Author Topic: My grievances about Vinnie Banh  (Read 4273 times)

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My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« on: July 13, 2019, 12:23:18 AM »
There's a lot I need to say, so this might be a long post. I also wanna say that I think Vinnie Banh is a very good skater, so this has nothing to do with his talent or abilities as a skater. I also don't think anyone should be homeless.

1. He is a misogynist. He constantly talks about women being "hoes" and "bitches." He also has a video saying his ex "killed" or "murdered" (don't remember which) their baby because she had an abortion. It makes me so angry how intensely he disrespects women.

2. He is also homophobic and uses the slurs "f*g" and "f*ggot" regardless of his LGBTQIA followers telling him that it's not cool to use those words.

3. He is constantly begging his followers for money. This includes a lot of kids and teens that give him their allowance or use their parents' money to send him some PayPal money or whatever, and I honestly think that that kind of behavior is kind of exploitative. When he goes on Instagram live, he'll guilt trip his followers for not sending him money, and he manipulates people into sending him money.

4. For a long time, he refused to get a job. He'd say that if he had to get a job then he'd quit skateboarding. Now that he's in a desperate situation, he's willing to get a job, but *if someone offers it to him*, i.e., he won't ask for a job himself! There have been followers that have given him tips on how to get jobs, have suggested craigslist, local skate shop, and he just completely ignores it. He doesn't want to put in any effort into making an income for himself. At this point, his income comes from donations that people send him when he goes on Instagram live.

5. He's always blaming others for his situation, and the only ownership he takes is by saying he shouldn't trust people and stuff like that. Everyone else has caused him to be in a desperate situation except for his own actions. For example, he stayed RENT FREE at someone's apartment, he had his own room, wouldn't interact with the family, and then complains that the guy who was letting him stay at his place (and who eventually kicked him out) should have asked him for rent because he is an adult man. However, Vinnie doesn't accept that he could have OFFERED to pay rent, he could have talked to the guy, and he could have been an adult. The thing though is, that Vinnie doesn't know how to be an adult because all the time that he's been in California, he's been allowed to stay somewhere rent free until now that he's facing homelessness.

6. He is constantly saying that no one helps him and that no one cares about him. But in reality, a lot of people have given him free housing, people donate money to him, give him free rides, a free MacBook, free weed, sponsors, etc... He is incredibly ungrateful and honestly kind of offensive towards the people that have indeed helped him.

7. He lies! For example, he tells people that they act like he's never had a job because he had a job when he moved to California. However, now he claims he can't get a job in California because he doesn't have a California ID. If he couldn't get a job in California without a California ID then how would he have been able to work when he first moved there? He also gives some BS excuse about not being able to work under the table because "he's legal", and he "wants to pay taxes." Like, no you don't Vinnie, no you don't. Furthermore, the real reason he can't get a job where they'd do a background check is that he has a warrant for his arrest in a California city for an unpaid ticket. He owes like $1k because he never paid it on time. He should be straight forward and honest about the reasons why he can't get a job over the table. He'll still say he's too honest and loyal for this world *major eye roll*

8. People often give him suggestions on how he could have a more stable income. For example, people often suggest doing a Patreon, but he says he won't do it because his last one didn't work out. Well, his other one only had tiers for $20-$100 a month which is not something reasonable that most of his followers would be able to afford. The truth is, he doesn't want to make additional content for his Patreon because he doesn't want to have to do any additional job aside from having fun all day at the Linda Vista skatepark. Along the same lines as this, for a while, he insisted that his job was creating content for YouTube, but he rarely posts content. His laptop broke, and someone gave him a MacBook, but he still wouldn't upload videos and would get mad when people would suggest for him to go to the library and get work done from there.

9. He complains that he doesn't have money to eat, but then he'll buy Dr. Peppers, a beer, nicotine, and Lyft to the skatepark every single day...

10. He often says he has nowhere to go in California, no one in California to support him. However, his brother has commented before that their dad lives in California with their grandma, and that they'd be willing to let him live with them as long as he asks... However, Vinnie won't ask because he wants everything given to him and done for him.

11. Recently, he stayed with one of his friend's couch for a month, and during that whole month, he did NOTHING to help solve his living situation and his work situation. He just continued doing his same thing of going to the skatepark and posting the same thing on Instagram EVERY SINGLE DAY.

12. He constantly says that people don't understand the struggle, that people don't understand depression, that people don't know what it's like to be passionate about a dream, etc. Like, no Vinnie, you're not that unique and special.

I'm just so over his selfishness, his laziness, his greediness, his manipulation, his rudeness, and everything else.

Please share your own grievances, and I'll post more if/when I think of more.


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2019, 12:38:05 AM »
Vinnie Banh is DSP.


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2019, 12:47:40 AM »
Vinnie Banh is DSP.

I just learned what that means, and that's exactly what he is.


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2019, 05:34:31 AM »
You could have just said he does heinous street grabs and is a dirty bum.

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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2019, 05:40:27 AM »
You could have just said he is a dirty bum.

And you seem to have gotten far too worked up over said bum. Dude sucks but your little rant here isn’t much better


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2019, 05:46:46 AM »
People on this forum love to talk about Vinnie, but I honestly don't even know who the mo' fuck is and I think I should keep it that way.
Before you say the music sucked, have you considered shutting the fuck up?


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2019, 06:04:47 AM »
Are you his 12 year old girlfriend what the fuck is this

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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2019, 06:34:58 AM »
It’s all part of this “look at me” generation that think they are entitled to everything just because they have a dream of being something.

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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2019, 06:49:08 AM »
He did a hardflip benihana fingerflip down the Hollywood 12 and had little kids cheering that for "trick of the year". For that heinous influence on the youth alone he is disgusting.

I read a few sentences of your rant and you have invested waaaay too much time into this seemingly brain damaged skate whore.

All you can do is shame kids in real life for liking his skating, you're preaching to the choir here.
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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2019, 07:42:47 AM »
This makes me fuming mad, I tried my hardest during the late 90's to get hooked up and I did anything and everything to earn my keep when staying at places. I wish I had the opportunity and the connections this dude had during my time in California.

 Also how much of an idiot can you possibly be to starve in California?! The place is littered with shelters, outreach centers, dropins and job placement centers hell I worked for many many places like that. Fuck what's this about working in a skate shop is it below his means, you know how many people would literally kill to have that status working at a shop?!

God damn fucking idiot sounds like a spoiled dipshit who feels his entitled ass deserves more then what he puts out, no way are you the next PROD or Tiago Lemos.

I get OP initial politics as slandering women, reproductive rights, and saying words that are offensive (i use the f word in jest with my sassy friends as I am bi and I am taking the word back along with my friends in the LGBTQIA+)

Sounds like the dude needs to get merc'd by Antwuan. I say this as an after thought although I don't wish violence on anyone, however a good smack around to let him know you are blowing it bro might shake things up? Doubt it though this makes me livid beyond belief....


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2019, 08:07:43 AM »
He's a jackass obviously, but getting into online findom is probably a better career choice than trying to be pro skater


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2019, 11:11:44 AM »
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Vinnie Banh is DSP.

I just learned what that means, and that's exactly what he is.

Well, that took an odd turn. Normally you wouldn't say mean things about your designated slam piece, but I guess that's what foreplay is these days.
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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2019, 01:49:15 PM »
TL;dr version: OP is shocked that this guy turned out to be the envy of all scumbags.


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2019, 03:13:49 PM »
OP, do you consider writing a novel about a guy nobody cares about anyway a good use of your time? Because if you do, you're the bigger kook here.


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2019, 03:36:36 PM »
I can tell you put a lot of time in this cause it took me a swipes to scroll by and not read


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2019, 04:25:04 PM »
Op be like

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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2019, 04:28:44 PM »
TL;DR gb2 YouTube comment section poosey


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2019, 04:44:19 PM »
This makes me fuming mad, I tried my hardest during the late 90's to get hooked up and I did anything and everything to earn my keep when staying at places. I wish I had the opportunity and the connections this dude had during my time in California.

 Also how much of an idiot can you possibly be to starve in California?! The place is littered with shelters, outreach centers, dropins and job placement centers hell I worked for many many places like that. Fuck what's this about working in a skate shop is it below his means, you know how many people would literally kill to have that status working at a shop?!

God damn fucking idiot sounds like a spoiled dipshit who feels his entitled ass deserves more then what he puts out, no way are you the next PROD or Tiago Lemos.

I get OP initial politics as slandering women, reproductive rights, and saying words that are offensive (i use the f word in jest with my sassy friends as I am bi and I am taking the word back along with my friends in the LGBTQIA+)

Sounds like the dude needs to get merc'd by Antwuan. I say this as an after thought although I don't wish violence on anyone, however a good smack around to let him know you are blowing it bro might shake things up? Doubt it though this makes me livid beyond belief....

Yeah but did you have a whole cohort of internet strangers on the verge of a collective brain aneurysm over how much they hate you? 
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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2019, 05:32:28 PM »
Following all of this new information about this person I had never heard of, I encourage all of you to really re-think about your choice for what constitutes the ultimate "SLAP Sandwich". 

I am pretty sure a "Banh" something or other was in the mix.

Do the SLAP sandwich justice.
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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2019, 06:32:24 PM »
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This makes me fuming mad, I tried my hardest during the late 90's to get hooked up and I did anything and everything to earn my keep when staying at places. I wish I had the opportunity and the connections this dude had during my time in California.

 Also how much of an idiot can you possibly be to starve in California?! The place is littered with shelters, outreach centers, dropins and job placement centers hell I worked for many many places like that. Fuck what's this about working in a skate shop is it below his means, you know how many people would literally kill to have that status working at a shop?!

God damn fucking idiot sounds like a spoiled dipshit who feels his entitled ass deserves more then what he puts out, no way are you the next PROD or Tiago Lemos.

I get OP initial politics as slandering women, reproductive rights, and saying words that are offensive (i use the f word in jest with my sassy friends as I am bi and I am taking the word back along with my friends in the LGBTQIA+)

Sounds like the dude needs to get merc'd by Antwuan. I say this as an after thought although I don't wish violence on anyone, however a good smack around to let him know you are blowing it bro might shake things up? Doubt it though this makes me livid beyond belief....

Yeah but did you have a whole cohort of internet strangers on the verge of a collective brain aneurysm over how much they hate you?
no thank fuck I just got vibed out of Ocean Beach skate park in San Diego by quasi cholo/peckerwoods at the bar next door and I guess the 151 dudes a few of those dudes were in the bar and sorted me out.

I just hate ebeggers and it seems like the dudes an entitled bum....


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2019, 06:39:40 PM »
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This makes me fuming mad, I tried my hardest during the late 90's to get hooked up and I did anything and everything to earn my keep when staying at places. I wish I had the opportunity and the connections this dude had during my time in California.

 Also how much of an idiot can you possibly be to starve in California?! The place is littered with shelters, outreach centers, dropins and job placement centers hell I worked for many many places like that. Fuck what's this about working in a skate shop is it below his means, you know how many people would literally kill to have that status working at a shop?!

God damn fucking idiot sounds like a spoiled dipshit who feels his entitled ass deserves more then what he puts out, no way are you the next PROD or Tiago Lemos.

I get OP initial politics as slandering women, reproductive rights, and saying words that are offensive (i use the f word in jest with my sassy friends as I am bi and I am taking the word back along with my friends in the LGBTQIA+)

Sounds like the dude needs to get merc'd by Antwuan. I say this as an after thought although I don't wish violence on anyone, however a good smack around to let him know you are blowing it bro might shake things up? Doubt it though this makes me livid beyond belief....

Yeah but did you have a whole cohort of internet strangers on the verge of a collective brain aneurysm over how much they hate you?
no thank fuck I just got vibed out of Ocean Beach skate park in San Diego by quasi cholo/peckerwoods at the bar next door and I guess the 151 dudes a few of those dudes were in the bar and sorted me out.

I just hate ebeggers and it seems like the dudes an entitled bum....

I feel ya.  I’d be so fucking ashamed at myself for begging strangers for money on the internet that I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror.  There’s people in the world currently starving to death and this jamoke wants people to donate so he can live out his cali skate dreamz.
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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2019, 10:02:45 PM »
I just want somebody to hate me with as much passion as Busura hates VB.  The bigger dumbis equal people donating to this scrub 


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Re: My grievances about Vinnie Banh
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2019, 06:09:25 AM »
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This makes me fuming mad, I tried my hardest during the late 90's to get hooked up and I did anything and everything to earn my keep when staying at places. I wish I had the opportunity and the connections this dude had during my time in California.

 Also how much of an idiot can you possibly be to starve in California?! The place is littered with shelters, outreach centers, dropins and job placement centers hell I worked for many many places like that. Fuck what's this about working in a skate shop is it below his means, you know how many people would literally kill to have that status working at a shop?!

God damn fucking idiot sounds like a spoiled dipshit who feels his entitled ass deserves more then what he puts out, no way are you the next PROD or Tiago Lemos.

I get OP initial politics as slandering women, reproductive rights, and saying words that are offensive (i use the f word in jest with my sassy friends as I am bi and I am taking the word back along with my friends in the LGBTQIA+)

Sounds like the dude needs to get merc'd by Antwuan. I say this as an after thought although I don't wish violence on anyone, however a good smack around to let him know you are blowing it bro might shake things up? Doubt it though this makes me livid beyond belief....

Yeah but did you have a whole cohort of internet strangers on the verge of a collective brain aneurysm over how much they hate you?
no thank fuck I just got vibed out of Ocean Beach skate park in San Diego by quasi cholo/peckerwoods at the bar next door and I guess the 151 dudes a few of those dudes were in the bar and sorted me out.

I just hate ebeggers and it seems like the dudes an entitled bum....

I feel ya.  I’d be so fucking ashamed at myself for begging strangers for money on the internet that I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror.  There’s people in the world currently starving to death and this jamoke wants people to donate so he can live out his cali skate dreamz.
Long story short and I know this is matter of pride for some however if you are on that line of being a "struggling/hungry" skater get a job, bum. No excuse to live in lala land and have permanent peter pan syndrome. 90% of us either work or have tangible resources that can earn us income, now I have no problem with being on assistance SSI/SSD if you really are diagnosed with mental illness or disability I get it.  Hell if I was starving and needed a job and had a decent name within certain circles sometimes you've gotta bite the bullet and work at Zumiez now I know it is lame whatever however being around skating and working in a shop you'd have abetter chance of getting a shot, however in this dudes case he really does to belong in the bargain bin of hasbeen no nothings.