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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #210 on: February 14, 2019, 12:09:56 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community

congrats on exposing yourself as a picture perfect piece of shit

You know when personal attacks are justified? When they are 100% justified by evidence offered by the person being attacked. As such, you, Contrarian, are in face a piece of shit. An ignorant piece of shit. You have no idea how the economic system of this country actually works, which is amazing because by your own account you've worked your ass for years to be making $15 per hour. Try buying a house on that salary, raising a family, dealing with a medical emergency. You're being shit on too, and instead of being made at the person whose asshole you are showering under, your mad at the people in the shit stall next to you.

Racism is rampant in this county, yourself being a glaring example of that. Within living memory it was legal to deny jobs, loans, education, and service to people because they were black. Only a few generations before that it was legal to beat a black person to death for not working hard enough. The system remains stacked in favor of those born into money, and stacked heavily against those that aren't. Black people, by virtue of these historical barriers, are wildly less likely to be born into any kind of advantaged position. By virtue of contemporary barriers of racism, less blatant but still powerful, Black people are far less likely to be given opportunities to rise above the economic status they were born into. I'll repeat, you yourself, born poor, seem as though you are also going to stay that way, proud as you are of making what ought to be the minimum wage. The only difference is, as a white person, you've got way more of an opportunity to do so eventually.

You clearly learned how to argue from right wing radio hosts, which means nothing anyone ever says proves anything besides that you are right, which makes you the worst kind of psuedo intellectual, the "infallible" kind. You have the brain of a shitty spoiled child who always got everything they asked for and never appreciated anything. Fuck off, forever and ever.

And fuck Clint Walker too.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #211 on: February 14, 2019, 12:10:42 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community

yeah good thing white culture has never promoted drugs, violence, or sexual deviancy of any kind
you’re right, but are you claiming that those things don’t have consequences for white people as well? Do you white people not struggle when they make bad decisions? I’m not saying only black culture promotes those things. I’m saying that black people who typically struggle are usually the same people who buy into those stereotypes. Is it controversial to say that mainstream rap promoters bad behavior for black people?

i just think you're dense if your whole perception of black culture is based on what a few rappers promote. and i think you're even denser if you think "society" (is that a code word for white culture or something?) and black culture are two polar opposite things, one of which promotes only wholesome activities like church (lol), while the other promotes nothing but guns and drugs.
when I say society, I mean laws and general religion. What institution with ties to the government or religion tells people to do drugs, drop out of school, have sex with multiple women, buy expensive clothes, rob people, do drugs etc. you can’t say it’s institutionalized racism if there are no real laws or legal practices that hold black people down. Certain elements of black culture promotes things that lead to the downfall of black people


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #212 on: February 14, 2019, 12:14:21 PM »
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lol all of you are poor because you want to be.

just don’t poor anymore you fucking idiots.

poor brazilian kids in favelas? poor indian kids? kids living in landfills.

just stop being poor. its that easy.
wait, so are the poor people you just listed also victims of white people? Is that also white people’s fault? You seriously moved the goalposts so far that you ended up on in a different country hahahahahahaha
i never said they were victims of white people.

Just laughing at your ignorant philosophy that being poor is your fault and it’s easy to just not be poor anymore.
so you compare countries with literally zero resources to the same country those people are fighting to come to? They people don’t have potential for economic growth, people in our country certainly do
black americans (for the most part) in this country for 100’s of years had little potential for economic growth.
why are you going to the past? What about now? No one is denying black people were treated like shit in the past. I’m talking about now. If minorities have no room for economic growth, why and how are minorities coming over here from other countries and thriving? Why are people from third world countries fighting to come over here and reap our resources?

Beeda Weeda

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #213 on: February 14, 2019, 12:15:30 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community
wow dude, you are an actual piece of shit. I can't believe people like you actually exist. Are you that bitter that you can't sand up on your fs grinds?
why do you have to resort to personal attacks? Respond by debunking what I say or quoting what you disagree with. Why do liberals always do this?
generalize much ?
we get it, you are poor and upset with the cards you were dealt. keep  making america great again by pointing the finger at others. Everyone has done you wrong and the world owes you an explanation.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #214 on: February 14, 2019, 12:16:43 PM »
^^ Why do you even put all 'black people' in the one same box to begin with? In the name of 'black culture', or whatever other mental construction you were fed with? It's obvious you're trying to back whatever it is you're trying to say with points and that's always commendable but I'm seeing you spout so many abusive generalizations and prejudices once every other sentence everything the basis of the whole logic you're trying to talk instantly gets disqualified. You're lacking way too much hindsight on basic social issues to even sound like a skateboarder - just by putting you out there on the streets, skating inherently teaches you more clues as to why not put people in boxes like that than you seem to have (I guess unless you only do it solo on your backyard ramp or something), you're really just reciting the TV right now. Divide and conquer, I guess. Team sports!

edit - to Contrarian


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #215 on: February 14, 2019, 12:17:43 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community

congrats on exposing yourself as a picture perfect piece of shit
can you explain? What benefits do white people have that black people dont?

Big Skatefase

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #216 on: February 14, 2019, 12:19:16 PM »
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lol all of you are poor because you want to be.

just don’t poor anymore you fucking idiots.

poor brazilian kids in favelas? poor indian kids? kids living in landfills.

just stop being poor. its that easy.
wait, so are the poor people you just listed also victims of white people? Is that also white people’s fault? You seriously moved the goalposts so far that you ended up on in a different country hahahahahahaha
i never said they were victims of white people.

Just laughing at your ignorant philosophy that being poor is your fault and it’s easy to just not be poor anymore.
so you compare countries with literally zero resources to the same country those people are fighting to come to? They people don’t have potential for economic growth, people in our country certainly do
black americans (for the most part) in this country for 100’s of years had little potential for economic growth.
why are you going to the past? What about now?
because the past affects the now.

You can’t have a head start for a few centuries, then up and say, ok we’re equal now. You should be on my level now.

Beeda Weeda

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #217 on: February 14, 2019, 12:20:25 PM »
everyone is wrong, and yo are right. You are the smartest person in the forum. congratulations.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #218 on: February 14, 2019, 12:22:57 PM »
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lol all of you are poor because you want to be.

just don’t poor anymore you fucking idiots.

poor brazilian kids in favelas? poor indian kids? kids living in landfills.

just stop being poor. its that easy.
wait, so are the poor people you just listed also victims of white people? Is that also white people’s fault? You seriously moved the goalposts so far that you ended up on in a different country hahahahahahaha
i never said they were victims of white people.

Just laughing at your ignorant philosophy that being poor is your fault and it’s easy to just not be poor anymore.
so you compare countries with literally zero resources to the same country those people are fighting to come to? They people don’t have potential for economic growth, people in our country certainly do
black americans (for the most part) in this country for 100’s of years had little potential for economic growth.
why are you going to the past? What about now?
because the past affects the now.

You can’t have a head start for a few centuries, then up and say, ok we’re equal now. You should be on my level now.
Agree, it takes a few centuries to realize education is actually kinda 'cool' and to drop the guns, drugs and violence.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #219 on: February 14, 2019, 12:23:02 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community

congrats on exposing yourself as a picture perfect piece of shit

You know when personal attacks are justified? When they are 100% justified by evidence offered by the person being attacked. As such, you, Contrarian, are in face a piece of shit. An ignorant piece of shit. You have no idea how the economic system of this country actually works, which is amazing because by your own account you've worked your ass for years to be making $15 per hour. Try buying a house on that salary, raising a family, dealing with a medical emergency. You're being shit on too, and instead of being made at the person whose asshole you are showering under, your mad at the people in the shit stall next to you.

Racism is rampant in this county, yourself being a glaring example of that. Within living memory it was legal to deny jobs, loans, education, and service to people because they were black. Only a few generations before that it was legal to beat a black person to death for not working hard enough. The system remains stacked in favor of those born into money, and stacked heavily against those that aren't. Black people, by virtue of these historical barriers, are wildly less likely to be born into any kind of advantaged position. By virtue of contemporary barriers of racism, less blatant but still powerful, Black people are far less likely to be given opportunities to rise above the economic status they were born into. I'll repeat, you yourself, born poor, seem as though you are also going to stay that way, proud as you are of making what ought to be the minimum wage. The only difference is, as a white person, you've got way more of an opportunity to do so eventually.

You clearly learned how to argue from right wing radio hosts, which means nothing anyone ever says proves anything besides that you are right, which makes you the worst kind of psuedo intellectual, the "infallible" kind. You have the brain of a shitty spoiled child who always got everything they asked for and never appreciated anything. Fuck off, forever and ever.

And fuck Clint Walker too.
i’m a black person. And no shit i’m not going to raise a family or buy a house on my salary. That’s why I say live within your means. If I chose to have kids that I can’t support, how is that my fault? I’ll repeat it again, if you graduate high school, get a job, work your way up, don’t do drugs, save your money, and don’t have kids before you’re married, you will live comfortably. If a white personal doesn’t do these things, they will struggle also. I also don’t have to personally insult people I disagree with.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #220 on: February 14, 2019, 12:26:58 PM »
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How are there plenty of black millionaires and successful business owners nowadays? Do they have a secret they’re not letting broke black people in on? How were they able to beat the system if they had the same problems? Maybe they just worked hard, saved money, and made good decisions. How many rags to riches stories in black communities do you hear nowadays? There’s a shitload of them. If you’re broke in today’s society, you are willingly choosing to be. Black people who the system are “against” typically didn’t take their education seriously, do drugs, have kids, and have criminal records. That’s not white people’s faults. To the white people on here that believe in white privilege: why do you willingly and knowingly keep the money you didn’t honestly earn? Donate it to black charities. Do you knowingly take advantage of the marginalization of black people? Did you not earn what you have? And if not, is it honest of you to keep it? You should donate a percentage of all of your paychecks to black people to offset your privileges

Just because it's not your experience or other people's experience, doesn't mean it isn't a problem in certain areas. Also, if you're broke in today's society, you are willingly to choose to be is an incredibly ignorant statement and that goes for anyone of any race.
dude, it is my experience. I grew up dirt poor. My immediate family never had a car. We paid people gas money whenever we had to go places. We lived on food stamps and welfare. A lot of people you speak about are people like my family members. I live and grew up literally five minutes outside of Memphis. All I did was not do drugs, graduate, and work the same job for 7 years. I live within my means. I don’t spend money on stupid shit. I worked a warehouse job at fedex starting out at $9.50 and now make a little over 15 per hour. Don’t tell me black people are too helpless and lack the self awareness to make good decisions
There are areas where 15 bucks an hour wont get you very far. some people work very hard and remain broke. Even living within their means. I'm not telling you black people are helpless, I'm saying it's not fair to generalize.
I don't feel like I clearly stated this before and I'll take another attempt but I'm typing this with a headache.

Stating your own experience or other people's success is survivorship bias.
but is that due to white privilege? If you grow up in a place where the cost of living is astronomical, you can literally move. I’m not subscribing to the idea that black people have to sit around and be helpless.

In certain areas it is. You're generalizing a race as a whole. Not everyone sits around and is helpless. There is such thing as trying very hard and not succeeding due to being repressed. I've seen this first hand happen and I'm not that old.

Also, as much as it is a possibility to move, for some that is not an option. Living in the midwest working for UPS making 15 bucks an hour is definitely not an option for me.
The chillest1


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #221 on: February 14, 2019, 12:28:25 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community
wow dude, you are an actual piece of shit. I can't believe people like you actually exist. Are you that bitter that you can't sand up on your fs grinds?
why do you have to resort to personal attacks? Respond by debunking what I say or quoting what you disagree with. Why do liberals always do this?
generalize much ?
we get it, you are poor and upset with the cards you were dealt. keep  making america great again by pointing the finger at others. Everyone has done you wrong and the world owes you an explanation.
but aren’t you the one arguing that same point? That black people are poor and hate the cards they’re dealt and it’s white peoples’ fault? I’ve never complained about being poor. I’ve just worked a job, made good decisions and saved my money. The music that most black people listen to(not all) encourages things that lead to their downfall. It’s the culture they chose to follow


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #222 on: February 14, 2019, 12:28:45 PM »
Don’t all you cunts have anything better to do?

My god

Big Skatefase

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #223 on: February 14, 2019, 12:29:45 PM »
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lol all of you are poor because you want to be.

just don’t poor anymore you fucking idiots.

poor brazilian kids in favelas? poor indian kids? kids living in landfills.

just stop being poor. its that easy.
wait, so are the poor people you just listed also victims of white people? Is that also white people’s fault? You seriously moved the goalposts so far that you ended up on in a different country hahahahahahaha
i never said they were victims of white people.

Just laughing at your ignorant philosophy that being poor is your fault and it’s easy to just not be poor anymore.
so you compare countries with literally zero resources to the same country those people are fighting to come to? They people don’t have potential for economic growth, people in our country certainly do
black americans (for the most part) in this country for 100’s of years had little potential for economic growth.
why are you going to the past? What about now?
because the past affects the now.

You can’t have a head start for a few centuries, then up and say, ok we’re equal now. You should be on my level now.
Agree, it takes a few centuries to realize education is actually kinda 'cool' and to drop the guns, drugs and violence.
maybe even more than a few centuries. it’s been a few centuries and low income people of all races still use drugs and commit violence.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 12:32:33 PM by Big Skatefase »


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #224 on: February 14, 2019, 12:30:39 PM »
When I was growing up white kids pretended to be black because they loved hip-hop and hood flicks. Now they do it so they can be racist fucktards online.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #225 on: February 14, 2019, 12:30:47 PM »
i’m a black person. And no shit i’m not going to raise a family or buy a house on my salary. That’s why I say live within your means. If I chose to have kids that I can’t support, how is that my fault? I’ll repeat it again, if you graduate high school, get a job, work your way up, don’t do drugs, save your money, and don’t have kids before you’re married, you will live comfortably. If a white personal doesn’t do these things, they will struggle also. I also don’t have to personally insult people I disagree with.

I know plenty of people who didn't go to school, did drugs regularly, was given money, and had money and live comfortably and its because of white privilege. Not everyone believes in puritan values.
The chillest1

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #226 on: February 14, 2019, 12:33:28 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community
wow dude, you are an actual piece of shit. I can't believe people like you actually exist. Are you that bitter that you can't sand up on your fs grinds?
why do you have to resort to personal attacks? Respond by debunking what I say or quoting what you disagree with. Why do liberals always do this?
generalize much ?
we get it, you are poor and upset with the cards you were dealt. keep  making america great again by pointing the finger at others. Everyone has done you wrong and the world owes you an explanation.
but aren’t you the one arguing that same point? That black people are poor and hate the cards they’re dealt and it’s white peoples’ fault? I’ve never complained about being poor. I’ve just worked a job, made good decisions and saved my money. The music that most black people listen to(not all) encourages things that lead to their downfall. It’s the culture they chose to follow
when did I say that?
you just complained about growing up poor and not having a car and living on food stamps. you can't be whatever is convenient.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #227 on: February 14, 2019, 12:34:03 PM »

what are some of the modern day privileges white people have today that black people don’t?

here is a very basic example. I am a white looking guy. Based on appearance alone no one is ever going to question my american citizenship. People of color do not have that same advantage.

« Last Edit: February 14, 2019, 12:42:24 PM by nopes »

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #228 on: February 14, 2019, 12:34:48 PM »
A guy who grew up poor, and is still poor, telling people it’s easy to be millionaires and own businesses.



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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #229 on: February 14, 2019, 12:35:09 PM »
When I was growing up white kids pretended to be black because they loved hip-hop and hood flicks. Now they do it so they can be racist fucktards online.
i can upload a photo right now with any phrase or word written on a sheet of paper to prove i’m black. With a photo of my BA antihero board sitting right here


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #230 on: February 14, 2019, 12:37:02 PM »
^^ Why do you even put all 'black people' in the one same box to begin with? In the name of 'black culture', or whatever other mental construction you were fed with? It's obvious you're trying to back whatever it is you're trying to say with points and that's always commendable but I'm seeing you spout so many abusive generalizations and prejudices once every other sentence everything the basis of the whole logic you're trying to talk instantly gets disqualified. You're lacking way too much hindsight on basic social issues to even sound like a skateboarder - just by putting you out there on the streets, skating inherently teaches you more clues as to why not put people in boxes like that than you seem to have (I guess unless you only do it solo on your backyard ramp or something), you're really just reciting the TV right now. Divide and conquer, I guess. Team sports!

edit - to Contrarian
i’m not putting all black people in a box. I know plenty of rich black business owners, celebrities, athletes, doctors, scientists, etc. many of them came from poor neighborhoods. Do they have a secret?


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #231 on: February 14, 2019, 12:38:58 PM »
The chillest1


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #232 on: February 14, 2019, 12:40:55 PM »
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i’m a black person. And no shit i’m not going to raise a family or buy a house on my salary. That’s why I say live within your means. If I chose to have kids that I can’t support, how is that my fault? I’ll repeat it again, if you graduate high school, get a job, work your way up, don’t do drugs, save your money, and don’t have kids before you’re married, you will live comfortably. If a white personal doesn’t do these things, they will struggle also. I also don’t have to personally insult people I disagree with.

I know plenty of people who didn't go to school, did drugs regularly, was given money, and had money and live comfortably and its because of white privilege. Not everyone believes in puritan values.
is that because of white privilege, or is that just having rich parents? And wouldn’t it be racist to say that just because they’re white, there’s no way they could have earned that money legally and honestly? So if a black person is rich, they can’t give their kids money as well?


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #233 on: February 14, 2019, 12:43:13 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community
wow dude, you are an actual piece of shit. I can't believe people like you actually exist. Are you that bitter that you can't sand up on your fs grinds?
why do you have to resort to personal attacks? Respond by debunking what I say or quoting what you disagree with. Why do liberals always do this?
generalize much ?
we get it, you are poor and upset with the cards you were dealt. keep  making america great again by pointing the finger at others. Everyone has done you wrong and the world owes you an explanation.
but aren’t you the one arguing that same point? That black people are poor and hate the cards they’re dealt and it’s white peoples’ fault? I’ve never complained about being poor. I’ve just worked a job, made good decisions and saved my money. The music that most black people listen to(not all) encourages things that lead to their downfall. It’s the culture they chose to follow
when did I say that?
you just complained about growing up poor and not having a car and living on food stamps. you can't be whatever is convenient.
i didn’t complain, I said that I worked hard, kept the same job for 7 years to make a better life for myself and now I make 600 dollars per week minimum and even more during the holidays. I earned that by having a plan and not making excuses


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #234 on: February 14, 2019, 12:45:18 PM »
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How do these black people have the money to spend hundreds of dollars per week on weed and Jordan’s? They don’t seem to be struggling when I see them on social media. A smart man could take that same money and invest it into college tuition, or a car.

What society teaches you: go to church, take your education seriously, don’t have kids before you’re married, get a job, don’t break the law, don’t do drugs.

What black culture teaches you: you’ll find a better sense of brotherhood if you join a gang. Education is for nerds. Fuck as many bitches as you can. Robbing people, selling drugs, and shooting people boosts your street cred and clout.

Those are the messages in black mainstream music. And that is the behavior that leads to the downfall of our people. Rappers who echo those sentiments are heralded as heroes in the black community
wow dude, you are an actual piece of shit. I can't believe people like you actually exist. Are you that bitter that you can't sand up on your fs grinds?
why do you have to resort to personal attacks? Respond by debunking what I say or quoting what you disagree with. Why do liberals always do this?
generalize much ?
we get it, you are poor and upset with the cards you were dealt. keep  making america great again by pointing the finger at others. Everyone has done you wrong and the world owes you an explanation.
but aren’t you the one arguing that same point? That black people are poor and hate the cards they’re dealt and it’s white peoples’ fault? I’ve never complained about being poor. I’ve just worked a job, made good decisions and saved my money. The music that most black people listen to(not all) encourages things that lead to their downfall. It’s the culture they chose to follow
when did I say that?
you just complained about growing up poor and not having a car and living on food stamps. you can't be whatever is convenient.
i didn’t complain, I said that I worked hard, kept the same job for 7 years to make a better life for myself and now I make 600 dollars per week minimum and even more during the holidays. I earned that by having a plan and not making excuses

Stop lying Kanye. You make way more than that

Big Skatefase

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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #235 on: February 14, 2019, 12:48:20 PM »
$600 a week?!  :'(


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #236 on: February 14, 2019, 12:48:38 PM »
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what are some of the modern day privileges white people have today that black people don’t?

here is a very basic example. I am a white looking guy. Based on appearance alone no one is ever going to question my american citizenship. People of color do not have that same advantage.
yes, stereotypes do exist. That’s a fair point. It’s like how white people say i’m well spoken simply because they’re surprised I don’t talk ghetto. But if a white person talked the way I do, no one would ever say how well spoken they are. That is true. But that example you gave doesn’t equate to black people being poor.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #237 on: February 14, 2019, 12:49:44 PM »
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i’m a black person. And no shit i’m not going to raise a family or buy a house on my salary. That’s why I say live within your means. If I chose to have kids that I can’t support, how is that my fault? I’ll repeat it again, if you graduate high school, get a job, work your way up, don’t do drugs, save your money, and don’t have kids before you’re married, you will live comfortably. If a white personal doesn’t do these things, they will struggle also. I also don’t have to personally insult people I disagree with.

I know plenty of people who didn't go to school, did drugs regularly, was given money, and had money and live comfortably and its because of white privilege. Not everyone believes in puritan values.
is that because of white privilege, or is that just having rich parents? And wouldn’t it be racist to say that just because they’re white, there’s no way they could have earned that money legally and honestly? So if a black person is rich, they can’t give their kids money as well?
Peoples success and money can come from white privilege. Yes. Sometimes its from having rich parents, other times it's been white privilege. Sometimes its from the guy who has rich parents who got him the company he owns and he's doing the hiring. Maybe he does hire you but if you aren't white, you aren't gonna get the highest payout.
The chillest1


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #238 on: February 14, 2019, 12:52:54 PM »
A guy who grew up poor, and is still poor, telling people it’s easy to be millionaires and own businesses.

never said that. And i’m not poor. If I am your definition of poor, then how many poor white people do you also know? Why can’t they just cash in on their privilege? I make $600 per week. My apartment is 900, car note is 300, car insurance is 200, phone bill 100, etc. I live comfortably. White people dont affect that.


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Re: Justin Henry calls out Clint Walker for blackface
« Reply #239 on: February 14, 2019, 01:02:25 PM »
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i’m a black person. And no shit i’m not going to raise a family or buy a house on my salary. That’s why I say live within your means. If I chose to have kids that I can’t support, how is that my fault? I’ll repeat it again, if you graduate high school, get a job, work your way up, don’t do drugs, save your money, and don’t have kids before you’re married, you will live comfortably. If a white personal doesn’t do these things, they will struggle also. I also don’t have to personally insult people I disagree with.

I know plenty of people who didn't go to school, did drugs regularly, was given money, and had money and live comfortably and its because of white privilege. Not everyone believes in puritan values.
is that because of white privilege, or is that just having rich parents? And wouldn’t it be racist to say that just because they’re white, there’s no way they could have earned that money legally and honestly? So if a black person is rich, they can’t give their kids money as well?
Peoples success and money can come from white privilege. Yes. Sometimes its from having rich parents, other times it's been white privilege. Sometimes its from the guy who has rich parents who got him the company he owns and he's doing the hiring. Maybe he does hire you but if you aren't white, you aren't gonna get the highest payout.
can you give real examples of white privilege that can result in black people being poor and not having room for economic growth? I haven’t berated anyone, insulted anyone, etc. give some examples. I grew up in a black family. If you are broke, I have to suspect drugs or lack of education are the main culprits. That goes for white people as well. I know plenty of white people on drugs who live in trailer parks dude. Why are they poor if they have white privilege? Why didn’t they cash in? Being poor is not exclusively a black problem. The education system is free. I’ve seen many black kids grow up in the ghetto, make good grades, get scholarships and go to college. With affirmative action nowadays, it is increasingly easy for black kids to go to college