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i onlny know roughly where one of those spots should be, and the kickout is probably insane at that one.
good luck finding them.
Is it the oververt quarter pipe spot?
I hope not. I tried to check it out today but the park was already closed. I didn’t realize it was in a fenced area. I’m going to try again tomorrow but earlier.
Also checked out Herbis before that, cool spot. I wish the bump was still there. I had my cruiser wheels on but switched to my regular wheels, I should have left the cruisers on.
Haven’t came across that many spots, skated around a bunch today.
yeah that one. good luck. gated park staff already get anal just seeing a board in my experience.
theres a interesting spot at Nakakagaya park too. but its a childrens playground so either go early or late so you dont have to fight the moms.
Herbis is great, the white tiles arn't even that bad to ride on. but the concrete? parts in the back where the bridges are is bad. i prefer to skate up top of the round ledges. where the slappy curbs are. and that stair going underground you can use as mannypad or whatever. the ground is the best in that area too.
theres another spot in that direction with a bunch of double sided curbs, but its a pain to get to. i could share if you into that.
theres a bank around a pillar underneat the raised highway near Namba station. Nigiwaibashi busstop to be precise. it's been in some skate videos.
they also recently made some interesting mannypad confugurations right in front of Namba JR entrence. but no idea what time you could skate that. massive kickout factor. and many people.
dont forget to hang out at Triangle park at night. show up with a board there and you instantly make friends. they probably of more help than me.