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Sadly, shoes kinda matter in my experience. Even when I’m just pushing around, a thin soled shoe will hurt my knees more because I’m absorbing more impact. I can only imagine what would happen if I jumped down stuff.

But maybe I notice the difference because I have osteoarthritis in both knees.

Exercise does help them. And I’m currently losing weight. Dropped ten pounds in May, trying to get to 200lbs to lighten a load on my knees (I’m tall so that’s as light as I can get without looking anorexic). Only 30 more pounds to go. Shouldn’t be too hard—weight falls off me when I stop eating junk and fast food.

Leo Romero is the same age as me. But he also looks 140lbs soaking wet lol. So I see how he can skate in vulcs. Although, he doesn’t seem like the type to complain, and we don’t know how he feels after a heavy session.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Love park - Malmö version
« Last post by Groondor the Orc on Today at 02:45:31 AM »
If it's not in the streets, it's not street.
Is super simple:

If you're good and land always in your board shoes won't do much of a difference to you. Get whatever.

If is the other way, or if you're 30+ yo, get cupsole shoes.
Treat your feet nicely, you don't want to be 40 and hurting badly due to napkin shoes.

Also keep in mind that your board landing in your feet with Janoskis is not the same of having it in Accels OG.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Love park - Malmö version
« Last post by Harrison's Fjord on Today at 02:31:03 AM »
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crazy how the skate world went from skating old DCs in homage to late nineties and early 00s skating, to fully designing a mini Love Park replica with love park granite… in Sweden lol

“the late 90s is my personality”

The nostalgia is real. I don‘t mind it, but I‘d love to also see some futurism!

Do you consider LOVE Malmö a street spot or a skate park? Does it matter?

Maybe doesn't matter, but I do think it's an interesting question. If Love park in Philly was a street spot (and it was) and you 'move' a street spot to another location, it presumably remains a street spot, even if it's moved with the intent to skate. Of course, Love wasn't exactly moved, but dismantled, with some of its parts being moved, then reconstructed. But, I don't see how that would matter. I expect people will be fine putting it in street parts.
There's some talk of making the area not open for skating for some hours, to help integrate it with the surroundings. So, unlike skate parks it's not exclusively for skateboarding. (Will people go there to have lunch? not sure.) Still, it's obviously much easier to skate than Love was (no security, for one), but the fact that a spot isn't a bust doesn't make it a non-street spot.

Shoes & Gear / Re: Vegan skate shoes
« Last post by Gray Imp Sausage Metal on Today at 02:11:00 AM »
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I'm interested to try these Lakai Wilkins in white canvas. Looks like they've got kind of a hybrid vulc/cup sole, or is it just that the foxing tape is raised up a bit off the bottom of the sole?

Its this sole.

but why white? The black colourway looks so good…
Guess I shouldn’t complain, I’ve wanted lakaito do a vegan cupsole now for like 3+ years…


With all the big shuffle ups at soletech, do you all think Ed’s shoe will see the light of day?
WHATEVER / Re: Things You Are Stoked On But Not Stoked On
« Last post by tuesday on Today at 02:11:00 AM »
Welcome back!
I'm a huge backer of shoes don't do shit, strengthen your body.
Especially in a skate shoe. seriously if you think 2mm of absorbotron max foam will do more for you than some exercises then you deserve the pain.

As far as mid and high shoes the way they work is you can lock down your foot more securely. The only way they help against any type of ankle injury is by reducing the amount your foot can move inside the shoe. You can bend the shoes easily with your hand so how are they supposed to save your ankle against your full body weight moving at speed?

If people just like the shoes more that's fine (I think 1010s look good) or they do all the work and wear the shoes then that's great but anyone who's getting thick tech shoes but not working out is just going to be so much worse off in a couple years.
Maybe black laces tucked under would look nicer
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Username inspiration
« Last post by let’s go home on Today at 01:48:03 AM »
Neil Blender quote when he front flips into a Sadland’s sandpit and takes off his wig (as seen in Gullwing’s Full Power Trip).
Bonus: wise words to say to your way too drunk friend (or yourself).
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Gideon Choi Mixtape CBI
« Last post by let’s go home on Today at 01:41:49 AM »
That fs bluntslide varialflip is so G.
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