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Shoes & Gear / Re: Spitfire formula four
« Last post by Mbrimson88 on Today at 01:23:13 AM »
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Rounded sidewall > Conical/sidecut. Always. I have a theory that conicals are just easier to manufacture. They can mold and then cut the side. Sort of how they do with Tablets according to this thread. Radials and shit they have to mold at a curve and get more precise.

Is that accurate? My understanding was that all wheels are milled/cut down to size from a larger mold, rather than directly molded. I'm not super familiar though so maybe someone else can weigh in.

From seeing some videos of pouring wheels, the mold is very much accurate and exact, just trimming off a little excess where the urethane pours in.

Could be different with different manufacturers though, but the only time I know that the Spitfire wheel manufacturer actually machine down wheels to make smaller ones is when they make the Lil Smokies from other bigger wheels that have imperfections or whatever issues that don't allow quality control to let them through as their original sizes and shapes.

I will have to try to look up a video I saw, but I don't think I have ever seen Spitfire wheels poured, apart from some very distant still pics from ages ago - big secret I guess.

* No good ones / short ones to post right this minute, but looking up something like how to make skateboard wheels shows a few interesting videos.

Shoes & Gear / Re: The Thunder Thread
« Last post by Mbrimson88 on Today at 12:54:59 AM »

Are the Thunder IKP finally officially out???

* Maybe just another "Whoops shouldn't have posted those yet" type of thing, but this is here in AU, so I guess they are getting out all over, not just in SF or USA.

PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Cordano Russell - Skater XXL
« Last post by KoRnholio8 on Today at 12:52:22 AM »
1. I can separate the art from the artist and can enjoy skateboarding even from the most "jock" skater there could be, if the style is good (not perfect robotic) and trick is innovative/pushing some limit. Some of his tricks are kind of goofy, but that means he does find some great combinations along the way and does them on big shit. I like his style and I don't get a jock vibe from him at all.

2. His relationship with his dad is great and all, but at this age he should be around his peers more, it's not like he's being coached as the next williams sister. He needs to cement his resolve to stay on the right path by being around good/bad influences. Otherwise, he'll end up on TLC's Smothered in a couple of years.

3. Going to Tum Yeto seems like a bad move. I get the feeling his family is looking at him as the next big thing and maybe he could be, but there's no money at Toy. So he exists in this core/jock limbo where he's in skateboarding for the right reasons, but maybe there are bigger external expectations for him to become the next Nyjah or something.

In other words, he's doesn't have the swag to become the next Tyshawn and he's not damaged enough to cry at contests like Nyjah. I would love to see a 10 year career for him, but I have trouble seeing him being marketable to the point of making decent money.

Also, Sinclair getting a nice dig at Billy, that was golden.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Deleted videos you'd like to find
« Last post by wax poetic on Today at 12:48:15 AM »
I wish all of the old Adidas videos were still online.  I have no idea why they'd take them down
Shoes & Gear / Re: Wheels Thread
« Last post by rocklobster on Today at 12:42:11 AM »

That contact patch is laughably skinny especially against the Bones V3 of a similar size, probably 3-4 washers on the inside so the threads aren't completely wrecked.

USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Username inspiration
« Last post by Jebediah on Today at 12:36:05 AM »
It's my name

Y'all can call me Jeb for short

Or Big Daddy Jeb for long 8)
Shoes & Gear / Re: Wheels Thread
« Last post by rikki on Today at 12:25:56 AM »
What's your method to rotating wheels? Just randomly or e.g. meticulously moving them around clockwise / ccw one step at a time? Or something else? And how often do you rotate them?

I've never really bothered about systematically rotating my wheels, but as you know, Slap puts things into your head...
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Username inspiration
« Last post by slapcurbsnotwomen on Today at 12:21:30 AM »
I like to slappy

Would live to know why he's so mad but that Billy guy sure looks like an absolute tool.

I think more than anything, it’s just funny content.

But for the sake of the topic, it is hella weird that the “CEO” of the Skateboarding Hall of Fame doesn’t skate, right?
Shoes & Gear / Re: Spitfire formula four
« Last post by rikki on Today at 12:11:40 AM »
Tablet Fulls would probably result in a quantum singularity collapse of reality as we know it.
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