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Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #690 on: September 07, 2022, 05:01:19 PM »
Wrestling twitter is a cesspool but you occasionally get worthwhile memes. I almost don't want to watch because I don't want all this juicy speculation and drama to end. My wild guess is indefinite suspension or retirement for punk, they go total radio silence, but then he's going to show up after he heals from surgery and team with FTR to challenge the elite for the trios belts.

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #691 on: September 07, 2022, 05:37:38 PM »


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #692 on: September 07, 2022, 05:38:42 PM »
MJF with the face promo, slapping hands, and wearing a Josh Allen jersey in Buffalo.

That was like an Attitude Era HBK promo.

And lol at the “you were right” chants.
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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #693 on: September 07, 2022, 05:46:40 PM »

Wow thought they were finally going to strap up OC since Penta and Fenix have been champs before and PAC is a current one

That said…

Would have been a great opportunity for a program with House of Black, but paying off whatever this program with Andrade and Rooosh will be good (curious to know what the angle with Pres10 and Dark Order will be)

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #694 on: September 07, 2022, 10:56:27 PM »
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Wow thought they were finally going to strap up OC since Penta and Fenix have been champs before and PAC is a current one

That said…

Would have been a great opportunity for a program with House of Black, but paying off whatever this program with Andrade and Rooosh will be good (curious to know what the angle with Pres10 and Dark Order will be)

I'm hoping that was a thank you for them consistently putting on bangers while taking the loss for the last year. I still have yet to see a LB match in AEW I'd give less than 4 stars. And as much as I like the best friends as an act, I don't really think they're as likely to legitimize the belts which is already an uphill battle with how it's started. I'll be curious who else they put them up against.

The Stokely stable looks very jobberish and I hope they're keeping them separate from MJF like this. Cass is gonna be fine but I'm a little concerned for the rest of them. Why is Lee Moriarty dressing like the troubled kid from every 90s movie again?

Billy Bitchcakes

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #695 on: September 08, 2022, 06:07:39 AM »
Not a bad show all things considered. TK on camera is always so awkward lol. MJF's fake babyface promo was great, amazing how he was still able to get the whole crowd against him after they were so keen to be cheering him.

I reckon Punk is gone. Gotta put the Elite over him even if he is money. It was crazy to see so many people who've worked with him before just be like "yeah, this is exactly what we thought would happen". Dude got the biggest pop in wrestling history when he came back and was given just about everything he could want, and still blew it, on the night he was crowned world champion, over being slighted in a promo 4 months ago. You could give him another chance but it's just going to happen again. If he hasn't matured in the 7 years he's had off, it's never going to happen. Dude's 43 ffs. He nearly just brought the entire company down single handedly over absolutely nothing.

The cheer from the crowd when TK said the world title is being vacated says it all.
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Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #696 on: September 08, 2022, 11:26:16 AM »
I think that what I'm most happy with out of all this (besides getting to listen to Cornette gloat) is that people are finally giving Jericho his due for the way he's contributed since the beginning and has been kinda carrying the company for the past few months. He has been absolutely killing it in the ring for pretty much all of 2022 and this program with BD is no different. I can't wait for the custody of Daniel Garcia ladder match, complete with a late run in from Vickie.

If he gets BWEBSEE over I'm going to be forever grateful. How he does those promos without everyone losing it is beyond me. You can definitely see his influence in Garcia and the new Anna Jay character too. I do wish he'd give up on Sammy though. There's some things even Jericho can't get over.

Here's a controversial question that I've seen proposed in a few different places today... Is MJF already a top 5 all time promo? As a mark I say yes he's already there. Trying to be objective, I think he just needs a true signature promo like Dusty's hard times and walk-behinder ones and it would be difficult to argue with.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #697 on: September 09, 2022, 11:04:40 AM »
I think by the end his career, he will be the single greatest heel of all time to ever exist. Without question he would be top 5 promo for me already.

-Rick Rude
-Paul Heyman

I think his name fits in that list quite well.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #698 on: September 10, 2022, 01:31:26 AM »
I think by the end his career, he will be the single greatest heel of all time to ever exist. Without question he would be top 5 promo for me already.

-Rick Rude
-Paul Heyman

I think his name fits in that list quite well.

Interesting list. I like it. Rick Rude is one of those names that at first looks like it's out of place but then you think about it and agree with. Kinda like when people talk about the best high flyers ever and I throw 2 cold scorpio out there. Rude basically perfected the cocky heel character to the point I can't really think of him ever working as a face for more than like a month before they gave up and turned him back and even then he was never really a true face, more just a cool guy badass type.

Totally agree about Max being destined to be the best heel promo ever. I have Rocky as my #1 for both heel and face and I think Max has the same crossover appeal where he's going to get cheered sometimes for being so good on the mic but will always do his best work as a heel. I really can't wait to see how he wins the belt.

Rampage was ok. Darby vs Sammy was good as usual, Darby took a bump that every skater can relate to with the powerbomb onto the trucks. They put Sammy over of course but the only consolation is that next week he has to wrestle Moxley who will hopefully do something gross to him.

Billy Bitchcakes

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #699 on: September 11, 2022, 11:38:46 AM »
Where does Jake Roberts fit in to that list? I'm no wrestling historian but his promos always seemed up there. This one just popped up on Reddit that reminded me of him

from r/SquaredCircle

Also any MJF fans have got to watch this one from MLW. Incredible promo
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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #700 on: September 11, 2022, 01:25:49 PM »
Where does Jake Roberts fit in to that list? I'm no wrestling historian but his promos always seemed up there. This one just popped up on Reddit that reminded me of him

from r/SquaredCircle

Also any MJF fans have got to watch this one from MLW. Incredible promo

Iirc Jake was never a heel heel bc the audiences loved him (so Hulk had to politic against him)

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #701 on: September 12, 2022, 01:24:15 AM »
Where does Jake Roberts fit in to that list? I'm no wrestling historian but his promos always seemed up there. This one just popped up on Reddit that reminded me of him

from r/SquaredCircle

Also any MJF fans have got to watch this one from MLW. Incredible promo

So it's interesting to me because that's where it gets really subjective but for me there's basically 2 main areas of being a great promo - psychology and crowd control. Dusty was a great example of crowd control... He used to be able to literally hold his hand up and the entire arena would shut up and listen (he also did this to Steph unplanned during a promo and got major heat with HHH haha).

Jake I would say is easily top 5 in psychology, but not crowd control. He was at his best doing taped interviews staring down the camera and quietly and calmly telling you how evil he is but when it was in front of a live crowd it could sometimes miss pretty bad. Basically he's the antithesis of Rude....Rude was all crowd control but "you're fat and your wife/gf/sister/daughter wants to fuck me" was about as deep as his promos got.

What makes MJF so special is that he's top notch in both. There's layers to the shit he's saying but he's delivering it so well you don't even notice it at first, you're just entertained. Plus he can improvise and doesn't get rattled on live TV (turning not being able to get one sleeve of his shirt off into a bit last promo for example), he's just got it all and lots of it.

I love Max's MLW stuff. You can see him really start to hit his stride there and absolutely killed it in all his backstage stuff. He actually kinda re-did the jew boy promo in AEW in the lead-up to the dog collar match with Punk. The promo itself wasn't quite as good as the original taped one but the angle was awesome and it got a ton of heat. Actually that match/angle was kind of what really hooked me into AEW.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2022, 01:32:05 AM by Buttfart Rapedick »


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #702 on: September 14, 2022, 04:53:56 AM »

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #703 on: September 14, 2022, 03:59:56 PM »

Awwww YESSSSS. Got some bubble hash and a big bag of cotton candy grapes, I'm ready to go boys.

I hope they give MJF a full block to talk, attitude era style. Just let him give a seminar on his favorite colognes while running down how bad Moxley smells or something. I don't care what.

Let's hope Mox just absolutely fucking destroys Sammy, APA style. I want to see him bust out the stiff ass shit he was doing in Japan but not give sammy anything.

BD vs Jericho for custody of Garcia should be fun too. My guess is he spurns both and we get a 3 way match out of it.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #704 on: September 15, 2022, 03:16:32 AM »
Here are my live notes from last night -

Hahaha the crowd totally no sold Sammys dives. I love it. That's the right way to respond, just totally ignore him. Then his manties got stuck up his ass for half the match and I couldn't pay attention to anything else.

Did you hear that fucking pop for MJF? And then he went and completely wrapped the crowd around his finger, and made them boo him... Not his best promo but still better than everyone else on the show.

Stokely and the firm seems convoluted. They're a group but they won't be a group unless the story needs them to be a group? As long as that means they're kept away from MJF that's all I want.. Glad he left the ring instead of standing with the jobbers. I do like the foreshadowing with keeping Cass slightly aloof and apart from the rest of the guys though, when he inevitably turns it could be interesting. Not sure about as a single, but imagine him in a tag team with Archer or Brian Cage or even Wardlow... I would LOVE a modern day skyscrapers or powers of pain kinda team and think that would make their tag division even better.

Oh man Hungle Boy was killing it, his pinpoint drop kick was so nice that he got the old school "hot blonde fawning over wrestler" crowd shot like HBK and Rude used to. Jay Lethal might quietly be the smoothest worker in the company. That dude can do anything and make it look good. He deserves so much more recognition and respect than he gets,

I want to see Hobbs spinebuster a line of jobbers every week like Wardlow was doing.

Alex Abrahantes is such a fucking geek. Watching him prance around makes me inexplicably angry. I could watch Swerve and Fenix wrestle for hours. Can't believe Penta hit a destroyer on Lee hahaha. Hell of a show as usual from my masky bois.

The women's division is such a nonsensical shit show, how many partners has Toni storm had in the last 3 months?

BD vs Jericho was kind of same thing but with a different result. Definitely a good match and a worthy main event. Crazy how good Jericho still is and even crazier that that was apparently the first time he's ever lost to BD.

Danielson vs Moxley is going to be a good match as long as they don't do the stupid shitty elbows a bunch of times. The fact that they have papa Regal to play peacemaker and also that their gimmick is kind of just "guys who like to fight" is nice because you don't really have to tease a breakup or split the faction or anything like that. I think Danielson should end up getting his title run here, but then again Mox is kind of the darling of the IWC at the moment for canceling his vacation and coming back to work when most of the big names in the company got suspended, so it's entirely possible that Tony will want to score points with the smarks and put it back on him.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #705 on: September 15, 2022, 05:21:53 AM »
The women's division is a mess. Don't have your champ lose in a tag team. Don't have your champ wrestle in a tag team. But I guess you gotta do something because there aren't enough worthy contenders that can have a decent match.

This 4 way match for the title should be a 3 way to decide the #1 contender.

Man I hope Action Bronson doesn't blow it. I like him as a rapper, don't want my opinion tarnished.

Whats the over/under on how long it takes Mox to bleed in this match? I say he will be fully red by the 4 minute mark.

Lucha Bros - man I wanted to see Death TRiangle with 6 belts.

Dude how about when Stokely said he was watching Living Single with the House of Black? I popped. That shit was funny. I do actually like that MJF doesn't always have to be attached to his stable. He shouldn't be anywhere near the ass boys though.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #706 on: September 15, 2022, 05:11:47 PM »
The women's division is a mess. Don't have your champ lose in a tag team. Don't have your champ wrestle in a tag team. But I guess you gotta do something because there aren't enough worthy contenders that can have a decent match.

This 4 way match for the title should be a 3 way to decide the #1 contender.

Man I hope Action Bronson doesn't blow it. I like him as a rapper, don't want my opinion tarnished.

Whats the over/under on how long it takes Mox to bleed in this match? I say he will be fully red by the 4 minute mark.

Lucha Bros - man I wanted to see Death TRiangle with 6 belts.

Dude how about when Stokely said he was watching Living Single with the House of Black? I popped. That shit was funny. I do actually like that MJF doesn't always have to be attached to his stable. He shouldn't be anywhere near the ass boys though.

Haha dude I was baked and that went right over my head during the Stokely promo. I agree that the group being fluid and not a traditional stable is the best thing on paper, but it's also kinda trying to have your cake and eat it too so it'll be interesting to see how it works out. The fact that MJF got the fuck out of the ring and didn't really interact with anyone except Stokely is a good sign for him but it does make me wonder if the guys in the stable aren't at risk of being lost in the shuffle. Especially Moriarty.

I don't really get why the ass boys are there. I mean I do, I just think it's kinda dumb. I thought their program with the acclaimed and Daddy Ass was going well and they were getting better in the ring every time I saw them. I really feel like that dumpster match and crazy bump is a missed opportunity if they don't immediately start feuding with them again once acclaimed win the belts off SWIOG. If AEW was smart they'd be replaying the clip of the dumpster bump several times every show like WWF used to when something happened.

One of the big things I like about this company is that they have the most interesting tag team scene I can remember seeing in a major company since I was a kid and I want them to lean into it even more. Shit I'd be down for a full ppv built around tags and multis like survivor series or the old WCW lethal lottery or something. I was actually fine with Lucha Bros losing that one just because I think Keith and Swerve have become way better and more believable champions than I thought they would be. They've really won me over with how they were given nothing and turned it into an interesting story and some great matches.

4 minutes is probably generous, I'd take the under on that. Mox might just spontaneously start bleeding out of thin air during his entrance like when a coked up Kerry Von Erich accidentally bladed the fuck out of his arm taking off his jacket before the match. At this point it's so regular I'm surprised no ones offered him a maxi pad sponsorship.

I think Action Bronson will be good to go. He's short and thick and he's training with Taz, plus 2.0 will do everything they can to make sure he looks good. I wouldn't expect any Bad Bunny or Logan Paul shit, but he's definitely going to have some fun spots. I'm predicting at least one t-bone tazplex from him and I wouldn't be surprised if someone goes through a table too.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #707 on: September 15, 2022, 05:40:02 PM »
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The women's division is a mess. Don't have your champ lose in a tag team. Don't have your champ wrestle in a tag team. But I guess you gotta do something because there aren't enough worthy contenders that can have a decent match.

This 4 way match for the title should be a 3 way to decide the #1 contender.

Man I hope Action Bronson doesn't blow it. I like him as a rapper, don't want my opinion tarnished.

Whats the over/under on how long it takes Mox to bleed in this match? I say he will be fully red by the 4 minute mark.

Lucha Bros - man I wanted to see Death TRiangle with 6 belts.

Dude how about when Stokely said he was watching Living Single with the House of Black? I popped. That shit was funny. I do actually like that MJF doesn't always have to be attached to his stable. He shouldn't be anywhere near the ass boys though.

Haha dude I was baked and that went right over my head during the Stokely promo. I agree that the group being fluid and not a traditional stable is the best thing on paper, but it's also kinda trying to have your cake and eat it too so it'll be interesting to see how it works out. The fact that MJF got the fuck out of the ring and didn't really interact with anyone except Stokely is a good sign for him but it does make me wonder if the guys in the stable aren't at risk of being lost in the shuffle. Especially Moriarty.

I don't really get why the ass boys are there. I mean I do, I just think it's kinda dumb. I thought their program with the acclaimed and Daddy Ass was going well and they were getting better in the ring every time I saw them. I really feel like that dumpster match and crazy bump is a missed opportunity if they don't immediately start feuding with them again once acclaimed win the belts off SWIOG. If AEW was smart they'd be replaying the clip of the dumpster bump several times every show like WWF used to when something happened.

One of the big things I like about this company is that they have the most interesting tag team scene I can remember seeing in a major company since I was a kid and I want them to lean into it even more. Shit I'd be down for a full ppv built around tags and multis like survivor series or the old WCW lethal lottery or something. I was actually fine with Lucha Bros losing that one just because I think Keith and Swerve have become way better and more believable champions than I thought they would be. They've really won me over with how they were given nothing and turned it into an interesting story and some great matches.

4 minutes is probably generous, I'd take the under on that. Mox might just spontaneously start bleeding out of thin air during his entrance like when a coked up Kerry Von Erich accidentally bladed the fuck out of his arm taking off his jacket before the match. At this point it's so regular I'm surprised no ones offered him a maxi pad sponsorship.

I think Action Bronson will be good to go. He's short and thick and he's training with Taz, plus 2.0 will do everything they can to make sure he looks good. I wouldn't expect any Bad Bunny or Logan Paul shit, but he's definitely going to have some fun spots. I'm predicting at least one t-bone tazplex from him and I wouldn't be surprised if someone goes through a table too.

I’m hoping for a head and arm Tazplex on one of them. 😂
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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #708 on: September 15, 2022, 06:30:58 PM »
I mean Shaq looked pretty good, I have hopes. 

Might be going to Smackdown tomorrow.   Doing research on something pro wrestling related, so it’ll be free (otherwise im pretty anti-WWE esp because Jake Paul will be there).   I have no idea who is on what brand but I’d be stoked for some Walter action

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #709 on: September 17, 2022, 08:37:08 AM »
Smackdown report - fun, but the mat being mic-ed was very strange


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #710 on: September 19, 2022, 05:59:42 AM »
I mean Shaq looked pretty good, I have hopes. 

Might be going to Smackdown tomorrow.   Doing research on something pro wrestling related, so it’ll be free (otherwise im pretty anti-WWE esp because Jake Paul will be there).   I have no idea who is on what brand but I’d be stoked for some Walter action

What type of research? Honestly, Walter might be my favorite thing in that company right now.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #711 on: September 19, 2022, 12:13:48 PM »
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I mean Shaq looked pretty good, I have hopes. 

Might be going to Smackdown tomorrow.   Doing research on something pro wrestling related, so it’ll be free (otherwise im pretty anti-WWE esp because Jake Paul will be there).   I have no idea who is on what brand but I’d be stoked for some Walter action

What type of research? Honestly, Walter might be my favorite thing in that company right now.

He's at least top 3 for me, but if I'm being honest I preferred him when he was heavier. What can I say, I was raised on 90s WWF so I like my big boys. His chops are the best I've ever seen/heard and his shit in Europe with Thatcher and Ringkampf was so good.

Speaking of big boys, they let Brody have a mic on rampage and he did a solid old school shouty out of breath hairy big guy promo. And Jericho slipped a BWEBSEE into his promo making the match with Claudio for grand slam. I saw a sign for it last Dynamite, I'm still holding out hope that he gets it over.

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #712 on: September 19, 2022, 03:32:11 PM »
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I mean Shaq looked pretty good, I have hopes. 

Might be going to Smackdown tomorrow.   Doing research on something pro wrestling related, so it’ll be free (otherwise im pretty anti-WWE esp because Jake Paul will be there).   I have no idea who is on what brand but I’d be stoked for some Walter action

What type of research? Honestly, Walter might be my favorite thing in that company right now.

Can’t really talk about it yet, but it’s set in the world of pro- wrestling and I’m helping him get at least competently versed in the world.   He’s already using kayfabe correctly and became an immediate Dusty mark after the Hard Times promo, so I feel like I’ve been doing a good job.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #713 on: September 19, 2022, 05:59:02 PM »

I still can’t stop laughing at this.
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Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #714 on: September 20, 2022, 12:23:51 PM »
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I mean Shaq looked pretty good, I have hopes. 

Might be going to Smackdown tomorrow.   Doing research on something pro wrestling related, so it’ll be free (otherwise im pretty anti-WWE esp because Jake Paul will be there).   I have no idea who is on what brand but I’d be stoked for some Walter action

What type of research? Honestly, Walter might be my favorite thing in that company right now.

Can’t really talk about it yet, but it’s set in the world of pro- wrestling and I’m helping him get at least competently versed in the world.   He’s already using kayfabe correctly and became an immediate Dusty mark after the Hard Times promo, so I feel like I’ve been doing a good job.

Ohh make sure you show him the Dusty - Dustin "view neva changes baby" promo if you haven't already. Hard times gets all the fanfare but I remember watching this one on tv and being spellbound even as a kid. It's kind of an ideal baby face promo for me... They get the entire story across with emotion and conviction in under 4 minutes. Great example of Dustys puppet master like crowd control as well.

I still can’t stop laughing at this.

Its incredible how good he is at this shit. I never really noticed it until now but he's got that cocky shit-eating grin/sneer thing down pat, just like Shawn did. It's the little shit like that which makes him so fucking hate able that really impresses me.

I guess Bray is on his way back to the fed soon. I do wish he would have gone to AEW just so he would have freedom to do whatever he wants creatively. I would love to see what he could do with like 6 months and total freedom, especially after the firefly fun house match and fiend stuff before they lost it and tried to just make him a new Kane. Maybe HHH is offering him that freedom and that's why he's going back now though. I'll probably tune in just to see what's up there as that was the last WWE gimmick I can recall actually enjoying.

BTW I just found out this exists recently -

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #715 on: September 21, 2022, 12:33:15 PM »
Man that “view never changes” promo was soo good.   Any other recs, send them my way. 

Who do you think is coming away AEW champ tonight?   Danielson or … MJF?

(I feel like Mox putting his 6 week vacation on hold for the tournament is a good sign he won’t be winning)

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #716 on: September 21, 2022, 04:48:52 PM »
Man that “view never changes” promo was soo good.   Any other recs, send them my way. 

Who do you think is coming away AEW champ tonight?   Danielson or … MJF?

(I feel like Mox putting his 6 week vacation on hold for the tournament is a good sign he won’t be winning)

I'm sure we can come up with a few others, my favorite thing about that promo is the way he holds his hand up and the crowd sit down and shut up and then just explode at the end. Its shit straight out of a feel good movie haha. I remember being like 13 when the island of dr moreau came out and everyone made a big deal about Brando coming back, but since I had no idea who he was all I could think about after the movie was how much he reminded me of Dusty Rhodes or the dungeon of doom guy.

I think Danielson wins it for basically the same reason. They need stability more than anything right now and Danielson is the picture of consistency, and also because Mox deserves to actually go on vacation now. I'm definitely down for a Danielson/Regal vs MJF program, especially if we get some old man Regal vs sassy young MJF interactions. I'm wondering if they'll have Mox leave peacefully in storyline or if they'll tease some sort of dissent before Mox "disappears" and isn't heard from for a period of exactly 6 weeks.

That being said, Tony is hinting at some kind of big surprise "ace up his sleeve" tonight so who the fuck knows what that means. He seems to prefer the Heyman route of always promising the world and then occasionally delivering it, so it might be another lame ass ROH debut or spooky lights out bullshit masked wrestler angle, or it could be them doing an OC injury angle before his match with PAC then the Bucks and Omega come out and challenge death triangle for the trios belts on the spot, at which point they put on a 25 minute 7 star masterpiece. Or it might just be MJF predictably cashing in and stealing the belt. You never can tell with this company haha.

If its Jeff Hardy returning I might give up on the entire show though. I do not want to see him anywhere near a wrestling ring for a long time, maybe ever again.

Let's go boys.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #717 on: September 21, 2022, 07:15:11 PM »
Not the surprise I was expecting, but good for her.   If AEW can manage Sting’s body, I’m not as concerned for her. 

I talked myself into everyone but Mox winning that I realized that’s exactly what they wanted you to be thinking

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #718 on: September 22, 2022, 01:41:26 AM »
Not the surprise I was expecting, but good for her.   If AEW can manage Sting’s body, I’m not as concerned for her. 

I talked myself into everyone but Mox winning that I realized that’s exactly what they wanted you to be thinking

I have a funny feeling AEW's audience is not going to like Paige. She's kind of a dipshit and seems to exclusively fuck pieces of shit. And as good as she was in the ring, that was before a whole lot of injuries and drug abuse so I'm not even sure she's going to be the same. At least it gives Toni someone else competent to work with, but I don't think she's the right person to beat Jade and I don't think more part-timers is whats missing from the women's division. While it's true that a lot of the girls they've pushed or focused on aren't good workers (Anna, Tay, Julia Hart, Shafir etc) it's mostly been the booking that's held them back. Make Hayter the first female BCC member and strap her up, push Thigh Blue as the plucky young babyface (and get her a better finisher), forget about Shafir altogether, turn Rosa heel, bring in Shida for workrate showcase matches, and push Statlander as a badass female Wardlow and that shit will be red hot. Also I always enjoy Nyla and wonder why they don't use her the way they did early on. Her and Jade in a big ppv slugfest would be a blast to watch.

I wonder how many fresh hits the Paige videos got on pornhub immediately after the show.

I was genuinely surprised Mox won just because of the vacation thing, but maybe that was a work too? Or maybe they want to basically erase Punk's win and will never talk about it again.

I was honestly more shocked by Jericho winning. I can't wait to see the twitter and reddit marks losing their shit about that, especially after how worked up they were following the last Kingston match. I'm assuming that the plan is for Garcia to beat him for it at the next PPV, but I doubt that will cross their minds or really even matter. They really need to do something with ROH as its own thing though, I don't really like it just serving as a new secondary belt for AEW's big stars to win when they have nothing else going on. Im getting some WWECW belt vibes from it now and that ain't good.

Acclaimed fucked up their finish and it wasn't nearly as good as the PPV match (that was kinda lightning in a bottle though) but the fans were gonna pop no matter what as long as they went over. I thought Keith and Swerve working heel was beautiful again and I honestly kind of hope they fully turn them and let them stay together for a while before the inevitable split and feud.

Wheeler Yuta is a dweeb and him standing next to MJF and trying to squeak out some tepid bullshit really drove that home for me. MJF was transcendent as usual but he's on a different level and shouldn't even be wasting his time here. I hope this means that Cass is going to basically be new Wardlow though. Keep him apart from the rest of the group and close to MJF, and then you can eventually turn and elevate him the same way they did with Wardlow.And then we can get the Cass and Wardlow tag team I want to see so bad haha.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #719 on: September 22, 2022, 07:47:57 AM »
I’ve seen the Rampage spoilers.   There is at least one thing that I think will go over huge that is completely unexpected (and I don’t think it will spoil anything by mentioning it’s existence)