Author Topic: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you  (Read 5332 times)

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Buck Bundy

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I tried using the search bar and going back a few pages, but didn’t see anything that was specifically like this. After reading the “Dope YouTube channels” thread, I went down the rabbit hole on a few recommendations. This lead me to reading a bunch of posts on reddit (I know most are BS and probably made up) but the one that really intrigued me was the stories from the search and rescue worker. I’ve never had any type of paranormal events happen to me, but there was one really weird situation that I still have no explanation for. This was about 10 yrs ago. I’m a total creature of habit and I do the same routine every morning (well I was doing the same morning routine for myself at the time). Anyways, my alarm goes off and I wake up immediately. I worked second shift at the time (second shift for our company was 2-11pm) and was going out to the bar after work for 2hrs before they closed. Most people would probably have slept in or be groggy/hungover and might have missed their alarm or snoozed a bunch of times, but not me. Once I’m awake, I’m up and don’t go back to sleep. I wake up as soon as my alarm goes off and hop up immediately. I never hit snooze. I got up, had a cigarette, took a 5 min shower, got dressed, and headed off to work. I’m about 10 mins from work and a coworker calls me. He’s kinda laughing and asking where I am. I tell him and ask why he’s bugging me. He says “you’re 45 mins late!”. I look down at the clock in my car and sure enough, it’s 2:45pm. I go silent as I’m realizing I can not account for the 45mins I was late. I woke up right when my alarm went off. I did not snooze for 45mins. I took my normal, 5 min shower, got my shit together, and left. I usually was pulling out of my driveway at 130pm as I only worked a half hour from home. On the way there I did not hit any traffic or stop at any stores. There is no way I took a 30 min shower or again, slept in or hit snooze a bunch. I get to work and my buddy who had called and my boss, could tell something was wrong. I explain the situation and they find it funny. Can’t say I blame them or wouldn’t have felt the same. All day I replayed my morning and for the life of me, can not figure out what happened to me during those missing 45 mins. Since I don’t have any paranormal stories, I’ll tell my brothers. He was in 5th or 6th grade at the time. He was sleeping over at a friends house for the first time. At some point late in the night, they are watching TV and it suddenly goes out. Well not out, but it went to static. They went and checked another tv and had the same thing going on. They were about to wake up the parents to let them know the cable was out. All of a sudden, both TVs got really really loud. To the point that my brother and his friend where thinking the parents would hear it and wake up and get pissed. Well the tv’s got as loud as they could go and then both went back to working. Still wondering what was happening, they woke up the parents. When they went into their room, their TV was on and they where both awake. Their son said sorry the TVs got so loud, but somethings wrong with the cable. The dad asked what they where talking about. My brother asked them if their TV got all black and white and fuzzy, like the reception was going out, and really really loud. They both looked at my brother and their son like they were crazy. They said they had been in bed the whole time, and nothing happened with the TV. They even said they could hear my brother and their son a min or so before they came in their room, so it’s not like there was a lot of noise coming from the room they were in. When my brother was a little older he ran into the kid (he had gone to a different school either at the start or after a year of middle school, so my brother hadn’t seen him in a few years). Turns out this and other weird stuff started happening a lot more. Cabinets opening, lights turning on and off, and some other creepy shit. The kid did some research and had found that the house was built on an Indian graveyard. Sorry for the wall of text! But I’m really curious to hear if any of you have had something weird, unexplained, or flat out freaky, happen to them?


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2019, 02:31:41 AM »
Yes but it would take forever to fuckin type it.  Kudos to you man.  ^interesting story.
"I just care about the river, I dont care about your back"


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2019, 03:04:37 AM »
not too long ago i let my dog out at about 3/4 in the morning and im staring at the house opposite and i see this fucking small orb of light fly down relatively quick and disappear behind the house

shit had me fucking shook

Buck Bundy

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2019, 04:57:22 AM »
not too long ago i let my dog out at about 3/4 in the morning and im staring at the house opposite and i see this fucking small orb of light fly down relatively quick and disappear behind the house

shit had me fucking shook

That’s what I’m talking about! You got to see one of those orbs I always hear about, and all I got, was a brief case of amnesia.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2019, 05:34:01 AM »
One time my friends and I were gonna take a 2 hour drive to a big water park in San Antonio.
So 5 of us stayed at Sean’s house so we could all just wake up and go in the morning and not have to wait around for anyone.

I was the last one awake and it was like 5 am (we were gonna get up at 7am)
So I wanted a little sleep at least so I went to my car to take a few bong rips because I just couldn’t fall asleep.
I got outside and was opening my car and I looked down the street and saw a woman dressed in a baggy white night gown just walking under a street light.
I was like fuuuuuuck and I fumbled my keys trying to lock the car back up and I ran back inside and locked my friends front door and then his bedroom door.
I was thinking holy fuck I just saw a ghost/spirit or something for the first time, I was shook.

Turns out it was another friends mom, he was not staying at Sean’s house because he lived on the same street 3 houses down and well his mom likes to take walks around the neighborhood at weird hours lol.

Wish I had some unexplained stuff.

Lost time tho OP, that’s pretty wild.
My only lost time was from being blacked out on Xanax.
I’m a fat Siamese cat.

Buck Bundy

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2019, 06:11:00 AM »
One time my friends and I were gonna take a 2 hour drive to a big water park in San Antonio.
So 5 of us stayed at Sean’s house so we could all just wake up and go in the morning and not have to wait around for anyone.

I was the last one awake and it was like 5 am (we were gonna get up at 7am)
So I wanted a little sleep at least so I went to my car to take a few bong rips because I just couldn’t fall asleep.
I got outside and was opening my car and I looked down the street and saw a woman dressed in a baggy white night gown just walking under a street light.
I was like fuuuuuuck and I fumbled my keys trying to lock the car back up and I ran back inside and locked my friends front door and then his bedroom door.
I was thinking holy fuck I just saw a ghost/spirit or something for the first time, I was shook.

Turns out it was another friends mom, he was not staying at Sean’s house because he lived on the same street 3 houses down and well his mom likes to take walks around the neighborhood at weird hours lol.

Wish I had some unexplained stuff.

Lost time tho OP, that’s pretty wild.
My only lost time was from being blacked out on Xanax.

Xanax blackouts are fucked. Never had it happen until this past year. If you look at my post history, I have two posts that I have no recollection of writing (posts 17&18 right now). They make no sense what so ever! Check it out:
“In mother Russia, I was an engineer. I would hold town our spots in the sun. Life moves a little slower in these past?”
“Where did Stan come from?
The only answer is: So you can be a total Migos stan, or totally stan for Migos. The Oxford definition credits Eminem with the origin of the term, acknowledging that 'stan' stems from “the 2000 song 'Stan' by the American rapper, Eminem, about an obsessed fan.”Jun 2, 2017
What do you say Stan?”

Not really weird or unexplained. More of a wake up call that I shouldn’t eat Xanax bars anymore...and no, I had never tried Xanax back when I lost time before work. So that was not the cause.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2019, 06:16:56 AM by Buck Bundy »


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2019, 07:20:28 AM »
So I was living in Denver at split leveled house bottom of the house was young professional couple, the top floor was myself and my man at the time.  No kid's at all, so this is several situations in this house we'd hear see and just plain fuckery when seeing unreal phenomenon.  We're up late at night smoking a cig and we heard kids stomping around up and down our back stairs we look at the stairs it's just weird trying to rationalize this happening.  To give you a layout the front of the house was a big security door mail slots and ppl downstairs were on the right upstairs was me the back of the house had a spiral staircase that connected with the downstairs and we shared a laundry space. So another instance we were jamming music my room was across from the kitchen and had a huge big gulp from 7-11 filled with code red. So as I'm rocking out my dog starts barking like he hates something and is staring at this cup, next thing I know it slightly moves then slides into the wall.
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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2019, 09:23:24 AM »
I used to get bad sleep paralysis when I was in high school. Weird part was it felt very eerie, I could tell when it was going to happen and felt like something else was in my room with me. One night it occurred I saw a hazy face in front of me, sort of like an old man. Another night I felt pressure on my chest, the choking ghost you'll hear from other stories and such. My dad called a 2 priests in and both said they felt a "negative energy" in the house. What's fucked is that my parents are divorced, and it would happen at both houses.

Shit stopped happening after a while when I grew tired of it. Kinda like "fuck you I'm sick of this shit" and it stopped. Maybe it was all mental..who knows?

Recently my girl was staying over one night and couldn't fall asleep. Of course, I was sleeping soundly, but she says she could see some shadowy figure in the corner of my room. Of course its dark, but when your eyes have adjusted to the darkness after a while, you can kinda see a bit more than pitch black. But she saw something. She fell asleep after a while and woke up again and saw that the shadowy figure moved to the other corner. A week or so later, my dog is barking in the room next to mine, literally at nothing. There was no one outside my house, but he was rustled by something.

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2019, 09:29:39 AM »
I don't believe in any of that shit but I've seen two ghosts.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2019, 09:46:47 AM »
I don't believe in any of that shit but I've seen two ghosts.

In a hallway?
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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2019, 10:04:42 AM »
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I don't believe in any of that shit but I've seen two ghosts.

In a hallway?

I know I've talked about it before but this makes me think you're a ghost and I don't believe in those


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2019, 10:06:46 AM »
I used to get bad sleep paralysis when I was in high school. Weird part was it felt very eerie, I could tell when it was going to happen and felt like something else was in my room with me. One night it occurred I saw a hazy face in front of me, sort of like an old man. Another night I felt pressure on my chest, the choking ghost you'll hear from other stories and such. My dad called a 2 priests in and both said they felt a "negative energy" in the house. What's fucked is that my parents are divorced, and it would happen at both houses.

Shit stopped happening after a while when I grew tired of it. Kinda like "fuck you I'm sick of this shit" and it stopped. Maybe it was all mental..who knows?

Recently my girl was staying over one night and couldn't fall asleep. Of course, I was sleeping soundly, but she says she could see some shadowy figure in the corner of my room. Of course its dark, but when your eyes have adjusted to the darkness after a while, you can kinda see a bit more than pitch black. But she saw something. She fell asleep after a while and woke up again and saw that the shadowy figure moved to the other corner. A week or so later, my dog is barking in the room next to mine, literally at nothing. There was no one outside my house, but he was rustled by something.
Do you take magnesium citrate, or other magnesium supplements by any chance?
That can induce frequent vivid nightmares.
I’m a fat Siamese cat.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2019, 10:45:14 AM »
Have a skim through this if you dont believe in "supernatural"...

But on night terrors\sleep paralysis, if you dont fight it and relax, your body feels like its sinking into nothingness and you start to see a white light. Thats when I snapped out cause I thought I was gonna die, but if you get one just relax and go into the light, I wanna know what happens. Also had a semi conscious sleep for 3 hours where I was turning with my arms out nonstop while seeing this energy pattern, looked like the star of david (which I wish I could explain the energy importance behind the symbol but its too long) with this vril like pattern coming off the sides. I woke up shook like I saw a demon.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2019, 04:24:36 PM »
yea unlike the rest of the world the CIA can't possibly employ of a bunch of gullible boobs and snake oil salesmen


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2019, 05:05:20 PM »
Once upon a time I got a blowjob, and my entire body started tingling, like I was electrified. It felt like I was glowing in the dark; my eyes were closed, so I can't say for sure.
I was pretty young when it happened, and it has occurred to me that maybe I was just suffering oxygen deprivation from holding my breath.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2019, 09:08:09 PM »
Fuck it, I'm buzzed and will join in and will attempt to cliffnote's both

First one, I'm younger ( early teens maybe )
We moved into an apartment and I found out that one of the people that moved out had died recently in a motorcycle accident.  I'm sleeping on my stomach and wake up to my necklace being pulled around my neck choking me from behind.   ( no way I was just laying on it since I was on my stomach and it was tight around the front )  I ripped that shit off and laid awake the rest of the night with the covers over my head and did not sleep well for a while after.

Second one ( mid 20's )
Girlfriend at the time asks if I can swing by her apt and fix a few things ( she lives with 2 other girlfriends but no one was going to be home at the time )  So I show up and let myself in.  I'm going through the drawers in the kitchen looking for what I need to fix things while out of the corner of my eye, I see a girl walk through the living room into a bedroom.  I think, oh just one of her room mates home I guess, nbd.  I yell hi, just here to fix the door and such.  No reply.  I think they didn't hear me, so I go look in the room ... no one is in there.  I got the fuck out of there real quick.  Fast forward a week ... my gf "Tell so and so ( one of her room mates ) what happened to you last week."  I tell her the story and she looks freaked.  Her bf had told her a very similar story the day before.

Crazy shit


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2019, 09:33:29 PM »
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One time my friends and I were gonna take a 2 hour drive to a big water park in San Antonio.
So 5 of us stayed at Sean’s house so we could all just wake up and go in the morning and not have to wait around for anyone.

I was the last one awake and it was like 5 am (we were gonna get up at 7am)
So I wanted a little sleep at least so I went to my car to take a few bong rips because I just couldn’t fall asleep.
I got outside and was opening my car and I looked down the street and saw a woman dressed in a baggy white night gown just walking under a street light.
I was like fuuuuuuck and I fumbled my keys trying to lock the car back up and I ran back inside and locked my friends front door and then his bedroom door.
I was thinking holy fuck I just saw a ghost/spirit or something for the first time, I was shook.

Turns out it was another friends mom, he was not staying at Sean’s house because he lived on the same street 3 houses down and well his mom likes to take walks around the neighborhood at weird hours lol.

Wish I had some unexplained stuff.

Lost time tho OP, that’s pretty wild.
My only lost time was from being blacked out on Xanax.

Xanax blackouts are fucked. Never had it happen until this past year. If you look at my post history, I have two posts that I have no recollection of writing (posts 17&18 right now). They make no sense what so ever! Check it out:
“In mother Russia, I was an engineer. I would hold town our spots in the sun. Life moves a little slower in these past?”
“Where did Stan come from?
The only answer is: So you can be a total Migos stan, or totally stan for Migos. The Oxford definition credits Eminem with the origin of the term, acknowledging that 'stan' stems from “the 2000 song 'Stan' by the American rapper, Eminem, about an obsessed fan.”Jun 2, 2017
What do you say Stan?”

Not really weird or unexplained. More of a wake up call that I shouldn’t eat Xanax bars anymore...and no, I had never tried Xanax back when I lost time before work. So that was not the cause.
I blacked out the second time I took a friend's Clonazepan and the worst thing was having people interacting with me that night and being unable to grasp the concept of a blackout and what questions they raise, so no one was able to tell in clear words what I was doing and if someone took me home, they just said I was really high(well, no shit) and that I couldn't stay on the board(which rendered a funny impression of me trying it). All I remember was sitting on a bench and then waking up in my bed.

The first time was awesome though, I was skating around feeling like my legs bent like Bryan Herman in every trick. Played 3 games of skate, one of them only doing stuff the berrics wouldn't allow and ollied a sidewalk to street gap that was taller than me, I landed on the tilted end of the street and hurt my knee, but it was really high and I was just happy to stick it until the bitter end.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #17 on: March 07, 2019, 12:45:38 AM »
Most of mine happened when I was young. Was playing hidengoseek with some kids at a campground, I ran into a field in a part that was totally open with not much growth- like a circle of no growth- and I saw these dragonfly beings with dragonfly bodies but human-looking faces. So weird. They all looked at me, then I just ran away scared lol.

Saw a blue orb come up from the ground also. It zig zagged then vanished into thin air at about 10 ft. That one instilled a ton of fear in me for some reason, like I couldn't even think straight for a moment. More intense even, than the dragonfly beings.

Also ever since I became a born again Christian, I know demons are real, without any doubt at all. Demons manifest through people. I see them once in a while. Especially when I am reading my bible and going over biblical things in my head- its like they sense it and get all irritated. Demons are real but they're weak compared to the power of Jesus Christ!


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #18 on: March 07, 2019, 03:56:21 AM »
I knew this drifter dude who was born in scotland and lived in canada since he was 5.  Our landlord stuck him in our house and he predicted a power outage at midnite one afternoon and due to a storm and a felled tree on a power line, the power did go out at midnite.  Anywho, literally the craziest dude in a crazy town (cops let him be mostly because they were scared) went into the store the drifter dude worked at and had a major altercation with him threatening the drifter dudes life.  Anyway guess who drowned in the ocean that night?   The drifter dude drifted on not to long after that.   This all happened in toffino (fuckin spooky ass place)
"I just care about the river, I dont care about your back"


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #19 on: March 07, 2019, 01:38:25 PM »
I stayed in a shady hotel in some small ghost town in Arizona and I felt someone’s arm graze my shoulder over night. Turns out a prostitute had been mirdered in that hotel or something.

Wish she would have grazed my hog.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2019, 01:48:13 PM »
This was kind of an ongoing one with lots of stuff intertwined but i'll try to make it short.

So my mom was in an occult throughout my life. They didn't hurt people or do harmful shit but they believed in angels and demons etc and would frequently meet up and discuss potions/healings/etc. I came to a few meetings as a kid but had to be kept in a room and honestly, as a kid it was just boring to me. All of it was in Spanish and everyone was old. They were nice though and some had kids so whatever, my mom never forced me into anything though.

Anyway when I was 13 she woke us (my brother and me) up and was talking about how demons were in the trees and watching the house and we had to hide. We were kids so we did and up until that point she was very spiritual but never really went crazy like that.

Anyway, this crazy behavior continued for about a year until she was hospitalized. In the time though she would do a lot of weird shit. At one point my uncle needed her to eat (she was big woman and had lost about 100 pounds) and she responded in third person and said "She's not eating today".

But the thing that made it even scarier was that she was a Native spanish speaker, had never really learned English. We called cops/ambulance people on her quite often but whenever they inspected her she was fine but to us she wasn't. We lived in an english speaking community but there was a spanish speaking emt person who would talk to her, but the last time they came to one of our 911 calls (it happened a lot), there wasn't anyone who spoke spanish.

When we explained she was having an episode, they asked her questions and said she was fine, but we were freaking out because all of their questions were in english and she was responding in ENGLISH. They could tell we were freaking out so they stayed longer this time, they ended up taking her in though. They had asked her the day of the week and she was right but later on, one of the paramedics asked about the year and she was 30 years off.

Anyway, they ran tests and said that something with her blood count was off and that her tests were showing she had an infections but they couldn't find anything.

She eventually got released even though she was still being crazy and my uncle took her to the place where she worships (it's called a gnosis in spanish), they thought she might be possessed so they did an exorcism and some purifying shit and she got better and was my mom again.

About 3 years ago though, she sprained her ankle and went to the hospital. Just like that, she got sick again. Not as bad (she didn't really hallucinate demons) but she stopped being able to walk and then eventually couldnt eat or talk. She was diagnosed with CJD which is a crazy disease that pretty much disintegrates your brain.

I'm a devout atheist so I tried to reason with all of the crazy stuff above. My theory is that CJD disintegrates the parts of your memory that you don't use as much. So because she was in the states, she didn't know english but had been surrounded by it, so we think she had CJD when I was a kid but it was just the beginning and that she could speak english because the disease was erasing her memory but English was still super engrained. We think this is also why she hallucinated. She was surrounded by demon and religious shit all her life that when she got sick, that's what her brain focused on and when they did the "exorcism", her brain let her be "okay" because in her mind, that's what she needed to get better. Like a placebo effect.

Obviously, I don't know, i've never been able to explain it. I'm not a doctor and I'm not religious but it still makes me feel weird. My family comes from a long line of supposed healers/psychics and I get weird shit happening to me that I can't explain a lot but there's probably reasonable explanations idk.

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2019, 09:33:45 PM »
About 4 years ago I was staying at a friend’s caravan in a holiday park with my wife and two children. Basically what I’m guessing you’d call a trailer home in America? An old caravan with an annex built onto the side.
Anyway the first night we were there, I woke up to see an old woman standing over me. I assumed it was my eyes playing tricks in the dark, so I closed them and opened them again. Sure as shit she was there. I just closed my eyes and rolled over and eventually went back to sleep.
Every night after that, there’d be weird noises, stuff moving in the cupboards and what not. My wife was freaking out, wanting to stay somewhere else, but I didn’t want to spend the money finding alternative accommodation over a bloody poltergeist.
About the fourth night my kids were hearing things, so I tried to explain it as the wind, possums etc. I put a torch next to their bed, in the annex. Once I went back to my bed the torch went out. I said that it must be the battery, turned the switch off and put it on the table next to my bed. When I had laid down again, it turned itself back on, even though I had it turned off. I pulled out the batteries and went to sleep. (My wife, laying next to me, did not go to sleep and said there was more activity going on after that).
While I was asleep I had a dream that a female spirit was trying to drag me out of the caravan. My wife says I then made a weird yelling / groaning noise in my sleep, and then woke up. As soon as I had woken up everything stopped and the presence we had felt was no longer there. We stayed for another week or so, and nothing else happened.

When we told the girl who owned the van what had happened, she told us her grandmother had died in the van, in the bed we were sleeping in a few years earlier. We were the first people to have stayed there without a member of the family present since. We hypothesized that her spirit did not appreciate us being there.


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2019, 10:28:36 PM »
i saw something that looked like a large dog in a alley once when i was bike riding around at night stand up on its back legs and stare at me, it was under a streetlight and looked super tall when it stood up, also happened right beside a cemetery making it even spookier


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2019, 02:06:10 AM »
some of these stories are rad! that trailer park one is great. I have  couple but the most nexplainable one happened in my mums house.
I was around 18, had jst finished work fr the weekend, picked up my girl and went shopping for food etc.
We got home to my mums place, went up to my room where I took my backpack off put it down next to my bed then we went and put all the food we bought into the kitchen.

later that night we were chilling in bed watching TV or whatever and I needed something out of my back pack so I reached down to get it and it was gone. we search high and low for it . We end up tearing the whole room apart looking for this bag, flipped the mattress, emptied warddrobes and theres just no sign of it. So we eventually conclude that I must have left it on the bus or something.

so we put the room back together, make the bed and whatnot then go make some supper. when we get back upstairs my Girl shouts 'what the fuck' ..the backpack was sitting in the middle of my pillow.. 

it still trips me out

Buck Bundy

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2019, 05:06:03 AM »
some of these stories are rad! that trailer park one is great. I have  couple but the most nexplainable one happened in my mums house.
I was around 18, had jst finished work fr the weekend, picked up my girl and went shopping for food etc.
We got home to my mums place, went up to my room where I took my backpack off put it down next to my bed then we went and put all the food we bought into the kitchen.

later that night we were chilling in bed watching TV or whatever and I needed something out of my back pack so I reached down to get it and it was gone. we search high and low for it . We end up tearing the whole room apart looking for this bag, flipped the mattress, emptied warddrobes and theres just no sign of it. So we eventually conclude that I must have left it on the bus or something.

so we put the room back together, make the bed and whatnot then go make some supper. when we get back upstairs my Girl shouts 'what the fuck' ..the backpack was sitting in the middle of my pillow.. 

it still trips me out

That is fucking weird...and the old lady standing over you while you sleep, from that other story, would have me running and screaming like a little girl!


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2019, 05:41:03 AM »
I'm a huge fan of the paranormal/spirit world. I've never had anything happen to me but I want to start ghost hunting.

I.C. Weiner

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2019, 06:31:21 AM »
cutting through a field in rural ireland with my cousin. he wandered off ahead when i saw something glowing at the tree line to my right. About 7 feet tall, typical sheet ghost looking, with a blue face and black line through its head.
bad eyesight, so thought it was a piece of farming equipment reflecting moonlight. when it started shifting and moving i ran screaming hahah. me and my cousin hid behind a chicken coop at the other end of the field nd watched it for a minute, making its way down the tree line before running off to find our mates.
Came back 5 minutes later and it was gone, except the grass was pressed down where it moved through the field. we got slagged A FUCKING LOT because my cousin described it as "muslim robe looking". A couple theories are that it's the ghost of the man who used to live run the hotel down there and an alien (nah).

I've a bunch of stories but, since me and my cousin ran into my friends very obviously shittin brick, that's the one I'm used to telling


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2019, 07:12:58 AM »
cutting through a field in rural ireland with my cousin. he wandered off ahead when i saw something glowing at the tree line to my right. About 7 feet tall, typical sheet ghost looking, with a blue face and black line through its head.
bad eyesight, so thought it was a piece of farming equipment reflecting moonlight. when it started shifting and moving i ran screaming hahah. me and my cousin hid behind a chicken coop at the other end of the field nd watched it for a minute, making its way down the tree line before running off to find our mates.
Came back 5 minutes later and it was gone, except the grass was pressed down where it moved through the field. we got slagged A FUCKING LOT because my cousin described it as "muslim robe looking". A couple theories are that it's the ghost of the man who used to live run the hotel down there and an alien (nah).

I've a bunch of stories but, since me and my cousin ran into my friends very obviously shittin brick, that's the one I'm used to telling

Interesting. Supposably Ireland is a hotspot for paranormal activity. They see a lot of "fairies" over there. Fairies in Ireland is completely different than how Americans see fairies. In Ireland they are demented little spirits that do bad things to people.

I.C. Weiner

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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2019, 08:49:39 AM »
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cutting through a field in rural ireland with my cousin. he wandered off ahead when i saw something glowing at the tree line to my right. About 7 feet tall, typical sheet ghost looking, with a blue face and black line through its head.
bad eyesight, so thought it was a piece of farming equipment reflecting moonlight. when it started shifting and moving i ran screaming hahah. me and my cousin hid behind a chicken coop at the other end of the field nd watched it for a minute, making its way down the tree line before running off to find our mates.
Came back 5 minutes later and it was gone, except the grass was pressed down where it moved through the field. we got slagged A FUCKING LOT because my cousin described it as "muslim robe looking". A couple theories are that it's the ghost of the man who used to live run the hotel down there and an alien (nah).

I've a bunch of stories but, since me and my cousin ran into my friends very obviously shittin brick, that's the one I'm used to telling

Interesting. Supposably Ireland is a hotspot for paranormal activity. They see a lot of "fairies" over there. Fairies in Ireland is completely different than how Americans see fairies. In Ireland they are demented little spirits that do bad things to people.

yeah for sure. i grew up on those stories and was scared of fairies when i was younger! my dad to this day says he won't uproot a hawthorn tree, also known as a fairy fort, because it would cause tragedies in your family. the most famous is probably of changelings, or when your child gets stolen and replaced with fairy.
always interested in how ireland is perceived by different countries


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Re: Unexplained/weird/paranormal events that have happened to you
« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2019, 10:01:32 AM »
i saw something that looked like a large dog in a alley once when i was bike riding around at night stand up on its back legs and stare at me, it was under a streetlight and looked super tall when it stood up, also happened right beside a cemetery making it even spookier

dogman.  they get seen alot it seems