Author Topic: Things that happen in your life - The Stories Thread.  (Read 10406 times)

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Re: Things that happen in your life - The Stories Thread.
« Reply #90 on: November 01, 2008, 10:25:58 PM »
god damn this thread is amazing.


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Re: Things that happen in your life - The Stories Thread.
« Reply #91 on: November 02, 2008, 09:09:34 AM »
i had no ride home, so this guy i barely even know gives me a ride home in his ridiculous bumble bee-yellow hummer.  i am shirtless and we do not speak.

No positive memory could ever end this way.


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Re: Things that happen in your life - The Stories Thread.
« Reply #92 on: November 02, 2008, 10:34:33 AM »
i got a couple of stories, but i'm not the best storyteller.

stuttgart has nighbusses on fridays and saturdays, which means the first bus is at 1.11, second one at 2.22 and the third at 3.33. i don't have to tell you, that i've always been one of these persons to take the last one. well, my bus was the n8. and the n8 had always these two guys, ivo and julian, both always drunk and funny as hell. if they were in the bus, everybody started to smoke and didn't care about other people inside, just behaving like teenagers. there were several beatings inside of the bus, most of the time involving julian, who started working out and was able to show his "talent" around.

one time, ivo stole this emergancy hammer thing and destroyed a window from outside, right after he left the bus

one time, i stole this ticket stemp thing and brought it to a friends home. i really don't know why i did.

one time, marc (my best friend), julian and me decided to get another beer from the gas station one busstop before. so we're outside of the bus and realized pretty soon that the station was closed. what do you do when you're drunk and want to get even more drunk, but you have no beer? yeah, you get angry ... i really don't know what our mission was, but we started to destroy things around. bikes, garbage cans, windows, fences. no police around, so nothing happened ... actually we had a great time. julian told us to come to his place, where he had some vodka and jäger. so we're i there with full drinks when his grandma (his whole familiy lives in this house) came up and wants us to be quiet. whatever. then julians girlfriend calls, they discuss for one minute and next thing is that julian throws his mobile out of the window ... the next morning continues like the last evening. julians mother calls him to tell that he can search himself a new place to stay - from tonight on. i slept on julians couch by the way. after that bummer we went straight to the supermarket, bought 2 bottles of wine, a bread and some ham. so it was 1pm and we're drunken again ... we went by bus to his cousin and smoked some weed. no exciting end to this story, but many little things happened. oh, we were in the news a couple of days later, they searchd for the people who were destroying in the neighboorhood that night ... they're stil searching

one time, marc, julian and chris decided after the n8 ride to break into this student league building. i wasn't in there but they stole two swords and a package of butter from the fridge. i think, there was something with a destroyed bus station but i can't remember the story.

one time, we met julian in the n8. he was covered with blood and his face was a little bit blue too. apparently, one of the door guys in front of a club didn't want to let him in ... like i told, julians way to tell somebody something is just to beat him up. but well, he failed this time.

ah, i got something else too, it's skaterelated. there was this underground skatepark in city center. i was one of the locals there, always leaving late. at this one evening this asian guy -about 40 years old and a bit drunk- comes in and tell's in english if somebody would do transfer on this obstacle the person gets something. next thing is he throws a 50 german mark bill (30 dollar?) on the ground. somebody was quick and got the money. we were pretty psyched. he did the same thing with another obstacle and decided to invite us to mcdonalds. that guy paid for 10 dirty skaters and whole meal. it was awesome. we questioned him about his life and whatnot ... he told us that he's earning his money with killing other persons, asian mafia style. who knows if he was a liar, but he paid about 150 dollars for everyhting. awesome.

i hope you can relate to this stuff a little.


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Re: Things that happen in your life - The Stories Thread.
« Reply #93 on: November 02, 2008, 09:15:09 PM »
ive got a couple.

i went to a catholic high school about 4 years ago. we would have mass every wednesday morning in the gym before the day would start. the year was fresh and the school had just received a new priest to oversee mass and do whatever else it was that priests do in a school full of reluctant catholic children who drank and did more drugs than one would think possible. he was a real hellfire and brimstone kind of guy and all the kids fucking hated him.
anyways, my friends and i were at a sams club store (bulk retailer) on an open period being that we were seniors and got "open campus" privileges. we were there to get snacks and basically kill the time we had off, when we spotted a familiar figure in a checkout lane a few feet down.
it was our new school priest dressed in street clothes overseeing a conveyor belt full of hard liquor and booze. we thought this is truly too good to be true and didnt immediately make it obvious that we were there. it wasnt until the fat man turned around saw the three of us in our school uniforms staring right at him, then to the booze.
he immediately froze. eyes the size of dinner plates, fidgeting, the works. the cashier was basically done ringing him up, so in-between the hateful glares he shot at us, he quickly paid the bill and walked right past us with his bounty in full view (sams club doesnt have sacks or bags) the man was sweating bullets. you could tell this was the last thing he expected to happen and wished that it in fact, had never happened.
so we all kind of laugh about it, head back to school, tell some friends, etc.
the following class period were all three called into the office on separate occasions and were told that what we had viewed was, "not what it looked like" and the man was simply buying the liquor for a party with other priests from the dioceses. i immediately called bullshit so did one of my friends and we were threatened with expulsion if we talked about it any further. i then threatened my principal with his job and my parents boots up his ass if he ever tried to blackmail me for some shit again.
i left the office feeling rather happy with myself as i couldnt have cared less if i did get kicked out. not much is said about the event until the following wednesday when we were greeted by another priest at mass who told us that father fatty had "relocated" to another parish.
i later found out that the man was a raging alcoholic and had been passed around churches for the past five years because of this addiction and suicide attempts. the story further proves that the catholic church will do all the priest shuffling possible to keep their image squeaky clean. sad shit.


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Re: Things that happen in your life - The Stories Thread.
« Reply #94 on: November 02, 2008, 09:35:21 PM »
i forgot the second one...

im sure youre all fairly aware of the serial killer/cannibal by the name of jeffrey dahmer.
he has a nephew who i used to skate with on a pretty regular basis. his mom divorced his dad and he took the name of his stepfather.
i havent seen the photo, but i believe theres actually a shot of him on jeffreys lap when he was super young.
creepy shit.
hes a cool kid though. no signs of serial murder and/or necrophilia, cannibalism, etc.