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Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1230 on: March 09, 2023, 01:29:52 PM »
The Saraya and company NWO bit is so lame. The AEW women’s roster has some great wrestlers that get buried over and over again because of bad booking. Not pursuing the Hayter vs. DMD angle was the dumbest idea. Would’ve gotten Hayter extra over. Their champion is taking a backseat to the painfully lame Saraya vs. DMD story because they mishandled her.

Is it just me or does anybody else groan every time Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, and company come on? I feel like they’re just there to derail anything that actually could be interesting.

Revolution was tight though! Glad House of Black is back at the forefront.

Eh Hayter seems super over anyways.   I’m not super stoked on the angle, but the endgame is clearly doing an all-female Blood And Guts match, so I’ll bide my time. 

Curious about the QT thing - close watchers pointed out that storyline wise QT owed Hobbs a favor for dealing with a problem last summer (I forget if it was with Starks).   So who knows if it is a long term thing or just a way to garner heat for Hobbs who would normally get cheered.   

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1231 on: March 09, 2023, 01:51:52 PM »
Hobbs is a better talker than QT, why is QT his new mouthpiece? 🤡

Because QT is an ass kisser and one of Tonys boys backstage. I think there was some scuttlebutt that came out not too long ago that said that he was part of the backstage group that Tony listened to for booking decisions (along with Punk and some other people that made no sense at all) around the time everything went to shit. Makes sense he would attach himself to the brightest young star they have if he has that kind of sway. I know a lot of new fans hate him because they don't get wrestling, but he's pretty good at what he does... He has a pretty extensive repertoire of classic heel cheating schtick. The kind of shit that was developed so people in the back row of a smokey arena could see it. Its lost on a lot of people but I get a kick out of seeing it. He's definitely not a good talker though.

Watched dynamite

OC vs lethal was pretty uninspired. Normally these guys are good but I think fans are sick of seeing both them every show.

Wardlow over-pronounces everything he says. I hope Hobbs is scared of getting dee-moll-ished.

Just gonna say it. Ruby fucking sucks. Her promos are not only boring but grating. Thigh blue is already better than her in basically every way.

MJFs bloody post-match promo was un-fucking-real as usual. WPG is in for a treat when he comes to Winnipeg.

Don't care to hear FTR talk. Let me guess...they talked about their families and how hard theyve worked?

Jades promos are stiff but it still works because she's so goddamn impressive looking.

Not watching a Sammy match so I skipped the trios match too. I'm sure Jericho sunk his fangs into Dante at some point though, it's what he does.

Tonys big announcement is they're renaming the all Atlantic title? That was such a herb Abrams-esque promo.

Bcc vs dork order - skimmed it... Wheeler Yuta sucks and I don't know how anyone ever hyped him up. Really sick of this stuff and I don't give a shit about a half hearted, poorly fitting heel turn because they have nothing else to do with them. The answer to them being stale is not going bad, it's going away. Should have done it when Regal left and really should do it now.

Main event was underwhelming. I had my suspicions that wardlows win was transitional and I guess I get what they were going for but QT makes no sense and is an albatross around Hobbs' neck. The match was just a lot of big boy go boom spots which I'd be fine with if it wasn't such an obvious pre-planned route with a bunch of shit set up specifically to go through. The crowd did not seem to enjoy it either... doesn't bode well when the heel is more over than the baby face to start a program and I felt like it ended on a bit of a whimper.

So yeah I guess expecting dynamite to get back on track after a strong ppv was too much. One step forward, two steps back.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1232 on: March 09, 2023, 02:08:50 PM »
Apparently Lethal vs Orange had been drawing over 1M during each of their last two matches

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1233 on: March 10, 2023, 05:39:06 AM »
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Hobbs is a better talker than QT, why is QT his new mouthpiece? 🤡

Because QT is an ass kisser and one of Tonys boys backstage. I think there was some scuttlebutt that came out not too long ago that said that he was part of the backstage group that Tony listened to for booking decisions (along with Punk and some other people that made no sense at all) around the time everything went to shit. Makes sense he would attach himself to the brightest young star they have if he has that kind of sway. I know a lot of new fans hate him because they don't get wrestling, but he's pretty good at what he does... He has a pretty extensive repertoire of classic heel cheating schtick. The kind of shit that was developed so people in the back row of a smokey arena could see it. Its lost on a lot of people but I get a kick out of seeing it. He's definitely not a good talker though.

Watched dynamite

OC vs lethal was pretty uninspired. Normally these guys are good but I think fans are sick of seeing both them every show.

Wardlow over-pronounces everything he says. I hope Hobbs is scared of getting dee-moll-ished.

Just gonna say it. Ruby fucking sucks. Her promos are not only boring but grating. Thigh blue is already better than her in basically every way.

MJFs bloody post-match promo was un-fucking-real as usual. WPG is in for a treat when he comes to Winnipeg.

Don't care to hear FTR talk. Let me guess...they talked about their families and how hard theyve worked?

Jades promos are stiff but it still works because she's so goddamn impressive looking.

Not watching a Sammy match so I skipped the trios match too. I'm sure Jericho sunk his fangs into Dante at some point though, it's what he does.

Tonys big announcement is they're renaming the all Atlantic title? That was such a herb Abrams-esque promo.

Bcc vs dork order - skimmed it... Wheeler Yuta sucks and I don't know how anyone ever hyped him up. Really sick of this stuff and I don't give a shit about a half hearted, poorly fitting heel turn because they have nothing else to do with them. The answer to them being stale is not going bad, it's going away. Should have done it when Regal left and really should do it now.

Main event was underwhelming. I had my suspicions that wardlows win was transitional and I guess I get what they were going for but QT makes no sense and is an albatross around Hobbs' neck. The match was just a lot of big boy go boom spots which I'd be fine with if it wasn't such an obvious pre-planned route with a bunch of shit set up specifically to go through. The crowd did not seem to enjoy it either... doesn't bode well when the heel is more over than the baby face to start a program and I felt like it ended on a bit of a whimper.

So yeah I guess expecting dynamite to get back on track after a strong ppv was too much. One step forward, two steps back.

Spot on & AEW is relatively new to me. Curious on who’ll be going up against Gunther at Wrestlemania after tonight. Regardless, I want to see them beat down by Gunther & let this reign continue. Preordered a Gunther WWE last week & currently bidding on a Walter on eBay.

Ring General!

Right now I think I’ll enjoy AEW Dark more than Wednesdays & Fridays.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1234 on: March 10, 2023, 05:42:19 PM »
Apparently Lethal vs Orange had been drawing over 1M during each of their last two matches

Im like 90% sure they've opened the show every time and the first match almost always draws a strong # since it takes a bit for people to change over.  I love Lethal and his matches are usually good but especially when you add in all the multiman tags I think they've just gone to that well too many times.

I know I sound like a broken record with the "Tonys out of ideas" stuff but if you're running OC vs Lethal in the same spot for the third time in under a year while Miro and Lance Archer and Dalton Castle are sitting at home, you need some new ideas man. So much talent just gathering dust in the toy box.

Spot on & AEW is relatively new to me. Curious on who’ll be going up against Gunther at Wrestlemania after tonight. Regardless, I want to see them beat down by Gunther & let this reign continue. Preordered a Gunther WWE last week & currently bidding on a Walter on eBay.

Ring General!

Right now I think I’ll enjoy AEW Dark more than Wednesdays & Fridays.

Dark and Elevation are straight up my favorite AEW shows. They're the closest modern thing to the old wwf Saturday morning and WCW Saturday night shows I grew up on and Excalibur and Taz are so much more enjoyable when it's just the two of them. You get a nice mix of styles in ring too and it's been cool to see people like Hayter and the Acclaimed grow and become stars. I'd legitimately rather watch Hayter squash an indy girl in 5 minutes in than that 3 way from the ppv. Plus it's about the only place I get to see my beloved Dalton Castle unless I want to sign up for honor club.

I still can't take the Gunther thing seriously. It just makes me feel like he's supposed to be some Augustus gloop style caricature of a chubby German guy. I would not be at all shocked if the original idea Vince/HHH had included him wearing lederhosen and carrying a stein while making bad sausage jokes. I know he's made the most of his push but man I miss the old wxw ring general Walter making people's chests bleed with 3 chops.

Ring Kampf with him and Thatcher was one of the things that sparked an interest in indy wrestling for me when I wasn't watching WWE. A group of fanatical wrestling adherents who are so cold and clinical in their presentation, yet somehow even more brutal once the bell rings? And the leader is a towering, intimidating Austrian monster who's philosophy is "the mat is sacred"? Inject that shit straight into my veins man haha.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1235 on: March 10, 2023, 05:59:09 PM »
Anyone try nuROH?  Hear Athena v Willow was great

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1236 on: March 10, 2023, 06:09:04 PM »
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Apparently Lethal vs Orange had been drawing over 1M during each of their last two matches

Im like 90% sure they've opened the show every time and the first match almost always draws a strong # since it takes a bit for people to change over.  I love Lethal and his matches are usually good but especially when you add in all the multiman tags I think they've just gone to that well too many times.

I know I sound like a broken record with the "Tonys out of ideas" stuff but if you're running OC vs Lethal in the same spot for the third time in under a year while Miro and Lance Archer and Dalton Castle are sitting at home, you need some new ideas man. So much talent just gathering dust in the toy box.

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Spot on & AEW is relatively new to me. Curious on who’ll be going up against Gunther at Wrestlemania after tonight. Regardless, I want to see them beat down by Gunther & let this reign continue. Preordered a Gunther WWE last week & currently bidding on a Walter on eBay.

Ring General!

Right now I think I’ll enjoy AEW Dark more than Wednesdays & Fridays.


Dark and Elevation are straight up my favorite AEW shows. They're the closest modern thing to the old wwf Saturday morning and WCW Saturday night shows I grew up on and Excalibur and Taz are so much more enjoyable when it's just the two of them. You get a nice mix of styles in ring too and it's been cool to see people like Hayter and the Acclaimed grow and become stars. I'd legitimately rather watch Hayter squash an indy girl in 5 minutes in than that 3 way from the ppv. Plus it's about the only place I get to see my beloved Dalton Castle unless I want to sign up for honor club.

I still can't take the Gunther thing seriously. It just makes me feel like he's supposed to be some Augustus gloop style caricature of a chubby German guy. I would not be at all shocked if the original idea Vince/HHH had included him wearing lederhosen and carrying a stein while making bad sausage jokes. I know he's made the most of his push but man I miss the old wxw ring general Walter making people's chests bleed with 3 chops.

Ring Kampf with him and Thatcher was one of the things that sparked an interest in indy wrestling for me when I wasn't watching WWE. A group of fanatical wrestling adherents who are so cold and clinical in their presentation, yet somehow even more brutal once the bell rings? And the leader is a towering, intimidating Austrian monster who's philosophy is "the mat is sacred"? Inject that shit straight into my veins man haha.

I’ll check this out. You’re referring to Timothy Thatcher, correct?

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1237 on: March 11, 2023, 05:56:01 AM »

I’ll check this out. You’re referring to Timothy Thatcher, correct?

Yeah it was Thatcher, Walter, and Axel Dieter/ Ludwig Kaiser or whatever they call him in WWE. If you want the best stuff look for like 2016/2017 WxW/progress/PWG. Thatcher and Walter were both so good at that hard hitting style that seemed designed to torture and brutalize opponents as much as beat them. It went beyond strong style... It was like sadistic style or something haha. Here's a quick highlight but this isn't even one of the best matches for me.

WxW and progress were on the network but I saw something not that long ago about WWE dropping the indies or the contract expiring or something like that. I don't have peacock anymore to check if it's still up but if it is I'd watch it sooner than later.

For all of the old dudes or just people who like listening to Corny tell stories, here's a hilarious one. I know I already wrote a horrible summary of the George Gulas thing, but this is so much better.

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1238 on: March 11, 2023, 05:24:01 PM »
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I’ll check this out. You’re referring to Timothy Thatcher, correct?

Yeah it was Thatcher, Walter, and Axel Dieter/ Ludwig Kaiser or whatever they call him in WWE. If you want the best stuff look for like 2016/2017 WxW/progress/PWG. Thatcher and Walter were both so good at that hard hitting style that seemed designed to torture and brutalize opponents as much as beat them. It went beyond strong style... It was like sadistic style or something haha. Here's a quick highlight but this isn't even one of the best matches for me.

WxW and progress were on the network but I saw something not that long ago about WWE dropping the indies or the contract expiring or something like that. I don't have peacock anymore to check if it's still up but if it is I'd watch it sooner than later.

For all of the old dudes or just people who like listening to Corny tell stories, here's a hilarious one. I know I already wrote a horrible summary of the George Gulas thing, but this is so much better.

This looks beyond grand. Thank you BFRD

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1239 on: March 12, 2023, 06:39:38 PM »
Watching WXW Ambition 11 as we speak.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1240 on: March 13, 2023, 03:18:47 AM »
This looks beyond grand. Thank you BFRD

No problem. One of the things NXT was smart enough to do was recognize the chemistry and talent on display in those kinds of matches was special, and when they brought those guys in they didn't change much, about them. They definitely WWE'd them up a little bit but not so much it felt like a bad imitation like so many others have been.

I know you like Dragunov so if you haven't already seen it the 2017 match is kind of where it all started. I'd say their later matches are better (they're definitely more polished), but I love seeing how stuff like that evolved.

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1241 on: March 13, 2023, 08:13:45 AM »
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This looks beyond grand. Thank you BFRD

No problem. One of the things NXT was smart enough to do was recognize the chemistry and talent on display in those kinds of matches was special, and when they brought those guys in they didn't change much, about them. They definitely WWE'd them up a little bit but not so much it felt like a bad imitation like so many others have been.

I know you like Dragunov so if you haven't already seen it the 2017 match is kind of where it all started. I'd say their later matches are better (they're definitely more polished), but I love seeing how stuff like that evolved.

Are you referring to the video you sent for Dragunov?

Also, WXW is still on peacock.

Bobby Gunns rules.

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1242 on: March 14, 2023, 03:21:54 AM »
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This looks beyond grand. Thank you BFRD

No problem. One of the things NXT was smart enough to do was recognize the chemistry and talent on display in those kinds of matches was special, and when they brought those guys in they didn't change much, about them. They definitely WWE'd them up a little bit but not so much it felt like a bad imitation like so many others have been.

I know you like Dragunov so if you haven't already seen it the 2017 match is kind of where it all started. I'd say their later matches are better (they're definitely more polished), but I love seeing how stuff like that evolved.

Are you referring to the video you sent for Dragunov?

Also, WXW is still on peacock.

Bobby Gunns rules.

No, I'm saying look for Walter - Ilya singles stuff from around that time. The 2017 match was the one that made everyone take notice, but it wasn't the first one and they did it again 2 or 3 more times before they went to NXT. All are insanely good matches.

WxW has some cool little ideas and always brings in great talent. You'll get some original and kinda cool stuff like Cara Noir along with like Jeff Cobb or Ospreay. It's probably the best indy in mainland Europe in my opinion but I haven't really watched it since I ditched peacock.

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1243 on: March 14, 2023, 07:10:01 AM »
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This looks beyond grand. Thank you BFRD

No problem. One of the things NXT was smart enough to do was recognize the chemistry and talent on display in those kinds of matches was special, and when they brought those guys in they didn't change much, about them. They definitely WWE'd them up a little bit but not so much it felt like a bad imitation like so many others have been.

I know you like Dragunov so if you haven't already seen it the 2017 match is kind of where it all started. I'd say their later matches are better (they're definitely more polished), but I love seeing how stuff like that evolved.

Are you referring to the video you sent for Dragunov?

Also, WXW is still on peacock.

Bobby Gunns rules.

No, I'm saying look for Walter - Ilya singles stuff from around that time. The 2017 match was the one that made everyone take notice, but it wasn't the first one and they did it again 2 or 3 more times before they went to NXT. All are insanely good matches.

WxW has some cool little ideas and always brings in great talent. You'll get some original and kinda cool stuff like Cara Noir along with like Jeff Cobb or Ospreay. It's probably the best indy in mainland Europe in my opinion but I haven't really watched it since I ditched peacock.

On it & appreciate it. Thank Heavens for this as RAW last night was a snooze.


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1244 on: March 15, 2023, 10:43:22 AM »
Winnipeg just renamed the street I grew up on Chris Jericho Way so I pretty happy with that and excited for the show tonight
Muska, Chillin Chillin
Well I have like 9 Andy Anderson flight decks

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1245 on: March 15, 2023, 12:54:27 PM »
Winnipeg just renamed the street I grew up on Chris Jericho Way so I pretty happy with that and excited for the show tonight

Thought about you when I realized today was the winnipeg show haha. I know you've been waiting months for it and I remember you being stoked about getting tickets.

Unfortunately If I make it to the Jericho match I'll probably have to turn it off since I still refuse to watch bikini Sammy wrestle. Thats assuming they don't start the show off with Moxley bleeding or something else that will make me turn it off in a fit of angry disappointment.

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1246 on: March 15, 2023, 03:00:45 PM »
MJF’s Re-barmitzvah tonight…


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1247 on: March 15, 2023, 06:47:26 PM »
Had to chime in and say that the bar-mitvah was good enough to set some shit up.

Dark Order vs. BCC was actually a great match and Mox doesn't bleed at all. You hear that MOX?? YOU DON'T HAVE TO BLEED EVERY SINGLE MATCH!! I don't remember Stu Grayson being that exciting in the ring.

The real reason I'm writing now is because wifey was talking on her phone to her mom and I screamed for something and could hear her mom say "what the hell was that" and without missing a beat wifey chimes back "It's Wednesday night, you know what that means" and I couldn't have been more in love at that moment.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1248 on: March 15, 2023, 07:19:28 PM »
I thought OG Dark Order (Stu and Uno) had some really good tag matches but were just a little bit of a victim of getting on TV too late in their careers/having Reynolds and Silver get over like crazy in their own stable.   

Also, very much appreciate that AEW didn’t give Jarrett the title tonight and that they didn’t hotshot the trios belts back to the Elite for a hometown Omega pop


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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1249 on: March 15, 2023, 07:57:10 PM »

Dark Order vs. BCC was actually a great match and Mox doesn't bleed at all. You hear that MOX?? YOU DON'T HAVE TO BLEED EVERY SINGLE MATCH!! I don't remember Stu Grayson being that exciting in the ring.

I know Stu is Canadian but the pop for him ever time he stepped in the ring was insane. I also had only seen him on the indys a hand full of times and even in AEW I never was the biggest fan, definitely appreciate him more after tonight.

A buddy oh mine said after the BBC Match "holy shit Mox didn't even bleed!" Which gave me a good laugh

Edit: I should also mention that Jericho and Omega in the ring was what dreams are made of
« Last Edit: March 15, 2023, 08:04:40 PM by WPG »
Muska, Chillin Chillin
Well I have like 9 Andy Anderson flight decks

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1250 on: March 16, 2023, 03:50:20 AM »
OK let's fucking go. Every show should start with MJF.

MJF's chyron said "Jewish AF"

Can't believe I genuinely fist pumped for a bar mitzvah haha. That was the most fun I've had watching wrestling in a minute. Loved it up until Sammy came out and kinda hated it after that. Just a bunch of guys whining for 10 minutes and Hungle Boy always soundsch like he hash a cotton ball in his mouth. Darby isn't a bad promo but he's not a good one either.. "huh huh dude you look like shit". Max is on a whole different level from these guys and I feel like he shouldn't be bothering with any of them except maybe Hungle Boy.

The 4 pillars thing is dumb since MJF is the only one that has actually at least somewhat fulfilled it and it's even more evident why when you put them all in the ring together.

BCC vs Dork order

Popped for Stu getting a pop. Stu has always been an incredible worker and I have a lot of respect for his in ring abilities. He came from that Chikara/PWG scene and all those dudes can go but Stu was a standout even there. Love that Uno and Moxley are still finding new ways to incorporate that run across the ring and kick someone in the face at the opening bell spot into their matches. Stu looks like he's in great shape and he got to show off a little bit, that twisting springboard senton is really cool. One of the little things I've always loved about him is his kick out timing too. He sells it so well. Really fucking annoyed they didn't let him go over, the place would have come unglued if they had and Wheely Useless could have eaten that pin without it hurting them. Felt like it ended with a bit of a popcorn fart.

Man. Jade is a star but it was pretty obvious what was up from the start with that segment so I was excited. Then they fucked up the timing on Taya's entrance by a solid 10 seconds and gave us an awkward face off instead of a match and I felt like I was watching late stage WCW or something.

OC and JJ was pretty boring. Jarrett doing the sharpshooter got a mini pop from me. OC's was really bad though, more of a shartshooter really.

The outcasts suck. Ruby is nails on a chalkboard for me at this point.

Main event

First off @WPG yinz guys were loud as hell. Goosebumps for real. You know Jericho has been one of my favs for decades and I totally lost my shit when they showed Ted Irvine singing along with Judas. Can't imagine the electricity that went through that place when Omega tagged himself in...even Jericho was grinning like a butchers dog. I'm also insanely jealous that you got to lay your eyes on goth Julia

No idea how the match was because I turned it off as soon as Sammy started breakdancing after Jericho fucked up his double underhook vertical backbreaker (again). Why the hell couldn't Jericho have brought out his actual Canadian tag team for that instead of the twink squad? Maybe I'll go back and skim it tonight but I just couldn't make it past that.

They're finally coming back to Pittsburgh next month. I'm gonna wait and see what things look like before I buy tickets though because if it's anything like the dynamites from a few weeks back I dunno if I'm down. I have no problem dropping a hundred bucks for Punk vs Dustin and Andrade vs Darby in a coffin match, but I'm not doing it for ruby and Sammy and Arya davairi and Kip Saballerina and rush and all the other dudes I don't care about or straight up dislike.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1251 on: March 16, 2023, 04:46:39 AM »
Fenix vs Hobbs on Rampage could be a good time

Mr. Kamikazi

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1252 on: March 16, 2023, 12:28:15 PM »
Trios match was great. House of Black looked out of their element but JAS & the Elite were on it. Omega’s skills were shown & I definitely have a tad more appreciation for him. Let’s just get rid of the Kansas intro.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1253 on: March 16, 2023, 12:47:21 PM »
Trios match was great. House of Black looked out of their element but JAS & the Elite were on it. Omega’s skills were shown & I definitely have a tad more appreciation for him. Let’s just get rid of the Kansas intro.

I wish the name brand songs would be used on special occasions, but I can’t think of the last time I was super into a homemade theme (don’t think Alistair Black’s in NXT counted as that)

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1254 on: March 17, 2023, 12:27:53 AM »
Fenix vs Hobbs on Rampage could be a good time

See like thats a match I'd tune into dynamite specifically to see.. two insanely talented dudes and its a highly decorated and respected former champ vs your hot young stud up and coming midcard champ. How on earth do you put that on Rampage but Jarrett vs OC on dynamite?

I went back and watched the main event and I honestly wasn't that impressed with it. I was impressed with the crowd but the actual match just felt like another highly choreographed bucks match with a rushed singles match stuffed into it. It just takes me completely out of it when everyone stands in the corner and waits for their turn to do a spot then rolls to the outside and crouches along the apron and peers into the ring like a pervert in the bushes. They don't even sell anything, they just pop a knee and hang out. It's so hard to go from watching old stuff with strict kayfabe to that and retain that same suspension of disbelief for me.

If they wanted to do an Omega vs Jericho hometown pop match, thats what they should have booked. Nothing else really mattered in that match and I would have rather let those 2 have the whole time so they could do more and let it breathe a little.

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1255 on: March 17, 2023, 06:06:11 AM »
After their history in NJPW, I don’t think you throw that Omega/Jericho match together without any build.   I get your reasoning, it would almost be the place to do that WWE “can these two enemies get along on a tag team” match if there was any build for that either.   

I can relate to your Bucks issue.  It’s the same reason RR or huge Battle Royales annoy me.   No one acts like a real human would
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 06:23:25 AM by Atiba Applebum »

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1256 on: March 17, 2023, 11:09:16 AM »
Stu just resigned with AEW which is nice

Huge dream match about to be announced.   Rumors of Onega vs Vikingo

Edit - match confirmed for dynamite.   Bless AEW for giving it away for free
« Last Edit: March 17, 2023, 12:14:12 PM by Atiba Applebum »

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1257 on: March 17, 2023, 07:03:38 PM »
Gunther Sheamus McIntyre Triple Threat at Wrestlemania. Could be a classic. I will say I want all title changes at Mania EXCEPT Gunther.

Ring General!

Sativa Lung

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1258 on: March 18, 2023, 12:00:51 AM »
After their history in NJPW, I don’t think you throw that Omega/Jericho match together without any build.   I get your reasoning, it would almost be the place to do that WWE “can these two enemies get along on a tag team” match if there was any build for that either.   

I can relate to your Bucks issue.  It’s the same reason RR or huge Battle Royales annoy me.   No one acts like a real human would

Yeah the rumble has become just an hour long spot procession and it's always herky jerky and impossible to get into until the last few guys. I would honestly rather watch the kick and punch slogs of the 80s and 90s because at least they were interesting characters and at least making the effort. Ok maybe not the WCW ones, but you know what I mean. Like I get that we all know what's really going on, but making it seem real (or at least engaging and entertaining) is the whole art form.

Im surprisingly not a huge vikingo mark. He's one of those guys who I recognize is insanely talented but I'd rather watch the highlights than the match. I'm curious to see if Omega can change my opinion of him. I thought Okada was massively overrated until I saw him wrestle Kenny so maybe this will be the same thing. Having a good English announce team will probably help too.

Atiba Applebum

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Re: The Official Professional Wrestling Thread
« Reply #1259 on: March 19, 2023, 11:18:45 PM »
Mox bladed at the house show.   I think I’ve gone so far away from it that I might be coming back around