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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2220 on: January 25, 2021, 07:08:19 PM »
Sooo much quality here I love it, loved the mill one
Man I always wanted to try titmilk, heard it’s mad watery
Cheesecake over bangs is ultor power move, respect

Sick cunt Prince, I fucken love eating box, how good is it

You’re taking about the lads with the confederate flag yeah? I used to drink at the other one in Albion a long time ago

Did you check out tea trees? That’s the best part of Noosa, mate

ya, I don't remember how watery it was but it was really, really sweet.
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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2221 on: January 25, 2021, 08:49:01 PM »
^I don't know what it is but any time a woman I'm vibing with is taller than me I start giggling like a schoolgirl. It's a reaction I have to consciously control. I'm sorta tall so it just trips me out and I straight up think it's delightful.
them cats are out getting mashed up to jungle, he's out mashing up jungle cats. it's just not gonna work.

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2222 on: January 26, 2021, 01:50:24 AM »
This took place in Australia, in Noosa to be exact.
very Australia! Very Noosa, very bogan with exotic tourists, good job!

Props to the other story where supreme karma was served to the guy that robbed you, and you got to bang his lactating partner, I would have had the highest shit eating grin!!!

Impish sausage is definitely gonna blow up as a euphemism this year

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2223 on: January 26, 2021, 09:57:15 AM »
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Sooo much quality here I love it, loved the mill one
Man I always wanted to try titmilk, heard it’s mad watery
Cheesecake over bangs is ultor power move, respect

Sick cunt Prince, I fucken love eating box, how good is it

You’re taking about the lads with the confederate flag yeah? I used to drink at the other one in Albion a long time ago

Did you check out tea trees? That’s the best part of Noosa, mate

ya, I don't remember how watery it was but it was really, really sweet.

Someone said to me once that chocolate has the same fat/sugar ratio as breast milk, which adds to why it's addictive. Who knows if that's true, but there you go.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2224 on: January 27, 2021, 02:00:24 PM »
I asked this girl to smoke weed right after Christmas. Last time we just smoked and made out for a few hours. I sorta didn’t want to go because I had gone on a date with a girl I was more attracted to and felt bad but had already canceled before so I went. So we smoke and after enough conversation so I didn’t feel like a dick just looking to score we made out. Again for a few hours but she’s a bit bigger than me so after last time my butt hurt for hours oh my. I had to just stay standing up because of the pain. This time though wasn’t so bad but she actually started reaching for my dick a few times so I thought tonight we’d actually do the deed. I enjoy enthusiastic consent so I don’t really push things I’d rather a girl give me the green light to progress. Nothing from her but I got too excited and when she got on top I came in my pants. She didn’t notice luckily and we just made out for another hour or so. I was pretty cold and wet down there. Wish I could say it’s the first time I’ve gone home in cum stained pants...

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2225 on: January 27, 2021, 02:11:04 PM »
That's amazing. Do you mind me asking about how old you are?


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2226 on: January 27, 2021, 02:33:00 PM »
I asked this girl to smoke weed right after Christmas. Last time we just smoked and made out for a few hours. I sorta didn’t want to go because I had gone on a date with a girl I was more attracted to and felt bad but had already canceled before so I went. So we smoke and after enough conversation so I didn’t feel like a dick just looking to score we made out. Again for a few hours but she’s a bit bigger than me so after last time my butt hurt for hours oh my. I had to just stay standing up because of the pain. This time though wasn’t so bad but she actually started reaching for my dick a few times so I thought tonight we’d actually do the deed. I enjoy enthusiastic consent so I don’t really push things I’d rather a girl give me the green light to progress. Nothing from her but I got too excited and when she got on top I came in my pants. She didn’t notice luckily and we just made out for another hour or so. I was pretty cold and wet down there. Wish I could say it’s the first time I’ve gone home in cum stained pants...

This is a safe space. Very gentlemanly of you to stick around. I can imagine standing up immediately “welp, thanks for that.” And walking out the door.
I thought it wasnt just him solo, shouldve stuck with my og thought.
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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2227 on: January 27, 2021, 03:23:09 PM »
After reading this thread and the stories i was trying to really think hard about any awkward sexual encounters ive had... mine have all been pretty normal, nothing super awkward, one memory comes to mind though.

I had just moved to Vancouver on working holiday, i was out at a bar with some friends when i met this irish chick who was showing signs of being into me, anyway the night went on we were shooting the shit and she ended up inviting me and some buddys back to her place to smoke some weed and drink, anyway we got there her roommate was there drinking and immediately latched on to one my buddys, so we are drinking and smoking and this irish chick starts making out with me, im kinda drunk and start going with it, all of a sudden i look down and see my one drunk as fuck buddy who didnt have a chick, sucking on this girls fucken toes as im making out with her, super fucken weird but i let it be.
some minutes pass and the irish girl gets off me, takes my hand takes me into her bathroom, locks the door, pushes me on the toilet and says we cant have like okay, well what the fuck is happening...she takes her shirt off and sticks her titty in my mouth, so i suckle at that thing like a baby cow for a while, im sure my inch worm was poking her in the ass pretty hard at this point, this shit carrys on for a while then someone knocks on the door so we get up, make our way out, i dipped outside for a smoke while she went to her bedroom.
few minutes later my buddies come running out saying "we gotta go we gotta go" Apparenty the drunk dude who was sucking the girls toes just whipped his cock out in the sleeping roommates room and pissed all over lamp next to her bed.
Never saw or heard from that irish girl again but her titty lives on as a welcome to vancouver

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2228 on: January 27, 2021, 05:18:11 PM »
That's amazing. Do you mind me asking about how old you are?
I’m 24


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2229 on: January 27, 2021, 05:46:10 PM »
I'm hungover as fuck, but I got a fresh one from last night...

So about 8pm a couple of friends have heard now that I'm moving. So the texts go out to grab drinks and we'll meet up at my friend karries house.

We show up, shes been smoking so shes all buzzed up. Anyhow we start drinking, playing music and taking pics etc.

The nights off to a great start.

Its 5 guys 4 girls, but it's pretty flirty, even early on. Downing beers, listening to leadbelly, smoking some good weed...

everyone is getting pretty wrecked. Someone pulls out some blow. We get a few lines made up and I say not right now. I'm not a hard drug guy, but will occasionally dabble.

So anyhow, a few beers later and I'm like fuck it, it's the last time I'll see my friends for maybe a few years, and hammer back a good line.

Almost instantly I'm high as fuck, this isnt coke. So I take a taste and its definitely percs mixed with meth.

At that point the night is regular. We are all drowning beers like water, a bottle of vodka appears outta knowhere,  were all doing shots, just being fucking dumb and telling funny stories.

I'm super fucking horny and realize it's like 5am when people start to slowly leave. Karrie calls me into the kitchen and has me hooked with one phrase "well, one more time for the memories"?

I'm like ok, fuck yeah, I'll stay the night.(which is good anyways because by no fuckin means should I be behind the wheels)

Anyhow, everyone leaves but one other girl I dont know, but we leave to bed.

Instantly she starts pulling of my pants and giving me and amazing blowjob. So I fingering her etc and I just slowly slip a finger in her ass, which is odd for me because I dont really care much for anal. Anyhow, I go down on her next and shes fuckin loving it, still fingering her ass and pussy at the same time, occasionally lounging her butthole too.

I finally put it in and we start fucking. I remember that part. Then I figgered fuck it, let's go anal. She doesnt hesitate as I slip it in. I remember her saying how good it felt, but after maybe 10 minutes,  I'm totally fucking blacked out.

I wake up this morning to a little shoulder shake. Takes me a minute to realize where I am, get dressed etc.

We had a beer and I left home really having no idea how the night ended...I get home, hungover as fuck, and she starts sending me pictures. I'm thinking wtf? Did we film a fuckin porno? Then I look on my phone and I got crazy fuckin pictures on there too.

Anyways, it is what it is, shes the homie. But I'm waaaay too embarrassed to ask how the night ended. But judging by the pics, we had a good time.

Dont do drugs kids, or if you do, at least make it memorable (somewhat)
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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2230 on: January 27, 2021, 06:15:08 PM »
This thread is gold.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2231 on: January 27, 2021, 06:21:10 PM »
Here's one for ya'll

After having been in rural California for a year, living on couches and tents, I ended up back in Boston for about a year. I'd been in the woods for a minute and now had a room in a nice apartment, a flip phone, and internet access via my Google Nexus tablet. I figured it was time to use that tablet to my advantage and hit up OkCupid. There were some crazy nights and awkward stories. I'm not sure I feel comfortable sharing all of these but I might go further in the future.

So I met this girl Kat via OKC. She was pretty cute. Blonde hair, kinda chubby cute, couple years older than me (I was 29) had a bad wilderness scene tattooed on her upper arm, like whiskey, and could banter pretty well. So one night I ride my bike from Brighton to JP, to meet Kat at this tapas joint, Tres Gatos. I'm pretty new to the city life and had never had tapas before, so I didn't realize it was just overpriced, small portion appetizers and drank two beers on the way over. We meet up and banter over a couple drinks, and eventually order food. the food comes out and I realize 4 or 5 deep and not getting a real meal. Oh well, she's drinking as much as me. We finish up the tapas and she asks me to go to a party that her coworkers from planned parenthood are having up the road. We're getting along well so I figure it's all good and pedal my fixie alongside her walking up Centre St for a mile or two until we get to the house party. It's in a big old 3 decker on the 2nd floor, filled with a bunch of hipsters, artists, and all that stuff. I'm feeling a little out of place but keep drinking beers and what not. I ended up running into this other girl that I was talking with on OKC and ended up being a colleague of Kat. Definitely crossed that one off the list, but that's not part of this story. I'm not sure how long we're at the party for at this point but Kat asks me to go on the porch/balcony with her. She gets out there and lights up a cig, looks at me, goes to gimme a smooch, drops the cig, and straight pukes on my brand new brown vans. Mind you, I'm pretty wasted but home girl is next level wasted. Being a drunken gentleman I offer to walk her home. This ends up being a long walk, almost to Roslindale. She invites me to stay and despite being pretty bummed, I'm zonked and decide it's an ok idea. Turns out she's living with her sister, whose a minister, and her sisters wife, but she says it's not an issue, we just need to be quiet. We get up the creaky ass old winding wooden staircase and make it into her bedroom where she just passes out in the center of the  bed. (you might ask why I didn't call an uber- I was a bum jamming OKC with a tablet, telling girls my flip phone was vintage back in 2015) I crawl on into bed and to no avail try to sleep as Kat steals the blankets and starts snoring away. I ended up sleeping a bit because at some point I saw the sun outside and figured it was time to make my exodus. Well, Im shuffling around and start getting my pants on when Kat grabs my hand and says "you're such a nice guy. thank you for getting me home. come back to bed." I'm not trying to do this but I'm a sucker so I get back to the bed. She's trying to get me hard and it's just not happening. Visibly frustrated, she says "just lay with me, I want to do something for you" and starts playing with herself, moaning and making a bunch of noise. All of a sudden she grabs my arm and moans "oh my god. I'm fucking coming" and straight squirts across the room. I'd never seen anything like it. Straight shot squirt across the room. She finishes and says "do you like that?" It didn't do anything for me but I hang for a bit longer before getting up to leave. I get dressed, walk out the bedroom door, and sitting at the dining table eating eggs are her sister in the minister garb and her wife. I just had to say "hey, y'all have a really nice house." and did that ride of shame home.
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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2232 on: January 28, 2021, 10:38:10 AM »
One day I was hanging out with this girl I met over the summer. The day before we had hung out and had sex a couple times in my room. We end up back in my car which I parked up at the hill of my neighborhood. We start making out and it gets hot and heavy and I let her know I have condoms in my car and a few spots we could go to. She asks if we could just walk to my house but I could see that my mom was outside on the stoop and I didn’t want to have sex all awkwardly while my parents were in the house. We just stay making out but I guess I was doing a decent job because she says ok let’s go to a spot. I take her to the local Mormon church that has a ledge nearby. She goes down on me and gets on top of me to ride but this time I’m kinda tripped out about getting caught and I’m an anxious person as it is so I’m not as hard. No problem she says and takes off the condom and again goes down on me. She knew what she was doing because I almost bust and I tell her to put a condom on. She’s about my height when normally I end up having car sex with girls shorter than me and at one point when she was on top she hit her head. The actual sex part was like 30 seconds. She didn’t seem to mind tho but I wish my parents had not been home.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2233 on: January 28, 2021, 01:46:56 PM »
Why do I keep torturing myself with this thread?
Before you say the music sucked, have you considered shutting the fuck up?


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2234 on: January 28, 2021, 05:42:03 PM »
Why do I keep torturing myself with this thread?

It is asynchronous voyeurism that contains just enough detail while at the same time allowing you to let your imagination go wild.
"...We got the nuclear worm over here..."

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2235 on: January 28, 2021, 09:10:42 PM »
this ones a bit rough on my part but here goes. i was working at this skateshop and one of my coworkers is this kind of... chubby, loudmouth, " 'Merica" kind of chick but she snowboards and tries to skate and we have a bunch of mutuals so whatever. one night at another one of our friends birthday parties we end up hooking up. not really a big deal but we have to work together a few days later. not that bad. after work we have a conversation and i tell her that i dont really want to do it again and i think we should just be friends. all good, she's mature about it- no big deal.

cut to almost every drunken night in the next month and we were just fucking all the time. i cant explain this chicks libido- like she just wants me all the time and as soon as im drunk, im down. we start to actually become pretty good friends but i still insist on telling her that its only a benefits kind of relationship. she still says she's ok with it but gradually i see her facade start to crack.

at this point im living in a real dingy little apartment and i find out that i have bedbugs. fuck. i tell her and she washes her sheets and cleans and thank god i didnt give her bedbugs but now i need to find a place to live. she graciously offers to let me live with her for a while until i can find a new place and turns out she is actually leaving town for a while back to 'Merica
and she even offers to let me drive her vehicle the entire time she's gone! hell ya im gassed.

she leaves. i have her car.

a couple weeks later i end up making out with this absolute amazonian woman. 6'2 big boned and like 10 years older than me. we go to our friends place and (not)sneakily go and hook up in their bathroom. it was messy. but she wont shut up about how im a good kisser and she wants to see me again yadda yadda. the next day i see her at a bar and the friend i drove (the other chicks car) to the bar with takes off with his girlfriend.

so now im left alone with this chick sitting in the booth at a public bar and she is all over me- embarrassing the shit out of me, like yo, people are staring directly at me as she is fully trying to grab my dick and saying we should go to the bathroom. me being the absolute class act that i am say- "nah we cant fuck in a bathroom again, lets go to your house" and she says "I cant my boyfriend is there"... fuck.

after some time i cave- and say fuck it i have a car parked a couple blocks from the bar. we go to the car and have the most messy, drunk, car sex parked on the side of the road with people walking by and a dude on his porch just smoking ciggies and straight watching the show. shes like half in the back half in the front- small car- big girl- people watching. i can barely get hard but we make it work. anyways- whatever.

the chick who owns the car gets back a week later and were driving around. she pulls over and shes like... lets fuck in my car. im not really into it but i say alright and we end up fucking. its easier this time as this girl isnt as tall but she sits back in the drivers seat afterwads, leans back and says:

"that was great, ive always wanted to have sex in this car" 

I'm speechless.

she looks at me and says...

"Wait... have you ever had sex in this car?"


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2236 on: January 28, 2021, 09:21:36 PM »
this ones a bit rough on my part but here goes. i was working at this skateshop and one of my coworkers is this kind of... chubby, loudmouth, " 'Merica" kind of chick but she snowboards and tries to skate and we have a bunch of mutuals so whatever. one night at another one of our friends birthday parties we end up hooking up. not really a big deal but we have to work together a few days later. not that bad. after work we have a conversation and i tell her that i dont really want to do it again and i think we should just be friends. all good, she's mature about it- no big deal.

cut to almost every drunken night in the next month and we were just fucking all the time. i cant explain this chicks libido- like she just wants me all the time and as soon as im drunk, im down. we start to actually become pretty good friends but i still insist on telling her that its only a benefits kind of relationship. she still says she's ok with it but gradually i see her facade start to crack.

at this point im living in a real dingy little apartment and i find out that i have bedbugs. fuck. i tell her and she washes her sheets and cleans and thank god i didnt give her bedbugs but now i need to find a place to live. she graciously offers to let me live with her for a while until i can find a new place and turns out she is actually leaving town for a while back to 'Merica
and she even offers to let me drive her vehicle the entire time she's gone! hell ya im gassed.

she leaves. i have her car.

a couple weeks later i end up making out with this absolute amazonian woman. 6'2 big boned and like 10 years older than me. we go to our friends place and (not)sneakily go and hook up in their bathroom. it was messy. but she wont shut up about how im a good kisser and she wants to see me again yadda yadda. the next day i see her at a bar and the friend i drove (the other chicks car) to the bar with takes off with his girlfriend.

so now im left alone with this chick sitting in the booth at a public bar and she is all over me- embarrassing the shit out of me, like yo, people are staring directly at me as she is fully trying to grab my dick and saying we should go to the bathroom. me being the absolute class act that i am say- "nah we cant fuck in a bathroom again, lets go to your house" and she says "I cant my boyfriend is there"... fuck.

after some time i cave- and say fuck it i have a car parked a couple blocks from the bar. we go to the car and have the most messy, drunk, car sex parked on the side of the road with people walking by and a dude on his porch just smoking ciggies and straight watching the show. shes like half in the back half in the front- small car- big girl- people watching. i can barely get hard but we make it work. anyways- whatever.

the chick who owns the car gets back a week later and were driving around. she pulls over and shes like... lets fuck in my car. im not really into it but i say alright and we end up fucking. its easier this time as this girl isnt as tall but she sits back in the drivers seat afterwads, leans back and says:

"that was great, ive always wanted to have sex in this car" 

I'm speechless.

she looks at me and says...

"Wait... have you ever had sex in this car?"

"...We got the nuclear worm over here..."

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2237 on: January 30, 2021, 08:02:26 AM »
. Once I was alone I just laid on the futon listening to Leonard Cohen and thinking about the other girl I liked and missed.


Once I was alone I just laid on the futon listening to Leonard Cohen and thinking about the other girl I liked and missed.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2238 on: March 03, 2021, 06:24:27 PM »
Not really awkward, but just got laid while watching Verso. Obviously did it forward and then reverse


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2239 on: March 03, 2021, 07:34:39 PM »
Not really awkward, but just got laid while watching Verso. Obviously did it forward and then reverse reverso

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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2240 on: March 04, 2021, 05:26:33 AM »
Not really awkward, but just got laid while watching Verso. Obviously did it forward and then reverse
switch back lip

Impish sausage is definitely gonna blow up as a euphemism this year


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2241 on: March 23, 2021, 03:14:38 AM »
This one happened to me a few years back on the island of Mabul, off the coast of the Malaysian part of Borneo (went there for diving, it's like three hours by plane from South China). The island is tropical and tiny, like a mile long and maybe half a mile wide.

This was around my birthday, when I generally tend to be kind of melancholy. The previous night had been rough, as my wife and I were staying in a cheapish resort which had these wooden pavilions built on stilts over the lagoon. Sounds awesome, until you realise that because these huts are basically open towards the water in a whole bunch of places, they are also open to rats eager to score a meal from your backpack, and that to get to your backpack, said rats have to walk across your bed. Coupled with a wife who is terrified of rats...

So in the afternoon of this grey day I find myself roaming the island on my own while my wife is catching up on some sleep back at the hostel. I wander around and quickly get to the other side. I sit down on a log by the beach, feeling glum about my life and the sparse achievements made therein so far etc.

As I'm sitting there mulling over my fate, a young local lad, perhaps 20 years old, approaches me after lurking around in the background for a while. He comes over and says with a heavy accent: 'Hello! Are you o gey?' I really appreciate that someone seems to care about me, so I answer: 'Yeah, thanks, I'm okay.' He looks at me and sits down on another bit of flotsam not far off. I don't feel like talking and go back to staring at the horizon.

A little later, he approaches again. 'Are you o gey?' Again, I reply. 'Yes, I"m okay, thank you.' This time he remains standing around not far off. After a while the situation starts to get on my nerves so I get up and start walking back to the hotel. He follows. I don't feel physically threatened or anything, I was much bigger than him, but it's definitely awkward.

When we walk through a wooded area in the back of some buildings he approaches again. 'Are you o gey?' Although I'm getting a bit annoyed I remain friendly and say 'Yes, I'm okay'. He says: 'Benis. Your benis.' I still don't get it. 'Your benis. How long?' He gestures with his hands. The penny slowly begins to drop. 'You lick my benis'. I say: 'No, no thanks'. He says: 'I lick your benis.' I start to walk away, saying 'No, no thank you'. He waves his hands to get ahead of the misunderstanding and says: 'No money! I'm o gey!'

I made my way out of there, apologizing profusely, somewhere between laughing in astonishment and feeling sorry for getting the poor kid’s hopes up unwittingly. The experience also gave me a new appreciation for the importance of clear pronunciation.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 03:22:23 AM by RoaryMcTwang »


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2242 on: March 23, 2021, 03:59:52 AM »

fuck, this reminds me of an encounter i had in a bar that was hilarious and make me feel bad afterwards.

i was out with two friends who were in town and we went to this kind of shoddy bar i used to frequent with my best buddy. there we met ronnie, who's playing in this porn punk band the sex addicts or something. he sat next to our table and at some point he started chatting with us. he told us about his band and i told him i saw something on tv about his band and that they are pretty crazy. then ronnie went all out with his charme offense. so he apparently fancied me and it went from him inviting me to the next show to watch, to him trying to talk me to participate in the show if i wanted. for those who don't know, they basically fuck on stage and shit, which is why they mostly play in porn clubs. i tried to keep cool, laugh it off a bit and told him i'm not into public sex and stuff, but that i appreciate the offer. basically trying to be as polite as possible. tbh he is really cute, but it's all a bit wild.

if he would have asked for just having coffee i'd probably started seeing him just to see where it goes. but the whole sex fanatic/porn stuff was a bit much. i'm almost asexual myself and super slow in recognizing if someone is even interested in me, because sex isn't really the first thing to cross my mind when i'm attracted to someone. at some point before that flirt kinda escalated i gave him my email address and he wrote me and i think i wrote something lame back, but i never saw him again. my two friends were super annoyed by his takeover of our evening and at some point told me they want to leave, and i gladly did. ronnie was hard to shake off, i was overwhelmed with his infatuation and without my friends i could see him straight up talk me into submission or something, lol.

so not really a sexual act, but high sexual tension and ambiguity for sure, which is a lot for me already haha. i usually only reciprocate horniness when i'm in a relationship, but this encounter made me a little horny, a little scared and also feel like an asshole. ronnie for sure was an original. if this was his modus operandi in this city, he must have drowned in ass, pussy and penis, wich gives me hope that i didn't ruin his evening after he put all the effort into hooking up with me.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2243 on: March 23, 2021, 05:12:01 AM »
So I match with a girl on tinder and she’s down for me to come over the same night to smoke weed. I go over and we smoke for a bit and I’m not really attracted to her but we keep talking and I decide to make a move when her dog leaves the bed and we make out for a bit. I ask her if she wants to have sex and she’s down but I don’t have a condom. She finds a single condom and off we go. She goes down on me but I’m really wanting to have a go so I tell her to get the condom. She hands it to me and I try to put it on but her head game was really good and the condom was really tight so as I tried to roll it down it but I can’t. The whole time I’m hard and thinking don’t cum don’t cum so of course after a couple of tries of rolling it down I cum. I was blown. I really wanted to have sex but she was ok about it and didn’t make it any worse. I came home defeated but I woke up and texted her right away if she was down to finish what we started. This time I bring my own condoms but then when I’m fingering her this time I end up feeling a piercing inside her vagina. It really trips me up but only after. We do the deed and luckily my penis did not come out pierced or bleeding.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2244 on: March 23, 2021, 06:03:36 AM »
Sounds more like an IUD
"...We got the nuclear worm over here..."

Never forget:
Rusty_Berrings, 360 frip, Yapple Dapple, Bubblegum Tate


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2245 on: March 23, 2021, 06:24:17 AM »
IUD sis stay in school coz it’s the best
listen to cosmic psychos


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2246 on: March 23, 2021, 09:07:00 AM »
Sounds more like an IUD

Ah yes, Improvised Urethra Device
yo mike mo new age ape style high five with my reborn hand.

 2008 psychedelic experience. thanks.


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2247 on: March 23, 2021, 05:13:26 PM »
I end up feeling a piercing inside her vagina. We do the deed and luckily my penis did not come out pierced or bleeding.


I took a train 2 hours in a foreign country to do sexy time with a girl from online. It was worth it.
she can ride dick ham ham no joke ham


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2248 on: March 23, 2021, 10:19:49 PM »
IUD sis stay in school coz it’s the best
I think you might be my favorite poster Matty.
Thanks for being you!


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Re: Awkward Sexual Experiences
« Reply #2249 on: March 24, 2021, 09:14:37 PM »
So I match with a girl on tinder and she’s down for me to come over the same night to smoke weed. I go over and we smoke for a bit and I’m not really attracted to her but we keep talking and I decide to make a move when her dog leaves the bed and we make out for a bit. I ask her if she wants to have sex and she’s down but I don’t have a condom. She finds a single condom and off we go. She goes down on me but I’m really wanting to have a go so I tell her to get the condom. She hands it to me and I try to put it on but her head game was really good and the condom was really tight so as I tried to roll it down it but I can’t. The whole time I’m hard and thinking don’t cum don’t cum so of course after a couple of tries of rolling it down I cum. I was blown. I really wanted to have sex but she was ok about it and didn’t make it any worse. I came home defeated but I woke up and texted her right away if she was down to finish what we started. This time I bring my own condoms but then when I’m fingering her this time I end up feeling a piercing inside her vagina. It really trips me up but only after. We do the deed and luckily my penis did not come out pierced or bleeding.

this makes me wanna go bang a tinder girl.....or just cum in a tight condom...either way

We may not know what skateboarding is
But we sure as hell know what it aint
Wait we know what it is now too -
Falling down and gettin back up