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Somebody said this has been picked up by other "channels" or whatever you wanna call things in our current media landscape. Who has? I've seen the Stalker post with Jordan Maxham's human garbage post under it. Have any magazines done anything?
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Kenny Reed chromeball
« Last post by DannyDee on Today at 07:06:58 AM »
An absolute legend.

Pop War is one of those brands where I loved the two skaters behind it, and I actually think they had a cool vision and amazing art direction. The fact it never too off still annoys me.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: the Bunt is back
« Last post by DannyDee on Today at 07:05:03 AM »
Keelan was ridiculously good, and I thought he should have ended the DGK video if it wasn't Wade (who had an unreal opener). But, what he is alleged to have done rightfully killed his career.
Kayak bass fishing for one, really just bass fishing in general.  Just like with skating, gear madness can be a thing.  My rod/reel setups definitely rival my skate quiver. Plus getting out on the kayak helps get some physical activity in. 

I'm also really in to gardening.  Growing my own food has always been very satisfying for me.
Shoes & Gear / Re: The Set-up Thread
« Last post by kneebone on Today at 07:04:22 AM »
Ordered this deck a few months ago but put it on ice once I saw it was PS Stix wood. Decided to set it up in honor of the new TM video, but hated it for the 20 minutes I skated it. Had that ultra-flexible noodle feeling that you randomly get with PS boards.
TM Hoban 8.63

Got home and immediately swapped it out and had a fantastic session on it the next day. Long live BBS.
DLX shop board, "IV" stamp which is my favorite, and has a very cool subtle herringbone brick debossed pattern on the bottom ply. 8.75x32.62, 14.62wb
Ace AF1 Low 60s with hollow hangers
F4 99s 51mm
Acer titanium 7/8 hardware
Pepper grip
Damn. Well I won’t be supporting Nakel or King at my shop ever again.

I did love the episode and when I went to LA and stopped by Lottie’s I was inspired by everything in there.
Some of Mikes art isn’t for me but doesn’t mean it isn’t good and original.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Can’t skate… comparable hobbies?
« Last post by Shtonk on Today at 07:03:54 AM »
When I was a child, there was a country club in our city that still (talking 70s-80s era) had “exclusionary” membership req’s: as in no people of color.
My homey & I would climb the fence & mercilessly vandalize that place after hours.
Driving the carts into the water traps, removing the sand from the sand traps & scattering it all over, etc.
Once we destroyed the greens on one whole section of the course 5 holes) starting at the cup & ripping that sod up like it was a giant orange peel.
Not exactly proud of my hooliganism, but to this day I still have zero regrets about those acts of malicious protest.

Thank you that is a beautiful story and you should be proud of it.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Who’s buying decks at retail?
« Last post by mooraga on Today at 07:03:13 AM »
Two days ago I lost my board
I left it next to the car, got a call, answered and left  ;D

I had to pay full price for trucks, wheels and bearings
Thankfully I had some old boards

Damn it
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Can’t skate… comparable hobbies?
« Last post by Shtonk on Today at 07:03:09 AM »
Which is why I don't go into the backcountry anymore and wear a helmet. We are all adults capable of rational thought in this thread, aren't we? And we're aware that it's not about wether you CAN but how LIKELY you are to die doing a certain activity?

That being said I'd love to know the numbers on mortality risks from winter sports vs motorcycle riding. All I'm finding online so far is either vague or useless.
Pretty lame that they didn’t even vaguely touch on why the shop closed. Why make half the piece about the wonderfulness and success of the shop, then finish with ‘uh it closed in controversy, that’s all’ ?

Not everything in this world comes wrapped in a neat little package, the complications and difficulties are what breed good storytelling.

Is it lame that a few grown adults decided not to speak on something they didn’t feel like speaking on?  You should get an investigative journalist on it. Or just read the post right above your comment. 
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