About three years ago, I had absolutely no idea how to slappy and wasn't really sure where to start, but I knew that I was approaching 40 and therefore had to learn my proper old man tricks. I watched some videos, and the how-to seemed to me to be less effective than finding a clip of someone and just watching it in slow-motion, or even reading about how it was done. It took a slanted curb, a shitload of patience and honestly more courage than I expected to really blast into those first slappies, but before long I was doing backside half-slappies (where the back truck never quiet gets all the way up). Fast forward to today, and it's basically all I do. Backside, frontside, crooked grinds, Smiths. The guys you see killing it on Instagram make it look easy, but honestly it's basically as challenging as doing these tricks on an average ledge, it's just that you don't have as far to fall if you blow it. The feeling and the sounds are absolutely unbeatable, though, and when you get through a pair of trucks into the axle, you'll really feel accomplished