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The part in her instagram post “until he one day nearly took my life…” Ugh, fuck you Chris Cole. Piece of shit.
This week alone

Stevie Williams
Chris Cole

God fucking damn. I hate learning the awful truth about people I once admired but I’m happy their facade is fading away to reveal who they truly are. Bigup to that woman for being brave and coming out with this. Often times victims of abuse get treated like shit/called liars etc. when they try to get help or speak out about what’s happening to them so it’s actually really fuckin rad she decided to break the silence and tell her story. More power to her and women like her. Fuck Chris Cole
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: Skateboarder Lookalikes
« Last post by Useless_wooden_lurker on Today at 09:18:58 AM »

I wish I could buy you a beer for this one. 12/10 post.
PHOTOS/VIDEO / Re: Shanghai Olympic Qualifiers
« Last post by chudzinski on Today at 09:09:26 AM »
Laughed so hard when the dude said to tell an artist to draw a californian skater it would be brandon hoban. lmao

The announcers are god awful
Didn't expect to wake up to this thread. Holy shit. Only thing I really care about is the kids in the situation. On the weekend buzz interview. She painted the picture before explaining the story. He's not abusive at all. If you have to explain it like that...hes abusive. Imagine doing that in front of kids. Not just some kids. Your own fucking spawns. How did I miss this episode? Weekend buzz was my shit.
EVENTS/CLASSIFIEDS / Re: Vintage Flip Wheels
« Last post by GunganHunger on Today at 08:55:08 AM »
Don’t get me wrong I know! Collectors do be collecting and I’d feel bad stashing them again.
Shoes & Gear / Re: New Balance # containment thread
« Last post by DaSk8D00D on Today at 08:52:11 AM »
Question for the 1010 users in here. Just went from the 440V2’s to the 600’s. Loved both but I’d say the 600 is by far my favourite skate shoe in recent years. The flick is extremely grippy from out of the box to destroyed.

Would 1010’s be considered a super grippy shoe? I’ve read people like the flick on them but looking for a little more insight

Like 70% of the tread is rock solid throughout the middle of the foot but the corner pinky toe side balds out fairly quick. To me the shoe still feels grippy but easier to wiggle around when adjusting foot position, but it’s not like the 480 where the entire sole is so grippy they squeal all the time

I would say the grip on the 1010s is 7/10 while everything else about the shoe is perfect
« Last post by rocklobster on Today at 08:50:19 AM »
Pacers vs Knicks and Wolves vs Nuggets in a few hours - goodbye Monday productivity.
Remind yourself that good days and bad days happen in all sports and activities.

It's easy to focus on the negatives like why ABC trick took you so many tries when you have it on lock, and conveniently forget that you took way fewer tries to land XYZ trick. We're very in-the-moment when we skate and it's important to take a step back and look at the session and your entire skate life as a whole.

Think about the guys you grew up with skating and would come up with 101 reasons (legitimate or not) about why they can't skate. Or the guys who turn up at the session just to whine about how good they used to be and how the kids "don't know shit". Embrace the fact that you're putting in the work - some days are shit, other days aren't too bad.
USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER / Re: John Motta of demons
« Last post by JamesFardy on Today at 08:48:05 AM »
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I think John has struggled with mental health issues, and pretty openly if I recall. I wasn't sure if this was satirical or not, I had to watch a lot of it to realize he probably is serious. I love the dude, but it does seem like he suffers tremendously from his own brain at times. If this is what helps bring him peace then I'm happy for him. Not my cup of tea, but it doesn't have to be.

mad respect, good take

I don't think turning to religion as an attempt to escape his very real and clear delusions and mental health issues should be seen as a good take. It should be seen as a downward spiral and unfortunately common acceleration of his mental health issues and he needs real help.

No respect, bad take
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