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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #60 on: May 01, 2018, 11:07:14 AM »
I know there are probably a ton of theories about this, but I just want to know what the fuck happened to Daniel Harold Sturt. 


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #61 on: May 01, 2018, 11:10:28 AM »
Regarding the Danny Way stuff, please read this to get details straight. This is from the guy who did over ten years and seems bitter toward everyone involved, so it's obvious he's not covering for anyone.

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The early nineties were rife with rumours around what you, Danny Way, Tommy Caudill and the rest of the XYZ crew were getting up to, as you all seemed to run ran pretty wild. The skate rumour mill and things hinted at in Big Brother gave the impression that you were throwing stuff through car windows, shooting at horses, fighting Markovich and some other pretty sketchy shit, was that an accurate representation of you guys at the time?
We were definitely wild kids or young adults. Those are actually the mellower events that took place; however, I don?t remember any horse getting shot? I don?t remember ever hurting animals. The Markovich story was all Danny. Kris hooked up with the chick Danny was going out with at the time (Karen) and supposedly talked shit about Danny. Earlier that day we had tracked down a guy that had broken into Danny?s car and stole his cell phone, wallet and stereo. When we confronted the guy he admitted to stealing Danny?s stuff, but said he sold it, didn?t have any money and that Danny was burnt. The guy basically said ?Fuck you! You aint getting shit.? Instead of Danny beating his ass he pee?d all over himself. I was actually embarrassed for Danny so I beat the dude up. When we got back to XYZ and told Tommy what happened he (Tommy) ridiculed Danny hard. He told him how disgusted he was with Danny and what a pussy he was. So, when the opportunity presented itself to redeem himself by fighting Kris he took it. It didn?t end well for Danny. As far as the other stuff, yeah, we were gnarly vandals. I don?t even remember half the shit we did. Between Danny, Tommy, Colin, Jordan Richter and myself we were always trying to one up each other. For me that crap grew to becoming physically violent. What used to be juvenile bullshit had grown to me becoming a full on criminal. It was a dark path I was on, for sure.
Clearly Steve Mateus and Danny Way were with you that night. Presumably you were all just out for a drink, was there something in particular that got you all fired up?
Yes. While I was in prison I had no access to the internet or gossip sites. I really was in the dark as to what people thought happened. When I paroled I began reading that shit and was floored. There?s rumors that Danny and I were driving around looking to kill somebody; that we got caught with a body in the trunk of a car; that we were shooting illegal aliens crossing the border. All of it beyond ridiculous! I definitely was drunk that night. In those days sobriety wasn?t in the cards. The bar was serving free beer and to a 20 year old drunk free beer is the greatest thing ever.
There are lots of rumours, theories and pure speculation as to what went down and who did what that night outside the bar in Azusa. Could you clear it all up once and for all and give us a detailed breakdown of the night - who exactly was there, what actually happened, why it happened and how drunk/high you guys were at the time?
Here?s the abbreviated version: A bunch of us showed up to this private party at a bar. The only notable skaters there were Ronnie Bertino and Danny. Danny told me that some guy (Keith Ogden) was coming on to him and laughing about it. Keith had obviously wandered into a hornets nest if what Danny said to me was true. So, I walked Keith out of the bar, told him it was a private party and to split or he?s going to get beat up. I didn?t threaten him personally. What?s tolerated now wasn?t in that era and a guy coming on to another guy in a bar that isn?t a gay bar was all bad. Awhile later he came back so I escorted him out again since there was no official security. By that time I was drunk and did threaten him. Still, nothing physical took place. An hour or so goes by and we hear that there?s a fight out front. When I walk out the door the first thing I see is Danny Way out cold, bleeding from the mouth. I asked out loud who hit Danny and Steve Mateus responded with ?That fag sucker punched Danny!? So, we get Danny back inside the bar and he?s clueless as to what happened. A bit later I find out that Keith?s behind the bar so I go out there with the intention of kicking his ass for sucker punching Danny. To me and everybody else in the bar, Keith appeared to be drunk. In reality he was suffering from a pre-existing brain injury. He actually left L.A. County Medical Center (General Hospital) the day before AMA (against Medical Advice). The hematoma on his brain was so large that the doctors were debating whether to drill a hole in his head to relieve the pressure on his brain. Anyway, I began walking Keith away from the bar with the intent to beat his ass. While I was walking away it became quite clear that the guy was in no position to fight. Then this guy Robert comes running up from behind, jumps in the air and kicks Keith in the back. Keith?s head slammed into my face from being kicked into me and even though it wasn?t his fault, all of my anger was directed towards him. I took out that anger on Keith in a physical manner. I kicked him about three to five times in the upper torso and face. Steve Mateus then began kicking him as well. I told Steve to stop, which he did. Keith was definitely fucked up and unconscious, but alive. None of us knew he had this pre-existing brain injury and was dying. We just felt he got KO?d. An hour later the cops show up and what does a skater do when he sees cops? He splits. I didn?t really think anything of it. The next morning I found out that Keith had died. I couldn?t believe it. Once I was arrested three weeks later a lot of stuff came to light. First up, Danny hadn?t gotten sucker punched by Keith. Danny was the one who sucker punched Keith and then some guy in turn punched Danny. Also, after the incident where I kicked Keith behind the bar, Steve Mateus went back out and stomped the life out of him with nobody around to see. Steve was wearing a size 8 Vans shoe that night and left that diamond sole pattern of a Vans shoe on Keith?s face and in blood around Keith?s final resting spot. Vans was my shoe sponsor from 1988 right up till the point of my arrest in 1993. I wore a size 10. There were no size 10 patterns anywhere in the vicinity. The whole thing was a mess. The legal proceedings that followed were a joke. When it comes to the law you get what you pay for and I was broke. My court appointed lawyer was awful. Not only that, but Steve Mateus made a deal with the prosecution for a light sentence (6 years where he only served 3) in exchange for his testimony (lies) against me. The judge railroaded me into a life sentence as well. He should have given the jury the option of manslaughter, which is what this case really was. Instead they had two options: 1st and 2nd degree murder, both carry life sentences. After a day of deliberations the jury came back and wanted to know if they could find me guilty of manslaughter instead of murder. He said ?No!? and they ended up finding me guilty of the lesser of the two charges, 2nd degree murder. I was then sentenced to 15 years to life and shipped off to prison. A month later that same judge (George Trammell) was brought up on some serious corruption charges. Google his name. That?s basically what went down. My actions were definitely criminal. I deserved to do some time; however, 19 years, 1 month and 8 days is a ridiculous amount of time for what I did.
Were the other guys arrested as well?
The only other person that was charged in this case was Steve Mateus. Like I mentioned beforehand, he made a deal with the prosecution. The guy who started it all (Robert) was never arrested or charged. Either was Danny. There was a point in the legal proceeding where Steve Mateus?s attorney started to blame Danny for what happened. I was ready to do an open plea for 30 years to life to pull Danny out of this. My loyalty to Danny was solid and has remained solid since day one. Unfortunately Danny?s caught up in his own world and can?t see beyond what benefits him. To me it?s sad.
Obviously it's pretty much worst case scenario in terms of the outcome, apart from leaving the house at all that night, what are your main regrets from what happened?
I laugh when I hear people say they have no regrets in life. Everybody has regrets. They might not be as big as mine, but they have regrets. My biggest regret was that I took part in taking a man?s life. Even though there were circumstances involved, the bottom line remains; I?m responsible for the loss of Keith. I should have been a man that stepped up and put a stop to what happened. Instead I charged forward. The whole reason I attacked Keith was out of a fucked up sense of loyalty to Danny. I felt like I had to redeem and protect a guy who I viewed as a brother. There is no main regret. There?s a whole bunch!

Wasn't there another interview? I could have sworn I saw another interview floating around that I cant seem to find that has the story told another way. Maybe I'm tripping?


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #62 on: May 01, 2018, 11:19:48 AM »
there is a conspiracy to keep down revive.  all the hate is astroturfing paid for and sponsored by corporate shills. the industry is terrified that Revives ability to sell an equivalent product for a slightly lesser price is going to take everyone down.  so the industry brought together an elite group of shitposters to flood message boards.  if you dont belive me just  look in the back catalog of slap you can see that right before all this hate started a major industry player took a Pal to lunch. Connect the dots sheeple. 

these guys are good... so good that some of you don't even realize they are in this very thread......
more heaven-cruise than hell-ride.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #63 on: May 01, 2018, 11:19:58 AM »
Donny Barley has a family and at least owns a piece of Civil skate shops in the RI area.

Dave Swift straight up shows the Indy roller skates in his Raiders of the Lost Archive video segment so that is not even a rumor. Are we questioning if Fausto was bummed on them? Seems legit to me.

Can anyone post the full interview with that one guy from Muckmouth? I've been trying to read that for a while now. Is that excerpt Bobby Peru posted from that? I kind of assumed it was.
them cats are out getting mashed up to jungle, he's out mashing up jungle cats. it's just not gonna work.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #64 on: May 01, 2018, 11:22:08 AM »
Damn.  that swindell interview was gnarly.  that's the first time i'd ever read it, and i'm not saying it 100% is, but given that it was spoken and transcipted, comes off with an air of authenticity that is really hard to fake. 

it doesn't exonerate any of them of wrongdoing at some level at all, in fact, sounds like Danny might have lit the fuse that would eventually lead to his death. also i don't really care what the "something" is, if you are asked nicely to stop something more than once at a party, you should stop, especially if you are with a bunch of dangerous maniacs
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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #65 on: May 01, 2018, 11:28:37 AM »
I know there are probably a ton of theories about this, but I just want to know what the fuck happened to Daniel Harold Sturt.

i thought he was just like the photography version of lennie kirk, (i.e. you and i and everyone are all definitely all going to hell) but with significantly less prison


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #66 on: May 01, 2018, 11:31:03 AM »
Damn.  that swindell interview was gnarly.  that's the first time i'd ever read it, and i'm not saying it 100% is, but given that it was spoken and transcipted, comes off with an air of authenticity that is really hard to fake. 

it doesn't exonerate any of them of wrongdoing at some level at all, in fact, sounds like Danny might have lit the fuse that would eventually lead to his death. also i don't really care what the "something" is, if you are asked nicely to stop something more than once at a party, you should stop, especially if you are with a bunch of dangerous maniacs

It sounded pretty legit.  Still pretty tough to take that kind of jail time based off friendship.  If true, DWay should pay that guy for the rest of his life. 


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #67 on: May 01, 2018, 11:45:15 AM »
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I know there are probably a ton of theories about this, but I just want to know what the fuck happened to Daniel Harold Sturt.

i thought he was just like the photography version of lennie kirk, (i.e. you and i and everyone are all definitely all going to hell) but with significantly less prison
Yeah, I don't think there is much to understand what actually "happened" to him. He shot some of the greatest skate photos of all time and slowly transitioned out of it as he got older, which is what happens to most people in skateboarding.

I think what is more interesting about DHS is all the things he did while he was around (posing as airport personnel to poach Danny Way on the 'DC Super Ramp', poaching JT's TWS cover from a distance, escaping the fuzz on the J Wray cover, requiring 'the potential for death' to actually come out and shoot, etc.). I am sure there are many more known and unknown stories about him.

I really hope one day someone does an in-depth interview with him, but from what I understand, he has little desire to be involved these days.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #68 on: May 01, 2018, 11:47:28 AM »
but he did that scientology "commercial" in 2009

I especially enjoyed the part around the :44 mark, when he talks about doing what HE wanted to do, and not what others wanted, because we all know how much Scientology encourages free thought and action. He also mentions that through L. Ron’s teachings he can “literally” do any trick he thinks possible. He says the word literally. I don’t think many young people know the true definition of that word, but I hear it used constantly.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2018, 11:50:17 AM »

there is a conspiracy to keep down revive.  all the hate is astroturfing paid for and sponsored by corporate shills. the industry is terrified that Revives ability to sell an equivalent product for a slightly lesser price is going to take everyone down.  so the industry brought together an elite group of shitposters to flood message boards.  if you dont belive me just  look in the back catalog of slap you can see that right before all this hate started a major industry player took a Pal to lunch. Connect the dots sheeple. 

these guys are good... so good that some of you don't even realize they are in this very thread......

Fuck, you know how in that batman flick the joker said, "if you're good at something never do it for free."

I will now no longer shit on the terrible Revive until I get paid. Please corporate shills PM me I will literally do it for like $10.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #70 on: May 01, 2018, 12:12:30 PM »
companies with big $$ that have videos coming out(for sale) soon will have a rider appearing on a Thrasher cover.

Companies(in any industry) do not move production to China for quality.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #71 on: May 01, 2018, 12:38:43 PM »
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There's a curse on element skateboards either you are wicked successful or you are cursed and on the way out of your career. Either way Element is fir hasbeen skaters.

Billy Pepper ostracized from skating
Forrest Kirby severe pill addiction and alcoholism
Harold Hunter RIP to the ODB of skating
Muska at his milking it stage joined TMZ debacle
Tosh Townsend killed a girl while wasted
Bam Margera had Really talented shot but blew it on his shows. Edit glad he is skating again but want him on a different team where he fits.
Huston and his dads shenanigans
Appleyard c'mon man Flip and or somewhere else would be a good spot.....
Westgate rips and he is too young to sellout.

Also I believe there's a reason that its insidiously designed to sell your life to Element brand
Look at Terry Kennedy when he got shot not one of his teammate's from element came to see him through?! So what's that say about loyalty...... Baker had his back.

Don't forget Toy Machine Donny Barley vs Element Donny Barley

Jesus fucking Fernandez, where the actual fuck is Donny Barley.

I hope Matt Bennet doesn’t go the same way; have a notable trick named after him> decentish pro career> element> watery obscurity.

He skipped the element > watery obscurity part by getting a job at Vans a few years ago.

Matt still rips at the vans demos as well

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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #72 on: May 01, 2018, 01:17:31 PM »

there is a conspiracy to keep down revive.  all the hate is astroturfing paid for and sponsored by corporate shills. the industry is terrified that Revives ability to sell an equivalent product for a slightly lesser price is going to take everyone down.  so the industry brought together an elite group of shitposters to flood message boards.  if you dont belive me just  look in the back catalog of slap you can see that right before all this hate started a major industry player took a Pal to lunch. Connect the dots sheeple. 

these guys are good... so good that some of you don't even realize they are in this very thread......

Lol, but wasnt there an industry meeting at the berrics a couple years ago that alerted a bunch of struggling core brands that Revive and other Youtube brands were beasting them sales wise. Thats when you started seeing more online content from crailtap.

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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #73 on: May 01, 2018, 01:19:12 PM »
Redbull hats are surgically grafted to the scalp. 


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #74 on: May 01, 2018, 01:50:43 PM »
south centrals boards are manufactured by prisoners

natenola forever

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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2018, 01:51:36 PM »
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I know there are probably a ton of theories about this, but I just want to know what the fuck happened to Daniel Harold Sturt.

i thought he was just like the photography version of lennie kirk, (i.e. you and i and everyone are all definitely all going to hell) but with significantly less prison
Yeah, I don't think there is much to understand what actually "happened" to him. He shot some of the greatest skate photos of all time and slowly transitioned out of it as he got older, which is what happens to most people in skateboarding.

I think what is more interesting about DHS is all the things he did while he was around (posing as airport personnel to poach Danny Way on the 'DC Super Ramp', poaching JT's TWS cover from a distance, escaping the fuzz on the J Wray cover, requiring 'the potential for death' to actually come out and shoot, etc.). I am sure there are many more known and unknown stories about him.

I really hope one day someone does an in-depth interview with him, but from what I understand, he has little desire to be involved these days.
Pretty sure he's still around if someone is down to pay him, he just has no internet presence so people think he's gone, i could also see him being some magazine purist and only shooting things if they are gonna go to print.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #76 on: May 01, 2018, 02:13:53 PM »
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I know there are probably a ton of theories about this, but I just want to know what the fuck happened to Daniel Harold Sturt.

i thought he was just like the photography version of lennie kirk, (i.e. you and i and everyone are all definitely all going to hell) but with significantly less prison
Yeah, I don't think there is much to understand what actually "happened" to him. He shot some of the greatest skate photos of all time and slowly transitioned out of it as he got older, which is what happens to most people in skateboarding.

I think what is more interesting about DHS is all the things he did while he was around (posing as airport personnel to poach Danny Way on the 'DC Super Ramp', poaching JT's TWS cover from a distance, escaping the fuzz on the J Wray cover, requiring 'the potential for death' to actually come out and shoot, etc.). I am sure there are many more known and unknown stories about him.

I really hope one day someone does an in-depth interview with him, but from what I understand, he has little desire to be involved these days.
Pretty sure he's still around if someone is down to pay him, he just has no internet presence so people think he's gone, i could also see him being some magazine purist and only shooting things if they are gonna go to print.

Yes. One of the best to ever do it.  A lot of his Southern California shots are great.  Maybe the internet/Instagram age was too much or too corny?


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #77 on: May 01, 2018, 02:18:59 PM »
I'm kinda surprised at how many rumors and conspiracy theories wound up being true over the years. From hearing that BA was gay way back when he was on Toy Machine, to pretty much everyone on Girl/ Choco being crack heads, to the whole DWay thing, all of that wound up coming to light as factual. It just goes to show that skateboarding is full of gossipy bitches who are unable to keep to themselves.

I would say that the one I always come back to is how Crailtap/ skateboard media tried to cover up Guy's crack cocaine addiction, and then just attributing it to general depression without cause once it came to light. I remember when came around back in the early 2000's, I used to be really heavy on it for a long time. We wrote about everything we heard through the grapevine regardless of how fucked it was, and for some reason no one was talking about Guy's disappearance from skateboarding and why it happened. The only time I ever had any sort of backlash was when I posted about why Guy disappeared, and I told the story I had heard from my friends in Manhattan and BK about him becoming a crackhead after sleeping with Justin Pierce's fiance (Guy's current wife) and Justin subsequently hanging himself in his Vegas hotel room. Guy wasn't allowed to come back to NYC for quite sometime after all of that happened, as the skateboard community here wasn't all that welcoming after the fact for obvious reasons. Well, that thread became the biggest thing on that board at the time and was subsequently taken down w/ my account suspended. I found it weird due to the nature of the board, I mean we talked about everything from Ryan Fabry fucking Sheffey's wife to Danny Gonzalez being blackballed from the industry due to his Thrasher Skate and Destroy videogame lawsuit (where his kickflip melon at Wallenburg was swept under the rug) to DWay evading murder charges on behalf of Josh Swindell. So I did what plenty of people here do, and I made a new account with a similar name and re-made the post. I included everything from the original, with an update on what happend to my acct and asked publicly why I was ostracized. One of the mods popped up, and said that I was spreading false information and that they can't stake their reputation and bla bla bla "Guy doesn't even have a drug problem, you made that up." I was banned a second time from there, and the board pretty much became a police state for anyone who attempted to revive the topic. only lasted another few months to a year after that, but during the time it was still around I was able to find out that someone who worked at Crailtap actually knew the guys who modded the message board and demanded that the topic be censored, and that was why the thread was considered "taboo." Even today, there was no mention of why Guy spiraled out of control with his crack addiction in his Epicly Later'd; it's as if Guy was just someone who was having a normal bad day and picked up a crack pipe and that was that. And it wasn't anything malicious on my part, since Guy is (or at least was) one of my favorite skateboarders. Hell, I was riding a Guy Mariano Krooked guest board during the time I made that thread, and I still have another one in my room since I bought it thinking it'd be the last board I would be able to buy with his name on it. The only other time I faced any sort of repercussion on was when I mentioned that cocaine was involved in Keenan Milton's death; my post was removed, but the ones that simply said "drinking" or "partying" were left up since it didn't cross the line in their eyes.

That's the only personal skateboarding "conspiracy" that I could come up with, the rest are just rumors (many of which I know to be true) about individual skateboarders that don't involve another individual planning for or against something in particular, and many of them have already been listed in this thread.
At least when you're a washed-out hipster douchebag in NY, you can milk it at some decent looking, hard to skate spots. In LA you're just a tan-lined faggot in a school yard somewhere.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #78 on: May 01, 2018, 02:34:09 PM »
Big brand companys offer riders incentives to either start their own or ride for smaller companies. Causing an over saturated market for skateboard brands. This causes more diverse options so the money spent on decks is distributed more widely, making skaters rely more so on their corporate shoe sponsor for a living wage... or some shit like that

It's true that shoe companies offer incentives for co-branding, think Nike/ Numbers, Es/ DGK, Lakai/ Baker, Adidas/ Palace, Cons/ Chocolate. It's not as malicious as your last line would make it sound though; the only way it would be feasible is if Nike/ Adidas/ Cons actually had some sort of ownership in these companies they co-brand, which they don't. Lakai is the only one who's owners also own hardgoods brands. It's just cross marketing to increase sales through associated brand recognition. Besides, pro skateboarders were primarily paid from their shoe sponsor even when the skate shoe market was dominated by "core" companies, many of which weren't eating well off their board sales.

At least when you're a washed-out hipster douchebag in NY, you can milk it at some decent looking, hard to skate spots. In LA you're just a tan-lined faggot in a school yard somewhere.

my english is bad

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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #79 on: May 01, 2018, 02:48:08 PM »
the Deer man of the Dark woods is Alex Chalmers


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #80 on: May 01, 2018, 02:55:02 PM »
A shop owner once told me that Think was deliberately kept around just to lose money, as some kind of Producers-esque plan to get tax breaks.

i remember feedback ted saying it was a drug front
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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #81 on: May 01, 2018, 03:29:44 PM »
Damn.  that swindell interview was gnarly.  that's the first time i'd ever read it, and i'm not saying it 100% is, but given that it was spoken and transcipted, comes off with an air of authenticity that is really hard to fake. 

it doesn't exonerate any of them of wrongdoing at some level at all, in fact, sounds like Danny might have lit the fuse that would eventually lead to his death. also i don't really care what the "something" is, if you are asked nicely to stop something more than once at a party, you should stop, especially if you are with a bunch of dangerous maniacs
Yeah that interview blew me away and I heard a watered down version of the story as he was being vague where this was in depth. Honestly those involved Danny and the dude who stomped the fuck outta Keith should have taken one for the team.
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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #82 on: May 01, 2018, 03:30:20 PM »
I knew the Guy story, but I didnt know that it was Casper. HOLY SHIT!
We used to skate on a sculpture by Henry Moore. Good times.


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #83 on: May 01, 2018, 03:37:18 PM »
I'm kinda surprised at how many rumors and conspiracy theories wound up being true over the years. From hearing that BA was gay way back when he was on Toy Machine, to pretty much everyone on Girl/ Choco being crack heads, to the whole DWay thing, all of that wound up coming to light as factual. It just goes to show that skateboarding is full of gossipy bitches who are unable to keep to themselves.

I would say that the one I always come back to is how Crailtap/ skateboard media tried to cover up Guy's crack cocaine addiction, and then just attributing it to general depression without cause once it came to light. I remember when came around back in the early 2000's, I used to be really heavy on it for a long time. We wrote about everything we heard through the grapevine regardless of how fucked it was, and for some reason no one was talking about Guy's disappearance from skateboarding and why it happened. The only time I ever had any sort of backlash was when I posted about why Guy disappeared, and I told the story I had heard from my friends in Manhattan and BK about him becoming a crackhead after sleeping with Justin Pierce's fiance (Guy's current wife) and Justin subsequently hanging himself in his Vegas hotel room. Guy wasn't allowed to come back to NYC for quite sometime after all of that happened, as the skateboard community here wasn't all that welcoming after the fact for obvious reasons. Well, that thread became the biggest thing on that board at the time and was subsequently taken down w/ my account suspended. I found it weird due to the nature of the board, I mean we talked about everything from Ryan Fabry fucking Sheffey's wife to Danny Gonzalez being blackballed from the industry due to his Thrasher Skate and Destroy videogame lawsuit (where his kickflip melon at Wallenburg was swept under the rug) to DWay evading murder charges on behalf of Josh Swindell. So I did what plenty of people here do, and I made a new account with a similar name and re-made the post. I included everything from the original, with an update on what happend to my acct and asked publicly why I was ostracized. One of the mods popped up, and said that I was spreading false information and that they can't stake their reputation and bla bla bla "Guy doesn't even have a drug problem, you made that up." I was banned a second time from there, and the board pretty much became a police state for anyone who attempted to revive the topic. only lasted another few months to a year after that, but during the time it was still around I was able to find out that someone who worked at Crailtap actually knew the guys who modded the message board and demanded that the topic be censored, and that was why the thread was considered "taboo." Even today, there was no mention of why Guy spiraled out of control with his crack addiction in his Epicly Later'd; it's as if Guy was just someone who was having a normal bad day and picked up a crack pipe and that was that. And it wasn't anything malicious on my part, since Guy is (or at least was) one of my favorite skateboarders. Hell, I was riding a Guy Mariano Krooked guest board during the time I made that thread, and I still have another one in my room since I bought it thinking it'd be the last board I would be able to buy with his name on it. The only other time I faced any sort of repercussion on was when I mentioned that cocaine was involved in Keenan Milton's death; my post was removed, but the ones that simply said "drinking" or "partying" were left up since it didn't cross the line in their eyes.

That's the only personal skateboarding "conspiracy" that I could come up with, the rest are just rumors (many of which I know to be true) about individual skateboarders that don't involve another individual planning for or against something in particular, and many of them have already been listed in this thread.



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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #84 on: May 01, 2018, 03:56:00 PM »
I'm kinda surprised at how many rumors and conspiracy theories wound up being true over the years. From hearing that BA was gay way back when he was on Toy Machine, to pretty much everyone on Girl/ Choco being crack heads, to the whole DWay thing, all of that wound up coming to light as factual. It just goes to show that skateboarding is full of gossipy bitches who are unable to keep to themselves.

I would say that the one I always come back to is how Crailtap/ skateboard media tried to cover up Guy's crack cocaine addiction, and then just attributing it to general depression without cause once it came to light. I remember when came around back in the early 2000's, I used to be really heavy on it for a long time. We wrote about everything we heard through the grapevine regardless of how fucked it was, and for some reason no one was talking about Guy's disappearance from skateboarding and why it happened. The only time I ever had any sort of backlash was when I posted about why Guy disappeared, and I told the story I had heard from my friends in Manhattan and BK about him becoming a crackhead after sleeping with Justin Pierce's fiance (Guy's current wife) and Justin subsequently hanging himself in his Vegas hotel room. Guy wasn't allowed to come back to NYC for quite sometime after all of that happened, as the skateboard community here wasn't all that welcoming after the fact for obvious reasons. Well, that thread became the biggest thing on that board at the time and was subsequently taken down w/ my account suspended. I found it weird due to the nature of the board, I mean we talked about everything from Ryan Fabry fucking Sheffey's wife to Danny Gonzalez being blackballed from the industry due to his Thrasher Skate and Destroy videogame lawsuit (where his kickflip melon at Wallenburg was swept under the rug) to DWay evading murder charges on behalf of Josh Swindell. So I did what plenty of people here do, and I made a new account with a similar name and re-made the post. I included everything from the original, with an update on what happend to my acct and asked publicly why I was ostracized. One of the mods popped up, and said that I was spreading false information and that they can't stake their reputation and bla bla bla "Guy doesn't even have a drug problem, you made that up." I was banned a second time from there, and the board pretty much became a police state for anyone who attempted to revive the topic. only lasted another few months to a year after that, but during the time it was still around I was able to find out that someone who worked at Crailtap actually knew the guys who modded the message board and demanded that the topic be censored, and that was why the thread was considered "taboo." Even today, there was no mention of why Guy spiraled out of control with his crack addiction in his Epicly Later'd; it's as if Guy was just someone who was having a normal bad day and picked up a crack pipe and that was that. And it wasn't anything malicious on my part, since Guy is (or at least was) one of my favorite skateboarders. Hell, I was riding a Guy Mariano Krooked guest board during the time I made that thread, and I still have another one in my room since I bought it thinking it'd be the last board I would be able to buy with his name on it. The only other time I faced any sort of repercussion on was when I mentioned that cocaine was involved in Keenan Milton's death; my post was removed, but the ones that simply said "drinking" or "partying" were left up since it didn't cross the line in their eyes.

That's the only personal skateboarding "conspiracy" that I could come up with, the rest are just rumors (many of which I know to be true) about individual skateboarders that don't involve another individual planning for or against something in particular, and many of them have already been listed in this thread.

Gnarly. Thanks for the write-up.

euro tm

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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #85 on: May 01, 2018, 04:40:49 PM »
redbull pays cj collins under the table because he's legally too young to ride for them


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #86 on: May 01, 2018, 04:46:10 PM »
pj ladd is a reptilian shapeshifter
Thank goodness we have HangtenNoseblunt in here as the voice of reason.

Francis Xavier

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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #87 on: May 01, 2018, 04:49:49 PM »
I knew the Guy story, but I didnt know that it was Casper. HOLY SHIT!
I was so bummed hearing about him hanging himself,and now hearing about Guy...fuck man.

Damn I left my bubbler at my parents house


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Re: Skateboarding conspiracies thread
« Reply #89 on: May 01, 2018, 05:37:34 PM »

I've seen that before and it's still awful.

I think the drug problem started way before any of that other stuff (crack also being a euphemism for heroin). Like others said, it was the whole "campus" along with many others in skateboarding who had drug/alcohol problems.