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PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination"
« Last post by MyUserName on Today at 09:53:10 AM »
Friendly reminder that there are still no skateboards with the words “Nick Matthews” on it.
WHATEVER / Re: Trump VS. Biden (again)
« Last post by h00man on Today at 09:52:52 AM »
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you gotta be completely brain dead to fucking want to vote for trump.

I assume Shellac is one of those brain dead morons

When did I ever endorse Trump? I won’t be voting for either.

Dipshit, are you aware of what project 2025 is? Maybe you should get acquainted.
Not voting is just as bad IMO, especially if you’re in a swing state. It’s a tacit endorsement of outright authoritarianism, same with the “protest vote”. I get it, I’m disenfranchised with our political system too and I don’t like Biden either, but he must win.

Also yes everyone should be genuinely afraid of Project 2025. The GOP literally wants to dismantle the government and create an authoritarian theocracy. This is their platform

Everyone, please blue this year. We can't let these fascist fucks win ever again. Vote biden. Hate him or love him, he's way better than anything a Republican can put on the ballot.
Travel Guide / Skatebag thats good for carry on
« Last post by fulfillthedream on Today at 09:49:36 AM »
Doing a 5 week trip throughout Asia this summer.  Doing lots of those budget airlines between countries. I need a duffel bag that can hold a board but that can also fit into carry on. If anyone has any experience that'd be amazing

PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination"
« Last post by frontsideNECKTIE on Today at 09:47:29 AM »
Nick Matthews looking mint as ever

AH is a full force footage factory these days
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination"
« Last post by peterpenis on Today at 09:46:35 AM »
anti hero is pretty stacked. gus is slowly turning into one of my favorite skaters
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination"
« Last post by crescentfresh on Today at 09:45:08 AM »
grant bonking shit in the streets is the footy i didn't know i wanted until today
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Antihero X Thrasher "Cross Contamination"
« Last post by 123 on Today at 09:43:50 AM »
GT street pushing footy gets me every time
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Vans - Reality Breakdown
« Last post by Frank and Fred on Today at 09:42:40 AM »
Someone tell me what to do.
Someone tell me what to do.
Few years back when I was skating handrails I would always grab my Lynx OG for the impact protection from bails, it definitely helped on those battles having the puffier shoe with that air unit in the chunky outsole. Then I noticed it gave me bigger and better pop in general and made even low impact stuff like flatground tricks much easier for me.

Now im cupsoles all day (from various brands & models) and would only skate vulcs if I know im only going to be skating transition or hit a mini ramp sesh, otherwise my bad knee and ankle will be too tender and sore for days after.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: How big is the present day freestyle scene?
« Last post by 123 on Today at 09:40:16 AM »
The present day freestyle scene is bigger now than it was at the turn of the century.  It did shrink a fair amount once Chadd and Punisher Skateboards had their falling out. 
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