Author Topic: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session  (Read 18428 times)

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #150 on: September 12, 2019, 05:54:23 AM »
Y'all really getting butthurt that ladies are invading your safe space for a day and forcing you to actually go street skating? Come the fuck on. Stop acting like braindead edgelords whenever you see a chick at the park and she might stick around to skate when you are there instead of being so afraid to be around people like you that she only attends a special girls only event.

Man up and stop behaving like gatekeeping punkass babies and women will skate with you and get better at skating faster. Then you can quit crying about how they're bad at skating and somehow don't deserve attention because they can't hang with GT and Milton Martinez or whatever. They probably won't ever skate at the same level. Who cares? Skating ain't about video parts and street league checks, it's about riding around on your fucking skateboard and appreciating that others also enjoy doing so. It's not like you're obligated to watch a girl's part or a girl skate contest. If you don't care for it, don't watch.

And if they still never want to skate around dudes, who cares? Guys almost always run the skatepark and make it a male dominated space by default. Skating should be for everyone and why not give them a chance to utilize the space once in a while? It isn't going to become a girls only skatepark. You can go back tomorrow.

fucks sake

straight fucking edge

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #151 on: September 12, 2019, 06:09:15 AM »
Y'all really getting butthurt that ladies are invading your safe space for a day and forcing you to actually go street skating? Come the fuck on. Stop acting like braindead edgelords whenever you see a chick at the park and she might stick around to skate when you are there instead of being so afraid to be around people like you that she only attends a special girls only event.

Man up and stop behaving like gatekeeping punkass babies and women will skate with you and get better at skating faster. Then you can quit crying about how they're bad at skating and somehow don't deserve attention because they can't hang with GT and Milton Martinez or whatever. They probably won't ever skate at the same level. Who cares? Skating ain't about video parts and street league checks, it's about riding around on your fucking skateboard and appreciating that others also enjoy doing so. It's not like you're obligated to watch a girl's part or a girl skate contest. If you don't care for it, don't watch.

And if they still never want to skate around dudes, who cares? Guys almost always run the skatepark and make it a male dominated space by default. Skating should be for everyone and why not give them a chance to utilize the space once in a while? It isn't going to become a girls only skatepark. You can go back tomorrow.

fucks sake

this is the most annoying part about this argument whenever this thread pops up once a month. its something that you only hear from an 18-25 year old KIDS that have probably never even had to buy their own groceries.  after having a full time and then some job, owning and keeping up with a house and having a family, the last thing someone that's trying to skate a park in their non existent free time is time to be running around down town skating and getting kicked out of spots.  sometimes it is just easier to go to a skatepark

also the irony of you saying "man up" in this conversation
i don't want to link to the channel because is promotes athiesm.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #152 on: September 12, 2019, 06:25:04 AM »
Go back the next day. Or cry about it on slap. Whatever.

Skateparks are fine but if they're a bust I go skate elsewhere. I'd rather skate around Brooklyn, Manhattan, or even back in my own small town than feel the need to bitch about something like this on Slap. You've gotta buy groceries and take care of your house? Boofucking-hoo so does everyone else.

Try working 7 12s for five months straight. When I didn't have the time to get to a skate park or a bust-free spot I'd just bring my deck to work and skate the banks over by the loading docks during lunch. If that wasn't enough for me I'd just wake up earlier and go to the skatepark when it's empty.

straight fucking edge

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #153 on: September 12, 2019, 06:26:30 AM »
Go back the next day. Or cry about it on slap. Whatever.

Skateparks are fine but if they're a bust I go skate elsewhere. I'd rather skate around Brooklyn, Manhattan, or even back in my own small town than feel the need to bitch about something like this on Slap. You've gotta buy groceries and take care of your house? Boofucking-hoo so does everyone else.

Try working 7 12s for five months straight. When I didn't have the time to get to a skate park or a bust-free spot I'd just bring my deck to work and skate the banks over by the loading docks during lunch. If that wasn't enough for me I'd just wake up earlier and go to the skatepark when it's empty.

you literally made an account just to cry on slap.  you are a total moron
i don't want to link to the channel because is promotes athiesm.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #154 on: September 12, 2019, 06:29:16 AM »
ok, straightfuckingedge. Now I'm woke. I'll make sure to yell at some women incoherently the next time I see them crowding around my favorite slappy curb.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #155 on: September 12, 2019, 06:39:28 AM »
You guys relativizing the absurd. Skateboarding is prohibited in 90% of the city.  There are  few places to skate in some cities. This absurd happens when girls who are skateboarders want exclusivity. Imagine working all day, then skating stilly in only place that you are allowed, but this spot is closed to the privileged girls. Plurality  not exclusivity is the right word today.

Props to Foucault.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #156 on: September 12, 2019, 06:41:34 AM »
if a spot is a bust I go to another spot. if every spot is a bust, I find one I like and skate anyway.

That's the bottom line.

straight fucking edge

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #157 on: September 12, 2019, 07:08:23 AM »
its crazy that you find time to do that while working 7 12s
i don't want to link to the channel because is promotes athiesm.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #158 on: September 12, 2019, 07:14:31 AM »
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #159 on: September 12, 2019, 09:57:12 AM »
You must be from Long Island.
I don’t care what anyone says, a tit mouse’s tibia is a thing of beauty.
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Pho King Hung Lo Mein

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #160 on: September 12, 2019, 01:18:46 PM »
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I flew back to my hometown on Monday and was itching to go to the local park I grew up skating. Rolled up there yesterday, got told that from now onward every second Thursday of the month is a girls skate only day & that I had to leave.

Unfortunately got into an argument with a load of people there and ended up just skating the car park with the other dudes that were turned away. The people organizing it said that female skaters often get intimidated by guys skating the park, which I suppose I can't relate to being male myself. I've never witnessed any hostility towards female skaters at that (or any) park, but then again this is just my perspective.

Trying to work out whether or not my annoyance was justified? or am I overreacting

Its a privately funded park (however its unsupervised, free to enter and open 24/7) so its entirely legit for them to establish rules like this, but this a park I spent virtually every day of my youth in and I'm now finding myself being turfed out due to my gender. I suppose it pissed me off because I'm used to being able to roll up to the park whenever I please.

Being mildly annoyed would seem normal in this situation, but letting it get to the point of arguing with a group of people over it seems a bit much.  Cant say whether you overreacted or not, since arguments are 2 sided, but I think the gentlemanly thing to do would have been to say "okay, very well then, Ill be on my way", the moment they informed you the park was closed for a private event.  All legalities aside, It shouldn't really matter to you WHY the park was closed.  You ultimately did the right thing by respecting their wishes and leaving, but arguing with them lowered you stature as a gentleman, and you NEVER let anyone put you in a position to do that.  While I understand WHY these girls think they need an exclusive night for themselves, I disagree and think they went a bit far kicking dudes out.  Ladies, if you want to have an all-girl, estrogen fueled skate extravaganza, every single night of the week, GREAT!  Please do.
Trust me, the dudes will back this fully, but once you start tossing dudes out of the sesh, it becomes counterproductive to your cause.  You lower your stature as ladies and give off the appearance that you can't handle real life situations.   You want a certain level of comfort before entering the wild world of skateboarding?  I get it.  It makes sense, I guess.  It's just so fucking WEAK.  Sheltering yourself from the harsh realities of skatepark life early on can only set you up for rude awakenings down the line.  Its unnatural.  And just know this, one of the coolest things to see at a skatepark these days is a lady in the lineup, ripping right along side the fellas.

  Times are changing guys, and skateboarding, like many things in life are becoming wussified to accommodate all these fragile little butterflies out there.  Whatever, in this case, I say give it to them.  I may not agree with their approach, but at the end of the day, more females in skateboarding is a great thing.  How they get here is less important than them making it, IMO.  With that said, let's give these ladies a break, cause it all boils down to a little respect and compassion for your fellow human being, on and off the board.

Words of a man who will be divorced a few years after claiming “happy wife, happy life”

Yeah, you might wanna double check your math on that one, bud.  Been married to the same woman for well over a decade now, if you care to know the truth.  I am curious how you arrived at that conclusion and how you could be so far off base, though.  Are you married?  I find it interesting that you toss "happy wife, happy life" out there like it's a bad thing.  Unless I misunderstood you.  Would you be a sport and elaborate a little more for us?

I understand and accept that snark takes priority over facts here on SLAP, but before you make another smart-ass remark, consider this.

"Happy wife, happy life" can be interpreted many different ways.  And people tend to project their own world view into situations and essentially "see what they want to see".

If you interpret that phrase as anything other than "I'm secure enough within my manhood, to concede smaller battles in order to win the war", then I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye.

Dont get me wrong, there are definitely, soft, pussy-whipped, spineless, ball-less, beta males out there living to suplicate their women, saying that shit too.  They accept that she doesn't respect him, won't stay loyal, and doesn't really love him, but uses him for material gain, while she gets dick from the Alpha in her life.  That's a lifestyle they've chosen or perhaps they've yet to figure out.

For most of us married men, we walk a fine line when it comes to conflict resolution with our ladies.  We have to decide in a given moment whether it is more advantageous to be "right" or be "happy".  When it really matters, like in matters of respect and loyalty, I say be "right" ALL the time.  When it's less significant, and the severity of the worst possible outcome is trivial, it often makes more sense to stand down and concede victory in order to keep the peace.  In other words, it's not always worth it to hurt someone's feelings, or upset them, just to make whatever point you're trying to make to win the argument.  Although sometimes it is absolutely necessary.  It's the emotional equivalent of squaring up with someone and deciding whether it is necessary to fight or walk away.
Being a man is being able to distinguish in the heat of the moment, which course of action to take.  Read Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, where he talks about emotional credits and debits, it's quite interesting.

As it all relates to the situation at hand, I think it is best summarized by Gloria, in the film "White Men Cant Jump":

Watch ""White Men Can't Jump" Win/Lose" on YouTube

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #161 on: September 12, 2019, 01:31:50 PM »
Just pretend you can't  hear them and keep skating; there is no need to leave or argue.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #162 on: September 12, 2019, 01:33:28 PM »
Just pretend you can't  hear them and keep skating; there is no need to leave or argue.

This guy has the right idea. Women LOVE the silent treatment.
not stoked on orcas today. leave the whales alone. big ass black and white motherfuckers. free willy can suck my dick

Pho King Hung Lo Mein

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #163 on: September 12, 2019, 01:40:48 PM »
Just pretend you can't  hear them and keep skating; there is no need to leave or argue.

Yeah, and then pretend you're also blind and can't see the angry mob forming around you.
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #164 on: September 12, 2019, 01:46:15 PM »
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Just pretend you can't  hear them and keep skating; there is no need to leave or argue.

Yeah, and then pretend you're also blind and can't see the angry mob forming around you.

Theoretically speaking, wouldn't it just be a mob of women and betas? why you skurred bruh?

Pho King Hung Lo Mein

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #165 on: September 12, 2019, 01:51:28 PM »
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Just pretend you can't  hear them and keep skating; there is no need to leave or argue.

Yeah, and then pretend you're also blind and can't see the angry mob forming around you.

Theoretically speaking, wouldn't it just be a mob of women and betas? why you skurred bruh?

I didn't say I was scared "bruh".  I said the mob forming around the purported blind man would be angry.  Nothing more.  I wouldn't even be the blind guy in this scenario anyways.  Pay attention and stop projecting.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2019, 01:54:47 PM by Pho King Hung Lo Mein »
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #166 on: September 13, 2019, 01:44:30 PM »
Nobody is intimidating women at the park, they are intimidating themselves by misjudging the situation. Everone just wants to shred and get good nobody got time to shit on someone.

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #167 on: September 13, 2019, 02:08:20 PM »
Nobody is intimidating women at the park, they are intimidating themselves by misjudging the situation. Everone just wants to shred and get good nobody got time to shit on someone.

Usually, the park is naturally intimidating to people who are new to the game, doesn’t mean shit whether you’re a guy or girl, if you’re the kind to be self-conscious you’re gonna get self-conscious in that scenario skating with a bunch of people while still trying to build basic skills.  The implication it’s somehow different for girls is fucking dumb, I got vibed hard for being a weird greasy fat kid who skated in my early days by locals at numerous parks, but Jesus, it didn’t make me swear off going to the parks, it made me want to get better and improved my resolve to not let every asshole’s opinion ruin my fucking fun.  Girls should be able to do the same...unless...they aren’t actually capable of it (yes, that’s bait, so the shining armor guys can simmer down before you start up with any feminist lecturing).

We’ve had nothing but GIRL POWERRRR shouted from every rooftop the last half-decade, and yet, girls still feel they need their own safe space even though there’s no day set aside for shy guys, kooks and other misfits who would like a similar day of their own to skate without judgment. If girl power is so real, and girls can do anything they set their minds to, wouldn’t it make sense to cut the whole thing of expecting to be treated differently like they’re gonna break if everything isn’t perfect for them?  Who the fuck shows their power and equality by regularly insisting they need special treatment?  It boggles my mind.

Seems to me this kind of thing isn’t helping the whole cause of proving that we’re supposed to be equal, instead, it makes me wonder why many ladies still can’t hang with the pack and go though the rituals the guys do, and only feel like they can show up if you exclude everyone else so that they never have to deal with the real world.  Of course, many are proving themselves more than adequately, but those who want their hugbox of no dudes allowed are the kind who will probably all quit skating soon enough, and frankly, that’s probably a good thing.


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #168 on: September 13, 2019, 04:56:40 PM »
i just got a new girlfriend (ya i know hard to believe right). i ran the show with the last one i had and to my astonishment she left me. se la vì i say. so the new one said right off the bat that she will be wearing the pants. i agreed so long as i get to fuck anytime i want (viagra willing). needless to say this will be a new venture with me. but in regards to this girls only skate day, just wear a fuckin tutu you fuckin hoebois i know you all have them in your guy


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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #169 on: September 13, 2019, 06:47:05 PM »
just choose another day and call it bros only sesh and dont allow girls in ... no wait that'll be sexist and against female rights  ;D

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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #170 on: September 14, 2019, 03:26:13 AM »
its crazy that you find time to do that while working 7 12s

A sure sign of a well adjusted person who can prioritise and make good decisions is working 80+ hours a week for months at a time and looking down on others who don't
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Re: Kicked out of the park because it was a girls only session
« Reply #171 on: September 14, 2019, 05:19:14 AM »
I've read this thread like twice over and all I can say is, I get the point of a "ladies' night" but you would have to show me paperwork from the city/county saying the park was shut down. I don't give a single fuck about what you're TRYING to do, I pay taxes. You're keeping me from skating NOTHING. I can't think of any way to isolate yourself from the greater skate scene by essentially carving out a time that nobody else can sesh a park. Nobody that was a regular at a park would want to be part of the element that's keeping fellow skaters out, even for just one night.