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PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: JP Souza's "Tropical Flavor" Part
« Last post by Noble Experiment on Today at 12:50:12 PM »
Awesome part.
« Last post by Cheshire Cat on Today at 12:41:11 PM »
Maybe Darren Harper had a point.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Gabriel Summers "No White Flag"
« Last post by Atiba Applebum on Today at 12:39:55 PM »
I got really thrilled seeing him skate

1) Dustin Dollin Sorry! Rail
2) Jamie Thomas one more try rail
3) Sydney gold rail

Pretty interesting piece on Tompkins from Jenkem. Cool to hear about all the different eras. Would make for a pretty good documentary
Disappointed this is not about a rap beef between Lil Stevie and the guy who put out TIPSY
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Cody Wilber - Cleanspotting (Seattle part)
« Last post by notmikerusczyk on Today at 12:32:37 PM »
love these guys!!
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Whats up with Tino Razo?
« Last post by DanCorteseFromMTVSports on Today at 12:28:26 PM »
I enjoyed his appearances in the old Epicly Later'd photo blog
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Tyshawn does tiktok dances apparently. A buddy told me about this since i was unaware. I kinda get it considering his age but still. Little lame but i also don't care but i just wanted to share it

I'll preface this by saying I don't have a tiktok account.
I used to think tiktok dances were cringe based on a knee jerk reaction. But now I'm just glad people are dancing. People in America have been so discouraged from dancing. We have been made to feel ashamed of dancing. Remember how they treated disco? I'm just glad anyone is dancing in 2024.

Disco was treated that way because it was a gay/black thing, sadly

this is very strange in my eyes.... The US to me is one place where dancing is absolutely encouraged, it's just everywhere. Commercials, movies, all over pop culture basically. what's more american than cheerleaders?? that's dancing.
let me add disco was also a very euro thing: Giorgio Moroder, the Munich machine, Abba, Boney M.
and as for every music genre, some of it was brilliant, some was horrible. Super corny. as a young punker kid, I used to hate it with a passion, but some of those Donna Summer/Moroder records made me change my mind. That and Chic! Bernard Edwards was a monster on the bass.

Did you know Boney M was a lip-syncher?   Many years later, the same producer tried the same formula over (black lead singer who could dance, but not sing) and came up with Milli Vanilli

...Cerrone also had crazy covers in the disco era.


I remember when I was a little kid my mom bought a Cerrone album and I used to trip on the cover so much. It was a bunch of naked dudes wearing dog masks and some doctor. or something
Watch climax by Gaspar noe If you haven't yet. Great soundtrack

Also rip Frank farian
That opening shot FUCKS
Young me would be very disappointed in me with this answer but def Nikes. For like three years when I started skating again I would try anything I could get on sale, tried all the major brands and lots of small ones but honestly the best shoe for me was Leo’s (when I can find em cheap) and blazer mids. I would normally destroy shoes in like a month and a half but Leo’s/blazers last longer (usually two/three months with some shoe goo) and skate perfect. For chillers I use Eras and switch the insole
i'm 0% surprised at this and if y'all never picked any of the 10s of hints of this guy being dumb & shitty these past 15 years idk what to do for you

I find it rather rare that someone is a shitty human in all aspects of life, their faults just become more immediately obvious in hindsight.
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