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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2910 on: January 11, 2024, 06:02:27 AM »
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I am. I dislocated it in early April. My goal was to surf by the end of May and achieved that. Started skating a bit after that but was super intrepid. It was such a painful injury and I often put my hands out when I slam it really messed with my confidence. I have started to slam and bail in some ways that feel unsafe but still more comfortable than putting my arm out. But things are getting better and better.

I had a good PT and acupuncturist for the first few months. I was really diligent with the strengthening and stretching. I also got a Gua Sha tool break up scar tissue.

I still don't fully understand how I dislocated it. Wasn't even that bad of a slam but it must have been the wrong amount of weight put on the elbow at the wrong angle... I hear you... not something you want to do twice... Did you fracture any bones? I was lucky on that front...

My wrist and index finger were swollen for a long time also. Some shoulder pain as well.

You're giving me hope! Luckily, I didn't break any bones with my dislocation. But the bone did pop out of the skin and required a couple staples to close up the wound.
I got my dislocation on film. So, it's been analyzed, and I understand exactly what happened. It took me 3 weeks after the slam to muster up the courage to watch the footage though.

I detailed this in the injury thread awhile back, but I’ll give you the short version here. In 2019 I broke my leg/ankle on a 6’ tall mini ramp doing a set-up trick I’ve done 1,000s of times. I couldn’t skate for a year, and had significant ligament damage. I had to learn to walk again, let alone skate. My ankle will never be the same as it once was (or my skating), but I am meaningfully skating again, and that’s all that counts. Overcoming some of the mental blocks was almost as hard overcoming the physical ones. (I’ve also become a much bigger fan of pads on transition).

Moral of the story; if I can skating again after that, you got this, if you want it.

same here pretty much. Told the story before (compound fracture to my ankle at 39, 2 surgeries, to get plate in and out etc). I did eventually get back to skating regularly but it took me years. Maybe 5 years total to start doing tricks again, and not just cruise. But I did get back to it. however the mental block is still there.
it's probably just as well.... I'd rather accept my skating is a shadow of what it was, rather than take more risks. I do want to skate but definitely do not want to get seriously hurt again. So it's a fine line.

Yup. I had two surgeries, too. I asked to keep one of the screws they took out. I now use it to scrape edge of grip tape when setting up a deck. :) Pic is me standing on exact spot where I broke it, three weeks later.
IG: ThePastParticiple

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2911 on: January 12, 2024, 02:02:25 AM »
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I am. I dislocated it in early April. My goal was to surf by the end of May and achieved that. Started skating a bit after that but was super intrepid. It was such a painful injury and I often put my hands out when I slam it really messed with my confidence. I have started to slam and bail in some ways that feel unsafe but still more comfortable than putting my arm out. But things are getting better and better.

I had a good PT and acupuncturist for the first few months. I was really diligent with the strengthening and stretching. I also got a Gua Sha tool break up scar tissue.

I still don't fully understand how I dislocated it. Wasn't even that bad of a slam but it must have been the wrong amount of weight put on the elbow at the wrong angle... I hear you... not something you want to do twice... Did you fracture any bones? I was lucky on that front...

My wrist and index finger were swollen for a long time also. Some shoulder pain as well.

You're giving me hope! Luckily, I didn't break any bones with my dislocation. But the bone did pop out of the skin and required a couple staples to close up the wound.
I got my dislocation on film. So, it's been analyzed, and I understand exactly what happened. It took me 3 weeks after the slam to muster up the courage to watch the footage though.

I detailed this in the injury thread awhile back, but I’ll give you the short version here. In 2019 I broke my leg/ankle on a 6’ tall mini ramp doing a set-up trick I’ve done 1,000s of times. I couldn’t skate for a year, and had significant ligament damage. I had to learn to walk again, let alone skate. My ankle will never be the same as it once was (or my skating), but I am meaningfully skating again, and that’s all that counts. Overcoming some of the mental blocks was almost as hard overcoming the physical ones. (I’ve also become a much bigger fan of pads on transition).

Moral of the story; if I can skating again after that, you got this, if you want it.

same here pretty much. Told the story before (compound fracture to my ankle at 39, 2 surgeries, to get plate in and out etc). I did eventually get back to skating regularly but it took me years. Maybe 5 years total to start doing tricks again, and not just cruise. But I did get back to it. however the mental block is still there.
it's probably just as well.... I'd rather accept my skating is a shadow of what it was, rather than take more risks. I do want to skate but definitely do not want to get seriously hurt again. So it's a fine line.

Yup. I had two surgeries, too. I asked to keep one of the screws they took out. I now use it to scrape edge of grip tape when setting up a deck. :) Pic is me standing on exact spot where I broke it, three weeks later.

oh shit keeping the screw is quite nuts
(sorry love bad puns)
never would have thought of that! I haven't been back to the park where I got broke off....don't really want to actually! I don't travel to skate like before. 95% of my skating is now done some place I can skate to, and not take the car. I dont want to take the risk again of being unable to drive back cause I got hurt.
btw I enjoy your IG a lot. Will send some 80's pics when I find the time to scan some of that old shit!

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2912 on: January 12, 2024, 02:18:41 AM »
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At 39 I don’t consider myself old, however during early morning skates (often the only free time I have) my body is telling me otherwise. Mainly my hips! They really hurt for the first half an hour, then they’re fine for the rest of the day. However half an hour is half my skate sesh, so it’s frustrating. Any tips for waking up without tight hips? I already do Pilates every other day, and I don’t have the motivation to take ice baths, mostly because ice costs $5 a kilo where I live.

My hips are fucked tight and this has changed my life.  Her 30 day morning things are great from front to back.  Got put onto them by a Pal.

Especially the stretch where you hook your leg out front of you whilst stretching the other straight back.

I’m gonna start this tomorrow, and commit to the 30 days. I feel this is exactly what I need to be doing. Thanks man!

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2913 on: January 24, 2024, 07:01:18 AM »
Since I got fully back into skating early last year, my obsession has been “working on parts”, which I had previously never done.  So essentially, self filming every session and trying to get a good mix of new and old tricks at various spots.

While I find that to be a fun process.. it doesn’t feel like I’m getting better or more comfortable, I’m just squeaking out shit I know I can probably do.

I’ve never watched trick tips, or focused much on technique.. but as soon as I wrap up my current little project, I really want to put the camera away and get into the weeds of it.  Finally learn 360 flips instead of feeling inferior every time I see one in a video.  Nose manuals, ledge skills, etc.  I guess this fits in this thread because thanks to YouTube, I’ve realized there’s tons of other old heads progressing into middle age.


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2914 on: January 24, 2024, 08:05:05 AM »
Since I got fully back into skating early last year, my obsession has been “working on parts”, which I had previously never done.  So essentially, self filming every session and trying to get a good mix of new and old tricks at various spots.

While I find that to be a fun process.. it doesn’t feel like I’m getting better or more comfortable, I’m just squeaking out shit I know I can probably do.

I’ve never watched trick tips, or focused much on technique.. but as soon as I wrap up my current little project, I really want to put the camera away and get into the weeds of it.  Finally learn 360 flips instead of feeling inferior every time I see one in a video.  Nose manuals, ledge skills, etc.  I guess this fits in this thread because thanks to YouTube, I’ve realized there’s tons of other old heads progressing into middle age.

Solo filming is a mixed bag. It can provide some motivation in lieu of having other people around, but it can also muddle the flow of your own session, and become a task in and of itself.
IG: ThePastParticiple

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“Skateboarding is truly amazing. Wearing a helmet while hitting a handrail can kook you for life, but being an antisocial weirdo with mystique can earn you a pass.” -Some guy on SLAP


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2915 on: January 27, 2024, 03:46:11 PM »
Hello everyone !

I know I don't consider myself old either, but rather old in my skating years. I have been skating since 2007, when I was 14. I'm currently 31 years old, and I wanted to ask this... Have you, like me, lost a lot of tricks with time and age ? I never stopped, but my skating style changed of course. Lots of gap younger, and now a lot more flats, banks, mannys.. However, I'm quite desperate to have lost many tricks that I did during my first 6 skates, specialy flip tricks, for example like half cab heel or backside heel, backslide flip , and today, I can no longer throw them as easily and above all no longer have any coordination in my legs.. (The worst is that I feel like I no longer know how to pop correctly and have the power.) .And yet, for example, a switch flip that I learned 5 years ago , I have no difficulty whereas a kickflip or heelflip is a constant battle.. I know that it is all about muscle memory, does this really have consequences over time ?

For a good year now, I started seriously training myself, doing stretching, working out, eating well and stop alcohol, but it sometimes gives me a bad morale boost to no longer have the impression of to be able to "do everything" and throw everything into the tricks.. I have never taken the time to work on them without stopping, but I remember well before that to throw a heel or a flip, the coordination and movement of the trick was there! There is also the fact that I started to worry about the equipment and go into a kind of madness for some time, believing that this or that size of board or brand of trucks was going to help me..  after trying different sizes, different trucks, I simply realized that it didn't help at all for tricks. But maybe there's the fact of asking a lot of questions, whereas before I didn't ask myself as many questions... Do you know what I mean ? This kind of vicious circle...

Finally, I always try to keep in mind that skating is still fun, that I will never be a pro of course, but sometimes, I don't understand how I could have lost confidence and ease..and,  I have the BIG fault of comparing myself to others and sometimes feeling "bad" and even more so having lost certain tricks.. All this is stupid perhaps, but I know that your help will be useful among old skaters ahah
« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 04:04:08 PM by FrenchSkater »

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2916 on: January 27, 2024, 05:01:29 PM »
It’s for sure a mental struggle as we age. Try not to compare yourself to others. I’m fully aware how difficult this is. Im 50 and there’s a few guys my age or slightly older that can do way more then I can but fuck it. I’m coming to terms with that fact I’m still out there doing frontside slappys and still able to carve a bowl. I used to live in Jersey and I’m know I’d be skating even less so I’m so grateful to be in the bay now. Don’t worry about the past, it’s done. Enjoy the present.


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2917 on: January 27, 2024, 09:58:09 PM »
The good thing about skateboarding is there’s always new tricks to learn even if they’re new old guy tricks


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2918 on: January 28, 2024, 01:21:17 AM »
It’s for sure a mental struggle as we age. Try not to compare yourself to others. I’m fully aware how difficult this is. Im 50 and there’s a few guys my age or slightly older that can do way more then I can but fuck it. I’m coming to terms with that fact I’m still out there doing frontside slappys and still able to carve a bowl. I used to live in Jersey and I’m know I’d be skating even less so I’m so grateful to be in the bay now. Don’t worry about the past, it’s done. Enjoy the present.

Yes I know but it's a big mental battle to no longer ask questions and accept that I no longer have any ease on certain tricks.. Even my 360 flip, my favorite trick, which I used almost for everything tries, it's very rare that I put it on constantly without missing it, and yet, I've never stopped... Sometimes the negative mind is there, the sessions are catastrophic and I feel really rubbish, and sometimes the sessions are just fun, big positive aspect, and everything goes well.. There is also the passage of time which comes into play, I am a big nostalgic person, and I think back to my best sessions, with people that I love. appreciated it enormously and who no longer skate today..

And on top of that, which I hadn't talked about, but I've always had a horrible style in my eyes.. I don't have the fluidity and aesthetics that some people have when launching their tricks.. I I would perhaps compare myself to Torey Pudwill or Mullen for example ((But these two guys rock forever!).  I am comfortable on my board, but when I do my tricks, my legs have a "tight" mobility and not in full relaxation..  Like before landing I always have this annoying habit, especially with flip tricks, of tightening my feet together.  I have never managed to have this beautiful natural style that some people have.. I know, I feel stupid thinking about that, it's stupid and I come across as someone who has no self-confidence, but unfortunately, it's my big flaw that makes me It kind of ruined my skating years which were fabulous and frustrating.

The mental battle of age is really hard.. I hope to grow out of it and just not give a damn about it! I don't know how I could do it but I hope I can  ;D I would like to point out that I am not depressed and that in my life besides skateboarding everything is going well! But skateboarding is a great love of mine and has given me so much... do you understand what I mean ?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 01:33:18 AM by FrenchSkater »


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2919 on: January 28, 2024, 02:00:45 AM »
I'm relearning everything at 40, and while my body is a big issue (knees are shot, some Achilles problems etc) I've found mentally I'm better at seeing a trick, and thinking my way through.

I think I understand my brain a lot better than I did in my teens. I got lil slappy boardslides on a makeshift obstacle (some steel thing i found at the spot, a few feet long and a bit higher than a curb) and it all seemed pretty easy. Took about 10 mins to figure it out, and land consistently. I'm pretty confident next sesh I'll get half cabs slides or lipslides on it.

I've always had anxiety and wanted to skate fast but never landed barely anything as a teen. Just fast fast and no real progression. After a month or so of a couple hours a week I reckon I'll be close to where I was in two or three months. In a years time I'm aiming to have more tricks in my bag than I did then.

My body may not be anywhere near as good but my mind is calmer and I'm more focussed. It's a nice feeling.


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2920 on: January 28, 2024, 07:54:28 AM »
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It’s for sure a mental struggle as we age. Try not to compare yourself to others. I’m fully aware how difficult this is. Im 50 and there’s a few guys my age or slightly older that can do way more then I can but fuck it. I’m coming to terms with that fact I’m still out there doing frontside slappys and still able to carve a bowl. I used to live in Jersey and I’m know I’d be skating even less so I’m so grateful to be in the bay now. Don’t worry about the past, it’s done. Enjoy the present.

Yes I know but it's a big mental battle to no longer ask questions and accept that I no longer have any ease on certain tricks.. Even my 360 flip, my favorite trick, which I used almost for everything tries, it's very rare that I put it on constantly without missing it, and yet, I've never stopped... Sometimes the negative mind is there, the sessions are catastrophic and I feel really rubbish, and sometimes the sessions are just fun, big positive aspect, and everything goes well.. There is also the passage of time which comes into play, I am a big nostalgic person, and I think back to my best sessions, with people that I love. appreciated it enormously and who no longer skate today..

And on top of that, which I hadn't talked about, but I've always had a horrible style in my eyes.. I don't have the fluidity and aesthetics that some people have when launching their tricks.. I I would perhaps compare myself to Torey Pudwill or Mullen for example ((But these two guys rock forever!).  I am comfortable on my board, but when I do my tricks, my legs have a "tight" mobility and not in full relaxation..  Like before landing I always have this annoying habit, especially with flip tricks, of tightening my feet together.  I have never managed to have this beautiful natural style that some people have.. I know, I feel stupid thinking about that, it's stupid and I come across as someone who has no self-confidence, but unfortunately, it's my big flaw that makes me It kind of ruined my skating years which were fabulous and frustrating.

The mental battle of age is really hard.. I hope to grow out of it and just not give a damn about it! I don't know how I could do it but I hope I can  ;D I would like to point out that I am not depressed and that in my life besides skateboarding everything is going well! But skateboarding is a great love of mine and has given me so much... do you understand what I mean ?

"Embrace whatever you got when you roll. Get lost in those moments. They do not last forever." -Jim T.

Here is a harsh reality of being an older skater: If you carry the weight of expectations from your past, you will not last long. Your skateboard will only bring frustration, despair, and disappointment. The fun and joy will never manifest. Abandon (past) expectations, and skateboarding will open up to you like never before. I can’t stress this point enough. The single most important thing to remember as an older skater is to have absolutely no expectations based on your own past. Please read that sentence again. Now read it one more time. Again, it is the single most important thing to remember as you age. Remember that progress is relative to where you are today, not where you were 20+ years ago. Certainly have expectations based on your present-day situation, but none from decades past. 
IG: ThePastParticiple

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“Skateboarding is truly amazing. Wearing a helmet while hitting a handrail can kook you for life, but being an antisocial weirdo with mystique can earn you a pass.” -Some guy on SLAP


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2921 on: January 28, 2024, 09:47:29 AM »
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It’s for sure a mental struggle as we age. Try not to compare yourself to others. I’m fully aware how difficult this is. Im 50 and there’s a few guys my age or slightly older that can do way more then I can but fuck it. I’m coming to terms with that fact I’m still out there doing frontside slappys and still able to carve a bowl. I used to live in Jersey and I’m know I’d be skating even less so I’m so grateful to be in the bay now. Don’t worry about the past, it’s done. Enjoy the present.

Yes I know but it's a big mental battle to no longer ask questions and accept that I no longer have any ease on certain tricks.. Even my 360 flip, my favorite trick, which I used almost for everything tries, it's very rare that I put it on constantly without missing it, and yet, I've never stopped... Sometimes the negative mind is there, the sessions are catastrophic and I feel really rubbish, and sometimes the sessions are just fun, big positive aspect, and everything goes well.. There is also the passage of time which comes into play, I am a big nostalgic person, and I think back to my best sessions, with people that I love. appreciated it enormously and who no longer skate today..

And on top of that, which I hadn't talked about, but I've always had a horrible style in my eyes.. I don't have the fluidity and aesthetics that some people have when launching their tricks.. I I would perhaps compare myself to Torey Pudwill or Mullen for example ((But these two guys rock forever!).  I am comfortable on my board, but when I do my tricks, my legs have a "tight" mobility and not in full relaxation..  Like before landing I always have this annoying habit, especially with flip tricks, of tightening my feet together.  I have never managed to have this beautiful natural style that some people have.. I know, I feel stupid thinking about that, it's stupid and I come across as someone who has no self-confidence, but unfortunately, it's my big flaw that makes me It kind of ruined my skating years which were fabulous and frustrating.

The mental battle of age is really hard.. I hope to grow out of it and just not give a damn about it! I don't know how I could do it but I hope I can  ;D I would like to point out that I am not depressed and that in my life besides skateboarding everything is going well! But skateboarding is a great love of mine and has given me so much... do you understand what I mean ?

"Embrace whatever you got when you roll. Get lost in those moments. They do not last forever." -Jim T.

Here is a harsh reality of being an older skater: If you carry the weight of expectations from your past, you will not last long. Your skateboard will only bring frustration, despair, and disappointment. The fun and joy will never manifest. Abandon (past) expectations, and skateboarding will open up to you like never before. I can’t stress this point enough. The single most important thing to remember as an older skater is to have absolutely no expectations based on your own past. Please read that sentence again. Now read it one more time. Again, it is the single most important thing to remember as you age. Remember that progress is relative to where you are today, not where you were 20+ years ago. Certainly have expectations based on your present-day situation, but none from decades past.

I will definitely take this advice into account.. But it's amazing to love and hate skateboarding at the same time when my first 10 years I only loved it ! Thank you for this advice once again, it’s a powerful sentence.

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2922 on: January 28, 2024, 09:52:46 AM »
My two big physical hobbies are surfing and skateboarding. I thought by 30 surfing would take over. Surely by 40? I'm 48 now and skate way more than I surf. Skateboarding has really helped me cruise through middle age. Surfing is just an angsty battle that puts me in a bad mood these days.

I have zero expectations. I just love the wooden toy. Sometimes I hop on my board and roll down the driveway and the feel of the F4 urethane interacting with the weather-worn concrete, is enough to bring a smile to my face. It is such a sensory experience. Don't get me wrong, I still try to re-learn old tricks and even learn new ones but I don't try that hard. My tactic is to find what's working and what is fun that day and just do it over and over. Except for big gaps and stairs and flip trick consistency, I actually think I skate better now than when I was 18 in some ways. I might only do a handful of tre flips a month but when I'm rolling away from one it's just the best feeling. Nothing else will can ruin my day. Like @lurkluke said, the mind is in a better place at this age and that goes a long way. Skateboarding clears the mind and a clear mind improves the experience. A wonderful middle aged skate feedback loop.... Finding that place of zen isn't easy but @Sedition 's approach will get you going.

Other things that have helped me, is silly little challenges. Like filming my first 'part" at age 47 (Never had patience before). Spending a lot of time during Covid just skating flat after years of being a bowl-troll. Soft wheel sessions. Just leave the house and see where the board takes you. Getting to axle. Sounds silly but if you set the challenge it will motivate you to get out and grind. Love the groove.  No ollie sessions. Wallie, slappy, no comply... whatever.... Four wheels sliders... Can you drift a whole parking spot? How about backside?

I'm not battling at the berrics. I barely except challenges to a game of skate. I don't drink Monster energy and I don't understand street league.

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2923 on: January 28, 2024, 10:11:08 AM »
I have zero expectations. I just love the wooden toy.
Can I steal this as my signature. I couldn’t agree more. I’m just so happy to have the same feeling of pushing and hearing that sound of the wheels on the pavement.


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2924 on: January 28, 2024, 11:50:58 AM »
..But it's amazing to love and hate skateboarding at the same time when my first 10 years I only loved it!

Incorrect statement.
The love is for your skateboard
The hate is for yourself, but you haven't really figured that out...yet.*

*because your (past) self-expectation does match your (present) self-reality. That's not about your skateboard, that's about you.   
« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 12:54:16 PM by Sedition »
IG: ThePastParticiple

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“Skateboarding is truly amazing. Wearing a helmet while hitting a handrail can kook you for life, but being an antisocial weirdo with mystique can earn you a pass.” -Some guy on SLAP


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2925 on: January 28, 2024, 11:55:57 AM »
Just leave the house and see where the board takes you.

Every kid knows this. Adults have often forgotten to make use of this magic, and that's a damn shame.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 12:54:43 PM by Sedition »
IG: ThePastParticiple

DLX 8.25  |  144 Forged  |  53mm Classic  |  Super Swiss 6

“Skateboarding is truly amazing. Wearing a helmet while hitting a handrail can kook you for life, but being an antisocial weirdo with mystique can earn you a pass.” -Some guy on SLAP


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2926 on: January 28, 2024, 11:58:27 AM »
I have zero expectations. I just love the wooden toy. Sometimes I hop on my board and roll down the driveway and the feel of the F4 urethane interacting with the weather-worn concrete, is enough to bring a smile to my face. It is such a sensory experience. Don't get me wrong, I still try to re-learn old tricks and even learn new ones but I don't try that hard. My tactic is to find what's working and what is fun that day and just do it over and over. Except for big gaps and stairs and flip trick consistency, I actually think I skate better now than when I was 18 in some ways. I might only do a handful of tre flips a month but when I'm rolling away from one it's just the best feeling. Nothing else will can ruin my day. Like @lurkluke said, the mind is in a better place at this age and that goes a long way. Skateboarding clears the mind and a clear mind improves the experience. A wonderful middle aged skate feedback loop.... Finding that place of zen isn't easy but @Sedition 's approach will get you going.

Other things that have helped me, is silly little challenges. Like filming my first 'part" at age 47 (Never had patience before). Spending a lot of time during Covid just skating flat after years of being a bowl-troll. Soft wheel sessions. Just leave the house and see where the board takes you. Getting to axle. Sounds silly but if you set the challenge it will motivate you to get out and grind. Love the groove.  No ollie sessions. Wallie, slappy, no comply... whatever.... Four wheels sliders... Can you drift a whole parking spot? How about backside?

These are very, very, very wise words...and it is a wisdom that only comes with, you guessed it, age.
IG: ThePastParticiple

DLX 8.25  |  144 Forged  |  53mm Classic  |  Super Swiss 6

“Skateboarding is truly amazing. Wearing a helmet while hitting a handrail can kook you for life, but being an antisocial weirdo with mystique can earn you a pass.” -Some guy on SLAP


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2927 on: January 28, 2024, 12:19:59 PM »
Some thoughtful insight shared on in this recents posts of this thread.

We all should be extremely happy to still be able to play the wooden toy. I never had a bad session in the last four or five years (turning 47 this year): I don’t expect anything, when hopping on a board these days. Just some friends, having a nice session. I mean, what more can I ask for.

There are still things, I want to learn (or relearn), but the bliss of just moving on a board is way more important to me than getting that trick. At the moment “that trick” is relearning axle stalls that have vanished after not doing them for 20 years plus and the scare the hell out of me. Hahaha


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2928 on: January 28, 2024, 03:49:52 PM »
Went today, my feet were aching pretty hard for the first 20 or so mins. It was windy. Contemplated just giving up for the day.  Decidied to persist... Ended up landing front 180 ollies pretty high and consistent. ... which is a trick I never even had as a teen. Could never get the full rotation.

Hell yeah.


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2929 on: January 28, 2024, 04:07:31 PM »
Fell victim to the cold weather today.  Couldn’t get the knees moving.  They lock up pretty bad with any drastic change in weather. Did a couple kickflips and some slappies called it a day.
Fuck brandon biebel... The lemon thrower

sweet son of a bitch

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2930 on: January 28, 2024, 04:20:21 PM »
Went today, my feet were aching pretty hard for the first 20 or so mins. It was windy. Contemplated just giving up for the day.  Decidied to persist... Ended up landing front 180 ollies pretty high and consistent. ... which is a trick I never even had as a teen. Could never get the full rotation.

Hell yeah.
That’s awesome! I had the opposite session. Landed slappys right off the bat on a new board with new shoes but then hey a pebble which took me to the ground then wasn’t bake to land anymore then my feet hurt so left. I landed enough slappys to shake the anxiety I had earlier and it’s a beautiful day in the bay.

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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2931 on: January 28, 2024, 04:37:07 PM »
I’m having the time of my life focusing boards and vibing people…….


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2932 on: January 29, 2024, 07:36:58 AM »
Glad to find this thread... New member here! Turning 32 a week from today. I skated hard from 1999-2011/age 7 to about 19. Unfortunately I got away from it in college. I got married at 22, had a kid by 23, and now he's 9 and got a board for Christmas and he's eaten up with it. So naturally I ordered a blank, bolted on some Stage 9 Indys from 2008, and we've been ripping.

He's getting comfortable cruising around and turning/tic-tacing around obstacles. That's been awesome. We've been hitting the hills in the neighborhood and he's getting more confident with every session.

For me, I'm amazed at how much I can still do after over ten years out of the game. I'm staying away from big sets and down rails for now, but I still have most of my flat ground and flat bar stuff. Done okay on transition. My wife loves it too and just ordered me a sweet Habitat deck... Been a real blessing to get back into it.

The biggest thing is seeing the world as a skater again! I've about driven off the road scoping out spots while driving around! Glad to read through this thread and see I'm not the only old head getting after it!


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2933 on: January 29, 2024, 08:22:57 AM »
Glad to find this thread... New member here! Turning 32 a week from today...

Welcome back, and 32 is hardly old!
IG: ThePastParticiple

DLX 8.25  |  144 Forged  |  53mm Classic  |  Super Swiss 6

“Skateboarding is truly amazing. Wearing a helmet while hitting a handrail can kook you for life, but being an antisocial weirdo with mystique can earn you a pass.” -Some guy on SLAP


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2934 on: January 29, 2024, 10:39:10 AM »
Hardly Old is my DILF porn name


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2935 on: January 29, 2024, 12:32:27 PM »
Sneaking up fast on 50; skating since (late) ‘86.
Everybody’s “better” than me (I scare real easily), but overall I’m “better” than I ever was.

(The advantage of sucking is that progress is easier)


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2936 on: January 30, 2024, 03:17:57 PM »
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Glad to find this thread... New member here! Turning 32 a week from today...

Welcome back, and 32 is hardly old!
Thanks! Great to be back. It's wild to see the bigger decks people are riding now. Everyone was still on 7.5s and 7.75s when I got away from it. Also, Destructos were still a popular truck at that time...  ;D


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2937 on: January 31, 2024, 05:20:10 AM »
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Glad to find this thread... New member here! Turning 32 a week from today...

Welcome back, and 32 is hardly old!
Thanks! Great to be back. It's wild to see the bigger decks people are riding now. Everyone was still on 7.5s and 7.75s when I got away from it. Also, Destructos were still a popular truck at that time...  ;D
Skating as an oldie is awesome: everything is a blessing, and so you can appreciate everything; and not get all bent out of shape over a trick that isn’t “perfect”.

And come on… 32? You’re a young buck still ;D

And if you haven’t already, just wait till you discover the joys of skating on a 8.5 deck.  Flip tricks a little harder, but damn it feels good under the feet. Of course, if you stick with sub 8”, you’ll always find decks cheap since no one wants them anymore. Haha


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2938 on: January 31, 2024, 09:30:56 AM »
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Glad to find this thread... New member here! Turning 32 a week from today...

Welcome back, and 32 is hardly old!
Thanks! Great to be back. It's wild to see the bigger decks people are riding now. Everyone was still on 7.5s and 7.75s when I got away from it. Also, Destructos were still a popular truck at that time...  ;D
Skating as an oldie is awesome: everything is a blessing, and so you can appreciate everything; and not get all bent out of shape over a trick that isn’t “perfect”.

And come on… 32? You’re a young buck still ;D

And if you haven’t already, just wait till you discover the joys of skating on a 8.5 deck.  Flip tricks a little harder, but damn it feels good under the feet. Of course, if you stick with sub 8”, you’ll always find decks cheap since no one wants them anymore. Haha

32 was considered old when everybody was riding sub 8” decks....but that has also changed! now I actually see people not just getting back into skating, but learning straight up, at 30 or older. Which to me is borderline suicidal but hey, I wish them good luck   :P


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Re: Old Dudes Post Up Here...
« Reply #2939 on: January 31, 2024, 09:47:08 AM »
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Glad to find this thread... New member here! Turning 32 a week from today...

Welcome back, and 32 is hardly old!
Thanks! Great to be back. It's wild to see the bigger decks people are riding now. Everyone was still on 7.5s and 7.75s when I got away from it. Also, Destructos were still a popular truck at that time...  ;D
Skating as an oldie is awesome: everything is a blessing, and so you can appreciate everything; and not get all bent out of shape over a trick that isn’t “perfect”.

And come on… 32? You’re a young buck still ;D

And if you haven’t already, just wait till you discover the joys of skating on a 8.5 deck.  Flip tricks a little harder, but damn it feels good under the feet. Of course, if you stick with sub 8”, you’ll always find decks cheap since no one wants them anymore. Haha

Man I'm almost 43 and still struggling with being too hard on myself. I find myself getting flustered and frustrated as I watch the time it takes me to warm up increase, my pop decrease, my fear of certain tricks increase, my confidence decrease and my coordination in general suffer. I'm still holding the line pretty strong but I can feel it irreversibly slipping.

I think it might be partially due to being a 90s' kid, but flip tricks and slides/grinds on ledges (not curbs) is basically what skateboarding is for me, it's like all I know. I never cruised, carved, skated transition, or did any tricks that don't require pop.
Switching to a more laid back, lower impact type of skating is going to be a hard pill to swallow and I'll need to, like, reprogram my brain to accept a dopamine hit from forms of skateboarding I've never been that into or involved with...

Man, aging is a real bastard.