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USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: David Gonzalez #gonzvibes Thread
« Last post by Burt Ward on Today at 09:25:58 PM »
Can any pals that held onto their hair for way too long explain the emotions that arise when you finally let it go?
WHATEVER / Re: football anyone? as in soccer...
« Last post by brycickle on Today at 09:19:26 PM »
Watching the Champion's League final, all I could think every time Courtois blocked another shot was, "damn, Germany doesn't usually have this difficult of a time getting through Belgium".
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Kenny Reed chromeball
« Last post by nollieboulala on Today at 09:11:32 PM »
I remember being a teenager reading about him just traveling hella and living in another country in a magazine interview (probably Barcelona judging by the time period) and thinking how crazy that would be to do that. Years later (on my own dime, no sponsors or anything) in 2018 I went and lived in Spain for a few months to just skate and shit, and now after reading this interview it brought back the memories and how influential that article was to me back then. I kinda owe him a thank you for the inspiration. I gotta dig up the interview, I’m thinking maybe a transworld because I didn’t really fuck with thrasher.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Brink’s board brand
« Last post by Coldpizza on Today at 09:11:02 PM »
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He’s using a better AI than the one built into IG I’ll give him that

There might be some AI elements used, but after looking thru their Instagram I think it’s most likely mediocre to okay photoshop collages of open source (or ripped) baroque and renaissance paintings. As a designer who works primarily in photoshop, I’ve seen worse but I’ve definitely seen better. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There is absolutely no AI used in their art. But what a compliment that people think so. Their work is digital collage, illustration and paint. You can learn more about them here:

I confirm with all the artists that they are not using AI before I collab with them. At the moment I have no interest in working with artists who use AI.

Also sorry to be the one to tell you this, because you are clearly of high intelligence, but “mediocre” and “okay” are synonyms. So they cannot be used together in the context of a range.

And while we are sharing this beautiful, educational moment together and you fancy yourself a Photoshop aficionado, you will be delighted to know that Welder Wings' work has been featured in Photoshop ad campaigns.

Post a link to your work and portfolio. Would love to see it. It must be incredible if you consider Welder Wings's art to be "mediocre to okay".

Hey @BRINK thanks for the response!
While this artist duo is definitely proficient in photoshop, there are a few things that stand out to me in their work that make it feel like it’s not fully realized.
So all of this is just my opinion and a quick critique of the works not the artists.

First with these being digital collages you’ve essentially got the entire internet at your disposal, so to reuse the same clipped asset multiple times in the same pieces feels lazy. Especially like the example below where the skull is the only thing added to the landscape painting.

There are a number of pieces where the composition feels pretty clunky. Regarding the photoshop aspect there are a lot of really soft edges with floating elements and and content aware tool “ghosts”. These ghosts are where the content aware tool leaves a weird blurry/soft looking edge and in some cases it leaves a blurry mash up of other elements from the canvas.

These types of things can make a photoshop job look a bit sloppy or amateur.
I did some research on the artists but couldn’t find any process about where the paintings they use for collage come from. I know you said they paint, so if that’s true they should showcase that aspect of the art to lend it a more unique artistic feel. I’d hazard you to claim they aren’t using AI, like I said I don’t know their process but new versions of photoshop have a built in generative AI function. With them being Adobe Photoshop highlighted artists I’d be surprised if they weren’t encouraged by Adobe to utilize their new tool.

Okay and for myself… you seem to think that since I criticized this art I was implying that I’m better or smarter. That is not the case whatsoever. I actually don’t have a website or a current portfolio, but I did grab this example of my work. I made this in 2016 but I felt like it fit well with this conversation.
This is a pattern I made in photoshop using a bought vintage painting and then I hand painted gauche elements for the fruits and spiderwebs. I make prints & patterns for apparel for a living so this is different work than the artists above but it’s the same process. I work at Nike, not in SB but this happened to land on SB product in 2018.

Anyways, good luck with your venture. Oh and fuck off with the grammar policing, no one likes a cop. ✌️

WHATEVER / Re: Official SLAP UFC/ MMA Thread (Spoilers)
« Last post by shouldn't on Today at 08:45:42 PM »
I don't doubt Dustin could put up some more good wins, I just think his life would be better off getting into commentary or something like that.  He's a likeable guy in a sport filled with douchebags.  I hope the UFC gives him the Forrest Griffin treatment.  It's gonna be sad seeing what happens to some of these guys who took way to many blows to the head.  I fully expect to see Sean Strickland dead or homeless in 15 years.

Oh yeah Don Frye too.  I started watching MMA again after revisiting all that old UFC and Pride shit during the covid lockdowns.  Frye's fights are my personal favorites.  His personality is memeable and great.

He had a lot of great fights, but this one sums up early UFC pretty good.

no you’re right and i mean even he said himself what’s the point in fighting anymore after this? i don’t know though, some people i feel like just can’t give it up because it becomes their entire personality/life (ahem tony ferguson) but yeah, i would love to see him wearing those stupid glasses catching people on even stupider powerslap or be like an anthony smith or chisea type commentator on the after shows. they let him do one for an event somewhat recently (can’t remember which) and he was great.

yeah dude legendary fight right there and fighter. his fight with takayama is an all time great. funny you mention strickland because he gets compared to frye a lot lately, people were asking frye if strickland was his son ha. why do you use strickland as the example of head trauma though? hes only been ko’d twice and isn’t necessarily known for getting into wars, much less entertaining fights really.
Shoes & Gear / Re: Post UPCOMING/RECENT shoe releases thread
« Last post by Xen on Today at 08:25:18 PM »

Durability on those Tyshawn seems to be so so

Was going to snag them, I like the colorway, but when Dave at bluetile said “painted leather”, they became a hard pass.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Primitive 2024 Japan Tour
« Last post by Gray Imp Sausage Metal on Today at 08:23:07 PM »
the lakai kid is so good, they better give him a shoe soon
We all know crail will do absolutely nothing with him, I'm honestly surprised no other shoe company has poached him yet.
Aimu is always going to be pick because he is insanely good, but Junnosuke skates very x2 well for his age
WHATEVER / Re: Official SLAP UFC/ MMA Thread (Spoilers)
« Last post by igrindtwinkies on Today at 08:20:53 PM »
I don't doubt Dustin could put up some more good wins, I just think his life would be better off getting into commentary or something like that.  He's a likeable guy in a sport filled with douchebags.  I hope the UFC gives him the Forrest Griffin treatment.  It's gonna be sad seeing what happens to some of these guys who took way to many blows to the head.  I fully expect to see Sean Strickland dead or homeless in 15 years.

Oh yeah Don Frye too.  I started watching MMA again after revisiting all that old UFC and Pride shit during the covid lockdowns.  Frye's fights are my personal favorites.  His personality is memeable and great.

He had a lot of great fights, but this one sums up early UFC pretty good.
Shoes & Gear / Re: Wheels Thread
« Last post by Troubadour26 on Today at 08:19:10 PM »
I went through a weird phase a year ago skating OJ mini super juices as a main wheel. The nearest skatepark is an hour away and our spots are crusty and I wasn’t skateboarding every day at the time so sacrificing the ability to attempt tailslides, noseslides, and lipslides on ledges (our town doesn’t even really have a single good ledge spot) made sense to me. I had a lot of fun on them and I was naturally curious about the dragons when they came out and have since rode on two sets (I still have a pair of 58’s that might be closer to 54-55mm now). The dragons are great but whenever we visit a cement park, I can’t help but feeling a little slow cruising around on them. I got my first set of formula fours in years and previously rode them exclusively for nearly a decade… they feel fucking insane riding around town. I get stopped on any pebble I might touch in the parking lot and no rough patch in the ground goes unnoticed. I don’t even know that that the ability to slide on the 99’s is that much greater than dragons. I feel like if I really try to lean into one, I’m sliding out on 99’s and if I dial it back a bit, I’m not sliding farther than I could when I try to lean into Dragons. When formula four’s first came out, they were revolutionary for me. I just want to be back on Dragons after two days on the formula fours but I’m just going to be stubborn and try to get used to them.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: David Gonzalez #gonzvibes Thread
« Last post by Magnolia on Today at 08:18:45 PM »

I think we have our first photos of his chrome dome!
Looks pretty good honestly
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