Author Topic: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?  (Read 93711 times)

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #720 on: March 25, 2020, 01:35:11 PM »
Some dumb bitch was at work all sick last week with cold symptoms. Once I noticed I stayed home for a few days. Today she’s back and I ask if she got tested and she was like “Nah I just had to calm myself down” same chick doesn’t think smoking weed can harm your kid if you do it while pregnant (don’t even start with me on that shit anybody).

Anyways she comes over and tells me someone has symptoms and is getting tested we might be exposed and I tell her to get away. I Lysol everything she touched. We’re closing down everything and already had plans to work from home starting today. Any mother fucker who came to work while sick needs a punch in the mouth.  I left early Wednesday and came back yesterday hoping the people coughing and shit went home by then. They will even pay you at my work if you run out of fucking sick/vacation hours to stay home. I’ll probably get this shit eventually but I’m beyond mad because of all the stupid shit they did after telling us the importance of keeping distance and shit. Won’t even reveal all the shit they were doing that I documented. Mother fuckers better pray 50mm is healthy and wealthy.
dude i know now isn’t the time but you need to quit that job when u can


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #721 on: March 25, 2020, 01:39:45 PM »
Quebec is still relatively calm, but things are a little weird. I went to the store today to buy bread and some peanut butter, the store was only letting 77 people in at a time. But, the shelves were stocked (except they were pretty low on rice). All the small markets selling veggies and fruits are fully stocked. Things are weird, but relatively normal.

My only issue is that I still don't have a stove or a fridge. Luckily, it is still cool enough outside to where I can just put my food in a box on the patio and it stays cold.

As of yesterday, there were multiple outlets saying that she had likely sold off during the same time the others did, if that has changed in the past 24 hours, so be it, but even you acknowledge that people from both parties cashed in, so there you go.

1) Pelosi had nothing to do with Richard Burr's Coronavirus sell-off. I can't find a single source that says anything says she did anything like Burr.
2) 2 Republican Congressmen sold off. Both of these Republican leaders are going to have a hard time talking their trades away, especially as they told the public the coronavirus was a "hoax" made up by the liberal media.
3) It seems Susan Davis (Dem) made some sketchy stock dumps.   
4)Two other congresspeople (1 Dem and 1 Rep) have been accused of selling off, but it is unlikely that either actually did anything wrong.

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As for the deal being shot down, we need a deal, but we def need a deal that actually helps workers. Shit, a free 1-2K check would be awesome for me and other people who are working from home, but I'd rather see an actual safety net for people who are getting wrecked by this.

Wait, you are saying a party that views creating a social safety net as a necessity, views saving the environment as an opportunity to create jobs, and (attempts) to focus on people rather than corporations would want these included in a 2 trillion dollar bill to shore up the American economy? You're right, sure sounds like a scheme to "value posture" in order to get votes not trying to enact legislation based on the core beliefs of the party. Rolling over on a two trillion dollar bill would have been a better choice to avoid "posturing." ::)

If anything, sending 1-2K checks to everyone, including those who don't need it, can easily be framed as literally buying votes. People who aren't at financial risk don't need free money right now. The money should go to those in need and saved for those who feel the effects of this 6 months to a year down the road. I don't need it, so it shouldn't go to me or people in the same position as me, it should go to those in need.

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Finally, when it comes enjoying other people's misery, no one liked the last recession more than Trump who bragged about all the money he could make.

There we go, the inherent bias of "my team is better than the other team" comes out again.   I swear, it's a compulsion with so many who can't make a post without having to slam Trump at every turn, it's making me question why I even bother discussing anything politics-wise here from time to time.
Wait, so we bring up a story about your "liberal uncle" who likes to see disaster for political gain (the same tired story I've heard so many times on FOX, "liberals want the economy to tank," "liberals don't love America," "liberals hate the flag," "liberals want to eat your babies and sacrifice your dog to their pagan atheist gods." "Look at what the host of a show called Politically Incorrect said!")

The leader of the nation/Republican party publicly proclaimed he enjoyed recessions because he makes a lot of money during a recession. So, by conspiracy theory "logic," we might assume is inability to prepare for the potential threat presented by the Coronavirus months ago is actually him playing 3D chess. This was his opportunity to tank the economy, lower wages by increasing competition among workers, and lower the cost of real estate too (cheap loans and possible real estate value drop). Now he is posed to make a ton of money through the company his children run and he never left. It all makes sense now.

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Not all politicians are equally shitty.
Find me one that's not. I've been waiting a long time, and still can't seem to locate this unicorn.

Jared Polis is an easy example of a politician who actually gives a shit and has done well for his state.

The only issue I have with him is that he, like many other congressmen, comes from an insane amount of money. Which is another things you seem to miss as you assume being a politician makes someone rich, not that being rich gives someone a far greater chance of becoming a politician.

Not to mention, in your simplification, how someone made their money becomes irrelevant. Did they get rich by writing a book? By becoming a lobbyist after retiring from congress? Did they buy and sell stocks? Did they take an overpaid corporate jobs?

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The idea all politics are corrupt and wrong leads to a simple faith the market will fix it all, which obviously isn't the case here.

Never said the market fixes everything, however, those in power really don't seem to be as concerned with our well being as they are their own at all times. 

So, what is your solution? Is cynically proclaiming the government can't do anything right ever going to make it better? Do you want the church to be in charge? Or, should is just be whoever has the most wealth? Or most power? Are the corporations looking out for us as they put everyone out of work?

Throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't the best solution. Corporations and corporate money corrupt the government, so lets get rid of the government and keep the corporations doesn't seem to be the best solution.

Quote from: ChuckRamone
I love when people bring up world hunger. It makes everything meaningless.
"That guy is double parked."
"Who cares? There are people starving to death! Besides, how does that affect you? Does it lessen the joy of parking?


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #722 on: March 25, 2020, 02:40:24 PM »
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Some dumb bitch was at work all sick last week with cold symptoms. Once I noticed I stayed home for a few days. Today she’s back and I ask if she got tested and she was like “Nah I just had to calm myself down” same chick doesn’t think smoking weed can harm your kid if you do it while pregnant (don’t even start with me on that shit anybody).

Anyways she comes over and tells me someone has symptoms and is getting tested we might be exposed and I tell her to get away. I Lysol everything she touched. We’re closing down everything and already had plans to work from home starting today. Any mother fucker who came to work while sick needs a punch in the mouth.  I left early Wednesday and came back yesterday hoping the people coughing and shit went home by then. They will even pay you at my work if you run out of fucking sick/vacation hours to stay home. I’ll probably get this shit eventually but I’m beyond mad because of all the stupid shit they did after telling us the importance of keeping distance and shit. Won’t even reveal all the shit they were doing that I documented. Mother fuckers better pray 50mm is healthy and wealthy.
dude i know now isn’t the time but you need to quit that job when u can
The job sucks but it pays very very well considering I have no degree. If you have a mindset like me where I have fun with my coworkers and don’t let any of the bosses intimidate me you can make it work. I’m honestly glad to have this job right now considering everyone getting laid off and stuff. The job wouldn’t suck as much if they didn’t hire such dumb fucks to manage.

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #723 on: March 25, 2020, 04:39:26 PM »
I was turned away from target at 8am this morning. Told it was senior hour. Whatever.

Work is dragging their feet trying to find us an alternate work site while they entire office staff gets to work remote from home. I called in tonight because there doesn’t need to be 2 people in our tiny work area.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #724 on: March 25, 2020, 06:38:55 PM »
Truncating so this fucker doesn't take 60 seconds to scroll through.

1) Pelosi had nothing to do with Richard Burr's Coronavirus sell-off. I can't find a single source that says anything says she did anything like Burr.
2) 2 Republican Congressmen sold off. Both of these Republican leaders are going to have a hard time talking their trades away, especially as they told the public the coronavirus was a "hoax" made up by the liberal media.
3) It seems Susan Davis (Dem) made some sketchy stock dumps.   
4)Two other congresspeople (1 Dem and 1 Rep) have been accused of selling off, but it is unlikely that either actually did anything wrong.

Like I said, the Pelosi thing may have been mis-reported initially, but again, people on both sides of the aisle cashed in, neither party is innocent from having scumbags.

As for the deal being shot down, we need a deal, but we def need a deal that actually helps workers. Shit, a free 1-2K check would be awesome for me and other people who are working from home, but I'd rather see an actual safety net for people who are getting wrecked by this.

[random partisan babbling that paints anyone not on your team as being against humanity, the environment, and are all basically Hitler reincarnated has been removed due to it being your personal politics of hate for those who don't agree with you and irrelevant to any real discussion] The money should go to those in need and saved for those who feel the effects of this 6 months to a year down the road. I don't need it, so it shouldn't go to me or people in the same position as me, it should go to those in need.

This, I agree on.  It's why, if I do receive anything of that sort despite being well off enough to weather a storm, I am planning on giving it to my employees in addition to the "crisis bonus" they're getting for working around the clock, and using whatever remains toward supporting local struggling businesses which I've been doing daily since this whole thing started.  See, people who aren't all the way to the left aren't all mean assholes after all.

[more incoherent ranting against those who aren't where you are on the political spectrum paired with rants based on reading media that supports such belief to claim you ultimately know what the President's game is, even though said sources have been incorrect almost every time]

No point in addressing it, your mind was made up on things of this nature a long time ago, zero reason to bother with that

Not all politicians are equally shitty.

Jared Polis is an easy example of a politician who actually gives a shit and has done well for his state.

The only issue I have with him is that he, like many other congressmen, comes from an insane amount of money. Which is another things you seem to miss as you assume being a politician makes someone rich, not that being rich gives someone a far greater chance of becoming a politician.

Not to mention, in your simplification, how someone made their money becomes irrelevant. Did they get rich by writing a book? By becoming a lobbyist after retiring from congress? Did they buy and sell stocks? Did they take an overpaid corporate jobs?

Not familiar with Polis, I will have to look him up.  Of course, many in Congress come from money, but a LOT more who did NOT come from money end up rich quickly, and I take issue with that being as it happens far too often to just be pure coincidence.

That being said, I never said how you make your money is irrelevant, but if it's done legally and ethically and without some massively unfair advantage, I personally DGAF how you make your living.  Be a bag boy, good for you.  Work in tech and set up networks all day, awesome.  Sell weed legally through your own pot shop, great.  Day trade at home, that's fantastic.  It's none of my business to be the moral arbiter of what's "okay" because that's where shit gets ugly once people decide they are the supreme authority and that those who don't agree deserve to lose their shit.  So, if it's done legally and ethically, why is it anyone's business how money is made?  Please enlighten me why you may somehow be a much more moral authority on such subjects, your obvious political leanings aside.

So, what is your solution? Is cynically proclaiming the government can't do anything right ever going to make it better? Do you want the church to be in charge? Or, should is just be whoever has the most wealth? Or most power? Are the corporations looking out for us as they put everyone out of work?

Throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't the best solution. Corporations and corporate money corrupt the government, so lets get rid of the government and keep the corporations doesn't seem to be the best solution.

Never said what you're implying, but as usual, you're positive that you know what I think, and once again, you're wrong.

I want a COMPLETE uncoupling of the government from any corporate interests.  No lobbyists greasing palms for pork barrel projects.  No allowance for massive corporate donations.  No allowing foreign interests to have sway over US policy (looking right at China for this, since we have senators who seem to be more concerned about protecting China's image than anything else), no life-term senators, no more "we're going to block a good plan unless you tack on a bunch of stupid shit that we want because we can't let you have anything without a fake ass fight" modern politicking, a massive fucking overhaul that actually puts the power back to the PEOPLE, and doesn't just allow the person who promises the most free shit to get the job because, after all, that's just vote buying through and through.  What I would like to see for governmental change would take up WAY too much time and would look like a rambling mess without my editing the shit out of it, but you get the picture, I think corporations deserve no ability to sway policy, I want the people we elect to FEAR the people who elected them if they don't deliver on promises, I want this era of shitty extreme party divide nonsense that's driving people insane to fucking die already so that maybe, just maybe, we could actually go back to a time when we didn't fucking hate each other for who we voted for.  Is that really too much to ask for?

I mean, sweet Jesus, are we going to actually just sit back and think "If I just elect that one person who has pure intentions and hasn't been corrupted, they'll change everything"?  Be my guest if you think things will be any better in a decade if we just keep the same game going on of division that keeps us from discussing WHO is fucking us over and WHY they do it, I personally don't see any of it improving without being rebuilt in part or in full from the ground up as any solution that's good for humanity in the long term.  Like I keep saying, I kept voting and hoping things would get better, they never do, so why on earth will I spend my remaining time on earth doing it again and again expecting different results?
You can't beat cheeks with weak meat.

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #725 on: March 25, 2020, 06:51:23 PM »


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #726 on: March 25, 2020, 07:20:54 PM »

Nor should you, it's just two kooks arguing nonsense to pass the time, none of it really matters  ;)
You can't beat cheeks with weak meat.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #727 on: March 25, 2020, 08:26:25 PM »
im starting to get waves of anxiety thinking about what's going to happen. it's really hard not to worry. the alone time is nothing new but this shit is really depressing and i just wanna go back to work
even the steven


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #728 on: March 25, 2020, 08:27:25 PM »
Got all my shit setup to work from home. Lucky I'm friends with my coworker outside of work who was helping people get setup on work laptops today. I realized an hour ago the supervisor sending all the info out to everyone didn't send the VPN setup to anyone using their own PC's/laptops. So he sent it to me and I got all setup, but I expect that tomorrow the thing I will be doing most is getting everyone setup.

Cool Ceith

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #729 on: March 25, 2020, 11:58:46 PM »
It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #730 on: March 26, 2020, 02:33:43 AM »
It is necessary to follow basic safety measures and not to visit crowds of people. The main thing is not to give in to panic and not to buy everything in shops.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #731 on: March 26, 2020, 05:16:31 AM »
It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.
If you can't handle me at my Marc Johnson, you don't deserve me at my Bobby Puleo.

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #732 on: March 26, 2020, 06:00:57 AM »
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It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #733 on: March 26, 2020, 06:51:27 AM »
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It's eerie in San Diego. People were still going to the beaches in droves on Saturday; I drove by Torrey Pines and was like WTF? Now, it's a ghost town and on the few occasions when I've gone to the store people are very friendly (in a compassionate way). Neighbors I didn't know I had are asking me if I'm okay… and over the past week if I catch myself in a good mood I'll kinda feel guilty.

This has been quite a wake up call. Hopefully we don't lose too many to this virus.

Nah, man! You’re allowed to be happy. Smile at people. Spread that shit around. People need it now.

Responsible and miserable aren’t mutually exclusive. And no way should it be. Go for a walk by yourself, it’s okay. Smile and nod from a distance. Facetime friends. Safe social distancing doesn’t mean isolating yourself from the world. Stay happy. Stay safe.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #734 on: March 26, 2020, 07:03:37 AM »
Anyone else voting Dick Pound 2020?

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #735 on: March 26, 2020, 09:41:49 AM »
I mentioned before about the lack of masks that we have all been hearing about. I have been getting 10 calls a day to quote materials to make masks in the US or MX but all I keep hearing is that my product is way too expensive. We, and others in the US PPE industry, have brought our margins down to near single digits, but our quotes are being compared to Chinese prices.

BTW—I have been told that the reason for the mask shortage is that China told 3M and other mask makers that they had to sell to China first. China stopped masks from being shipped due to their pandemic.

I keep hearing this price gouging bullshit but I can tell you that the companies I have spoken with are just trying to put together a US based supply chain w/o loosing money but we are being told that the products we are trying to put together should cost $0.80 per unit and we can only get a mask with visor down to $3.00.

I keep hearing that we are in desperate need of mask with 8-12 week lead-times but if government contractors won’t accept American prices I don’t know when doctors and nurses will have surgical masks. It’s very sad.

This is the kind of random intel I check this thread for. Thanks.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #736 on: March 26, 2020, 12:44:05 PM »
Handsome debonair fella, Got the Mellow Yellow bezel, Black rims on the Phantom same color Dr. Pepper.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #737 on: March 26, 2020, 12:53:37 PM »
Corona is the vaccine and we are the virus.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #738 on: March 26, 2020, 01:35:07 PM »
Havent seen anything from france so heres my view. My dad came to pick me up a few days before total lockdown was declared in this weird speech by the president. Shit looked like a war declaration with stuff like "were at war with this thing" an all. My 3D animation school closed a week before and my roommate had left 2 days later so i got to skate around an empty city for a few days before I left, real eerie seeing like 2 cars in a day and a few people walking with scared looks on their faces, but pretty cool too, lotsa spots that we couldn't normally skate were open now.

Back to the bigger picture, Idk what American media is telling you guys but its BAD here, like fucked up levels of bad. i got friends working in hospitals and shit and they're telling me how fucked it is, they have to sacrifice older folks, trying to save the young first, bodies piling up in morgues, people breaking down from the pressure, its bad.
Some say we could stay locked up until June, even Septembre. what the fuck. I hope you guys are ready because this shit is really dangerous and kills young people, girl a year above me in my school got it, 2 days later dead...
The army is building hospitals everywhere, I've seen APC move through my village yesterday carrying stuff to build an emergency unit back in my city.

Ive got family members who lost their jobs overnight from this  shit, the economy is sinking so bad some say we'll see a 10 year recession.

Fucking scary, stay home homies  :-\ say safe

Dr Dew

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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #739 on: March 26, 2020, 03:38:28 PM »

Skating with a mask is uncomfortable and makes it hard to breath

Skating with gloves get sweaty all trapped inside them uncomfortable and gross


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #740 on: March 26, 2020, 03:49:55 PM »
Havent seen anything from france so heres my view. My dad came to pick me up a few days before total lockdown was declared in this weird speech by the president. Shit looked like a war declaration with stuff like "were at war with this thing" an all. My 3D animation school closed a week before and my roommate had left 2 days later so i got to skate around an empty city for a few days before I left, real eerie seeing like 2 cars in a day and a few people walking with scared looks on their faces, but pretty cool too, lotsa spots that we couldn't normally skate were open now.

Back to the bigger picture, Idk what American media is telling you guys but its BAD here, like fucked up levels of bad. i got friends working in hospitals and shit and they're telling me how fucked it is, they have to sacrifice older folks, trying to save the young first, bodies piling up in morgues, people breaking down from the pressure, its bad.
Some say we could stay locked up until June, even Septembre. what the fuck. I hope you guys are ready because this shit is really dangerous and kills young people, girl a year above me in my school got it, 2 days later dead...
The army is building hospitals everywhere, I've seen APC move through my village yesterday carrying stuff to build an emergency unit back in my city.

Ive got family members who lost their jobs overnight from this  shit, the economy is sinking so bad some say we'll see a 10 year recession.

Fucking scary, stay home homies  :-\ say safe

I live on the East Coast and NYC and neighboring areas are to the point where we just don’t have enough ventilators for the hospitals. Here is a chart comparing all major countries.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #741 on: March 26, 2020, 03:53:35 PM »
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Havent seen anything from france so heres my view. My dad came to pick me up a few days before total lockdown was declared in this weird speech by the president. Shit looked like a war declaration with stuff like "were at war with this thing" an all. My 3D animation school closed a week before and my roommate had left 2 days later so i got to skate around an empty city for a few days before I left, real eerie seeing like 2 cars in a day and a few people walking with scared looks on their faces, but pretty cool too, lotsa spots that we couldn't normally skate were open now.

Back to the bigger picture, Idk what American media is telling you guys but its BAD here, like fucked up levels of bad. i got friends working in hospitals and shit and they're telling me how fucked it is, they have to sacrifice older folks, trying to save the young first, bodies piling up in morgues, people breaking down from the pressure, its bad.
Some say we could stay locked up until June, even Septembre. what the fuck. I hope you guys are ready because this shit is really dangerous and kills young people, girl a year above me in my school got it, 2 days later dead...
The army is building hospitals everywhere, I've seen APC move through my village yesterday carrying stuff to build an emergency unit back in my city.

Ive got family members who lost their jobs overnight from this  shit, the economy is sinking so bad some say we'll see a 10 year recession.

Fucking scary, stay home homies  :-\ say safe

I live on the East Coast and NYC and neighboring areas are to the point where we just don’t have enough ventilators for the hospitals. Here is a chart comparing all major countries.

That shit's crazy. I see how bad this shit is and still see tons of people out and acting like it doesn't matter and it makes me wonder how much worse things are going to get in America...


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #742 on: March 26, 2020, 04:30:23 PM »
Yeah. That graph is disturbing and there's a few more hotspots that are just starting up now. 
The report below is what finally got the UK to lockdown. Check out the graphs.

Just saw this Imperial College report mentioned on the news. Haven't read it yet. this report
page 10, figure 3. UK can't open schools without vaccine?
page 19, figure A1. Same for US?
page 8, figure 2. UK is fucked no matter what?


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #743 on: March 26, 2020, 05:59:00 PM »
First day of telecommuting. Was pretty sick. Luckily I got setup last night on my own time because I knew everyone else wouldn't know what to do. I had to help everyone else get connected and shit for like the first 4 hours today, IT was so overwhelmed you couldn't get through if you needed help.
Then my douchebag boss asked the equivalent of "Why do I Only see 1 TPS Report processed" halfway through the day. So I told him all the shit I was doing to help everyone on top a bunch of work I had done. The best part was at the end of the day he messaged us in a group to say he knows it was a rough start but we will get the hang of it. Everyone hates him and just kind of said ok, but then they all made sure to thank me for all my help getting their stuff setup.

Also yesterday someone went home with flu like symptoms and our main manager in the office freaked and had a panic attack, straight up went home while we had to hang out 5 hours for further instructions. Usually I would feel bad but this lady is such a cunt, shes the reason we've had so many problems, and has caused so many others to have panic attacks and cry and shit like that. She sits in the far corner of the office with her door closed all day and I sit like 7 feet from the person who went home with no barriers so she can suck a dick.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #744 on: March 26, 2020, 07:00:38 PM »
Someone I know just told me her friend has a friend in NY -- a person in perfect health -- and COVID-19 killed that person in 2 weeks.
"Was just about to say, wtf is up with this EdLawndale guy?"


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #745 on: March 26, 2020, 07:27:20 PM »
Got my last paycheck today, from last weeks pay period. A bit on the short side. A coworker called me and quietly mentioned she lives paycheck to paycheck so she won't be able to pay rent next month. She's alright for the time being since they've paused evictions and such. I was ok with the "temporary" job loss but I'm starting to get anxious. I'm very grateful that I have a bit saved up.

When are we getting our Donald Dollars anyway? The city is imposing a 10pm curfew starting tomorrow. My late night sessions are over. I'm getting anxious. 


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #746 on: March 26, 2020, 07:36:52 PM »
Got my last paycheck today, from last weeks pay period. A bit on the short side. A coworker called me and quietly mentioned she lives paycheck to paycheck so she won't be able to pay rent next month. She's alright for the time being since they've paused evictions and such. I was ok with the "temporary" job loss but I'm starting to get anxious. I'm very grateful that I have a bit saved up.

When are we getting our Donald Dollars anyway? The city is imposing a 10pm curfew starting tomorrow. My late night sessions are over. I'm getting anxious.

Sorry to hear you're one of the many going through some tough times. Look into the rest of the stimulus package, there's money in the bill to aid unemployment. And someone correct me if I'm wrong, those affected with less hours/pay due to all of this should be eligible for some financial help as well.


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #747 on: March 26, 2020, 08:50:25 PM »
Where you from that's getting 10pm curfew?
"Was just about to say, wtf is up with this EdLawndale guy?"


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #748 on: March 26, 2020, 10:32:12 PM »
I live in SoCal and my cousin-in-law’s parents tested positive for Covid-19. His dad is in critical condition in the ICU right now, so this shit is getting real.
I had gotten laid off before the coronavirus hit and started making decent money doing food/grocery delivery gigs, but now I’m reconsidering this type of work


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Re: Corona Virus. What's going on where you live?
« Reply #749 on: March 27, 2020, 12:02:07 AM »
i live in the country and a bunch of people are starting to drive up from cities in socal as if they're gonna escape this shit. motherfuckers are only spreading it. this was the worst year to move off the mountain and go back to school.
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