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USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: sk8 lingo of yesteryear
« Last post by yghartsyrt on Today at 10:19:12 PM »
K-Grind was pretty common.
Shoes & Gear / Re: Post the shoes you're wearing.
« Last post by moonordie on Today at 10:18:45 PM »
Reminds me of the AV6 from ages ago
They look closer to those ugly imo AVEera
Disc golf definitely
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Can’t skate… comparable hobbies?
« Last post by Shtonk on Today at 10:14:59 PM »
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Looking in the mirror when I’m high at night asking “who am I?”

Photography is pretty similar when it comes to spot finding and progression and is something that goes hand in hand with skating. 

I’ve been considering moving closer to the ocean so I can start surfing as I sunset out of skating.   Know nothing about surfing though, can anybody chime in with the parallels and also how it’s different from skating?

Exercise in general

But yeah nothing comes close and I always wonder if most people have never experienced the feeling we get from skateboarding or if they even know that type of connection exists
I started surfing about eight years ago and I would say it’s something I might have built my life around if I’d started as a kid. I’m not good at it but I can do the basics pretty well.

When you get good enough to catch waves consistently it’s basically like skating a snake run on a cruiser board. It’s so fun.

I’d say the highs might be higher than skating. I’ve had days that still feel magical. Out on the water, suns out, waves breaking perfectly, me surfing well. When it comes together it’s amazing.

Problem is even a somewhat good day is rare. Mostly you’re surfing crappy waves surrounded by assholes fighting to take your crappy wave. Skating is fun much more of the time. That’s my feeling anyway.

Very well put. Surfing for nigh on 20 years now. When you progress into big reef breaks and barrels the highs become transcendent. And you turn into the Chad version of yourself. I've come damn close a couple times to rebuilding my entire life around it. But surfers and surf culture in general are just the absolute worst. So there's that...
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Can’t skate… comparable hobbies?
« Last post by Shtonk on Today at 10:09:32 PM »
I don’t know if anything could ever totally replace skateboarding for me (which is a tough reality), but rock climbing/bouldering is very comparable to me. Problem solving, lots of different techniques to learn, physically demanding, and often requires lots of attempts on the same thing until you finally get it. And there are different levels of “getting it” in terms of style, technique, cleanliness. And if you’re into it you can also take it outdoors vs the gym (street vs park, etc). It also works different parts of your body in case it’s a leg situation you’re dealing with re: not being able to skate.
This. It's not a safe sport but not as bad a s skating by any means and you get into crazy good shape. Climbing is also the best preparation for surf trips that I've ever found, better than swimming even.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Ben Degros vlog
« Last post by CarcassToss on Today at 10:09:11 PM »
Pepper stays gritty and doesn't fray like Jessup. But not as gritty as Mob and easier to apply than Mob.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Toy Machine - Real Life Sucks
« Last post by PatrickSkateman on Today at 10:07:20 PM »
Daiki had one of the most styled-out backside flips caught on film.

Love that Lincoln Ueda’s son is ripping.

Cordano skates almost Barley-like and fits Toy well imho.

Leabre’s part would've been the Jump Off A Building ender.

I wouldn't have been mad at all if Shiloh got a pro model at the premiere with how great her footage was.
WHATEVER / Re: Wordle
« Last post by shouldn't on Today at 10:07:14 PM »
Wordle 1,073 5/6

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