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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: JohnnySaintLethal on April 26, 2019, 11:22:35 AM

Title: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JohnnySaintLethal on April 26, 2019, 11:22:35 AM
Anyone on here deal with any issues regarding mental health? Depression, schizophrenic, bipolar, BPD, anxiety or anything else?

I’ve always thought I had just your run of the mill depression used to go to a therapist for a while, stopped going because I thought I was doing better, few years have passed since that and doing research I’ve come to the conclusion I might have bipolar 2. In the waiting process to see a professional to get a real diagnosis, and reaching out to a new therapist. Majorly frustrated with how a vast majority of psychiatrists don’t accept insurance and charge insane rates out of my price range. Pretty annoyed at that because a psychiatrist is the only one who can truly diagnose you and prescribe medication which I feel that I need because therapy alone wasn’t doing it for me. Hopefully I’ll find some info through my therapist who’s willing to help find shrinks that accept my insurance.

Curious to hear others struggles and what you do to maintain your mental health.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: honey island on April 26, 2019, 11:25:23 AM
i drink water and turn my phone off for 2 hours everyday during the day to help with anxiety
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: johnes on April 26, 2019, 11:41:50 AM
There was a point where I had to go on medical leave from my job because my depression and anxiety attacks were so severe.
For a while I thought I was going to be like crippled by it and not be ever to hold a job again, I could barely leave the house, wasn’t skating.
But at the time I was so messed up it didn’t click as to why it was happening.
I have been taking cymbalta for like 10 years or so and this was 4/5 years ago. My doc suggested why don’t I just stop cold turkey and see how I do.
So I did and I was good for about a month.
But that’s when the attacks and major depression set it again. I could t even smoke weed any more without getting an anxiety attacks.

I went on medical leave for my job for 7 weeks and then started working again feeling better for a while but had a bit of a break down again and fully quit that job.
I eventually went back on cymbalta after a few months.
And started doing better but I started skipping days and taking my cymbalta 4/7 days a week and I declined again big time. Which of course was stupid of me to do that.

I’d say in the last 3 years my mental health has more or less been at an all time high, with cymbalta, weed, kratom, and skating being my regimen.
Def still have occasional bad panic days but they are far less often than that point.

Hope you find something that works for you OP.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JohnnySaintLethal on April 26, 2019, 11:55:04 AM
There was a point where I had to go on medical leave from my job because my depression and anxiety attacks were so severe.
For a while I thought I was going to be like crippled by it and not be ever to hold a job again, I could barely leave the house, wasn’t skating.
But at the time I was so messed up it didn’t click as to why it was happening.
I have been taking cymbalta for like 10 years or so and this was 4/5 years ago. My doc suggested why don’t I just stop cold turkey and see how I do.
So I did and I was good for about a month.
But that’s when the attacks and major depression set it again. I could t even smoke weed any more without getting an anxiety attacks.

I went on medical leave for my job for 7 weeks and then started working again feeling better for a while but had a bit of a break down again and fully quit that job.
I eventually went back on cymbalta after a few months.
And started doing better but I started skipping days and taking my cymbalta 4/7 days a week and I declined again big time. Which of course was stupid of me to do that.

I’d say in the last 3 years my mental health has more or less been at an all time high, with cymbalta, weed, kratom, and skating being my regimen.
Def still have occasional bad panic days but they are far less often than that point.

Hope you find something that works for you OP.

Definitely feel you on the mental breakdowns and work. Some days I can’t stand being at work just because I’m in the middle of a super low state, to the point where it affects my work and my mood around coworkers. I’ve gotten written up a few times over poor preformance and just had my boss be like “what’s up...” and I always just lie about something and am never straight up. I’ll spend days on days unmotivated laying in bed socially reclusive wanting to die etc. and then when that episode passes I’m good and I’ll see a spike in performance, outgoing,friendly again.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bagelskate on April 26, 2019, 12:19:47 PM
My anxiety toward being in public places that are crowded has grown as I’ve gotten older. That and if I’m around people who have a general hostile/abrasive attitude I can feel myself getting more and more anxious to the point where I implode and shut down.

Weed helps and it’s gotten easier to be slightly baked in public with edibles.

Closing my eyes and counting slow helps and controlled breathing.

Weed works wonders though
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JohnnySaintLethal on April 26, 2019, 12:38:44 PM
My anxiety toward being in public places that are crowded has grown as I’ve gotten older. That and if I’m around people who have a general hostile/abrasive attitude I can feel myself getting more and more anxious to the point where I implode and shut down.

Weed helps and it’s gotten easier to be slightly baked in public with edibles.

Closing my eyes and counting slow helps and controlled breathing.

Weed works wonders though

Weed never did it for me, only made my anxiety worse. My selfmedication of choice has always been alcohol and I relied on that pretty heavy for a few years drinking almost every day it was the only thing that was giving me a false sense of happiness and confidence. Just numbing or blocking my usual intrusive thoughts. I slowed that down a lot, but find myself going back down that route again it seems like sometimes.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on April 26, 2019, 01:57:26 PM
Mental issues are fun. I get to take home lots of goodies from the pharmacy. Sure it may take me an hour to ejaculate, but at least that means I get to pay attention to the plot of the porn because I'll be watching the whole thing through.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 26, 2019, 02:30:06 PM
  I get bad angziety but havent had it for a year, maybe cause im travelling.  (Funnelly enough when ive told people i get anciety they act really suprised) But i get angry with strangers to where i could be arrested on the street, but i dont even realize its fucking happening cause the onset is quick -(thats the crazy part). Parinoia a lil bit once and a while which can get destructive too.
  Life is an indulgence for me so no meds thanks but i do smoke weed so i might be being hypocritical. (This is the mental health thread so i feel its a shit spelling safe zone with no shaming)
  Im always really imfamous or 'popular' but at the same time 3 quarters of people keep an arms length going, as they sense my slight skitsophrenia.  I'll always have some strait gs that i roll with too tho, which can bring some of the arms length people over to the darkside cause they see me being a homie with cool people.  Maybe illusions of graduer too, who knows?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Spaghetti Croc69 on April 26, 2019, 02:38:39 PM
Ive always struggled with depression and anxiety. I was medicated in elementary school up through highschool and was kinda always in denial about it. As ive gotten older Ive begun to accept it. Then the semester before I was supposed to graduate I was poisoned by carbon monoxide and my mental health took a giant shit. It pretty broke me down completely to where I had no confidence and woke up everyday feeling hopeless as fuck. That happened in September and I didnt get it figured out until like two weeks ago. Finding a medication that works can be such a rough road. Dealing with side affects with no improvements at all. I ended up dropping two classes and barely held on to the other two. Im on four antidepressants right now but I think we finally found something that works so I can start to ween off a few of those. So my graduation was pushed back an entire year because of the whole ordeal but I feel happy again so fuck it. Dont ignore your mental health people. Take care of yourself.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: iKobrakai on April 26, 2019, 03:05:48 PM
Yeah, was pretty down as a kid, have very few good memories (not abused etc.), just plain sad. Dope and alcohol gave me a new hope, only to crash my life all the way down.

Sober and shit now and slowly rebuilding myself but some days are still a fucking disaster.

Best of luck to y'all and slow down on all the shit you put into your system, it probably does more harm than good.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: VHS ERA on April 26, 2019, 06:30:26 PM
Yea I’ve almost stopped using the word anxiety to describe what I was dealin with because when I hear people talk about their anxiety it sounds like something milder than why I had. Not to belittle anyone else struggle but I think my struggle years we’re more like panic disorder/near mental break down. Anyway, I’m cool now.

Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: VHS ERA on April 26, 2019, 06:35:07 PM
An old post about anxiety & panic:

Expand Quote
My wife has been having gnarly anxiety/ panic attacks for 3 days now. We have been to the ER, physician care, and she went to a crisis center last night... nothing seems to be helping. I’ve been doing all I can to help her but I’m getting exhausted as well. She stayed with her mom last night so I could rest up for work.. hopefully she starts feeling better soon.
Anyone have any tips for helping someone with these attacks?

Intense physical excercise, meditation, and educating yourself about what exactly panic/anxiety is.

I been through it to a severe extent and that was the trifecta for me.

Understand what’s going on in your brain when you have a panic attack (this was explained to me by a therapist btw I didn’t just figure it out). Your brain can fuck up like any other part of the body. It’s sending you extreme DANGER DANGER messages when it doesn’t need to be, and you can legit feel scared you’re gonna die right then even tho there is no threat.

When it’s new and you’re clueless it’s extra scary, the better you understand it the more you can not let it get the best of you, eventually kinda roll your eyes like “oh word, I’m dying again? I don’t believe you”

Another key thing is remembering that it will pass. It always does, every time, because nothings fucking happening or wrong. Your body doesn’t maintain that level adrenaline for too long. It goes up and comes down like a wave. Just wait it out. You remind her all this stuff when she’s in it. Watch something funny, make her laugh.

Start the day by running or kicking the shit outta yourself in the gym and it’s harder to get worked up like that. I lift weights and have muscles now purely as a result of the harshest time I went through.

Learn the basics of breathing techniques and meditation and do that in the mornings too. Hit me up if you want more advice. I got better without any drugs, which some lazy doctors may default to (no diss to those who decide they need psych drugs).
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 26, 2019, 06:36:53 PM
I've been battling with depression and anxiety for most of my life, but it was only a few years ago that it was given a name when I finally decided to give therapy a try. In no way is it a be all/end all, but if anyone reading this deals with mental health issues of any notoriety, I urge you to give it a try yourself.

Something I'm coming to terms with as I get older is that these feelings don't really go away. Relatively speaking, I have a pretty good life. I've made a lot of progress in my personal well being in the last two years after digging myself out of what was easily the lowest point of my life in 2016. I've got a lot going for me and I'm surrounded by lots of good things, but there are still days where I feel miserable and that the sky is falling. Oftentimes for no good reason. Rather than chipping away at things that would seemingly "cure" my depression, I've grown to accept that it's a part of my being and it likely will be for the rest of my life. Though one thing that gives me some semblance of power over it is the fact that it now has a name, versus all the times when I was younger when I felt paralyzed by dread and couldn't articulate why. I can feel when a day is "off" and can do things that'll make me feel better, or at least distance me from things that make me feel worse. The best analogy I've heard for depression is that it's like being in a footrace where everybody is on land and you're in various depths of water. Some days are easier to tread than others, and some days take more work to get through. But every day that you do make it through is a fucking victory.

I hope this rambling doesn't come off as too self-indulgent. I think this stuff is incredibly important to talk about, and it's only recently in my life where I've felt comfortable enough to participate in such dialogue.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on April 26, 2019, 07:41:39 PM
Yea I’ve almost stopped using the word anxiety to describe what I was dealin with because when I hear people talk about their anxiety it sounds like something milder than why I had. Not to belittle anyone else struggle but I think my struggle years we’re more like panic disorder/near mental break down. Anyway, I’m cool now.

Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights

Yep, 100%

Generalized anxiety disorder,  panic attacks and PTSD is a bad combo.

If I'm out in public and shit goes sideways, it's literally like I'm fighting for my life to get outta the situation

Lotsa things have helped for sure, but #1 is microdosing cannabis/psilocybin and lotsa excercise. Just burn energy as much as possible
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Larry Dallas on April 26, 2019, 08:10:02 PM
Weed does not help me at all. If I even get a little high, I want to jump out of my skin and run in to traffic.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: landedprimo on April 27, 2019, 12:56:56 AM
Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights

Definitely this. I'm no gym rat, but when I go to the gym, I work all that shit out. No longer angry, depressed, anxious. Even days that I go when I'm in pain, it seems to all go away.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on April 27, 2019, 08:34:08 AM

Less booze
More sleep
Lift weights

This stuff really helped me, too.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: I.C. Weiner on April 27, 2019, 02:58:07 PM
been told it's ptsd / depression / anxiety all my life, but didn't explain why im such an agro and why i ruin all my relationships.

turns out it's bpd. the diagnoses gives me closure, but im still a bastard to the people around me. seeing a girl for a week and we already need to take a break because of my shit.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: chris gentryfied on April 27, 2019, 04:04:16 PM
i get a nut check so that makes me able to diagnose and treat other people's mental health issues. my sister is schizophrenic and fat offa clozeral. i'm trying to wean her off them and benzos via yardwork. she's so damn lazy though!
my brother beat schizophrenia by lifting weights and suboxin. he has a job and an 18 yr old gf. he's doing well.
in my family history, it's schizophrenia, alcoholism, suicide and a higher than average number of homos. you think that's nature's way of dealing w/ overpopulation? who knows?
on a more serious note, Rusty was my boy and he had schizophrenia pretty bad. he was more functioning than a lot of people but he had voices and shit. he really dreaded these shots they gave him. they made it so he couldn't sweat, who knows what other side effects? it's hard to know what's the right thing to do, half my family is dead set on my sister staying on clozeral and benzos the rest of her life because we've seen her worse. but i remember when she was young, even post diagnosis, she was doing better. she'd get jobs, take classes, go to the bar and live an approximation of a normal life. [then go catatonic or smoke in bed and live in filth] so it's between going for it and maybe she gets institutionalized again or attempts suicide vs  knowing she's gonna be overweight and lethargic and unfulfilled but still hearing voices and smacking herself.
if she was mentally alright i'd say maybe the side effects are worth it but it's crap. and idk about Rusty either, maybe he only so functioning as he was behind the heavy medications? we're still in the dark ages and i tend to have a skeptical view of psychiatry and big pharma in general but i realize i view things through my prism.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bagelskate on April 27, 2019, 04:54:19 PM
Anyone try yoga to calm yourself? I think I’m going to give it a shot next week but the inner anxiety is making me doubt myself.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on April 27, 2019, 05:38:23 PM
Anyone on here deal with any issues regarding mental health? Depression, schizophrenic, bipolar, BPD, anxiety or anything else?

I’ve always thought I had just your run of the mill depression used to go to a therapist for a while, stopped going because I thought I was doing better, few years have passed since that and doing research I’ve come to the conclusion I might have bipolar 2. In the waiting process to see a professional to get a real diagnosis, and reaching out to a new therapist. Majorly frustrated with how a vast majority of psychiatrists don’t accept insurance and charge insane rates out of my price range. Pretty annoyed at that because a psychiatrist is the only one who can truly diagnose you and prescribe medication which I feel that I need because therapy alone wasn’t doing it for me. Hopefully I’ll find some info through my therapist who’s willing to help find shrinks that accept my insurance.

Curious to hear others struggles and what you do to maintain your mental health.
I have Schizoeffective disorder and ptsd from sexual trauma and abuse, I have never had a friend very long I can make them but maybe it's my own head but I push people away constantly. I hear voices and have had delusions and hear some shit every now and then I am on celexa and colonodine. I don't like the meds but it helps with bad times........ Skating is seldom but I do take breaks from meds by supplementing with weed.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JohnnySaintLethal on April 27, 2019, 09:27:44 PM
I created this just so people could talk which I’m glad people feel comfortable to share. Proud of you guys being able to share this stuff because it’s still stigmatized and it’s hard to talk about this stuff. One thing that helps me is talking in a casual environment. Keep this thread alive, no judgements in here, stay strong guys and girls of slap. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: GOKU on April 27, 2019, 10:13:32 PM
I'm on Cymbalta too Johnes! And shitloads of kratom obvi. I've been easing back into weed via vape pen, makes me way less anxious than smoking it. Smoking anything makes me way too jittery and sickly / makes my heart race. Been off cigarettes for a week, got a Juul and it honestly helped! Was surprised.

Anyhoo yeah, lots of chronic depression and anxiety. Always self medicating with various substances, but seem to have a good mix rn. Not too psyched on drinking at all anymore. Meeting with a psych for some hardcore neuropsych several hour long testing in a few weeks, gonna see if there's more than just general anxiety and depression (I believe there is). Hopefully diagnose my lamebrain better and find some good-ass medication and not stupid bunk antidepressants!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dr Hfuhruhurr on April 27, 2019, 10:24:37 PM
I’ve been off anti depressants for several years but Prozac worked wonders for me when I really needed it.

Tried Remeron for a few weeks and it literally made me hear voices and see things.  Like I would hear muffled conversations in the other room (couldnt make out exactly what was being said) and I’d walk into the other room and nobody was there.

I woke up one night and in the dark I saw a little girl standing at the foot of the bed staring at me and my lady.  She turned and ran and disappeared into the drapes.

Also made me binge eat.

So I don’t recommend Remeron even though it made my mood great.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: chris gentryfied on April 27, 2019, 10:50:23 PM
i'm more DIY about mental health and anything else but i took some mushrooms in 2016 and they convinced me to stop doing dope and help my ma pay her mortgage. then i gave some to my brother when he got out of jail for home invasion and tried to get him on the same page. he's thriving now so a lot of it is as stated by VHS or someone, eating right, drinking water, excercise and not taking poisons. just healthy living and getting away from the bad life will go a long ways. sometimes you need that epiphany and you could almost chalk up my mushroom stories to more drug talk except there's rich junkies paying big dollars to go to Peru and take ayuhasca w/ a medicine man.
w/out ingesting poisons or traumas to trigger your illness, you can live normal. some people take medicine for it, i'm wicked averse to it but don't listen to me. if you feel better, god bless. there's more than one road to Boston as they say.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: S. on April 28, 2019, 02:31:34 AM
i get a nut check so that makes me able to diagnose and treat other people's mental health issues. my sister is schizophrenic and fat offa clozeral. i'm trying to wean her off them and benzos via yardwork. she's so damn lazy though!
my brother beat schizophrenia by lifting weights and suboxin. he has a job and an 18 yr old gf. he's doing well.
in my family history, it's schizophrenia, alcoholism, suicide and a higher than average number of homos. you think that's nature's way of dealing w/ overpopulation? who knows?
on a more serious note, Rusty was my boy and he had schizophrenia pretty bad. he was more functioning than a lot of people but he had voices and shit. he really dreaded these shots they gave him. they made it so he couldn't sweat, who knows what other side effects? it's hard to know what's the right thing to do, half my family is dead set on my sister staying on clozeral and benzos the rest of her life because we've seen her worse. but i remember when she was young, even post diagnosis, she was doing better. she'd get jobs, take classes, go to the bar and live an approximation of a normal life. [then go catatonic or smoke in bed and live in filth] so it's between going for it and maybe she gets institutionalized again or attempts suicide vs  knowing she's gonna be overweight and lethargic and unfulfilled but still hearing voices and smacking herself.
if she was mentally alright i'd say maybe the side effects are worth it but it's crap. and idk about Rusty either, maybe he only so functioning as he was behind the heavy medications? we're still in the dark ages and i tend to have a skeptical view of psychiatry and big pharma in general but i realize i view things through my prism.

A friend of mine had a psychotic break from partying and taking drugs. He checked himself into a psychiatric hospital for a week. That was five years ago. He's been on different medications since and it is always really sad when I see him. The medicine made him really empty and zombified. Since he basicly does not feel anything when he's on the medicine and his energylevels are really low he's started drinking and taking drugs again. His liver is about to give out and he's really out of it when I see him. Pscychosis/Schizophrenia is so fucked up, because you can only treat it with medicine and the medicine that works seems to also take away most things that a pleasurable in life. I completely understand that being crazy, but feeling something might be a better option for some people than being fairly functionable, but feeling nothing at all.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on April 28, 2019, 04:11:12 AM
I’ve always dealt with depression/anxiety. Which is barely manageable considering how much I drink (down to 40 beers and a fifth of whiskey a week). I tried offing myself back when I was 17, drank a bunch of beers and took around 30 MucinexDMs hoping that i’d go out tripping or at least blissed out. A lot of my friends/family still think I just didnt understand that mixing those pills and alcohol would cause me too die (flatlined twice in the ambulance). But I knew exactly what I was doing. My folks still hold it against me which hurts. Ive only ever asked for money once but anytime I bring up financial trouble they hit me with “Were never giving you money after your stunt, you’ve costed us enough”. Its totally fair but that shit cuts deep. None of them want to acknowledge what actually happened unless they’re drunk. Then they just keep calling me a selfish coward. They aren’t exactly wrong but its still painful to hear from your family.

Sorry for the overshare.

A really good friend of mine who I never expected to suffer from depression once told me “You aren’t worthless and you need to stick around. You just have a chemical imbalance in your brain that’s trying to tell you otherwise. Don’t listen to that.”
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on April 28, 2019, 05:55:02 AM
Anyone try yoga to calm yourself?

Yeah, man. I also think it has made me stronger and more flexible overall. I just follow along with youtube videos, though. I could probably benefit from going to a class.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 28, 2019, 06:15:22 AM
I’ve always dealt with depression/anxiety. Which is barely manageable considering how much I drink (down to 40 beers and a fifth of whiskey a week). I tried offing myself back when I was 17, drank a bunch of beers and took around 30 MucinexDMs hoping that i’d go out tripping or at least blissed out. A lot of my friends/family still think I just didnt understand that mixing those pills and alcohol would cause me too die (flatlined twice in the ambulance). But I knew exactly what I was doing. My folks still hold it against me which hurts. Ive only ever asked for money once but anytime I bring up financial trouble they hit me with “Were never giving you money after your stunt, you’ve costed us enough”. Its totally fair but that shit cuts deep. None of them want to acknowledge what actually happened unless they’re drunk. Then they just keep calling me a selfish coward. They aren’t exactly wrong but its still painful to hear from your family.

Sorry for the overshare.

A really good friend of mine who I never expected to suffer from depression once told me “You aren’t worthless and you need to stick around. You just have a chemical imbalance in your brain that’s trying to tell you otherwise. Don’t listen to that.”
  Fuck ur family.  They sound like cocks dude.  I hope good things for you and from ur post it sounds like you def have the potential ( cept for the booze intake)  just believe its possible.   Thats a sincere/hopefully not too wack pep talk. Good luck.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on April 28, 2019, 06:45:28 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bagelskate on April 28, 2019, 06:52:44 AM
Expand Quote
Anyone try yoga to calm yourself?

Yeah, man. I also think it has made me stronger and more flexible overall. I just follow along with youtube videos, though. I could probably benefit from going to a class.

Thanks man. I’m gonna give it a shot
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on April 28, 2019, 07:31:36 AM
Expand Quote
I’ve always dealt with depression/anxiety. Which is barely manageable considering how much I drink (down to 40 beers and a fifth of whiskey a week). I tried offing myself back when I was 17, drank a bunch of beers and took around 30 MucinexDMs hoping that i’d go out tripping or at least blissed out. A lot of my friends/family still think I just didnt understand that mixing those pills and alcohol would cause me too die (flatlined twice in the ambulance). But I knew exactly what I was doing. My folks still hold it against me which hurts. Ive only ever asked for money once but anytime I bring up financial trouble they hit me with “Were never giving you money after your stunt, you’ve costed us enough”. Its totally fair but that shit cuts deep. None of them want to acknowledge what actually happened unless they’re drunk. Then they just keep calling me a selfish coward. They aren’t exactly wrong but its still painful to hear from your family.

Sorry for the overshare.

A really good friend of mine who I never expected to suffer from depression once told me “You aren’t worthless and you need to stick around. You just have a chemical imbalance in your brain that’s trying to tell you otherwise. Don’t listen to that.”
  Fuck ur family.  They sound like cocks dude.  I hope good things for you and from ur post it sounds like you def have the potential ( cept for the booze intake)  just believe its possible.   Thats a sincere/hopefully not too wack pep talk. Good luck.

They aren’t as bad as im painting them out to be but yeah it can be gnarly. I appreciate the good words and im weaning off the alcohol slowly.

Compared to alot of people I probably have amazing parents.

Im just the odd one in the family that would like to just be dead and done with it all.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Luddite on April 28, 2019, 09:35:38 AM
Anyone have any experience with treating some of these issues with mushrooms? I've read about them having significant benefits but it also seems risky.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on April 28, 2019, 11:00:38 AM
If you don't experience anxiety, depression, and paranoia in today's social climate you are probably braindead. Trippin over these natural feelings probably just makes them worse.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Joclo on April 28, 2019, 02:03:54 PM
Dealt with panic disorder, major depressive disorder and PTSD for the last two decades. I've always tried to hide it and have friends but its fuckin draining. I don't take anything for it (tried all kinds of shit) but if I could take oxy or heroin without consequences I think Id be happier. When I was prescribed oxy I was a pretty happy dude and much easier to be around. Thats no bullshit either.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: chris gentryfied on April 28, 2019, 02:56:55 PM
to Ned Ludd, i mentioned on the other page but i used mushrooms to kick dope and prescribed some to my little brother. you gotta go through the dark to hit the light so if you don't let the mushrooms tell you why you suck and how to change it, you never will. in comparison to the dark ages or holodomor or potato genocide or WW2 or great depression or any other time in history, we've got it pretty easy.
media will spook you but we're not doing that fucking bad ergo our problems are in our head. trust, i say this from my experience too, i overdosed over 10 x in my heyday, puked in my own lungs on a portland sidewalk, aspirated, just courted death wicked hard. i couldn't see ahead too well but i will say, you hit 30 almost ironically. then you hit 40 and it's all a gas.
mushrooms will put you up on game but it's up to you to adapt your behaviors.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 28, 2019, 05:06:21 PM
Ya know people have ideas about how things came to be. But i wonder how integral conditions labeled as shcitsoprenia and the like have been to humankinds survival,well being, happieness and advancement (or possibly destruction).  If ssris get so good and all the visions and voices get wiped away that make up a part of mass conciousness (visions and voices that have been there since ever since) -that would be like playing god with our natural development in at least one sense, no?   Like, who or what's really sick here?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on April 28, 2019, 05:28:53 PM
to Ned Ludd, i mentioned on the other page but i used mushrooms to kick dope and prescribed some to my little brother. you gotta go through the dark to hit the light so if you don't let the mushrooms tell you why you suck and how to change it, you never will. in comparison to the dark ages or holodomor or potato genocide or WW2 or great depression or any other time in history, we've got it pretty easy.
media will spook you but we're not doing that fucking bad ergo our problems are in our head. trust, i say this from my experience too, i overdosed over 10 x in my heyday, puked in my own lungs on a portland sidewalk, aspirated, just courted death wicked hard. i couldn't see ahead too well but i will say, you hit 30 almost ironically. then you hit 40 and it's all a gas.
mushrooms will put you up on game but it's up to you to adapt your behaviors.

This is pretty spot on.

Just doing mushrooms isnt really gonna change shit. You need to be prepped for a altercation with yourself as to why your blowing it, and go in with a gameplan. Because mushrooms will kick your ass if you aren't prepared to change and own up. It's like getting called out on every shitty thing you've ever done in your life all at once.

Now keep in mind I'm talking about some "heroic" dosages here.

3 grams isnt likely to change your life, but 5-7 grams probably will

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: thomas kook on April 29, 2019, 05:35:06 PM
i shed a few tears reading this thread i'm sorry

it's very late and i've been feeling unwell but for some reason knowing that my fellow talkers about skateboarding online go through the same stuff really makes a difference somehow. i
obviously didn't start this thread but i still want to say i really appreciate every one of you who shared their story and i hope we can all hang around and enjoy at least some of the things in life. i really hope so
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: busey on April 29, 2019, 06:00:22 PM
if anyone here, poster or lurkers, needs someone to talk to - don't hesitate to hit up my inbox.
always down to listen and talk it out.

mental health is no joke. take care of yourself bros.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on April 29, 2019, 06:51:10 PM
As heavy of a subject mental health can be, I think it's cool that there's a space like this where there's so many folks willing to open up about their struggles. Even if it is on a skateboarding forum where most of us don't actually know each other.

Whether it means anything to anyone or not, my inbox is also open if anyone wants to talk. Even if you just need to get stuff off your chest and have someone just hear it. You're not alone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JohnnySaintLethal on April 29, 2019, 07:43:43 PM
The therapist I emailed hasn’t gotten back to me in 5 days now and I’m kinda bummed about that.

I’m thinking about going to just a primary care doctor and asking them for help. I haven’t had a doctor in years. ever since I was off my parents insurance I never bothered to find a doctor. Even while I was on th one I went to as a kid closed when I was like 16. So I haven’t been to a doctor in a long ass time. If something’s fucked up I just go to an urgent care.

I feel like they would at least be able to point me in the direction of a psych that will either accept my insurance or care for me there, not sure.

I’ve been just raw dogging depression/anxiety for at least 10 years and possibly bipolar for the last 3 from what I’ve gathered on it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on April 29, 2019, 09:30:32 PM
Even though I've got issues myself, I'm always game to talk too.

Sometimes its nice to have an ear from someone that understands from a similar prospective/experience


Not even fuckin joking. Since this shalom started on slap, the wife and I use it to calm each other down when were wound up

Slap heals, shalom saves
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 30, 2019, 01:33:06 AM
Dealt with panic disorder, major depressive disorder and PTSD for the last two decades. I've always tried to hide it and have friends but its fuckin draining. I don't take anything for it (tried all kinds of shit) but if I could take oxy or heroin without consequences I think Id be happier. When I was prescribed oxy I was a pretty happy dude and much easier to be around. Thats no bullshit either.
  Wow you sound like a junky just b4 they turn into a junky.   Fuck 'oxy' dude, get a grip! Edit im just TRYING to be harsh to save you in case ur slipping into opiates my guy.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Black Frycook on April 30, 2019, 02:21:15 AM
I've been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember. It's fucking debilitating at times but lately I've been trying to find healthy ways to cope instead of just chugging brews and smoking blunts all day. Living a healthier lifestyle has helped me tremendously but I still have bad days. Anyone reading this who struggles with any kind of mental health problems just know you're not alone. Shalom
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on April 30, 2019, 05:54:15 AM
  Wow i just met a woman from England who i think was working well paid actress or somthing along those lines who then turned into a black out drunk on the streets.  Shes now an addiction therapist an i could have listened to her the whole afternoon.  Anyway the thing in the world she thinks is the most insane is mediocracy, from the impression i got from her it was easy to belive.  I told her it felt like i had met royalty.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: chris gentryfied on April 30, 2019, 05:58:50 PM
my gf diagnosed me w/ narcissistic personality. thinks that's why i take unpopular stands and argue them to the detriment of relationships. i said enough about that, do i look good in this hat?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on May 03, 2019, 05:05:38 PM
yeah today I had a decent day, no real bad thoughts. I know when others read my bs threads it seems I've got a shitload screw's loose however it is a good writing exercise of both wit and ir

there's not a day I don't think about ending it, not because I am selfish it just sucks when idle thought's worm in your mind and create self doubt (no matter what anyone has said it has been ingrained since time I could remember). some would say get a job yeah I do have one and it sucks when you are working and next hing you know you've blanked out 2 hours of your day.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Joclo on May 03, 2019, 06:01:58 PM
Expand Quote
Dealt with panic disorder, major depressive disorder and PTSD for the last two decades. I've always tried to hide it and have friends but its fuckin draining. I don't take anything for it (tried all kinds of shit) but if I could take oxy or heroin without consequences I think Id be happier. When I was prescribed oxy I was a pretty happy dude and much easier to be around. Thats no bullshit either.
  Wow you sound like a junky just b4 they turn into a junky.   Fuck 'oxy' dude, get a grip! Edit im just TRYING to be harsh to save you in case ur slipping into opiates my guy.

Good look dude. I appreciate it
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on May 10, 2019, 01:12:31 PM
Anybody here fuck with electroconvulsive therapy? My psychiatrist is telling me that I should go for it. If anyone has done ECT please tell me about your experience.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 10, 2019, 01:39:19 PM
i'm more DIY about mental health and anything else but i took some mushrooms in 2016 and they convinced me to stop doing dope and help my ma pay her mortgage. then i gave some to my brother when he got out of jail for home invasion and tried to get him on the same page. he's thriving now so a lot of it is as stated by VHS or someone, eating right, drinking water, excercise and not taking poisons. just healthy living and getting away from the bad life will go a long ways. sometimes you need that epiphany and you could almost chalk up my mushroom stories to more drug talk except there's rich junkies paying big dollars to go to Peru and take ayuhasca w/ a medicine man.
w/out ingesting poisons or traumas to trigger your illness, you can live normal. some people take medicine for it, i'm wicked averse to it but don't listen to me. if you feel better, god bless. there's more than one road to Boston as they say.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 10, 2019, 02:05:51 PM
Chris Gentrified why can’t I send pm you
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: tension on May 10, 2019, 02:19:16 PM
Ive had crippling anxiety since I can remember. I have a xanex prescription but i try to only use it if im in a car for long or a plane. Ive fought depression on an off for the past 10 years and finally saw for help with it almost a year ago. I was crying non stopped and couldnt predict how bad it would be and when. Ive been taking Lexapro for the past 8 months and it was the best decision ive ever made. Could have hoestly saved my life.

Every morning i struggle with a panic attack (or anytime im leaving my apartment honestly) but i have some weird ways to get me out of the door and usually stay calm.

1- i sit on the toilet and try to poop. If or if i dont poop isnt even the point, it just the fact i tried that eases my mind so i dont have to worry about shitting my pants or something insane that wouldnt happen anyway. No idea why but in my 27 years, its a habit i stress out over the thought of doing away with. Somehow im engaged, because yeah pooping all of the time somehow doesn't impress girls much.

2- i have an app called Headspace. Its mediation and breathing techniques. I only use this mid panic attack or if i have alot to do in the morning and feel overwhelmed the night of.

3- CBD. i used cbd every morning and can honestly feel the difference.

4- Ice bonggggggg. Doesn't have to be an ice bong, but i smoke to ease my mind at night just because i stress out so much its a good way to just knock myself out.

5- Talk about how i feel. In the past i was more awkward than i am currently somehow and thats because i would lie about my anxiety, weird fear of simple things and depression. Im overly annoying now to my friends about how i feel and it takes all of the pressure of having to seem normal off.

6- familiar cologne. Suppppper weird, but i find good scents as a way to bring me back to the ground when i start getting carried away with anxiety. just a random whiff of a shirt with a good sent on it can sometimes pull me out of whatever funk i was in.

7- Not drinking/ eating better. I fuck this one up constantly, but if my depression worsens after a night of drinking or eating like a dumpster i can usually calm myself down and bring the attention to the fact its a result of the night before and that im not just bugging out for no reason. Still sucks, but knowing why your in a funk is always a plus.

8- I started going to the gym to lose some weight before my wedding next year and im surprising myself with how relaxing running or lifting could be. Ive also gotten super into painting. Pretty much just expanding hobbies and trying weird projects I can do on my own out.

Im sure theres more, but its cool to try to remind your self everyone is a freak and we all do weird things to get by.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: tension on May 10, 2019, 02:21:31 PM
ive also bailed from social media for over the past month and i can say though super out of the loop, its super refreshing and calming to not have something to do every god damn second. I have WAY more free time than i could even wrap my head around. Its gross how often i was on my phone. I try to paint or skate daily for a little longer in replacement for lack of instagram.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 10, 2019, 02:26:18 PM
Anybody here fuck with electroconvulsive therapy? My psychiatrist is telling me that I should go for it. If anyone has done ECT please tell me about your experience.

My grand father said he enjoyed it. He was trying to take his own life a lot.
It’s a problem in my family across the board.

He said it felt as good as sex and it had positive effects up into his late 80s.
In his late 80s he became very paranoid. I was one of the people to visit him daily.

He was my best friend and he supported my skating visited me in prison the hospital and helped me learn to walk again when I was 21.
He also after the treatments would buy me paint and ask me to do a piece at the legal wall. He was close to 70.

The treatments made him not less racist too
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: tension on May 10, 2019, 02:31:10 PM
Anyones seasonal allergies intensify depression/ have any good leads on how to make that chill the fuck out? God damn some mornings in the spring/ summer are almost impossible.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on May 11, 2019, 03:03:27 AM
Anyones seasonal allergies intensify depression/ have any good leads on how to make that chill the fuck out? God damn some mornings in the spring/ summer are almost impossible.
Yeah dude. On top of the nonstop runny nose that I have all year, during this time I have a terrible cough at night which makes it harder to sleep. The sleep apnea doesn't help either. Straight up, breathing, laying down, and sleeping are actual burdens for me. When I'm not working, I'm still fucking working. Holy shit, I hate everything. Why the fuck did I have to be born? I gotta man up and off myself already. I should go take out the biggest loan I can get, quit my job, go on a trip to Thailand, bang hookers, do drugs, come back home, buy a gun and end it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 11, 2019, 04:23:01 AM
Expand Quote
Anyones seasonal allergies intensify depression/ have any good leads on how to make that chill the fuck out? God damn some mornings in the spring/ summer are almost impossible.
Yeah dude. On top of the nonstop runny nose that I have all year, during this time I have a terrible cough at night which makes it harder to sleep. The sleep apnea doesn't help either. Straight up, breathing, laying down, and sleeping are actual burdens for me. When I'm not working, I'm still fucking working. Holy shit, I hate everything. Why the fuck did I have to be born? I gotta man up and off myself already. I should go take out the biggest loan I can get, quit my job, go on a trip to Thailand, bang hookers, do drugs, come back home, buy a gun and end it.

Shit.  uh.  Thats gonna mess with others tho.  I hope you live ur life out and have special moments to come.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: swanronson on May 11, 2019, 05:39:02 AM
Didn’t know this thread existed, good on you for bringing these issues up, some people have no idea.

About 2 years ago my dad died of a massive stroke right in front of me and I couldn’t do shit to help him. Always had anxiety/depression to some degree but this experience kicked it to a whole new level and I ended up being diagnosed with PTSD. Constant stress and trying to look after everyone around me except myself led to multiple issues I’ve been trying to sort out. The psych I saw said my score for the mental health test was so low it was impacting my immune system. I already had to take off 4 months off skating right when my dad died due to a torn muscle on my hip, then a couple of months later I started get crazy stomach pains/diarrhoea 24/7 which lasted about 6 months, this shit was crippling. Had 2 weeks free of that and then I had a bout of chronic sinusitis which I’ve been dealing with since, just had surgery on my nose a few days ago. On top of all this everything got too much at work and I snapped and quit because I was having panic attacks about my health and random shit everyday, plus a few trips to the ER with what I thought were heart attacks which were just panic attacks.

 Trying my best to get through this guys but it’s so damn hard, all I want to do is get out there and skate my ass off before I really can’t do it anymore (I’m 31). I’ve thought about ending it so much but I could never bring myself to do it to my Mum, she has lost my Dad and I think it would be so unfair to do that again to her...
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on May 11, 2019, 08:20:39 AM
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Anyones seasonal allergies intensify depression/ have any good leads on how to make that chill the fuck out? God damn some mornings in the spring/ summer are almost impossible.
Yeah dude. On top of the nonstop runny nose that I have all year, during this time I have a terrible cough at night which makes it harder to sleep. The sleep apnea doesn't help either. Straight up, breathing, laying down, and sleeping are actual burdens for me. When I'm not working, I'm still fucking working. Holy shit, I hate everything. Why the fuck did I have to be born? I gotta man up and off myself already. I should go take out the biggest loan I can get, quit my job, go on a trip to Thailand, bang hookers, do drugs, come back home, buy a gun and end it.

Tension: I take loratadine (I believe it's generic claritin) every day, even if I'm not feeling the allergies. I generally take it at night so I don't wake up congested. I also got one of those nealmed sinus rinse bottles, and I find that helps reduce blockage/sinus pressure. Make sure to use distilled water, or else it burns.

Horseman: When did you find out about your sleep apnea? Are you receiving treatment?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: blurst_of_times on May 11, 2019, 08:28:31 AM
Anybody here fuck with electroconvulsive therapy? My psychiatrist is telling me that I should go for it. If anyone has done ECT please tell me about your experience.
I haven't had it but I have a friend who's having it done to him today. I'll let you know how he feels afterwards
Edit: my bad, it's electromagnetic therapy which involves three big magnets. Or is that what ECT is?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: shucknjive on May 11, 2019, 08:33:07 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on May 11, 2019, 08:45:06 AM
Didn’t know this thread existed, good on you for bringing these issues up, some people have no idea.

About 2 years ago my dad died of a massive stroke right in front of me and I couldn’t do shit to help him. Always had anxiety/depression to some degree but this experience kicked it to a whole new level and I ended up being diagnosed with PTSD. Constant stress and trying to look after everyone around me except myself led to multiple issues I’ve been trying to sort out. The psych I saw said my score for the mental health test was so low it was impacting my immune system. I already had to take off 4 months off skating right when my dad died due to a torn muscle on my hip, then a couple of months later I started get crazy stomach pains/diarrhoea 24/7 which lasted about 6 months, this shit was crippling. Had 2 weeks free of that and then I had a bout of chronic sinusitis which I’ve been dealing with since, just had surgery on my nose a few days ago. On top of all this everything got too much at work and I snapped and quit because I was having panic attacks about my health and random shit everyday, plus a few trips to the ER with what I thought were heart attacks which were just panic attacks.

 Trying my best to get through this guys but it’s so damn hard, all I want to do is get out there and skate my ass off before I really can’t do it anymore (I’m 31). I’ve thought about ending it so much but I could never bring myself to do it to my Mum, she has lost my Dad and I think it would be so unfair to do that again to her...

I can relate to your story. I have no valuable insight, but I hope things improve. I also hope you are able to have some time to rest and heal since quitting your job.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: swanronson on May 11, 2019, 10:07:16 PM
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Didn’t know this thread existed, good on you for bringing these issues up, some people have no idea.

About 2 years ago my dad died of a massive stroke right in front of me and I couldn’t do shit to help him. Always had anxiety/depression to some degree but this experience kicked it to a whole new level and I ended up being diagnosed with PTSD. Constant stress and trying to look after everyone around me except myself led to multiple issues I’ve been trying to sort out. The psych I saw said my score for the mental health test was so low it was impacting my immune system. I already had to take off 4 months off skating right when my dad died due to a torn muscle on my hip, then a couple of months later I started get crazy stomach pains/diarrhoea 24/7 which lasted about 6 months, this shit was crippling. Had 2 weeks free of that and then I had a bout of chronic sinusitis which I’ve been dealing with since, just had surgery on my nose a few days ago. On top of all this everything got too much at work and I snapped and quit because I was having panic attacks about my health and random shit everyday, plus a few trips to the ER with what I thought were heart attacks which were just panic attacks.

 Trying my best to get through this guys but it’s so damn hard, all I want to do is get out there and skate my ass off before I really can’t do it anymore (I’m 31). I’ve thought about ending it so much but I could never bring myself to do it to my Mum, she has lost my Dad and I think it would be so unfair to do that again to her...

I can relate to your story. I have no valuable insight, but I hope things improve. I also hope you are able to have some time to rest and heal since quitting your job.

Thanks mate, I’ve had 5 weeks off so far and seem to be improving slowly. Probably the best decision I could have made I think. Hoping I can start skating again soon as that will make a world of difference.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on May 19, 2019, 02:58:46 AM
Considering going back to a counselor. It’s expensive and I don’t have much money but maybe it’s the right thing to do.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: buttchin on May 19, 2019, 04:39:47 AM
I'm a high-functioning schizophrenic according to my therapist, who I haven't seen in months due to my health insurance changes. I had my first really bad episode of psychosis in 2013 when I was 20, which was exactly identical to the recollection Paul Alexander told in his vice documentary @6:21
Broke up with a long-term girlfriend and entered a state of depression/isolation for months, on top of staying up a lot of nights trying to get good grades at uni to put myself through med school. Then all of a sudden, shit just hit the fan and I got this disoriented belief that the FBI or CIA were after me. I was hallucinating and seeing the words in skate magazines and textbooks morphing into words that were saying things like "you're worthless/we're watching you" as well as being delusional and feeling like everyone was out to get me. I was super manic to the point where my brother, who was living with me at the time, had noticed my odd behavior and immediately called my mom to fly up ASAP to admit me to a psych ward. I stayed for a week and was diagnosed as schizoaffective. Was on a cocktail of meds that sedated the fuck out of me as well as made me so uncoordinated I couldn't even balance on a skateboard, on top of gaining 30 pounds in the span of 2 months from medication side affects.
I convinced my psychiatrist to take me off meds because I was doing better and thought it was just a brief episode of psychosis and nothing more, but then in 2017, I started feeling paranoid and delusional again and contemplated suicide because I had this delusion that everyone including my friends/roommates were trying to plot against me.
I went to numerous psychiatrists that allowed my health insurance to get a second opinion on my diagnosis and they all told me I have schizophrenia, not schizoaffective. One really good psychiatrist though recommended for me to go to out-patient group therapy and it honestly helped me a ton. Checking in about your feelings to complete strangers who are in the same situation if not worse really helped me to feel less isolated and opened me up to discuss my personal demons as well as get professional/helpful anonymous feedback from people who are willing to help/have been in the same situation.

Mental health is so tough and there's still a stigma behind it, but pals, don't be afraid to get help
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 19, 2019, 09:28:43 AM
I'm a high-functioning schizophrenic according to my therapist, who I haven't seen in months due to my health insurance changes. I had my first really bad episode of psychosis in 2013 when I was 20, which was exactly identical to the recollection Paul Alexander told in his vice documentary @6:21
Broke up with a long-term girlfriend and entered a state of depression/isolation for months, on top of staying up a lot of nights trying to get good grades at uni to put myself through med school. Then all of a sudden, shit just hit the fan and I got this disoriented belief that the FBI or CIA were after me. I was hallucinating and seeing the words in skate magazines and textbooks morphing into words that were saying things like "you're worthless/we're watching you" as well as being delusional and feeling like everyone was out to get me. I was super manic to the point where my brother, who was living with me at the time, had noticed my odd behavior and immediately called my mom to fly up ASAP to admit me to a psych ward. I stayed for a week and was diagnosed as schizoaffective. Was on a cocktail of meds that sedated the fuck out of me as well as made me so uncoordinated I couldn't even balance on a skateboard, on top of gaining 30 pounds in the span of 2 months from medication side affects.
I convinced my psychiatrist to take me off meds because I was doing better and thought it was just a brief episode of psychosis and nothing more, but then in 2017, I started feeling paranoid and delusional again and contemplated suicide because I had this delusion that everyone including my friends/roommates were trying to plot against me.
I went to numerous psychiatrists that allowed my health insurance to get a second opinion on my diagnosis and they all told me I have schizophrenia, not schizoaffective. One really good psychiatrist though recommended for me to go to out-patient group therapy and it honestly helped me a ton. Checking in about your feelings to complete strangers who are in the same situation if not worse really helped me to feel less isolated and opened me up to discuss my personal demons as well as get professional/helpful anonymous feedback from people who are willing to help/have been in the same situation.

Mental health is so tough and there's still a stigma behind it, but pals, don't be afraid to get help
  I think your in a group that is ultra real. If i woke up to a world without anybody different anywhere, id be fucked and want to give up.  But you guys provide the world the concept of invention. Maybe its a burdon.  I think schizophrenia would have worked in the hunter gatherer times.  People were happier/healthier then and life expectancy stats from those days gets skewed by infant mortalty rates to make modern medical science and drug companies look good.  Youd be a shaman or a warrior guided by visions, leader of the tribe.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Jordan Wiens on May 19, 2019, 11:04:03 AM

trying to find as many natural cures as possible. testing out cbd pills instead of effexor now and doing a lot of research on alternative medicine. i have a panic disorder that was heightened by post concussion syndrome and will have insomnia randomly for sometimes up to 5 days with only a couple hours each (last night i went to bed at 11 and fell asleep at 5am). depression comes along with it, and is harder being in canada with the rough winters, but im trying everything i can! even did a 3 days water fast and lost 20 pounds! will be doing another longer one soon but with a pre-diet this time and supplements instead of what was just himilayan salt and distilled water.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: aliexpress on May 19, 2019, 12:20:21 PM
Anyone try yoga to calm yourself? I think I’m going to give it a shot next week but the inner anxiety is making me doubt myself.

yea yoga is cool. also stretching reduces injury. try going to an actual ashram instead of one of those white mom of 3 yoga places. ashrams focus more on total relaxation & breathing than weird jock muscle shit like the other ones
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gaunt on May 19, 2019, 06:29:57 PM
I had bad panic attacks growing up skating in Huntington Beach in the 90s. I dropped out of school over it. Luckily I got a computer and taught myself to code, and now i do that for a living making (since i couldn't pursue trying to be a pro skater because of not being able to travel, etc.).

So definitely hang in there. I didn't ever smoke weed or take prescriptions, I wanted to be clean because of parents doing drugs. What helped me the most was stopping eating all the junk food - seriously, cut waaay back on things like soda and sugar and fast food.  I don't eat perfect, but cutting back on caffeine and stuff goes a long way. Most of my anxiety was caused from not feeling good from eating like crap, which caused me to feel uncomfortable in my own skin, especially from ages 16-23 when i was out skating all day and not getting proper nutrition.

Some other things helped: Listening to calm music, chilling out (grew up in a stressful environment), which meant changing some of the "friends" i had to more chill people. Getting enough sleep (i used to stay up ALL night). And finally, getting a job and gaining some independence REALLY made a huge difference. And definitely learn how to breathe from your diaphragm not your chest.

I'm in my 40s one now and care about fitness and can still skate like i was 22 (mostly) because i take care of my body. If i slip on those things it gets worse. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. We're all human in human bodies and have to abide by its needs or suffer the consequences.

If that doesn't help you, just talk to someone. I didn't really get depression with mine so this advice might only be _part_ of the solution. There's no shame in taking meds, i just didn't need/want to personally.  Good luck everyone.
what were the symptoms you typically experienced during your panic attacks if you don't mind me asking? i have a friend who gets them occasionally and I was with him when just out of nowhere he jolted upwards and ran for the nearest door to exit the room, then was hunched over while panting heavily, trying to catch his breath with his hand on his chest. can't forget that look of sheer terror on his face just come over him so suddenly. it was pretty frightening to watch it happen.

sounds like you're doing pretty well all things considered, what language(s) do you work in?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Spaghetti Croc69 on May 20, 2019, 07:45:32 AM
Considering going back to a counselor. It’s expensive and I don’t have much money but maybe it’s the right thing to do.

See if you can find somewhere with a sliding scale. Best of luck player.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on May 20, 2019, 03:42:45 PM
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Considering going back to a counselor. It’s expensive and I don’t have much money but maybe it’s the right thing to do.

See if you can find somewhere with a sliding scale. Best of luck player.

Cheers mate just found one near my place that has it. I need it badly. Life’s been brutal lately.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: poor alice on May 20, 2019, 04:08:41 PM
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Anyone try yoga to calm yourself?

Yeah, man. I also think it has made me stronger and more flexible overall. I just follow along with youtube videos, though. I could probably benefit from going to a class.

Classes are good, I used to go to a beginner's / chilled one on a Sunday morning and felt goddam unbelievable during and after. But seriously if you follow an audio visual guide vid for about an hour of Yoga you will get the same benefit (minus the social anxiety I got from being in a room full of mostly females and being one of only 2 males there).

I've been having some of my lowest moods ever over the last few weeks and I can't help but feel that it's partially because after accepting and admitting that I'm probably transsexual to myself and others. It's liberating and it feels good to present myself more how I want to but goddam if my dysphoric feelings haven't intensified alongside my fears of being alone / never truly happy since being open about that.

Skateboarding is fucking with me these days. On the one hand I've had some of the best BEST sessions ever and been progressing over the last year but I worry about being at the skatepark and being fucking focused by others on because of my dress sense / lack of an appearance that allows me to be easily gendered.
Actually fuck that im done talking about this for now
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Gnarwhal on May 20, 2019, 05:08:17 PM
I'm bipolar.  Luckily it's not bad enough to the point of majorly interfering with my day-to-day life.  I've been on lithium for the past year or so, but before that my depressive episodes following the mania were horrific.  I was really scared to start lithium being aware of the zombie sort of trope, however I have found that doesn't really alter my personality whatsoever.  It just limits my extremes it seems.   Since starting lithium I definitely have manic episodes, but nothing to the point of worry.  Now, when I'm manic my skating is really on point, I get a shit ton of music recorded, and I don't find myself hating everything when I come down. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SirPizzaSlayer on May 21, 2019, 09:10:22 PM
My dad had Bipolar 2 and had recently died from a opioid overdose. I got evaluated in 2016 for confirmed depression and it got so bad that I was having mental break downs all most everyday. At this time in my life I was living in a group home and was pretty much kicked out my grandparents house. I’d also have been battling with my sexuality and personality for quite some time. If I were to describe that time to people I’d say it was all in black and white. Everything had no color in it and made life so horrible. It got so bad that I threatened others and got sent to a ward for a night. It’s something I’m ashamed of.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on May 22, 2019, 04:28:49 AM
I think a lot of people's mental health issues stem from having nowhere to direct their completely justified anger. stoning politicians lawyers and ceos to death would probably serve as a mass healing for millions
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 22, 2019, 05:54:33 AM
I think a lot of people's mental health issues stem from having nowhere to direct their completely justified anger. stoning politicians lawyers and ceos to death would probably serve as a mass healing for millions
You got it all wrong.  Its the  public that has always demanded that we have these villians, the public would accept no less.  Who the 'villian' is dosent matter.  This situation is of our doing, there is no 'them'. Also what ur suggesting is mad.
  To quote Sid Vicious, when he was asked, "what about the man in the street?",  -Sid replied, "Ive met the man in the street and hes a cunt."
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on May 22, 2019, 06:24:38 AM
ok person
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on May 22, 2019, 06:30:35 AM
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I'm a high-functioning schizophrenic according to my therapist, who I haven't seen in months due to my health insurance changes. I had my first really bad episode of psychosis in 2013 when I was 20, which was exactly identical to the recollection Paul Alexander told in his vice documentary @6:21
Broke up with a long-term girlfriend and entered a state of depression/isolation for months, on top of staying up a lot of nights trying to get good grades at uni to put myself through med school. Then all of a sudden, shit just hit the fan and I got this disoriented belief that the FBI or CIA were after me. I was hallucinating and seeing the words in skate magazines and textbooks morphing into words that were saying things like "you're worthless/we're watching you" as well as being delusional and feeling like everyone was out to get me. I was super manic to the point where my brother, who was living with me at the time, had noticed my odd behavior and immediately called my mom to fly up ASAP to admit me to a psych ward. I stayed for a week and was diagnosed as schizoaffective. Was on a cocktail of meds that sedated the fuck out of me as well as made me so uncoordinated I couldn't even balance on a skateboard, on top of gaining 30 pounds in the span of 2 months from medication side affects.
I convinced my psychiatrist to take me off meds because I was doing better and thought it was just a brief episode of psychosis and nothing more, but then in 2017, I started feeling paranoid and delusional again and contemplated suicide because I had this delusion that everyone including my friends/roommates were trying to plot against me.
I went to numerous psychiatrists that allowed my health insurance to get a second opinion on my diagnosis and they all told me I have schizophrenia, not schizoaffective. One really good psychiatrist though recommended for me to go to out-patient group therapy and it honestly helped me a ton. Checking in about your feelings to complete strangers who are in the same situation if not worse really helped me to feel less isolated and opened me up to discuss my personal demons as well as get professional/helpful anonymous feedback from people who are willing to help/have been in the same situation.

Mental health is so tough and there's still a stigma behind it, but pals, don't be afraid to get help
  I think your in a group that is ultra real. If i woke up to a world without anybody different anywhere, id be fucked and want to give up.  But you guys provide the world the concept of invention. Maybe its a burdon.  I think schizophrenia would have worked in the hunter gatherer times.  People were happier/healthier then and life expectancy stats from those days gets skewed by infant mortalty rates to make modern medical science and drug companies look good.  Youd be a shaman or a warrior guided by visions, leader of the tribe.
I have schizoeffictive disorder and on one hand it sucks but on another I try to have humor of my illness as long as I am not hurting myself or those around me.  I've had rage moments when I had an episode and it lead to me be being in a nut hut for a bit. I think my case was caused by drug induced psychosis. I stayed up for like 2 weeks on a binge or meth and heroin and I saw some weird shit that put my head in a bad spot.

My family we've had some real shitbags in mine. For example a 2nd cousin was a highly decorated cop but convicted pedophile as him and his wife adopted kids and molested them. Another "well respected family member" he was an elder in on my dad's side that was a judge but married his 1st cousin. I have some really fucked up people not just through their actions but through genetics as well. I say these things as it paints a picture of where I get my nuttiness from.

I find that meditation and exercise helps quite a bit, although it isn't a cure all it alleviates the stress parts of what might trigger an episode. To be fair and I mean this in hopes it reaches those that need it most is if you are suffering from some mental illness talk with a therapist or psychiatrist. Most people with severe to mild mental illness all they need is a person to talk shop with, or give them an ear to listen to. Now those with serious violent tendencies I can't help but take meds or smoke lots and lots of weed as has anyone ever acted out violently to weed? 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 22, 2019, 06:33:49 AM
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I'm a high-functioning schizophrenic according to my therapist, who I haven't seen in months due to my health insurance changes. I had my first really bad episode of psychosis in 2013 when I was 20, which was exactly identical to the recollection Paul Alexander told in his vice documentary @6:21
Broke up with a long-term girlfriend and entered a state of depression/isolation for months, on top of staying up a lot of nights trying to get good grades at uni to put myself through med school. Then all of a sudden, shit just hit the fan and I got this disoriented belief that the FBI or CIA were after me. I was hallucinating and seeing the words in skate magazines and textbooks morphing into words that were saying things like "you're worthless/we're watching you" as well as being delusional and feeling like everyone was out to get me. I was super manic to the point where my brother, who was living with me at the time, had noticed my odd behavior and immediately called my mom to fly up ASAP to admit me to a psych ward. I stayed for a week and was diagnosed as schizoaffective. Was on a cocktail of meds that sedated the fuck out of me as well as made me so uncoordinated I couldn't even balance on a skateboard, on top of gaining 30 pounds in the span of 2 months from medication side affects.
I convinced my psychiatrist to take me off meds because I was doing better and thought it was just a brief episode of psychosis and nothing more, but then in 2017, I started feeling paranoid and delusional again and contemplated suicide because I had this delusion that everyone including my friends/roommates were trying to plot against me.
I went to numerous psychiatrists that allowed my health insurance to get a second opinion on my diagnosis and they all told me I have schizophrenia, not schizoaffective. One really good psychiatrist though recommended for me to go to out-patient group therapy and it honestly helped me a ton. Checking in about your feelings to complete strangers who are in the same situation if not worse really helped me to feel less isolated and opened me up to discuss my personal demons as well as get professional/helpful anonymous feedback from people who are willing to help/have been in the same situation.

Mental health is so tough and there's still a stigma behind it, but pals, don't be afraid to get help
  I think your in a group that is ultra real. If i woke up to a world without anybody different anywhere, id be fucked and want to give up.  But you guys provide the world the concept of invention. Maybe its a burdon.  I think schizophrenia would have worked in the hunter gatherer times.  People were happier/healthier then and life expectancy stats from those days gets skewed by infant mortalty rates to make modern medical science and drug companies look good.  Youd be a shaman or a warrior guided by visions, leader of the tribe.
I have schizoeffictive disorder and on one hand it sucks but on another I try to have humor of my illness as long as I am not hurting myself or those around me.  I've had rage moments when I had an episode and it lead to me be being in a nut hut for a bit. I think my case was caused by drug induced psychosis. I stayed up for like 2 weeks on a binge or meth and heroin and I saw some weird shit that put my head in a bad spot.

My family we've had some real shitbags in mine. For example a 2nd cousin was a highly decorated cop but convicted pedophile as him and his wife adopted kids and molested them. Another "well respected family member" he was an elder in on my dad's side that was a judge but married his 1st cousin. I have some really fucked up people not just through their actions but through genetics as well. I say these things as it paints a picture of where I get my nuttiness from.

I find that meditation and exercise helps quite a bit, although it isn't a cure all it alleviates the stress parts of what might trigger an episode. To be fair and I mean this in hopes it reaches those that need it most is if you are suffering from some mental illness talk with a therapist or psychiatrist. Most people with severe to mild mental illness all they need is a person to talk shop with, or give them an ear to listen to. Now those with serious violent tendencies I can't help but take meds or smoke lots and lots of weed as has anyone ever acted out violently to weed?
  Yes some armies in history would ingest a bunch of hash b4 battle.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 22, 2019, 06:36:01 AM
ok person
  Well ur just some lil cunt who wants to murder somone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gaunt on May 22, 2019, 06:41:49 AM
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I think a lot of people's mental health issues stem from having nowhere to direct their completely justified anger. stoning politicians lawyers and ceos to death would probably serve as a mass healing for millions
You got it all wrong.  Its the  public that has always demanded that we have these villians, the public would accept no less.  Who the 'villian' is dosent matter.  This situation is of our doing, there is no 'them'.
care to elaborate on this? i don't know exactly what you mean

are you saying the power in which is concentrated into the hands of the extremely wealthy is a system consciously set up and maintained by the public at large? or that this elite class commits no wrongdoing in which is worthy of vilification and is a farce? that the system which enforces and maintains this top-down power structure, of which lawyers/politicians are a part of, is not something which people are justified in opposing?

what is your line of reasoning..but furthermore, what exactly is your point?  if you say something like 'representative democracy means the public picks the politicians in power therefore there is no distinction', it's going to be markedly unimpressive
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 22, 2019, 06:53:23 AM
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I think a lot of people's mental health issues stem from having nowhere to direct their completely justified anger. stoning politicians lawyers and ceos to death would probably serve as a mass healing for millions
You got it all wrong.  Its the  public that has always demanded that we have these villians, the public would accept no less.  Who the 'villian' is dosent matter.  This situation is of our doing, there is no 'them'.
care to elaborate on this? i don't know exactly what you mean

are you saying the power in which is concentrated into the hands of the extremely wealthy is a system consciously set up and maintained by the public at large? or that this elite class commits no wrongdoing in which is worthy of vilification and is a farce? that the system which enforces and maintains this top-down power structure, of which lawyers/politicians are a part of, is not something which people are justified in opposing?

what is your line of reasoning..but furthermore, what exactly is your point?  if you say something like 'representative democracy means the public picks the politicians in power therefore there is no distinction', it's going to be markedly unimpressive
   I dunno.  "The public is an ass"  -does that do it?  Prolly "markedly unimpressive" (i like you).
  I'd say power is an illusion and time makes a fool of us
all.  (Again "markedly unimpressive").
  So yah ur rite what u said about these people in power but the public would distrust somone telling them truths and they want to kill the messenger.  The illusion is that the villians arent expendable.  There is 'us'on the planet.  Not 'us' and 'them'   it all stems from the publics need to kill the messenger and theyre refusing to acknowledge that the emporer is not clotheď. Its these basic  phenomenas that give life to the evils you speak of imo.
 Mediocrity and complacency are the real culprits i feel.  I dont think that science will save us.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on May 22, 2019, 07:03:49 AM
ok person
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 22, 2019, 07:54:14 AM
About the 'us' and 'them' we dont just dehumanize public figures we resent, we also dehumanize ones that people profess love for.  One wake up call can be the suicide of a house hold name.  Its only rock n roll.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ChuckRamone on May 22, 2019, 08:51:55 AM
I think a lot of people's mental health issues stem from having nowhere to direct their completely justified anger. stoning politicians lawyers and ceos to death would probably serve as a mass healing for millions

you’re probably on to something in terms of people having suppressed anger and not being able to regulate their emotions in general. when you don’t have an outlet for them and when you can’t express them or articulate your thoughts, it leads to a lot of psychological issues. and it comes down to the society and culture you’re in and how you deal with it on an individual level based on your upbringing and genetics.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on May 22, 2019, 08:58:16 AM
Its called a feedback loop and it spirals downward.

Ass to Mouth
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on May 22, 2019, 08:59:32 AM
organs are in short supply if young healthy people aren't driven to suicide scumbag 90 year old vampires might actually die
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SirPizzaSlayer on May 22, 2019, 11:05:33 AM
There is no us and them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Jordan Wiens on May 22, 2019, 11:39:48 AM
i'm an A-type personality and i get in loops where my anxiety stems lack of control and i try to control everything. when im stressed i treat filming skating like im directing my commercial clients and it fucking sucks, i dont see it in the moment. trying to fix that. when im relaxed i dont feel the need to control my life as much. on one hand being a perfectionist and knowing what i want is good for my work, but it doesn't work when it comes to relationships.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheCrimsonShroud on May 23, 2019, 06:30:38 AM
I have OCD, anxiety, and depression. Maybe more but really, ain't that enough? Lots of shit in this thread resonates with me. Especially the correlation between desiring control and having nowhere to direct righteous anger/disappointment.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: element4life on May 23, 2019, 06:37:18 AM
I think the internet's quasi anonymity contributes to peoples mental health issues because it gives you this weird opportunity to cultivate a secondary (or multiple) digital persona. If you start comparing this fictional means of escapism to your actual life and self it's going create conflict.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on May 23, 2019, 07:08:30 AM
See this scenario is what gives me anxiety and makes me a shutin sometimes especially if I am having a manic moment.  It seems that people who are already depressed, or just overall unhappy have the worst luck. Like some people really do get "Dealt a bad hand". I don't know about you guys, but sometimes my life is so negative and seemingly anti-me that it has almost becomes a joke. Some days are so bad I seriously take a step back and laugh and think this must be some fucked joke and all my suffering doesn't actually mean anything. This might sound stupid, but are some people just meant to have a shitty life? I don't get it. I know people that are pretty scummy, but always seem to have the best luck and opportunities come their way.

For example I could mind my business either at a park or at a job and some dipshit has a nosey comment of why don't you cheer up? or why don't you bring so and so to our boring shit talking event? which usually leads me to say 1. it's none of their business 2. it's not your business 3. you ask again go fuck yourself my problems aren't your business and my personal life has nothing to do with others.

I feel like I'm being relentlessly punished for no reason, and the more I try to make these situations positive, the more negative they become. I feel despair constantly of my expectations and mostly gave up on hope, because every other time I hoped for something, it never happens and it hurts waaaaaay more because I had hoped/expected for a better outcome. I'm just kind of getting over all of it. I don't know how much longer I want to be here.

Yeah it becomes a halfassed cry for attention or hey I need a kind word or two, buttttttt it falls on deaf ears. I mean I have a rad partner and a few friends I text here and there they lookout but I feel bad to overwhelm them with my bs and I stay silent and suffer alone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheCrimsonShroud on May 23, 2019, 07:20:38 AM
I think the internet's quasi anonymity contributes to peoples mental health issues because it gives you this weird opportunity to cultivate a secondary (or multiple) digital persona. If you start comparing this fictional means of escapism to your actual life and self it's going create conflict.

This can happen irl too. I grew up in a bad environment and basically had to compartmentalize my personality. I mean, everyone has a side they show their friends/family/etc. but that can become blown out of proportion and spiral out of control.

Definitely happens online as well. You eventually wake up one day and wonder if there's a "real" you. If you lost them, buried them, or shattered them like a mirror.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Suave on May 23, 2019, 07:32:34 AM
See this scenario is what gives me anxiety and makes me a shutin sometimes especially if I am having a manic moment.  It seems that people who are already depressed, or just overall unhappy have the worst luck. Like some people really do get "Dealt a bad hand". I don't know about you guys, but sometimes my life is so negative and seemingly anti-me that it has almost becomes a joke. Some days are so bad I seriously take a step back and laugh and think this must be some fucked joke and all my suffering doesn't actually mean anything. This might sound stupid, but are some people just meant to have a shitty life? I don't get it. I know people that are pretty scummy, but always seem to have the best luck and opportunities come their way.

For example I could mind my business either at a park or at a job and some dipshit has a nosey comment of why don't you cheer up? or why don't you bring so and so to our boring shit talking event? which usually leads me to say 1. it's none of their business 2. it's not your business 3. you ask again go fuck yourself my problems aren't your business and my personal life has nothing to do with others.

I feel like I'm being relentlessly punished for no reason, and the more I try to make these situations positive, the more negative they become. I feel despair constantly of my expectations and mostly gave up on hope, because every other time I hoped for something, it never happens and it hurts waaaaaay more because I had hoped/expected for a better outcome. I'm just kind of getting over all of it. I don't know how much longer I want to be here.

Yeah it becomes a halfassed cry for attention or hey I need a kind word or two, buttttttt it falls on deaf ears. I mean I have a rad partner and a few friends I text here and there they lookout but I feel bad to overwhelm them with my bs and I stay silent and suffer alone.
like bobby light said 'you create your own luck'. if you think bad, you're gonna receive bad. if you manifest a happy life, you'll live it. try to be positive. sometimes it's easier said than done but i've seen in my own life if you're not blaming other people or the world or society you'll thrive. sorry you're still going through patches. hope it passes sooner than later. leave you w/ this quote.
'if you hate the world, the world will hate your ass back.' - jim goad
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on May 23, 2019, 07:50:18 AM

like bobby light said 'you create your own luck'. if you think bad, you're gonna receive bad. if you manifest a happy life, you'll live it. try to be positive. sometimes it's easier said than done but i've seen in my own life if you're not blaming other people or the world or society you'll thrive. sorry you're still going through patches. hope it passes sooner than later. leave you w/ this quote.
'if you hate the world, the world will hate your ass back.' - jim goad
that is quite a profound way of looking at it. as you say it's easier said then done but damned if those times where I was indifferent and oblivious shit just kinda fell into place without much effort.  A few bumps here and there but ultimately what does it really matter? not jack shit in the bigger scheme of things.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: the snake on May 23, 2019, 08:33:00 AM
Be happy with what you are/have and  don't give a fuck about the rest, everyone have weak days, just keep doing  positive stuff, it's just life
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: slippy on May 23, 2019, 11:18:11 AM
Definitely agree with the sentiments here that any advice especially about mental health advice being much easier said than done.  I know for me, things can get qualified as "good" or "bad" based on only the outcome.  For example, I hate my job, I've sent applications, felt in limbo while they're out and a rejection feels like a complete failure.  Lately though, by looking at each step as an individual event, just the act of sending the application, following up, connecting on Linkedin, etc. each feel like little victories that make me feel good and motivated to try again.  The fact that it doesn't work out hasn't felt as defeating as it did before and my mental health is better for it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheCrimsonShroud on May 23, 2019, 12:25:04 PM
Definitely agree with the sentiments here that any advice especially about mental health advice being much easier said than done.  I know for me, things can get qualified as "good" or "bad" based on only the outcome.  For example, I hate my job, I've sent applications, felt in limbo while they're out and a rejection feels like a complete failure.  Lately though, by looking at each step as an individual event, just the act of sending the application, following up, connecting on Linkedin, etc. each feel like little victories that make me feel good and motivated to try again.  The fact that it doesn't work out hasn't felt as defeating as it did before and my mental health is better for it.

Compartmentalizing events/triggers/etc is great advice. I've also tried looking at the worst realistic outcome for something and becoming at peace with it. Whatever comes to pass it's almost always better than I'd prepared for and I'm pleasantly surprised.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 23, 2019, 10:11:17 PM
My Psychiatrist my Psychologist  and my PCP all gave me shit today. They say I should contribute more to life than riding my skateboard and stealing. They are punishing me by taking away my benzos though I have never tested negative in 20 years meaning I don’t sell them.
They say it’s killing my drive but they don’t understand.

Fuck selling art fuck being a graphic designer fuck painting shoes for dope dealers. I’m not ever ever going back to work.
 I want to die a 80 year old hill bombing freight painting show going bum
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 24, 2019, 04:27:19 AM
My Psychiatrist my Psychologist  and my PCP all gave me shit today. They say I should contribute more to life than riding my skateboard and stealing. They are punishing me by taking away my benzos though I have never tested negative in 20 years meaning I don’t sell them.
They say it’s killing my drive but they don’t understand.

Fuck selling art fuck being a graphic designer fuck painting shoes for dope dealers. I’m not ever ever going back to work.
 I want to die a 80 year old hill bombing freight painting show going bum
  Thats rad not to work and I mean that but why are you visiting these stupid fucks?  What are benzos?   
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on May 24, 2019, 05:20:02 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Suave on May 24, 2019, 05:22:55 AM
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My Psychiatrist my Psychologist  and my PCP all gave me shit today. They say I should contribute more to life than riding my skateboard and stealing. They are punishing me by taking away my benzos though I have never tested negative in 20 years meaning I don’t sell them.
They say it’s killing my drive but they don’t understand.

Fuck selling art fuck being a graphic designer fuck painting shoes for dope dealers. I’m not ever ever going back to work.
 I want to die a 80 year old hill bombing freight painting show going bum
  Thats rad not to work and I mean that but why are you visiting these stupid fucks?  What are benzos?
i think benzo was the guy who owned the source and had beef w/ eminem.
honestly though, maybe your life will open up if you get offa them things. they dull you enough that you accept subpar life standards instead of changing them. i feel a lot more engaged w/ the world w/out them, that's just me though.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on May 24, 2019, 08:07:24 AM
My grandfather on my mom’s side was such a sweet man. When I was a little boy he visited me once a week until the age of 3-4, which was an hour from where he lived. It wasn’t until after he passed that I learned that he spent his entire adult life on lithium.

Being born happy or sad is just the luck of the draw. There is nothing wrong with taking something to make you feel better.

I am not a very happy and upbeat person and if I did not have a wife and kids to support I would not be very motivated to go to work or participate in society.

I feel the key to happiness is to do things for others. Very few people can live inside their own minds and not become bored or lonely. For me purpose does not come from within so it helps to know that I am needed by at least 3 people.

Also, schizophrenia is no joke. One of my best friends had it and it drove him to heroin before he got on real medicine. All you 20-25 year olds make sure to take schizophrenia seriously if you think you may have it. He thought demons were trying to get him.

Be well everyone and don’t be too critical of yourselves.

I really like your commentary, specifically the part about doing things for others. Realistically, it is very nice to have it a ton of money but that wears out quickly. I invested in the stock market awhile back and made a large amount of money. This was around the time that my parents sort of checked out on me in terms of emotions. They just didn't seem to care how I was doing, my studies, really anything. So I started spending money pretty recklessly, achieving a ton of instant gratification. Well naturally this wore off and my feelings of emptiness and general sadness continued. So I took some time to really think about what I wanted to do, took an accelerated course load at community college, and started moving from there. That lead me to social work and to feeling good about myself and the privilege I have when serving others. Don't get wrong in that I still have my moments of feeling down or anxious but I will say it also helps to be brutally honest with yourself in acknowledging what people in your life are not good to be around, making time for yourself and focusing on how much you enjoyed something versus solely focusing on how well you did it. Upon doing some of these things, I have felt much better. I have cut a ton of people off, mostly self centered people that hurt me to be around and/or are simply dangerous in terms of how they socially operate. While things are simple and it can be challenging, I feel that my skating has improved and my well being and competence in myself and my ability has improved. It also helps that my wife is beyond supportive as we both have our bouts due to our weird upbringings.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 24, 2019, 10:42:24 AM
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My Psychiatrist my Psychologist  and my PCP all gave me shit today. They say I should contribute more to life than riding my skateboard and stealing. They are punishing me by taking away my benzos though I have never tested negative in 20 years meaning I don’t sell them.
They say it’s killing my drive but they don’t understand.

Fuck selling art fuck being a graphic designer fuck painting shoes for dope dealers. I’m not ever ever going back to work.
 I want to die a 80 year old hill bombing freight painting show going bum
  Thats rad not to work and I mean that but why are you visiting these stupid fucks?  What are benzos?
i think benzo was the guy who owned the source and had beef w/ eminem.
honestly though, maybe your life will open up if you get offa them things. they dull you enough that you accept subpar life standards instead of changing them. i feel a lot more engaged w/ the world w/out them, that's just me though.

That’s what they said too.

Also benzino? Was his name. He use to try and hang out at the pit sometimes. We didn’t like him he was fucking creepy
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on May 24, 2019, 10:56:50 AM
I’ve been dealing with celiac disease for the past year and despite adhering to a strict gluten-free diet, my condition is getting worse. I have depression and anxiety on top of this.

Feeling sick and anxious all of the time puts a damper on my social life. When I feel good I can skate and interact with people but most days, I’m pretty absent.

I don’t really enjoy life and it’s hard to keep going.

However, I think the fact I’m still breathing and trying is a testament to my will to keep operating as the person I want to be.

I am on Zoloft right now but I hate it. I feel like antidepressants rule my life and I feel off when I go off it.

Anyone have issues with disease? Any advice helps. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 25, 2019, 12:07:50 PM
I am obsessed with getting rid of the neighbors.

Fucker compliments how my kid looks. Then a few mins later started talking about how they were accused of child touching.

I’m really fucking losing it over this and I don’t know how to deal with it
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 25, 2019, 12:15:41 PM
I am obsessed with getting rid of the neighbors.

Fucker compliments how my kid looks. Then a few mins later started talking about how they were accused of child touching.

I’m really fucking losing it over this and I don’t know how to deal with it
   Is this real.  Im not sure if this account is real.  How is it that your on about sex offenders all the time and this happens?  Maybe.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 25, 2019, 12:55:19 PM
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I am obsessed with getting rid of the neighbors.

Fucker compliments how my kid looks. Then a few mins later started talking about how they were accused of child touching.

You responded to the original post of when I found out. My mind is locked on this because of my hyper vigilance

I’m really fucking losing it over this and I don’t know how to deal with it
   Is this real.  Im not sure if this account is real.  How is it that your on about sex offenders all the time and this happens?  Maybe.

It’s been bothering me for like 7 or 8 days.
The person was gone but now they’re back.

I have no idea how to deal with this
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheCrimsonShroud on May 25, 2019, 01:05:19 PM
It’s been bothering me for like 7 or 8 days.
The person was gone but now they’re back.

I have no idea how to deal with this

I actually just moved from a townhome next door to a registered sex offender. Some type of porn deal, tier 1. Didn't do my due diligence before I moved in.

What I'd recommend is contacting your local sheriff. They can give you as much info on the guy as the law allows and advise you on how to act and what to look for, as well as who to contact in the event of suspicion.

I'm hypervigilant myself, what with OCD and all, so I feel you on that. Taking the steps above may ease your mind a little--I know they did mine.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Suave on May 25, 2019, 01:14:09 PM
sheriff can't do anything w/out a crime. trust me, cops are not proactive at all. you hand em a case and they're loathe to get out of their car and do paperwork.
either just keep a cclose eye on the kid or if you wanna entrap him, pull that perverted justice internet crap and have chris hansen waiting for him talkin about 'take a seat, have a cookie.'
that is the only way to get a pedo arrested short of allowing him to actaully commit a crime.
oh or you could have your kid bear false witness but taht's even more distasteful and could be scarring.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 25, 2019, 01:47:35 PM
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It’s been bothering me for like 7 or 8 days.
The person was gone but now they’re back.

I have no idea how to deal with this

I actually just moved from a townhome next door to a registered sex offender. Some type of porn deal, tier 1. Didn't do my due diligence before I moved in.

What I'd recommend is contacting your local sheriff. They can give you as much info on the guy as the law allows and advise you on how to act and what to look for, as well as who to contact in the event of suspicion.

I'm hypervigilant myself, what with OCD and all, so I feel you on that. Taking the steps above may ease your mind a little--I know they did mine.

Yeah I should have looked at the registration page online before signing the lease.

I told my counselor I warned the other parents. I think it’s because of my head injury and having to sit still that it’s bothering me so much.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Your Real Dad on May 26, 2019, 10:12:43 AM
 The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: blurst_of_times on May 26, 2019, 10:37:35 AM
The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: bestdudever on May 26, 2019, 11:02:20 AM
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The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
yea, i mean try telling that to someone with full schizophrenia, like, you chose to be this way bro.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 26, 2019, 11:11:01 AM
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The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
yea, i mean try telling that to someone with full schizophrenia, like, you chose to be this way bro.
  Yah life happens without our choices considered sometimes. There are things that could happen to you/ur family/ur people that you have a hard time recovering from, -dont forget. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheCrimsonShroud on May 26, 2019, 11:30:02 AM
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The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
yea, i mean try telling that to someone with full schizophrenia, like, you chose to be this way bro.

Outlook can help, but I get tired of the 'choose to be happy' shit. Like, not having a choice is what makes it mental illness. That's kinda the fucking point.

Like, my wife will say 'you don't have to check that' when I check locks, etc over and over. And I always tell her that I can choose not to, but that doesn't mean I don't suffer from the impulse.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on May 26, 2019, 01:18:56 PM
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The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
yea, i mean try telling that to someone with full schizophrenia, like, you chose to be this way bro.

Outlook can help, but I get tired of the 'choose to be happy' shit. Like, not having a choice is what makes it mental illness. That's kinda the fucking point.

Like, my wife will say 'you don't have to check that' when I check locks, etc over and over. And I always tell her that I can choose not to, but that doesn't mean I don't suffer from the impulse.

I feel you
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: WastedHippy on May 27, 2019, 05:20:22 AM

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on May 27, 2019, 09:31:31 AM
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The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
yea, i mean try telling that to someone with full schizophrenia, like, you chose to be this way bro.

Outlook can help, but I get tired of the 'choose to be happy' shit. Like, not having a choice is what makes it mental illness. That's kinda the fucking point.

Like, my wife will say 'you don't have to check that' when I check locks, etc over and over. And I always tell her that I can choose not to, but that doesn't mean I don't suffer from the impulse.
SUFFER is the word of a VICTIM.

You WANT to be identified by OCD. It's pretty obvious. Gives you something to identify with and brings you attention whenever you make a big deal out of it. It makes a lot of people around you miserable. Stop being so selfish.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on May 27, 2019, 09:33:53 AM

Fuck selling art fuck being a graphic designer fuck painting shoes for dope dealers. I’m not ever ever going back to work.
 I want to die a 80 year old hill bombing freight painting show going bum
You're just fucking lazy. And you have kids. Shame on you.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on May 27, 2019, 09:39:58 AM
Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: silhouette on May 27, 2019, 10:20:29 AM
Man, you seem to have a very strong myself vs. the world type of approach to this website. I think it's a bit of a shame because you chiming in on skate shit is growing on me; even when I don't necessarily agree, I like the sharp wit.

This is a different matter though and while I get what you're trying to convey, and the good intention behind the shock value, I can guarantee you that the human brain is more complex than you seem to think (on the sole basis of what you expressed), and I think you have to understand that some key logic or cognitive abilities that are so elementary and mundane, yet so crucial to people not suffering from certain mental conditions are legitimately impaired in the people suffering from them. You can't force synaptic connections into those people's brains; actually, their brains missing them constitutes their very illness, so they'd probably be thankful if you could equip them. But words aren't direct chemicals. In most serious cases, you'll just hurt people who've been hearing the same tired motivational speech by strangers their whole life, get the gist of it way more than you assume they do (or than you even do yourself), but just can't help but witness the persistance of their physical inability to function the way they would like to.

Obviously everybody likes to publicly diagnose themselves this or that nowadays with varying degrees of justification, but that's no reason not to take mental handicaps lightheartedly. OCD killed Joey Ramone and I'm sure keeps devouring many others to this day; don't let your mind slip distracted by the noise of the kid at the park who claims every of Reynolds' tics for anonymous attention. Of course a lot of people do need wake up calls, but if you're dealing with someone with an actual disorder then your voice isn't getting anywhere ever, and you'll just be another pain to them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on May 27, 2019, 10:33:12 AM
Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
  Dude ur young if you dont know that some people have good reason to be dysfuntional. Kids get sexually enslaved all over the place or million other things.  Hopefully nothing happens like that to you or ur family and you remain blissfully ignorant.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on May 27, 2019, 10:36:31 AM
Man, you seem to have a very strong myself vs. the world type of approach to this website. I think it's a bit of a shame because you chiming in on skate shit is growing on me; even when I don't necessarily agree, I like the sharp wit.

This is a different matter though and while I get what you're trying to convey, and the good intention behind the shock value, I can guarantee you that the human brain is more complex than you seem to think (on the sole basis of what you expressed), and I think you have to understand that some key logic or cognitive abilities that are so elementary and mundane, yet so crucial to people not suffering from certain mental conditions are legitimately impaired in the people suffering from them. You can't force synaptic connections into those people's brains; actually, their brains missing them constitutes their very illness, so they'd probably be thankful if you could equip them. But words aren't direct chemicals. In most serious cases, you'll just hurt people who've been hearing the same tired motivational speech by strangers their whole life, get the gist of it way more than you assume they do (or than you even do yourself), but just can't help but witness the persistance of their physical inability to function the way they would like to.

Obviously everybody likes to publicly diagnose themselves this or that nowadays with varying degrees of justification, but that's no reason not to take mental handicaps lightheartedly. OCD killed Joey Ramone and I'm sure keeps devouring many others to this day; don't let your mind slip distracted by the noise of the kid at the park who claims every of Reynolds' tics for anonymous attention. Of course a lot of people do need wake up calls, but if you're dealing with someone with an actual disorder then your voice isn't getting anywhere ever, and you'll just be another pain to them.
I'm glad you understand my intention. There's hope for the collective membership here yet.

I know ALL TOO WELL about diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health issues. I absolutely won't go into detail on a public forum, but what I can tell you from experience is that what I just said is very much likely to help WAY more people than an echo chamber where everyone pats each other and says "there there". I admit to a me against the world tendency. Some of that info I'm not going to share is part of that.

All that said. MANY people CREATE, FOSTER, or HIDE BEHIND mental health issues, when the fact is that everyone goes through anxiety and depression on some level.

Things don't happen TO YOU. Things just happen. It's how you handle it that makes you who you are. Victim, or survivor.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: silhouette on May 27, 2019, 11:43:33 AM
Our points actually complement more than they contradict one another, I think. I did take notice that you explicitly mentioned anxiety and depression, but there are members in this thread who have bravely confessed about other and arguably more socially incapacitating issues of theirs, and might read over the singularity of the conditions you singled out, only to be yet again reminded about their own difficulties - which may be different from yours - when all they're coming in here for is to try and confide. I also don't believe in safe zones, and the personal drive you're expressing is a something fundamental to one's general development so it should always be encouraged, but I did feel the need to remind you that sometimes, people actually lacked and needed something else than words they already get their daily share of. Or you could look at it like they need to come to their own realizations themselves and that's when schooling them won't help much.

Of course there's hope for the collective membership here. It's actually a lot of the newcomers with the myself vs. the world mentality that results in the occasional dichotomies, if anything. People who join SLAP thinking it's some kind of entity to fight and shape, when reality everybody's chilling up in here (and can't grasp why some people create accounts just to talk shit on this or that member, when they might as well just start enjoying themselves too).
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Suave on May 27, 2019, 11:46:08 AM
joey ramone died of cancer
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: silhouette on May 27, 2019, 11:48:44 AM
joey ramone died of cancer

He was recovering from cancer. Dude slipped out on ice whilst walking from building to building on his OCD door lock routine in NYC, and consequently needed hospitalization that put his cancer medication on hold until eventually the disease spreaded back and got him.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: blurst_of_times on May 27, 2019, 12:40:07 PM
Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
Sometimes, anxiety and depression can be debilitating and you can't even get up and "do something about it". If you're hardass approach of knuckling down and moving through it works for you and other, then that's great! But it's not that easy for everyone else who struggles with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on May 27, 2019, 12:54:49 PM
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Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
Sometimes, anxiety and depression can be debilitating and you can't even get up and "do something about it". If you're hardass approach of knuckling down and moving through it works for you and other, then that's great! But it's not that easy for everyone else who struggles with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.
Ok. You're right. Surround yourself with people who coddle you all the time and allow you to excuse yourself for any shortcoming. That'll fix it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Your Real Dad on May 27, 2019, 07:15:32 PM
Hi,  When I said yesterday that "The way we feel is a choice that we're making."  I really didn't say it to be mean or harsh. I said it because realizing this fact is what helped me. It was a daily battle when I first decided to exercise my autonomy over my own feelings but soon I recognized that I was choosing to subject myself to things that were contributing to the shitty mindset that I had built for years.
Depressing or angry music makes you feel shitty. Mindvirus TV and movies make you feel shitty. Alcohol and drugs fuck you up. Eating shitty makes you feel shitty. Depressed people swim in this shit.  By choice.
The reason people won't banish this shit from their lives is that they have some fake persona all wrapped up in it. "Oh, I'm a humanitarian or a punk or a gangsta or a hippy, or a victim" or some other robotic, role play, bullshit.
Politics is a scam and media is poisonous trash. Yes, you do have the power to eliminate these things from your life and also to evict negative shit from your heart.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Suave on May 27, 2019, 07:23:16 PM
slap is toxic.
pornography is undermining family values.
everything is a choice.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: blurst_of_times on May 27, 2019, 10:39:15 PM
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Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
Sometimes, anxiety and depression can be debilitating and you can't even get up and "do something about it". If you're hardass approach of knuckling down and moving through it works for you and other, then that's great! But it's not that easy for everyone else who struggles with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.
Ok. You're right. Surround yourself with people who coddle you all the time and allow you to excuse yourself for any shortcoming. That'll fix it.
Being supportive and coddling are two different things. Surrounding yourself with people who are sympathetic to your mental illness is what will help you overcome it. Yes, you as an individual need to do the work and make the commitment to go on medication, seek counseling, etc., but that's pretty difficult to do on your own
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on June 06, 2019, 07:52:06 AM
My therapist just told me to cut down Zoloft from 100 to 75 to 50 to 25 to 0. It’s going to take a couple of months but it’s great news. In a couple of months I’ll only be on 5mg abilify. I hope I won’t relapse.

As in things you’re stoked on.
Life is beautiful!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on June 06, 2019, 08:22:00 AM
cheers mark renton !
soonbanned, you are arguing with clarity and have good points. but there's no identity between every-day anxiety / depression as you describe it, and mental illnesses. same as no identity between the every-day coughs / sneezes and the flu. you just can't go around assuming no one has legitimate illnesses -- that's the hole in your arguments here. again, you have good points tho.
i agree with sillhouette a lot as well, esp regarding:
People who join SLAP thinking it's some kind of entity to fight and shape, when reality everybody's chilling up in here (and can't grasp why some people create accounts just to talk shit on this or that member, when they might as well just start enjoying themselves too).
ppl in this thread gotta vent, and schooling them doesn't necessarily help anyone -- including yourself. i'm verging on biting that same bullet, so i'll shut up. but good points all around. and again, cheers mark renton !
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on June 06, 2019, 09:23:39 AM
That’s cool. I didn’t like that medicine.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on June 06, 2019, 09:31:33 AM
slap is toxic.
pornography is undermining family values.
everything is a choice.
  If you mean "christian values" then yah porn does that (I myself am christian)  But scientifically 'family values' isn't a thing.  We come from ancestors that didn't know whos kin was who's cause it thats what it was in the cave.  Woman had multiple partners.  Once agriculture happened you got surplus and the the need to know who you're kids were to pass the surplus onto.  Women lost they're power when the hunter gather community died and then they became property.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Silky Johnson on June 06, 2019, 10:34:34 AM
Head fog has been plaguing me lately, like I'm in my head more than usual
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sick Duck on June 07, 2019, 12:31:50 PM
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Anyones seasonal allergies intensify depression/ have any good leads on how to make that chill the fuck out? God damn some mornings in the spring/ summer are almost impossible.
Yeah dude. On top of the nonstop runny nose that I have all year, during this time I have a terrible cough at night which makes it harder to sleep. The sleep apnea doesn't help either. Straight up, breathing, laying down, and sleeping are actual burdens for me. When I'm not working, I'm still fucking working. Holy shit, I hate everything. Why the fuck did I have to be born? I gotta man up and off myself already. I should go take out the biggest loan I can get, quit my job, go on a trip to Thailand, bang hookers, do drugs, come back home, buy a gun and end it.
I know this post is a month old, and i’m not trying to make a joke but honestly I think if u did go on some crazy trip like that maybe you wouldn’t feel like killing yourself anymore. You wouldn’t even need that much money to go to thailand and bang hookers. Maybe go easy on the drugs tho
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: WastedHippy on June 07, 2019, 03:13:59 PM
Sometimes I get frightened that my loved ones are in mortal danger. I’m told this is part of my PTSD. I have to pull over because I can’t breathe.
Since I have been forced into a Xanax taper it’s gotten way way worse.

It’s totally Fucked. In the past I would be sitting behind my work and I could see my mothers car on fire on the bridge down the canal because she was late. That was way before my brother was murdered by a paid police informant/coke dealer.

My cousin was killed in a car crash in 1986. That is why I gave most of my life to skateboarding.

All my friends are dead

I don't really get this part, what do they have to do with each other?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on June 07, 2019, 03:31:01 PM
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Sometimes I get frightened that my loved ones are in mortal danger. I’m told this is part of my PTSD. I have to pull over because I can’t breathe.
Since I have been forced into a Xanax taper it’s gotten way way worse.

It’s totally Fucked. In the past I would be sitting behind my work and I could see my mothers car on fire on the bridge down the canal because she was late. That was way before my brother was murdered by a paid police informant/coke dealer.

My cousin was killed in a car crash in 1986. That is why I gave most of my life to skateboarding.

All my friends are dead

I don't really get this part, what do they have to do with each other?

He gave me my first skateboard
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gaunting on June 08, 2019, 01:50:40 PM
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Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
Sometimes, anxiety and depression can be debilitating and you can't even get up and "do something about it". If you're hardass approach of knuckling down and moving through it works for you and other, then that's great! But it's not that easy for everyone else who struggles with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.
Ok. You're right. Surround yourself with people who coddle you all the time and allow you to excuse yourself for any shortcoming. That'll fix it.

DAD??? why didn’t you tell me you’re on SLAP?!?!!?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on June 09, 2019, 12:41:09 PM
ive also bailed from social media for over the past month and i can say though super out of the loop, its super refreshing and calming to not have something to do every god damn second. I have WAY more free time than i could even wrap my head around. Its gross how often i was on my phone. I try to paint or skate daily for a little longer in replacement for lack of instagram.
Dude I have quit last 6 months both FB and IG and have never felt happier since then. I know when on both it is used as a form of connection to others but apart from that I stay away as it is a zombie inducing euphoria others cannot stop using. I like to do other things none skating wise to fill in that time albeit photography or bike riding as the time staring into a screen like a void just bums me out.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on June 09, 2019, 12:45:33 PM
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ive also bailed from social media for over the past month and i can say though super out of the loop, its super refreshing and calming to not have something to do every god damn second. I have WAY more free time than i could even wrap my head around. Its gross how often i was on my phone. I try to paint or skate daily for a little longer in replacement for lack of instagram.
Dude I have quit last 6 months both FB and IG and have never felt happier since then. I know when on both it is used as a form of connection to others but apart from that I stay away as it is a zombie inducing euphoria others cannot stop using. I like to do other things none skating wise to fill in that time albeit photography or bike riding as the time staring into a screen like a void just bums me out.
As infamously noted before I have a FB page with a lot of followers but my personal is blank, no friends no followers following nothing and noone. All I do is post to my skate page. I have an IG account for that page but it just sits there, instagram was the opening to the end of skateboarding as we all knew it. Too far gone now.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: os89 on June 09, 2019, 12:49:08 PM
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ive also bailed from social media for over the past month and i can say though super out of the loop, its super refreshing and calming to not have something to do every god damn second. I have WAY more free time than i could even wrap my head around. Its gross how often i was on my phone. I try to paint or skate daily for a little longer in replacement for lack of instagram.
Dude I have quit last 6 months both FB and IG and have never felt happier since then. I know when on both it is used as a form of connection to others but apart from that I stay away as it is a zombie inducing euphoria others cannot stop using. I like to do other things none skating wise to fill in that time albeit photography or bike riding as the time staring into a screen like a void just bums me out.
As infamously noted before I have a FB page with a lot of followers but my personal is blank, no friends no followers following nothing and noone. All I do is post to my skate page. I have an IG account for that page but it just sits there, instagram was the opening to the end of skateboarding as we all knew it. Too far gone now.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, no one on here cares what you have to say. Focus and Shalom.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: martha dumptruck on June 09, 2019, 01:05:06 PM
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ive also bailed from social media for over the past month and i can say though super out of the loop, its super refreshing and calming to not have something to do every god damn second. I have WAY more free time than i could even wrap my head around. Its gross how often i was on my phone. I try to paint or skate daily for a little longer in replacement for lack of instagram.

 staring into a screen like a void just bums me out.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on June 09, 2019, 02:44:26 PM
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Anxiety and depression is NORMAL. EVERYONE experiences it.

Chances are, it's your fault. OMG!? GASP!? "MY OWN FAULT?" Yeah, your own fucking fault. And you need someone to make you understand that.

Anxiety over what? Just a general feeling of anxiety? Too fucking bad. If thats who you are then thats who you are. Noone will "Fix" it. BUT, almost ALWAYS, the anxiety is over something YOU COULD CHANGE but instead you spend energy to bawl about it. Get the fuck up and change it.
Sometimes, anxiety and depression can be debilitating and you can't even get up and "do something about it". If you're hardass approach of knuckling down and moving through it works for you and other, then that's great! But it's not that easy for everyone else who struggles with anxiety and depression and other mental health issues.
Ok. You're right. Surround yourself with people who coddle you all the time and allow you to excuse yourself for any shortcoming. That'll fix it.
Wow dude you are a fucking horrible person and I mean that. I cannot speak for most people on here with their own issues but is that how you treat a person who’s been raped or abused by family members or a product of incest?

learn empathy for your fellow man. having that kind of attitude might’ve worked out for you but not others. How dare you assume that someone is coddled! I hope you have a kid and it gets abused and your kid shoots himself because hmmmm you say get over it it’s not that bad.

Fuck off you are scum!!!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on June 09, 2019, 03:18:45 PM
I hope you have a kid and it gets abused and your kid shoots himself
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: martha dumptruck on June 09, 2019, 03:36:01 PM
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I hope you have a kid and it gets abused and your kid shoots himself
i want to stomp on your children's testicals so you can know the pain i feel every day.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on June 09, 2019, 03:46:15 PM
Good thing you people were born in a time of excess. Not a single one of you whiny fuckers would have made it this far otherwise. Your ancestors pulled bullets out of themselves and burned the wounds shut. You'd just lay there and die.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on June 09, 2019, 03:47:49 PM
Oh wait you'd need a pill to comfort your feels first then you'd die
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: os89 on June 09, 2019, 03:49:49 PM
Oh wait you'd need a pill to comfort your feels first then you'd die

How does it feel having to repeat the 7th grade next year?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: soonbanned on June 09, 2019, 03:56:21 PM
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Oh wait you'd need a pill to comfort your feels first then you'd die

How does it feel having to repeat the 7th grade next year?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on June 09, 2019, 07:27:03 PM
Good thing you people were born in a time of excess. Not a single one of you whiny fuckers would have made it this far otherwise. Your ancestors pulled bullets out of themselves and burned the wounds shut. You'd just lay there and die.

I am greatly offended. I’d be burning myself before the gun even went off ked.

Gimme a fucking hot stick I’ll prove it
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on June 09, 2019, 07:35:33 PM
Oh wait you'd need a pill to comfort your feels first then you'd die

I definitely would not say no to a strange pill. You got me there.
Give me enough I’ll Sauter your holes as well.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SirPizzaSlayer on June 09, 2019, 10:14:45 PM
Guys you do realize soon banned is special right? He really thinks people will get rowdy because of him but in reality no one cares. Just let him do his little special dance and then we can have the real fun of slap.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on June 09, 2019, 10:19:37 PM
Guys you do realize soon banned is special right? He really thinks people will get rowdy because of him but in reality no one cares. Just let him do his little special dance and then we can have the real fun of slap.

I love Soon banned. I want to slip him the chicken
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SirPizzaSlayer on June 10, 2019, 10:15:28 PM
Been feeling sad for no reason really. I have a pet tortoise that I think about and it makes me sad cuz I want to play with him but I’m scared since he’s so small he might get hurt. I love him he’s my buddy. Also don’t know if it’s just me but old Disney or Looney toons cartoons make me really depressed for some reason. I don’t like  it when they cry or something goes wrong for the characters it makes me sad too. I feel depressed sometimes randomly, something just triggers it. From anything to starring at a tree to watching tv it randomly strikes.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on June 11, 2019, 02:37:18 AM
I hope you’re all feeling alright and managing the best you can.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DanTheDoucher on June 11, 2019, 06:35:51 AM
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Guys you do realize soon banned is special right? He really thinks people will get rowdy because of him but in reality no one cares. Just let him do his little special dance and then we can have the real fun of slap.

I love Soon banned. I want to slip him the chicken

Well he's actually banned now, so you will have to slip the chicken to his next account. So keep a look out.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SirPizzaSlayer on June 11, 2019, 07:37:29 AM
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Guys you do realize soon banned is special right? He really thinks people will get rowdy because of him but in reality no one cares. Just let him do his little special dance and then we can have the real fun of slap.

I love Soon banned. I want to slip him the chicken

Well he's actually banned now, so you will have to slip the chicken to his next account. So keep a look out.
what did he do?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DanTheDoucher on June 11, 2019, 07:46:36 AM
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Guys you do realize soon banned is special right? He really thinks people will get rowdy because of him but in reality no one cares. Just let him do his little special dance and then we can have the real fun of slap.

I love Soon banned. I want to slip him the chicken

Well he's actually banned now, so you will have to slip the chicken to his next account. So keep a look out.
what did he do?

Not sure, honestly. He had been arguing with a bunch of people over the last week or so on a multitude of topics, but none of it really seemed ban-worthy.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: silhouette on June 11, 2019, 07:55:59 AM
^ on here if a user's screen name shows up as deleted and claims 'guest', it means that the person has decided to focus their account; I don't think one can visually tell banned accounts from just looking at a page of the boards like that, banned profiles never seem to explicitly appear marked as such.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DanTheDoucher on June 11, 2019, 08:02:22 AM
^ on here if a user's screen name shows up as deleted and claims 'guest', it means that the person has decided to focus their account; I don't think one can visually tell banned accounts from just looking at a page of the boards like that, banned profiles never seem to explicitly appear marked as such.

Ahh yeah that makes sense. He must have gotten tired of taking shit from literally everyone. He'll be back I'm sure.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on June 11, 2019, 08:48:31 AM
You get what you give. He was a twat, good riddance.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on June 11, 2019, 09:04:12 AM
thank fucking god, I get if it was a worthy topic or discussion and have facts to refute, but trolling just to be a dick is so stupid these days.

 I find myself very lonely these days especially when it comes to digital age. I actually enjoy a good conversation on a multitude of topics face to face. However in this day and age there seems to be a fastidious and superficial I don't know you and nor do I care about your opinions when it is face to face.

 I feel sad for this generation as they'll never know the reality of what Gen Xer's dealt with. 74- 87 if you were born in these timelines you had a decent childhood and worthy memories where parents and everything wasn't helicopter parents and little Timmy didn't get a participation trophy. I believe the tough love talks my dad told me was out of concern and teaching self reliance.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SpankerChief on June 11, 2019, 03:02:36 PM
My brother was murdered in 2006. He was 20.

I had dropped 4 rolls right before being brought to the hospital to see my brother for the last time.

He was laying on a slab with a plastic thing sticking out of his face. It was the most horrendous thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.

I can see it all over again sometimes.

I wrote out the entire story but I erased it.

Hold on tightly to your loved ones. You never know when the system is going to try and grind you up.

My brother was the only person who loved me unconditionally. I came out to him and he gave me a hug.
He asked if he was the first person I told I said yes.

Best buds. I always had nightmares about losing my two youngest brothers and it came true
that's really sad, like for reals I have had to carry out bodies of homies and ex's it is not fun to kick it one day and next day fucking gone.

I hope you are doing well and if you need an ear to jabber at my inbox is always welcome. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dustwardprez on June 14, 2019, 07:48:06 PM
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Guys you do realize soon banned is special right? He really thinks people will get rowdy because of him but in reality no one cares. Just let him do his little special dance and then we can have the real fun of slap.

I love Soon banned. I want to slip him the chicken

Well he's actually banned now, so you will have to slip the chicken to his next account. So keep a look out.

Soon banned focused or was banned?

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFea on June 14, 2019, 11:35:10 PM
im in so much pain that I can barely live with what has just happened. I apologize to everyone except soon banned
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: silhouette on June 15, 2019, 07:43:46 AM
im in so much pain that I can barely live with what has just happened. I apologize to everyone except soon banned

Wait, what's that?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Fro Doggy Dog on July 03, 2019, 07:43:55 AM
from john rattray - Why So Sad? 2019 Mission for Mental Health ( (
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JohnnySaintLethal on September 10, 2019, 09:57:30 PM
Started this thread a while ago at a dead end looking to vent. Had a breakdown in August sometime and took  4 Percocets on top of my normal 12 beers a night routine. Idk why I did that, I just wanted to get really fucked up I guess. It took 4 months to see a psychiatrist and I finally got in. I’ve been on zoloft now for 2 months now 1 month at 50mg and 1 month on 100mg. Doc wanted me to start abilify but I couldn’t afford it. I had a reaction that made me super manic from it for about a week recently and right now I feel like my old existential crisis self except maybe more apathetic, idk today was rough. Still taking it next appointment is in 3 weeks. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on September 10, 2019, 10:38:04 PM
Started this thread a while ago at a dead end looking to vent. Had a breakdown in August sometime and took  4 Percocets on top of my normal 12 beers a night routine. Idk why I did that, I just wanted to get really fucked up I guess. It took 4 months to see a psychiatrist and I finally got in. I’ve been on zoloft now for 2 months now 1 month at 50mg and 1 month on 100mg. Doc wanted me to start abilify but I couldn’t afford it. I had a reaction that made me super manic from it for about a week recently and right now I feel like my old existential crisis self except maybe more apathetic, idk today was rough. Still taking it next appointment is in 3 weeks. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing.

I'm doing all right. Was getting pretty bad recently. Crazy stress, being a dick and screaming at my girlfriend, being horrible to be around. Was getting ready to get back on some anti anxiety medication and possibly some anti-depressants again. ADD meds probably weren't helping me. Stopped taking those, start taking cbd, doing well the past week. It's worth the stress of having trouble concentrating rather than making myself stress out because I can't stop thinking of the things I can't change. My last time on anti depressants was like a year and a half ago. The last one worked better than any I had taken before but was the only medication I've ever had a hard time getting off. It was so bad. Remeron is awesome but getting off is the fucking worst.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on September 11, 2019, 07:29:11 AM
The things that get a hold of me and make me feel absolutely bummed that I hear albeit watching the news or just people watching. 

You can see the division and or the fear of others just by people watching

I do have" friends" rather acquaintances I sometimes speak with and tbh it bums me out, the closeness I felt when I didn't have a job or responsibilities I can't find that unique one solid friend anymore.

Even when I do find someone with similar interests it's either scenarios I annoy them or vice versa or my bullshit upstairs in my head will tell me otherwise that someone is using me and you have seen this beforehand cut your losses, or the old yeah call me anytime and they ghost me like a bitch. either way it's been since 2003 since I had a decent friend to really count on as a homie,  for now I won't hold my breathe for anything. call me an asshole whatever I just see it for what it is.

I hate the idea of ghosting someone as that is not how I operate, I'd rather tell you to your face to fuck off or we've got to go different ways. as a solid person I believe the same should be upheld but that's my own expectations that let me down.

I know this won't mean much to others but one of the reasons I like SLAP is maybe just maybe one day I could meet someone from here in my town and we could skate this area and build some shit.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFea on September 15, 2019, 09:06:30 PM
The things that get a hold of me and make me feel absolutely bummed that I hear albeit watching the news or just people watching. 

You can see the division and or the fear of others just by people watching

I do have" friends" rather acquaintances I sometimes speak with and tbh it bums me out, the closeness I felt when I didn't have a job or responsibilities I can't find that unique one solid friend anymore.

Even when I do find someone with similar interests it's either scenarios I annoy them or vice versa or my bullshit upstairs in my head will tell me otherwise that someone is using me and you have seen this beforehand cut your losses, or the old yeah call me anytime and they ghost me like a bitch. either way it's been since 2003 since I had a decent friend to really count on as a homie,  for now I won't hold my breathe for anything. call me an asshole whatever I just see it for what it is.

I hate the idea of ghosting someone as that is not how I operate, I'd rather tell you to your face to fuck off or we've got to go different ways. as a solid person I believe the same should be upheld but that's my own expectations that let me down.

I know this won't mean much to others but one of the reasons I like SLAP is maybe just maybe one day I could meet someone from here in my town and we could skate this area and build some shit.

I’ll be your friend man.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: igrindtwinkies on September 15, 2019, 09:10:36 PM
You a real one AssFea.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Slugboi22 on September 16, 2019, 01:39:02 AM
Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on September 16, 2019, 09:13:19 AM
Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Slugboi22 on September 16, 2019, 10:17:48 AM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: childhood on September 17, 2019, 07:03:10 AM
Last week I started taking Zoloft again, after stopping for a few months.

Having pretty much no libido for a change is actually kinda dope, way less distracting.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on September 17, 2019, 01:27:38 PM
too depressed to get help, last time i tried the prick kept inferring that i was on meth. everyone thinks im a drug addict in my town, doesn't help being skinny and tall living on $50 a week for food and the area is known for meth.

i isolate a ton, only therapist i talk to now is my old one who is retired and in the beginning stages of dementia..

im literally on my fucking own and i am my own worst enemy..
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: os89 on September 17, 2019, 01:42:54 PM
too depressed to get help, last time i tried the prick kept inferring that i was on meth. everyone thinks im a drug addict in my town, doesn't help being skinny and tall living on $50 a week for food and the area is known for meth.

i isolate a ton, only therapist i talk to now is my old one who is retired and in the beginning stages of dementia..

im literally on my fucking own and i am my own worst enemy..

Where are you at? Can you get or need insurance or food assistance? Definitely look into it if you can. Do you have any  friends that you are really close too? If so talk to them for sure. Maybe try and meet up with some pals on here  and skate.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: FrenchFriedClownFingers on September 18, 2019, 11:33:22 AM
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too depressed to get help, last time i tried the prick kept inferring that i was on meth. everyone thinks im a drug addict in my town, doesn't help being skinny and tall living on $50 a week for food and the area is known for meth.

i isolate a ton, only therapist i talk to now is my old one who is retired and in the beginning stages of dementia..

im literally on my fucking own and i am my own worst enemy..

Where are you at? Can you get or need insurance or food assistance? Definitely look into it if you can. Do you have any  friends that you are really close too? If so talk to them for sure. Maybe try and meet up with some pals on here  and skate.

i live in california, around the sac area. the $200 i get a month for food is from welfare. i keep intending on getting help but for some reason i can't get the wheels turning. i do not have many close friends that understand, most of my social circle has kinda drifted off, i find it tough to make friends. could be the area but i am also an odd person and i have trouble asking for help or reaching out to people, i dont know why.

mushrooms were helping but i ran out, i keep myself invovled in music projects and art when im not skating. i've really been trying to find the "right" people i guess
cuz when i try to make friends around my area i am always left running back to my cave. i think thats why i skate alone in parking lots, so i can focus and i dont have to be a punchline to some fuck who wants to look cool in front of the homies.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on September 18, 2019, 12:37:28 PM
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too depressed to get help, last time i tried the prick kept inferring that i was on meth. everyone thinks im a drug addict in my town, doesn't help being skinny and tall living on $50 a week for food and the area is known for meth.

i isolate a ton, only therapist i talk to now is my old one who is retired and in the beginning stages of dementia..

im literally on my fucking own and i am my own worst enemy..

Where are you at? Can you get or need insurance or food assistance? Definitely look into it if you can. Do you have any  friends that you are really close too? If so talk to them for sure. Maybe try and meet up with some pals on here  and skate.

i live in california, around the sac area. the $200 i get a month for food is from welfare. i keep intending on getting help but for some reason i can't get the wheels turning. i do not have many close friends that understand, most of my social circle has kinda drifted off, i find it tough to make friends. could be the area but i am also an odd person and i have trouble asking for help or reaching out to people, i dont know why.

mushrooms were helping but i ran out, i keep myself invovled in music projects and art when im not skating. i've really been trying to find the "right" people i guess
cuz when i try to make friends around my area i am always left running back to my cave. i think thats why i skate alone in parking lots, so i can focus and i dont have to be a punchline to some fuck who wants to look cool in front of the homies.
Apply for medical at the same place you get your foodstamps.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on September 21, 2019, 10:08:59 AM
I started micro dosing today.

I’ll post my results in a week or two
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on September 28, 2019, 06:38:06 AM
Finally going to use this led poem

Forced Reality

Someone carry me away from here
I wish to be far far far away from here
Before I pass on
I brace for the drop

I launch after I drop

Reality I am Atlas

I can feel the spinal cuff


When I practice free thought
Fiberoptic leads back up to the world I forgot

I'll try to forget it all I awaken

Replace my muddy bone marrow


Unplug my sickened heart


Replace my cancerous mind





Free thought



Free thought


Distract me


The hand was descending

The weight is too much

The hand has retracted

The veil reinjected

In reality my name was atlas
The rest I forgot
My back hurts as I sit here
I have too many thoughts


Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: animalflesh on September 28, 2019, 09:01:54 AM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?

I was on a heavy dose of lexapro for a few years

While I did already have OCD beforehand, I would find it brought my intrusive thoughts more ‘forward’ from time to time

I’m not a good case study for lexapro causing OCD because of that but the few doctors I’ve spoken to about it say that it usually just causes EXISTING thoughts to become more conscious rather than subliminal.

I will say that lexapro and Xanax withdrawals suck dick.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Burt Ward on September 30, 2019, 05:49:03 PM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?

I was on a heavy dose of lexapro for a few years

While I did already have OCD beforehand, I would find it brought my intrusive thoughts more ‘forward’ from time to time

I’m not a good case study for lexapro causing OCD because of that but the few doctors I’ve spoken to about it say that it usually just causes EXISTING thoughts to become more conscious rather than subliminal.

I will say that lexapro and Xanax withdrawals suck dick.

Lexapro withdrawals are the worst! I've tried to get off a few times and couldn't. Brain zaps and dizziness mostly. Tapering really slowly too. Did you get totally off them? If you did, how so?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Slugboi22 on October 01, 2019, 11:34:35 AM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?

I was on a heavy dose of lexapro for a few years

While I did already have OCD beforehand, I would find it brought my intrusive thoughts more ‘forward’ from time to time

I’m not a good case study for lexapro causing OCD because of that but the few doctors I’ve spoken to about it say that it usually just causes EXISTING thoughts to become more conscious rather than subliminal.

I will say that lexapro and Xanax withdrawals suck dick.

Lexapro withdrawals are the worst! I've tried to get off a few times and couldn't. Brain zaps and dizziness mostly. Tapering really slowly too. Did you get totally off them? If you did, how so?
I can’t speak for Thom here but for me I was able to get off them by slowly going down. By the time I was down to just a single pill I would break it in half to only take half doses. Eventually I got used to it and went off them. Hope this kinda helps you 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on October 01, 2019, 01:27:21 PM
Anybody else get uncontrolled muscle spasms? I've been having these random jerking movements for the last 4 months or so. Doc says it's stress, but I'm pretty suspicious of the drug cocktail I'm on.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on October 01, 2019, 01:32:00 PM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?

I was on a heavy dose of lexapro for a few years

While I did already have OCD beforehand, I would find it brought my intrusive thoughts more ‘forward’ from time to time

I’m not a good case study for lexapro causing OCD because of that but the few doctors I’ve spoken to about it say that it usually just causes EXISTING thoughts to become more conscious rather than subliminal.

I will say that lexapro and Xanax withdrawals suck dick.

Lexapro withdrawals are the worst! I've tried to get off a few times and couldn't. Brain zaps and dizziness mostly. Tapering really slowly too. Did you get totally off them? If you did, how so?
I can’t speak for Thom here but for me I was able to get off them by slowly going down. By the time I was down to just a single pill I would break it in half to only take half doses. Eventually I got used to it and went off them. Hope this kinda helps you
Sounds like Remeron. Awesome medication, horrible withdrawal. Would have to break the pills up so small. Even a tiny speck of the pill would put me to sleep. And if I didn’t take the tiny speck I would have horrible anxiety. Was about a month of hell.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on October 01, 2019, 01:34:08 PM
Anybody else get uncontrolled muscle spasms? I've been having these random jerking movements for the last 4 months or so. Doc says it's stress, but I'm pretty suspicious of the drug cocktail I'm on.
Probably stress. Didn’t realize how tense my body actually gets from stress until a couple months ago. I though saying someone was tense was just a saying but your body muscles actually do tighten up. Stretching I bet would help. I’ve never had any medications make me have muscle spasms.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: WastedHippy on October 01, 2019, 03:37:47 PM
Anybody else get uncontrolled muscle spasms? I've been having these random jerking movements for the last 4 months or so. Doc says it's stress, but I'm pretty suspicious of the drug cocktail I'm on.

Weird I read this because about 5 minutes ago it was happening in my left upper arm, weirdly intense feeling and I had no idea what brought it on
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 01, 2019, 03:59:39 PM
Anybody else get uncontrolled muscle spasms? I've been having these random jerking movements for the last 4 months or so. Doc says it's stress, but I'm pretty suspicious of the drug cocktail I'm on.

yes.  Some medications to make it worse but it does come from stress in my case
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: animalflesh on October 01, 2019, 04:16:05 PM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?

I was on a heavy dose of lexapro for a few years

While I did already have OCD beforehand, I would find it brought my intrusive thoughts more ‘forward’ from time to time

I’m not a good case study for lexapro causing OCD because of that but the few doctors I’ve spoken to about it say that it usually just causes EXISTING thoughts to become more conscious rather than subliminal.

I will say that lexapro and Xanax withdrawals suck dick.

Lexapro withdrawals are the worst! I've tried to get off a few times and couldn't. Brain zaps and dizziness mostly. Tapering really slowly too. Did you get totally off them? If you did, how so?
I can’t speak for Thom here but for me I was able to get off them by slowly going down. By the time I was down to just a single pill I would break it in half to only take half doses. Eventually I got used to it and went off them. Hope this kinda helps you

Yeah I weened off a week at a time between dose changes, then every other day on the smallest dose

Dude it sucked, I had a couple small seizures some black outs...

The doctor didn’t want me to discontinue the meds so I did it myself and suffered the consequences

But I’m very glad I did, therapy helped more than drugs
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on October 01, 2019, 04:20:56 PM
Thinking of trying out that Spravato treatment. It’s like the inhaled ketamine antidepressant. I know my psych is treating people with it (guy doesn’t really seem to give any fucks), I first heard about it a couple years ago for people with treatment resistant depression. And it’s out now and he’s doing it. I gotta read a little more about it tonight. Stupid brain
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on October 01, 2019, 07:24:25 PM
I can't sit in a room with a group of people for more than a few hours. This makes study and employment almost unacheivable. I flip stuff and make artwork for a living and get a small amount on welfare, somehow I still have disposable income. But at this point it looks like im stuck here forever.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 01, 2019, 07:57:40 PM
I can't sit in a room with a group of people for more than a few hours. This makes study and employment almost unacheivable. I flip stuff and make artwork for a living and get a small amount on welfare, somehow I still have disposable income. But at this point it looks like im stuck here forever.

same. Don't let it get you down man. A free ride is still a ride. I like to look out the window I like to eat trash. I like to be poor.

I'm getting another van this spring and hitting the road again now I'm free from the system

I hope to find employment pouring parks or maybe filling boxes but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Skaters who are smart have cast me away. I bring nothing but distraction and disappointment with light amusement.

I refuse to sell my art now though. I've never told its value at auction but I cannot part with it. I'd rather burn it than some yuppies investing in my pain and suffering
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on October 01, 2019, 09:15:30 PM
I can't sit in a room with a group of people for more than a few hours. This makes study and employment almost unacheivable. I flip stuff and make artwork for a living and get a small amount on welfare, somehow I still have disposable income. But at this point it looks like im stuck here forever.
If you have disposable income and you aren’t working a regular job and don’t stress about making money you are doing pretty good.

Stuck where? In town, in that line of making money? What is it you want to change?The obvious signs will be there.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Burt Ward on October 01, 2019, 11:14:04 PM
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Hey y’all idk if this needs to be said but Ive been off my medication for about almost 4 months now (successfully with no issues)and I have some 2 little things of advice/caution for those taking or considering taking Lexapro
1. It can make you horribly OCD. I had been taking the medication for almost about a year and I’d say about 3 months into it, it made me have horrible hand-washing issues. Like I had to wash my hands exactly 5-7 times at the sink type shit. I also had OCD about making my shoes match with my board and other very stressful things.
2. It can make sex difficult to say the least. Won’t get too into it but if you already have physical issues in your sex life I strongly advise you not to take the medication.
I hope someone uses this info to their advantage cuz I really wish someone would of told me this beforehand
I never heard the OCD thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't know Lexapro and the onset of OCD are related. I can back you on the sexual side effects in that it's very common in antidepressants. In fact I've personally never been on an antidepressant that didn't lead to a measure of dysfunction. Luckily that's not an issue for my lifestyle, but I can see it being a very prominent one for a lot of people. One that could potentially lead to deepening depression.
I looked into it before and although the the meds don’t inherently give you OCD, SSRIs can it seems strengthen or heighten the intrusive thoughts and compulsions that one can have. Both myself and my partners Mom both had taken lexapro at some point in our lives and it ended up in both of us having OCD like behaviors. Fuck did I already have OCD to begin with?

I was on a heavy dose of lexapro for a few years

While I did already have OCD beforehand, I would find it brought my intrusive thoughts more ‘forward’ from time to time

I’m not a good case study for lexapro causing OCD because of that but the few doctors I’ve spoken to about it say that it usually just causes EXISTING thoughts to become more conscious rather than subliminal.

I will say that lexapro and Xanax withdrawals suck dick.

Lexapro withdrawals are the worst! I've tried to get off a few times and couldn't. Brain zaps and dizziness mostly. Tapering really slowly too. Did you get totally off them? If you did, how so?
I can’t speak for Thom here but for me I was able to get off them by slowly going down. By the time I was down to just a single pill I would break it in half to only take half doses. Eventually I got used to it and went off them. Hope this kinda helps you

Yeah I weened off a week at a time between dose changes, then every other day on the smallest dose

Dude it sucked, I had a couple small seizures some black outs...

The doctor didn’t want me to discontinue the meds so I did it myself and suffered the consequences

But I’m very glad I did, therapy helped more than drugs

Ah cheers. That's pretty much the way I nearly got off them before but then I was going overseas and didn't wanna freak out so I went back to full dose. Time to try again.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: WastedHippy on October 02, 2019, 03:00:12 AM
I can't sit in a room with a group of people for more than a few hours. This makes study and employment almost unacheivable. I flip stuff and make artwork for a living and get a small amount on welfare, somehow I still have disposable income. But at this point it looks like im stuck here forever.

What happens ? Just Anxiety or something?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 02, 2019, 06:17:50 AM
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I can't sit in a room with a group of people for more than a few hours. This makes study and employment almost unacheivable. I flip stuff and make artwork for a living and get a small amount on welfare, somehow I still have disposable income. But at this point it looks like im stuck here forever.

What happens ? Just Anxiety or something?

yes I would like to know too
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 26, 2019, 07:24:31 AM
Sometimes I want to eat a bullet
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: blurst_of_times on October 26, 2019, 08:24:17 AM
Last week I started taking Zoloft again, after stopping for a few months.

Having pretty much no libido for a change is actually kinda dope, way less distracting.
I have been on Zoloft for nearly a year now and I completely agree with you about the unexpected benefit of my libido being nearly muted. I went 5 days in a row doing productive stuff all day before I even realized that I hadn't had sex or jerked off in those five days.

With that being said, eventually my body seemed to adjust and my libido is mostly restored now. Still have some sexual side effects every now and again, but fortunately my girlfriend and I have been able to work around them
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 26, 2019, 01:02:04 PM
  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on October 26, 2019, 01:17:38 PM
  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)
I’m supposed to be on colanadine which is a meds for schizophrenia behaviors and an ssri celexa which is antidepressant.

I’ve had issues with delusions/mania but since I know what’s wrong and I’m with supportive people who help me calm down and talk me out of my delusions.

I know it sounds easier said than done but as long as I’ve got something to distract me and engage my senses I’m good.

I hate when I have a bad day but it’s all about having people who can get to you and help you out by being there either as a presence or someone who will listen, you’ll be better.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 26, 2019, 01:26:09 PM
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  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)
I’m supposed to be on colanadine which is a meds for schizophrenia behaviors and an ssri celexa which is antidepressant.

I’ve had issues with delusions/mania but since I know what’s wrong and I’m with supportive people who help me calm down and talk me out of my delusions.

I know it sounds easier said than done but as long as I’ve got something to distract me and engage my senses I’m good.

I hate when I have a bad day but it’s all about having people who can get to you and help you out by being there either as a presence or someone who will listen, you’ll be better.
    That's sick really.  (edit ha I'm mean 'sick' like 'rad' and Dystopia is a band for the ages) 
  Also I'm 43.  Having the kind of support group you describe is a lil bit different for me.  I'm not really in a large peer group as a 43 year old skater.  My gf is amazing.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on October 26, 2019, 03:53:51 PM
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  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)
I’m supposed to be on colanadine which is a meds for schizophrenia behaviors and an ssri celexa which is antidepressant.

I’ve had issues with delusions/mania but since I know what’s wrong and I’m with supportive people who help me calm down and talk me out of my delusions.

I know it sounds easier said than done but as long as I’ve got something to distract me and engage my senses I’m good.

I hate when I have a bad day but it’s all about having people who can get to you and help you out by being there either as a presence or someone who will listen, you’ll be better.
    That's sick really.  (edit ha I'm mean 'sick' like 'rad' and Dystopia is a band for the ages) 
  Also I'm 43.  Having the kind of support group you describe is a lil bit different for me.  I'm not really in a large peer group as a 43 year old skater.  My gf is amazing.
My wife is amazing and her family is rad for dealing with my crazy shit for this long. I know I’m not the greatest person in the world and my actions have been not so great but damned if my wife has helped me out with sobriety and other things that I’ve never considered as an outsider.

That’s good you’ve got a good woman by your side. Most don’t have that and it’s really really sad.

The thing I tell myself when I get down is everything is temporary and chase paper and what you have. Or I like the saying a bird in the hand is worth more then two in the bush.

That’s some real shit that no books will ever tell ya.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 26, 2019, 08:16:13 PM
  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)

yes travel and weed. I also use other hallucinogenic toys for opioid replacement therapy crack replacement therapy dust replacement therapy... Benzodiazepines are being slowly taken away so I got to treat my anxiety in this manner

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 26, 2019, 09:59:17 PM
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  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)

yes travel and weed. I also use other hallucinogenic toys for opioid replacement therapy crack replacement therapy dust replacement therapy... Benzodiazepines are being slowly taken away so I got to treat my anxiety in this manner
 wow sound like ur off opioids?  hope so.  Never got into crack. I think its better for you then the heroin but still seems like alot of not good.     I'm trying dance therepy that I'm making  up.  Its helpful.  Maybe ur already dancing but its worth a try. -somthin different.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on October 27, 2019, 07:12:08 AM
I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Cuban_Lynx on October 27, 2019, 07:35:15 AM
I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.
Good luck! Sometimes outpatient MH clinics have support groups. You can check PsychologyToday or Google search community mental health clinics in your zip. This might not be your thing, but lots of churches have open small groups. Mine actually has one for atheists and it isn't spiritual based. When I was in college I went to one and met a lot of cool people.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Allen. on October 27, 2019, 08:16:13 AM
My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 28, 2019, 12:11:04 AM
My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.

it's a similar feeling

It's also not very good for you. Try edibles yo
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: silvertone_spacemachine on October 28, 2019, 12:34:30 PM
I'm on some pretty heavy SSRI (Luvox) that is supposed to specifically help with OCD but I don't really notice that aspect of the medication. They also have me on alot of Gabapentin, like 300mg 3x a day, but I only take 300mg once in the AM and 300 mg once before bed. I'm prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3x a day but only take it as needed, which is usually maybe only once a day. It also doesn't help that I enjoy opiates and have access to legit ones. Those make me feel like god in the moment and like hell the next day, which obviously leads to a cycle.

I gotta get straight. Life is pain
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 28, 2019, 01:03:53 PM
I'm on some pretty heavy SSRI (Luvox) that is supposed to specifically help with OCD but I don't really notice that aspect of the medication. They also have me on alot of Gabapentin, like 300mg 3x a day, but I only take 300mg once in the AM and 300 mg once before bed. I'm prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3x a day but only take it as needed, which is usually maybe only once a day. It also doesn't help that I enjoy opiates and have access to legit ones. Those make me feel like god in the moment and like hell the next day, which obviously leads to a cycle.

I gotta get straight. Life is pain

Life is abuse
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: cuckflip on October 28, 2019, 01:09:59 PM
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My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.

it's a similar feeling

It's also not very good for you. Try edibles yo
Yeah fuck a doctor and medicine listen to the guy posting crust punk tracks on slap
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on October 28, 2019, 02:09:30 PM
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My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.

it's a similar feeling

It's also not very good for you. Try edibles yo
Yeah fuck a doctor and medicine listen to the guy posting crust punk tracks on slap

yeah definitely listen to your doctor but that med has a black box warning

Same with Chantix. Similar drugs
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewbearz on November 01, 2019, 09:42:03 AM
I'm on some pretty heavy SSRI (Luvox) that is supposed to specifically help with OCD but I don't really notice that aspect of the medication. They also have me on alot of Gabapentin, like 300mg 3x a day, but I only take 300mg once in the AM and 300 mg once before bed. I'm prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3x a day but only take it as needed, which is usually maybe only once a day. It also doesn't help that I enjoy opiates and have access to legit ones. Those make me feel like god in the moment and like hell the next day, which obviously leads to a cycle.

I gotta get straight. Life is pain

To be honest, that's a fairly low dose of gabapentin if you're using it as an antidepressant.

If you enjoy opiates, save the gabapentin for when you're withdrawing. It is great for RLS at night.

I've got a pretty shitty opiate habit at the moment. Going to try to kick this weekend/coming week.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on November 01, 2019, 10:04:44 AM
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I'm on some pretty heavy SSRI (Luvox) that is supposed to specifically help with OCD but I don't really notice that aspect of the medication. They also have me on alot of Gabapentin, like 300mg 3x a day, but I only take 300mg once in the AM and 300 mg once before bed. I'm prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3x a day but only take it as needed, which is usually maybe only once a day. It also doesn't help that I enjoy opiates and have access to legit ones. Those make me feel like god in the moment and like hell the next day, which obviously leads to a cycle.

I gotta get straight. Life is pain

To be honest, that's a fairly low dose of gabapentin if you're using it as an antidepressant.

If you enjoy opiates, save the gabapentin for when you're withdrawing. It is great for RLS at night.

I've got a pretty shitty opiate habit at the moment. Going to try to kick this weekend/coming week.
  Opiate habit?  whoo thats a fuckin mess!  Good luck on the mission bro, you got it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on November 01, 2019, 10:06:53 AM
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My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.

it's a similar feeling

It's also not very good for you. Try edibles yo
Yeah fuck a doctor and medicine listen to the guy posting crust punk tracks on slap
  The guy posting crust punk gets zero commision from the drug companies and edibles won't cut ur life span.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Woos on November 01, 2019, 09:29:16 PM
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  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)
I’m supposed to be on colanadine which is a meds for schizophrenia behaviors and an ssri celexa which is antidepressant.

I’ve had issues with delusions/mania but since I know what’s wrong and I’m with supportive people who help me calm down and talk me out of my delusions.

I know it sounds easier said than done but as long as I’ve got something to distract me and engage my senses I’m good.

I hate when I have a bad day but it’s all about having people who can get to you and help you out by being there either as a presence or someone who will listen, you’ll be better.

Do you mean Clonodine?  It's actually a blood pressure medication.  It's often used to help people who are detoxing off of opioids, benzos, and/or alcohol.  They also often prescribe it to people who are ADHD because it calms them down and if they are on stimulants it helps them fall asleep/comedown easier.

I'm assuming you are on it to keep your blood pressure lower which makes you calmer which would help with some of your symptoms and possibly prevent some episodes from occurring.  It's not a very strong drug and it certainly isn't going to change your brain chemistry like an SSRI or anti-psychotic would.  It's your body obviously but I'd recommend taking it.  It's very safe, doesn't feel druggy like benzos and anti-psychotics do, and cheap but it will help.

I have used it for kicking heroin cold turkey in the past and it helped quite a bit.   It actually allowed me to get my heart rate close enough to normal so I could get a few hours of sleep that I wouldn't normally have gotten.  I'm on Suboxone now and take clonodine whenever I taper and have anxiety, panic attacks, and increased insomnia.

Btw it's a non-habit forming chemical and it is not abusable.  Also there are no hangovers or anything like Seroquel, benzos, etc.  Why do you not take it?  I understand why somebody might not take SSRIs but not a simple blood pressure medication that helps with so many things with so few side effects.

My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is nothing like Adderall (Mixed Amphetamine Salts).  It is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) and not an amphetamine.  The effects are insanely different, the way it works is nothing like an amphetamine, etc.  The side effects are very different btw.  It's mainly used for depression and addiction (especially nicotine addiction).  There is a chance that it could make you suicidal, it is very similar to an SSRI.  Also stimulants tend to make people horny while NDRIs tend to decrease your libido, although not nearly as bad as SSRIs.  I'd recommend doing a lot more research as you sound very misinformed.  Whoever told you the side effects are similar are insane and incorrect.  Wellbutrin also isn't very effect in the treatment of ADHD/ADD.  While it can help it won't help very much.  Stimulants help and allow you to focus however they are very addicting, suppress appetite, cause insomnia, etc.  If you do any recreational drugs make sure you research if they are safe to take while on Wellbutrin, many are not and can cause horrible reactions such as Serotonin Syndrome much like SSRIs can.  Drugs like MDMA and anti-depressants CAN'T BE TAKEN TOGETHER as it is very dangerous and you will feel like shit.  I'm an ex-junkie who would do dangerous combos like shooting speedballs and taking benzos and opiates together but I'd never ever even think about taking anti-depressants and MDMA (and many other chemicals) together as it is absolutely going to cause negative side effects no matter what.

I'd recommend looking into a drug called guanfacine.  There are very few side effects and it is not abusable like stimulants.  Also instead of making it hard to sleep and eat it actually helps you sleep but does not feel druggy at all.  It's similar to drugs like Clonodine as it is a blood pressure medication.  Guanfacine however is used for for ADHD and works quite well.  It's often paired with stimulants but it can be used by itself.  If you aren't ADHD to the point of absolutely needing stimulants it's a great option.  I'd highly recommend trying it before using Wellbutrin.  Wellbutrin is a very useful chemical but it's not usually used for ADHD and the risk for suicide, the lack of emotions it can cause, and the sexual dysfunction are absolutely terrifying.  If you do go on Wellbutrin make sure you don't suddenly stop taking it, you will need to taper and be in contact with your doctor otherwise it can be dangerous.

Seriously though ask your doctor about Guanfacine and read about it.  Clinical studies are quite impressive for a non-stimulant.  Otherwise maybe try a less intense stimulant.  I took Wellbutrin when I was in rehab for depression and addiction but it made me feel like a zombie and killed my sex drive.  I had no interest in sex even with my dream girl whom I was dating at the time.  While I wasn't sad I wasn't happy either.  No highs or lows, just bleh.  That's fine if you are insanely depressed and never happy at all but I wasn't at that level and it doesn't sound like you are either.

If you were wrongly diagnosed why do you need it though?  What did you get re-diagnosed with?  There is a war on masculinity currently and they are over-medicating young boys/young men for doing what boys do.  If you don't need it fuck it.  At least the blood pressure medication I mentioned isn't habit forming, change how you act as a person like stimulants and anti-depressantsr, nor have insane side effects.


Anyways different topic.  Is anyone else here on Suboxone or Methadone maintenance?  If so how are you doing, what dose are you on, and how long have you been taking it? 

I've been on Suboxone for over two years now.  I started at 12mg, stayed at 8mg for most of time, and over the last year or so I've tapered down to 0.5mg.  I was down to .25mg but I was getting cravings again so I went to 0.5mg.  I believe I jumped too early so I'm sticking to 0.5mg until I'm nice and stable. 

My main drug of choice was IV heroin but I started on pills like everyone else... it fucking sucks man.  Fuck addiction.  It killed my dad (suicide), my friends (suicides and overdoses), caused the breakup between me and the girl I've been in love with since I was 14 years old, ruined college and jobs for me, etc.  I'm glad to be doing better but man am I scared to kick Subs.  12-2mg was easy but every taper below 2mg has been pretty hard.  I've kicked heavy dope habits cold turkey and obviously that was way more painful but this is scarier for some reason... I don't know why.

Stay strong guys.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewbearz on November 02, 2019, 09:49:24 AM
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I'm on some pretty heavy SSRI (Luvox) that is supposed to specifically help with OCD but I don't really notice that aspect of the medication. They also have me on alot of Gabapentin, like 300mg 3x a day, but I only take 300mg once in the AM and 300 mg once before bed. I'm prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3x a day but only take it as needed, which is usually maybe only once a day. It also doesn't help that I enjoy opiates and have access to legit ones. Those make me feel like god in the moment and like hell the next day, which obviously leads to a cycle.

I gotta get straight. Life is pain

To be honest, that's a fairly low dose of gabapentin if you're using it as an antidepressant.

If you enjoy opiates, save the gabapentin for when you're withdrawing. It is great for RLS at night.

I've got a pretty shitty opiate habit at the moment. Going to try to kick this weekend/coming week.
  Opiate habit?  whoo thats a fuckin mess!  Good luck on the mission bro, you got it.

thanks bud. I've kicked H a lot of times actually but it's a fent habit right now and it's pretty fucking rough. I need to pass a drug test this week for a job opportunity so I'm kicking cold turkey right now. Well, I used a little this morning but I should start withdrawing in the next few hours. Fingers crossed that I get the job lol. Really don't want to kick for no reason. Opiates really really help with my manic depressive episodes so I don't want to stop unless I'm getting something out of it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Raccoon Manne on November 02, 2019, 12:35:47 PM
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  Is anybody here have episodes and refuse to medicate other then weed?  I get episodes of parinoia that are pretty much epic in proportion.  I just shake em off.    I guess its not hard cause it might happen once or twice a month same with my anxiety.  (travelling completely cures my anxiety miraculously but certainly not the parinoia.)
I’m supposed to be on colanadine which is a meds for schizophrenia behaviors and an ssri celexa which is antidepressant.

I’ve had issues with delusions/mania but since I know what’s wrong and I’m with supportive people who help me calm down and talk me out of my delusions.

I know it sounds easier said than done but as long as I’ve got something to distract me and engage my senses I’m good.

I hate when I have a bad day but it’s all about having people who can get to you and help you out by being there either as a presence or someone who will listen, you’ll be better.

Do you mean Clonodine?  It's actually a blood pressure medication.  It's often used to help people who are detoxing off of opioids, benzos, and/or alcohol.  They also often prescribe it to people who are ADHD because it calms them down and if they are on stimulants it helps them fall asleep/comedown easier.

I'm assuming you are on it to keep your blood pressure lower which makes you calmer which would help with some of your symptoms and possibly prevent some episodes from occurring.  It's not a very strong drug and it certainly isn't going to change your brain chemistry like an SSRI or anti-psychotic would.  It's your body obviously but I'd recommend taking it.  It's very safe, doesn't feel druggy like benzos and anti-psychotics do, and cheap but it will help.

I have used it for kicking heroin cold turkey in the past and it helped quite a bit.   It actually allowed me to get my heart rate close enough to normal so I could get a few hours of sleep that I wouldn't normally have gotten.  I'm on Suboxone now and take clonodine whenever I taper and have anxiety, panic attacks, and increased insomnia.

Btw it's a non-habit forming chemical and it is not abusable.  Also there are no hangovers or anything like Seroquel, benzos, etc.  Why do you not take it?  I understand why somebody might not take SSRIs but not a simple blood pressure medication that helps with so many things with so few side effects.

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My doctor wants to put me on Wellbutrin as I was wrongly put on adderall forever ago (2012). Seems like the side effects are the same as adderall but since it’s not a stimulant it should be better.

Wellbutrin (Bupropion) is nothing like Adderall (Mixed Amphetamine Salts).  It is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI) and not an amphetamine.  The effects are insanely different, the way it works is nothing like an amphetamine, etc.  The side effects are very different btw.  It's mainly used for depression and addiction (especially nicotine addiction).  There is a chance that it could make you suicidal, it is very similar to an SSRI.  Also stimulants tend to make people horny while NDRIs tend to decrease your libido, although not nearly as bad as SSRIs.  I'd recommend doing a lot more research as you sound very misinformed.  Whoever told you the side effects are similar are insane and incorrect.  Wellbutrin also isn't very effect in the treatment of ADHD/ADD.  While it can help it won't help very much.  Stimulants help and allow you to focus however they are very addicting, suppress appetite, cause insomnia, etc.  If you do any recreational drugs make sure you research if they are safe to take while on Wellbutrin, many are not and can cause horrible reactions such as Serotonin Syndrome much like SSRIs can.  Drugs like MDMA and anti-depressants CAN'T BE TAKEN TOGETHER as it is very dangerous and you will feel like shit.  I'm an ex-junkie who would do dangerous combos like shooting speedballs and taking benzos and opiates together but I'd never ever even think about taking anti-depressants and MDMA (and many other chemicals) together as it is absolutely going to cause negative side effects no matter what.

I'd recommend looking into a drug called guanfacine.  There are very few side effects and it is not abusable like stimulants.  Also instead of making it hard to sleep and eat it actually helps you sleep but does not feel druggy at all.  It's similar to drugs like Clonodine as it is a blood pressure medication.  Guanfacine however is used for for ADHD and works quite well.  It's often paired with stimulants but it can be used by itself.  If you aren't ADHD to the point of absolutely needing stimulants it's a great option.  I'd highly recommend trying it before using Wellbutrin.  Wellbutrin is a very useful chemical but it's not usually used for ADHD and the risk for suicide, the lack of emotions it can cause, and the sexual dysfunction are absolutely terrifying.  If you do go on Wellbutrin make sure you don't suddenly stop taking it, you will need to taper and be in contact with your doctor otherwise it can be dangerous.

Seriously though ask your doctor about Guanfacine and read about it.  Clinical studies are quite impressive for a non-stimulant.  Otherwise maybe try a less intense stimulant.  I took Wellbutrin when I was in rehab for depression and addiction but it made me feel like a zombie and killed my sex drive.  I had no interest in sex even with my dream girl whom I was dating at the time.  While I wasn't sad I wasn't happy either.  No highs or lows, just bleh.  That's fine if you are insanely depressed and never happy at all but I wasn't at that level and it doesn't sound like you are either.

If you were wrongly diagnosed why do you need it though?  What did you get re-diagnosed with?  There is a war on masculinity currently and they are over-medicating young boys/young men for doing what boys do.  If you don't need it fuck it.  At least the blood pressure medication I mentioned isn't habit forming, change how you act as a person like stimulants and anti-depressantsr, nor have insane side effects.


Anyways different topic.  Is anyone else here on Suboxone or Methadone maintenance?  If so how are you doing, what dose are you on, and how long have you been taking it? 

I've been on Suboxone for over two years now.  I started at 12mg, stayed at 8mg for most of time, and over the last year or so I've tapered down to 0.5mg.  I was down to .25mg but I was getting cravings again so I went to 0.5mg.  I believe I jumped too early so I'm sticking to 0.5mg until I'm nice and stable. 

My main drug of choice was IV heroin but I started on pills like everyone else... it fucking sucks man.  Fuck addiction.  It killed my dad (suicide), my friends (suicides and overdoses), caused the breakup between me and the girl I've been in love with since I was 14 years old, ruined college and jobs for me, etc.  I'm glad to be doing better but man am I scared to kick Subs.  12-2mg was easy but every taper below 2mg has been pretty hard.  I've kicked heavy dope habits cold turkey and obviously that was way more painful but this is scarier for some reason... I don't know why.

Stay strong guys.

My best friend is on suboxone, it seems to make people lose coordination and all patience... I've tried to get them to stop but now I regret that and accept her for who she is.

I've just stopped driniking, 7 days in and I feel amazing! It's been a long time coming, don't want to think about it too much; I have a habit of out thinking myself into drinking again.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on November 02, 2019, 03:52:11 PM
I don’t take meds as it’ll take everything out of me that I’m accomplishing, my motivation and manic moods although dangerous I get shit done.

I find therapy and hobbies keep my head busy. Plus I work with elderly people and disabled. My head fucks with me but I don’t got time to mince meds and work just to go to shit.

It’s a lot to take in but I find it better to have hobbies and talk about shit via this way plus who’s really got time to get better when you’ve got something to take care of.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on November 02, 2019, 05:00:33 PM
I don’t take meds as it’ll take everything out of me that I’m accomplishing, my motivation and manic moods although dangerous I get shit done.

I find therapy and hobbies keep my head busy. Plus I work with elderly people and disabled. My head fucks with me but I don’t got time to mince meds and work just to go to shit.

It’s a lot to take in but I find it better to have hobbies and talk about shit via this way plus who’s really got time to get better when you’ve got something to take care of.

meds suck. I can't skate on the meds they wanted to take.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on November 02, 2019, 09:27:21 PM
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I'm on some pretty heavy SSRI (Luvox) that is supposed to specifically help with OCD but I don't really notice that aspect of the medication. They also have me on alot of Gabapentin, like 300mg 3x a day, but I only take 300mg once in the AM and 300 mg once before bed. I'm prescribed clonazepam 1mg 3x a day but only take it as needed, which is usually maybe only once a day. It also doesn't help that I enjoy opiates and have access to legit ones. Those make me feel like god in the moment and like hell the next day, which obviously leads to a cycle.

I gotta get straight. Life is pain

To be honest, that's a fairly low dose of gabapentin if you're using it as an antidepressant.

If you enjoy opiates, save the gabapentin for when you're withdrawing. It is great for RLS at night.

I've got a pretty shitty opiate habit at the moment. Going to try to kick this weekend/coming week.
  Opiate habit?  whoo thats a fuckin mess!  Good luck on the mission bro, you got it.

thanks bud. I've kicked H a lot of times actually but it's a fent habit right now and it's pretty fucking rough. I need to pass a drug test this week for a job opportunity so I'm kicking cold turkey right now. Well, I used a little this morning but I should start withdrawing in the next few hours. Fingers crossed that I get the job lol. Really don't want to kick for no reason. Opiates really really help with my manic depressive episodes so I don't want to stop unless I'm getting something out of it.

   Jesus christ!!  (Sorry dude hold on)   When I say heroin addiction is PURE denial this is wtf I mean ^right here.  Dude is on fent and  by reading this he sounds like everything is goin pretty darn well!!!, "don't want to quit for no reason" "helps me" (!?!?)             (-totally been there tho man, the opiates are ROBBING you ,you just don't see it.)
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on November 20, 2019, 09:28:44 AM
( ( Imgflip Meme Generator (

Its mostly made on the ceiling with a lighters

I have no idea how to categorize this

When I tell other artists I paint with lighters they look at me funny. They never come by the space.

I need colabs but secondly all the money from all my music art etc goes to charity. I refuse to exchange my thoughts for money.

My family gets very upset about this

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: animalflesh on November 20, 2019, 12:11:52 PM
Really like the piece
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on November 20, 2019, 02:20:16 PM
( ( Imgflip Meme Generator (

Its mostly made on the ceiling with a lighters

I have no idea how to categorize this

When I tell other artists I paint with lighters they look at me funny. They never come by the space.

I need colabs but secondly all the money from all my music art etc goes to charity. I refuse to exchange my thoughts for money.

My family gets very upset about this
  Super nice.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on November 20, 2019, 03:10:51 PM
Thanx yos
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: brycickle on November 20, 2019, 09:53:47 PM
So, there is an amazing documentary on HBO now.

Here's a link to one of the officers giving a ted talk:

This one really hit home with me.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on November 24, 2019, 07:58:07 AM
Sometimes I think when I die I still wake up. I think I'm immoral
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: hangontoyourego on November 24, 2019, 09:12:46 AM
Sometimes I think when I die I still wake up. I think I'm immoral
Immortal ?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on November 24, 2019, 10:25:36 AM
Has anyone here ever had a good experience with hospitalization? It just seems it's bad juju to everyone all of the time.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on November 24, 2019, 10:35:13 AM
Has anyone here ever had a good experience with hospitalization? It just seems it's bad juju to everyone all of the time.

baldpate hospital Georgetown MA.

If you can land there is the shit.

Lots of fucking in them bathrooms
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: MotoPancakes on December 10, 2019, 08:23:48 AM
Has anyone here ever had a good experience with hospitalization? It just seems it's bad juju to everyone all of the time.

If you are contemplating going I would. I went to one of children's hospital's facilities, I can't say how adult facilities are. Mine time in was weird. I feel like it helped comfort me and clear my mind. On the contrary, sometimes it would sometimes seem like they don't care at all, it's just their job. Which of course it is, and im sure talking to suicidal kids all day might get old to some degree, but it was really is degrading.The nurses had this really weird way of talking, almost like they were holding something back. I guess they just had to watch what they would say, cause anything could be a trigger to someone. My biggest complaint easily though is that they didn't really help me work out my problems at all. All they would do is teach us to cope with the pain, which helped in its own way don't get me wrong. But when I got out honestly id say I was lower than before. Its been around four or so months since then, and things have been better overall. But im still feeling very lost and honestly feel worthless a lot of the time.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ohnowisee on December 10, 2019, 08:29:56 AM
Has anyone here ever had a good experience with hospitalization? It just seems it's bad juju to everyone all of the time.

If you concerned about hospitalization, you could always look for a support group.  My buddy started Hope For The Day to help with Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention and they have group meetings regularly around the Chicago area and have been getting their word out all over.  You could always reach out to them and see if they know of anything like that nearby you.  Might be less intimidating than fully engulfing yourself in hospitalization.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on December 10, 2019, 04:06:18 PM
Yah, don't let the authorities know that ur nutz basically. Better to keep that shit to yourself.  Things can happen like if you have kids but you got some histories of going to the hospital and saying "help me government -im crazy" child services might decide to try to intervene somehow cause they've got a bit of ammunition on you. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ClownOfTheDay on December 12, 2019, 06:26:25 AM
So, I have this problem, I do have some mental heath issues I'll admit it, but my problem is, it it me or is it the people I hang around that mentally makes me worn out. I believe it's my former GSA group. Their all kinda stuck up but this one sticks out the most. He acts like he's the second coming of Christ. I can quote every pretentious thing he's said in my head and anytime I think of him I call him Pretent cunt in my mind.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on December 12, 2019, 07:02:05 AM
So, I have this problem, I do have some mental heath issues I'll admit it, but my problem is, it it me or is it the people I hang around that mentally makes me worn out. I believe it's my former GSA group. Their all kinda stuck up but this one sticks out the most. He acts like he's the second coming of Christ. I can quote every pretentious thing he's said in my head and anytime I think of him I call him Pretent cunt in my mind.
  Ur young.  In ur life u NEED at least once to reject all people you know for at LEAST a month at least once.  Go out, do you, on ur own, fuck em.  If u arent capable of this life will drag u around.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on December 20, 2019, 09:12:39 PM
The horror week has come.

12/27/06 my youngest brother was put to sleep like a dog by a police informant. The cops tried to blame me but its not so easy.

I hope those murders get what they deserve. I saw the junkie cop who covered it up the other day.
Looking like he washes his ass with a pork chop
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on December 27, 2019, 12:32:55 AM
( ( Imgflip Meme Generator (

I drew this the day after. I was a mess. When i got the call i was buying rolls. I ate all of them and rode 45 minutes to the hospital with my ex gf (rip Julie)
my brother was laying on a silver table.
He had a short plastic tube sticking out of his face.

I was dry heaving and screaming. My mother found him. Then I was told that the lies. My family stopped me from leaving to get the hammer.

It was the worst day of my life. Why did he go back? We had just found out that his roommate was selling blow for the cops amongst other G code violations.

I was exonerated by the police report. They changed it but couldn't pull it their lies for once. That lead detective was a fucking mess.

I didn't kill anyone over it. I changed my life.

Monkey see monkey do. So i had to change the program. I started teaching the kids to be artistic instead of being criminal

Rip bryan. Ill get to your annual piece on new years hopefully
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: SHIREFLIP on December 27, 2019, 10:43:18 AM
Shout out to everyone struggling through the holidays.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on December 27, 2019, 11:50:14 AM
Shout out to everyone struggling through the holidays.

I feel that.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: m bison on December 27, 2019, 12:26:53 PM
sorry assflea. glad you changed your life.
'our revenge will be the laughter of our children' -- bobby sands
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on December 28, 2019, 08:48:04 AM
sorry assflea. glad you changed your life.
'our revenge will be the laughter of our children' -- bobby sands

yes thank you
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on December 29, 2019, 07:08:33 AM
My cousin just tryed to sell me Molly. I broke down and started crying. I wish people would stop offering me drugs like this.

If i want ill ask...

Theres also murder on my mind. I can resist both
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: carlomarxxx on December 29, 2019, 01:12:41 PM
I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.

Just start drinking
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on December 29, 2019, 03:24:40 PM
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I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.

Just start drinking
You think I don't, foo?!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: theresnothinghere on December 30, 2019, 01:52:19 AM
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I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.

Just start drinking
You think I don't, foo?!

I think you can find local support groups through Psychology today. Also if you do have insurance than you can usually search therapists on your medical profile online. If you're from California, Medi Cal covers therapy/support groups within the provider and usually community centers have support groups for free for different things.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on December 30, 2019, 06:49:29 AM
Anyone want to be on my next ep?

Its grind but people call it raw noise today.

Anyways if you want to write a haiku about skateboarding or whatever. I'll put your words or feelings in the song.

haiku seems to fit the best always
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ClownOfTheDay on January 02, 2020, 07:08:21 AM
Anyone want to be on my next ep?

Its grind but people call it raw noise today.

Anyways if you want to write a haiku about skateboarding or whatever. I'll put your words or feelings in the song.

haiku seems to fit the best always
Only if I get to design the album cover.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on January 02, 2020, 07:21:23 AM
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Anyone want to be on my next ep?

Its grind but people call it raw noise today.

Anyways if you want to write a haiku about skateboarding or whatever. I'll put your words or feelings in the song.

haiku seems to fit the best always
Only if I get to design the album cover.

the cover is Cardiel
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ClownOfTheDay on January 02, 2020, 07:32:32 AM
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Anyone want to be on my next ep?

Its grind but people call it raw noise today.

Anyways if you want to write a haiku about skateboarding or whatever. I'll put your words or feelings in the song.

haiku seems to fit the best always
Only if I get to design the album cover.

the cover is Cardiel
Can I draw cardiel lance mountain style?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on January 02, 2020, 07:36:19 AM
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Anyone want to be on my next ep?

Its grind but people call it raw noise today.

Anyways if you want to write a haiku about skateboarding or whatever. I'll put your words or feelings in the song.

haiku seems to fit the best always
Only if I get to design the album cover.

the cover is Cardiel
Can I draw cardiel lance mountain style?

yes you definitely can

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ClownOfTheDay on January 02, 2020, 07:44:14 AM
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Anyone want to be on my next ep?

Its grind but people call it raw noise today.

Anyways if you want to write a haiku about skateboarding or whatever. I'll put your words or feelings in the song.

haiku seems to fit the best always
Only if I get to design the album cover.

the cover is Cardiel
Can I draw cardiel lance mountain style?

yes you definitely can
sweet let me do a cover of Venus in furs and were all good.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AssFlea on January 02, 2020, 07:46:04 AM
Today is the day i go for my second labs post treatment.

Its nice out i wanna skate. I feel like im going to fucking puke.

Std shook ta DEATH
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: MotoPancakes on January 16, 2020, 12:22:40 PM
Just bumping this thread for anyone struggling that needs a space to talk. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: artless on January 16, 2020, 12:50:30 PM
Thanks for bumping... Odd cause have been feeling pretty shit as of late and here you are. I hate this vague and persistent feeling of desolation and... I dunno what the fuckness. Just a sense of overwhelm 24/7. Just a lil venting.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on January 16, 2020, 01:25:08 PM
Next Wednesday I'm going for my first counseling session since I was a kid. Things are okay right now, but I know that it's best to keep up with it when times are good so I'll be better prepared to deal with shit when they're not great. My friends sat me down a couple of months ago and said they thought it would be a good idea since I keep freaking out every couple of months.

Anyway, here's to taking steps towards better mental health.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on January 16, 2020, 02:10:20 PM
Next Wednesday I'm going for my first counseling session since I was a kid. Things are okay right now, but I know that it's best to keep up with it when times are good so I'll be better prepared to deal with shit when they're not great. My friends sat me down a couple of months ago and said they thought it would be a good idea since I keep freaking out every couple of months.

Anyway, here's to taking steps towards better mental health.

That’s sick. Just be honest about everything. They heard it all and won’t blink an eye. I was going after a breakup and was getting stalked and death threats and shit. Haven’t been for almost two years because it stopped. I actually have an appointment for tomorrow just to touch base. Nothing is bothering me but I think it’s kind of fun. I like to talk about mental health a lot and the way people think and self analyze so it’s fun to go and have someone else give you their opinion. I work in the field and deal with some of it myself so it’s not taboo to me at all. You have to be an uptight prick to get al weird about mental health.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on January 22, 2020, 05:52:58 PM
Im losing it

People scream in my head when i get really really upset.

All i want is to flip my board and stay away from trouble and finish one of these eps.
I have like 2 hrs 10 mins of instrumentals but they are not ready because i hate my voice.

i dont even like anymore.

And guess what the problem is resolved? Idk. I came in out the cold and boom the axles aren't slipping.

Cold weather I almost went checked into the fucking hospital over cold steel
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: EXTRA SPICY on January 23, 2020, 08:03:58 PM
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I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.

Just start drinking
You think I don't, foo?!

I try to take pictures of me in the lowest points whenever they come. It’s a way of qualitatively comparing your feelings. It makes the good times feel really good. It can help me relate the current session of depression to the last or others.

With that said, I’m in some low tide shit again. Weather isn’t helping. I’m breaking off a relationship that has been awesome tomorrow. My ex is getting fucked up again and calling me blacked out. My grandma has a heart condition that’s been processing.
Sometimes the shoulders get heavier than they seem.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on January 23, 2020, 10:11:41 PM
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I'm currently looking for a depression/anxiety support group in my area and it's harder than I anticipated. Not only would it give me a new place to bitch, but I could possibly make new friends. Hopefully I find something.

Just start drinking
You think I don't, foo?!

I try to take pictures of me in the lowest points whenever they come. It’s a way of qualitatively comparing your feelings. It makes the good times feel really good. It can help me relate the current session of depression to the last or others.

With that said, I’m in some low tide shit again. Weather isn’t helping. I’m breaking off a relationship that has been awesome tomorrow. My ex is getting fucked up again and calling me blacked out. My grandma has a heart condition that’s been processing.
Sometimes the shoulders get heavier than they seem.

im sorry bud.
I too feel like atlas. Have you tried calling SAMHSA.

I see my grief counselor in a few days i can ask for a list if you cool with telling me what state youre in.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on January 25, 2020, 01:50:37 PM
Just added lithium and some other drug the name of which I forget to my cauldron of meds. The mystery drug is supposed to help me with my dystonia, the lithium for my suicidal ideation. A friend of mine who attempted self murder has told me that lithium knocked suicidal ideation right the fuck out for him, so that's good.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: theresnothinghere on January 26, 2020, 04:58:02 PM
Has anyone here ever had a good experience with hospitalization? It just seems it's bad juju to everyone all of the time.

Different people experience different things but if you're not in imminent danger to yourself I would recommend rigorous outpatient groups. They have you attend a lot but you have the freedom to go home. I've only been hospitalized once but it was absolutely terrible. Because it was after an attempt I was in a hospital setting but my friends who have gone to actual mental wards have said its the worst experience you can go through pretty much. Our theory is that they make it so terrible that you're happy to be alive when you get out. People can get stuck there though.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Salsa Verde on January 29, 2020, 08:12:31 PM
Bump because this was going to fall off the first page and it is to important for that.

Mental health issue are no joke. They can be a real MF’er. I have suffered from some form depression and mania and severe anxiety for most of my adult life. With how society is, it seems somewhat shameful to openly talk about it and people will judge you and it can cause problems at home and at work. It’s nice to have this sounding board.

I have been super depressed lately and had a full blown breakdown the other day and told one of my best friends to F off. I have apologized twice, but he is not trying to hear it. I feel so unbelievably awful about it. This is on the heels of me destroying a 3 year relationship with my ex girlfriend just 3 months ago because of my severe anxiety. I totally understand how someone like Reamers and Ratrray’s sister might have felt. That there really is no hope. The thing is, even if things don’t seem that bad in the outside, sometimes people feel so wretched on the inside. It’s so fucked. The pain inside is so severe, death starts to feel like to only viable solution.

I have seen therapist and tried different medications, but those are only partial solutions at best. The truth is, some people are born blessed and happy and some are born with a fucked up chemical imbalance in their head and they suffer through life. I apologize for my rambling, but I just didn’t want to see this topic leave the first page. Reading other people’s struggles and their hope and triumphs can really help some people sometimes. I’m glad people have shared here. The good news is, no matter how bad things get, in some situations there really can be a light at the end of the tunnel...
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: MotoPancakes on March 09, 2020, 10:18:25 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: shucknjive on March 09, 2020, 10:21:47 AM
u have to be 35

ill b 35 in april
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on March 09, 2020, 11:54:50 AM
u have to be 35

ill b 35 in april

35 was a strong year for me.

Can be for you too. Never know
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on March 10, 2020, 07:10:53 AM
I've hit a tipping point:

1. Having a bunch of dental work done is bumming me out.
2. I've been super stressed out trying to find a new job, particularly one that I'll be interested in.
3. Been sick a couple of times this year and I have an autoimmune disease. The Coronavirus outbreak has me really sketched out about traveling and now I'm really afraid of getting sick again.
4. Continuing on point 3, I am about to lose my health insurance in 2 months which has me really worried.
5. I'm just kinda spiraling into this spell of depression and it's getting hard for me to enjoy skating, or even seeing friends.

All of this is very overwhelming and I can't help but think things aren't going to go up. If anyone has any advice on these things, I would greatly appreciate it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewsmahgoos on March 10, 2020, 08:23:54 AM
I've hit a tipping point:

1. Having a bunch of dental work done is bumming me out.
2. I've been super stressed out trying to find a new job, particularly one that I'll be interested in.
3. Been sick a couple of times this year and I have an autoimmune disease. The Coronavirus outbreak has me really sketched out about traveling and now I'm really afraid of getting sick again.
4. Continuing on point 3, I am about to lose my health insurance in 2 months which has me really worried.
5. I'm just kinda spiraling into this spell of depression and it's getting hard for me to enjoy skating, or even seeing friends.

All of this is very overwhelming and I can't help but think things aren't going to go up. If anyone has any advice on these things, I would greatly appreciate it.

I don't have much in terms of advice. Other than try not to worry about the health insurance. Medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcy in america. It's something so many people struggle with. I refuse to pay any of it. Any time I have applied for anything with a credit check and that debt was mentioned, I was met with sympathy, empathy, and understanding. No one really expects you to pay it. Just don't. Also, try to get medicaid. It's not impossible. If you can't get it and you're going to get an obamacare fine, file a domestic abuse exemption. It's the only obamacare exemption that doesn't require proof. Domestic abuse is a loose statement and can mean whatever. I filed every year that I would have been fined and I have been exempted, no questions asked, because of the domestic abuse thing.

Fuck the US healthcare system.

Also, PM me if you want to chat/need to talk to someone. I'm on here a lot, like everyday and if you need to talk to someone so you don't hurt yourself, pm me and I swear I'll respond as soon as I see it. This goes for anyone. I've tried to off myself and was in a coma from it. I've experienced serious addiction, incarceration, mental health shit, the whole nine yards. I'm sure I could relate to anyone if they're struggling so don't fuck yourself over. Reach out if you need help and I'll do my best.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: butterballs for jerry on March 10, 2020, 10:27:43 AM
saw a therapist for the first time about a week ago, going to see him again tomorrow. been in a rut, moved to a new area, stuck in a dead end cleaning job, want to go back to school but the decision on what to study has me completely frozen. I don't want to waste money going in a direction i'll hate, which ties into this perfectionism i have, where i need everything to be planned out to a T for any scenario. it makes meeting new people incredibly stressful, and when i was unemployed, applying for any job required me to gird my loins and psych myself up for battle every time.

from what my therapist has seemed to hint at, my dad's angry outbursts and short fuse (and somewhat frequent absences due to traveling for work) when i was a kid probably contributed a lot to all of this. then i blew some fuses doing too much acid in my early twenties, so now i just feel hyper aware all of the time.

but what can a therapist really do in this situation? i've pretty much reasoned through most of the roots of my problems, and i get that talking to another person is helpful, but i've  worn these lines in my brain pretty well as far as anxiety and panic goes, and i don't think talking will really help. i'm thinking about trying to get medicated.

has anyone here seen a career counselor?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: weon on March 16, 2020, 02:53:21 PM
proud of you butterballs for trying out therapy, dude. its not always an easy step. i dont think therapy and medication are mutually exclusive, and as a random guy on the internet I would encourage you to try both at the same time. fwiw, talk therapy (especially Cognitive Behavioral Therapy among others) is incredibly helpful in doing exactly that: rewiring your brain to move away from all the ingrained negative associations.

There is a tight cycle between thoughts, feelings, and actions. In addition to anti-depressants making me feel better on the daily (e.g. less trouble getting out of bed in the morning), CBT helped me with stopping this cycle at thoughts. If I think I am a failure, imposter, or just a horrible fellow human, it taught me to insert "hey, what if I'm not a horrible person? what about all these little things and times where i made others and myself happy?" before i start feeling that way, and prevent actions that arise from them.

After all those years of self-loathing and perceived inadequacy, my social anxiety and depression wiring is still there, and I wouldn't call myself "cured." However, it is undeniable that it feels great to have an active role in stopping those cycles too. Realizing this direct connection and giving your mind some power over your feelings and actions is, redundantly, incredibly empowering.

And finally: No, sorry, haven't seen a career counselor lol. Wishing you the best tho
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on March 16, 2020, 03:19:18 PM
Didn't expect therapy to be that difficult. Went to 2 sessions and then bailed. The guy was kind of weird, I should go again with someone new, but it was more exhausting than I expected.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: weon on March 16, 2020, 03:22:34 PM
Didn't expect therapy to be that difficult. Went to 2 sessions and then bailed. The guy was kind of weird, I should go again with someone new, but it was more exhausting than I expected.

Agree on all counts. It is absolutely okay to "shop" for therapists. Once the two of you click, it will make a huge difference.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on March 16, 2020, 03:35:23 PM
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Didn't expect therapy to be that difficult. Went to 2 sessions and then bailed. The guy was kind of weird, I should go again with someone new, but it was more exhausting than I expected.

Agree on all counts. It is absolutely okay to "shop" for therapists. Once the two of you click, it will make a huge difference.

Thanks, I agree. My housemate told me the same thing. I'll start going again sooner or later because I did learn a little about myself in those two sessions, but I didn't really like the dude, so...
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Idk on March 16, 2020, 04:25:07 PM
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Didn't expect therapy to be that difficult. Went to 2 sessions and then bailed. The guy was kind of weird, I should go again with someone new, but it was more exhausting than I expected.

Agree on all counts. It is absolutely okay to "shop" for therapists. Once the two of you click, it will make a huge difference.

Thanks, I agree. My housemate told me the same thing. I'll start going again sooner or later because I did learn a little about myself in those two sessions, but I didn't really like the dude, so...
YES. Not all therapists are the same and some can be wrong for you and give you added anxiety. Keep looking til you find the right one. Best of luck
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on March 16, 2020, 06:33:21 PM
It takes me months to trust therapists.

New dudes make mistakes. If you tell them too much violence they want to make difference. Assume some shit like they psychic and boom jobs gone apartments gone pets and skate are hopefully taken care of.

Shop around but it takes time to create trust and that's what it's about.

Someone who you can listen to the homicidal rage I subdue with manny pads and pills that make the tricks harder.

It's a balancing act
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: balde67 on March 31, 2020, 06:08:57 PM
I was suffering from health anxiety for some time. I got scared everytime, I got some pains, like it is some serious issues but its not usually, Thank God. I advise you to get some help from a Life coach ( who is ICF certified. It is not necassary for you to always seek help from a psychiatrist for your mental issues. Sometimes, you should do some self discovery with the help of a person who helps you to find about yourself and ultimately to the inner peace without any anti depressants.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: VHS ERA on March 31, 2020, 06:26:27 PM
I was gonna bump this thread today. Quarantine, unemployment, closed gyms, and fear of a killer virus are not great for my brain. I’m sure I’m not alone. Haven’t had a panic attack for a long time but I been close the last couple days. It’s dope how panic/anxiety give you shortness of breath and other symptoms to convince you you’re dying of various things. Is it Covid or a panic attack or both? Stay tuned.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Jordan Wiens on March 31, 2020, 07:26:17 PM
stress can actually make you sick. for me through this it was stomach issues, tension headaches, paranoia, fatigue, etc. covid is more to do with lungs. trying to get exercise, trying cold showers, trying to sleep (although have insomnia) and breath/meditate.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: theresnothinghere on March 31, 2020, 10:00:00 PM
I was gonna bump this thread today. Quarantine, unemployment, closed gyms, and fear of a killer virus are not great for my brain. I’m sure I’m not alone. Haven’t had a panic attack for a long time but I been close the last couple days. It’s dope how panic/anxiety give you shortness of breath and other symptoms to convince you you’re dying of various things. Is it Covid or a panic attack or both? Stay tuned.

Right there with you. Ive been in self quarantine for 30+ days and I've been having a lot more thoughts about killing myself lately. Not really sure what to do since I can't see my therapist and can't really get help as i'm immunocompromised. Just don't see the point when this is obviously going to affect the world so drastically for so long. My work just told me our teleworking is getting extended until at least june 30th. I don't think i can do three more months of being inside an apartment with no contact with the outside. There's just no point.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: VHS ERA on March 31, 2020, 10:20:46 PM
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I was gonna bump this thread today. Quarantine, unemployment, closed gyms, and fear of a killer virus are not great for my brain. I’m sure I’m not alone. Haven’t had a panic attack for a long time but I been close the last couple days. It’s dope how panic/anxiety give you shortness of breath and other symptoms to convince you you’re dying of various things. Is it Covid or a panic attack or both? Stay tuned.

Right there with you. Ive been in self quarantine for 30+ days and I've been having a lot more thoughts about killing myself lately. Not really sure what to do since I can't see my therapist and can't really get help as i'm immunocompromised. Just don't see the point when this is obviously going to affect the world so drastically for so long. My work just told me our teleworking is getting extended until at least june 30th. I don't think i can do three more months of being inside an apartment with no contact with the outside. There's just no point.

Ask if you can talk them on FaceTime or zoom or the phone. I know the other side of this too because my sister and mother in law are therapists and they’re all trying to be available remotely. They’re worried about getting laid off and want work.

Yes there is a point. This shit will pass and 3 months ain’t that long. Read a book or get a prison workout going. I’m drunk so not in a position to give any pep talk but DM me anytime. I’ll have better advice sober.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: theresnothinghere on March 31, 2020, 10:37:41 PM
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I was gonna bump this thread today. Quarantine, unemployment, closed gyms, and fear of a killer virus are not great for my brain. I’m sure I’m not alone. Haven’t had a panic attack for a long time but I been close the last couple days. It’s dope how panic/anxiety give you shortness of breath and other symptoms to convince you you’re dying of various things. Is it Covid or a panic attack or both? Stay tuned.

Right there with you. Ive been in self quarantine for 30+ days and I've been having a lot more thoughts about killing myself lately. Not really sure what to do since I can't see my therapist and can't really get help as i'm immunocompromised. Just don't see the point when this is obviously going to affect the world so drastically for so long. My work just told me our teleworking is getting extended until at least june 30th. I don't think i can do three more months of being inside an apartment with no contact with the outside. There's just no point.

Ask if you can talk them on FaceTime or zoom or the phone. I know the other side of this too because my sister and mother in law are therapists and they’re all trying to be available remotely. They’re worried about getting laid off and want work.

Yes there is a point. This shit will pass and 3 months ain’t that long. Read a book or get a prison workout going. I’m drunk so not in a position to give any pep talk but DM me anytime. I’ll have better advice sober.

Did you read the official report that they posted? They're expecting it to go on and off for 12-18 more months. I feel super anxious on video honestly. That shit freaks me out. I don't even post myself online. I appreciate the sentiment though.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on April 01, 2020, 12:00:57 AM

Truman Show

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewsmahgoos on April 01, 2020, 03:49:57 PM
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I was gonna bump this thread today. Quarantine, unemployment, closed gyms, and fear of a killer virus are not great for my brain. I’m sure I’m not alone. Haven’t had a panic attack for a long time but I been close the last couple days. It’s dope how panic/anxiety give you shortness of breath and other symptoms to convince you you’re dying of various things. Is it Covid or a panic attack or both? Stay tuned.

Right there with you. Ive been in self quarantine for 30+ days and I've been having a lot more thoughts about killing myself lately. Not really sure what to do since I can't see my therapist and can't really get help as i'm immunocompromised. Just don't see the point when this is obviously going to affect the world so drastically for so long. My work just told me our teleworking is getting extended until at least june 30th. I don't think i can do three more months of being inside an apartment with no contact with the outside. There's just no point.

Ask if you can talk them on FaceTime or zoom or the phone. I know the other side of this too because my sister and mother in law are therapists and they’re all trying to be available remotely. They’re worried about getting laid off and want work.

Yes there is a point. This shit will pass and 3 months ain’t that long. Read a book or get a prison workout going. I’m drunk so not in a position to give any pep talk but DM me anytime. I’ll have better advice sober.

Did you read the official report that they posted? They're expecting it to go on and off for 12-18 more months. I feel super anxious on video honestly. That shit freaks me out. I don't even post myself online. I appreciate the sentiment though.

I know it can be very daunting. Try to just get through your day bud. Like don't stress 3 months from now. Even without going outside, your house could burn down in a month or whatever and you might be dead. Sounds depressing but it's not, just trying to put things in perspective. Just try to get through your day and worry about 3 months from now in 3 months. I know it's way easier said than done. Do you have anyone you can talk to? You can straight up PM me, I'll give you my number and you can call me if you're really feeling like you might lose your shit. We don't even have to talk about depression or any shit like that. I'll just chat with you if you need to talk to someone.

Ultimately it's your decision to off yourself and I'm a firm believer in respecting those rights but at the same time, I would really really appreciate it if you reached out to me or someone else on here first. We may not have the same issues but I've been as low as you are now and I know how shitty it is and I have really hurt myself because of that and you straight up don't deserve it. Just pm me if you want. No pressure though.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on April 26, 2020, 10:30:05 PM
Figured it was a fitting enough time to bump this thread. How have you guys been holding up this month so far mentally? This whole situation has me feeling very anxious, hopeless and alone. I'm forced to spend more time with family now due to the lockdown and it's only highlighted how much of an outcast I am to them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on April 27, 2020, 11:28:37 AM
I know i'm not in prison. But being unhinged from the usual reference points in life is still difficult to deal with. Was really aiming for this year to be one where I really made some moves forward towards a meaningful goal or purpose in life, or to forge a new beginning of sorts. Now that the future is somewhat uncertain I feel stuck in limbo. Keep forgetting to take my SSRI meds a few days at a time. I'm up late until about 5am and don't feel like pursuing much when I finally rise around lunch.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on April 27, 2020, 11:49:24 AM
I like to get up super early like 4am and then nap in the day around 2pm. I never need the nap but take it a lot of times anyway. Smoking weed all morning makes napping super easy.

I feel legitimately compelled to share my degenerate strategies but really can't condone my lifestyle.

My ideal day is wake up half drunk at 4am, smoke weed instantly, post a bunch of dumb shit online while drinking coffee and baileys, shower at some point mostly for the warm water, eat a bunch of food, get drunk in the middle of the day and bitch about shoes online, drink more, smoke more, eat more, repeat.

You have the option to day drink and smoke because no one has real responsibilities other than people with small children or sick parents. You already know the things you like just do them. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on April 27, 2020, 11:53:06 AM
Even with all this dumb shit going on I'm still left with my same regular questions to the universe.

How fast can a human get 120 stars in Super Mario 64?

What would the ultimate monosynth look like?

Would it be possible to build a full size inverted Giza pyramid that looks like its standing on it's tip?

Nothing really changes with a pandemic you just need more creative excuses on why you aren't inside your house. Cops are fuckin dumb if I had any friends at all I'd be out doing whatever not letting this bullshit get to me. They can't ticket everyone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on April 27, 2020, 03:06:14 PM
Smoke a hit of weed crack
Do a kick flip

And so on
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 14, 2020, 02:45:55 PM
Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 14, 2020, 03:54:11 PM
I'd try to offer some advice but have no idea who you are or what your story is. Try to forgive yourself i guess would be my advice.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Commercial D on May 14, 2020, 04:03:34 PM
I'm no scientist but regarding psychological disorders I hear strong anecdotal evidence for the therapeutic efficacy of hookers & blow.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: brycickle on May 14, 2020, 07:06:24 PM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Lifer on May 15, 2020, 09:07:09 AM
Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 15, 2020, 09:41:36 AM
i set my schedule based on when I want to wake up which is typically super early like between 3-5 in the morning. I know I need about 7 hours of sleep to not be grumpy so I just crash 7 hours before I want to wake up and it usually works out ok. I sleep in the day randomly like a cat which helps a lot with my extremely fucked up mood disorder.

If I had any sort of normal job or responsibilities or social life it probably wouldn't work but I don't so whatever
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Commercial D on May 15, 2020, 09:56:09 AM
Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.

I put on an eyemask and earplugs when I go to bed. Even if I'm not drowsy, I usually fall asleep quickly under the sensory deprivation. I also sleep with a window open to get a good inflow of fresh air. Game-changing stuff.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on May 15, 2020, 10:16:25 AM
Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.

MorningSesh my doctor had me look into sleep hygiene. Maybe give it a google and see if the suggestions are helpful? Hope you get some good rest.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Lifer on May 15, 2020, 10:36:52 AM
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Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.

I put on an eyemask and earplugs when I go to bed. Even if I'm not drowsy, I usually fall asleep quickly under the sensory deprivation. I also sleep with a window open to get a good inflow of fresh air. Game-changing stuff.
Nice, haven't tried the earplugs before. I definitely may have to go buy some now.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Lifer on May 15, 2020, 10:58:38 AM
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Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.

MorningSesh my doctor had me look into sleep hygiene. Maybe give it a google and see if the suggestions are helpful? Hope you get some good rest.
Appreciate the link, it's one I haven't read yet and I have read a lot on the subject. I need to be work on being a bit more strict on actually following through on these suggestions.The joe rogan podcast with Matthew Walker (Neurologist/author who specializes on sleep) really helped draw more attention to sleep hygeine.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 15, 2020, 11:04:58 AM
i'd have trouble sleeping if i watched joe rogan too
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 15, 2020, 11:17:48 AM
also reading is a waste of time and bad for your brain you need to smoke a bunch of weed and jerk off more
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gaunting on May 15, 2020, 11:22:47 AM
Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.

what helps me is cutting the soda/other sugar drinks out about 4 hours before you plan on sleeping.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on May 15, 2020, 06:53:19 PM
If I'm having trouble sleeping I eat like a shit ton of chocolate. Then like 45 mins later I'm out. The morning is horrendous. Acid stomach like woah
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on May 16, 2020, 12:17:08 AM
I cut down on sugar for over half a year, but ever since the lockdown I've been pounding ice cream like my boyfriend dumped me.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 16, 2020, 12:54:47 AM
also reading is a waste of time and bad for your brain you need to smoke a bunch of weed and jerk off more
Deeply closeted reader of Rodney Mullen's memoirs.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 16, 2020, 06:22:18 AM
I don't think I'd go out of my way to read anything by Mullen, no offense to him if he reads this.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 16, 2020, 06:23:23 AM
I'd read a Brian Wenning book in a heartbeat though
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 16, 2020, 06:26:03 PM
Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

This has continued. Feeling really unstable in my thoughts/emotions tbh. A little bit scared. I asked for some days off work this week, really hoping to rest a bit and get back on my feet again. I think I'll call my GP and ask what the story is with mental health services atm. Maybe get a prescription for an SSRI over the phone, if I can.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 16, 2020, 06:30:56 PM
I know everyone has different feelings about different medications, but I'm just starting to think, "Even if they numb me out a bit, I just need a little while to figure shit out, I'll risk it."
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 16, 2020, 07:56:26 PM
People that ride Grind Kings are complete basket cases. Who would've thunk it?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewsmahgoos on May 16, 2020, 08:58:18 PM
Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time. if you need to talk you can feel free to reach out and pm me. I used to hurt myself quite a lot. Right now I'm trying to get off of some drugs and it's been very tough for me. I've basically been trying to pull it together and stop using for 7+ months. I feel like I'm almost able to but it's tough when I have to be around certain people and save face.

Life is a struggle.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: layzieyez on May 16, 2020, 09:19:02 PM
My meds are twice the dosage since this strange time started. Anxiety was overwhelming me just shopping for groceries (not a full on panic attack but far too stressful to be safe) and hypochondria was too much to deal with even before so, yeah.

Please take care y'all. Times are definitely tough all over, but that doesn't mean you have to go it alone. The weight is not that heavy if we band together. Reach out to whoever you feel comfortable with to open up and be honest.

You're not helpless when we're here to help.

edit: here's a helpful hint

There are a lot of guided meditation videos available on youtube, but the ads can be very annoying to deal with.

I know y'all know how to rip video using video capture add-ons, but I use those same methods to grab audio only for my most used/favorite meditations onto my phone to listen ad-free in peace on my phone with bluetooth headphones.

Hope that helps some of y'all find peace of mind.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on May 16, 2020, 09:37:08 PM
Armed forces use this method

Relax the muscles in your face, including tongue, jaw and the muscles around the eyes

Drop your shoulders as far down as they’ll go, followed by your upper and lower arm, one side at a time

Breathe out, relaxing your chest followed by your legs, starting from the thighs and working down

You should then spend 10 seconds trying to clear your mind before thinking about one of the following images:

You’re lying in a canoe on a calm lake with nothing but a clear blue sky above you

You’re lying in a black velvet hammock in a pitch-black room

You say “don’t think, don’t think, don’t think” to yourself over and over for about 10 seconds

Takes like, a month to get it on lock
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 17, 2020, 03:52:56 AM
Armed forces use this method
Checks out.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 17, 2020, 04:09:34 AM
My meds are twice the dosage since this strange time started. Anxiety was overwhelming me just shopping for groceries (not a full on panic attack but far too stressful to be safe) and hypochondria was too much to deal with even before so, yeah.

Please take care y'all. Times are definitely tough all over, but that doesn't mean you have to go it alone. The weight is not that heavy if we band together. Reach out to whoever you feel comfortable with to open up and be honest.

You're not helpless when we're here to help.

edit: here's a helpful hint

There are a lot of guided meditation videos available on youtube, but the ads can be very annoying to deal with.

I know y'all know how to rip video using video capture add-ons, but I use those same methods to grab audio only for my most used/favorite meditations onto my phone to listen ad-free in peace on my phone with bluetooth headphones.

Hope that helps some of y'all find peace of mind.

this post next to your avatar cracks me up
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: NBD4ABD on May 17, 2020, 11:34:44 AM
I am in the middle of a mental breakdown and I come to slap and talk shit to make me feel better but I hurt on the inside.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 17, 2020, 11:46:50 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: shucknjive on May 17, 2020, 12:13:37 PM
time in mane = jaL
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 17, 2020, 03:06:16 PM
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Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time. if you need to talk you can feel free to reach out and pm me. I used to hurt myself quite a lot. Right now I'm trying to get off of some drugs and it's been very tough for me. I've basically been trying to pull it together and stop using for 7+ months. I feel like I'm almost able to but it's tough when I have to be around certain people and save face.

Life is a struggle.

thanks for the support, I'm feeling better.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Spacenoid on May 17, 2020, 04:40:04 PM
just started antidepressants after realizing I was just not in a position to move forward in life without a major attitude adjustment. hope you all are doing well.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: IUTSM on May 17, 2020, 07:06:45 PM
My meds are twice the dosage since this strange time started. Anxiety was overwhelming me just shopping for groceries (not a full on panic attack but far too stressful to be safe) and hypochondria was too much to deal with even before so, yeah.

Please take care y'all. Times are definitely tough all over, but that doesn't mean you have to go it alone. The weight is not that heavy if we band together. Reach out to whoever you feel comfortable with to open up and be honest.

You're not helpless when we're here to help.

edit: here's a helpful hint

There are a lot of guided meditation videos available on youtube, but the ads can be very annoying to deal with.

I know y'all know how to rip video using video capture add-ons, but I use those same methods to grab audio only for my most used/favorite meditations onto my phone to listen ad-free in peace on my phone with bluetooth headphones.

Hope that helps some of y'all find peace of mind. ( if you're into some spiritual components with your guided meditations, the be here now network has plenty of really nice ad free meditations and podcasts.

I feel you on the serious uptick in anxiety and hypochondria. My doctor prescribed me an SSRI and I'm unsure if I want to start taking it. Any thoughts? 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheLurper on May 17, 2020, 09:09:20 PM
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Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time. if you need to talk you can feel free to reach out and pm me. I used to hurt myself quite a lot. Right now I'm trying to get off of some drugs and it's been very tough for me. I've basically been trying to pull it together and stop using for 7+ months. I feel like I'm almost able to but it's tough when I have to be around certain people and save face.

Life is a struggle.

thanks for the support, I'm feeling better.

Depending on what state you live in there might be a free hotline to call or other services while waiting on getting set up with a virtual appointment with a regular doctor/therapist.

For example:
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: IUTSM on May 17, 2020, 09:13:46 PM
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Has anyone here ever had any success with achieving solid sleeping habits ? This has been a struggle since high school and I've been trying to address that over the past few years.

I put on an eyemask and earplugs when I go to bed. Even if I'm not drowsy, I usually fall asleep quickly under the sensory deprivation. I also sleep with a window open to get a good inflow of fresh air. Game-changing stuff.
Nice, haven't tried the earplugs before. I definitely may have to go buy some now.

I too like ear plugs, but make sure you keep them clean. I got a nasty, nasty ear infection, and I'm not prone to them, that I'm pretty sure stemmed from taking my ear plugs off the dusty floor after they'd fall out all night and not washing them. I like the ear plugs, but I find running a fan brings a good kind of nose to help with sleep
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on May 18, 2020, 08:59:50 AM
As far as having normal* sleeping patterns let’s just say 8amish to 10pm I have a playlist of songs to wind myself down. It helps to have a good sleepy tea.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Saint Coke on May 18, 2020, 10:02:34 AM
Melatonin works well.

Pretty sure I'm bipolar. I go from energetic and motivated to angry and spiteful in a few seconds.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 20, 2020, 12:39:57 PM

pretty sure I have this
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 20, 2020, 01:51:40 PM
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Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time. if you need to talk you can feel free to reach out and pm me. I used to hurt myself quite a lot. Right now I'm trying to get off of some drugs and it's been very tough for me. I've basically been trying to pull it together and stop using for 7+ months. I feel like I'm almost able to but it's tough when I have to be around certain people and save face.

Life is a struggle.

thanks for the support, I'm feeling better.

Depending on what state you live in there might be a free hotline to call or other services while waiting on getting set up with a virtual appointment with a regular doctor/therapist.

For example:

Thanks very much for posting that. I personally don't live in the USA but that's a cool service to know about.

I called my doctor yesterday, he's going to recommend a list of counselors. He's prescribed me xanax just for in case I lose control again, but hopefully I won't have to use them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: IUTSM on May 20, 2020, 03:45:03 PM
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Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time. if you need to talk you can feel free to reach out and pm me. I used to hurt myself quite a lot. Right now I'm trying to get off of some drugs and it's been very tough for me. I've basically been trying to pull it together and stop using for 7+ months. I feel like I'm almost able to but it's tough when I have to be around certain people and save face.

Life is a struggle.

thanks for the support, I'm feeling better.

Depending on what state you live in there might be a free hotline to call or other services while waiting on getting set up with a virtual appointment with a regular doctor/therapist.

For example:

Thanks very much for posting that. I personally don't live in the USA but that's a cool service to know about.

I called my doctor yesterday, he's going to recommend a list of counselors. He's prescribed me xanax just for in case I lose control again, but hopefully I won't have to use them.

hey dude, i'm glad your doctor is helping you, but please, please, PLEASE be careful with the xanax. it's really easy to lose control with any benzo, but xanax is especially easy to get caught up in misusing. wish you the best
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 20, 2020, 09:08:15 PM
It's always fun to fluff up a mental illness so you can get pills.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: EdLawndale on May 20, 2020, 11:41:28 PM
If you guys sleep with earplugs in, how does your alarm wake you up?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Vintagebody on May 21, 2020, 01:53:14 AM
There's a saying that back in the days, people had less mental illness duo to working all day.
Why? Because they work all day, and therefore have no time to think. Letting your mind wander too much can be bad.

I strongly recommend, especially at these times, to get a hobby or something that occupies your mind. And at last, keep a consistent sleep schedule at all costs.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fakie nollie on May 21, 2020, 08:44:28 AM
Disclaimer: I recognize that I’m fortunate to even be in the situation I’m in now, which millions of other people cannot say the same. With that said, I’ve always believed anxiety is a relative thing and I never point fingers at anyone for expressing their fears/anxieties, especially if I have never met them.

My company announced this morning they are extending our work from home period to the end of the year. I read that and immediately had a sinking feeling about it. My job can be done remotely, sure, but I am really starting to miss basic human contact with a lot of my coworkers.

Prior to this whole WFH period, I was traveling at least (1) week out of every month, internationally. Nothing ever felt the same and I thrived in that instability. Even being married (which I am so fortunate to have the wife I do), it was a really nice change of pace to see a new city or country every month. When the time permitted, my wife could also stay with me and experience everything I was and only had to pay for the plane ticket.

I’m on month 3 of not traveling and the lack of change is really starting to take its toll. I rarely go outside. I live in a relatively small/quiet suburb next to the ocean and I can’t even legally take a walk on the beach here. The basic things I took for granted are really starting to add up.

This morning, I woke up at 4:30a to work and the email came. I immediately started creating a grocery list to occupy my mind for at least the first half of the day. Went to the store and almost had a full-blown panic attack. For context, I grew up with excruciating social anxiety and eventually turned to Xanax. Within about 3 years, I was chewing Xanax bars and downing them with a beer at 6am before getting to work. Thank whatever higher power might be out there for rehab and family.

Anyways, the panic attack I had this morning was intense and made me immediately think two things: I don’t know how long I can strap a smile on my face through this and I really wish I lived in some desolate area where I was ignorantly blind to what’s happening.

This is a long ramble and I apologize if it sounds insensitive to people who have lost jobs, family members or anything else during this time. Keep your heads up and keep talking to each other here. Despite me rarely engaging on anything below the surface, I look forward to few things in my day and SLAP is one of them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 08:46:51 AM
yeah dude real people couldn't care less about "problems" like that. shut the fuck up honestly its depressing to even glace at a post that 1 dimensional
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 08:47:45 AM
literally pray every night this shit lasts a decade so people like you lose their fucking minds and kill themselves. no offense.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 21, 2020, 08:48:30 AM
Fuck xanax.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 09:00:19 AM
Thank whatever higher power might be out there for rehab and family.

smoke some weed and play some zelda games and thank me later
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 09:02:21 AM
ya'll motherfuckers need Link not a higher power

if you want to pray to someone pray to ZFG1
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 09:04:06 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Shiek on May 21, 2020, 09:08:28 AM
You must go over mountains... under water... and even through time..
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fakie nollie on May 21, 2020, 10:27:54 AM
yeah dude real people couldn't care less about "problems" like that. shut the fuck up honestly its depressing to even glace at a post that 1 dimensional

Update: I feel much better knowing you're miserable. Thanks!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gaunting on May 21, 2020, 10:43:16 AM
Melatonin works well.

Pretty sure I'm bipolar. I go from energetic and motivated to angry and spiteful in a few seconds.

I myself am bipolar type 2. it sounds like you may be yourself. the way you describe it, sounds like me about 85% of the time. the medication helps manage it though. before that, people couldn’t be around me, couldn’t say I blamed
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 10:49:20 AM
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yeah dude real people couldn't care less about "problems" like that. shut the fuck up honestly its depressing to even glace at a post that 1 dimensional

Update: I feel much better knowing you're miserable. Thanks!

This has been a good day for me actually the weather is perfect and I spent the morning smoking weed and drinking coffee catching up on a few recent skateparts. Plan for the afternoon is to smoke more weed and beat the 2nd gym in Pokemon Crystal. Skated around a little earlier but not really feeling that coordinated today so skipping the park. Not drinking today cuz it's almost the weekend and I like to keep some concept of a week even though I haven't worked in years.

edit: forgot to mention i've been eating a bunch of cookies all day. hopefully i dont get too chubby I like to keep a slender frame
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Bata on May 21, 2020, 10:51:00 AM
I say harsh things sometimes because I think the person can handle it. I like your posts and skating silhouette you of all people have no reason to be experiencing anxiety or mental illness. If you want to see what mental illness due to prolonged social isolation looks like, well just read my riddle thread. Baffled that no one has come with the correct answer yet. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tracerstracer on May 21, 2020, 11:03:07 AM
It's always fun to fluff up a mental illness so you can get pills.
you are a sociopath. easy to see. get help psycho
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Shiek on May 21, 2020, 12:27:25 PM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on May 21, 2020, 10:27:47 PM
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Self harmed today for the first time in a long time. Things have been not super chill lately.

I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a hard time. if you need to talk you can feel free to reach out and pm me. I used to hurt myself quite a lot. Right now I'm trying to get off of some drugs and it's been very tough for me. I've basically been trying to pull it together and stop using for 7+ months. I feel like I'm almost able to but it's tough when I have to be around certain people and save face.

Life is a struggle.

thanks for the support, I'm feeling better.

Depending on what state you live in there might be a free hotline to call or other services while waiting on getting set up with a virtual appointment with a regular doctor/therapist.

For example:

Thanks very much for posting that. I personally don't live in the USA but that's a cool service to know about.

I called my doctor yesterday, he's going to recommend a list of counselors. He's prescribed me xanax just for in case I lose control again, but hopefully I won't have to use them.

I been on Xanax for most of my life. I'm almost off. I was up to 6 mg a day for like a decade. It's not good for positive change or forward momentum in life I swear. Might as well just drink.

I am PTSD with schizo effective blah blah blah and major addiction problems that are the fault of medication culture.

Getting a script of benzos is always a last resort. It means you just want to be high and disconnected. Plz think about this before filling the script.

I take other meds if you're interested in talking plz  message tomorrow or whatever.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: iKobrakai on May 21, 2020, 11:34:12 PM
If you guys sleep with earplugs in, how does your alarm wake you up?

It's a good system:

1 You use plugs because your sleep is shit.

2 You wake up despite the plugs because your sleep is shit.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 22, 2020, 03:37:16 AM
Xanax is for losers.

I like how the cat with a Crowley avatar claims to be bi-polar.

They used to call that schizophrenia. We live in disgusting times. Scientology is a lot more popular than people care to admit.

Anyway, Choronzon is a motherfucker. Not that any of you will get that. We should euthanize the mentally ill.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tracerstracer on May 22, 2020, 08:29:26 AM
We should euthanize the mentally ill.
thanks for volunteering. have fun being dead
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheCrimsonShroud on May 22, 2020, 09:17:34 AM
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The way we feel is a choice we make.

It is the only thing in the world over which you, and you alone, have 100% jurisdiction.
I disagree. How we choose to act/not act on the way we feel is a choice we make
yea, i mean try telling that to someone with full schizophrenia, like, you chose to be this way bro.

Outlook can help, but I get tired of the 'choose to be happy' shit. Like, not having a choice is what makes it mental illness. That's kinda the fucking point.

Like, my wife will say 'you don't have to check that' when I check locks, etc over and over. And I always tell her that I can choose not to, but that doesn't mean I don't suffer from the impulse.
SUFFER is the word of a VICTIM.

You WANT to be identified by OCD. It's pretty obvious. Gives you something to identify with and brings you attention whenever you make a big deal out of it. It makes a lot of people around you miserable. Stop being so selfish.

Lol, wut. Some of that is legit, and I'll give you that. In my teens therapists and shrinks all tried that whole turn it into a strength thing. This resulted in conflating something specific about me with being special. But that's bs. I saw through that a long time ago. I don't want to be identified by my faults or shortcomings, but I do want to peacefully share with/support others, as I was doing here.

You can pick nits and dissect my words and phrasing, but I certainly didn't give enough info for you to jump to such outlandish assumptions. FWIW, I actively hide my OCD in my private life. My son is almost grown and only recently even became aware that I have it, and that was only because we had a discussion in light of the pandemic going on.

My point here is that I get where you're coming from. You sound a lot like my wife, actually. Tough love/hard truths/etc. That's how she tries to help me, and I appreciate that. It works for some, not for others.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on May 22, 2020, 01:30:59 PM
There's a saying that back in the days, people had less mental illness duo to working all day.
Why? Because they work all day, and therefore have no time to think. Letting your mind wander too much can be bad.

I strongly recommend, especially at these times, to get a hobby or something that occupies your mind. And at last, keep a consistent sleep schedule at all costs.

That doesn't sound right. With all the stimulus available to us instantly now I think work is probably where your mind wanders the most for a lot of people. Nowadays it's easy to constantly have something to stop you from thinking. Music or podcasts in your ear, checking social media, any spare minute can be taken up
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: iKobrakai on May 22, 2020, 01:44:43 PM
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There's a saying that back in the days, people had less mental illness duo to working all day.
Why? Because they work all day, and therefore have no time to think. Letting your mind wander too much can be bad.

I strongly recommend, especially at these times, to get a hobby or something that occupies your mind. And at last, keep a consistent sleep schedule at all costs.

That doesn't sound right. With all the stimulus available to us instantly now I think work is probably where your mind wanders the most for a lot of people. Nowadays it's easy to constantly have something to stop you from thinking. Music or podcasts in your ear, checking social media, any spare minute can be taken up

I call bullshit, people engaged in anti-social behavior (mental illness) like nothing. Violence, racism and rape was rampant.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 23, 2020, 09:11:46 AM
Xanax is for losers.

I like how the cat with a Crowley avatar claims to be bi-polar.

They used to call that schizophrenia. We live in disgusting times. Scientology is a lot more popular than people care to admit.

Anyway, Choronzon is a motherfucker. Not that any of you will get that. We should euthanize the mentally ill.

how many times have you smoked crack?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 23, 2020, 03:40:46 PM
Cara just ignore them.

How's everyone holding up? I'm eating and sleeping better and feeling better for it. Just gotta get back into a fitness routine and I'll be back on top :)
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 23, 2020, 03:52:04 PM
My mental health is fucking terrible like always. The nicer weather usually makes me more depressed but not this year cuz winter was way too damn long. I'd say I'm at a solid 2/10 which is pretty average for the course of my life. Just desperately holding onto what little sanity I have left and praying tomorrow doesn't come like always.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Cuban_Lynx on May 23, 2020, 05:04:16 PM
Cara just ignore them.

How's everyone holding up? I'm eating and sleeping better and feeling better for it. Just gotta get back into a fitness routine and I'll be back on top :)

I just want to give a major shout out to GKR, keep ya motha fucking head up and don’t let deez niggaz discourage you. U feel me dog?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fakie nollie on May 23, 2020, 05:51:26 PM
Cara just ignore them.

How's everyone holding up? I'm eating and sleeping better and feeling better for it. Just gotta get back into a fitness routine and I'll be back on top :)

Fitness routine, or any kind of routine, really helps to have something to look forward to and kill stagnant time. I find my depression creeps in when I have nothing planned or scheduled. It can be something as simple as planning to do the dishes every morning at 9am and workout for 30 minutes at 10am. 

I’m doing way better today than I was a few days ago. I bought and assembled a new desk and chair for my home office and finally moved all my gear off of the dining room table. That improved my mental health and stress levels in crazy ways.

My wife and I went to my office in LA and picked up some prime lenses, lights and a few other camera/live streaming accessories. Going to shoot naughty and professional portrait photos of each other in the next day or two.

My mother is a minister and I’ve been live-streaming her sermons for about 6 weeks now. I’ve never been very religious but having that scheduled on my weekends feels nice.

I’ve been drinking 1-2 beers a week since this kicked off and that’s drastically helped me feel more physically/mentally stable. Haven’t been on any other medications or anything for years now.

I could rant for a few more short paragraphs but I won’t. Keep your heads up everyone and stay sane! Also, don’t forget to hit that ignore button for the 50 Tracer accounts and every other furry fuck on here. Too-da-loo!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewsmahgoos on May 23, 2020, 06:37:07 PM
Cara just ignore them.

How's everyone holding up? I'm eating and sleeping better and feeling better for it. Just gotta get back into a fitness routine and I'll be back on top :)

I'm having a really rough time. Worried I might have some brain issue ( a physical one, not just mental issues). I keep having headaches and I keep falling into this nervous state over it. I'm going going try to sober up this coming week. Dreading that but I'm hoping it helps with my anxiety and mental health long term, as well as physical honestly. just kind of wallowing in my own neurosis. It's been a rough couple days. Hopefully everyone is doing better than I am at least. Glad you'be improved grind king rims.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 24, 2020, 03:15:34 AM
Cara, I don't mean this as a dig, but maybe you really should think about getting offline a bit more. Maybe keeping a diary as an outlet and a bit more introspection would be good. You also have to ask yourself, "how do I see my situation getting better?" And start taking baby steps. If they don't work, they don't work, but you gotta try something right? Even just a scheduled walk every day is enough to get back to a functioning level.

Drewsmahgoos, you'll thank yourself in a couple of weeks if you dry out for a bit. But if you stop drinking, I always recommend replacing it with something, both physically and mentally. Make yourself some nice juice or sparkling water with lime or whatever. Sometimes the ritual of getting something to drink is half the attachment. Same goes for smoking weed, at least in my experience... But also if your body is used to regularly scheduled alcohol, you'll get sugar cravings, so some juice is good. And staying hydrated will help those headaches. If you really think there's an issue with your head, you should schedule a check up. It's a hassle, but better safe than sorry, and there's no point worrying if you can't do something.

Big up Cuban_Lynx. Wish I could find the clip of Jamal Smith saying that monologue to Ryan Decenzo while in Madrid, hahaha.

Fakie Nollie, I'm glad to hear you're doing better! I really feel you on needing a schedule. I need to keep active or I start to get manic in the downtime. I never understand when people say that doing nothing is relaxing.

Speaking of schedules, time for me to go do some pushups.

Stay positive, guys. Take a walk, watch comedy, stay hydrated, go to sleep before 11 pm, free Max B.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 24, 2020, 04:03:36 AM
sorry but i wouldn't dream of taking advice from someone who types in that kinda font. I'm gonna spend more time online and be less scheduled.

also, ~how do you know I'm not just mimicking?~
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Krile on May 24, 2020, 04:04:22 AM
fuck max b hope his dumbass got raped in jail
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 24, 2020, 06:22:52 AM
My mental health is fucking terrible like always.

fuck max b hope his dumbass got raped in jail

Xanax or crack?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on May 24, 2020, 07:22:11 AM
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My mental health is fucking terrible like always.

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fuck max b hope his dumbass got raped in jail

Xanax or crack?

That's a stupid question.

Crack for 6 days and on the 7 the Xanax
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on May 24, 2020, 07:22:53 AM
( (

This is what I feel like when the phone rings
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Shiek on May 24, 2020, 07:41:51 AM
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My mental health is fucking terrible like always.

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fuck max b hope his dumbass got raped in jail

Xanax or crack?

never tried either
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on May 24, 2020, 09:03:25 AM
Damn you guys. You're here to air out your issues, not create them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: layzieyez on May 24, 2020, 09:12:25 AM
Squandering any one of the resources here is criminal. Everyone clogging this thread to troll needs professional help (even though it's likely just one attention starved poster with multiple accounts).

Go to UWTB to be an idiot. Stay out of here unless you are going to contribute or you are legitimately looking for resources for your mental health issues.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Shiek on May 24, 2020, 10:48:15 AM
I've been giving solid mental advice for years and people come with the same thing over and over.

"wahhh im an alcoholic pill abuser whos worried I can't keep up my smile for my job"

nigga stfu
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on May 24, 2020, 12:15:46 PM
Hey guys. My therapist gave me links to this specialists youtube for anxiety, depression, insomnia, and psychoplasmics. This one is about insomnia which I know a lot of you suffer from. (She advertises a sleep mask until about 2:00). If you find this video helpful she's got several more that've certainly helped me. Thanks
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 24, 2020, 02:10:48 PM
Hey guys. My therapist gave me links to this specialists youtube for anxiety, depression, insomnia, and psychoplasmics. This one is about insomnia which I know a lot of you suffer from. (She advertises a sleep mask until about 2:00). If you find this video helpful she's got several more that've certainly helped me. Thanks

Nice one, thanks. Gnar'd
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheLurper on May 25, 2020, 02:10:21 PM
Serious question, what kind of effect should I expect from going to a therapist?

I've been going to work through my divorce and my ex wife's super self destructive behaviors (that drove me insane). I don't necessarily feel much better/worse after each session.

And the ex was always in a terrible mood for days after seeing her therapist.

What is the ideal outcome of visiting a therapist? What is supposed to happen here? How do I know if my therapist is any good?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Shiek on May 25, 2020, 02:15:45 PM
Therapists seem like a giant scam in my opinion, it seems like their basic goal is to get you to continue paying for sessions.

If you managed to get married you probably had your shit together somewhat so you are probably mostly dealing with mental stress from your divorce.

If your ex-wife was being self destructive during your marriage she likely had existing issues before hand so some counseling might help her in the long run. If you are blaming yourself after the fact for her pre-existing behavior that sounds counter-productive.

If the marriage is truly 100% unsalvageable you need to move on and find a new partner ASAP, no point wasting perfectly good fuckin' years being bent out of shape over some ex who probably didn't deserve you anyway.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gaunting on May 25, 2020, 02:51:19 PM
Xanax is for losers.

I like how the cat with a Crowley avatar claims to be bi-polar.

They used to call that schizophrenia. We live in disgusting times. Scientology is a lot more popular than people care to admit.

Anyway, Choronzon is a motherfucker. Not that any of you will get that. We should euthanize the mentally ill.

you’re a piece of
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on May 25, 2020, 08:02:37 PM
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Hey guys. My therapist gave me links to this specialists youtube for anxiety, depression, insomnia, and psychoplasmics. This one is about insomnia which I know a lot of you suffer from. (She advertises a sleep mask until about 2:00). If you find this video helpful she's got several more that've certainly helped me. Thanks

Nice one, thanks. Gnar'd

I'm glad you're checking it out. I hope it helps.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: weon on May 29, 2020, 01:23:08 PM
Serious question, what kind of effect should I expect from going to a therapist?

I've been going to work through my divorce and my ex wife's super self destructive behaviors (that drove me insane). I don't necessarily feel much better/worse after each session.

And the ex was always in a terrible mood for days after seeing her therapist.

What is the ideal outcome of visiting a therapist? What is supposed to happen here? How do I know if my therapist is any good?

Personally, I look for people who I can be myself with. I’d like to believe I actually became friends with my first therapist. We were around the same age, early to mid 20s, and we’d always say stuff like “oh we should go to that place!” during sessions and then be like “oh wait you’re my patient/therapist.” We laughed, we (read: I) cried, we shot the shit. I was always excited to see her. Turns out we lived across the street from each other lol.

I say that because, it made everything feel more genuine, more honest, which helps with release of tension when said out loud. I felt it from how I expressed my feelings to how she reacted and replied to them.

At the same time, she also made me feel powerful. She gave me tools (i.e. homework) on CBT and other exercises, to make my own mind work on itself, to make me believe that I wouldn’t be seeing her forever. That I was going to be released into the wild on my own but that I was gonna be fine with what we were learning together (I was about to move 5000+ km away, by myself).

I guess after leaving her office, I felt more confidence in myself. I dreaded the “homework” but I knew it was for my own good, and the feeling of checking boxes after they were done was awesome. I was actively working towards my own happiness, it felt great. You’ll never read this, but thank you, Rhea.

Hopefully my experience (and wall of text) is helpful in some way. I say this all the time in this thread, but I’ll say it again: shopping for therapists is absolutely okay. Find your match.

Wishing you the best.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Idk on May 29, 2020, 01:33:53 PM
I can’t skateboard because of my injured foot and it hurts to the point where I can’t really stay standing up. I’m smoking a ton of weed and my tolerance is really high now. I’m at a bit of a loss. Never skateboarding again would kill me but I can’t even just do normal stuff.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 01:36:31 PM
I can’t skateboard because of my injured foot and it hurts to the point where I can’t really stay standing up. I’m smoking a ton of weed and my tolerance is really high now. I’m at a bit of a loss. Never skateboarding again would kill me but I can’t even just do normal stuff.

This is gonna be horrible advice but tobacco helps me more than weed I feel in regards to being at peace mentally. If you don't play video games you should really consider trying them. There are so many games available these days a few are bound to hit home with you.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: woodsman on May 29, 2020, 01:45:59 PM
People considering suicide please hold on and reach out for help from somebody, anybody. It can crush the spirit of loved ones and family. My brother killed himself. The shit is awful. I’ll be haunted for the rest of my life about what I could have done. I’m heavily medicated. Zoloft, lorazepam, gabbapentin. I’m also on oxycodone for avascular necrosis and have a colostomy bag because I ruptured my intestines. I’m holding on to life for my mom and to see what happens. Such a short time to be here such a long time to be gone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 01:49:23 PM
nigga i reached out to my closest friends and family and none of them said shit, they try to flip it on you. Only reason I don't kill myself is to protect people I know from becoming weak like you all pilled up wishing about what they could have done. You probably only give a shit about mental health when it directly relates to you. A semi anonymous post a generic ass skateboard message board helps nobody.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 01:51:33 PM
your shit literally comes off more as a cry for help
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on May 29, 2020, 02:01:57 PM
I've been pretty bummed off and on lately. Probably in part to quitting smoking weed for the 30th time or however many. I've posted on here a few times about how weed always ruins me. 12 days not smoking though and I just realized my work stress will be over in 3 hours and then I can play games and bone all weekend so I got that to look forward to.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on May 29, 2020, 02:03:50 PM
nigga i reached out to my closest friends and family and none of them said shit, they try to flip it on you. Only reason I don't kill myself is to protect people I know from becoming weak like you all pilled up wishing about what they could have done. You probably only give a shit about mental health when it directly relates to you. A semi anonymous post a generic ass skateboard message board helps nobody.
This is probably why you don't get help from people. You ask for it and then act like a total shit thinking people will just put up with it because of your problems.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:10:15 PM
reaching out isn't asking for help person it's letting people know how you actually feel. I let people know how I actually felt and they didn't have any advice for me cuz there is no advice to give to someone who wants to kill themself for the right reason.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:11:43 PM
I never ask for help I tell people to go fuck themselves.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on May 29, 2020, 02:13:55 PM
reaching out isn't asking for help person it's letting people know how you actually feel. I let people know how I actually felt and they didn't have any advice for me cuz there is no advice to give to someone who wants to kill themself for the right reason.
Reaching out is asking for help. You want someone to listen which would help you cope. If the people you surround yourself with can't help you go to a therapist or psych. It's not rocket surgery.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:16:59 PM
No I told them straight up look I'm completely fucking insane and not going to recover. I don't want to harm anybody but this society you are more or less forced to cause harm to others to better your own situation. That's a society I want no part of. I told them if you want to help me you are too late help people that are still pliable and have some motivation to succeed in life.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:18:51 PM
Poor people in Canada are priced out of therapy. My family has money but my mental health is of no value to anyone including myself so who's going to bother to pay money for my therapy or psych. I'm already connected with the mental health services in my province and to be honest they are relatively useless. Linking people youtube video's doesn't change the fact they've been priced out of having any hope of a normal life.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:20:23 PM
If you think I'm dumb enough to sign up for any sort of shift work you are fucking regular I know exactly how these bullshit systems work and I'm perfectly content to game them. Currently in the process of upgrading my welfare into long term disability. Twisting arms is easy when the people are braindead idiots with no soul.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:20:41 PM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: woodsman on May 29, 2020, 02:30:07 PM
I think people should talk about suicide and how devastating it is. Life can be agonizing for some people and my brother made a choice to end his life. It is a bit selfish to want someone to stay when they are in pain and are so miserable they want to die. If he could see the effects his death had on friends and family I think he would have continued to just struggle through life. Writing about it and talking about might change someone’s mind, probably not. This isn’t a cry for help, I’m okay.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:32:24 PM
I’m heavily medicated. Zoloft, lorazepam, gabbapentin. I’m also on oxycodone for avascular necrosis and have a colostomy bag because I ruptured my intestines. I’m holding on to life for my mom and to see what happens. Such a short time to be here such a long time to be gone.

yeah all people who are okay type something like this on a Friday afternoon
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:33:16 PM
If I was a real piece of shit I'd say your brother died to get away from you.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:34:57 PM
deep down I envy people who've committed suicide. I wish I never told anyone how I felt and just quietly dipped.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: woodsman on May 29, 2020, 02:41:55 PM
If I was a real piece of shit I'd say your brother died to get away from you.

Jesus, I’m glad you didn’t say that.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 02:44:59 PM
if you want to tell me to kill myself you can. It might make you feel better.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: WPG on May 29, 2020, 03:10:05 PM
I have been worrying a lot about crowds when the world returns to normal. It stems from a mass shooting in Germany when I was 16 on vacation. I wasn’t at the McDonald’s when I happened it I had been there about an hour before and it made me very scared of crowds. Over the years it has gotten better going out in crowds has helped a lot but now I feel back to square one and very nervous about heavily populated areas. I keep telling myself once life is back to normal I will eventually get over it again but rn it’s tough
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on May 29, 2020, 03:27:08 PM
I have been worrying a lot about crowds when the world returns to normal. It stems from a mass shooting in Germany when I was 16 on vacation. I wasn’t at the McDonald’s when I happened it I had been there about an hour before and it made me very scared of crowds. Over the years it has gotten better going out in crowds has helped a lot but now I feel back to square one and very nervous about heavily populated areas. I keep telling myself once life is back to normal I will eventually get over it again but rn it’s tough
Wow, I'm sorry you went through that. When the crowds die down you will get over it again. I would get paranoid around a lot of people after all the shootings on the news, and then I stopped worrying too much. Lately though I'm also having trouble going to the store. I sometimes skip meals because I don't want to go into the grocery store. But I'm coming around. Today I was glad to go and they had a bunch of food and stuff I like/need that I have had trouble getting for a while. I have been going to the store like once a week when I'm with my girlfriend but I went today by myself took care of business.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 29, 2020, 04:44:38 PM
Today is one of those say fuck it and go to bed at 8pm kinda days. I'll be up at like 4 in the morning but who cares I like making music early anyways. This is what I'd call a shitty news day and if you are having mental health problems you don't want shitty news days to last very long. best to just sleep through it.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on May 29, 2020, 10:36:53 PM
I get PMs from people telling me to kill myself. Usually the same person. They have an anime picture. I think there is something up with the anime people.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on May 29, 2020, 11:55:54 PM
I get PMs from people telling me to kill myself. Usually the same person. They have an anime picture. I think there is something up with the anime people.
Spill the beans on their name. What a sack of shit.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 30, 2020, 01:51:42 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on May 30, 2020, 05:46:30 AM
I can’t skateboard because of my injured foot and it hurts to the point where I can’t really stay standing up. I’m smoking a ton of weed and my tolerance is really high now. I’m at a bit of a loss. Never skateboarding again would kill me but I can’t even just do normal stuff.

I thought I'd never skate again so many times over the last few decades. Doctor's said I was going to die soon and I was never going to skate again..

I'm 42 this year. I've been skating in the street for like 35 years. Smoking pot for like 28 years.

I believe that you will skate again. Maybe slow down a tiny bit with the pot. When you're not high things will seem less hopeless.

You will skate again. Fuck people loose a leg and skate again these days.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: weon on May 30, 2020, 10:44:53 PM
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I get PMs from people telling me to kill myself. Usually the same person. They have an anime picture. I think there is something up with the anime people.
Spill the beans on their name. What a sack of shit.

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I got mixed feelings on the shop I consider to be my local. They used to be closer but moved to the city. I don't go out of my way to buy from them cuz I feel they abandoned my area. They are still the sickest shop in Ontario though.
cheetahsheets confirmed
I thought he was Judo Origami, or Bata, or Mog. Maybe all three.

and several others. the whole riddle thread is me except for spiral avatar guy

RE: anime people. I’d suggest banning his IP but seems like the type to just pull a bawtawd. For now I’ll deal with walls of ignored posts.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on May 31, 2020, 01:53:12 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on June 02, 2020, 10:01:46 AM
I'm openly racist.
This is the one sending the "Kill yourself" messages.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sona on June 02, 2020, 01:37:26 PM
smh those messages were supposed to be private
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Saint Coke on June 02, 2020, 02:12:29 PM
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Melatonin works well.

Pretty sure I'm bipolar. I go from energetic and motivated to angry and spiteful in a few seconds.

I myself am bipolar type 2. it sounds like you may be yourself. the way you describe it, sounds like me about 85% of the time. the medication helps manage it though. before that, people couldn’t be around me, couldn’t say I blamed
You probaly hate me now due to me stand for what I believe in but yeah I probably am.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Skart on June 02, 2020, 08:41:19 PM
I'm on some real baby first world problem shit but I can't figure it out

Managers come in yes sir no sir until they meet me in person. Then it's buddy constantly and they end up drawing back

I can handle the job and never say a word. Formal emails and phone calls are no issue. Beyond that I'm relegated to buddy talk. 3 managers this year come in and don't learn the details, not sure where I stand and I don't think it's worth getting certified and taking the next step within the company

Simple, satisfy work orders and guide lines but there's some real beta stuff going on beyond that
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on June 02, 2020, 10:24:43 PM
Poor people in Canada are priced out of therapy. My family has money but my mental health is of no value to anyone including myself so who's going to bother to pay money for my therapy or psych. I'm already connected with the mental health services in my province and to be honest they are relatively useless. Linking people youtube video's doesn't change the fact they've been priced out of having any hope of a normal life.
   'Therapy' to be actually therapeutic has to come from someone who gives a shit about you and money won't cover that.  If there's no one like that in the vicinity, ( family, friends) you gotta look out for yourself -don't trust the state and give personal info and basic rights away.  Then you're a perpetual child of the state.  Those meds will shorten ur life span.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 01:36:07 AM
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Poor people in Canada are priced out of therapy. My family has money but my mental health is of no value to anyone including myself so who's going to bother to pay money for my therapy or psych. I'm already connected with the mental health services in my province and to be honest they are relatively useless. Linking people youtube video's doesn't change the fact they've been priced out of having any hope of a normal life.
   'Therapy' to be actually therapeutic has to come from someone who gives a shit about you and money won't cover that.  If there's no one like that in the vicinity, ( family, friends) you gotta look out for yourself -don't trust the state and give personal info and basic rights away.  Then you're a perpetual child of the state.  Those meds will shorten ur life span.

You're a person and bottom 5 poster on this site. Don't talk to me.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 04:12:50 AM
I'm on some real baby first world problem shit but I can't figure it out

Managers come in yes sir no sir until they meet me in person. Then it's buddy constantly and they end up drawing back

I can handle the job and never say a word. Formal emails and phone calls are no issue. Beyond that I'm relegated to buddy talk. 3 managers this year come in and don't learn the details, not sure where I stand and I don't think it's worth getting certified and taking the next step within the company

Simple, satisfy work orders and guide lines but there's some real beta stuff going on beyond that

suicide is always an option
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Skart on June 03, 2020, 04:34:47 AM
#banmog and other low tier trolls for real tho
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 05:18:19 AM
advice hit too close to home huh, good news for me is that there is no going back for people like you. You sold your soul and surrendered your dignity. have fun being miserable. you earned it.

Sometimes the best advice is the worst advice.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 05:19:15 AM

Moogle Lives Matter!

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JANUS on June 03, 2020, 06:27:31 AM
Mog, a GP can refer you to a psychiatrist that will be covered by OHIP for sessions every two weeks or every week if you need it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 06:44:24 AM
nice tell someone who cares
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 06:46:11 AM
this is my form of protest. The Ontario Government and Government of Canada are responsible for my mental health I refuse to give a fuck. What I will do however is confidently share my incorrect opinion online because I have Freedom of Speech in Canada.

Go fuck yourself Janus.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JANUS on June 03, 2020, 07:29:33 AM
Just trying to help, homie lol.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on June 03, 2020, 09:04:57 AM
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Poor people in Canada are priced out of therapy. My family has money but my mental health is of no value to anyone including myself so who's going to bother to pay money for my therapy or psych. I'm already connected with the mental health services in my province and to be honest they are relatively useless. Linking people youtube video's doesn't change the fact they've been priced out of having any hope of a normal life.
   'Therapy' to be actually therapeutic has to come from someone who gives a shit about you and money won't cover that.  If there's no one like that in the vicinity, ( family, friends) you gotta look out for yourself -don't trust the state and give personal info and basic rights away.  Then you're a perpetual child of the state.  Those meds will shorten ur life span.

You're a person and bottom 5 poster on this site. Don't talk to me.
  You just know I don't like you.  Just put me on ignore.  Makes no difference to me I'm still gonna knee jerk respond to whoever's post.  Except for saint coke and the like.  Mog you are horribly terrible tho.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on June 03, 2020, 10:59:07 AM
some breathing techniques that've been helping me recently:

I downloaded this as an mp3 and it's on constant rotation in my meditation playlist:
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 03, 2020, 11:09:35 AM
Mog you are horribly terrible tho.

I'm quite friendly in person
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on June 03, 2020, 12:18:36 PM
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Mog you are horribly terrible tho.

I'm quite friendly in person
  Which is whats so potentially funny about Slap.   Im sure good real life  friends have unknowingly thrown shit at each other on slap. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 01:06:29 AM
I post exceptionally bad on here. I was a 14 year old internet troll when I skated heavily so talking skateboarding brings out the shitposter in me. Pushing peoples buttons online has never been easier you think people would become immune to trolling but they are more susceptible than even. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 01:08:27 AM
Shitposting on unfunny theme accounts is highly therapeutic I suggest anyone with mental health issues try it out. 
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on June 04, 2020, 07:58:56 AM
Shitposting on unfunny theme accounts is highly therapeutic I suggest anyone with mental health issues try it out.
  "Just horrible"
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 08:10:23 AM
I'm in a good mood today thats what counts
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Skart on June 04, 2020, 08:17:52 AM
I escaped to alcohol but only 2 beers. A place to be, testing it and it's pretty wack. Definitely not where I want to be

Work is lined up with a raise but it's lower than advertised a year ago. Good ol boy fuck it, cross my eyes and take a pay check
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 08:19:17 AM
you can always view a job you don't like as working towards doing what you actually love. Even if you don't know what that is yet.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: PincherBug on June 04, 2020, 09:18:30 AM
Mog I feel sorry for your mother. Why don't you get a horse and live in the mountains someplace and don't bother anybody.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 10:19:38 AM
Mog I feel sorry for your mother. Why don't you get a horse and live in the mountains someplace and don't bother anybody.

why don't you go fuck yourself
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 10:20:08 AM
and don't feel sorry for my mom shes a stupid bitch
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: PincherBug on June 04, 2020, 12:29:56 PM

It's not your fault
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mog on June 04, 2020, 12:43:55 PM
I'm well aware of that. I blame the sources constantly
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on July 08, 2020, 06:17:58 PM
Hey serious question for those who have had to deal gf's or partners with BPD and the therapy? I'm in a quandry of sorts recently my wife has been having a lot of bpd episodes I'm not exactly sure the term. Anyways I've been supportive and trying my hardest to help her out in many ways with anxiety and just being a support system whenever the occasion arises.  I'm wondering what to do what are some of the techniques you all have had to quell those shitty voices in someones head?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: NG on July 08, 2020, 06:46:49 PM
Hey serious question for those who have had to deal gf's or partners with BPD and the therapy? I'm in a quandry of sorts recently my wife has been having a lot of bpd episodes I'm not exactly sure the term. Anyways I've been supportive and trying my hardest to help her out in many ways with anxiety and just being a support system whenever the occasion arises.  I'm wondering what to do what are some of the techniques you all have had to quell those shitty voices in someones head?

Good on you for researching how best to help and support your partner! BPD can come in so many flavors and is in my experience super hard to understand, especially when overlayed with other mental/ohysical health issues. Something that helps my partner and I is to make a point of taking the time to research and learn about things together; watching YouTube videos of folks W bpd or other issues talking about their experiences (okay yeah even the cringe vloggy ones), getting and reading books, articles etc. It helps us understand a bit more about what's going on without focusing on the specifics of our situation which can trigger episodes, at least for me.

This doesn't help during an episode specifically but has been super beneficial for us, fwiw
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on July 08, 2020, 07:05:43 PM
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Hey serious question for those who have had to deal gf's or partners with BPD and the therapy? I'm in a quandry of sorts recently my wife has been having a lot of bpd episodes I'm not exactly sure the term. Anyways I've been supportive and trying my hardest to help her out in many ways with anxiety and just being a support system whenever the occasion arises.  I'm wondering what to do what are some of the techniques you all have had to quell those shitty voices in someones head?

Good on you for researching how best to help and support your partner! BPD can come in so many flavors and is in my experience super hard to understand, especially when overlayed with other mental/ohysical health issues. Something that helps my partner and I is to make a point of taking the time to research and learn about things together; watching YouTube videos of folks W bpd or other issues talking about their experiences (okay yeah even the cringe vloggy ones), getting and reading books, articles etc. It helps us understand a bit more about what's going on without focusing on the specifics of our situation which can trigger episodes, at least for me.

This doesn't help during an episode specifically but has been super beneficial for us, fwiw
I've read a few things about BPD and how it affects others and their sense of reality and what words can have a profound affect on others, like mega super sensitive holy shit this could really hurt this persons feelings.

Whereas say if you were to kid around or just ribbing each other it could go either way. My wife and I are taking care of her mum who's elderly and isn't feeble but definitely needs help in many capacities. So in this cluster fuck of a situation we've gotten in it has been my outsiders perspective that her mum and has some form of MI (bpd) specifically one triggers the other so it becomes this unholy back and forth of talking shit and hurt feelings between the two an I want to tear my hair out hearing this shit go on back and forth but I think I made a break though if not a temporary solution, writing notes and posting them about like kindness notes of reminders to love one another and hugs are the best way to convey a message instead of anger. Believe me there's a lot of bitterness form both people involved.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: skateboarding.forums on July 08, 2020, 07:20:05 PM
Pete Walker's "Complex PTSD" and "The Tao of Fully Feeling" books were very helpful for me. They helped me connect my mental health issues to childhood trauma. Once those connections became clear I started to make progress.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on July 09, 2020, 12:58:31 AM
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I get PMs from people telling me to kill myself. Usually the same person. They have an anime picture. I think there is something up with the anime people.
Spill the beans on their name. What a sack of shit.

Mog. I never check my pms but I saw one from them saying ‘what keeps you from killing yourself’

I said ‘happiness’

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on July 09, 2020, 07:22:50 AM
Big respect to you guys for helping your partners and family with difficult mental health issues. I can't imagine that's easy, but it shows love and strength.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AlexOlsonsDashiki on July 09, 2020, 01:00:20 PM
I could definitely use some help on dealing with my partners mental health issues.  She started seeing a therapist about a month and a half ago.  My partner has always kind of shut down during instances of conflict, although we dont really fight(and I dont mean that in a couples counseling kind of way, we just generally havent had many instances of serious conflict).

Her therapist told her that this shutting down is "dissociation" and my partner describes it as not really feeling 'connected to her body.'  I really cannot relate.  My partner and I generally bump heads on things like me not wanting dishes left in the sink, me wanting the laundry I did/folded to be put away, not wanting food to be left out over night, etc. 

Where I am failing to be sympathetic is that the other day I started to get frustrated with the amount of totally rinsed out dishes in the sink, dishes that could be put in the dishwasher as they were, and I asked her (sternly) if they could go in the sink.  She then told me "I am starting to dissociate" and it really felt like a cop out. 

I want to support her venture into therapy. I tell her that I am proud that she wants to break the cycle of emotional abuse she was put through and is working to make sure our daughter doesnt experience that.  That being said I now feel like I am in a position where I am to shoulder the burden of not being able to communicate with my partner.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: DA BIG BODY BENZ on July 10, 2020, 09:59:38 AM
I used to be super happy when I was doing drugs everyday and had a girlfriend but now I'm off drugs and my gf broke up with me a little over 2 years ago and ive been pretty much dead inside ever since.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Matthew_James on July 10, 2020, 10:06:03 AM
I used to be super happy when I was doing drugs everyday and had a girlfriend but now I'm off drugs and my gf broke up with me a little over 2 years ago and ive been pretty much dead inside ever since.

What kind of drugs?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Zephyr-Cum on July 13, 2020, 05:54:53 PM
Where I am failing to be sympathetic is that the other day I started to get frustrated with the amount of totally rinsed out dishes in the sink, dishes that could be put in the dishwasher as they were, and I asked her (sternly) if they could go in the sink.  She then told me "I am starting to dissociate" and it really felt like a cop out.

It probably felt like a cop out because it was a cop out. I don't know. I feel like saying "ditch the nutty broad" because it's a funny thing to say - maybe "run for ze hills" instead? - but I'm trying to practice self-censorship. It's only going to get worse as she learns more big words to throw around. You're at the beginning of a ten year story arc here and you should split while you have the chance.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: AlexOlsonsDashiki on July 14, 2020, 08:31:46 AM
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Where I am failing to be sympathetic is that the other day I started to get frustrated with the amount of totally rinsed out dishes in the sink, dishes that could be put in the dishwasher as they were, and I asked her (sternly) if they could go in the sink.  She then told me "I am starting to dissociate" and it really felt like a cop out.

It probably felt like a cop out because it was a cop out. I don't know. I feel like saying "ditch the nutty broad" because it's a funny thing to say - maybe "run for ze hills" instead? - but I'm trying to practice self-censorship. It's only going to get worse as she learns more big words to throw around. You're at the beginning of a ten year story arc here and you should split while you have the chance.

The thing is I am just not familiar enough to know.  I mean her parents in their old age have mellowed out a bit and are apparently totally different people than I have ever been exposed to, but some of the things she went through as a kid are just so unbelievably foreign to me that I have no idea if her 'disassociation' is legitimate or not (in this case).

I just want to be a good partner, and when she is present she is a good partner. I just dont know how to be supportive in her journey through trauma therapy, which is what I was really asking about.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: gnarlycharlie on July 14, 2020, 09:10:22 AM
your not alone man, do what you need to do to feel your best dont worry about others especially if it comes to medication fuck opinions but meds can really allow people to take control of there life back do what you gotta do some people will never understand, but put yourself first, had a hell of a few years just self medicating with literally everything until i finally got sobered up and dove deeper into what issues i had going on i was able to learn so much and just accepted help and shit man regret not doing it all sooner,  i actually got a life again and can enjoy skateboarding but i take meds and hey fuck it i could care less, suboxone wellbutrin mood stabalizer i just take it shut up and enjoy not hating myself no more good luck im sure someones gonna jump on this cause of the meds im on but thats life
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: bigdave on July 14, 2020, 11:19:47 AM
I am diagnosed moderate depression, and it has been coming and going in significant waves during lockdown. I built a mini-ramp during this time that I cant even get motivated to skate (oddly, I have been mountain biking a lot though) and I just generally feel multi-day episodes of really bad malaise.

21 days ago I quit instagram and twitter. I don't have Facebook, so I dont really have any social media linkage at this point and I have to's helped, a lot. I dont have issues with anxiety as much but quitting social media has forced me into being focused on the world around me and being present at any given time. It's also really demonstrated for me who actually cares about keeping in touch, and who is only interested in centering their communication around social media. which I refuse to do. It's helping my mental health overall.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: EdLawndale on August 14, 2020, 02:23:03 PM
Hey, just throwing this out there:

If any of you Slap posters are going through a tough time right now -- due to COVID-19 or otherwise -- I'm willing to listen to you and maybe help you see the light that is there at the end of the tunnel.

Skaters always look out for one another so don't feel like you have no one to hear you out.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: tension on August 14, 2020, 03:33:55 PM
Hey, just throwing this out there:

If any of you Slap posters are going through a tough time right now -- due to COVID-19 or otherwise -- I'm willing to listen to you and maybe help you see the light that is there at the end of the tunnel.

Skaters always look out for one another so don't feel like you have no one to hear you out.

Very rad of you to offer
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ChuckRamone on September 02, 2020, 09:42:37 PM
Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fakie nollie on September 03, 2020, 05:56:28 AM
Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

I tap my foot 3 times while I take a shit. If it isn’t clean, I wipe 3 times, then tap my hands on the vanity wall 3 times and give it another try.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on September 03, 2020, 07:56:43 AM
Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Yeah but it's been of for a while.
I have come to think of it as cosmic beat matching.

Every good tune needs a count off.

I have issue with patterns and hearing music every I go.

I'm like that dog with the jazz fleas who gets stuck in the mud and the music slows down. I hear music it all the time.

If found it. This tune had a major impact on my brain as a kid.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Abyss1 on September 03, 2020, 08:02:28 AM
Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Haha Had this most my life this is Golden!  Im an OCD/Neat Freak ...sort of like the TV show Monk, but not probably close to 70% of how he acts.

Honestly as long as other people aren't bothered by it, its okay.  If you are bothered with it, here is some FYI

OCD is a anxiety disorder triggered by your desire to control the future cause and effects.  EG. If I keep this in order than I will have full control of conscious if not than my unconsciousness is in control.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ChuckRamone on September 03, 2020, 01:35:16 PM
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Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Haha Had this most my life this is Golden!  Im an OCD/Neat Freak ...sort of like the TV show Monk, but not probably close to 70% of how he acts.

Honestly as long as other people aren't bothered by it, its okay.  If you are bothered with it, here is some FYI

OCD is a anxiety disorder triggered by your desire to control the future cause and effects.  EG. If I keep this in order than I will have full control of conscious if not than my unconsciousness is in control.

Yeah, there's definitely something about OCD that's like superstition or religion. I know how irrational and stupid it is but sometimes the compulsions take over and bring me more stress. The rituals really get to me because I often think up new ones and then have to complete them the right way before I feel comfortable enough. In the past, the key to stopping has been to just resist doing any of the rituals and over time the OCD subsides till it's almost gone. I need to start doing that again.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Abyss1 on September 03, 2020, 03:27:36 PM
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Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Haha Had this most my life this is Golden!  Im an OCD/Neat Freak ...sort of like the TV show Monk, but not probably close to 70% of how he acts.

Honestly as long as other people aren't bothered by it, its okay.  If you are bothered with it, here is some FYI

OCD is a anxiety disorder triggered by your desire to control the future cause and effects.  EG. If I keep this in order than I will have full control of conscious if not than my unconsciousness is in control.

Yeah, there's definitely something about OCD that's like superstition or religion. I know how irrational and stupid it is but sometimes the compulsions take over and bring me more stress. The rituals really get to me because I often think up new ones and then have to complete them the right way before I feel comfortable enough. In the past, the key to stopping has been to just resist doing any of the rituals and over time the OCD subsides till it's almost gone. I need to start doing that again.

I wouldnt try to control it, just understand it more in depth and make it so it doesn't make you feel bad....i mean shit its who you'll slow down eventually...just wait.   I would suggest picking up a bad habit, but instead of being anxious you could end up depressed.  as long as your not hurting anyone or yourself dont trip,  on the list of mental disorders its actually not that bad once you understand it
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fakie nollie on September 07, 2020, 01:49:51 PM
Anyone got their anxiety under control without medication?

History- years ago, went through an era of rough benzo abuse and a few other demons I had to battle. Went to rehab, got off the benzos and have been medication free for about 6 years.

Went through a pretty stressful last couple of months and am starting to feel the physical side effects of being constantly anxious. Didn't think much of my hypochondria or a couple other issues until recently.

If you've been able to tackle anxiety without the use of medication, how'd you do it/ what do you do?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: TheLurper on September 07, 2020, 04:20:39 PM
Has anyone else had to suffer with someone who is facing gnarly mental health issues, only to get blamed for those issues?

I had someone who was close to me at one point, really struggle with her undiagnosed bipolar, depression, ADD, and dissociative disorder and after I told her doctor all the shit that she was experiencing (she struggled to do this herself) and suffered through that shit with her for years (I wasn't a saint, I sometime reacted negatively to her outbursts that I couldn't understand, which exacerbated her issues) she decided to make me the cause and representation of her depression/struggles.

It makes me super angry and bums me out that not only did I suffer with her through that shit, I now get blamed for it. And someone else who did zero work gets the credit of being the hero. He never begged her to take her meds, or begged her to tell the therapist what was really going on, he didn't see the consequences of her intense ups/downs, etc. I suffered through all that shit and it was only when I went to the doctor with her and I explained her struggles to the doctor that she finally got prescribed the meds she needed so badly for 17 years of her life. The doctor said, "Oh, you are battling bipolar. I had no idea." This was two years into an extremely trying situation and 17 years after the symptoms really started to show when she was a teenager (and her parents did absolutely nothing to help her).

It is fucking killing me that I suffered through it with her, but in her mind she is the only one who suffered and it is all my fault that she was struggling because I pushed her to confront the shit she was facing.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: IanBZHD on September 13, 2020, 12:54:07 PM
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Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Haha Had this most my life this is Golden!  Im an OCD/Neat Freak ...sort of like the TV show Monk, but not probably close to 70% of how he acts.

Honestly as long as other people aren't bothered by it, its okay.  If you are bothered with it, here is some FYI

OCD is a anxiety disorder triggered by your desire to control the future cause and effects.  EG. If I keep this in order than I will have full control of conscious if not than my unconsciousness is in control.

Yeah, there's definitely something about OCD that's like superstition or religion. I know how irrational and stupid it is but sometimes the compulsions take over and bring me more stress. The rituals really get to me because I often think up new ones and then have to complete them the right way before I feel comfortable enough. In the past, the key to stopping has been to just resist doing any of the rituals and over time the OCD subsides till it's almost gone. I need to start doing that again.
For sure, I feel that OCD relates strongly to Tourette's syndrome too. It's all just how deep you're in it.
It's all a compulsive feeling that can be stronger than someone's will to hold it back, that's how rituals start.
Lot's of relearning and retraining is necessary most times to break the habits. Been trying my whole life.
There was a period of time as a kid where the only way I could swallow my food is by looking at a "special" spot on the wall in my childhood home. Don't know why that spot, but I definitely couldn't be looking at people and swallow food which made eating in public tough. Hundreds of other rituals have come and gone over the years. Time's of stress I really notice new things starting to form although I know they make no logical sense, then try to get over them before they cement themselves in.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: tony mugu on September 13, 2020, 06:10:14 PM
hello, wondering if anyone has a similar experience or not with skating and I suppose other activities.

I’ve only been skating for a short while (less than 3 years) and I’ve made decent progress but I feel myself unreasonably comparing myself to other people way out of my league and I knock myself down on any achievements I make most times. I had a really good skate day followed by another one then a bad one and it’s been in my mind since then and I feel not great about myself.

I feel like what triggers it is like when I’m struggling on a trick especially on a bad day and ask someone for help and they mention something along the lines of “you just have to find the feeling”... what feeling!?!? this then makes me wonder stupid shit and if certain time on a trick has been wasted doing it wrong and I’m no good at it. People have mentioned I beat myself up too much but I hardly notice that I do.

This has turned into some sort of word mess but got one more question.

Does anyone else here also get into like friendly competition turned arms race in skating without the other person knowing? I can admit that I do this a lot for no good reason and I get unreasonably jealous about people who get a trick before me etc.

Apologies for the mess writing it’s in the early hours and I can’t sleep. 

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on September 13, 2020, 06:59:45 PM
Anyone got their anxiety under control without medication?

History- years ago, went through an era of rough benzo abuse and a few other demons I had to battle. Went to rehab, got off the benzos and have been medication free for about 6 years.

Went through a pretty stressful last couple of months and am starting to feel the physical side effects of being constantly anxious. Didn't think much of my hypochondria or a couple other issues until recently.

If you've been able to tackle anxiety without the use of medication, how'd you do it/ what do you do?

I use the heavy bag.
I go for a skate with out tricks. Sometimes I pretend I'm looking for Mark Gonzalez.
I skate up to random people and say have you seen the gonz? It's insane how many non skaters know who mark is. They don't usually know he's been living here. I wonder if Jake turned him on to this beautiful place.

Guitar bass drums piano. I make clothing. I paint. That's a big one.

Things that people don't like that I do once in a while.

I go outs side and scream for about 5 mins.
I skate around town with a harmonica.

I used to go to the dump and smash toilets with bricks. Wow that was good. The town took that away.

The rest I edited out because they aren't good for most people
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Scott Chegg on September 14, 2020, 07:33:49 AM
Was quite depressed for almost A year feeling completely worthless. It got really bad around christmas last year. I had no energy to do anything and having huge breakdowns were I would seriously think of offing myself, hanging from the window and shit like that. Thinking about it I might actually be bipolar. My mental state is fine sometimes but I have huge mood swings fairly often and feel overwhelmed by my emotions. I also sometimes have episodes of very intense rage over the dumbest shit where I punch the wall until my knuckles are purple and the skin is peeling off. Alcohol doesn’t help at all as my mood swings become much more violent. Weed does help, mellows me out and helps me meditate. I think school fucks with my mental health. I’m sorry for the rambling, it’s hard to explain what happens in your mind.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on September 15, 2020, 12:31:42 AM
Ex girlfriend I was living with for the past 2 years broke my heart 4 months ago.
I’m adhering to a pretty strict drug regimen to keep my mind limber.
Even with that and casually sleeping with some other girls, I still wake up in the middle of the night sometimes, and think of the fucked up shit she did.

Funnily enough though, this and lockdown should have sent me down the drain.
Had suicidal thoughts as well for a couple of weeks then just random panic attacks to this day.
However I’m still smiling and trying to become a better person.
I’m still on prescription, but I just wanted to let you all know that there is light!!

I hope I’ll be in this world for a bit more time.
Skateboarding saved my life.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on September 29, 2020, 11:42:31 AM
Who all's ready for that seasonal affective disorder, baby? I've started taking Vitamin D and trying to get to sleep earlier. Strapping in.

Having housemate issues and feeling lonely. Don't like my job and sometimes dread going home. Messaged a few counseling centers, trying to get back into talking to someone.

How are you guys keeping?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Lifer on September 29, 2020, 12:11:53 PM
Who all's ready for that seasonal affective disorder, baby? I've started taking Vitamin D and trying to get to sleep earlier. Strapping in.

Having housemate issues and feeling lonely. Don't like my job and sometimes dread going home. Messaged a few counseling centers, trying to get back into talking to someone.

How are you guys keeping?

Have you tried online counseling before ? I can vouch for BetterHelp being pretty solid and may be a cheaper option.

Recently accepted an offer for a new job. Even though I'm miserable at my soon-to-be-old job i'm really worried this new one isn't going to be less stressful despite the higher pay & some other good stuff. I guess I should be happy about a new job so I'm trying to be positive about it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on September 29, 2020, 12:17:15 PM
As they say: a change is as good as a rest! I hope the new job works out. It's better pay and a new routine, that's enough to make it worth it. It might not be less stressful, but that won't come at the start. It sounds good man.

I haven't tried online counseling, no. There's a place that a lot of friends have recommended that works on sliding scale payment that I've just emailed. I can afford to pay more than minimum, so I will, I just want to find someone that I can get along with so I feel comfortable opening up. The last fella I was seeing immediately rubbed me the wrong way.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Lifer on September 29, 2020, 12:46:18 PM
Thanks, appreciate that man. I got to trust that I can handle it.

I hope it doesn't take you long to find someone that works well for you. I lucked out with mine - they used to skate so it's pretty sick knowing they can at least better understand when I talk about things related to skating.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ChuckRamone on September 29, 2020, 01:34:15 PM
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Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Haha Had this most my life this is Golden!  Im an OCD/Neat Freak ...sort of like the TV show Monk, but not probably close to 70% of how he acts.

Honestly as long as other people aren't bothered by it, its okay.  If you are bothered with it, here is some FYI

OCD is a anxiety disorder triggered by your desire to control the future cause and effects.  EG. If I keep this in order than I will have full control of conscious if not than my unconsciousness is in control.

Yeah, there's definitely something about OCD that's like superstition or religion. I know how irrational and stupid it is but sometimes the compulsions take over and bring me more stress. The rituals really get to me because I often think up new ones and then have to complete them the right way before I feel comfortable enough. In the past, the key to stopping has been to just resist doing any of the rituals and over time the OCD subsides till it's almost gone. I need to start doing that again.

I wouldnt try to control it, just understand it more in depth and make it so it doesn't make you feel bad....i mean shit its who you'll slow down eventually...just wait.   I would suggest picking up a bad habit, but instead of being anxious you could end up depressed.  as long as your not hurting anyone or yourself dont trip,  on the list of mental disorders its actually not that bad once you understand it

But if I don't make any attempt to change the behavior, it gets out of control. Yesterday I spent almost an hour tapping something just the right way the right amount of times. The compulsions end up causing more anxiety than the things or ideas that triggered the compulsions, not to mention they are a huge waste of time. I get what you mean about not trying too hard to change a fundamental aspect of myself but the times in my life when I had it more under control were less stressful.

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Does anyone else have OCD? I don't mean arranging your books or shoes nicely, or being picky about your board setup, but the type where you do weird, nonsensical rituals. How do you deal with it? There have been times in my life where I've been able to completely get rid of it but it flares up from time to time and lately I have it really bad. It doesn't help that I keep reinforcing it.

Haha Had this most my life this is Golden!  Im an OCD/Neat Freak ...sort of like the TV show Monk, but not probably close to 70% of how he acts.

Honestly as long as other people aren't bothered by it, its okay.  If you are bothered with it, here is some FYI

OCD is a anxiety disorder triggered by your desire to control the future cause and effects.  EG. If I keep this in order than I will have full control of conscious if not than my unconsciousness is in control.

Yeah, there's definitely something about OCD that's like superstition or religion. I know how irrational and stupid it is but sometimes the compulsions take over and bring me more stress. The rituals really get to me because I often think up new ones and then have to complete them the right way before I feel comfortable enough. In the past, the key to stopping has been to just resist doing any of the rituals and over time the OCD subsides till it's almost gone. I need to start doing that again.
For sure, I feel that OCD relates strongly to Tourette's syndrome too. It's all just how deep you're in it.
It's all a compulsive feeling that can be stronger than someone's will to hold it back, that's how rituals start.
Lot's of relearning and retraining is necessary most times to break the habits. Been trying my whole life.
There was a period of time as a kid where the only way I could swallow my food is by looking at a "special" spot on the wall in my childhood home. Don't know why that spot, but I definitely couldn't be looking at people and swallow food which made eating in public tough. Hundreds of other rituals have come and gone over the years. Time's of stress I really notice new things starting to form although I know they make no logical sense, then try to get over them before they cement themselves in.

Stress or anxiety definitely exacerbates it for me. I think talking about it helps though. The other day I told my wife about some weird ritual I had been doing and she couldn't help but laugh at first. She apologized and said she didn't mean to make fun of my OCD but I understood her initial reaction because I knew how ridiculous it was. And her laughing helped put it in perspective for me. I really want to get this under control again. Does anyone know if weed helps with this? I'm worried I'll smoke some to try to relieve the symptoms and then they'll just get worse.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: animalflesh on September 29, 2020, 01:46:22 PM
Has anyone else had to suffer with someone who is facing gnarly mental health issues, only to get blamed for those issues?

I had someone who was close to me at one point, really struggle with her undiagnosed bipolar, depression, ADD, and dissociative disorder and after I told her doctor all the shit that she was experiencing (she struggled to do this herself) and suffered through that shit with her for years (I wasn't a saint, I sometime reacted negatively to her outbursts that I couldn't understand, which exacerbated her issues) she decided to make me the cause and representation of her depression/struggles.

It makes me super angry and bums me out that not only did I suffer with her through that shit, I now get blamed for it. And someone else who did zero work gets the credit of being the hero. He never begged her to take her meds, or begged her to tell the therapist what was really going on, he didn't see the consequences of her intense ups/downs, etc. I suffered through all that shit and it was only when I went to the doctor with her and I explained her struggles to the doctor that she finally got prescribed the meds she needed so badly for 17 years of her life. The doctor said, "Oh, you are battling bipolar. I had no idea." This was two years into an extremely trying situation and 17 years after the symptoms really started to show when she was a teenager (and her parents did absolutely nothing to help her).

It is fucking killing me that I suffered through it with her, but in her mind she is the only one who suffered and it is all my fault that she was struggling because I pushed her to confront the shit she was facing.

Was married to this...

DM me if you wanna talk
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Scott Chegg on September 30, 2020, 12:57:40 PM
I’m starting to feel like I’m falling into depression again. Quarantine and summer were nice cus it gave me a rly long break from school and all that bullshit, but I’ve been in that shit hole for a month and I can’t skate and I’m starting to feel like shit. Shit sucks
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: el chino on October 01, 2020, 12:50:41 AM
I was driving today  and i imagined myseld driving off a brindge i was about to cross,  and as i got closer  my mind was somewhere else, i didnt even realize that i was actually flooring it and driving straight(theres a slight curve  where it begins) until i hit the part where it starts, i got the fuck back into my lane and changed the radio station and drove back home.
Ive been thinking about going to therapy and have actually discussed it with a cousin that went to therapy  but i just cant get myself to do it, anytime i think about it i just feel like i just dont want to talk about anything to anyone, much less talk about shit thats going around in my head that i cant even explain.
I havent skated that much lately also, im sure as fuck that its part of the problem too.

Thank you all, and im truly sorry if ive ever been a dick to any of you pals, and newbs, except the gipper.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 01, 2020, 12:42:04 PM
I was driving today  and i imagined myseld driving off a brindge i was about to cross,  and as i got closer  my mind was somewhere else, i didnt even realize that i was actually flooring it and driving straight(theres a slight curve  where it begins) until i hit the part where it starts, i got the fuck back into my lane and changed the radio station and drove back home.
Ive been thinking about going to therapy and have actually discussed it with a cousin that went to therapy  but i just cant get myself to do it, anytime i think about it i just feel like i just dont want to talk about anything to anyone, much less talk about shit thats going around in my head that i cant even explain.
I havent skated that much lately also, im sure as fuck that its part of the problem too.

Thank you all, and im truly sorry if ive ever been a dick to any of you pals, and newbs, except the gipper.

Hey man that doesn't sound like something that will go away on its own. You say that you might not fully understand what's going on in your head; speaking with someone who's a professional head doctor will help you understand what you're feeling and why. It can't hurt anyway.

Hope you feel better.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 02, 2020, 05:38:44 AM
Every day I wait to take my meds.

It's like a test to see if I need them

Should I get this tattoo?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 02, 2020, 07:25:50 AM

( (

Yes? no?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 02, 2020, 09:29:06 AM
Very nice image, seems like it might be a bit hard to translate clearly to a tattoo, but if you think it'd make you happy, go for it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 02, 2020, 09:30:24 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 02, 2020, 12:03:24 PM
Very nice image, seems like it might be a bit hard to translate clearly to a tattoo, but if you think it'd make you happy, go for it.


I was thinking of double reflection in the lenses of a gas mask?

It's a long way off still.

I'm mostly interested in fixing old shit I got a drawing from a friend.

I really really wanna get a chest piece by February. Vulture not an eagle.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 02, 2020, 12:35:24 PM
Expand Quote
Very nice image, seems like it might be a bit hard to translate clearly to a tattoo, but if you think it'd make you happy, go for it.


I was thinking of double reflection in the lenses of a gas mask?

It's a long way off still.

I'm mostly interested in fixing old shit I got a drawing from a friend.

I really really wanna get a chest piece by February. Vulture not an eagle.

Now we're talking.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on October 03, 2020, 12:17:55 AM
Everyone is different for sure and everyone is gonna react to stimuli differently I just wanna put this here. I listened to this on my worst mornings and I believe 100% the audio here got me get out of bed. I’m not religious at all I suppose one can justify anything to oneself I guess I gloss over the jesus bits. I reckon there’s a good message here, at least I feel it helped me

Jesus gonna turn you all off fr but please have a go at the audio. There’s quotes through the whole part, ideally one would listen through

Sorry for posting religious stuff. I’m not religious at all, but I did get a lot out of this

And at worst you get a facemelter surf part
Can’t lose, cunt
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on October 03, 2020, 01:52:51 AM
Ive been thinking about going to therapy and have actually discussed it with a cousin that went to therapy  but i just cant get myself to do it, anytime i think about it i just feel like i just dont want to talk about anything to anyone, much less talk about shit thats going around in my head that i cant even explain.

Hey I struggle with the same stuff. I've never gone past five sessions with a psychologist. I start to feel exhausted talking about my own problems and health. If you can get past it though, a psychologist will really help you break down your mental habits and and try and get to the source of your issues.

It might feel selfish, stupid, or trivial at times when talking about your own stuff but verbalizing it can feel incredibly powerful and liberating.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 03, 2020, 04:38:00 AM
Expand Quote
Ive been thinking about going to therapy and have actually discussed it with a cousin that went to therapy  but i just cant get myself to do it, anytime i think about it i just feel like i just dont want to talk about anything to anyone, much less talk about shit thats going around in my head that i cant even explain.


Hey I struggle with the same stuff. I've never gone past five sessions with a psychologist. I start to feel exhausted talking about my own problems and health. If you can get past it though, a psychologist will really help you break down your mental habits and and try and get to the source of your issues.

It might feel selfish, stupid or trivial at times when talking about your own issues. But verbalizing it can feel incredibly powerful and liberating.

I didn't talk to my therapist for the first 6 visits.

I just made labels and played the guitar

Then I started talking about music and skateboarding.

You can't do whatever you want at the therapist.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Featherdale wildlife park on October 03, 2020, 07:55:40 AM
Just breaking ice here. I’m not ready just yet.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on October 03, 2020, 09:30:19 AM
Oh fuck yes, I was looking for this thread for a minute the other night. Could not find it for some reason. Here it is!

There's never any shame with having a hard time verbalizing mental illness and / or mental health problems. It's really fucking difficult. The nature of it is that it tries to contain itself, while simultaneously begging to be heard. It really is a crushing intersection of feelings.

But I believe in you all! Today is not so bad for me, but I have what's called Schizotypal Personality-Disorder. Every day is a lottery of whether my symptoms will be terrible or... bearable. But I like to say it's all about getting through one Okay at a time. All it takes is one Okay, and then it's on to the next!

I failed more times than I'd like to admit, trying to get the help I needed. I had at least 5 therapists, all of whom I abandoned one by one. I just wasn't ready for years.

This year was my breaking point. I decided to get a psychological evaluation. I knew I was ready. Financial strain aside, it saved my life (that plus falling in love shortly thereafter, which by no means was mere coincidence ;D).

I have no idea what I'm getting at - but I just want to say, do what you can to stay safe. Everything else will work out in time. Your heart will alert you when it's ready. May we all have luck on our side, and the right people around to listen. At least here, the shalomies have your backs!

Mental illness fucking sucks. Nothing but shaloms to you all 8) It takes such beautiful courage to open up about pain. May the same beauty reflect right back at you!
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 03, 2020, 11:27:34 AM
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on October 03, 2020, 01:21:08 PM
This is one of my favorite threads. I'm dual diagnosis: mental health issues and addiction issues, and it took a long time for me to get help. Even with support systems in place I still struggle and I really appreciate you all sharing about what you go through. Mental health can be such an uphill battle and there are days when I feel like I'm a lost cause or back at square one again. Anyways, this audio of DFW talking about the importance of empathy can often help me get out from under the doom cloud in my head aka my default setting. Love and Shalom <3
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fs1/2cab on October 07, 2020, 01:30:37 PM
I don't really know where to start here pals.
My english isn't the best but I will try anyway.
I battled depressions and social anxieties for 15 years. After years of therapies and medications I am down to only one pill a day.
So in europe the days are getting shorter and all that fall stuff will be here soon.
This is a hard time for many people.
Three years ago I tried to end my life.
I have no right to and will not judge anyone of you.
We can all make it through that shit, even if it doesn't seem like that right now. There is always light after darkness.

If anyone wants to talk, hit me up. Write me a DM or here.
Much love from east Germany and keep ya head up pals.


Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 10, 2020, 01:31:31 PM
I don't really know where to start here pals.
My english isn't the best but I will try anyway.
I battled depressions and social anxieties for 15 years. After years of therapies and medications I am down to only one pill a day.
So in europe the days are getting shorter and all that fall stuff will be here soon.
This is a hard time for many people.
Three years ago I tried to end my life.
I have no right to and will not judge anyone of you.
We can all make it through that shit, even if it doesn't seem like that right now. There is always light after darkness.

If anyone wants to talk, hit me up. Write me a DM or here.
Much love from east Germany and keep ya head up pals.



echoing this sentiment. Currently struggling a lot with drugs and anxiety but I'm here if anyone wants to talk
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on October 12, 2020, 01:07:17 AM
I just got kicked out of a CBT group. We met through microsoft teams and i missed too many meetings because of my work. I'm not sure how I felt about the group anyway. There was a lot of homework and I didn't form any relationships with other members. It never didn't feel weird.

Anyway, among other things a part of my depression has long been my involuntary celibacy. I've been able to put sex largely out of mind for a short while, but the urges came rearing it's ugly head again recently. I think it has to do with my general state of wellbeing. If I'm feeling too shitty, sex isn't a thing I think of as much. If I start to do a little better, sex enters my mind again and in turn I feel shitty again. I don't know how to get past any of my sex issues for good besides killing my libido by getting neutered or some shit. Seems like a godsend. I don't know. More than anything I just want to be close with a woman, intercourse or not.

I'm on that suicidal ideation train again. Not that I ever disembarked, but I took a seat instead of hovering around the exit. Metaphors are fun. I just get so dejected with life on top of this crippling loneliness. Why should I go to work again? Do I have to struggle for money forever? Will I always be a fat piece of shit? Is food the only pleasure in life? Will I ever stop being scared of everything? Will skateboarding ever be fun again? Why should I care if Trump wins again? Is fascism the future? Whatthefuckever! I continue down the path of least resistance. At least until I hit a wall. Ignore this post.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 12, 2020, 05:43:51 AM
Sorry wrong video but I'll leave it.

I try to live in the service of others
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: EdLawndale on October 12, 2020, 03:01:07 PM
I don't know how to get past any of my sex issues for good besides killing my libido by getting neutered or some shit.

Definitely don't do that
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on October 12, 2020, 03:49:19 PM
I just got kicked out of a CBT group. We met through microsoft teams and i missed too many meetings because of my work. I'm not sure how I felt about the group anyway. There was a lot of homework and I didn't form any relationships with other members. It never didn't feel weird.

Anyway, among other things a part of my depression has long been my involuntary celibacy. I've been able to put sex largely out of mind for a short while, but the urges came rearing it's ugly head again recently. I think it has to do with my general state of wellbeing. If I'm feeling too shitty, sex isn't a thing I think of as much. If I start to do a little better, sex enters my mind again and in turn I feel shitty again. I don't know how to get past any of my sex issues for good besides killing my libido by getting neutered or some shit. Seems like a godsend. I don't know. More than anything I just want to be close with a woman, intercourse or not.

I'm on that suicidal ideation train again. Not that I ever disembarked, but I took a seat instead of hovering around the exit. Metaphors are fun. I just get so dejected with life on top of this crippling loneliness. Why should I go to work again? Do I have to struggle for money forever? Will I always be a fat piece of shit? Is food the only pleasure in life? Will I ever stop being scared of everything? Will skateboarding ever be fun again? Why should I care if Trump wins again? Is fascism the future? Whatthefuckever! I continue down the path of least resistance. At least until I hit a wall. Ignore this post.

Hey L33Tg33k. I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling right now. Do you have any support systems in place since you've left your CBT group? You can DM if you're comfortable doing that. I can't offer much in the way of solutions but I can relate.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: fakie butt drop on October 12, 2020, 06:05:28 PM
been battling a pretty severe depression for over 10 years and in the last few months 4 out of my 6 best friends have tried to threatened committing suicide. have been going off the rails with drinking lately and been so much of a crutch to my friends that are going through it worse that i dont really have time to think about the way that i feel. gets draining living in a skate house with a junkie and a drunk and i would move but i dont have a steady enough job/head or any money to get out. feel stuck a lot. cant afford to buy a guitar (writing music is my main source of therapy). no lock on the door to my room and my friends are constantly barging in to vent to me because im "the level headed one with the advice". they all know that im unstable and still put me through it. have never tried to kill myself because i couldnt do that to my mom/sister/friends- but have always thought that if i could hit a button and never have existed- i would without much thought.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on October 23, 2020, 10:51:50 AM
been battling a pretty severe depression for over 10 years and in the last few months 4 out of my 6 best friends have tried to threatened committing suicide. have been going off the rails with drinking lately and been so much of a crutch to my friends that are going through it worse that i dont really have time to think about the way that i feel. gets draining living in a skate house with a junkie and a drunk and i would move but i dont have a steady enough job/head or any money to get out. feel stuck a lot. cant afford to buy a guitar (writing music is my main source of therapy). no lock on the door to my room and my friends are constantly barging in to vent to me because im "the level headed one with the advice". they all know that im unstable and still put me through it. have never tried to kill myself because i couldnt do that to my mom/sister/friends- but have always thought that if i could hit a button and never have existed- i would without much thought.

Hey sorry for the late reply. I'm sorry you're going through a hard time. It's good you have friends around you but it sounds like maybe they're not the most supportive. Maybe taking a break from drinking as much would be good. Especially as the weather gets worse, I know there's not as much to do, but it's good to take a break every now and again.

Maybe have a look in thrift stores for a guitar or other instrument? Gumtree, craigslist, facebook marketplace... You never know what you mind find, there's stuff out there.

I would recommend both talking to your friends about barging into your room and also trying to fashion some kind of DIY door lock. I know what it's like to live in a place with little privacy and it can be really taxing on your head.

I hope you find some solace soon pal. <3
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 24, 2020, 05:07:32 AM
been battling a pretty severe depression for over 10 years and in the last few months 4 out of my 6 best friends have tried to threatened committing suicide. have been going off the rails with drinking lately and been so much of a crutch to my friends that are going through it worse that i dont really have time to think about the way that i feel. gets draining living in a skate house with a junkie and a drunk and i would move but i dont have a steady enough job/head or any money to get out. feel stuck a lot. cant afford to buy a guitar (writing music is my main source of therapy). no lock on the door to my room and my friends are constantly barging in to vent to me because im "the level headed one with the advice". they all know that im unstable and still put me through it. have never tried to kill myself because i couldnt do that to my mom/sister/friends- but have always thought that if i could hit a button and never have existed- i would without much thought.

That's awful. I been there except it was a punk house.

Those friends I was hold up poorly folded up on me time and time again.

I'm not saying cut ties but junkies and drunks are weight. Be prepared for them to let you down.

I would demand they get help.

If you live near mass I'll give you a guitar if you come get it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 28, 2020, 04:48:49 PM
I just got kicked out of a CBT group. We met through microsoft teams and i missed too many meetings because of my work. I'm not sure how I felt about the group anyway. There was a lot of homework and I didn't form any relationships with other members. It never didn't feel weird.

Anyway, among other things a part of my depression has long been my involuntary celibacy. I've been able to put sex largely out of mind for a short while, but the urges came rearing it's ugly head again recently. I think it has to do with my general state of wellbeing. If I'm feeling too shitty, sex isn't a thing I think of as much. If I start to do a little better, sex enters my mind again and in turn I feel shitty again. I don't know how to get past any of my sex issues for good besides killing my libido by getting neutered or some shit. Seems like a godsend. I don't know. More than anything I just want to be close with a woman, intercourse or not.

I'm on that suicidal ideation train again. Not that I ever disembarked, but I took a seat instead of hovering around the exit. Metaphors are fun. I just get so dejected with life on top of this crippling loneliness. Why should I go to work again? Do I have to struggle for money forever? Will I always be a fat piece of shit? Is food the only pleasure in life? Will I ever stop being scared of everything? Will skateboarding ever be fun again? Why should I care if Trump wins again? Is fascism the future? Whatthefuckever! I continue down the path of least resistance. At least until I hit a wall. Ignore this post.

Hey dude I've been there if you want to talk. Tried to off myself before. Some guy I barely knew found me on the street and dropped me at a hospital after eating about 12,000mg of seroquel(give or take a thousand) and I walked into the waiting room, fell over and stopped breathing within minutes. I was in a coma and then mentally regular for about a week and they didn't know if I'd ever come out of it. I did, lol. I've thought a lot about suicide and it's a big reason why I went back to hard drugs. If you ever want to talk just pm me. I can even give you my cell if you're legit ever in a crisis. Things aren't always easy. If you need help I'm here to talk and that honestly goes for whomever on here.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Freelancevagrant on October 28, 2020, 05:02:34 PM
I just got kicked out of a CBT group. We met through microsoft teams and i missed too many meetings because of my work. I'm not sure how I felt about the group anyway. There was a lot of homework and I didn't form any relationships with other members. It never didn't feel weird.

Anyway, among other things a part of my depression has long been my involuntary celibacy. I've been able to put sex largely out of mind for a short while, but the urges came rearing it's ugly head again recently. I think it has to do with my general state of wellbeing. If I'm feeling too shitty, sex isn't a thing I think of as much. If I start to do a little better, sex enters my mind again and in turn I feel shitty again. I don't know how to get past any of my sex issues for good besides killing my libido by getting neutered or some shit. Seems like a godsend. I don't know. More than anything I just want to be close with a woman, intercourse or not.

I'm on that suicidal ideation train again. Not that I ever disembarked, but I took a seat instead of hovering around the exit. Metaphors are fun. I just get so dejected with life on top of this crippling loneliness. Why should I go to work again? Do I have to struggle for money forever? Will I always be a fat piece of shit? Is food the only pleasure in life? Will I ever stop being scared of everything? Will skateboarding ever be fun again? Why should I care if Trump wins again? Is fascism the future? Whatthefuckever! I continue down the path of least resistance. At least until I hit a wall. Ignore this post.

If you ever need to talk shoot me a dm, I have a lot experience with being in cbt, dealing with suicidal ideations (and attempts), crippling depression and paralyzing apathy.
Wishing you the best my dude.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: girlfriendplease on October 29, 2020, 08:28:45 PM
in everyones opinion are psychological assessment tests worth it? would be awesome to get some information on how helpful they are.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 30, 2020, 06:14:37 AM
I hate everything
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 30, 2020, 07:18:33 AM
in everyones opinion are psychological assessment tests worth it? would be awesome to get some information on how helpful they are.

May help.

I have had so many that I have no idea what's wrong with me.

PTSD is the only thing they all agree on.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sluggloaph on October 30, 2020, 01:21:09 PM
I hate everything
Same. I really fight that tendency but usually to no avail, I say it so much, it's a real bummer. And like that I hate that I said bummer and that I'm trying to engage anonymously on a skate forum. So mostly I just hate myself.
Whatever, right?
You seem lika a doap dude, yer set ups an thriftiness are a joy to read. Keep yer head up, or dont, everything sucks.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on October 31, 2020, 05:09:55 AM
in everyones opinion are psychological assessment tests worth it? would be awesome to get some information on how helpful they are.

I don't know if they help. Here in Australia they only seem to be ordered for people going into particular fields of work and people with extreme learning difficulties.

Are you seeing a psychologist? Basically if a psychologist hasn't referred an assessment you probably don't need one.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on October 31, 2020, 06:16:02 AM
Expand Quote
I hate everything
Same. I really fight that tendency but usually to no avail, I say it so much, it's a real bummer. And like that I hate that I said bummer and that I'm trying to engage anonymously on a skate forum. So mostly I just hate myself.
Whatever, right?
You seem lika a doap dude, yer set ups an thriftiness are a joy to read. Keep yer head up, or dont, everything sucks.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Yoshi on November 08, 2020, 02:59:40 AM
After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on November 08, 2020, 05:03:23 AM
Got a call back from a therapy centre that I contacted a couple of months ago. I had to turn them down because it's €80 a week and I'm sure I can't afford that. Kind of a bummer to have to turn away an offer for therapy just because of the cost, especially after being on the waiting list for so long. I'm on a waiting list for another place that has sliding scale payment, so it's probably a longer wait but would be good in the long run.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on November 08, 2020, 05:05:57 AM
After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Yoshi on November 08, 2020, 05:32:55 AM
Expand Quote
After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.

Thanks mate. Haven’t had the dreaded comedown from it yet, it’s been about a week so I’m hoping I’ve avoided it
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Idk on November 08, 2020, 05:53:00 AM
Expand Quote
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After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.


Thanks mate. Haven’t had the dreaded comedown from it yet, it’s been about a week so I’m hoping I’ve avoided it
You got this homie.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Yoshi on November 08, 2020, 06:27:33 AM
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After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.


Thanks mate. Haven’t had the dreaded comedown from it yet, it’s been about a week so I’m hoping I’ve avoided it
You got this homie.

Thanks mate   :)
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on November 08, 2020, 08:32:36 AM
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After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.


Thanks mate. Haven’t had the dreaded comedown from it yet, it’s been about a week so I’m hoping I’ve avoided it
You got this homie.

Thanks mate   :)

Withdrawals can creep up on you. I did a slow taper over 2-3 months and am going through withdrawals now. My last dose was taken maybe three weeks ago. I thought maybe I had avoided it too but the past week has been rough. I'm doing this with next to support. Hope you have some irl people than can help see you through it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on January 20, 2021, 04:04:55 PM
Maybe it's kinda odd to bump this thread, but how are you all doing lately?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: burtreynolds.jpeg on January 20, 2021, 04:58:52 PM
Not weird.

Hanging in there. Definitely not doing great mentally.

Lost a loved one recently. Been dealing with health issues. Trying to get moved out of my apartment in the next couple of weeks but still looking for a place.

Shit's hectic out there but it could always be worse.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mbrimson88 on January 20, 2021, 08:59:29 PM
This is a place I can get away from everything else that is going on in the world, so it is nice to live the quiet life at the moment.

Not too bad really.

I guess I am going to have to return to reality at some point, but until that time comes, all is well.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on January 21, 2021, 04:21:26 AM
A lot better than when I last checked in. Mainly due to my wrist healing and gyms being open here again. But as life goes, when problems sort themselves out, there's always something else lurking. The future scares me, my parents and pets are older and I need to do a lot of growing up in order to deal with their inevitable deaths. But for now i'm healthy and appreciating what i've got. Big love.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on January 21, 2021, 04:48:29 AM
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After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.


Thanks mate. Haven’t had the dreaded comedown from it yet, it’s been about a week so I’m hoping I’ve avoided it
You got this homie.

Thanks mate   :)

Withdrawals can creep up on you. I did a slow taper over 2-3 months and am going through withdrawals now. My last dose was taken maybe three weeks ago. I thought maybe I had avoided it too but the past week has been rough. I'm doing this with next to support. Hope you have some irl people than can help see you through it.

Is it like random electric shocks all over your body?
I cold turkey’d antidepressants maybe a decade ago and I remember going back to my therapist telling him and I remember the smug prick said yeah, you’ll be on them for the rest of your life
I never went back and copped maybe 18 months of the electric shocks but it went away eventually
Fuck him
But if I ever had to do it again I’d probably taper of
It kinda sucked at the time
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Coastal Fever on January 21, 2021, 05:04:28 AM
There’s a direct correlation between my finances and mental health, and after the past couple months, I’m just hanging on in both regards.  Also, my weed/booze intake is very minimal, but I’ve used both daily for as long as I can remember, and I’m now 4 days without either.  Which on one hand feels great, but removing the numbness it provides isn’t without its challenges.  Just trying to remind myself how lucky I am to have what I have, and that sooner or later, I’ll have another really good day where I think “this was worth the wait”.

To everyone else in this thread going through it, you’re all tough as shit and better days are ahead for all of you too.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on January 21, 2021, 05:07:41 AM
I think that’s like that for everyone bro, being broke is fucked, those cunts that say shit like I don’t need money to be happy are not only broke they are delusional

I mean the money itself doesn’t make you happy but the freedom it brings sure as shit does
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on January 21, 2021, 05:35:45 AM
Pretty fucking far from ok.
I quit weed a while ago which is good. Quit my job too as I was unable to cope.
Spoke to my doctor and she doubled up the meds lol.
I think I will be on them for life, which is kinda ok to accept but still sad.
Still unsure about everything in my life and this virus situation is not helping at all.

Stay strong everyone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on January 21, 2021, 09:53:05 AM
I think that’s like that for everyone bro, being broke is fucked, those cunts that say shit like I don’t need money to be happy are not only broke they are delusional

I mean the money itself doesn’t make you happy but the freedom it brings sure as shit does

Like Kanye said, having money isn't everything, not having it is.

I'm doin aight. Moved to a new place. Had a job interview today that went pretty well. If I got it, it'd be such a huge relief. If I don't get it, it'll be a pretty big emotional blow.

I'm still trying to be grateful for what I have. Yesterday I got out of work and it was still a little bit bright outside, so within a couple of weeks the sunlight will start to last a bit longer and the weather might start to improve some. Stuff like that gives me a bit of hope.

Shit's hard right now. I hope you guys are able to find ways to manage stress, to make time for yourselves, to find small things to look forward to. We'll get there. <3
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on January 21, 2021, 12:25:02 PM
Fucken oath we will. It’s been a pretty damn ordinary  year for me, too

I was talking to my mum yesterday just about all sorts of stuff but you just reminded me of something she said and everyone knows this but not enough people do it, I certainly don’t

You absolutely must look at the positives in life because nothings ever perfect and if one latches on to the bad stuff it’s just like a big loop and that’s all one will ever see. I get angry a lot and I dwell on shit. I always say and my mates do too, deep down inside I’m a small, petty man
I’d like to try change that fuck knows I’d probably be happier more often. I let a lot of shit get to me

It’s fucked to react to shit and be all like yeah cunt that’ll fix you cause it ends up fixing me, too
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: IUTSM on January 21, 2021, 01:10:25 PM
Man, this time last year was rough. I was switching from living totally in the woods and doing whatever I wanted for 5 years to going to graduate school for social work full time in a really intense program while also doing some really wild psychotherapy. From November to end of January, 2 more old homies od'd and died, little cousin OD 2x, 3 old friends tried to commit suicide and I was the person they told including one I had to go bust his door down, gramps died, I rescued my best/longest homie after he got robbed by Gs with ARs and left tied up in the woods and then he told me to fuck off because I was a shitty friend, was sick for 3 months with what I thought was pneumonia (which I think was Covid due to the symptoms and having flown in international airports at the early period), got an ear infection that ruined my ears with tinnitus, all while trying to be a therapist and go to school full time. Oh ya, the pandemic started and fires came within an hour of our house 3x. Shit got real, I started taking benzos to cope for a couple months, and totally lost it. I tried coming off cold turkey and ended up in full on psychosis, replete with auditory/visual hallucinations for a few days. I'm blessed to have people who love me and were able to help me stay above ground.

I've taken the past 9 months to level up and ground. Aside from a few trips and some ganja, this is the longest period of sobriety I've had (it's been years with no booze) over the past 17 years. I've gotten my head together, my heart together, and addressed all the grief and shame that came from all my dead and sick homies while I'm thriving on my own terms. I'm skating again, running, walking, and really just leveled out and up. Today I join a new cohort in school and start retaking the class I had to drop in the midst of losing my shit. It's going to be alright.

Stay safe, homies. <3
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Crailslideyoface on January 21, 2021, 01:34:18 PM
Horrible panic attacks. Nothing like feeling like you’re gonna die or pass out mid trick
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on January 21, 2021, 02:16:48 PM
Man, this time last year was rough. I was switching from living totally in the woods and doing whatever I wanted for 5 years to going to graduate school for social work full time in a really intense program while also doing some really wild psychotherapy. From November to end of January, 2 more old homies od'd and died, little cousin OD 2x, 3 old friends tried to commit suicide and I was the person they told including one I had to go bust his door down, gramps died, I rescued my best/longest homie after he got robbed by Gs with ARs and left tied up in the woods and then he told me to fuck off because I was a shitty friend, was sick for 3 months with what I thought was pneumonia (which I think was Covid due to the symptoms and having flown in international airports at the early period), got an ear infection that ruined my ears with tinnitus, all while trying to be a therapist and go to school full time. Oh ya, the pandemic started and fires came within an hour of our house 3x. Shit got real, I started taking benzos to cope for a couple months, and totally lost it. I tried coming off cold turkey and ended up in full on psychosis, replete with auditory/visual hallucinations for a few days. I'm blessed to have people who love me and were able to help me stay above ground.

I've taken the past 9 months to level up and ground. Aside from a few trips and some ganja, this is the longest period of sobriety I've had (it's been years with no booze) over the past 17 years. I've gotten my head together, my heart together, and addressed all the grief and shame that came from all my dead and sick homies while I'm thriving on my own terms. I'm skating again, running, walking, and really just leveled out and up. Today I join a new cohort in school and start retaking the class I had to drop in the midst of losing my shit. It's going to be alright.

Stay safe, homies. <3

Really stoked to hear it man, I remember you telling us about some of your hard times as they were happening. Keep the head above water and keep doing well for yourself.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on January 21, 2021, 02:20:10 PM
Horrible panic attacks. Nothing like feeling like you’re gonna die or pass out mid trick
I'm sorry to hear that man, I sometimes struggle with panic attacks and they suck. I really recommend looking up some stuff like breathing exercises or other tricks to help you feel grounded. If nothing else, they give you something to focus on and you can start to feel more control. Try them throughout the day when you're not stressed or panicked so that you'll know what to do instinctively when panic starts. <3
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on January 21, 2021, 07:26:24 PM
I've spoken on here a ton about mental health care and services because it's been so helpful in my life. I'm on a cocktail of medication that I don't usually tell people in real life that aren't very close because I know what they will think, and in a way I understand, but most will roll their eyes because its like the typical trifecta that comes to mind when people think of the typical medicated person taking a bunch of shit they don't need.

ADD, Anxiety, and Depression. I have dealt with those 3 for about 20 years and started trying to dial in medication about 8 years ago, and didn't hit the right combo until a year ago. I don't know what it's called but I have this mental thing where whenever I'm not ok, I never know how bad I am, I always think it could be worse and ignore the problem. A year ago I stopped doing that, I decided to just tell my dr I wanted to treat all three and didn't hesitate to tell him when I wanted to try another medication or add one.

The depression and anxiety are not even a question for me, that's something anyone who knows me wouldn't doubt, but I was afraid to talk about ADD. We all know adderall can make you a crazy focused worker even if you don't need it so I hated thinking of asking about it again and looking like a drug seeker. The truth is, when I got on it for a bit a long time ago it got me out of partying and into learning and valuing education. But I got off it after my dad made me feel like a druggie even though it was his projecting his own drug problems.

I take mirtazapine for my depression, got on it after a bad breakup when I was being stalked and not only did it help me cope but it was the first antidepressant out of many, that I had tried that clearly and convincingly worked. I like it because it has less side effects, helps me sleep and helps me eat. Getting off it can be difficult, but I know from prior experience how to get off it when I decide the time is right. It's actually an older antidepressant that is much different than most modern ones, and it just happened to be the first one that I responded to, also no shitty sexual side effects.

For anxiety I'm on klonopin. I guess some people consider it strong but it actually isnt. I take .5mg daily. It lasts longer than an ativan or a xanax, but I also don't feel like I've taken a drug. I just feel normal. Ativan and xanax make me feel drunk and are more for quick action against a panic attack.

I used to take the immediate release blue adderall, but that shit is too harsh. You come up instant and crash pretty hard, and you get used to it fast. So I asked about extended release. Like the klonopin, I always thought that it was a stronger version so I didn't ask about it before, I didn't realize that it lasting much longer meant that the come up and come down were much mellower, and that the same amount being spread throughout the day would be much more tolerable.

I got on that combo a year ago this week, and although 2020 was one of the worst years ever AND the most stressful, I somehow managed to have one of the best years of my life in terms of taking care of myself and making significant changes to my life. I got the motivation to look for a new job and found one that I truly look forward to every single day. Haven't called out sick once and in the last 15 years I've always called in sick within the first month. I started eating better, I started getting serious about being active, I got into new hobbies and just did well.

This year was still really scary. My sister had a kid, a bunch of my extended family got sick and one person died, the news scared the shit out of me, but I kept it together and somehow managed to thrive in a time like this. That's why I love to talk about mental health with anyone and everyone. It shouldn't be taboo. I can't believe how long I stayed in a job that literally made it hard for me to see anything good in life. It was so scary to make the change, I was really happy when I did, but I was also bummed that I didn't know how easy it actually is to do, and it made me wonder how much further I could be if I changed jobs earlier. But who the hell knows, I could have gotten my dream job 10 years ago and a bunch of bad shit could have happened.

Also guys, everyone says it, but exercise, get out as much as possible. I LOVE computers. I love to play games, build them, mess with software and stuff, my girlfriend and I play every night. But my new job forcing me to be out really slapped me in the face with the truth about being active. It's another one of those things I wrote off as just some bullshit that people say who don't actually have stress in their life but its not a lie that it's a first line treatment for depression.

Hang in there boys, find the beauty in everything, and give yourself credit for even the smallest things.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: 50mm on January 21, 2021, 07:32:58 PM
I've spoken on here a ton about mental health care and services because it's been so helpful in my life. I'm on a cocktail of medication that I don't usually tell people in real life that aren't very close because I know what they will think, and in a way I understand, but most will roll their eyes because its like the typical trifecta that comes to mind when people think of the typical medicated person taking a bunch of shit they don't need.

ADD, Anxiety, and Depression. I have dealt with those 3 for about 20 years and started trying to dial in medication about 8 years ago, and didn't hit the right combo until a year ago. I don't know what it's called but I have this mental thing where whenever I'm not ok, I never know how bad I am, I always think it could be worse and ignore the problem. A year ago I stopped doing that, I decided to just tell my dr I wanted to treat all three and didn't hesitate to tell him when I wanted to try another medication or add one.

The depression and anxiety are not even a question for me, that's something anyone who knows me wouldn't doubt, but I was afraid to talk about ADD. We all know adderall can make you a crazy focused worker even if you don't need it so I hated thinking of asking about it again and looking like a drug seeker. The truth is, when I got on it for a bit a long time ago it got me out of partying and into learning and valuing education. But I got off it after my dad made me feel like a druggie even though it was his projecting his own drug problems.

I take mirtazapine for my depression, got on it after a bad breakup when I was being stalked and not only did it help me cope but it was the first antidepressant out of many, that I had tried that clearly and convincingly worked. I like it because it has less side effects, helps me sleep and helps me eat. Getting off it can be difficult, but I know from prior experience how to get off it when I decide the time is right. It's actually an older antidepressant that is much different than most modern ones, and it just happened to be the first one that I responded to, also no shitty sexual side effects.

For anxiety I'm on klonopin. I guess some people consider it strong but it actually isnt. I take .5mg daily. It lasts longer than an ativan or a xanax, but I also don't feel like I've taken a drug. I just feel normal. Ativan and xanax make me feel drunk and are more for quick action against a panic attack.

I used to take the immediate release blue adderall, but that shit is too harsh. You come up instant and crash pretty hard, and you get used to it fast. So I asked about extended release. Like the klonopin, I always thought that it was a stronger version so I didn't ask about it before, I didn't realize that it lasting much longer meant that the come up and come down were much mellower, and that the same amount being spread throughout the day would be much more tolerable. My older sister has hardcore adhd/add probably from parental drug use with her step father and my mother. I started developing add at the end of elementary school. I cant even explain how hard the simplest things feel to accomplish for me unless I'm 100% interested, but even those will quickly get thrown to the side.

I got on that combo a year ago this week, and although 2020 was one of the worst years ever AND the most stressful, I somehow managed to have one of the best years of my life in terms of taking care of myself and making significant changes to my life. I got the motivation to look for a new job and found one that I truly look forward to every single day. Haven't called out sick once and in the last 15 years I've always called in sick within the first month. I started eating better, I started getting serious about being active, I got into new hobbies and just did well.

This year was still really scary. My sister had a kid, a bunch of my extended family got sick and one person died, the news scared the shit out of me, but I kept it together and somehow managed to thrive in a time like this. That's why I love to talk about mental health with anyone and everyone. It shouldn't be taboo. I can't believe how long I stayed in a job that literally made it hard for me to see anything good in life. It was so scary to make the change, I was really happy when I did, but I was also bummed that I didn't know how easy it actually is to do, and it made me wonder how much further I could be if I changed jobs earlier. But who the hell knows, I could have gotten my dream job 10 years ago and a bunch of bad shit could have happened.

Also guys, everyone says it, but exercise, get out as much as possible. I LOVE computers. I love to play games, build them, mess with software and stuff, my girlfriend and I play every night. But my new job forcing me to be out really slapped me in the face with the truth about being active. It's another one of those things I wrote off as just some bullshit that people say who don't actually have stress in their life but its not a lie that it's a first line treatment for depression.

Hang in there boys, find the beauty in everything, and give yourself credit for even the smallest things.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on January 22, 2021, 04:06:01 AM
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After years on meds for my anxiety & depression, I finally felt in a decent enough place to start coming off them.  Then the government announces another month long lockdown... fuck.  I’m gonna try and do it though. Only a month, should be fine right?  :-\

It could be good for a break, just for perspective, but maybe you should consult your doctor before you do, because transitioning on/off certain medications can be kind of tumultuous and it might not be the best idea to hop on/off in that amount of time.

In any case, I hope you're doing well and looking after yourself. Check-in daily and see how you feel.


Thanks mate. Haven’t had the dreaded comedown from it yet, it’s been about a week so I’m hoping I’ve avoided it
You got this homie.

Thanks mate   :)

Withdrawals can creep up on you. I did a slow taper over 2-3 months and am going through withdrawals now. My last dose was taken maybe three weeks ago. I thought maybe I had avoided it too but the past week has been rough. I'm doing this with next to support. Hope you have some irl people than can help see you through it.

Is it like random electric shocks all over your body?
I cold turkey’d antidepressants maybe a decade ago and I remember going back to my therapist telling him and I remember the smug prick said yeah, you’ll be on them for the rest of your life
I never went back and copped maybe 18 months of the electric shocks but it went away eventually
Fuck him
But if I ever had to do it again I’d probably taper of
It kinda sucked at the time

Most people get what are described as 'brain zaps' which I fortunately didn't have to deal with. I would experience strange rushes of electricity if I ever missed a dose but the feeling would mostly be concentrated in my hands and forearms. Fuck that, glad I decided to get it out of my system.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on January 22, 2021, 05:16:49 AM
Haha yeah that was the point where I realised rec drugs done, ahem, whenever I deem necessary are kinda, ahem, better than the shit they cook up in legal labs and some cunt with a degree and a fucking phyzer pen wants to sell me

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on January 22, 2021, 11:44:12 AM
I think about violence a ton.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: MotoPancakes on April 13, 2021, 10:15:54 PM
Will always bump this thread.

Also have a question for Prozac users, what do you do so it doesn't knock you out. It has been reaping absolute havoc on my sleep schedule. I've tried taking it before bed with limited success. Really wanna get some help on this cause this is the one anti depressant in a long long time that has actually been working for me. Luv yall
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ballintoohard on April 16, 2021, 07:40:24 AM
Neurotypical autistic/aspergers with anxiety related to death. On antidepressants, which I’m not convinced is doing much for issues related to self image, which stem from essentially “having so much potential” in many areas of life and not doing much with it often due to things outside my control. I basically always end up thinking that I could have actually controlled things better.

As for the anxiety I have developed and intense fear of flying after quite a few bad flights in a row. I used to love traveling now I kinda hate it. Xanax doesn’t seem to help. I just had a kid 9 weeks ago and barely sleep mostly because I obsess over SIDS, or get emotional thinking about all the bad things that can happen when he gets older.

I used to balance and manage this through outdoor activities like skating and my other hobbies, but sprained my ankle super bad so who knows when I’ll get to do those again. Waiting to start a new job that I’m already telling myself will suck.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mark Renton on May 13, 2021, 12:42:03 AM
Anyone on here got prescribed Fluvoxamine?
Doctor said 300mg.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 13, 2021, 05:38:14 PM
with anxiety related to death.

 I just had a kid 9 weeks ago and barely sleep


This really resonates. I had a crippling fear of death in my childhood. I tried exploring it with my parents a few time as a child and they just brushed me off saying, "Don't worry it won't happen for a very long time." I used stay up at night just paralyzed by what 'infinity' and 'eternity' mean and what about when there is no "me." By the time I hit puberty that angst just became destructive behavior and an anti-social attitude but at night I wracked my brain hoping that one day I might reconcile the fact that I will die and so will everyone I know. Ultimately, I just supressed it well into adulthood. in the culture I grew up in that is what you did back then. I knew nothing of Anxiety or Depression as conditions.

As an adult my occupation led me to a lot of death. I work with homeless young people. I have lost dozens to suicide, overdoses, murder and other premature deaths. I didn't deal with it properly at all. I just compartmentalized each death and carried on.

Then I became a dad at age 30 and similar thoughts about why does this little kid have to go through this same bullshit journey? When my daughter was two, a kid at work died of a heroin OD. I didn't know him that well but he was the one that finally opened the floodgates. His death hit me like a tonne of bricks. It was almost physical. Like there is no way I can handle any more unless I start to confront this shit now.

I was finally forced to confront mortality as I was now paralyzed by the big cosmic joke that we are all temporary. It is the heaviest shit I have been through. I'm sure I would have been placed on medication if I went to therapist or psychiatrist but I had this amazing acupuncturist at the time who coached me through it.

one day, she said to me, "you are now ready to walk through the gates of hell." She said, "the next week will be incredibly tough. call me if it gets too much." I shrugged it off but holy shit she was right. I suddenly had to face death and my demons head on. It amounted to about a one year journey that slowly got better and better but it was all-encompasing to say the least. i am surprised my wife stood by me. no friends, very little skateboarding. i read a lot of spiritual texts from all kinds of faiths, i meditated... and learned about my mind. I read a book ("The End of Fear: A Spiritual Path for Realists" by a couple of psychiatrists who supported terminally ill AIDs patient.  they have this exercise where you walk around a crowded area and every person you came across you say to yourself, 'they will also die.' maybe they will live to 90, or get a horrible disease at 50 or get hit by a car this afternoon but they, like me, will die. this sounds incredibly depressing but after some time it becomes profoundly liberating. death contemplation is a  hell of journey but you don't have to walk through "the gates of hell twice." its not my place to judge others, but I think medication would have delayed or even prevented this necessary journey for me.

of course I still get anxious and depressed but its way more under control and fleeting and dare I say a useful part of a balanced human experience.

there is a lot more to this and i put out a zine documenting the full saga but i'll end it right here by saying, I get where you are at with that concern.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: loftie.1 on May 13, 2021, 07:51:14 PM
I started skating again to cure myself from anxiety. Deleted social media accounts, ditched my smart phone, started going down to my local diy park because I live in a shit hole and started eating basically a vegetarian diet.

I still struggle with getting out some days, I get so locked into what other people are thinking and I figured out why this happens. It's lack of sleep, drinking alcohol and shit diet.  Biggest one is sleep though. Depriving yourself of rest can fuck you up, puts a lot of stress on your mind and soul.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on May 14, 2021, 02:58:09 PM
Tried a session with a new counselor earlier and had to bail before the end. God damn, therapy suuuuuuuuucks. Super agitated, every time, throughout the entire thing. I fucking hate it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on May 14, 2021, 07:04:12 PM
Anyone on here got prescribed Fluvoxamine?
Doctor said 300mg.

I don’t know if it’s the same as fluoxetine but I think very similar anyway I was on that one for a couple years maybe ten fifteen years ago and I didn’t rate it at all, took ages to go when having sex, like long enough to be a pain in the arse for both of us and when I stopped taking it I had maybe 18 months to two years of these random electric shocks all over my body I mean could still work and stuff but it used to drive me crazy

Everybody is different and different things work for different people for sure and I am not in the medical industry or anything but yeah that was my experience

Another thing that is just like my opinion but I reckon those sort of drugs are like Panadol in the sense that if you had stepped on glass or something and you took a Panadol it might stop hurting but unless you take the glass out it won’t get better sort of thing

Just my two cents I am certain that many people would have had positive experiences with antidepressants
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Freelancevagrant on May 14, 2021, 07:19:41 PM
Been down bad lately, bills piling up, hours cut at work, 0 interest in skating, my daily driver truck has been out on the fritz and forcing me to take my wife’s van, feeling like a massive burden and embarrassment. My meds are not working, and I keep having those chirping thoughts in the back of my mind that tell me to drive my truck into a wall, but they’re becoming more frequent. These last few weeks have been brutal.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on May 14, 2021, 08:17:29 PM
@Freelancevagrant sometimes when I take mad hits in a row I try to think about it like is that all you got world and I try to psyche myself up like cmon you motherfucker sometimes I’ll listen to music or shit that psyches me up kind of like trying to have a positive mindset

I don’t know what it is or anything but I know about it I seen it and if you focus into a wall it wins, fuck that thing
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Yoshi on May 15, 2021, 12:44:14 PM
Hope you guys are all good.

Things are totally up and down at the moment, deffo feel like I’m living on a day to day with this right now. Light at the end of the tunnel
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Ultraviolet catastrophe on May 15, 2021, 06:51:05 PM
I feel I need to start out with some kind of introduction on my first ever cherry poppin post.
But I’m not gonna.
The only reason I have the tits to post at all is because of the anonymity.I’m not even supposed to be here.
I fell down the slaphole while creeping on my husband...Hi Babe!
But I went to bed thinking about this board and woke up still thinking about it. The urge to comfort or help is too strong.

Freelancevagrant, please don’t park your truck in a wall. Please talk to someone. Please try something different with your meds.

For way to fucking long I carried the security blanket of knowing I could end the pain and suffering on my terms. I would pull that blanket out every damn night. It gave me some sense of control over my life.

While I was pregnant with our kid the needle started to move from comforting knowledge to looking like pulling the plug on me was the only path I had. But here was this thing growing inside me that needed me and that I was responsible for its existence so now it wasn’t just my choice to make. I talked to my doc and got some shitty therapy and some meds. Talking about it helped. It helped even though she was a basic bitch with no clue about the world except she needed to listen to the poor unwed mother for class credits. But even talking to her helped. And I found better therapists ( they are out there) Just speaking the thought out loud shone the light on what I thought was my truth. I had two stories in front of me: one was really short and the other one was something I could keep scribbling on.

Saying the bullshit in your head out loud shifts the power. chemical imbalances and synopses misfiring were no longer calling the shots. I took ownership as I spoke the words out loud. With the ownership I saw that those thoughts didn’t fit me. If you start to hear your thoughts you can tell if they ring true or are just noise.
The meds let me keep my head up and tread water. Just breathing and seeing things from a newly shifted perspective and taking it day by day saved my life enough to get a little bit stronger and a little bit clearer.

The first three things I did to make it through a day were:

* think of the things you would miss if you weren’t here and experience them whenever you get the chance. If you struggle to think of something go simple. Start with the senses and boil it down to the purest joy. What do you like to hear, see, taste, feel. Listen to that perfect song over and over, ride the board, feel the sun/rain/wind/ on your skin, eat something that tastes like heaven, have an orgasm.
Savor the little things.

* do something kind for someone or something. Your kindness will have results and ripples that you can’t fathom but you will know that your existence that day put some positivity into the cosmic soup and that is more than a lot of motherfuckers can say.

* speaking of the motherfuckers....Fuck Them! I thought my exit strategy gave me control but I didn’t benefit from that option. Neither would anyone I liked or cared for benefit from that option. I would just be giving up my seat at the table while shitbags continued running around shitting on things. We are here wether we asked for it or not but being these marvelous creatures of atoms and particles and chemical reactions get us a spot on the grid and I don’t want to let the assholes outnumber the real ones.

I’m cheering for you and all the others struggling to figure it out. Keep on keeping on.

P.S. one thing I wish I knew when my demons were loudest was:
The things that are hurting you most about yourself are probably your super powers, you just need to give yourself time to figure out how to use them.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Banned from the room on June 01, 2021, 09:16:50 PM
So my end is near I believe.

The is the basic facts.

My kidneys hurt I got this crazy full body rash I piss funny I've had a lump in my stomach for years and now it's become two side by side.

I've been getting examinations on the stomach lumps for years. They said they felt nothing at first.
 I got angry stopped going till the pain become unbearable.  I've have echos back when I was on methadone. They said it was shit (stool) or "again I feel nothing"

Then one day I had a very low level tech say yeah I feel that. I went back to the Dr. "I don't feel anything John are you ok?."

Now it's become two. It's like a peanut. My friends my ex boyfriend my mother my brother all can feel it but the Dr can not. Once he said it's probably fatty tissue? I'm like whatever. You just said you can't find it.

This is all I have to say.  I'm done talking about it rn....
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on June 03, 2021, 07:42:49 AM
had to call in mentally ill to work the past two days. I tried to go to counselling again a couple of weeks ago and it went really poorly. Tried to chat to a mental health services hotline today and it brought into focus just how much my instinct is to run away from everything, usually back to bed. Deleted all social media and left all group chats. I just don't want to feel like this any more but pursuing mental health is way harder than I expected.

Anyway it's 3pm and I got domino's on the way. I think I've ordered domino's maybe 2/3 times in my life, so thinks are looking up.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tommy G on June 03, 2021, 06:07:01 PM
These past couple of days have been rough on me mentally. Decided to go sober because drinking, porn, and smoking only make me suppress my problems. In the past couple of days I've realized how much of a people pleaser I am, what my ADD does to me, and how anxiety, loneliness and depression have crept up on me in the past year and it all came to a head yesterday. I'm doing slightly better today after listening to some music and staying away from my thoughts, but I really wish I could skate to just let a lot of it out. Sadly I'm still recovering from an ankle injury so it'll be a few more weeks until I can. For now I'll just play my bass and video games.

Also I know I don't post a lot mainly due to my anxiety, but I've been needing to get this out for the longest time.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: matty_c on June 04, 2021, 04:05:39 PM
That’s fucked, Grind King Rims
Talk on face time or something if you want
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: L33Tg33k on June 04, 2021, 04:22:52 PM
I started electroconvulsive therapy for the second time. It leaves me wiped out and with a headache, but hopefully this go round will have more lasting positive effects.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Gary Bucket on June 04, 2021, 08:50:23 PM
Typed and deleted many a post in this thread. Decided on a quick shalom to everyone fighting the good fight. I think about this thread when I’m having a hard time and it helps so thanks everyone
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dirk_Diggler on June 04, 2021, 09:34:35 PM
i drink water and turn my phone off for 2 hours everyday during the day to help with anxiety

This is pretty much what I do, plus smoke a joint.

Not being on social media is a big help also.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ramplocal on June 05, 2021, 08:30:51 AM
Been down bad lately, bills piling up, hours cut at work, 0 interest in skating, my daily driver truck has been out on the fritz and forcing me to take my wife’s van, feeling like a massive burden and embarrassment. My meds are not working, and I keep having those chirping thoughts in the back of my mind that tell me to drive my truck into a wall, but they’re becoming more frequent. These last few weeks have been brutal.
Dude I hear you, stuff keeps piling up. I had my car repossessed a few years ago and had to bum rides to work for a year, at the time I was 38 and having no car after never depending on anybody for that is a big hit to your ego. I also take Paxil and at the time it seemed like nothing helped and it wasn't working.. I just want to say it gets better man. I know I am just some dude on a stupid skateboard message board but hang in there. If you are this down it will go back up. You are not a burden, you are just grinding through life right now.  It happens dude. I have struggled with thoughts of not being here my whole life but I can tell you as I have had many loved ones and friends take their life it is not worth it. People love you and care abt you, even when you are down. You are important, loved and its worth it to still be here, no matter how hard it gets, or how down you feel. Stay up brother and please reach out to your gf, friends and /or family or even me if you need it. Just talking about it helps sometimes
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: victorP on June 05, 2021, 09:50:52 AM
I feel I need to start out with some kind of introduction on my first ever cherry poppin post.
But I’m not gonna.
The only reason I have the tits to post at all is because of the anonymity.I’m not even supposed to be here.
I fell down the slaphole while creeping on my husband...Hi Babe!
But I went to bed thinking about this board and woke up still thinking about it. The urge to comfort or help is too strong.

Freelancevagrant, please don’t park your truck in a wall. Please talk to someone. Please try something different with your meds.

For way to fucking long I carried the security blanket of knowing I could end the pain and suffering on my terms. I would pull that blanket out every damn night. It gave me some sense of control over my life.

While I was pregnant with our kid the needle started to move from comforting knowledge to looking like pulling the plug on me was the only path I had. But here was this thing growing inside me that needed me and that I was responsible for its existence so now it wasn’t just my choice to make. I talked to my doc and got some shitty therapy and some meds. Talking about it helped. It helped even though she was a basic bitch with no clue about the world except she needed to listen to the poor unwed mother for class credits. But even talking to her helped. And I found better therapists ( they are out there) Just speaking the thought out loud shone the light on what I thought was my truth. I had two stories in front of me: one was really short and the other one was something I could keep scribbling on.

Saying the bullshit in your head out loud shifts the power. chemical imbalances and synopses misfiring were no longer calling the shots. I took ownership as I spoke the words out loud. With the ownership I saw that those thoughts didn’t fit me. If you start to hear your thoughts you can tell if they ring true or are just noise.
The meds let me keep my head up and tread water. Just breathing and seeing things from a newly shifted perspective and taking it day by day saved my life enough to get a little bit stronger and a little bit clearer.

The first three things I did to make it through a day were:

* think of the things you would miss if you weren’t here and experience them whenever you get the chance. If you struggle to think of something go simple. Start with the senses and boil it down to the purest joy. What do you like to hear, see, taste, feel. Listen to that perfect song over and over, ride the board, feel the sun/rain/wind/ on your skin, eat something that tastes like heaven, have an orgasm.
Savor the little things.

* do something kind for someone or something. Your kindness will have results and ripples that you can’t fathom but you will know that your existence that day put some positivity into the cosmic soup and that is more than a lot of motherfuckers can say.

* speaking of the motherfuckers....Fuck Them! I thought my exit strategy gave me control but I didn’t benefit from that option. Neither would anyone I liked or cared for benefit from that option. I would just be giving up my seat at the table while shitbags continued running around shitting on things. We are here wether we asked for it or not but being these marvelous creatures of atoms and particles and chemical reactions get us a spot on the grid and I don’t want to let the assholes outnumber the real ones.

I’m cheering for you and all the others struggling to figure it out. Keep on keeping on.

P.S. one thing I wish I knew when my demons were loudest was:
The things that are hurting you most about yourself are probably your super powers, you just need to give yourself time to figure out how to use them.

This is a really great post and a spot-on quote I will definitely be sharing from now on.

Hang in there. TALK. My buddy, the dude I learned everything skate-wise from, called me to talk about Life a few days before he hung himself in May 2007 (I told him I was busy, thought he was just drunk or high or something, didn't think it'd be last conversation). I've never stopped thinking about that phone call and how I might have handled it differently or whether it would have mattered. I think every bit matters.

We all need to remind our friends and loved ones that we appreciate them and need them here.

It always turns positive eventually.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: FrozenIndustries on June 05, 2021, 07:59:53 PM
Expand Quote
i drink water and turn my phone off for 2 hours everyday during the day to help with anxiety

This is pretty much what I do, plus smoke a joint.

Not being on social media is a big help also.

To those of you who have focused social media, how do you stay off? I find my mental health and productivity improve vastly when I focus my Insta, but inevitably I end up finding a "reason" to get back on.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Doodily on June 06, 2021, 04:42:40 AM
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
i drink water and turn my phone off for 2 hours everyday during the day to help with anxiety

This is pretty much what I do, plus smoke a joint.

Not being on social media is a big help also.

To those of you who have focused social media, how do you stay off? I find my mental health and productivity improve vastly when I focus my Insta, but inevitably I end up finding a "reason" to get back on.

I try to be mindful about "why" I am on Instagram. Is it to see what and where my friends are skating or is it because I am bored and mindlessly scrolling? I find the intent of the former to be good - I'm stoked to see how my friends are progressing and what spots they are skating. I find the intent of the latter to be bad - I'm bored, mindlessly scrolling people I don't care about, and it will just lead to feeling disconnected and depressed.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: dofrenzy on June 06, 2021, 05:20:54 AM

To those of you who have focused social media, how do you stay off? I find my mental health and productivity improve vastly when I focus my Insta, but inevitably I end up finding a "reason" to get back on.

For me, I just keep quitting.  Oversharing on social media is a sign that I’m in trouble, but the social media is also a trigger for me.  I made a shit-post in a “ponder” thread here recently and I feel like that was a mistake too, but at the same time I appreciate the chance to speak my mind here.

My Instagram is skateboarding ONLY.  I started to let guitar, philosophy, “look at this project I’m working on”, etc. seep into my Insta but have since deleted any non-skate posts.  Skating helps me at this point in my life….funny now that I’ve written that I guess I probably put too much value on the approval I get there.  Maybe I will focus that shit.

I focused my Facebook about a month ago after going overboard in an atheist/agnostic alcohol anonymous group.  Feeling a lot better in general being off of FB.

I went off THC again about 4 weeks ago.  Last week I was lying on the floor in the basement thinking about how much better the world would be without me and telling my wife that there are much better men out there for her.  I am feeling OK now, maybe after the THC withdrawal but that shit is lurking for sure.

I focused the weed for the umpteenth time because it easily aggravates my diverticulitis which is becoming a serious issue for me.  Shitting giant blood clots got me to thinking.  Funny how bloody TP was ok with me for many years but the blood clots really got to me.

I just turned 52 and have been skateboarding for 2 years.  No joke I am in better physical shape than ever and it helps (plus nailing new tricks makes me feel good about myself) but without self-medication w/weed I am in a scary place (no alcohol for about 2.5 years now also).

Now Using strictly CBD in small amounts, and that is definitely helping, and have an appointment to talk about anti-depressants this week but even those in the past have been not-quite-the-trick.  Like, suddenly having no sex-drive was really depressing (Zoloft I think).

Damn, I went off again.  I’ve been avoiding this thread but it calls to me so here I am, and reading everyone’s troubles is tremendously helpful for me and I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has shared their troubles here. 

I wish I could give advice to those who are low, but I can’t.  I am, however, tremendously grateful to know that I am not alone.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: cky enthusiast on June 06, 2021, 05:35:17 AM
i don’t think people with diagnosed mental illness should have social media. it will only make things worse. it’s almost designed to.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: dofrenzy on June 06, 2021, 09:40:06 AM
i don’t think people with diagnosed mental illness should have social media. it will only make things worse. it’s almost designed to.

You’ve given me some real food for thought.  I am definitely a little better off now that I’ve been off facebook for a few weeks.  No more slap?  No more Insta?  No more youtube?   Hmmmm……maybe those are addictions too, like alcohol and THC for me.  Thanks for being straightforward about it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: cky enthusiast on June 06, 2021, 10:03:28 AM
i’m speaking entirely from experience. it’s worth mulling over at least.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Prinzy on July 01, 2021, 02:46:54 PM
hey homies, i dont know if this is the right place for this, so kook me as you wish, but i just wanted to rant and get these thoughts out on somewhere nobody in my personal life can check up on me from.

im not looking for pity or sympathy, just the comfort that my words are out in the ether in some way.

i think im damn near giving up. been socially exiled by all my friends, hate my the program im in for university, my rent is being doubled and i cant work more hours due to my school availability, about to lose the scholarship i have for college that keeps me financially afloat because i couldnt do service hours with quarantine, lost the band i poured my heart and soul into over fake accusations, and really have nobody to go to.

just kinda feel like my time on earth is done, ive ran my course, made some good memories, had ups n downs, all the classic shit. just dont really see anything in the future worth living for anymore.

but, i guess i wanted to write this to give a big shoutout to slap. i know theres tons of negativity on here blah blah blah whatever, but there are some real great motherfuckers on here. in the short time i've been here, it has been one of the few ways i experience conversation anymore, as ive lost a great deal of my friends.  i had my friends and family to support me in years prior, but not really anymore, so im pretty apathetic towards the idea of life.

hope all the other homies in this thread struggling can find some sort of relief, you all deserve it. much respect and much love. from my experience, therapy is fuckin dope, meds are meh but do work for some people, and nicotine fucking blows, so dont cope with that. hope you all can find the peace you rightfully deserve.

in conclusion, dont know why i typed this. this could just be another depressive episode where i wake up the next morning and keep trudging on, or maybe this is it, as im content with the idea of death at this point cause i know im not leaving much behind anymore. i dont know, but what i do know is i love slap. this shit is dope. much love homies.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: donkey on July 01, 2021, 05:15:52 PM
hey homies, i dont know if this is the right place for this, so kook me as you wish, but i just wanted to rant and get these thoughts out on somewhere nobody in my personal life can check up on me from.

im not looking for pity or sympathy, just the comfort that my words are out in the ether in some way.

i think im damn near giving up. been socially exiled by all my friends, hate my the program im in for university, my rent is being doubled and i cant work more hours due to my school availability, about to lose the scholarship i have for college that keeps me financially afloat because i couldnt do service hours with quarantine, lost the band i poured my heart and soul into over fake accusations, and really have nobody to go to.

just kinda feel like my time on earth is done, ive ran my course, made some good memories, had ups n downs, all the classic shit. just dont really see anything in the future worth living for anymore.

but, i guess i wanted to write this to give a big shoutout to slap. i know theres tons of negativity on here blah blah blah whatever, but there are some real great motherfuckers on here. in the short time i've been here, it has been one of the few ways i experience conversation anymore, as ive lost a great deal of my friends.  i had my friends and family to support me in years prior, but not really anymore, so im pretty apathetic towards the idea of life.

hope all the other homies in this thread struggling can find some sort of relief, you all deserve it. much respect and much love. from my experience, therapy is fuckin dope, meds are meh but do work for some people, and nicotine fucking blows, so dont cope with that. hope you all can find the peace you rightfully deserve.

in conclusion, dont know why i typed this. this could just be another depressive episode where i wake up the next morning and keep trudging on, or maybe this is it, as im content with the idea of death at this point cause i know im not leaving much behind anymore. i dont know, but what i do know is i love slap. this shit is dope. much love homies.
hey man i know it feels like the end but please just remember to see it through. especially if you are young, these feelings are more than likely just temporary, but i can definitely understand how hard it feels and its okay to cope in your own way.

im not sure what immediate things you can do to fix your situations that you have found yourself in, but i promise that it will get better one step at a time. even just breaking your thought pattern with a nice walk outside always helps, and can help you think over things in a different way.

in a few days, months, or even years, you will look back at this point in your life and be glad that you made it through. times like these can really shape your emotional core and provide a type of stability you would have never found if you didn't have to deal with this stuff.

life is a big wave and right now you might be at the bottom of your wave, but give it some time and you will slowly see that you will hit the top again, as long as you make some goals and stick to them. and you're absolutely right about nicotine, that shit sucks and while you think it is providing relief it is only adding more bullshit on top of everything else.

good luck friend and check in soon
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: dofrenzy on July 01, 2021, 07:42:13 PM

Good on you for reaching out! 

I know how you feel.  PLEASE don’t act on these feelings and thoughts. I understand you are having a difficult time of it.  I know it sucks.  I was lying on the floor of my basement, bawling my eyes out just weeks ago, swearing the world would be so much better without me.  My wife, my young daughters, etc.  I was literally raised to feel this way about myself.  Today I am in hospital, was supposed to get out today but they are keeping me and this morning’s CT scan mentioned possible cancer but they don’t know.  What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?

Best thing I can think of right now is to reach out to others.  I hear you on the slap connection too.  Homies on this board are the most real “internet” people I know.  Caring and understanding and a real connection for me.  We all have that “fight or flight” reaction.  Sometimes we want to take flight, I get that for real.  Sleep on it, and a good rest might put some fight back in ya.

With love and compassion,
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: dofrenzy on July 02, 2021, 03:00:13 PM
@Prinzy just want to say you’ve been in my thoughts a lot today.  Hope you are doing ok friend.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on July 03, 2021, 05:46:59 AM
Yo @Prinzy,

I'm not there right now but i've been in that headspace countless times with each time feeling like the final straw, but i'd always decide to sleep another night and see another day. Somebody once mentioned that I should reflect on how many times something happened that made me glad I never took my life and it really put a lot of things in perspective. For instance right now I get to live with my beautiful pets, two months prior to getting my dog I was self harming and basically homeless. Ok this might seem like common sense in some way but it's the little reminders that often give us some perspective to help us keep going.

Please check back in whenever you need and thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: wilk on July 04, 2021, 12:23:17 AM
Yes, I have combat related PTSD and been diagnosed a couple years ago with adult ADHD non hyperactive type. It's been rough, I have really bad days and some good days, but as I get older I'm noticing I'm getting worse in some ways and better in other ways, the "experts" tell me PTSD is something that is curable...but from my Vietnam veteran dad, and other older vets I've spoken to who also have combat related PTSD...they tell me the shit never goes away and I'm starting to believe them. I've been in hundreds of hours of counseling, been to groups through the several vaterans affairs I've been enrolled in. Medication, I've tried multiple...but tbh Ritalin has worked the best for me than anything I've been on...idk why, but it just makes me feel normal and not worry about things, actually kills my anxiety while I'm on it, however...the comedown is brutal for me so I had to go off of it, I plan to get back on it whenever I do go back to school. Sleep is a bitch, I hate sleep...I hate bedtime, the night is when I'm the worst because the traumas I went through on deployments were usually at night, so I'm always elevated at night. I haven't had a job in several years, the VA helps me a lot, I'll just say that. But tbh it sucks... because I want to be a "normal" and I don't want to need their help. I deal with severe anxiety, depression, anger outbursts, night terrors, flashback triggers etc. I been through a lot because of my behavior, even went to jail back in 2016 for fighting...charges ended up getting dismissed but I had to do a bunch of classes etc, I was 100% guilty and in the wrong, judge was lenient because it was my first charge and also being a veteran with documented mental health issues, it has fucked my life off though because even though the charges got dismissed the record didn't, and the state it happened in they don't allow expungement, so going to apply for anything that requires a background check it pops up, and then I have to attempt to explain it away to people who just don't fucking understand. I have learned a lot over the years though, and it wasn't easy...had very hard lessons to learn, and learn ways to cope with these physical restrictions I get from my mental issues... breathing techniques and things like that. Keeping a journal helps me, working out and going on runs helps as well. Skateboarding, skating really helps...when I skate, I'm not the type that won't skate if I'm having a bad day...and I'm happy for that because I know there are people who things have to be going well in life for them to step on the board, everything goes away when I step on my board and I'm forced to be totally present into what I'm doing on it...the world goes away for a little bit and so do my problems. Social media, I seen people commenting about that...I naturally don't have an issue with it because I don't bother with it. Tbh, my issues make me really dislike most people and I'm not proud to admit that... I'm not missing friends, I don't want them and I don't like being social, and close family and my girlfriend(probably soon to be ex tbh) have had to deal with some pretty wild shit from me at times, I really am not big on making friends anymore, I choose to be reclusive...a loner and I'm perfectly fine with being introverted, they tell me I'm wrong for that but that's where I feel comfortable currently, they tell me I need to be uncomfortable more to get better...and I've sometimes gotten worse taking their advice. So the things people have issues with concerning Facebook or Instagram and the like, I just don't because I don't care to look, I don't miss it...and when I do go on its only for a couple minutes then I'm off and don't check it again for months. I learned years ago, watching people post how happy they are and how good things are going for them...and that's all they post, so you're getting nothing but bad for me, so I learned to just not care about it and worry about my own shit and making me happy. It's selfish as fuck but hey it's keeping me breathing...I got so many friends from when I was in that ain't made It this far since we been out, that's another reason I don't like going on social like Facebook...I go on there and always finding out who else ain't here anymore. And I gave up on the "hey if anybody needs to talk I'm always here" bs from people I was in with, dudes never stick to that shit...been times I hit people up and they didn't get back to me or didn't know what to say if they did. So I rather keep it clinical, random doctors and nurses who do not know me and have any kind of connection to me other than a medical setting.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Prinzy on July 04, 2021, 06:31:29 PM
Sup guys, @sila and @dofrenzy , your guys' responses mean a lot. Apologies for the absence, but have been really avoiding my phone and social media as much as possible, as my presence on slap falls in that category. It's been a tough few days for sure, but sleeping it off Thursday definitely helped. Got to have a pretty productive discussion with my therapist on Friday on what steps to take next with some of the personal matters affecting me right now.

The issues aren't solved yet and I'm far from psyched on life right now, but was able to arrange some shit this week that could potentially lead to some improvement, so I've got my fingers crossed. Like you said @dofrenzy, I'm at the bottom of a wave right now but hopefully I can make some changes to work towards the top again. Felt a bit kooky in the moment to rant on slap about my problems, but in the end it was all I had at the moment to reach out to, so I appreciate you being reciprocating to it, especially when you have your own troubles to deal with.

I really appreciate you following up again @sila, that's mad considerate of you.

You guys are the realest, mad love and respect to both of you.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: dofrenzy on July 04, 2021, 08:55:36 PM
@Prinzy really appreciate the check in.  I know the kook feeling and I’ve shared some funky shit here in my own low time.  Like you I am grateful for homies being real here.  Good on you for taking a break from social media.  Smart.
Good luck with future planning. 

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: boi-cuzudo on July 06, 2021, 09:14:27 PM
Depression's got a hold of me
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Grind King Rims on July 07, 2021, 01:08:38 PM
Depression's got a hold of me

Depression? Gotta break free.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Freelancevagrant on July 07, 2021, 04:56:15 PM
Expand Quote
Depression's got a hold of me

Depression? Gotta break free.

Depression’s gonna kill me…

Black flag lyrics aside I figured I’d check back in with the fine folks in this thread and wish you nothing but the best. But I also needed to do some venting. 

Shits been rough lately, I’ve gotten sloppy about missing days taking my meds, I’ve not practiced any self care, and have been a petty vindictive prick to my wife as a result. I’m trying my fucking best, but it feels like I can’t find a god damn balance. That’s bipolar disorder for you.

Then the 4th happened. I fucking hate the 4th. By the end of the day I’m basically catatonic. I have such a hard time being in crowds and the fireworks are really fucking triggering. Not just the sounds, but the visual aspect as well. That shit takes me back to being 19 and on deployment and watching green star clusters and red star clusters being popped. [They are] Flares that signal the start of an ambush or a raid and cease fire. I’m still processing the fourth.

I managed to get through it without any major incident. But it’s one of my wife’s favorite holidays, strictly for the pageantry. I feel a lot of guilt, and I’m afraid she’s beginning to resent me because a lot of the things she loves and enjoys doing, I have a hard time doing or flat out hate. I feel really guilty all the time.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: sproutslide on July 10, 2021, 08:13:14 PM
Anyone reading this. If you are not severely schizophrenic or psychotic or some shit. Don't take pysch meds.

Doctors don't inform of you of withdrawal/adverse affects when you first take it. Prescribed and my life is ruined months later, Which made me a shell with no sense of humor. Luckily I'm seeing recovery but holy fuck. Why was I ever encouraged to take this? Breathe, Find the small things in life, therapy.

Don't fuck up your brain because of some anxiety or depression. It gets better.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: lemonchicken91 on July 13, 2021, 07:42:40 AM
So my end is near I believe.

The is the basic facts.

My kidneys hurt I got this crazy full body rash I piss funny I've had a lump in my stomach for years and now it's become two side by side.

I've been getting examinations on the stomach lumps for years. They said they felt nothing at first.
 I got angry stopped going till the pain become unbearable.  I've have echos back when I was on methadone. They said it was shit (stool) or "again I feel nothing"

Then one day I had a very low level tech say yeah I feel that. I went back to the Dr. "I don't feel anything John are you ok?."

Now it's become two. It's like a peanut. My friends my ex boyfriend my mother my brother all can feel it but the Dr can not. Once he said it's probably fatty tissue? I'm like whatever. You just said you can't find it.

This is all I have to say.  I'm done talking about it rn....

could be something benign like this?
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Brguy on February 25, 2022, 02:16:44 PM
I've been lashing out on people more and sometimes I don't know if I'm losing it or if some of the people are actually toxic and I'm right in defending myself. It's good to know who's real though, said a bunch of shit to a friend of mine and we're already going camping this weekend, dude got worried but also gets I was just stressed and drunk at the time, no guilt tripping or gaslighting.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: boi-cuzudo on May 18, 2022, 09:33:52 AM
I'm sending love to everyone <3
Fuck depression, fuck drugs, fuck society, let's skate and laugh it off! <3
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: boi-cuzudo on May 18, 2022, 10:55:31 AM
"I wonder if depression ever ends
Or if it will end me
I'm still dancing on the edge of the blade
Till it cuts me in half
Some days I feel everything at once
Other days I feel nothing at all
So what's worse?
Drowning beneath the waves or dying from the thirst?
I dropped my Prozac from one day to the other
I do not regret, why should I bother?
I just wonder what will happen?!
Maybe it will kill me... eventually set me free...
Neither do I ask the night to explain
I wait for it and it envelops me
And so you, me, gloom and light...
...and shadows... are
Don't charm away my melancholy, it's everything I've got
To me it's kind of death, but I'm forced to keep living
I won't glorify or romanticize what you call heartbreak
But nothing in this world was promised or belong to you
Someday someone won't be afraid of the lows I drag
They won't stay on the shore, they'll meet me in the depths
I am not dead but also not alive
I seem like a ghost with a beating heart
Cause death is not the greatest loss in life
But what dies inside us while we fledge
We are walking away quietly into empty spaces
We are trying to close the gaps of the past
Cause of all sad words of tongue or pen
The saddest are these: 'It might have been'
Don't charm away my melancholy, it's everything I've got
To me it's kind of death, but I'm forced to keep living
I won't glorify or romanticize what you call heartbreak
But nothing in this world was promised or belonged to you...
...was promised or belonged to you."

Harakiri for the Sky
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: ahmadus on August 30, 2023, 01:53:36 AM
I know my reply is a bit late, but I wanted to chime in and say that I can totally relate to what you're going through. Dealing with depression and anxiety myself for a while was tough, and those sky-high costs of seeking help can really be a roadblock. But you know what? I finally decided to reach out to a 24-hour mental health hotline ( when I hit a breaking point. And guess what? Their specialists were a game-changer! They provided me with support and guidance, talked me through my options, and helped me find treatments that worked for me – all without breaking the bank. It's been a journey, but I can genuinely say I'm feeling better. Hang in there and don't hesitate to explore all the resources available.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Richsouth88 on August 31, 2023, 02:10:23 AM
I recently had a severe nervous/mental breakdown that all stemmed from my teeth. Years of not looking after them lead to a lot of issues and It’s caused me judge myself and feel embarrassed and ashamed . Now having to get some dental implants to replace some missing back teeth and fear for some reason my whole life is going to change because of it . I’ve had to go on meds and take time off work to basically just cry everyday out of embarrassment and anger . I’m so sorry to anyone having to deal with anything mental health based , my life was finally getting good and now it’s ruined by my own past decisions.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Ankle_Lift on October 04, 2023, 06:23:59 PM
Anyone have any legit experience with microdosing psilocybin? Like 100mg capsules with the four/three dosing schedule?

I've been dealing with depression and anxiety most of my life, and I guess have PTSD from past work as a paramedic.
Things came to a head back in April and I've been going to councelling, and started taking an SNRI. It fucked me up and the cons outweighed the pros.  I don't want to try any more varieties of them like the doctor wants me to, and don't want to deal with any of the side effects of them. So it's like, feel shitty without meds, or feel shitty while taking meds. I currently have brain zaps from going off meds. It sucks.

I've heard good things about microdosing, but I'm not sure how much is just like, wanna be psychedelic trippers on the Internet making things sound awesome when they're not, if that makes sense. I've read a bunch of stuff from John Hopkins University and it seems decent what they have found.
I have a friend at work that did some microdosing, but he's just like "oh it helps me slay at guitar!"  and that's not really what I'm looking for.
I have a lot of experience with psilocybin in my past, but not microdosing. At least with psilocybin I know what the side effects are, and not what they are from prescribed meds with names I can't even spell.

I guess I am reaching out on here for info because it's kind of the place with the most "normal" people I can think of. I mean I could look it up on Reddit, but you never know on there who's a six year old, or just an adult that just  writes like a six year old, plus it's filled with absolute morons.

Anyway, any first hand experiences or whatever is greatly appreciated. 
Thanks homies.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: EdLawndale on October 04, 2023, 07:11:30 PM
I'm not on any medication and haven't microdosed a standard amount on any sort of regular basis. But there have deffo been weekends where I pop a few caps, not enough to trip, but basically enough to go around town and live life and I feel like my mood is lifted and I can appreciate natural beauty and problem solve very easily. I don't act all weird at all, it just seems like things don't really bother me. More importantly, the elation/lucidation seems to last for up to a week or two after. There have been a few times later where I felt depression, almost like a crash, but I would not classify it as such as it has been quite mellow.

Just know your limits and be safe.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on October 04, 2023, 11:02:08 PM
Micro dosing is not some kind of magic but it just helps you get over the edge especially if you struggle with mundane everyday things like leaving the house, picking up the phone to call someone, walking your dog etc. It's just a little boost. I wouldn't mix it with too much caffeine either. It always helped me but I stopped because it's also easy to take a little bit too much.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tiltmode Army Reservist on October 18, 2023, 08:33:05 AM
I had myself a depression session this morning.

Day off work, empty park, excellent weather, fresh shoes, fresh deck. Friend said he'd be there too. Should've been an all-time great session.

Friend didn't show up. Another friend who is always there got hurt and left early. I skated for about 45 minutes, and just wasn't feeling it. Then the park started to fill up JUST enough to where it felt like no matter where I was, I was in someone's way.

I drove to two other spots, and I couldn't even get my board out of the car.

So I came back home.

I know it'll be like that sometimes, but damn.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Sila on October 19, 2023, 02:06:22 AM
Been diagnosed with major depression since around 13, coincidentally that was about the time I started skating. Like a lot of us, skating used to be either my escape or reason to leave the house and explore and interact with the world. After a rough string of injuries it's just not the same right now and skating has become a source of anxiety and confusion and disappointment. I know I gotta take it easy and push around the streets and have a few solid sessions to get over it but just looking at my board has been playing with my head.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tiltmode Army Reservist on October 19, 2023, 05:19:01 AM
Been diagnosed with major depression since around 13, coincidentally that was about the time I started skating. Like a lot of us, skating used to be either my escape or reason to leave the house and explore and interact with the world. After a rough string of injuries it's just not the same right now and skating has become a source of anxiety and confusion and disappointment. I know I gotta take it easy and push around the streets and have a few solid sessions to get over it but just looking at my board has been playing with my head.

I am sorry to hear about your struggles, and I totally get how easily and quickly skateboarding can ping-pong between the most fun thing ever, and a source of anxiety. We'll figure this out and get back to that fun mindset soon enough, just gotta weather the storms.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tiltmode Army Reservist on October 22, 2023, 12:31:29 PM
I had a MUCH better session this morning from a mental health standpoint. More friends showed up today vs Wednesday (one of which joined me for the first time which was rad), and even though I didn't land shit and it was humid as all fuck and I swamp-assed harder than I have in a long time (I thought summer was over and I didn't have to skate in shorts anymore, and I thought wrong), I'm much happier with today's session vs the one I wrote about a few posts above. Also, that second session with a new deck and new shoes always seems to go better than that first one.

You just gotta hang in there, keep fighting, keep showing up, and eventually things settle as they should. I hope everyone reading this can stay strong. The world needs all the skateboarders it can cultivate.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: maxpalmerfan on October 22, 2023, 01:19:10 PM
just using this to vent i guess. recently had a mental relapse of depersonalization/derealization disorder after overcoming it a year or so ago. its the worst its ever been. i havent left my house in 20 days, i wake up every morning panicking and feeling like im in a dream, constant irrational intrusive thoughts. its so fucking draining. i miss skating so much. i managed to stand in my backyard this morning for maybe 30 seconds and get some sunlight, which i havent done in a long time. im a month sober from alcohol and nicotine today, starting to wonder if quitting both cold turkey is making the anxiety worse. i've beat this before and i know i will again but knowing that doesnt make anything less severe right now. if any of yall have had similar experiences please reach out. much love yall
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Tiltmode Army Reservist on October 22, 2023, 01:58:28 PM
just using this to vent i guess. recently had a mental relapse of depersonalization/derealization disorder after overcoming it a year or so ago. its the worst its ever been. i havent left my house in 20 days, i wake up every morning panicking and feeling like im in a dream, constant irrational intrusive thoughts. its so fucking draining. i miss skating so much. i managed to stand in my backyard this morning for maybe 30 seconds and get some sunlight, which i havent done in a long time. im a month sober from alcohol and nicotine today, starting to wonder if quitting both cold turkey is making the anxiety worse. i've beat this before and i know i will again but knowing that doesnt make anything less severe right now. if any of yall have had similar experiences please reach out. much love yall

I'm sorry to hear about what you're suffering through, but I am glad you got some sunlight today. That's progress and you should be damn proud of that. Don't feel like you need to rush things either; when you're ready, your skateboard will be too.

I quit drinking about six years ago, and I clearly remember those first few weeks being the most difficult. Spanky said it really well when he described that period of his recovery as "building up genuine armor, after spending years behind artificial armor." Again, just keep stacking days, and then you'll be stacking weeks, months, and years.

Also, the mental and physical health benefits are great, but so is the extra spending money you get by not drinking. Suddenly you're not having to skate razor tailed boards, or shoes that tear up your socks when you skate. You're on a great path, you just gotta stay on it.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Ankle_Lift on October 22, 2023, 05:14:17 PM
just using this to vent i guess. recently had a mental relapse of depersonalization/derealization disorder after overcoming it a year or so ago. its the worst its ever been. i havent left my house in 20 days, i wake up every morning panicking and feeling like im in a dream, constant irrational intrusive thoughts. its so fucking draining. i miss skating so much. i managed to stand in my backyard this morning for maybe 30 seconds and get some sunlight, which i havent done in a long time. im a month sober from alcohol and nicotine today, starting to wonder if quitting both cold turkey is making the anxiety worse. i've beat this before and i know i will again but knowing that doesnt make anything less severe right now. if any of yall have had similar experiences please reach out. much love yall

Stay strong, brother. 

Try vaping some 10:1 CBD. It might help. Helps me sleep and calms me down.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: maxpalmerfan on October 22, 2023, 07:11:26 PM
Expand Quote
just using this to vent i guess. recently had a mental relapse of depersonalization/derealization disorder after overcoming it a year or so ago. its the worst its ever been. i havent left my house in 20 days, i wake up every morning panicking and feeling like im in a dream, constant irrational intrusive thoughts. its so fucking draining. i miss skating so much. i managed to stand in my backyard this morning for maybe 30 seconds and get some sunlight, which i havent done in a long time. im a month sober from alcohol and nicotine today, starting to wonder if quitting both cold turkey is making the anxiety worse. i've beat this before and i know i will again but knowing that doesnt make anything less severe right now. if any of yall have had similar experiences please reach out. much love yall
I'm sorry to hear about what you're suffering through, but I am glad you got some sunlight today. That's progress and you should be damn proud of that. Don't feel like you need to rush things either; when you're ready, your skateboard will be too.

I quit drinking about six years ago, and I clearly remember those first few weeks being the most difficult. Spanky said it really well when he described that period of his recovery as "building up genuine armor, after spending years behind artificial armor." Again, just keep stacking days, and then you'll be stacking weeks, months, and years.

Also, the mental and physical health benefits are great, but so is the extra spending money you get by not drinking. Suddenly you're not having to skate razor tailed boards, or shoes that tear up your socks when you skate. You're on a great path, you just gotta stay on it.
its very reassuring to hear your first few weeks after you quit drinking were tough as well. i dont think i was taking into consideration how much i was drinking, which is probably very common for other skaters in their early 20s lol. thank you for the kind words, i needed it today
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: maxpalmerfan on October 22, 2023, 07:21:20 PM
Expand Quote
just using this to vent i guess. recently had a mental relapse of depersonalization/derealization disorder after overcoming it a year or so ago. its the worst its ever been. i havent left my house in 20 days, i wake up every morning panicking and feeling like im in a dream, constant irrational intrusive thoughts. its so fucking draining. i miss skating so much. i managed to stand in my backyard this morning for maybe 30 seconds and get some sunlight, which i havent done in a long time. im a month sober from alcohol and nicotine today, starting to wonder if quitting both cold turkey is making the anxiety worse. i've beat this before and i know i will again but knowing that doesnt make anything less severe right now. if any of yall have had similar experiences please reach out. much love yall

Stay strong, brother. 

Try vaping some 10:1 CBD. It might help. Helps me sleep and calms me down.

funny enough i just got a CBD vape in the mail yesterday, regular THC is what got me to this point with dpdr but i seem to have luck with CBD
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Arjuhasek on March 27, 2024, 05:00:15 AM
I can feel the weight of your words, and I want you to know that you're not alone in your struggles. Depression can be incredibly tough, and it's okay to feel overwhelmed by it. It's brave of you to express your feelings so honestly.

While I can't pretend to fully understand what you're going through, I want to offer some support. It's essential to remember that there is hope, even in the darkest moments. Seeking help from professionals or talking to someone you trust can make a significant difference.

I also want to mention I have nosophobia, an anxiety disorder that can add another layer to these feelings. Understanding and acknowledging our mental health challenges is an essential step towards healing. If you ever need someone to talk to or resources to support you, ( offers valuable information. Take care of yourself, and know that brighter days are possible, even when it feels like you're dancing on the edge.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JM on March 27, 2024, 06:46:03 AM
Just watched this from Why so Sad, read by Rattray.

EMDR, and “What Happened to You” are great.,9c
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: LeDave on March 27, 2024, 06:54:27 AM
I've been diagnosed with depression since 2009 when I was in the Marines. I've had a couple of major suicide attempts including jumping out of a building and overdosing on my medications. I've been hospitalized about 9 times in a psychiatric unit.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mbrimson88 on March 27, 2024, 04:29:08 PM

I don't talk about it much, but I feel like skateboarding has really saved my life.

Others I know have said that is definitely the case for them - having a skateboard and being able to get out and do their own thing, when everything else around them was going down hill fast, or just an outlet or a thing that had no teams, no acceptance requirements, no rules, regardless of what some people might say - this has been the lifesaver for so many people, so I just take it as it comes, enjoy it while I can and don't try to over think anything.

Any which way, it is not like a pet, or partner, or needy family member - you get whatever you want out of it, as often or as little as needed, or when you want to as well, so there are so many things that just make it a positive thing, even with the associated issues, like injury, cost of product or any other factors.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: JM on March 28, 2024, 04:51:21 PM

I don't talk about it much, but I feel like skateboarding has really saved my life.

Others I know have said that is definitely the case for them - having a skateboard and being able to get out and do their own thing, when everything else around them was going down hill fast, or just an outlet or a thing that had no teams, no acceptance requirements, no rules, regardless of what some people might say - this has been the lifesaver for so many people, so I just take it as it comes, enjoy it while I can and don't try to over think anything.

Any which way, it is not like a pet, or partner, or needy family member - you get whatever you want out of it, as often or as little as needed, or when you want to as well, so there are so many things that just make it a positive thing, even with the associated issues, like injury, cost of product or any other factors.
Did you by chance watch the comic posted above narrated by Rattray?

I’m with you on skating really helping out through some heavy mental shit… and it’s like we had no idea.

It’s not a bad way to cope with things… as long as there’s some real healing, too.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mbrimson88 on March 29, 2024, 01:51:02 AM
Expand Quote

I don't talk about it much, but I feel like skateboarding has really saved my life.

Others I know have said that is definitely the case for them - having a skateboard and being able to get out and do their own thing, when everything else around them was going down hill fast, or just an outlet or a thing that had no teams, no acceptance requirements, no rules, regardless of what some people might say - this has been the lifesaver for so many people, so I just take it as it comes, enjoy it while I can and don't try to over think anything.

Any which way, it is not like a pet, or partner, or needy family member - you get whatever you want out of it, as often or as little as needed, or when you want to as well, so there are so many things that just make it a positive thing, even with the associated issues, like injury, cost of product or any other factors.
Did you by chance watch the comic posted above narrated by Rattray?

I’m with you on skating really helping out through some heavy mental shit… and it’s like we had no idea.

It’s not a bad way to cope with things… as long as there’s some real healing, too.

No I often don't watch a whole lot of anything much any more, maybe just some certain / specific peoples clips if anything other than plain skate videos, but I know he is very much involved in good things, as per his board a while back for Real - Actions Realised.

I should check it when I have more than a second free.

Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Dmng on April 14, 2024, 02:32:34 AM
Do you think a lot of skaters have something in common mentally ?
I’ve watched the baker video on YouTube and Andrew Reynolds at some points compares skating to monks mediation. I do feel it empties my head so much, makes me feel so light mentally when I’m skating.
The use of alcohol and drugs, even at a very high skating level also makes me think we are looking for mental freedom and switch our brain off.
Title: Re: Mental Health Issues
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on April 14, 2024, 05:54:50 AM
Thrilled to see skateboarders talking about mental health. There’s times where I feel as if it’s still overtly taboo to do so….

I suffer from anxiety & OCD.I’m an LSW by trade so it feels a tad complex at times as I’m super aware of patterns, etc. It’s hard when I work with a client & provide them with interventions & they work & I’m sitting in my nice office saying in my head “oh if only I could do it”. Here’s to say; therapy works, meds are just water wings AND DO NOT DEFINE YOU NOR ARE A CRUTCH, & for the love of Goodness, don’t go on what a friend says or Reddit. Talk to someone, talk to a professional & know that you matter. I’m here if anyone wants to chat.