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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #330 on: September 11, 2008, 03:12:48 PM »
^ Greens have had some SF supervisors and we almost elected one mayor, then they kind of faded off, probably too busy smoking weed to politic.
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I hate to break this to you, but a large portion of the DNC's voter base is uneducated, criminally active, and living off of the government.... are these people 'informed' somehow?

If you can't back this statement up with some sort of research (preferably from an independent source [WikiPedia doesn't count]), I'm calling bullshit.

Here's a quote from a political scientist:

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Susan McManus, political science professor at the University of South Florida, said blacks and younger voters primarily prefer Barack Obama to John McCain in Florida.

But, “since generic thought is many ex-cons have less income and maybe lower education, (all felons) will probably vote Democratic, since that’s the makeup of the party.”

I'll try to find some real statistics when I have more time.

Still that doesn't mean a large portion of the democratic base are criminals, it means a lot of criminals are democrats, but criminals still make up only a small amount of society, and if they were a majority of the party, the democrats would only be a small party, not nearly half of the country.
Also, how is the democratic party against the interests of Urban minorities?
Sebastian- don't know about the rest of the world, but here in "merica laisse faire economics are tied incredibly tightly with conservatives, and are not at all to liberals. I have never heard this apparently foreign definition of the word, but since we are talking American politics, I'm going to have to declare myself right, and you wrong, since apparently its a contest. But Dagger probably is the closest to being totally right on this.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #331 on: September 11, 2008, 03:58:30 PM »
^ Greens have had some SF supervisors and we almost elected one mayor, then they kind of faded off, probably too busy smoking weed to politic.
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I hate to break this to you, but a large portion of the DNC's voter base is uneducated, criminally active, and living off of the government.... are these people 'informed' somehow?

If you can't back this statement up with some sort of research (preferably from an independent source [WikiPedia doesn't count]), I'm calling bullshit.

Here's a quote from a political scientist:

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Susan McManus, political science professor at the University of South Florida, said blacks and younger voters primarily prefer Barack Obama to John McCain in Florida.

But, “since generic thought is many ex-cons have less income and maybe lower education, (all felons) will probably vote Democratic, since that’s the makeup of the party.”

I'll try to find some real statistics when I have more time.

Still that doesn't mean a large portion of the democratic base are criminals, it means a lot of criminals are democrats, but criminals still make up only a small amount of society, and if they were a majority of the party, the democrats would only be a small party, not nearly half of the country.
Also, how is the democratic party against the interests of Urban minorities?
Sebastian- don't know about the rest of the world, but here in "merica laisse faire economics are tied incredibly tightly with conservatives, and are not at all to liberals. I have never heard this apparently foreign definition of the word, but since we are talking American politics, I'm going to have to declare myself right, and you wrong, since apparently its a contest. But Dagger probably is the closest to being totally right on this.

They're against school choice, small businesses that create the majority of American jobs, and handgun ownership. Being a government slave confined to welfare and government handouts is not in the interests of the urban poor -- advancement in society is.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #332 on: September 11, 2008, 04:06:09 PM »
Toombsie, besides healthcare, what are Canada's other major selling points? Is the economy robust enough for me to find some freelance graphic design work? Will fun-size's intellect be safe in the public school system's hands? Is Toronto really NYC North? So many questions.... Basically, some one sell me on Canada.
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biggums mcgee

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #333 on: September 11, 2008, 04:42:37 PM »
SWEETS: I hear there isn't too much low or mid-grade herb up there

this is a great start, but third party candidates should really learn how to organize themselves behind one canadacy and stick with it if they want to get a serious chunk of the populate pie.  I mean, I haden't even heard of the Constitutional Party before that clip, and still I came out completely clueless about him. They put Ralph and Ron on there because they're high-profile, but I'de like to see a level playing field where many candidates and express their issues.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #334 on: September 11, 2008, 05:03:36 PM »
I quit smoking weed awhile ago but, I guess it's good to know I won't have to smoke shwag if I pick the righteous smoke up again.
"instead of typing out some dumb reply to this post, go make some art, smell your own body, mate with your own hand, take a picture of your penis when it is in half-boner-mode and post it on slap." Tony


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #335 on: September 11, 2008, 05:59:36 PM »
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Dr.Newton the majority of people who get welfare are white southern women in rural areas, places where people are most likely to vote republican.

Every time Newton lies and says that most welfare recipients are the "urban" poor I will quote this.

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #336 on: September 11, 2008, 06:51:31 PM »
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Dr.Newton the majority of people who get welfare are white southern women in rural areas, places where people are most likely to vote republican.

Every time Newton lies and says that most welfare recipients are the "urban" poor I will quote this.

They are. That statistic is misleading for several reasons.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #337 on: September 11, 2008, 08:35:50 PM »


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #338 on: September 11, 2008, 08:44:14 PM »
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Dr.Newton the majority of people who get welfare are white southern women in rural areas, places where people are most likely to vote republican.

Every time Newton lies and says that most welfare recipients are the "urban" poor I will quote this.

They are. That statistic is misleading for several reasons.

Who gets welfare? Despite prevailing stereotype, whites, not blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

 Despite prevailing stereotype, Whites, not Blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

SAY the word "welfare" and immediately the image of the lazy Black wellare queen who breeds for profit surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the lion's share of the dole.

The image of the Black "welfare cheat," public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society's resentment of seemingly ablebodied people getting paid for doing nothing.
 "For some people, there is a need to believe that there are professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not only what they need to survive, but more," says Anne D. Hill, director of programs for the National Urban League. "People say to themselves: 'I work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn't working?' We tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their circumstances."

Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.

Social Security is the nation's largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time.

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients.

Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn't collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population. They say the imbalance proves their case that Blacks are too busy complaining and blaming racism for their plight to look for a job.

But racism is at the heart of the standard-of-living gap between Blacks and Whites, welfare advocates argue. Unlawful race-based hiring practices, they contend, keep Blacks from getting jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty. Until more blue-collar jobs open up to Black workers, Blacks will continue to battle poverty and the freeloader misconception.

"Public and congressional deliberations over... welfare reform in the last few years have been fueled by distortions and outright falsehoods about poverty," the National Urban League asserted in its 1988 report, Black Americans and Public Policy. "Welfare reform is not solely a Black issue, but one in need of immediate attention."

Turning welfare reform into a "Black issue" makes racial scapegoating easy and allows stereotypes, like the Reaganera "welfare queen," to go unchallenged, public aid supporters say. Rightwing reformers cast Whites as "deserving" clients who are legitimately unable to pay their own way through no fault of their own. Blacks are labeled "undeserving" recipients who are looking for the feds to subsidize their slothfulness.

Attaching a moral value to work is not a new convention; it is a philosophy deeply rooted in the religious beliefs and social welfare laws that Anglo-Saxon settlers brought to the New World. These values were imposed upon poor immigrants from other European countries who later perpetuated them after moving into mainstream society.

The Puritanical work ethic faced its greatest challenge following the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s. The nation was forced to re-think its social welfare conventions when it realized that economic forces--not misplaced values--could lead to financial disaster. President Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal programs and the adoption of the Social Security Act of 1935 symbolized the country's commitment to protecting family and personal incomes. President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society anti-poverty programs of the 1960s ushered in some of the programs of today's welfare system.

 Ironically, the social welfare policies of three decades ago are under attack today by political conservatives who have placed the blame for the recent Los Angeles riots on the "failed social programs of the 1960s," That characterization has drawn fire from welfare advocates and sociologists as well as ordinary citizens,

"I think that the problems of South Central Los Angeles and other urban communities are far more complex than the simple kinds of characterizations we are getting from elected officials," says Evelyn K. Moore, executive director of the National Black Child Development Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy center. "We cannot criticize family values unless we are willing to support families."

 Dr. Marcus Alexis, a Northwestern University economist and former acting chairman of the federal Interstate Commerce Commission agrees. "'Welfare' is the new code word thats being substituted for Willie Horton," Dr. Alexis points out. "It means that inner-city Blacks are viewed as chronically poor, heavily subsidized, irresponsible, highcost individuals. That's where the administration is coming from."

As a lingering recession and high unemployment drive more Whites onto relief rolls, welfare reformers are going to have to pin the blame on the economy and not "immoral" poor people in the nation's inner cities. They only need to look at the White families streaming into welfare offices in rural New Hampshire for proof that poverty has more to do with economics than race. The oncethriving state has seen an 88 percent jump in welfare cases since 1989, yet the states Black population is a meager 0.6 percent.

The economic slump has created a social welfare crisis: Some 13.5 million Americans are on welfare, 2.2 million more than two years ago. That means that one in seven American children is on relief with about 2,000 more joining their ranks every day.

Congress could not have anticipated a surge in welfare clients when it drafted The Family Support Act of 1988, hoping to end welfare dependency by providing educational programs and jobs for ablebodied people. These clients would eventually move into the work force and stave off the labor crunch. With flourishing local economies, states could afford to pick up part of the tab for participants' education, child care and Medicaid benefits with the balance paid by federal matching funds.

It didn't work that way. The economy ground to a near-halt in the late 1980s and many blue- and white-collar workers found themselves seeking public aid. Welfare clients took the biggest hit when state welfare officials upended their pencils and erased names from public aid mils.

Michigan welfare officials, for example, dumped 90,000 people from its general assistance program last year to save the state $250 million. Unfortunately, a majority of those clients, as is the case nationwide, are poor Black men living in urban areas with staggeringly high unemployment rates. Many of these men suffer from physical or mental disabilities. Without welfare benefits, they face a grim future.

The question of who gets welfare is one that society would do well to ponder. As it stands now, poor Black Families are up against the burdens of systematic racism, urban warfare and limited paths leading up and out of poverty. And many working class and middle class Black families are a paycheck away from joining their poorer brothers.

he welfare question goes to the heart of individual attitudes about race, class, values and beliefs. Those judgments, often made by the powerbrokers who shape public policy, rarely coincide with the sensibilities of the poor. How they decide who gets welfare can irrevocably alter the destinies of generations of impoverished people.

COPYRIGHT 1992 Johnson Publishing Co.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group
« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 08:49:29 PM by Gatoraids »

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #339 on: September 11, 2008, 09:01:00 PM »
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Dr.Newton the majority of people who get welfare are white southern women in rural areas, places where people are most likely to vote republican.

Every time Newton lies and says that most welfare recipients are the "urban" poor I will quote this.

They are. That statistic is misleading for several reasons.

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Who gets welfare? Despite prevailing stereotype, whites, not blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

 Despite prevailing stereotype, Whites, not Blacks, collect greatest share of public aid dollars

SAY the word "welfare" and immediately the image of the lazy Black wellare queen who breeds for profit surfaces in the minds of those who have come to believe the hideous stereotype. It is a myth that persists despite government figures and authoritative studies showing that Whites overwhelmingly reap the lion's share of the dole.

The image of the Black "welfare cheat," public aid advocates say, is based on misconceptions about poor minorities. The notion, they say, comes from society's resentment of seemingly ablebodied people getting paid for doing nothing.
 "For some people, there is a need to believe that there are professional welfare recipients who are deliberately trying to get not only what they need to survive, but more," says Anne D. Hill, director of programs for the National Urban League. "People say to themselves: 'I work. How come this person who appears to be healthy isn't working?' We tend to equate our condition with others without fully knowing their circumstances."

Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

The federal government defines welfare as all entitlement programs funded through taxes. These programs, listed as "direct benefit payments for individuals" by the Office of Management and Budget, make up $730 billion or 43 percent of the $1.47 trillion the government will spend this fiscal year.

Social Security is the nation's largest welfare program, although many Whites prefer to call it a retirement plan. The government writes retirement and disability benefit checks to 35.4 million recipients of whom 88.7 percent are White and 9.6 percent are Black. The reason behind this shocking disparity is perhaps the most lamentable of all: The life expectancy rate for Blacks is six years shorter than that of Whites, meaning Black workers spend years paying into a retirement system only to have White retirees reap the benefits for a longer time.

Welfare critics rarely search the Social Security rolls for "welfare cheats," but train their sights on people getting Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), Medicaid and food stamps, the relief programs with the most Black clients. Yet government figures show that Whites not Blacks make up the bulk of clients on these public aid programs; a fact that dispels the notion that Blacks are scheming for a free lunch courtesy of the American taxpayer.

Among the poorest of the poor--single mothers, living below the poverty line with minor children to support 39.7 percent of AFDC clients are Black single mothers and 38.1 percent are White women with children. Food stamp recipients are 37.2 percent Black and 46.2 percent White. Medicaid benefits are paid to 27.5 percent Black recipients compared to 48.5 percent White clients.

Although the numbers show that Whites get the biggest chunk of public aid dollars, welfare critics still charge that Blacks shouldn't collect 33 percent of welfare benefits when they only make up 12 percent of the general population. They say the imbalance proves their case that Blacks are too busy complaining and blaming racism for their plight to look for a job.

But racism is at the heart of the standard-of-living gap between Blacks and Whites, welfare advocates argue. Unlawful race-based hiring practices, they contend, keep Blacks from getting jobs that pay enough to lift them out of poverty. Until more blue-collar jobs open up to Black workers, Blacks will continue to battle poverty and the freeloader misconception.

"Public and congressional deliberations over... welfare reform in the last few years have been fueled by distortions and outright falsehoods about poverty," the National Urban League asserted in its 1988 report, Black Americans and Public Policy. "Welfare reform is not solely a Black issue, but one in need of immediate attention."

Turning welfare reform into a "Black issue" makes racial scapegoating easy and allows stereotypes, like the Reaganera "welfare queen," to go unchallenged, public aid supporters say. Rightwing reformers cast Whites as "deserving" clients who are legitimately unable to pay their own way through no fault of their own. Blacks are labeled "undeserving" recipients who are looking for the feds to subsidize their slothfulness.

Attaching a moral value to work is not a new convention; it is a philosophy deeply rooted in the religious beliefs and social welfare laws that Anglo-Saxon settlers brought to the New World. These values were imposed upon poor immigrants from other European countries who later perpetuated them after moving into mainstream society.

The Puritanical work ethic faced its greatest challenge following the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s. The nation was forced to re-think its social welfare conventions when it realized that economic forces--not misplaced values--could lead to financial disaster. President Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal programs and the adoption of the Social Security Act of 1935 symbolized the country's commitment to protecting family and personal incomes. President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society anti-poverty programs of the 1960s ushered in some of the programs of today's welfare system.

 Ironically, the social welfare policies of three decades ago are under attack today by political conservatives who have placed the blame for the recent Los Angeles riots on the "failed social programs of the 1960s," That characterization has drawn fire from welfare advocates and sociologists as well as ordinary citizens,

"I think that the problems of South Central Los Angeles and other urban communities are far more complex than the simple kinds of characterizations we are getting from elected officials," says Evelyn K. Moore, executive director of the National Black Child Development Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based public policy center. "We cannot criticize family values unless we are willing to support families."

 Dr. Marcus Alexis, a Northwestern University economist and former acting chairman of the federal Interstate Commerce Commission agrees. "'Welfare' is the new code word thats being substituted for Willie Horton," Dr. Alexis points out. "It means that inner-city Blacks are viewed as chronically poor, heavily subsidized, irresponsible, highcost individuals. That's where the administration is coming from."

As a lingering recession and high unemployment drive more Whites onto relief rolls, welfare reformers are going to have to pin the blame on the economy and not "immoral" poor people in the nation's inner cities. They only need to look at the White families streaming into welfare offices in rural New Hampshire for proof that poverty has more to do with economics than race. The oncethriving state has seen an 88 percent jump in welfare cases since 1989, yet the states Black population is a meager 0.6 percent.

The economic slump has created a social welfare crisis: Some 13.5 million Americans are on welfare, 2.2 million more than two years ago. That means that one in seven American children is on relief with about 2,000 more joining their ranks every day.

Congress could not have anticipated a surge in welfare clients when it drafted The Family Support Act of 1988, hoping to end welfare dependency by providing educational programs and jobs for ablebodied people. These clients would eventually move into the work force and stave off the labor crunch. With flourishing local economies, states could afford to pick up part of the tab for participants' education, child care and Medicaid benefits with the balance paid by federal matching funds.

It didn't work that way. The economy ground to a near-halt in the late 1980s and many blue- and white-collar workers found themselves seeking public aid. Welfare clients took the biggest hit when state welfare officials upended their pencils and erased names from public aid mils.

Michigan welfare officials, for example, dumped 90,000 people from its general assistance program last year to save the state $250 million. Unfortunately, a majority of those clients, as is the case nationwide, are poor Black men living in urban areas with staggeringly high unemployment rates. Many of these men suffer from physical or mental disabilities. Without welfare benefits, they face a grim future.

The question of who gets welfare is one that society would do well to ponder. As it stands now, poor Black Families are up against the burdens of systematic racism, urban warfare and limited paths leading up and out of poverty. And many working class and middle class Black families are a paycheck away from joining their poorer brothers.

he welfare question goes to the heart of individual attitudes about race, class, values and beliefs. Those judgments, often made by the powerbrokers who shape public policy, rarely coincide with the sensibilities of the poor. How they decide who gets welfare can irrevocably alter the destinies of generations of impoverished people.

COPYRIGHT 1992 Johnson Publishing Co.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group

Please notice the word "overrepresented" in my previous post. Blacks make up 13% of the general population, but 33% of the welfare rolls according to your own statistics. Your argument is similar to saying "blacks and whites commit the same amount of crimes, because they are roughly equal in terms of prison population." No. Blacks are in prison more per capita -- it is the same scenario with the welfare system.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #340 on: September 11, 2008, 09:16:31 PM »
Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #341 on: September 11, 2008, 09:33:52 PM »

Mcbush favored by the "liberal" media


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #342 on: September 12, 2008, 09:11:32 AM »
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Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

Don't let the facts get in the way of your argument, Newton certainly doesn't.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #343 on: September 12, 2008, 10:07:31 AM »
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Hill and other welfare supporters argue that numbers, and not erroneous stereotypes, tell the real story about public assistance clients: Some 61 percent of welfare recipients are White, while 33 percent are Black, according to 1990 Census Bureau statistics, the latest figures available.

Don't let the facts get in the way of your argument, Newton certainly doesn't.



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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #344 on: September 12, 2008, 12:21:46 PM »
"You were such a shitty parent that your kid couldn't even make it to term A guy who killed his child before it could be born because he was so shitty didn't do anything wrong.You know how the rest of us became positive members of society BY NOT BEING PIECES OF SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE"-Ronald Reagon

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #345 on: September 12, 2008, 02:00:47 PM »
....can any of you define the word overrepresented?


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #346 on: September 12, 2008, 02:33:50 PM »
Jason Bourne makes some good points.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #347 on: September 12, 2008, 02:38:49 PM »
....can any of you define the word overrepresented?

First you define and defend the drug war, which is the reason that many non-violent blacks are in prison, and also makes living near urban centers much more dangerous than it has to be, and strengthens and in fact is the cause of most organized crime. You know, just like with prohibition.

No really, justify the drug war.

Here's some libertarian(that thing you claimed to be) discussing it in greater detail:

Milton Friedman:

And Chomsky FTW!:



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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #348 on: September 12, 2008, 02:49:41 PM »
Once you consider how insane and hypocritical the drug war is, then you find out that whites make u the majority of drug users in the country, while blacks are convicted at much higher rates for similar crimes-then you do come to the conclusion that blacks are overrepresented in prisons.

But not for whatever dumbass reason you're implying, they're overrepresented because we have repressive drug laws and a lot of ignorant faggots like you.

Like I said Newton, if you have the courage to look at these issues honestly, and look for the facts you might get somewhere. Otherwise you're just gonna continue to be like every right wing hack in America.

We don't need any more of those.

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #349 on: September 12, 2008, 02:57:38 PM »
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....can any of you define the word overrepresented?

First you define and defend the drug war, which is the reason that many non-violent blacks are in prison, and also makes living near urban centers much more dangerous than it has to be, and strengthens and in fact is the cause of most organized crime. You know, just like with prohibition.

No really, justify the drug war.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Where have I expressed any support for the drug war? I am fully in favor of legalizing heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and all other banned recreational drugs. If you want to swallow rat poison, I don't feel like the government should try to penalize you for it. I like to say things from time to time just to push certain member's buttons, but I doubt I would ever joke about this -- my views on the subject are too extreme.

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #350 on: September 12, 2008, 03:06:25 PM »
Once you consider how insane and hypocritical the drug war is, then you find out that whites make u the majority of drug users in the country, while blacks are convicted at much higher rates for similar crimes-then you do come to the conclusion that blacks are overrepresented in prisons.

But not for whatever dumbass reason you're implying, they're overrepresented because we have repressive drug laws and a lot of ignorant faggots like you.

Like I said Newton, if you have the courage to look at these issues honestly, and look for the facts you might get somewhere. Otherwise you're just gonna continue to be like every right wing hack in America.

We don't need any more of those.

How they got that way is not my concern. You're missing my point altogether. The urban poor is an ignorant block of voters; they are bought by the Democratic Party, who promises them government handouts, and when they vote for that, they are voting against there own interests.


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #351 on: September 12, 2008, 03:15:32 PM »

So you don't care that blacks are convicted in the drug war you say is unjust?

Just feel lead to say that blacks are overrepresented in prison.

Having trouble connecting the dots huh you fucking idiot?

And then you complain when they can't get jobs(hey dumbass if you want blacks to have jobs, maybe it might be easier if you don't give them a felon for drug sale right?), and seek welfare-even with the cost of something like "defense" and these endless wars is much, much higher, and also prisons are a government cost we could greatly reduce if drug offenders were set free. Not to mention many of violent offenders are in prison because the drug war has made urban centers some of the most dangerous places on earth.


Fuck it lets just blame it on darky!

God damn facts!


p.s. die.

EDIT: also most of the blacks might be able to get off welfare and get jobs if the awesome corporations you are so stoked on didn't send all the well paying manufacturing jobs overseas to be done by child slave labor

I already mentioned that earlier though, faggot.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 03:20:30 PM by NickDagger »

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #352 on: September 12, 2008, 03:58:35 PM »
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Once you consider how insane and hypocritical the drug war is, then you find out that whites make u the majority of drug users in the country, while blacks are convicted at much higher rates for similar crimes-then you do come to the conclusion that blacks are overrepresented in prisons.

But not for whatever dumbass reason you're implying, they're overrepresented because we have repressive drug laws and a lot of ignorant faggots like you.

Like I said Newton, if you have the courage to look at these issues honestly, and look for the facts you might get somewhere. Otherwise you're just gonna continue to be like every right wing hack in America.

We don't need any more of those.

How they got that way is not my concern. You're missing my point altogether. The urban poor is an ignorant block of voters; they are bought by the Democratic Party, who promises them government handouts, and when they vote for that, they are voting against there own interests.
Yeah, but the effects of this are all just your opinion and it is all based on theory. You don't understand how social safety nets actually work and why they are necessary, because you haven't lived in society on your own, and apparently have never studied societies that don't have social safety nets. Also, scholarships= handouts. Pay for college and take out loans. If you do nothing with your degree you will go into debt, and that will be your "hidden hand" punishment for not using your degree and wasting the time and money of others to go to school unnecessarily.

Oh, and you know how you tried to single-handedly blame me for the drop out rates in Oakland? My school's graduation rate went up from 73% to 88% last year. I demand credit for this if I am also getting blame.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #353 on: September 12, 2008, 04:11:19 PM »
Also, if Urban black people take advantage of government programs disproportionately (I get what you are saying, 35% of accidents are alcohol related, but there are a lot less drunk drivers than sober ones), wouldn't they want to keep voting democratic so their shit won't get cut off? They probably want to maintain this fantasy lifestyle that you probably assume welfare gives them, so wouldn't this help them? I understand the argument that society would pay a price, and that we shouldn't pay for the laziness of others, but they are at least voting for short term benefits. I sincerely doubt most rural farmers benefit from programs which put farming in the hands of big Agri-business.
Also, fair or not, Lyndon Johnson traded guaranteed votes from the South for guaranteed votes from African-Americans when he signed the 1964 civil rights act into law. Not the most astute political trade, but it was the right thing to do.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #354 on: September 12, 2008, 05:59:55 PM »

So you don't care that blacks are convicted in the drug war you say is unjust?

Just feel lead to say that blacks are overrepresented in prison.

Having trouble connecting the dots huh you fucking idiot?

And then you complain when they can't get jobs(hey dumbass if you want blacks to have jobs, maybe it might be easier if you don't give them a felon for drug sale right?), and seek welfare-even with the cost of something like "defense" and these endless wars is much, much higher, and also prisons are a government cost we could greatly reduce if drug offenders were set free. Not to mention many of violent offenders are in prison because the drug war has made urban centers some of the most dangerous places on earth.


Fuck it lets just blame it on darky!

God damn facts!


p.s. die.

EDIT: also most of the blacks might be able to get off welfare and get jobs if the awesome corporations you are so stoked on didn't send all the well paying manufacturing jobs overseas to be done by child slave labor

I already mentioned that earlier though, faggot.

You are on some other planet. The unemployment rate is at 6%. "All of the good jobs" are not overseas.There is nothing stopping blacks from getting the ones that exist either -- they are actually propelled in society by affirmative action programs.

I don't agree with the drug war at all. The thing is, since there are laws in place, I also do not participate in the drug trade. Like it or not, as a citizen of this country you have to follow it's laws. If some idiot goes out and breaks them and gets a felony, I don't feel one bit of pity for him or her -- you knew it was illegal, and you knew you'd go to jail. It's your fault. It's the same way with me too -- if I get caught vandalizing some shit while skating, I know I'm going to have to deal with the consequences from it. I don't bitch and moan about how "society" dealt me a bad hand. No one fucked me over in life but me.

Also, your boy Chomsky needs to explain to you that the people participating in the drug trade today are not "non-violent" do gooders who just want to smoke some crack. Drugs are in the hands of the criminal element at this point -- since drugs are illegal. If you don't think there is a lot of violence taking place, just walk down to Greyson over there in Charlotte and try to cop a few pills. You'll probably get beaten down, and/or robbed. The thing is, no one calls the police. Imagine how that would work. "I was trying to buy some heroin..... and this guy just jumped me out of nowhere!" You, a "libertarian" who is "well versed" in this sort of thing, should especially know that there is tons of unreported violence in the drug trade. This is one of the core arguments for legalizing them.

Dr Newton

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #355 on: September 12, 2008, 06:10:38 PM »
Also, if Urban black people take advantage of government programs disproportionately (I get what you are saying, 35% of accidents are alcohol related, but there are a lot less drunk drivers than sober ones), wouldn't they want to keep voting democratic so their shit won't get cut off? They probably want to maintain this fantasy lifestyle that you probably assume welfare gives them, so wouldn't this help them? I understand the argument that society would pay a price, and that we shouldn't pay for the laziness of others, but they are at least voting for short term benefits. I sincerely doubt most rural farmers benefit from programs which put farming in the hands of big Agri-business.
Also, fair or not, Lyndon Johnson traded guaranteed votes from the South for guaranteed votes from African-Americans when he signed the 1964 civil rights act into law. Not the most astute political trade, but it was the right thing to do.

Sure. A lot of them are voting in there short term interests. It's the same way with the theocracy crowd -- there interests just happen to be erecting statues on public property and changing the name of marriage for gays. Most of these people do not understand or care about what's really in there own self interest.

That's actually not very accurate. Republicans overwhelmingly owned the black vote prior to the Great Depression. It was actually created in part to free the slaves. Following that, they overwhelmingly became a block vote for the DNC thanks to Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal, which economically benefited minorities. We are still seeing this today.

biggums mcgee

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #356 on: September 12, 2008, 06:29:52 PM »
..I can't see the black constituency carrying obama/biden all the way to the white house. it was the left-wing of the democrat party that won him the primary, and I think by november these two groups aren't gonna make it the whole nine yards for barack.

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #357 on: September 12, 2008, 06:55:05 PM »

The answer is Dutch Masters, you fat fucking catastrophe.

biggums mcgee

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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #358 on: September 12, 2008, 07:36:15 PM »
she probably would have taken michigan too

but never would have gotten a vote from my immediate family!


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Re: McSame picked a women VP
« Reply #359 on: September 12, 2008, 07:47:42 PM »
You are on some other planet. The unemployment rate is at 6%. "All of the good jobs" are not overseas.There is nothing stopping blacks from getting the ones that exist either -- they are actually propelled in society by affirmative action programs.

Wait, unemloyment is only at 6%!? Wat about the huge chunk of lazy welfare criminal blacks that make up for most of the democratic voter base?!? But seriously if you're willing to work in fast food, or some other shitty corporate job, or are in a field they can't outsource, you might be okay-otherwise:

Since 2001, America has lost 3.1 million private-sector jobs.  Where have all the jobs gone? Overseas, in many cases. In addition to cutting jobs to increase profitability, companies are looking overseas to save money in labor costs.

According to Forrester Research, over the next fifteen years over three million US service industry jobs and up to $136 billion in wages will move overseas to countries including India, Russia, China and the Philippines.

p.s. when you say things like it's easy to find a job, you show your age pretty bad. Get out there in the real world faggot. You don't know shit.

I don't agree with the drug war at all. The thing is, since there are laws in place, I also do not participate in the drug trade. Like it or not, as a citizen of this country you have to follow it's laws. If some idiot goes out and breaks them and gets a felony, I don't feel one bit of pity for him or her -- you knew it was illegal, and you knew you'd go to jail. It's your fault. It's the same way with me too -- if I get caught vandalizing some shit while skating, I know I'm going to have to deal with the consequences from it. I don't bitch and moan about how "society" dealt me a bad hand. No one fucked me over in life but me.

You don't do drugs?

In any case, you just said you don't agree with the drug war at all, yet you're blaming poor people who take part in it when their economic situation is dire. Study any similar situation throughout the world ever.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Also, your boy Chomsky needs to explain to you that the people participating in the drug trade today are not "non-violent" do gooders who just want to smoke some crack. Drugs are in the hands of the criminal element at this point -- since drugs are illegal. If you don't think there is a lot of violence taking place, just walk down to Greyson over there in Charlotte and try to cop a few pills. You'll probably get beaten down, and/or robbed. The thing is, no one calls the police. Imagine how that would work. "I was trying to buy some heroin..... and this guy just jumped me out of nowhere!" You, a "libertarian" who is "well versed" in this sort of thing, should especially know that there is tons of unreported violence in the drug trade. This is one of the core arguments for legalizing them.