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Mental Health Issues
« on: April 26, 2019, 11:22:35 AM »
Anyone on here deal with any issues regarding mental health? Depression, schizophrenic, bipolar, BPD, anxiety or anything else?

I’ve always thought I had just your run of the mill depression used to go to a therapist for a while, stopped going because I thought I was doing better, few years have passed since that and doing research I’ve come to the conclusion I might have bipolar 2. In the waiting process to see a professional to get a real diagnosis, and reaching out to a new therapist. Majorly frustrated with how a vast majority of psychiatrists don’t accept insurance and charge insane rates out of my price range. Pretty annoyed at that because a psychiatrist is the only one who can truly diagnose you and prescribe medication which I feel that I need because therapy alone wasn’t doing it for me. Hopefully I’ll find some info through my therapist who’s willing to help find shrinks that accept my insurance.

Curious to hear others struggles and what you do to maintain your mental health.

honey island

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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2019, 11:25:23 AM »
i drink water and turn my phone off for 2 hours everyday during the day to help with anxiety


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2019, 11:41:50 AM »
There was a point where I had to go on medical leave from my job because my depression and anxiety attacks were so severe.
For a while I thought I was going to be like crippled by it and not be ever to hold a job again, I could barely leave the house, wasn’t skating.
But at the time I was so messed up it didn’t click as to why it was happening.
I have been taking cymbalta for like 10 years or so and this was 4/5 years ago. My doc suggested why don’t I just stop cold turkey and see how I do.
So I did and I was good for about a month.
But that’s when the attacks and major depression set it again. I could t even smoke weed any more without getting an anxiety attacks.

I went on medical leave for my job for 7 weeks and then started working again feeling better for a while but had a bit of a break down again and fully quit that job.
I eventually went back on cymbalta after a few months.
And started doing better but I started skipping days and taking my cymbalta 4/7 days a week and I declined again big time. Which of course was stupid of me to do that.

I’d say in the last 3 years my mental health has more or less been at an all time high, with cymbalta, weed, kratom, and skating being my regimen.
Def still have occasional bad panic days but they are far less often than that point.

Hope you find something that works for you OP.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2019, 11:45:10 AM by johnes »
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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2019, 11:55:04 AM »
There was a point where I had to go on medical leave from my job because my depression and anxiety attacks were so severe.
For a while I thought I was going to be like crippled by it and not be ever to hold a job again, I could barely leave the house, wasn’t skating.
But at the time I was so messed up it didn’t click as to why it was happening.
I have been taking cymbalta for like 10 years or so and this was 4/5 years ago. My doc suggested why don’t I just stop cold turkey and see how I do.
So I did and I was good for about a month.
But that’s when the attacks and major depression set it again. I could t even smoke weed any more without getting an anxiety attacks.

I went on medical leave for my job for 7 weeks and then started working again feeling better for a while but had a bit of a break down again and fully quit that job.
I eventually went back on cymbalta after a few months.
And started doing better but I started skipping days and taking my cymbalta 4/7 days a week and I declined again big time. Which of course was stupid of me to do that.

I’d say in the last 3 years my mental health has more or less been at an all time high, with cymbalta, weed, kratom, and skating being my regimen.
Def still have occasional bad panic days but they are far less often than that point.

Hope you find something that works for you OP.

Definitely feel you on the mental breakdowns and work. Some days I can’t stand being at work just because I’m in the middle of a super low state, to the point where it affects my work and my mood around coworkers. I’ve gotten written up a few times over poor preformance and just had my boss be like “what’s up...” and I always just lie about something and am never straight up. I’ll spend days on days unmotivated laying in bed socially reclusive wanting to die etc. and then when that episode passes I’m good and I’ll see a spike in performance, outgoing,friendly again.



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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2019, 12:19:47 PM »
My anxiety toward being in public places that are crowded has grown as I’ve gotten older. That and if I’m around people who have a general hostile/abrasive attitude I can feel myself getting more and more anxious to the point where I implode and shut down.

Weed helps and it’s gotten easier to be slightly baked in public with edibles.

Closing my eyes and counting slow helps and controlled breathing.

Weed works wonders though


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2019, 12:38:44 PM »
My anxiety toward being in public places that are crowded has grown as I’ve gotten older. That and if I’m around people who have a general hostile/abrasive attitude I can feel myself getting more and more anxious to the point where I implode and shut down.

Weed helps and it’s gotten easier to be slightly baked in public with edibles.

Closing my eyes and counting slow helps and controlled breathing.

Weed works wonders though

Weed never did it for me, only made my anxiety worse. My selfmedication of choice has always been alcohol and I relied on that pretty heavy for a few years drinking almost every day it was the only thing that was giving me a false sense of happiness and confidence. Just numbing or blocking my usual intrusive thoughts. I slowed that down a lot, but find myself going back down that route again it seems like sometimes.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2019, 01:57:26 PM »
Mental issues are fun. I get to take home lots of goodies from the pharmacy. Sure it may take me an hour to ejaculate, but at least that means I get to pay attention to the plot of the porn because I'll be watching the whole thing through.
Before you say the music sucked, have you considered shutting the fuck up?


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2019, 02:30:06 PM »
  I get bad angziety but havent had it for a year, maybe cause im travelling.  (Funnelly enough when ive told people i get anciety they act really suprised) But i get angry with strangers to where i could be arrested on the street, but i dont even realize its fucking happening cause the onset is quick -(thats the crazy part). Parinoia a lil bit once and a while which can get destructive too.
  Life is an indulgence for me so no meds thanks but i do smoke weed so i might be being hypocritical. (This is the mental health thread so i feel its a shit spelling safe zone with no shaming)
  Im always really imfamous or 'popular' but at the same time 3 quarters of people keep an arms length going, as they sense my slight skitsophrenia.  I'll always have some strait gs that i roll with too tho, which can bring some of the arms length people over to the darkside cause they see me being a homie with cool people.  Maybe illusions of graduer too, who knows?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2019, 02:45:35 PM by givecigstosurfgroms »
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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2019, 02:38:39 PM »
Ive always struggled with depression and anxiety. I was medicated in elementary school up through highschool and was kinda always in denial about it. As ive gotten older Ive begun to accept it. Then the semester before I was supposed to graduate I was poisoned by carbon monoxide and my mental health took a giant shit. It pretty broke me down completely to where I had no confidence and woke up everyday feeling hopeless as fuck. That happened in September and I didnt get it figured out until like two weeks ago. Finding a medication that works can be such a rough road. Dealing with side affects with no improvements at all. I ended up dropping two classes and barely held on to the other two. Im on four antidepressants right now but I think we finally found something that works so I can start to ween off a few of those. So my graduation was pushed back an entire year because of the whole ordeal but I feel happy again so fuck it. Dont ignore your mental health people. Take care of yourself.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2019, 03:05:48 PM »
Yeah, was pretty down as a kid, have very few good memories (not abused etc.), just plain sad. Dope and alcohol gave me a new hope, only to crash my life all the way down.

Sober and shit now and slowly rebuilding myself but some days are still a fucking disaster.

Best of luck to y'all and slow down on all the shit you put into your system, it probably does more harm than good.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2019, 06:30:26 PM »
Yea I’ve almost stopped using the word anxiety to describe what I was dealin with because when I hear people talk about their anxiety it sounds like something milder than why I had. Not to belittle anyone else struggle but I think my struggle years we’re more like panic disorder/near mental break down. Anyway, I’m cool now.

Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2019, 06:35:07 PM »
An old post about anxiety & panic:

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My wife has been having gnarly anxiety/ panic attacks for 3 days now. We have been to the ER, physician care, and she went to a crisis center last night... nothing seems to be helping. I’ve been doing all I can to help her but I’m getting exhausted as well. She stayed with her mom last night so I could rest up for work.. hopefully she starts feeling better soon.
Anyone have any tips for helping someone with these attacks?

Intense physical excercise, meditation, and educating yourself about what exactly panic/anxiety is.

I been through it to a severe extent and that was the trifecta for me.

Understand what’s going on in your brain when you have a panic attack (this was explained to me by a therapist btw I didn’t just figure it out). Your brain can fuck up like any other part of the body. It’s sending you extreme DANGER DANGER messages when it doesn’t need to be, and you can legit feel scared you’re gonna die right then even tho there is no threat.

When it’s new and you’re clueless it’s extra scary, the better you understand it the more you can not let it get the best of you, eventually kinda roll your eyes like “oh word, I’m dying again? I don’t believe you”

Another key thing is remembering that it will pass. It always does, every time, because nothings fucking happening or wrong. Your body doesn’t maintain that level adrenaline for too long. It goes up and comes down like a wave. Just wait it out. You remind her all this stuff when she’s in it. Watch something funny, make her laugh.

Start the day by running or kicking the shit outta yourself in the gym and it’s harder to get worked up like that. I lift weights and have muscles now purely as a result of the harshest time I went through.

Learn the basics of breathing techniques and meditation and do that in the mornings too. Hit me up if you want more advice. I got better without any drugs, which some lazy doctors may default to (no diss to those who decide they need psych drugs).


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2019, 06:36:53 PM »
I've been battling with depression and anxiety for most of my life, but it was only a few years ago that it was given a name when I finally decided to give therapy a try. In no way is it a be all/end all, but if anyone reading this deals with mental health issues of any notoriety, I urge you to give it a try yourself.

Something I'm coming to terms with as I get older is that these feelings don't really go away. Relatively speaking, I have a pretty good life. I've made a lot of progress in my personal well being in the last two years after digging myself out of what was easily the lowest point of my life in 2016. I've got a lot going for me and I'm surrounded by lots of good things, but there are still days where I feel miserable and that the sky is falling. Oftentimes for no good reason. Rather than chipping away at things that would seemingly "cure" my depression, I've grown to accept that it's a part of my being and it likely will be for the rest of my life. Though one thing that gives me some semblance of power over it is the fact that it now has a name, versus all the times when I was younger when I felt paralyzed by dread and couldn't articulate why. I can feel when a day is "off" and can do things that'll make me feel better, or at least distance me from things that make me feel worse. The best analogy I've heard for depression is that it's like being in a footrace where everybody is on land and you're in various depths of water. Some days are easier to tread than others, and some days take more work to get through. But every day that you do make it through is a fucking victory.

I hope this rambling doesn't come off as too self-indulgent. I think this stuff is incredibly important to talk about, and it's only recently in my life where I've felt comfortable enough to participate in such dialogue.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2019, 07:41:39 PM »
Yea I’ve almost stopped using the word anxiety to describe what I was dealin with because when I hear people talk about their anxiety it sounds like something milder than why I had. Not to belittle anyone else struggle but I think my struggle years we’re more like panic disorder/near mental break down. Anyway, I’m cool now.

Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights

Yep, 100%

Generalized anxiety disorder,  panic attacks and PTSD is a bad combo.

If I'm out in public and shit goes sideways, it's literally like I'm fighting for my life to get outta the situation

Lotsa things have helped for sure, but #1 is microdosing cannabis/psilocybin and lotsa excercise. Just burn energy as much as possible
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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2019, 08:10:02 PM »
Weed does not help me at all. If I even get a little high, I want to jump out of my skin and run in to traffic.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2019, 12:56:56 AM »
Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights

Definitely this. I'm no gym rat, but when I go to the gym, I work all that shit out. No longer angry, depressed, anxious. Even days that I go when I'm in pain, it seems to all go away.
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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2019, 08:34:08 AM »

Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights

This stuff really helped me, too.

I.C. Weiner

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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2019, 02:58:07 PM »
been told it's ptsd / depression / anxiety all my life, but didn't explain why im such an agro and why i ruin all my relationships.

turns out it's bpd. the diagnoses gives me closure, but im still a bastard to the people around me. seeing a girl for a week and we already need to take a break because of my shit.

chris gentryfied

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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2019, 04:04:16 PM »
i get a nut check so that makes me able to diagnose and treat other people's mental health issues. my sister is schizophrenic and fat offa clozeral. i'm trying to wean her off them and benzos via yardwork. she's so damn lazy though!
my brother beat schizophrenia by lifting weights and suboxin. he has a job and an 18 yr old gf. he's doing well.
in my family history, it's schizophrenia, alcoholism, suicide and a higher than average number of homos. you think that's nature's way of dealing w/ overpopulation? who knows?
on a more serious note, Rusty was my boy and he had schizophrenia pretty bad. he was more functioning than a lot of people but he had voices and shit. he really dreaded these shots they gave him. they made it so he couldn't sweat, who knows what other side effects? it's hard to know what's the right thing to do, half my family is dead set on my sister staying on clozeral and benzos the rest of her life because we've seen her worse. but i remember when she was young, even post diagnosis, she was doing better. she'd get jobs, take classes, go to the bar and live an approximation of a normal life. [then go catatonic or smoke in bed and live in filth] so it's between going for it and maybe she gets institutionalized again or attempts suicide vs  knowing she's gonna be overweight and lethargic and unfulfilled but still hearing voices and smacking herself.
if she was mentally alright i'd say maybe the side effects are worth it but it's crap. and idk about Rusty either, maybe he only so functioning as he was behind the heavy medications? we're still in the dark ages and i tend to have a skeptical view of psychiatry and big pharma in general but i realize i view things through my prism.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2019, 04:54:19 PM »
Anyone try yoga to calm yourself? I think I’m going to give it a shot next week but the inner anxiety is making me doubt myself.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2019, 05:38:23 PM »
Anyone on here deal with any issues regarding mental health? Depression, schizophrenic, bipolar, BPD, anxiety or anything else?

I’ve always thought I had just your run of the mill depression used to go to a therapist for a while, stopped going because I thought I was doing better, few years have passed since that and doing research I’ve come to the conclusion I might have bipolar 2. In the waiting process to see a professional to get a real diagnosis, and reaching out to a new therapist. Majorly frustrated with how a vast majority of psychiatrists don’t accept insurance and charge insane rates out of my price range. Pretty annoyed at that because a psychiatrist is the only one who can truly diagnose you and prescribe medication which I feel that I need because therapy alone wasn’t doing it for me. Hopefully I’ll find some info through my therapist who’s willing to help find shrinks that accept my insurance.

Curious to hear others struggles and what you do to maintain your mental health.
I have Schizoeffective disorder and ptsd from sexual trauma and abuse, I have never had a friend very long I can make them but maybe it's my own head but I push people away constantly. I hear voices and have had delusions and hear some shit every now and then I am on celexa and colonodine. I don't like the meds but it helps with bad times........ Skating is seldom but I do take breaks from meds by supplementing with weed.
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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2019, 09:27:44 PM »
I created this just so people could talk which I’m glad people feel comfortable to share. Proud of you guys being able to share this stuff because it’s still stigmatized and it’s hard to talk about this stuff. One thing that helps me is talking in a casual environment. Keep this thread alive, no judgements in here, stay strong guys and girls of slap. Thanks for sharing.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2019, 10:13:32 PM »
I'm on Cymbalta too Johnes! And shitloads of kratom obvi. I've been easing back into weed via vape pen, makes me way less anxious than smoking it. Smoking anything makes me way too jittery and sickly / makes my heart race. Been off cigarettes for a week, got a Juul and it honestly helped! Was surprised.

Anyhoo yeah, lots of chronic depression and anxiety. Always self medicating with various substances, but seem to have a good mix rn. Not too psyched on drinking at all anymore. Meeting with a psych for some hardcore neuropsych several hour long testing in a few weeks, gonna see if there's more than just general anxiety and depression (I believe there is). Hopefully diagnose my lamebrain better and find some good-ass medication and not stupid bunk antidepressants!

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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2019, 10:24:37 PM »
I’ve been off anti depressants for several years but Prozac worked wonders for me when I really needed it.

Tried Remeron for a few weeks and it literally made me hear voices and see things.  Like I would hear muffled conversations in the other room (couldnt make out exactly what was being said) and I’d walk into the other room and nobody was there.

I woke up one night and in the dark I saw a little girl standing at the foot of the bed staring at me and my lady.  She turned and ran and disappeared into the drapes.

Also made me binge eat.

So I don’t recommend Remeron even though it made my mood great.

chris gentryfied

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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2019, 10:50:23 PM »
i'm more DIY about mental health and anything else but i took some mushrooms in 2016 and they convinced me to stop doing dope and help my ma pay her mortgage. then i gave some to my brother when he got out of jail for home invasion and tried to get him on the same page. he's thriving now so a lot of it is as stated by VHS or someone, eating right, drinking water, excercise and not taking poisons. just healthy living and getting away from the bad life will go a long ways. sometimes you need that epiphany and you could almost chalk up my mushroom stories to more drug talk except there's rich junkies paying big dollars to go to Peru and take ayuhasca w/ a medicine man.
w/out ingesting poisons or traumas to trigger your illness, you can live normal. some people take medicine for it, i'm wicked averse to it but don't listen to me. if you feel better, god bless. there's more than one road to Boston as they say.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2019, 02:31:34 AM »
i get a nut check so that makes me able to diagnose and treat other people's mental health issues. my sister is schizophrenic and fat offa clozeral. i'm trying to wean her off them and benzos via yardwork. she's so damn lazy though!
my brother beat schizophrenia by lifting weights and suboxin. he has a job and an 18 yr old gf. he's doing well.
in my family history, it's schizophrenia, alcoholism, suicide and a higher than average number of homos. you think that's nature's way of dealing w/ overpopulation? who knows?
on a more serious note, Rusty was my boy and he had schizophrenia pretty bad. he was more functioning than a lot of people but he had voices and shit. he really dreaded these shots they gave him. they made it so he couldn't sweat, who knows what other side effects? it's hard to know what's the right thing to do, half my family is dead set on my sister staying on clozeral and benzos the rest of her life because we've seen her worse. but i remember when she was young, even post diagnosis, she was doing better. she'd get jobs, take classes, go to the bar and live an approximation of a normal life. [then go catatonic or smoke in bed and live in filth] so it's between going for it and maybe she gets institutionalized again or attempts suicide vs  knowing she's gonna be overweight and lethargic and unfulfilled but still hearing voices and smacking herself.
if she was mentally alright i'd say maybe the side effects are worth it but it's crap. and idk about Rusty either, maybe he only so functioning as he was behind the heavy medications? we're still in the dark ages and i tend to have a skeptical view of psychiatry and big pharma in general but i realize i view things through my prism.

A friend of mine had a psychotic break from partying and taking drugs. He checked himself into a psychiatric hospital for a week. That was five years ago. He's been on different medications since and it is always really sad when I see him. The medicine made him really empty and zombified. Since he basicly does not feel anything when he's on the medicine and his energylevels are really low he's started drinking and taking drugs again. His liver is about to give out and he's really out of it when I see him. Pscychosis/Schizophrenia is so fucked up, because you can only treat it with medicine and the medicine that works seems to also take away most things that a pleasurable in life. I completely understand that being crazy, but feeling something might be a better option for some people than being fairly functionable, but feeling nothing at all.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2019, 04:11:12 AM »
I’ve always dealt with depression/anxiety. Which is barely manageable considering how much I drink (down to 40 beers and a fifth of whiskey a week). I tried offing myself back when I was 17, drank a bunch of beers and took around 30 MucinexDMs hoping that i’d go out tripping or at least blissed out. A lot of my friends/family still think I just didnt understand that mixing those pills and alcohol would cause me too die (flatlined twice in the ambulance). But I knew exactly what I was doing. My folks still hold it against me which hurts. Ive only ever asked for money once but anytime I bring up financial trouble they hit me with “Were never giving you money after your stunt, you’ve costed us enough”. Its totally fair but that shit cuts deep. None of them want to acknowledge what actually happened unless they’re drunk. Then they just keep calling me a selfish coward. They aren’t exactly wrong but its still painful to hear from your family.

Sorry for the overshare.

A really good friend of mine who I never expected to suffer from depression once told me “You aren’t worthless and you need to stick around. You just have a chemical imbalance in your brain that’s trying to tell you otherwise. Don’t listen to that.”


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2019, 05:55:02 AM »
Anyone try yoga to calm yourself?

Yeah, man. I also think it has made me stronger and more flexible overall. I just follow along with youtube videos, though. I could probably benefit from going to a class.


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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2019, 06:15:22 AM »
I’ve always dealt with depression/anxiety. Which is barely manageable considering how much I drink (down to 40 beers and a fifth of whiskey a week). I tried offing myself back when I was 17, drank a bunch of beers and took around 30 MucinexDMs hoping that i’d go out tripping or at least blissed out. A lot of my friends/family still think I just didnt understand that mixing those pills and alcohol would cause me too die (flatlined twice in the ambulance). But I knew exactly what I was doing. My folks still hold it against me which hurts. Ive only ever asked for money once but anytime I bring up financial trouble they hit me with “Were never giving you money after your stunt, you’ve costed us enough”. Its totally fair but that shit cuts deep. None of them want to acknowledge what actually happened unless they’re drunk. Then they just keep calling me a selfish coward. They aren’t exactly wrong but its still painful to hear from your family.

Sorry for the overshare.

A really good friend of mine who I never expected to suffer from depression once told me “You aren’t worthless and you need to stick around. You just have a chemical imbalance in your brain that’s trying to tell you otherwise. Don’t listen to that.”
  Fuck ur family.  They sound like cocks dude.  I hope good things for you and from ur post it sounds like you def have the potential ( cept for the booze intake)  just believe its possible.   Thats a sincere/hopefully not too wack pep talk. Good luck.
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Re: Mental Health Issues
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2019, 06:45:28 AM »