Author Topic: i'm looking for an andy roy interview  (Read 15644 times)

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i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« on: July 12, 2006, 03:31:01 PM »
the one that appeared in slap (i think).  it's the one where he talks about eating out a hooker with harold hunter.  if someone could post this it would make my week like a thousand times less shitty.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 03:51:13 PM »
same interview he did with kosik when he got out of jail? 

(herpes, beatings, diseased sluts, snuggle bandit, etc.)

what a gem


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 03:54:37 PM »
no, not the snuggle bandit one that ran in big brother.  that inteview was epic as shit though.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2006, 04:13:20 PM »
no, not the snuggle bandit one that ran in big brother.  that inteview was epic as shit though.

search this board.  it's on here;  i think the thread was made up of interviews.   the one you are referring to has the todd prince fight, the antihero video, fighting snowboarders with karma.  andy was raw.   in the final big brother interview you could see he had the teardrop tatoo under his eye.  jesus.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2006, 06:01:07 PM »
I know they were both posted on the last board.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2006, 06:39:34 PM »
I posted it on the old board and i typed all this shit out too. be thankful

Andy Roy is one of the most sensitive boys I've ever met. Not only a professional skateboarder, but a full time dreamer as well, Andy approaches life with the playful spunk of a baby seal. Like a modern day Romeo, Andy has loved and made love to women of all types. With his shining bright eyes, handsome smile, and vigorously charming personality, it doesn't take a man of the homosexual persuasion to see why. But even the graceful deer has its enemies and Andy has often times been forced to transform from lover to fighter to survive. We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with young Andy, chit-chatting and watching the sun set behind the lush green hills. -Chris Pontius

DC: You know, I've never fucked anyone in the ass.
CP: Neither have I. I've tried, Lord knows.
I fucked this one girl, and her pussy kept farting, so I said, "Fuck this. I want to fuck you in the ass!" I wedged in there and it was easy. Just humped her, but her pussy kept going "ththththththpppppppppt!" I was disgusted.
CP: Hey, remember that Mexican girl at Derby Park?
Oooh yeah. Hey! Check it out--I fucked her for awhile, but then I started pissing blood. One time I was taking a shower, and i pissed and looked down, and there was blood. I freaked out. Then the next time I took a piss it was normal. Then I pissed again, and it was blood. Like chunks!
Karma: Did you get it checked out?
No, it stopped. I don't want to get checked out unless my dick is falling off, or something.
Karma: You've got something, dude.
Well, whatever I've got, everybody else is going to get. If I ever get AIDS, I'm gonna fuck everything in sight! Let everyone else get it. If I'm gonna die, everyone else is going to die.
DC: How long do you think you're gonna live?
I don't know. I hope I die soon. You know, the first pro skater to die is probably going to be me, but there will be a whole bunch of other pro skaters who are gonna die, too, because we fucked the same chicks. We've got the Gator, and we've got the Josh Swindell, and they did crimes, but no one's got the AIDS, yet. Andy Roy's got the AIDS! Check it out, now that I've got the AIDS--and I hope that I do--look, my finger nails are rotting off. See, look at that one. When I die, there's going to be a gang more of them that are going to die. It don't matter. Life sucks. "Oh, I still want my Transworld interview," fuck that. Fuck those faggots down south. They can suck my weiner!

CP: Didn't you guys get in a fight with some guys in Utah?
Yeah! That's how this window got busted out. That was sick! Little Richard (Paez) started a fight with all these snowboarders. This little girl was fucking with him. He had a hood on, and she grabbed the strings and pulled them down. Her boyfriend was standing right next to her, and he shoved Richard.
Karma: No, but what were you saying to them?
I was all, "I'm a pro snowboarder. I ride for Palm-er. I do the pow-pow." WHUT! he got all pissed off, and shoved Richard again. He was small, so I shoved him--remember, I was spitting on that one guy, all those loogies on his back. They got mad, put me in a headlock, and shoved us all outside.
Karma: All these guys were holding my arms back, and this one guy, this pro snowboarder named, Andy Brewer, had his hands in my mouth. Andy Brewer's a little bitch.
So the whole party rushes outside right? I go, "you guys rip off skateboarding! You guys are FAGGOTS!" They freaked out. This one guy is all, "I want to fight you!" I'm all, "Alright, I'll fight you." He goes, "Okay." He was all wasted. So I put up my dukes--BOOM! One punch, knocked him out. Then his big buddy came up to me pissed off. He was huge. I was scared he was gonna crush me, and then Karma stepped in--WHAM! Bottle over the head! Fucking on the ground! Then Richard runs to the van, grabs a skateboard, tosses it to Karma, and he starts smashing it over his head. And I went, "What? I want to get in on some of that," and started kicking him in the head. I had blood all over my shoe. You fucked him up!
It was so crazy, because after I broke the bottle over his head, we ran by the van, and the dude got up and all of his friends came charging at the van, and the biggest dude ws running alongside the van, and the second he came around the corner--BAM!--the deck went straight to his head. Just fuckin' laid him out right there behind the van.
He fucked him up with the griptape side. The dude did the fish! Crazy style!
CP: So what happened?
Karma got chased. We didn't know where he was and Richard and Jesse were down the street fighting. Those guys thought I was the guy with the bottle, so they started chasing me. I ran to the van, and Doug was in there. "OPEN THE VAN!" I get in and they come rushing up while I'm trying to rig the van with these fucking wires you had to connect to start it, and the window is half down and they got bottles. I said, "Fuck that! I didn't hit you with a bottle!" And then finally I got the van started, woOm! WOOM! and I whipped it around, and drove back to wehre Richard and Jesse were, and I said "GET THE FUCK IN!" Turned around again, and they were all out there with hockey sticks and shit! They had the whole street blocked! I said "fuck this! I'm gonna run the motherfuckers over!" I was all drunk. I just floored it, and I went after this one guy, and he jumped back, swung the hockey stick, and broke that window right there. We got out of there. We went down some side street and hid. Then all of a sudden, VOOM, VOOM, VOOM--all these cop cars flew past. The next day was our last demo, right? We didn't even show up. We were scared. We couldn't find Karma, or nothing.
I slept under a rig that night with no shirt. I had to walk like five hours to get downtown. It was fucked up.

I go into this bar with Karma, and this girl has got a gang of tattoos. I tell Karma, "I like that girl right there." I went up to her and tried to be polite, and I said "Hi" and she's all "Tst. Whatever." So I took my hat off, and she seen the tattoo on my head, and she says "oh, I'm sorry. Uh, how's it going?" So we started drinking, and she had a friend. A good friend for Karma. And then I pulled an Alan Peterson on her--I said, "I got a shirt for you, but it's in the van," so we walked to the van, and I started licking her pussy.
CP: While you were walking to the van?
Nah, nah. I got her in there and we started making out and I started kissing on her coochie, and she liked it and finally, when I wanted to raw dog her, she was all, "no, you gotta have a condom on." I was all, "Fuuuuck." So I started looking through everyone's shit, but I couldn't find no rubbers. I got mad, and I said, "Fuck this! We're outta here." Then, when we're walking around the corner, I see Karma arguing with some weird guy; this German dude. Karma was still with this girl's friend, and this German guy was cock-blocking him. I said "Karma, fuck that. Let's get the fuck out of here." Then they started fighting; Karma just started beating this dude up. I said, "Karma, just leave him alone." They were in the middle of the street fighting on the ground and the girl that he was with got mad. That was her friend he was beating up! I said to her, "No, no, let's just go back to the van." See, I'd finally gotten a rubber. I was like "Alright, this is finally going to happen," and then Karma starts beating up this dude! The girls got bummed because he just beat up their friend. He beat him up barefoot! His thongs flew off! I had to go over there and pull Karma off the guy. Then we started heckling the guy, "Fuck you, you Nazi!" And the girl was all, "That was my friend!" I was all blue-balled. It sucked.
Karma: I salted your game.
Fuck. I was happy, though. I like watching Karma fight.

This one time when I was at Simon's house, when he lived in Los Gatos, there was this girl who was passed out. She was super drunk, but I liked her. I started to fondle her pussy and it got wet. So I got excited and I pulled out my weiner and started jacking off, and I unleashed it on her face. (This is followed by a volley of protests from the girls.) What? I heard it was good for the pores.
Nikki: Good for the WHAT?
For the pores. When I woke up in the morning I was all happy, and then Simon told her, "hey, he jacked off on your face." I got scared, but she liked it.
DC: Didn't you clean it up?
Nah, it just dried up on her, like a face mask. She said it stuck to her eyelashes, and when she woke up she couldn't open one eye because it was stuck.

I got to pay $350 this month. I got this girl knocked up. I'm 24 years old and I've never done that before.
Nikki: Honey, you're not using protection?
I'll raw dog that shit until I die.
Nikki: Probably will. You've got to be careful Andy. Carry a rubber around.
It doesn't feel good.
Nikki: Then get "Lifestyles Sensitive."
Fuck that. $350, that sucks.
Nikki: What sucks: the $350 or that you knocked someone up?
The $350. That ain't right. She caught me when I was drunk. She took advantage of me. It's her fault.
Nikki: It's both your faults. How old is she?
I don't know. She's in her twenties.
Karma: What's her name?
I don't know.
Karma: Ha ha! You don't even know what her name is!
Nikki: Oh my god! There's another Andy growing inside some chick right now.

When those guys came out from NYC, we had fun. There was this hooker from Sacramento, Jane Job they called her. She gave good blow jobs, or something. I just lived at Joey and Rube's house on their couch; they hooked me up. But they were in their bedrooms, so I had no place to fuck this bitch. So I got her in the hallway and I started fucking her--BAM, BAM, BAM. It's dark in the hallway and I'm raw doggin' her, and all I see are these two white eyes coming up on me. It was bad--it was Harold crawling on the floor. He comes up. "Let me get some." So I busted my nut and scooted over and Harold started licking her pussy.
CP: What did you do while he licked her pussy?
I was just laughing, because he just creeped up on his hands and knees and then he was licking her pussy. Then he says, "Let me fuck her." I said "Fuck no!" and he's all "C'mon, let me fuck her! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!" You know how he is; he's funny; he's a character. I said, "No. Beat it. Scram." I got all horny again from watching him lick her pussy. I said "Get outta here!" So he went into the bathroom with a mag and jacked off while I fucked her in the hallway again. It was bad watching him creep down the hallway!


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2006, 06:39:49 PM »
second half since it won't let me post all at once

(We pick the story up in the parking lot, see Todd Prince sidebar for complete story*)
..They tore him off me, then they held me down on the ground. So I'm fighting with three bouncers. They had him too, but he broke loose, ran up and kicked me in the mouth; twice! BOOM, BOOM. And the only thing that happened was my lip split open, and I was bleeding and spitting shit out. I was with this girl, and she looked at me and said, "Your teeth are gone!" I went, "What?" So he was on his bike and I went to my car and got this knife I had, and I said, "Fuck, I"m gonna stab him. I'm gonna stab him in the leg." but the girl I was with said, "no, you can't do that, you'll go to jail." Whatever. Then he took off on his bike.
DC: Did he punch you when he left?
Yeah, he did. It was a pussy punch, though. Texans are supposed to be crazy, right? Pussies. I'm being fucking held down on the groudn by three guys and he runs up and kicks me twice in the face. Oh, real tough. That's why he moved to San Jose, because he's a sucker in Texas. He fucked my teeth up. It's over. Fuck those guys. They're just faggots. Fuck San Jose.
DC: Is he paying to fix your teeth?
Yeah. I got $1300 on me right now. Hey, check it out--that piece of pizza that got slapped in his face? With all the money he's gonna pay me, he could have fucking started his own pizza place. He's a sucker.

It was at the Haight St. Hooker's House. Julian was staying there. Me and Ruben were getting drunk with these girls in the living room. John and Julian were in the kitchen and they had set up a video camera. They called me in there, adn I was all, "Whut?" and when I went in there, they jumped me! Beat me up! Gave me a couple of black eyes. Whatever. It don't matter. So then we called Ruben in and beat him up. So the four of us ended up in the kitchen drinking beer, getting fucked up. Then John says, "I got to puke!" I'm all, "all right, I got what you got." He just stood up, and BLAH! All over the floor. Whatever he had, I puked too. He puked again, and I had just as much as he had. Whatever amount he had, I had the same amount. He could just stand up and puke. I had to stick my finger down my throat, but we matched each other puke for puke. We just filled this whole kitchen with puke.

Then the cops came because the neighbors thought they heard gunshots, so everyone hid in rooms until they left. But there was this one guy passed out in the living room, and you don't sleep in this house. You just don't do that there. So we started grabbing glasses and throwing them at him, and kicking him and beating him up and he was all scared. We hit him with one of those big CostCo dish washing liquid bottles! We opened the door and kicked him down the stairs into the back alley by the Haight St. projects, and right then the cops rolled up again and grabbed him and threw him in teh back of the car. "What's going on up there?" "Uh, I don't know. These guys just beat me up and threw me down the stairs." The cop was about to come up and investigate, but he gets a call on his radio for a high speed chase or something. So the cop gasses it and takes off with this sucker int he back of the car. He didn't do nothing and he got stuck in the middle of a high speed chase.

We weren't even looking for trouble that night. Arco, Julian, Ruben and me were just out having a good time. We were having drinks and this fucking faggot, from England, walks up and says," You guys are faggots, huh?" We were like, "WHAT?" It don't work that way. We were sober too. That made me pissed. I said, "I'm gonna drink and I'm gonna get this guy." He kept looking at us from across the room, pointing at us. He was like a NAMBLA faggot, or something. Oooo, I just wanted to beat his ass. Someone calls you a faggot, man, you gotta stick up for yourself. You got to fight. So I got myself drunk, finished my beer, stuck the bottle down my pants, and told the guy, "outside. Let's go fight down in the alley." I'm walking down there, and I hear footsteps behind me and I thought, "nuh-uh, this ain't right." So i pulled the bottle out of my pants, turned around--BOOM! Bottle in the face! Dropped him! He was doing the fish! "ER-ER-ER!" I fucking cut my finger open and left Joey's skateboard in the bar, but I was scared so I got out of there. But fucking Joey wanted his skateboard back, so he went back to go get it. Sure enough, the cops were waiting for some sucker like him to show up.

Jake and I went to the D.I. show and we were all fucked up, and there was this guy selling brass knuckles. I said, "Fuck I want to fuck somebody up," so I bought some. Then I went into the pit, and I started going the wrong way, and these guys got all mad at me and took me down and started beating on me. Fucking kicking me in the head and shit. The brass knuckles were stuck in my back pocket, and I was so fucked up I couldn't get them out. They ended up having to carry me out on a stretcher. I buy these brass knuckles, and then, not even five minutes later, I'm being carried out on a stretcher! I didn't even get to use them! When I finally woke up, I said, "I'm going back in there. Fuck that! I'm gonna get these guys." I go back into the show, cause my trouble, and they knocked me out again! Just laid me out. Joey seen the guy sucker punch me so he says, "I'm gonna stick up for Andy. I'm going to get them for you Andy." So he goes over to the bar across the street from the show and says, "Hey, fuck you guys. You fucked with my friend Andy." Then teh whole bar rolled out and beat the fuck out of Joey. It was a knock out fest.

CP: Did you say Jake Phelps has a "hit list"?
He made a hit list for me.
CP: Is Dave Carnie on it?
Nah, just people he wants me to beat up, but I want my own hit list. I already crossed Jason Adams off.

CP: What's it like riding for Consolidated, compared to other companies you've ridden for?
Riding for Consolidated is great. They know I'm a trouble maker. I rode for NHS, and they're faggots. I swear they're homos. Jeff Kendall was team manager and I skated for him, but I didn't get along with a lot of the guys on the team. I just thought they skated like faggots--except for Jaya, he was a bad ass. So they freaked out and they had this meeting with me. They put me in this fucking office for an hour and a half! It was like being dragged into the principal's office: "You're not doing good in school. You're not going to make it. You're not going to graduate." Except they were talking about skateboarding! They were just lecturing me: "Well, skateboarding is like this, Andy: you have to dress a certain way, you have to do crooked grinds, and kickflips, etc." Fuck, I don't skate like that. "Well, you don't fit in." Whatever. Kick me off, then. So a week later they kicked me off. I was sponsorless for a long time, but it don't matter. I just skateboard. I tried to ride for Acme, but I guess Bob Denike called up Remy and told him that htey wouldn't want me, that I was a bad influence. But then Christian asked me to ride for him, so I hung out with them. It was cool, but I was still living in the ghetto. I've been homeless for four years now. Couch touring for four years! It gets hard sometimes. Anyway, I went to this trade show and Alan and Jason asked me if I wanted to ride for them. I said, "Fuck yeah! But make sure your other riders want me to ride for them." At the same time, Focus was sending me to Australia. They sent me over there with all their money, but I knew I was going to ride for Consolidated. I was scared when I got back. I had to tell them, "Uh, I ride for Consolidated." Fuck it. I got to look out for myself. I'm still homeless, but I make more money now. I can spend money on girls and hump girls. I can tell lies and stuff. I lie a lot. Hey, to get girls, you've got to lie. You can't be yourself. You got to tell phony stories. That's how you get laid. It's awesome. But since my teeth got kicked out, it's hard now. I'm having trouble. I used to have a pretty smile. I worked on my smile. And I have pretty eyes, but now it's gonna be hard to get pussy. I'll have to buy it and shit. I'll go to Capp Street. I'll buy seven dollar headers. It don't matter.

I'm interviewing Andy for BB, and I wanted to hear about how you kicked his ass.
Well, I'm not stoked on it at all. Andy's my buddy. I love Andy. A lot of fucking people are coming up to me and shaking my hand and shit, and I don't appreciate that. This is some serious shit that's costing me four grand a lot of pain and suffering for Andy.
Um, well, I just wanted to hear about what happened.
All right. We all went out on New Year's night. Me and JJ Rogers, Jason Adams, Crazy Eddie--there was about eight of us, and we were going to ride bikes to this punk show over in Campbell. Andy was with his girlfriend that night and they didn't have bikes, so I told Andy to just kick it downtown, and we'd hook up with him later. Andy wanted to go to the show because he knew that these guys he had gotten in a fight with a couple of weeks before would be there. He just wanted to go there to start shit. So when we're leaving, Andy calls me and JJ fags. No big deal. JJ goes, "Hey, FUCK YOU ANDY!" and we leave. So we get there and we're getting fucked up, and sure enough, Andy shows up and gets in about five different episodes at the bar within an hour, because he just wants to start shit with these guys, but it never got down to a fistfight. And I don't know what happened, but when we were leaving the bar I bought some pizza for me and JJ. So I'm sitting on my bike eating pizza, and you got to understand that I was almost in black-out mode, and I go to take a bite and Andy walks up and goes, "FUCK YOU TODD!" and he shoved it in my face. He was playing, I reckon, but he was playing hard. It really pissed me off to get that hot pizza in the face,you know, but I didn't say to myself, "I'm going to kick his fucking teeth out!" I was just gonna give him a good socking for doing that to me. So I get off my bike, and I go, "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" and I"m chasing him around the parking lot and he's going "EEEEE! EEEE!" you know, the "Andy scream." And then these bouncers grabbed us. Two grabbed Andy and two grabbed me. And they had Andy ont he ground. I told the ones that had me, "when you let go of me, I'm gonna kick your fuckin' ass!" and they let me go, and Andy was on the ground about five feet in front of me, and when they let me go, I just threw a kick, and it caught him right in the mouth. I didn't even know that I knocked his teeth out till the next day. And so I kicked him, and everyone went, "ooooh." I mean, mohawks wilted. No one was punk no more. I didn't even know. And then, he was walking to his car, I rode past him on my bike and I hit him again, on the side of the head, and I said, "Don't ever fuck with me, Andy. I'll kill you!" And that's pretty much it. You know, you don't go around kicking people with steel-toed boots. I could have killed the guy or really fucked him up. I mean, I"ve talked to him since. We're trying to get his teeth fixed. I don't think he hates me, but, you know, eventually we'll be friends again. You know Andy, man, he's always starting shit. Two days before, he told JJ that he wanted his teeth knocked out. He said, "I don't give a fuck, I want my teeth knocked out. I want dentures." Well, they'll make him some new ones.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2006, 07:19:48 PM »
jesus christ


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2006, 08:12:34 PM »
that was some of the funniest shit i've ever read ABSOLUTLY EPIC!!

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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2006, 08:15:54 PM »
gub, thank you


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2006, 08:32:48 PM »
wow, i knew he was crazy but fuck what a lunatic

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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2006, 08:41:56 PM »
thanks Gub. wow. Andy Roy. wow.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
I quit skating for a time due to piling out


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2006, 09:01:46 PM »
damn i love andy roy what a fucking nut.

SLAP is for the haters.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2006, 02:02:35 AM »
"Mohawks wilted".


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2006, 03:52:01 AM »
thats crazed.sounds like hes a fucking loon.good reading though...

Sacred Smoke

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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2006, 04:18:38 AM »
What a fucking cunt.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2006, 05:15:27 AM »
Definition of punk: Andy Roy.
Fuck all these todays girlie stretchpant using, slip on wearing homos.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2006, 05:38:29 AM »
skeeting on a drunk chicks face, peeing blood after fucking a chick in the ass...
hamster, you chewed on the peice of wood i gave you, you soiled the litter i put on the bottom of your cage and you drank all the water i put in your bottle...this is why we cant have nice things!


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2006, 06:18:24 AM »
Yo Lurkstatus, what ever happened to -- did O'Dell sue?


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2006, 06:42:38 AM »
pretty fucked up, I remember my fucking jaw dropped when i read that interview the first time!
skateers are to big a pretty boys now -a -days....


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2006, 07:17:55 AM »
Have there been any sightings of him recently? I'd love to know what he's up to.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2006, 07:22:02 AM »
Definition of punk: Andy Roy.
Fuck all these todays girlie stretchpant using, slip on wearing homos.

mr wilson

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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2006, 07:22:54 AM »
he's locked up with plenty of time on his hands.
"One should seek balance in motion, not in stillness." - Bruce Lee


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2006, 07:37:52 AM »
Have there been any sightings of him recently? I'd love to know what he's up to.

i assume he's back in jail.

what other skaters got into junk?


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2006, 07:42:27 AM »
There's been a few smack head skaters, i'd have to say mostly 80's vert pro's Gross was the most open about being a smack head and turning it around.

I see enough junkie fuckwits on a daily basis not to want to research anyfurther and ruin my childhood heros
...can't believe this thread brought Donnie Murdo out of the woodwork!


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2006, 09:00:37 AM »
Skaters that got into junk:

donger-but hopefully he is back

heddings-prison gets you clean

fuck i dont know who else but andy roy is a rad fucker- anti hero second video is still one of the best till this day due to cards and all the madness.

someone post up the snuggle bandit interview or the photos from the first bb to add to the debacle.


alan partridge

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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2006, 09:20:15 AM »
sick interview.  anyone have the julien strnager interview from thrasher ('93 i think.....he's on the cover backlipping the ledge)?  never read it but i always wanted to.  if anyone has it and wants to post it up, that would be much appreciated.


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2006, 11:30:51 AM »
sick interview.  anyone have the julien strnager interview from thrasher ('93 i think.....he's on the cover backlipping the ledge)?  never read it but i always wanted to.  if anyone has it and wants to post it up, that would be much appreciated.

i second that request.  is that the only one he ever did?


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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2006, 11:48:47 AM »
gub, i am forever indebted to you.

actually shad lambert and his lawyers are responsible for electricafterparty's downfall.

Hot Rod

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Re: i'm looking for an andy roy interview
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2006, 11:53:54 AM »

spill the beans man