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USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Brink’s board brand
« Last post by TheWineClub on Today at 09:20:43 PM »
50 year old behavior
^that’s fucking hilarious
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: mark gonzales youtube gold
« Last post by Frank and Fred on Today at 09:15:05 PM »
Damn, Gonz and I are both Geminis.
the transplant-to-Portland vibe

Has Pontus been to Portland? One of my favorite things to do is drive around looking for Dane Brady and when I see him, I shout out loud,


he hates that shit... and might leave town if i don't stop.
I love that there are still esoteric little subcultures within skateboarding.

The wooden plank is such a beautiful thing and skateboarding can be interpreted in so many bloody wonderful ways.

I just wish slalom and high jump were in the Olympics instead of 'Park' and 'street.'
WHATEVER / Re: end times
« Last post by Frank and Fred on Today at 08:56:40 PM »
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I would be happy if you could share what you read because most of what OP wrote does not read as lw ideas/sentiment, broadly speaking.

read any column by George Monibot in The Guardian, ((, ) pick up any recent issue of adjusters, listen to any weekly radio show by john zerzan and countless others. plenty of essays/ books on the left about the collapse.

a classic entry  is, "The Coming Insurrection"


You have a tonne of material on here,

Obvisouly, these are broader takes than the OP has but they all point to the same direction, end game.

Hah, I forgot that you're an anarchist. Thanks for the links.

haha. I don't identify as an anarchist or any form of ist, but I have read and continue to be influenced by a lot of anarchist ideas, including derrick jensen. although he has taken some weird turns that involve transphobia and calling cops.
Shoes & Gear / Re: The Thunder Thread
« Last post by Frank and Fred on Today at 08:54:10 PM »
You are correct Lou. Although, you don't see many vert riders these days on Ventures. You used to.

It would be interesting to really take a look at how much Thunder and Venture have changed since their inception.

Also, why I think Thunder should really celebrate its history and come up with slightly higher, turnier truck again.
Shoes & Gear / Re: Ace trucks
« Last post by Frank and Fred on Today at 08:51:17 PM »
For those who skate Aces on transition, do you use riser pads? They seem pretty low in stock form so I'm really curious. I'm used to Indy Standards though, so that could be what's tripping me out.

Ace with risers suit me just fine.

Occasionally with 54mm and under wheels  and 8.5 deck/ trucks, I can get away without risers. Otherwise I use them on most of my set ups.
WHATEVER / Re: end times
« Last post by pugmaster on Today at 08:40:55 PM »
This guy kind of irritates me but this video does a decent job illustrating why I get frustrated with the right about how they approach this whole mess.

How the right can make themselves/tRump the victim no matter the context drives me up the fucking wall. They are goading their base to more discord/violence than J6. The second half of 2024 is going to be a shit show whether or not tRump wins.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: T Funk skating Nikes
« Last post by Atiba Applebum on Today at 08:38:01 PM »
T funk is raddest skateboarder out there.
He is what all top pros lack nowadays. Radness, speed, style and personality (annoying and cocky as it is).

TJ and yuto, the biggest names on the biggest companies, are boring to watch imo. I never re watch their parts. Plus, Yuto is too clean and fresh, and TJ's "its meeeeee", talking to his mom on the intercom (hes new adidas video) show the lil bitch he is. Lol.

Any brand should be happy to have him on their team.
He looks good in Vans but i agreed with the comment that AJ1 almost always look good in everyone. Its a classic design, just like the non sb dunks. (Always remember Reese Forbes).

One last thing.
When t funk lost SOTY, he single handed made the whole SOTY bullshit irrelevant. His Deep Fried part is a instant classic and should be watched and re watche as much as baker 3.

Why would Vans pay him?   He’s already wearing their shoes for free
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