the phone.

Change is difficult. You can pull it if you try hard enough. Everyone can change..

Sorry if this reads wrong I'm in a big rush because I'm being an idiot
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Yoshi on November 08, 2020, 02:57:15 AM
Decided to start to come off my anti anxiety/depression meds just before this second lockdown got announced in the UK. I’m hoping I can get through the month and carry on the progress to get off them finally..
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Grind King Rims on November 08, 2020, 04:51:08 AM
Best of luck with that Yoshi. Just be sure to do some daily check-ins with yourself and see how you're feeling. Take it slow, what's most important is that you're in control. <3
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Yoshi on November 08, 2020, 05:34:23 AM
Best of luck with that Yoshi. Just be sure to do some daily check-ins with yourself and see how you're feeling. Take it slow, what's most important is that you're in control. <3

Thanks man, will be posting on here more regular now. Gives me something to take my mind off a crappy day :)
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Allen. on November 08, 2020, 11:20:20 AM
You've got this Yoshi!
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Cellular on November 08, 2020, 12:20:58 PM
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i really am slipping behind and i dont know if i can keep living like this

i havent been eating three full meals for at least three months now, some days i wont eat anything at all, other days ill eat a lot.  i cant eat a lot of things i loved bc my body doesnt want to eat

i lost the most important people in my life or im in the process of losing them

i found benzos in a medicine cabinet and ive been taking them daily, and it leaves me so unmotivated and lazy

i have little motivation to skate and im worried bc i dont wanna lose the one thing keeping me sane

You giving a shit and writing about is a sign that you can still stop your current direction.

I know because you're describing decades of my life.

I wrote this long thing but I know it would make people feel worse and potentially give people bad ideas not solutions.

The positive way I beat myself back into shape once in a while is with lists and alarm notifications.

So like today

I woke up 730 I smoked a half joint and did speed bag then the treadmill for a bit. Smoked half my one cigarette.

Then I did the cat pan and the cat food etc. Now I'm about to eat

I cooked blueberry banana oatmeal way too late.
I sat around here doing nothing till two alarms passed.

So just smoked the rest of the joint just now and I'm going to have a full banana on the side skip my lunch plan.

It's very hard for me to eat without my medical marijuana.

Then I got 4 appointments via the phone today.

I'll get in the shower and skate to the pharmacy hit

Then I gotta clean part of the house. Any part it doesn't matter so long as it's done well.

I usually focused on the bathroom or kitchen.
I just do what I can.

Right now I got to put down the phone.

Change is difficult. You can pull it if you try hard enough. Everyone can change..

Sorry if this reads wrong I'm in a big rush because I'm being an idiot

i appreciate it man.  making a list actually helped a lot.  i feel better and i think im being more productive with both school and skating
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Yoshi on November 08, 2020, 11:47:12 PM
You've got this Yoshi!

Thanks man, appreciate the support massively
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Grind King Rims on November 17, 2020, 10:53:36 AM
How are we holding up, gang?

I've started trying to concentrate on positive, healthy stuff like upskilling, eating/sleeping right, stretching, reading, etc. I already knew this about myself, but if I don't keep busy, I get a bit depressed. It's harder to keep busy when I can't do a lot of things outside of the house, but I'm starting to concentrate on staying focused and active.

My biggest challenge is being okay with being on my own so much of the time. I miss my friends, I miss socializing. I find myself listening to podcasts constantly just so I'm not alone with my thoughts. But I'm trying to get back into meditation, exercise... Things that I have plenty of time for and are better for my head than staring at my phone for virtual company.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: jack burton on November 17, 2020, 11:39:50 AM
Think the withdrawals from stopping my antidepressants is kicking in. Thought I got over the hump but i'm having constant nightmares. Life feels like one long repetitive day where I don't really feel anything but apathy and the weight of my body.

Recently stopped taking mine cold turkey since I moved out of state and haven’t found a new dr yet. I’m sure this was an incredibly easy fix but I feel very apathetic to most of the world around me. Most of the time I feel very little and if I do it’s just frustration/irritable. I have two jobs and if I’m not at either one I’m probably at home watching tv. Trying to get myself to skate more but between the rain in the pnw/ my anxiety I don’t get out much.

Also haven’t seen friends or family since I moved in May and been feeling homesick. Was going to go home to see my grandparents since they aren’t doing well but my sister got Covid. Everyone is fine but I’m now feeling like traveling is a very bad idea with the surges.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Grind King Rims on December 01, 2020, 12:40:56 PM


Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: childhood on December 01, 2020, 12:57:52 PM
You ever feel like the world as we've known it is over and done with, and then get depressed cause this is all you've done with your life?

Sadly, the future is no longer what it was
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: IUTSM on December 01, 2020, 02:21:11 PM
You ever feel like the world as we've known it is over and done with, and then get depressed cause this is all you've done with your life?

Sadly, the future is no longer what it was

Man, I know that feeling, that's why I've got old tattoos like "keep pushn", PMA, and "the future is unwritten" scrawled into me. Because I've been fighting to keep my head above water since before I even knew that's what I was doing.

Here's my take on it though, the future never existed. It doesn't. Our imagination of the future exists. Our expectations for the outcome are what exist. And those things, expectations, can be good to have as long as we're flexible. It's hella scary to imagine the world being in some post capitalist apocalyptic state. It's scary to think about dying or disease or starvation or our loved ones being not ok. That shit is real, the pain feels alive. It's inevitable that we're going to suffer, but if we accept that fact, that suffering is inevitable, we can be alright. It's wicked hard to not worry and feel like we haven't done enough or that it's the end, especially with a global pandemic raging, government orders shifting in right wing ways, along with all that that entails and seeing the rest of the world through the filter/lens of internet media.

What helps me is to find things I can do today. Right now. I know it's cheesy sounding, but focusing awareness on breath, the sounds around, sensations in the body, just for a moment or so, can really help break out of that angst. Realizing that we can't change the world, that we have got to go with the tide, has helped me tremendously. After years of coping without realizing that I Was coping through substance abuse, sex, relationship avoidance, being a yes man, dishonesty with myself and others, I hit a breaking point and don't see much else being a viable, sustainable option. You do you and figure out what you are. much love homie. I hope you're ok
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: cucktard on December 01, 2020, 05:54:20 PM
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I'm coming off of fentanyl and doing literally anything and everything I can not to go get more as I have never in my life felt so sick.
Jesus dude, hope you manage to kick that shit. Everyone I’ve worked with that used fent is fucking dead.

I’m a miserable fuck. Everything annoys me. The world is fucked, I don’t even want to skate, or go outside. I’m constantly exhausted. I’m going to force myself to go for a bike ride and try to clear my head.

Thanks dude. I've kicked heroin a bunch and it's nothing like fent. I just spent the last two hours going back and forth in my head about going to use. If it wasn't for my fiance I would have went. I can kick h standing on my head. Literally almost no problem. Fent is the worst thing I've ever been through. I had to go to the hospital and get an IV yesterday because I was so dehydrated from throwing up. I'm in a constant state of discomfort. It's hellish.

hang in there guys, and bless your fiance, wish everyone progress in what they are walking away from and running towards. m

This year has sucked, every time something positive has happened theres a family death or a second wave or a friend you though you connected with turning into an insufferable douchebag. quarentine and absence of bar nights has made quitting darts a little easier at least

You can do it bud.

I been there. I've kicked so many times I lost count. Mulitple opioids.  Every time you catch a habit the kick it's going to get worse.

I wish I could tell you the right thing to do but it differs.

NA is likely the best way

I took what I needed from them and others and created my own thing kinda.

I mostly copied my homie.

I likely wrote about it on here before.

...My life now...

I'm struggling with reconnecting with f&f. Social interactions etc.. Friends and family are bummed. I'm full blown flakey hermit now I'm 4 years outside the city.

I want to go see my family and my friends but I'm like such a huge disappointment in all areas of life from the last time I saw them.

I feel bad about disappearing.

I didn't get to say goodbye to my aunt. She was like my mom.

We only saw each other like 2-3x in 15 years. I wanna stop this behavior because the gap is widening daily.

I gotta straighten out my life a bit. I gotta start eating better. I got to get on the bus again.

I'm still negative for covid. So I'm frightened about getting others sick from public transportation.

I have pre existing conditions with breathing too.

What a frickin nightmare.

I need to get off my ass tho

I had a friend who dropped off the map for years. Similar kind of deal. In the rare times we reconnected he insinuated that he felt too ashamed of his emotional and drug to reconnect.

What he failed to understand in his state of low self esteem is that all this friends and family knew about his problems, and still loved him and were waiting for him to come back.

 We all knew he had problems well before he ran away and struggled with drugs. And we loved him anyways.

He died from an overdose about 4 weeks ago. I’ll never get a chance to reconnect now.

I suspect it’s the same with you and your friends and fam. They have known you for a long time, and have know about your problem, maybe even before you did. They know you have problems and love you anyways.

They may be trying to check in and hear from people about how you are doing.

They are waiting for you. And you don’t have to be ‘fixed’ before you reconnect. Just reconnecting would make them very, very happy and and show them you are trying. They don’t need a perfect you. They know you. They accept it.

But you don’t. You don’t forgive yourself, and while you might think you will disappoint them, in actuality you deny them the happiness of seeing you again. And your own happiness.

That’s what I wish I could have told my friend.

Good luck with whatever you chose.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Baby on Board on December 01, 2020, 05:59:28 PM
I hope y’all all get through everything you’re going through. I have nothing but love for everyone in this sub forum &#128153; everyone in here has something to live for and someone that loves them ❤️ No matter what. You guys are my friend just through this fucking website. I love you all and hope you get through it.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: cucktard on December 01, 2020, 05:59:54 PM
i really am slipping behind and i dont know if i can keep living like this

i havent been eating three full meals for at least three months now, some days i wont eat anything at all, other days ill eat a lot.  i cant eat a lot of things i loved bc my body doesnt want to eat

i lost the most important people in my life or im in the process of losing them

i found benzos in a medicine cabinet and ive been taking them daily, and it leaves me so unmotivated and lazy

i have little motivation to skate and im worried bc i dont wanna lose the one thing keeping me sane

Please, please don’t fuck with Benzos. Please talk to someone. Benzos will leave you damaged in ways other drugs don’t.

At the risk of ‘disappointing’ someone you trust and love, talk to them. They will be much happier than disappointed that you are looking for help.

Take care, and please understand, we’ve been taught that our emotions are our responsibility, but in reality it’s much more complicated, and we can be emotionally injured just as badly as physically, and both require medical help and a kind of ‘physio’ to get better. Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: augustmoon on December 01, 2020, 06:10:37 PM
came realllllly close to losing it today.  yesterday was the anniversary of my sister's suicide.  i'm in the middle of buying a small home (a very positive thing overall), but dealing with the lender is freaking me out and making me want to hop in my jeep, abandon everything and just drive to the mountains somewhere. took a 5 mile walk and it chilled things out a bit. 
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Grind King Rims on December 02, 2020, 03:04:06 PM
Man it's great that you're so close to being a home-owner. That's something to look forward to. Every bit of stress that you work through brings you closer to having your own home. Keep the faith brother. <3
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: jigga man on December 02, 2020, 03:11:26 PM
You ever feel like the world as we've known it is over and done with, and then get depressed cause this is all you've done with your life?

Sadly, the future is no longer what it was
where'd you get your information from? you think that you can front when revelations comes?
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: straight on December 02, 2020, 04:02:40 PM
came realllllly close to losing it today.  yesterday was the anniversary of my sister's suicide.  i'm in the middle of buying a small home (a very positive thing overall), but dealing with the lender is freaking me out and making me want to hop in my jeep, abandon everything and just drive to the mountains somewhere. took a 5 mile walk and it chilled things out a bit.

i think about driving away all the time . it’s hard to keep it together all the time

had a stressful summer dealing with a similar transaction and now have some semi permanent stomach issues

i don’t have any words of advice but hope you can find some moments where you feel great
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Oaf on December 02, 2020, 06:37:22 PM
This year has been fucked.

Last New Year’s Eve my wife was getting basically emergency surgery for a tumour growing on her brain stem we found out about 10 days earlier.  Had 30+ rounds of radiation in the spring.  It was a form of cancer that will likely return in the coming years, so every mri will be fingers crossed.

In the spring mom in law who shacked up with us so we could help her out, and she could help us with the kid was diagnosed with stomach cancer.  It had already spread to her liver and she died at home in April.  we had palliative care nurses for two days.  The rest was all on me.  Two cancer patients, a 12 year old, two dogs and me.

  We adopted the wife’s nephew out of 3 years in foster care 3 years ago.  His parents were bed shitting hard into meth and heroin.  I have been caregiver and solo dad mode all year.  Wife is still in bed almost all day.  I’m back at work, but I can barely keep up with everything.  My wife is slowly improving, but nothing feels easy.  I feel like I am inadequate, and barely doing enough.  It's not logical, but I hate myself for just chilling out or resting.

The best part of the year was the boy finding my old set up and asking how to Ollie.  I hadn’t been on a board in over a decade, and skating has since been the one thing that has let me get my shit out physically.  When things are awful I can go out to the garage and work on some trick or another, remember to smile and still be available to my family.  It feels like things are finally getting a little bit better.  It’s hard to have the patience for everything, though.

Kid can hop on a curb, has a couple 180 variations down and most importantly, he has discovered a physical outlet for all the bullshit he has been through and doesn’t deserve.  I’m less scared of his teenage years!

You guys struggling with substances have my full support.  I have seen the way it can hurt families, friendships, and self worth and I truly wish the best for you and yours.  Please be easy on yourselves.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Alan on December 04, 2020, 09:31:57 AM
That's so rough, Oaf. Sending you all the good vibes and hoping things turn around for you and your family!
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: theSketchLord on December 05, 2020, 06:22:00 AM
Despite my earlier post of "everything's cool brah" style bravado I kinda had a mini breakdown yesterday with my partner.
Xmas, not having any family in the country and knowing that even with time off you can't get over to see them takes it's toll every so often.

Honestly, I feel better for having her just sit and listen to me cry it out for a bit. 
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Grind King Rims on December 05, 2020, 06:50:02 AM
Despite my earlier post of "everything's cool brah" style bravado I kinda had a mini breakdown yesterday with my partner.
Xmas, not having any family in the country and knowing that even with time off you can't get over to see them takes it's toll every so often.

Honestly, I feel better for having her just sit and listen to me cry it out for a bit. 

That really sucks that you won't be able to be see your family for Christmas, I'm sorry man. The way I've been trying to think of it is that it'll be so much more sweet when I do get to see the friends and family I've been missing. COVID has made me pretty grateful in that way.

Your partner sounds really supportive. <3
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: theSketchLord on December 05, 2020, 07:00:22 AM
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Despite my earlier post of "everything's cool brah" style bravado I kinda had a mini breakdown yesterday with my partner.
Xmas, not having any family in the country and knowing that even with time off you can't get over to see them takes it's toll every so often.

Honestly, I feel better for having her just sit and listen to me cry it out for a bit. 

That really sucks that you won't be able to be see your family for Christmas, I'm sorry man. The way I've been trying to think of it is that it'll be so much more sweet when I do get to see the friends and family I've been missing. COVID has made me pretty grateful in that way.

Your partner sounds really supportive. <3

Cheers, yea she is.

My mum had a bad fall about a year ago literally a few days before her and my dad were due over here for a visit.
It now appears while she was under in hospital something to do with high blood pressure or something has basically brought on early dementia so it's hard as in a year my mum has gone from messaging everyday to just not talknig at all, everything I now talk about is to my dad.
I was lucky enough to get out a year ago to see her for a week after the fall but who knows now.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: vancanman on December 05, 2020, 11:13:12 PM
My wife found a lump in her left arm pit and were scared the cancer is back.

I’ve been shitting blood due to stress.

I feel this so hard. My wife found a lump on her ribs that’s slowly growing and got a ultrasound which looked concerning to MRI then a biopsy that we were told would take 24-48 hours and it’s been 8 days and her dr said the pathologist wasn’t sure what it was and he’s consulting with another dr and he’ll let us know. I’ve not slept period 3 times this week. We also have a newborn and an adopted son who really struggles with behaviour and are in the process of getting a special needs diagnosis. So yeah. Pretty great around here too.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: Hyliannightmare on December 06, 2020, 04:30:17 AM
skate get the homeos back into it or make new friends.  covod closed all the basketball courts near me so I got really back into skating for the first time since like 2007 and the community is so much more supportive than it was when I got kooks for wearing Osiris and skating enjois back then
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: G raham on December 06, 2020, 07:26:35 AM
Ditched a large portion of my friends around may when they were all hanging out during lockdown so get a little lonely. Am I being too harsh? Leaning way towards no but would like to hear opinions.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: G raham on December 06, 2020, 07:34:06 AM
I hope y’all all get through everything you’re going through. I have nothing but love for everyone in this sub forum &#38;#128153; everyone in here has something to live for and someone that loves them ❤️ No matter what. You guys are my friend just through this fucking website. I love you all and hope you get through it.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: excitableboy on December 06, 2020, 08:00:20 AM
I wish Covid would keep going. Not the disease but everything standing still. To nutshell it, I am in my mid-30s, the failingest student possibly worldwide, 50.000 dollars in debt and in my tenth year of a pointless BA. Girlfriend, incredibly yes, but she is all together and ready for children and me wasting her prime years keeps me up at night and is the first thought when I wake. I shudder at the thought of fatherhood. I don't even fuck her well, never have, but she loves me unwaveringly, inexplicably. Deeply addicted to weed, that laughably privileged habit which kicking earns one no respect or social capital, least of all my own. Yet I don't manage. I've enjoyed all the right circumstances and squandered them. No one around me knows any of this and years of omissions and doublethink eat away at my soul.

Covid has stopped everyone in their tracks and malfunctioning and I take perverse comfort from it. My own inertia now less conspicuous, I dread the return of old normal and facing people. Now and then I still imagine a sorted future, but this increasingly depends on delusions of perfect crimes or bestseller fiction.

Last August lumpy things in my throat convinced me I had cancer, bolstered perhaps by a fear of poetic justice. I have decades of rotten thoughts and heavy smoking inside me and I wondered why I shouldn't have cancer. GPs (I bothered several) promised me it was nothing, agitated glands at worst, likely psychosomatic. Needless to say they had better things to do. 

My tough times seem similarly out of place here. To lament with the likes of Oaf who contend with far scarier things, profound things out of their control and yet, they contend! How I despise defeatists and how I despise myself. Your plights seem nothing short of heroic from where I stand, and I write that without a trace of irony. Such spirited words convince me that I am profoundly unable, that mine must be a bloodline of pure cowardice, that bowing out is my authentic talent and that I should stop fighting flight as my true path.

I'm not writing this as a cry for help, to be sure. I don't mean that type of flight. Pity only tends to backfire and it's not what I'm trying to elicit here. I think. I only thought for those who might be feeling weak I could provide contrast, and to relieve myself momentarily of the burden of secrets. 

What Baby on Board said.
Title: Re: anyone else having a tough time?
Post by: jigga man on December 06, 2020, 08:52:48 AM
don't give up. you got the music in you.