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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2018, 10:04:54 AM »
this seems pretty classic bully shit.  I wouldn't look too deep into it.  some dude is angry about something else and feels disrespected. picks what he thinks will be the easy mark.  There was a car being towed in the background.  I wonder if this all started with a tow and the officer just decided to make up some rules so he could give other people a hard time.    that look of embarrassment on the face of the tall Cambridge local officer seems indicate this all started from a bunch of nothing.

whats more shocking  is the amount of boot licking in this thread.  The police department works for you. they serve the public not rule them.
The police department serves the state(government) not the public. Cops get all their rules and orders from the state not the people.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2018, 10:12:51 AM »
police are scum and some of the worst people in the world. the dude being arrested if a fucking moron and im not sure what he expected to happen when he started physically resisting being cuffed by a fucking power tripping pig. if he wasnt a white dude he would have been putdown a lot quicker than he was. 

chipped tail

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #32 on: October 01, 2018, 10:19:52 AM »
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The skateboarders, once sworn enemy to the bacon, are weak from years without natural predators.  They do not recognize their natural instinct to run from the badge in blue and keep skateboarding. 

Dude, they are in a skatepark. You aren't supposed to have to run from the police inside of a public skateboard park. Not to mention, trigger happy cops who would happily open fire on you for running.
You dont have to run if you follow all the rules on the list by the gate. do you wear helmets at the skate park? Have you ever been at a park and the cops pull up and you had to bounce to avoid a ticket. I've had to dodge the police hella times at the skateparks. Its shooting fish in a barrel for them.

 I will never voluntarily talk to police ever. They dont share the same views as me on a variety of issues and I know its pointless to try to explain a different view point to them. Im sure some cops join the force for the right reasons thinking they are gonna serve and protect, but thats just a testament to how stupid they actually are for not understanding who they are protecting from who.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #33 on: October 01, 2018, 10:20:21 AM »
And in this interesting performance piece we see the police officer and the skateboarder reenacting their previous roles in the 90s.  The police officer, mad from years of high school abuse and neglect, has looked for an easy target to release his pent up rage.  Wolfing down doughnuts and dealing with uppity minorities has made him on edge.  The skateboarders, young and naive, make for an easy target for the thuggish brute.  He licks his chops and moves into the socially recreated street plaza feeding ground.  He must assert his dominance now before they are full grown.

The skateboarders, once sworn enemy to the bacon, are weak from years without natural predators.  They do not recognize their natural instinct to run from the badge in blue and keep skateboarding.  The recent discovery of how cool they are has rocketed them to the top of the social hierarchy, getting all the hot chicks and getting invited to all the parties.  This leads to the mistake of thinking they are above the law.  The skaters decide to engage officer dick and test their dominance by resisting arrest and talking back like they do to their moms and teachers.  These lesser predators usually back down. 

Like the lion and gazelle, the pork chop attacks the weakest and easiest target and delivers a stunning suplex.  He learned this move wrestling in high school while skateboarders were out having fun and getting laid, something he has never experienced and deeply regrets.  He puts all of his inner agony into the maneuver, relishing in the attention from the cell phones and the awe of the young wood pushers.  The boys back on the force are going to love this.  The skater is thrown through the air and onto the cold evening cement.  He finally is getting the fame and attention he always wanted.  He deserves this.  The skaters will show everyone the footage of his glorious move.  Teachers, Parents, friends of the skaters will know who is boss once they inevitably see this.  He has a raging justice boner and the national anthem plays loudly in his head.  "Now you will pay", he mutters into the skaters ear.  "Now you will pay".

do you have a blog? please do


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2018, 10:34:14 AM »
Usually always watch these and think the cops are ass hats but this one is different. Yes, the cop is on a power trip and an asshat, but that dude is an idiot. Guaranteed if there were no cameras or people around he would have complied and moved on. Resisting arrest for the hope of viral sympathy is silly, it worked, I saw it but think you are stupid.



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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2018, 10:43:28 AM »
Go to 1:20 if you're questioning whether or not you should talk to cops


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2018, 10:46:08 AM »
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The skateboarders, once sworn enemy to the bacon, are weak from years without natural predators.  They do not recognize their natural instinct to run from the badge in blue and keep skateboarding. 

Dude, they are in a skatepark. You aren't supposed to have to run from the police inside of a public skateboard park. Not to mention, trigger happy cops who would happily open fire on you for running.
You dont have to run if you follow all the rules on the list by the gate. do you wear helmets at the skate park? Have you ever been at a park and the cops pull up and you had to bounce to avoid a ticket. I've had to dodge the police hella times at the skateparks. Its shooting fish in a barrel for them.

 I will never voluntarily talk to police ever. They dont share the same views as me on a variety of issues and I know its pointless to try to explain a different view point to them. Im sure some cops join the force for the right reasons thinking they are gonna serve and protect, but thats just a testament to how stupid they actually are for not understanding who they are protecting from who.

Yea, I've casually left parks in random cities many times when the police rolled up to enforce helmet laws because I knew I was breaking the law. This situation in Cambridge is different. According to Orchard Skate Shop's instagram there are no signs stating closure times of the park. When you aren't doing anything wrong, you should not have to run from the police .

We all know voluntarily talking the police is never advised and is a roll of the dice. However, if you constantly obey everything the police do without an interaction, they will continue to abuse their powers. So props to that skater for attempting to have a face to face conversation to explain the situation instead of giving in to their demands. It's unfortunate it led to him being thrown to the ground, but that's just how shit goes sometimes when you protest the police.

We had an issue in my hometown where cops were showing up to to ticket skaters for not wearing helmets / full pads. We were breaking the law, but instead of running from them, we actually talked to them and explained to them that the law was out of date and nobody wore full pads while skating. Turns out they eventually had enough people tell them that and they stopped giving tickets for breaking that law. If we had all just run every time, we would have shown we were knowingly doing something wrong. It just depends on how far you are willing to take things. If it's some random town you will never visit again, sure, leave. If it's something you know you will encounter nonstop, fight for change.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2018, 10:52:04 AM »
cant stand white dudes who "stand up" to the cops when its about some bullshit and starts acting dumbfounded when he is getting cuffed.  When you are acting like that all you are doing is showing off your privilege, we all know damn well if it was a black teen resisting those cuffs things would have escalated quickly.

Fuck the cops, but when they bring out the cuffs, you are only digging a deeper hole for yourself and the situation.  If you wanted to play the martyr then skating a skatepark for another 40 minutes is a pretty trash reason.

regardless im sure this will blow up and he'll get an apology and maybe some money.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2018, 11:31:23 AM »
It's not supposed to happen, but when it does you should shut the fuck up. It'll only help you when dealing with America's largest gang that kills with impunity.

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2018, 11:35:20 AM »
cant stand white dudes who "stand up" to the cops when its about some bullshit and starts acting dumbfounded when he is getting cuffed.
never seen anyone else act that way?
gimme a break, what world are you living in?
death is my set, guess my religion.

chipped tail

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2018, 11:39:30 AM »
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The skateboarders, once sworn enemy to the bacon, are weak from years without natural predators.  They do not recognize their natural instinct to run from the badge in blue and keep skateboarding. 

Dude, they are in a skatepark. You aren't supposed to have to run from the police inside of a public skateboard park. Not to mention, trigger happy cops who would happily open fire on you for running.
You dont have to run if you follow all the rules on the list by the gate. do you wear helmets at the skate park? Have you ever been at a park and the cops pull up and you had to bounce to avoid a ticket. I've had to dodge the police hella times at the skateparks. Its shooting fish in a barrel for them.

 I will never voluntarily talk to police ever. They dont share the same views as me on a variety of issues and I know its pointless to try to explain a different view point to them. Im sure some cops join the force for the right reasons thinking they are gonna serve and protect, but thats just a testament to how stupid they actually are for not understanding who they are protecting from who.

Yea, I've casually left parks in random cities many times when the police rolled up to enforce helmet laws because I knew I was breaking the law. This situation in Cambridge is different. According to Orchard Skate Shop's instagram there are no signs stating closure times of the park. When you aren't doing anything wrong, you should not have to run from the police .

We all know voluntarily talking the police is never advised and is a roll of the dice. However, if you constantly obey everything the police do without an interaction, they will continue to abuse their powers. So props to that skater for attempting to have a face to face conversation to explain the situation instead of giving in to their demands. It's unfortunate it led to him being thrown to the ground, but that's just how shit goes sometimes when you protest the police.

We had an issue in my hometown where cops were showing up to to ticket skaters for not wearing helmets / full pads. We were breaking the law, but instead of running from them, we actually talked to them and explained to them that the law was out of date and nobody wore full pads while skating. Turns out they eventually had enough people tell them that and they stopped giving tickets for breaking that law. If we had all just run every time, we would have shown we were knowingly doing something wrong. It just depends on how far you are willing to take things. If it's some random town you will never visit again, sure, leave. If it's something you know you will encounter nonstop, fight for change.
Abuse of power should be fought I agree, and if its your park that you go to everyday you should be willing to take some lumps for it. I just feel like at a skatepark arguing with cops about the violation of one rule while currently violating another isnt the best thing to do. using the park with out a helmet is a violation. so start arguing about the lights and they can just say here is a ticket for no helmet. The guys in boots just enforce whats written in the code book. Listening to reason isnt actually required of them. They will find another reason to twist your wrist.

I dont run from the cops because thats for kids I casually leave too. but if you dont bail and stand there pretending like you didnt know you were doing anything wrong then the cop has good reason bust your balls for being ignorant of the rules. The stupid cop knows the rules, hes there to enforce them, and a smart citizen that uses the park everyday should know rules. He'll make you pour out your 24oz chelada right before he tazes you for resisting while kneeling on your back.

plus i have weed in my pocket so im out.

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2018, 11:54:08 AM »
Wasn’t that “don’t call me dude!!” Bike cop in boston too?

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2018, 11:59:19 AM »
Wasn’t that “don’t call me dude!!” Bike cop in boston too?

Sick Duck

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2018, 12:05:18 PM »
Oh yeah. This whole thing is stupid and the cop is definitely a dickhead but at least he put the guy down pretty soft and didn’t try to hurt him


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2018, 12:07:08 PM »
Is the full video up somewhere?

The best way to get harassed by the police is by being an asshole. Breaking the law doesn't piss them off as much as questioning their authority.

Also, it is important to remember cops don't have the same value system as most skaters or the public as a whole. Thinking they are going to see the world our way or they are going to be open minded isn't a great strategy (we will have much better luck speaking with our elected representatives). Police are less likely to value broad-mindedness, cheerfulness, being forgiving, being helpful, freedom, equality, and a world of beauty than the population at large. And, of course, they are more likely to value obedience than the rest of the population. Considering skate culture generally puts emphasis on rejecting authority and competition, while being broad-minded, free, and appreciating art, we aren't going to see eye-eye with the police and our arguments aren't even going to make sense to them (just as their arguments rarely make sense to us).
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 12:09:51 PM by TheLurper »

Quote from: ChuckRamone
I love when people bring up world hunger. It makes everything meaningless.
"That guy is double parked."
"Who cares? There are people starving to death! Besides, how does that affect you? Does it lessen the joy of parking?

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2018, 12:10:47 PM »
Is the full video up somewhere?

The best way to get harassed by the police is by being an asshole. Breaking the law doesn't piss them off as much as questioning their authority.

Also, it is important to remember cops don't have the same value system as most skaters or the public as a whole. Thinking they are going to see the world our way or they are going to be open minded isn't a great strategy (we will have much better luck speaking with our elected representatives). Police as less likely to value broad-mindedness, cheerfulness, being forgiving, being helpful, freedom, equality, and a world of beauty than the population at large. And, of course, they are more likely to value obedience than the rest of the population. Considering skate culture generally puts emphasis on rejecting authority and competition, while being broad-minded, free, and appreciating art, we aren't going to see eye-eye with the police and arguments aren't even going to make sense (just as their arguments rarely make sense to us).
no matter what the cops might think about skateboarding you have 3 police officers getting paid tax money to stand around at a skatepark and arrest people for skating. It just makes no sense at all


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #46 on: October 01, 2018, 12:13:10 PM »
Is the full video up somewhere?

i posted a fb link but it didnt work, here this kid cut it up into parts on this instagram post


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2018, 12:19:43 PM »
I was there earlier in the day yesterday before this happened. Funny enough I asked a local cop if I could park where I had parked and he said something like "That's up to the state police, we won't ticket you"

Also pretty sure helmets aren't required at this particular park.

The police force was def. uncalled for but as many other people have stated in here it's unclear from this video why this kid didn't just bounce. Once he started arguing with the cop instead of just walking away it was clear he was going to get slapped with resisting. That was not the right time to try to take a stand. I think the lights were just put in and these idiot cops didn't know skating was now permitted until 9pm. You could tell the local PD was embarrassed by the state trooper escalating the situation like that.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2018, 12:23:24 PM »
Shocked Gip hasn't set this one straight yet.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #49 on: October 01, 2018, 12:26:15 PM »
If he didnt help pay for the lights in the first place, they wouldn't be on and there would be no issue
hopefully ty evans was there to film him laying on the ground in HD


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #50 on: October 01, 2018, 12:28:41 PM »
Goes to shake his hand, then arrest him? Fuck the blue.
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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #51 on: October 01, 2018, 12:28:57 PM »
Just comply instead of being an asshole back to them. When they try to book you for trespassing, you can say that you were unaware that you weren’t allowed to be there and thought the hours were xx AM - xx PM. It’s only trespassing if you knew you weren’t supposed to be there. Then, it would get tossed out in court and you can sue for being detained illegally in civil court, especially if it’s in a skatepark (and no laws were actually broken).

I’ve been handcuffed once, stopped multiple times, but never arrested for just skateboarding. Once you start arguing and making a scene by being a whiny bitch, you’re getting booked. Stay calm and speak when spoken to, instead of acting on impulse.

I’ve been dealing with cops kicking me out of spots for 10-15 years, and most scenarios consisted of weird, friendly, small talk, especially during out-of-state trips. You just leave when they tell you to so you don’t end up on YouTube/Instagram.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2018, 12:30:23 PM »
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Is the full video up somewhere?

i posted a fb link but it didnt work, here this kid cut it up into parts on this instagram post


no matter what the cops might think about skateboarding you have 3 police officers getting paid tax money to stand around at a skatepark and arrest people for skating. It just makes no sense at all

I don't disagree. This was a poor decision on the cops part to even approach the dudes at the park. I would hope one of his superiors has at least asked him, "So, the park was lit up, there were no obvious disturbances, and you approached because, why again? Why do I need to field calls from the Parks and Rec Dept. and from Councilperson X?"

Arguing with a cop about what time the park closes is a battle that can't be won. It sucks to have to obey someone, especially when that someone is in the wrong, but that is why we elect our representatives and we have the ability to file complaints. If this shit is upsetting and you are in the area, call your local reps, call the Parks and Rec Department, and so on. I filed a polite complaint with my Parks and Rec Dept about some shit my city was doing 5 years ago at the local park and the VP of the Parks and Rec department scheduled a meeting with me the next day.

Quote from: ChuckRamone
I love when people bring up world hunger. It makes everything meaningless.
"That guy is double parked."
"Who cares? There are people starving to death! Besides, how does that affect you? Does it lessen the joy of parking?


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2018, 01:44:27 PM »

Arguing with a cop about what time the park closes is a battle that can't be won. It sucks to have to obey someone, especially when that someone is in the wrong, but that is why we elect our representatives and we have the ability to file complaints. If this shit is upsetting and you are in the area, call your local reps, call the Parks and Rec Department, and so on. I filed a polite complaint with my Parks and Rec Dept about some shit my city was doing 5 years ago at the local park and the VP of the Parks and Rec department scheduled a meeting with me the next day.

Couldn't the cop have simply used some decent judgement; signs are posted, but lights are on. What's the deal here?

Let me check with the station/park regarding some clarity here, before I go harassing people. They're literally skateboarding in a park, designed for skateboarding.

Most of those skateparks in my area also say: no bikes, scooters or spectators as well... But I don't see them getting locked up, ever. Fucks sake.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2018, 01:45:59 PM »

noncommittal yet effective. subtly opinioned.  very classy.  I like it.
more heaven-cruise than hell-ride.


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #55 on: October 01, 2018, 06:23:40 PM »
pretty shocked that most of the comments here are actually defending a cop being a bully to skaters not doing anything wrong.  skater actually stands up for himself, and we get victim blaming at the level of what i'd expect to see from a youtube comment section.  sad. 

someone posted a link to the parks and rec that runs the park earlier in the thread.  they clearly state that since the lights were installed, the park is open until 9pm.

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #56 on: October 01, 2018, 06:27:00 PM »
cops are the worst and a plague on society but what do you expect would happen when you start physically resisting one?

i dont think many people actually think the cop was doing the right thing but its foolish for anyone not expecting that outcome. if anything hes lucky thats all that happened to him. fuck cops 1000 times but be smarter people


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #57 on: October 01, 2018, 06:28:01 PM »
slap trendwatch 2018

Fuck brandon biebel... The lemon thrower


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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #58 on: October 01, 2018, 06:30:50 PM »
you realize both sides can be in the wrong right? that doesnt make someone pro police to to think that. the guy in the video is an idiot and shit like he does ends up hurting movements like black live matter.

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Re: Talking to cops...(Boston Lynch park)
« Reply #59 on: October 01, 2018, 06:34:27 PM »
you realize both sides can be in the wrong right? that doesnt make someone pro police to to think that. the guy in the video is an idiot and shit like he does ends up hurting movements like black live matter.
kind of a stretch, no?
does every arrest everywhere reflect positively or negatively on black lives matter?
i fail to see the connection, good or bad.
but if it gets this pussy who donated to lights militant, maybe it'll help BLM?
my guess is no effect.