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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2013, 12:52:27 PM »
Also, Alex j ripped on bush and the right as much as he did Clinton and Obama. You can't really claim infowars as a right wing group

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #31 on: January 18, 2013, 12:54:45 PM »
Can someone explain this to me?

On Alex Jones' they have these decks that are supposed to be a collaboration between them and Alien Workshop, is this legit? It's scary to think that the Workshop would be behind this.

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2013, 12:58:16 PM »
Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the  fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2013, 12:58:40 PM »
If he had just stuck to the statistics part of his claim he mightve had an argument. But then he started ranting. Oh well. My favorite alex jones rant is the one where he tries connecting the dark knight rises to a grand conspiracy theory. Then theres the squidbillies rant...that one just made me feel really sorry for him.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2013, 12:58:45 PM »
That's a horrible argument against birth control and abortion as well. It completely whitewashed the numerous services that Planned Parenthood offers and fails (again) to provide any arguments for modern pro-choice arguements. Your arguments against abortion is analogous to me saying, "I was all for gun rights until I looked at the history of firearms and discovered their roots in governmental oppression of dissidents, therefore we shouldn't have guns."

And your example of a legal precedent that I'm sure many people disagree with (a man charged with murder for killing a zygote/fetus while assaulting a women) is equally poorly argued. Allowing a man to have a choice over what a woman does with her body again infringes on an individual's bodily autonomy (pretty anti-Libertarian). Saying that it's his child, so he should have equal say ignores that fact that nothing has a right to use a person's body (in this case, a woman's) against his/her will. If he gets a say, what do we do when a woman does not want a child but the man does? Force her to carry it to term despite her wishes?

Finally, your attempt to say that Planned Parenthood is somehow orchestrating a "black genocide" based on Sanger's eugenic beliefs (which I feel it important to not was a widely accepted and respected science across the globe at tht period) greatly ignores the myriad ways that race, sex, and poverty interact in the modern world in favor of a narrative that provides one with a clearly defined enemy.

Dude come on you're being completely irrational now, I listed all the facts and you still don't get it? Who is protecting the rights of the child? How is that anti libertarian to want the child's right to be protected as well? I obviously not saying the husband should have equal rights, but he shouldn't be charged with murder if it's just a fetus right? However men have been convicted for just that. But that's cool you wanna be down with sick eugenicists and defend them that's fine by me, but I won't be part of it. Will you at least agree that my tax dollars shouldnt be taken to fund it? Oh no I'm sure you love that my tax dollars are taken to kill babies, I mean why not it goes to kill thousands of middle eastern innocents everyday anyway.

PS I added a piece about John P. Holdren you might wanna go back and look at, but I'm sure you'll write that off as a crazy conspiracy theory even though its a fact.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #35 on: January 18, 2013, 01:04:05 PM »
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the  fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #36 on: January 18, 2013, 01:18:30 PM »
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I don't know much, but I know that you're an idiot if you don't think gun control laws should be tighter in this country.

It has nothing to do with the recent killings and everything to do with stupidity.

You can own an automatic assault rifle, but you can't get the free health care that you'll need for shooting your own nut sack off.

Sorry America, but this country is fucked.

You're right you don't know much and you don't understand freedom. Heroin is illegal but you can go get some right now if you want. If automatic weapons were illegal(which they pretty much are) a criminal could get one if they wanted to. Therefore making a law against them will only prevent those who follow the law to not being able to defend themselves against criminals who seek them out, it's as simple as that. I don't think you understand how rare a fully automatic weapon is, you have to jump though a bunch of hoops, background checks and pay for fees and licenses to own them. I'm also wondering how this relates to healthcare? Why should a health care provider be required to give anyone something for free? You think the government should make automatic weapons illegal and pay for the population to have healthcare...the same government that's caught day after day involved in corruption and insider trading for their own benefit? The same government that gave 2000 weapons including automatic assault rifles and grenades to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious? No thanks, I'll just take care of myself and if I choose to have a weapon to defend myself or just because I'm into guns that right is guaranteed and is protected under the constitution. I understand where you're coming from but we've already established that criminals can and will get whatever they want from drugs to weapons so how much sense does it make to have a single shot rifle to defend yourself against a criminal that has a semi auto or even an automatic weapon. I'm not some big gun guy, I just understand freedom, and you can't be truly free without the right to protect yourself. Once you start to restrict(which they've already done) its a slippery slope. You think the government actually cares about less violence? The US government are the biggest killers in the world, they've killed millions of innocent people with the continued illegal undeclared wars and drone attacks...this is about control and always was.

Nope. It's not that hard at all. My brother in law went to a gun show in Texas, with some cash, and bought one. It wasn't hard. It was just expensive, and he's just stupid.

This idea of Freedom being related to arming yourself is the biggest load of crap ever.

If you think that owning a gun has anything to do with freedom you have no clue at all.

If you want to be free, you should start thinking about being given basic human rights. Like not having to pay for a baby, or for cancer, or for a baby with cancer.

Take care of yourself? How? If you are a minimal percent of the population that can afford either *good insurance, or to pay for healthcare out of pocket than you're extremely lucky. Get sick, and tell me you want to be free and pay for your health.

What about an innocent bystander caught up in an act of gun violence? Do they deserve to go broke for trying to save their lives?

So do you see how one is related to another now?

If you have a pistol, and the intruder has an automatic weapon, or if he has a pistol and you have one, you're still getting shot - or not- either way. You're still stupid, as are they. And one of you is going to have to pay thousands, maybe millions of dollars not to die. And you're still talking about freedom.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #37 on: January 18, 2013, 01:19:19 PM »
You guys genuinely don't have any idea how fucking stupid and indoctrinated you are do you? The best way to discredit an Alex Jones fan is to let him speak. BTW- Jones didn't come off as crazy because he was loud, he came off crazy because his rants jumped from one place to another without any logical reason or discussion of what he brought up. Gulf of Tonkin to pharmaceuticals to "building 7" while simultaneously refusing to engage in any level of discourse, just screaming ad hominem bullshit whenever he felt cornered. He jumped so much because he knew actually discussing what he brought up would make him look silly. America didn't think he was crazy because he was loud, they thought he was crazy because he was aimlessly ranting like a street-corner tin-foil-hat lunatic.

I wrote a long thing about how silly libertarians are to claim that the government's job is to protect life, while simultaneously wanting to end� all drug prohibitions and guns, but� if anybody reading this believes the points the Alex Jones nuts are making are better than Oyolars, then nothing will convince them no matter what.

That's it Gipper? That's all you've got? I'm genuinely disappointed. I actually wouldn't be an advocate for the government to protect life when it comes to abortion mainly because I don't think they could handle it, but I certainly don't want them to fund it with tax dollars. What's crazy about Gulf of Tonkin? It has been admitted that the event didn't take place and was written off as bad radar readings. As for building 7 there are numerous people who question the official story including over 1500 architects and engineers who also claim the "official" reasoning for how that building came down is false and impossible, and these are professionals not "conspiracy nuts". As for pharmaceuticals, you're a smart guy Gipper, you know they are linked to violence. The side effects of these drugs admit that violence toward others and yourself is a side effect. Sure it's rare, I heard a only occurring in 4% of patients but even 4% is about 1 in every 25 people who take it and with thousands and thousands taking this stuff it's bound to happen. Also all of these recent shootings, I mean every single one the shooter is on psychatropic drugs of some sort, you can't deny there isn't a link. So you can't simply write off everything that Alex Jones said, however the way he said it, jumping from topic to topic and yelling, sure probably not the most well spoken but all are valid points at least in my opinion. Again I didn't think his piece on Peirs Morgan did him or his message any favors.

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #38 on: January 18, 2013, 01:20:09 PM »
alex jones mixes info with disinfomation. dope graphic


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2013, 01:24:10 PM »

This film is highly relevant to the topics covered so far in this thread.


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    Bronze Topic Start Bronze Topic Start : Start a topic with over 1,000 replies.
Ha SLAP's resident libtard and NY pro cocksucker.

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #41 on: January 18, 2013, 01:27:51 PM »
^ Its relevant because I told you to read a book and you just respond with a stupid youtube video. This is some crazy cognitive dissonance. You may believe abortion is bad or whatever, but are you really stupid enough not to realize how much this contradicts every ideal you spout? That's why you are so obssessed with sharing a conspiracy nobody believes, because some long drawn out conspiracy is the only thing that takes away you being a complete hypocrite. Jesus fucking christ.
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the� fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?
I want you to acknowledge it.

TMKF- give up, you are going after him instead of facts now. You lost. Give it up.

And what's crazy about bringing up Gulf Of Tonkin? IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. "Gun control is evil, GULF OF TONKIN!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!" what a fucking idiot, there is no parallel there. Same with every other topic he brought up. You are following his lead now though, answer the questions, don't call me a brainwashing victim. How is the party of liberty over safety in every single other issue suddenly change its mind about abortion. Suddenly the goal of the government is safety. Its such a joke and clear proof that you guys just get indoctrinated and don't question what your cult leader tells you.

The fact that you don't realize how crazy he looked jumping from topic to topic and not acknowledging any of Morgan's points really is sad. You are indoctrinated. Its sad.

Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #42 on: January 18, 2013, 01:30:02 PM »
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I don't know much, but I know that you're an idiot if you don't think gun control laws should be tighter in this country.

It has nothing to do with the recent killings and everything to do with stupidity.

You can own an automatic assault rifle, but you can't get the free health care that you'll need for shooting your own nut sack off.

Sorry America, but this country is fucked.

You're right you don't know much and you don't understand freedom. Heroin is illegal but you can go get some right now if you want. If automatic weapons were illegal(which they pretty much are) a criminal could get one if they wanted to. Therefore making a law against them will only prevent those who follow the law to not being able to defend themselves against criminals who seek them out, it's as simple as that. I don't think you understand how rare a fully automatic weapon is, you have to jump though a bunch of hoops, background checks and pay for fees and licenses to own them. I'm also wondering how this relates to healthcare? Why should a health care provider be required to give anyone something for free? You think the government should make automatic weapons illegal and pay for the population to have healthcare...the same government that's caught day after day involved in corruption and insider trading for their own benefit? The same government that gave 2000 weapons including automatic assault rifles and grenades to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious? No thanks, I'll just take care of myself and if I choose to have a weapon to defend myself or just because I'm into guns that right is guaranteed and is protected under the constitution. I understand where you're coming from but we've already established that criminals can and will get whatever they want from drugs to weapons so how much sense does it make to have a single shot rifle to defend yourself against a criminal that has a semi auto or even an automatic weapon. I'm not some big gun guy, I just understand freedom, and you can't be truly free without the right to protect yourself. Once you start to restrict(which they've already done) its a slippery slope. You think the government actually cares about less violence? The US government are the biggest killers in the world, they've killed millions of innocent people with the continued illegal undeclared wars and drone attacks...this is about control and always was.

Nope. It's not that hard at all. My brother in law went to a gun show in Texas, with some cash, and bought one. It wasn't hard. It was just expensive, and he's just stupid.

This idea of Freedom being related to arming yourself is the biggest load of crap ever.

If you think that owning a gun has anything to do with freedom you have no clue at all.

If you want to be free, you should start thinking about being given basic human rights. Like not having to pay for a baby, or for cancer, or for a baby with cancer.

Take care of yourself? How? If you are a minimal percent of the population that can afford either *good insurance, or to pay for healthcare out of pocket than you're extremely lucky. Get sick, and tell me you want to be free and pay for your health.

What about an innocent bystander caught up in an act of gun violence? Do they deserve to go broke for trying to save their lives?

So do you see how one is related to another now?

If you have a pistol, and the intruder has an automatic weapon, or if he has a pistol and you have one, you're still getting shot - or not- either way. You're still stupid, as are they. And one of you is going to have to pay thousands, maybe millions of dollars not to die. And you're still talking about freedom.

You're obviously mixing up semi automatic with automatic, there's no way he went and bought a fully automatic gun from the gun show. What about an innocent bystander being hit by a car? That argument makes no sense. I have health insurance, I work and I pay for it, when I get sick I hardly ever use, only if its something gnarly, so I don't really get your argument there either? Just because I want something for free I should get it? Freedom is related to owning a firearm because in a free society one should be able to own one to protect themselves if they wish, it is a guaranteed right, free healthcare certainly isn't. I do think the healthcare system is broken, and its because there is too much government involvement in it. Ever since they started getting involved prices for procedures and insurance started skyrocketing. When the healthcare bill was passed who's stocks soared? Healthcare providers and insurance providers....pretty easy to see who benefited from that one.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #43 on: January 18, 2013, 01:33:31 PM »
^ Its relevant because I told you to read a book and you just respond with a stupid youtube video. This is some crazy cognitive dissonance. You may believe abortion is bad or whatever, but are you really stupid enough not to realize how much this contradicts every ideal you spout? That's why you are so obssessed with sharing a conspiracy nobody believes, because some long drawn out conspiracy is the only thing that takes away you being a complete hypocrite. Jesus fucking christ.
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the� fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?
I want you to acknowledge it.

TMKF- give up, you are going after him instead of facts now. You lost. Give it up.

And what's crazy about bringing up Gulf Of Tonkin? IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. "Gun control is evil, GULF OF TONKIN!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!" what a fucking idiot, there is no parallel there. Same with every other topic he brought up. You are following his lead now though, answer the questions, don't call me a brainwashing victim. How is the party of liberty over safety in every single other issue suddenly change its mind about abortion. Suddenly the goal of the government is safety. Its such a joke and clear proof that you guys just get indoctrinated and don't question what your cult leader tells you.

The fact that you don't realize how crazy he looked jumping from topic to topic and not acknowledging any of Morgan's points really is sad. You are indoctrinated. Its sad.

Alright you got me. I hate pretentious white guys that run around and tell people they are racists. You gotta be from Connecticut or Chicago. Am I right?

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #44 on: January 18, 2013, 01:33:58 PM »
Odd how on the AWS site they have the graphic without "Infowars" printed on it.  I question, along with OP, the legitimacy of this collab.

Also, Planned Parenthood does not use federal funding for abortions, those go towards other services for women's health.

Lastly, if you, TMKF, were a true libertarian you would recognize the rights of women to have an abortion despite your personal moral objections.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #45 on: January 18, 2013, 01:35:10 PM »
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That's a horrible argument against birth control and abortion as well. It completely whitewashed the numerous services that Planned Parenthood offers and fails (again) to provide any arguments for modern pro-choice arguements. Your arguments against abortion is analogous to me saying, "I was all for gun rights until I looked at the history of firearms and discovered their roots in governmental oppression of dissidents, therefore we shouldn't have guns."

And your example of a legal precedent that I'm sure many people disagree with (a man charged with murder for killing a zygote/fetus while assaulting a women) is equally poorly argued. Allowing a man to have a choice over what a woman does with her body again infringes on an individual's bodily autonomy (pretty anti-Libertarian). Saying that it's his child, so he should have equal say ignores that fact that nothing has a right to use a person's body (in this case, a woman's) against his/her will. If he gets a say, what do we do when a woman does not want a child but the man does? Force her to carry it to term despite her wishes?

Finally, your attempt to say that Planned Parenthood is somehow orchestrating a "black genocide" based on Sanger's eugenic beliefs (which I feel it important to not was a widely accepted and respected science across the globe at tht period) greatly ignores the myriad ways that race, sex, and poverty interact in the modern world in favor of a narrative that provides one with a clearly defined enemy.

Dude come on you're being completely irrational now, I listed all the facts and you still don't get it? Who is protecting the rights of the child? How is that anti libertarian to want the child's right to be protected as well? I obviously not saying the husband should have equal rights, but he shouldn't be charged with murder if it's just a fetus right? However men have been convicted for just that. But that's cool you wanna be down with sick eugenicists and defend them that's fine by me, but I won't be part of it. Will you at least agree that my tax dollars shouldnt be taken to fund it? Oh no I'm sure you love that my tax dollars are taken to kill babies, I mean why not it goes to kill thousands of middle eastern innocents everyday anyway.

PS I added a piece about John P. Holdren you might wanna go back and look at, but I'm sure you'll write that off as a crazy conspiracy theory even though its a fact.

How am I being irrational? Because I'm saying that new pro-choice arguments exist (which you are ignoring) and you're attempting to discredit the pro-choice argument based off of the rantings of a racist that aren't used by pro-choice advocates nowadays? Is it because I don't believe that a ball of cells that are indistinguishable from a parasite for several weeks or a zygote/fetus (that's the scientific terms for them, "baby" is much too wide of a term) is a living thing that has the right to inhabit a woman's body if she doesn't want it there? I agree with you that a man shouldn't be unilaterally charged with murder for killing a zygote or a fetus. And please tell me where I defend eugenicists. All I said was that eugenics was seen as a legitimate form of science during the time Sanger made those comments. I did not endorse them, but merely provided historical context. And I said that trying to say that Sanger's opinion discredits Planned Parenthood or the pro-choice movement NOW is a horrible way to make a pro-choice argument since nobody is using eugenic rhetoric to support the pro-choice platform.

The John Holden quotes: great! You picked a person with influence and extreme views and oh no! He supports Planned Parenthood! He must think that Planned Parenthood is doing this things and that must be why he supports it! And oh no! I support Planned Parenthood too! Therefore, I must agree with his theories as well!

The argument that tax dollars shouldn't go to Planned Parenthood is a much more legitimate argument but frankly, I don't know enough about the intricacies of government support of non-profits to take part in it. And I don't support any drone strikes nor the U.S.'s presence in the Middle East. You really have a problem with making assumptions about the people who disagree with you, don't you? You should take it easy on the incendiary language and ad hominem attacks as well if you want people to take your opinions seriously. But then again, you do listen to Alex Jones and he is a master of believing that that makes for a cogent argument, so what else should I have expected (look! I can do personal attacks too!)?

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #46 on: January 18, 2013, 01:38:59 PM »
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^ Its relevant because I told you to read a book and you just respond with a stupid youtube video. This is some crazy cognitive dissonance. You may believe abortion is bad or whatever, but are you really stupid enough not to realize how much this contradicts every ideal you spout? That's why you are so obssessed with sharing a conspiracy nobody believes, because some long drawn out conspiracy is the only thing that takes away you being a complete hypocrite. Jesus fucking christ.
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the� fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?
I want you to acknowledge it.

TMKF- give up, you are going after him instead of facts now. You lost. Give it up.

And what's crazy about bringing up Gulf Of Tonkin? IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. "Gun control is evil, GULF OF TONKIN!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!" what a fucking idiot, there is no parallel there. Same with every other topic he brought up. You are following his lead now though, answer the questions, don't call me a brainwashing victim. How is the party of liberty over safety in every single other issue suddenly change its mind about abortion. Suddenly the goal of the government is safety. Its such a joke and clear proof that you guys just get indoctrinated and don't question what your cult leader tells you.

The fact that you don't realize how crazy he looked jumping from topic to topic and not acknowledging any of Morgan's points really is sad. You are indoctrinated. Its sad.

Alright you got me. I hate pretentious white guys that run around and tell people they are racists. You gotta be from Connecticut or Chicago. Am I right?
You must be from a former slave state, where you hate carpetbaggers and black people, especially them uppity ones, right? Good thing you put him back in his place like your grandpappy told you needed to happen
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #47 on: January 18, 2013, 01:40:21 PM »
^ Its relevant because I told you to read a book and you just respond with a stupid youtube video. This is some crazy cognitive dissonance. You may believe abortion is bad or whatever, but are you really stupid enough not to realize how much this contradicts every ideal you spout? That's why you are so obssessed with sharing a conspiracy nobody believes, because some long drawn out conspiracy is the only thing that takes away you being a complete hypocrite. Jesus fucking christ.
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the� fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?
I want you to acknowledge it.

TMKF- give up, you are going after him instead of facts now. You lost. Give it up.

And what's crazy about bringing up Gulf Of Tonkin? IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. "Gun control is evil, GULF OF TONKIN!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!" what a fucking idiot, there is no parallel there. Same with every other topic he brought up. You are following his lead now though, answer the questions, don't call me a brainwashing victim. How is the party of liberty over safety in every single other issue suddenly change its mind about abortion. Suddenly the goal of the government is safety. Its such a joke and clear proof that you guys just get indoctrinated and don't question what your cult leader tells you.

The fact that you don't realize how crazy he looked jumping from topic to topic and not acknowledging any of Morgan's points really is sad. You are indoctrinated. Its sad.

How did I lose? I posted the facts! I posted the sources! Where were his facts or sources? He posted his opinion while name calling, that doesn't distinguish a winner. Just because you happen to agree with him doesn't mean he wins and I lose. I don't even care about that I'm just trying to get these facts out. He's questioning a topic that I've done deep research on because I used to be pro choice myself until I caught wind of the whole eugenics movement.

Gulf of Tonkin being staged is an example that the government will do things to broaden their agenda, gain control, take away our rights in the name of a fake threat, I mean come of Gipper look at all the corruption and lies that went on under the Bush administration.....all examples of government tyranny, which is what we need the second amendment to defend against. Peirs has said that is ridiculous to think, he claims government tyranny doesn't exist and we shouldnt be worried about it, so Alex was giving examples. Therefore it's completely relevant.

I agree he looked crazy I went as far as to say it hurt him and his credibility, which was Piers master plan, Alex Jones fell into his trap. However Piers didn't have any points, he just let Alex go off for 15 minutes, while asking if he knew the statistics(ie gun murder rates and what weapons were used). Even if he did bring up relevant points it wouldn't matter because this topic isn't debatable because it is a guaranteed constitutional right for the people to keep and bear arms. Especially for a non US citizen to try to dictate to and manipulate the American people by standing on the graves of dead children.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 01:48:37 PM by TMKF »


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #48 on: January 18, 2013, 01:42:41 PM »
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^ Its relevant because I told you to read a book and you just respond with a stupid youtube video. This is some crazy cognitive dissonance. You may believe abortion is bad or whatever, but are you really stupid enough not to realize how much this contradicts every ideal you spout? That's why you are so obssessed with sharing a conspiracy nobody believes, because some long drawn out conspiracy is the only thing that takes away you being a complete hypocrite. Jesus fucking christ.
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the� fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?
I want you to acknowledge it.

TMKF- give up, you are going after him instead of facts now. You lost. Give it up.

And what's crazy about bringing up Gulf Of Tonkin? IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. "Gun control is evil, GULF OF TONKIN!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!" what a fucking idiot, there is no parallel there. Same with every other topic he brought up. You are following his lead now though, answer the questions, don't call me a brainwashing victim. How is the party of liberty over safety in every single other issue suddenly change its mind about abortion. Suddenly the goal of the government is safety. Its such a joke and clear proof that you guys just get indoctrinated and don't question what your cult leader tells you.

The fact that you don't realize how crazy he looked jumping from topic to topic and not acknowledging any of Morgan's points really is sad. You are indoctrinated. Its sad.

Alright you got me. I hate pretentious white guys that run around and tell people they are racists. You gotta be from Connecticut or Chicago. Am I right?
You must be from a former slave state, where you hate carpetbaggers and black people, especially them uppity ones, right? Good thing you put him back in his place like your grandpappy told you needed to happen
You sound so whiny. Calm down. Have a coke and chill.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 01:46:07 PM by paraquat »

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #49 on: January 18, 2013, 01:52:16 PM »
The facts are there, but the dots don't connect. ITs really sad you don't notice that.

If you want a real government conspiracy that actually relates to armed activists, look at the black panther party.

Fred Hampton was known for brokering a truce between the major gangs in Chicago, and starting the free breakfast for school children program by the age of 21. Cointelpro called him the "messiah figure that would bring the civil rights movement to new levels" and released files showed that his peaceful actions scared them.

So what did they do?

They drugged hampton and came in in the middle of the night and blew his brains out. Before they even walked in, they had the excuse for killing him in hand- "he was armed." That wasn't what scared them though, it was the excuse they used.
 How do I know they didn't really fear the armed black panthers instead? Because the man who armed the Panthers was named Richard Aoki, and guess who he worked for?

The fucking FBI.

That's right, they armed the panthers as an excuse to kill them off and prevent their progress.

But if you want to believe that having an armed populace does anything to stop government oppression, go ahead, you are just insanely ignorant and stupid. Keep jumping to Gulf of Tonkin every time you have a conspiracy even if it isn't related to any of the motives or actions that took place, just keep saying "Gulf of Tonkin was a conspiracy, so is everything else" until you believe it, also, ignore the arming and killing of the Black Panthers in the 60's, because that doesn't fit the narrative. Only Gulf of Tonkin does, right? Oh, and the only reason for violence in America is pills, nobody who hasn't been medicated has every committed a crime, right? Jesus fuck.
Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2013, 01:52:54 PM »
Argument against abortion being a woman's right.  If a woman chooses to abort a baby, it's her body.  If that same woman is murdered while pregnant, the murderer is charged with the murder of two people.  Be consistent, government.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2013, 01:53:25 PM »
Placing any value on the political views of the creator of shit like Fantasy Factory and Ridiculousness is almost as bad as taking any political posts on Slap seriously.



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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2013, 01:55:15 PM »
^ Its relevant because I told you to read a book and you just respond with a stupid youtube video. This is some crazy cognitive dissonance. You may believe abortion is bad or whatever, but are you really stupid enough not to realize how much this contradicts every ideal you spout? That's why you are so obssessed with sharing a conspiracy nobody believes, because some long drawn out conspiracy is the only thing that takes away you being a complete hypocrite. Jesus fucking christ.
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Guys, everything is ok. The president being black means all of our problems will be gone.
I feel like this is something obvious racists say. Who ever said all our problems would be gone if we had a black president? You are insulting a position that doesn't exist because you hate the� fact that the president is black and really want a white guy back in the office.
Not at all against black people or anybody for that matter. You want me to be racist though, right?
I want you to acknowledge it.

TMKF- give up, you are going after him instead of facts now. You lost. Give it up.

And what's crazy about bringing up Gulf Of Tonkin? IT HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC AT HAND. "Gun control is evil, GULF OF TONKIN!!!! LOOK IT UP!!!" what a fucking idiot, there is no parallel there. Same with every other topic he brought up. You are following his lead now though, answer the questions, don't call me a brainwashing victim. How is the party of liberty over safety in every single other issue suddenly change its mind about abortion. Suddenly the goal of the government is safety. Its such a joke and clear proof that you guys just get indoctrinated and don't question what your cult leader tells you.

The fact that you don't realize how crazy he looked jumping from topic to topic and not acknowledging any of Morgan's points really is sad. You are indoctrinated. Its sad.

The parallel there would be the Hegelian Rahm Emanuel said, "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste"...whether that crisis is real or a staged false flag.  It's the collectivist formula of controlled chaos.

A (thesis) versus B (anti-thesis) equals C (synthesis).

For example: If (A) my idea of freedom conflicts with (B) your idea of freedom then (C) neither of us can be free until everyone agrees to be a slave.

C'mon, you know this stuff, Gipper.

The Soviet Union was based on the Hegelian dialectic, as is all Marxist writing. The Soviets didn't give up their Hegelian reasoning when they supposedly stopped being a communist country. They merely changed the dialectical language to fit into the modern version of Marxist thinking called communitarianism. There is no difference between the top capitalists and the top communists, they utilize the same techniques to consolidate control.  Professor Anthony Sutton detailed and articulated this in numerous volumes of his work: 


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2013, 01:58:47 PM »
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I don't know much, but I know that you're an idiot if you don't think gun control laws should be tighter in this country.

It has nothing to do with the recent killings and everything to do with stupidity.

You can own an automatic assault rifle, but you can't get the free health care that you'll need for shooting your own nut sack off.

Sorry America, but this country is fucked.

You're right you don't know much and you don't understand freedom. Heroin is illegal but you can go get some right now if you want. If automatic weapons were illegal(which they pretty much are) a criminal could get one if they wanted to. Therefore making a law against them will only prevent those who follow the law to not being able to defend themselves against criminals who seek them out, it's as simple as that. I don't think you understand how rare a fully automatic weapon is, you have to jump though a bunch of hoops, background checks and pay for fees and licenses to own them. I'm also wondering how this relates to healthcare? Why should a health care provider be required to give anyone something for free? You think the government should make automatic weapons illegal and pay for the population to have healthcare...the same government that's caught day after day involved in corruption and insider trading for their own benefit? The same government that gave 2000 weapons including automatic assault rifles and grenades to Mexican drug cartels in Fast and Furious? No thanks, I'll just take care of myself and if I choose to have a weapon to defend myself or just because I'm into guns that right is guaranteed and is protected under the constitution. I understand where you're coming from but we've already established that criminals can and will get whatever they want from drugs to weapons so how much sense does it make to have a single shot rifle to defend yourself against a criminal that has a semi auto or even an automatic weapon. I'm not some big gun guy, I just understand freedom, and you can't be truly free without the right to protect yourself. Once you start to restrict(which they've already done) its a slippery slope. You think the government actually cares about less violence? The US government are the biggest killers in the world, they've killed millions of innocent people with the continued illegal undeclared wars and drone attacks...this is about control and always was.

Nope. It's not that hard at all. My brother in law went to a gun show in Texas, with some cash, and bought one. It wasn't hard. It was just expensive, and he's just stupid.

This idea of Freedom being related to arming yourself is the biggest load of crap ever.

If you think that owning a gun has anything to do with freedom you have no clue at all.

If you want to be free, you should start thinking about being given basic human rights. Like not having to pay for a baby, or for cancer, or for a baby with cancer.

Take care of yourself? How? If you are a minimal percent of the population that can afford either *good insurance, or to pay for healthcare out of pocket than you're extremely lucky. Get sick, and tell me you want to be free and pay for your health.

What about an innocent bystander caught up in an act of gun violence? Do they deserve to go broke for trying to save their lives?

So do you see how one is related to another now?

If you have a pistol, and the intruder has an automatic weapon, or if he has a pistol and you have one, you're still getting shot - or not- either way. You're still stupid, as are they. And one of you is going to have to pay thousands, maybe millions of dollars not to die. And you're still talking about freedom.

You're obviously mixing up semi automatic with automatic, there's no way he went and bought a fully automatic gun from the gun show. What about an innocent bystander being hit by a car? That argument makes no sense. I have health insurance, I work and I pay for it, when I get sick I hardly ever use, only if its something gnarly, so I don't really get your argument there either? Just because I want something for free I should get it? Freedom is related to owning a firearm because in a free society one should be able to own one to protect themselves if they wish, it is a guaranteed right, free healthcare certainly isn't. I do think the healthcare system is broken, and its because there is too much government involvement in it. Ever since they started getting involved prices for procedures and insurance started skyrocketing. When the healthcare bill was passed who's stocks soared? Healthcare providers and insurance providers....pretty easy to see who benefited from that one.

He bought the same weapon used as standard military issue. Semi, or fully, or not at all. I don't know all that much about guns, and nor do I care to. I know it's a weapon he does not need, has no reason to own, and no possible scenario in his life would necessitate the need for using it.

He's also now serving in the US Army. And would tell you the same thing. Having used a much bigger gun to kill plenty of people.

Let's put guns aside for one second and move onto health care, because this is something you clearly don't grasp. Or perhaps have been fortunate enough not to. Your position is one of privilidge not right. Most people don't have what you do and they need it more than you. You say yourself you choose not to use the health coverage you have unless it's "gnarly". Well there are people out there who even in your situation would go broke trying to live a normal life, because "gnarly" is their every day. I speak here from moderate experience. And if someone gets hit by a car, or a bullet, both deserve to right to be treated for their injuries without any personal cost. My original argument mentioned both childcare and cancer treatment, which are not related to gun violence at all.

The bit I put in bold is the reason I can't argue with you. This mentality is shameful, pathetic and inhuman. You think freedom means a right to carry a weapon, but not to have healthcare. You think a country that gives you this is freedom. You're an idiot.

Government intervention in healthcare is not the problem, insurance and pharmaceutical intervention is.

Perhaps what the government would offer wouldn't be ideal, but you won't care about ideal if it saves your life without costing you your house and life savings. It's not like it would be the only option either. In most developed countries with national healthcare you can also choose to have private, insured coverage.

Interestingly at a fraction of the cost of what you're expected to pay in the US.

But go ahead, buy a gun. Hide it in your sock drawer. Fight for your freedom. Contribute to society and make the world a better place.

You fucking moron.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2013, 02:03:56 PM »
Also, for the record:

Piers Morgan is an absolute joke. A complete idiot of a human being. But all this: "johnny foreigner telling us how to live" bullshit, is pathetic.

Just because he's not American doesn't mean he can't talk about America, and the nations policies and beliefs. He has every right to an opinion, and rightly or wrongly he's payed to share them.

Just like all the US born TV personality morons.

It doesn't mean he's right in what he says, but cut the bulllshit about him not being entitled because he's foreign.

Especially as the US is on the shakiest of ground when it comes to telling other countries what to think, and how to act.

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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2013, 02:05:59 PM »
^ Nope, "libertarian" Alex Jones wants him deported because he was using free speech and taking advantage of freedom of press. Get out of here you freedom hater! I'm not a Piers Morgan fan, but Alex Jones is actually so stupid he makes him look good.

HAHAHA, now TKMF is using his ideology instead of facts. "Healthcare is a privilege, not a right, yadda yadda yadda." No discussion about effectiveness, capability, or the current corporatist state of healthcare where the laws are created just to protect the profit motive. So sad, so sad.

Real deal, I don't even know where to start. Just stop. In terms of what I am smart enough to know- its that you are using the same stupid Alex Jones technique where you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, but think that bringing up things that don't fit will make you seem wise. Bringing up a Hegelian dialectic doesn't make everything a conspiracy.

From now on, you only get this response until you answer me: If gun control scares the government, then why did they arm the black panthers and then kill them? Because all you are doing is taking it back far enough that it might relate- Both involve events on planet earth too! How fucking stupid can I be!!

Also, here is who you listen to:

I'm not saying this so you realize it. I'm saying it so people can know how stupid and crazy you are. Nobody with half a brain believes the stupid shit you do. You care, that's great, now ACT on real issues instead of creating conspiracy theories.

Are you a kook? If you would say this, the answer is “YES”
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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #56 on: January 18, 2013, 02:07:50 PM »
The facts are there, but the dots don't connect. ITs really sad you don't notice that.

If you want a real government conspiracy that actually relates to armed activists, look at the black panther party.

Fred Hampton was known for brokering a truce between the major gangs in Chicago, and starting the free breakfast for school children program by the age of 21. Cointelpro called him the "messiah figure that would bring the civil rights movement to new levels" and released files showed that his peaceful actions scared them.

So what did they do?

They drugged hampton and came in in the middle of the night and blew his brains out. Before they even walked in, they had the excuse for killing him in hand- "he was armed." That wasn't what scared them though, it was the excuse they used.
 How do I know they didn't really fear the armed black panthers instead? Because the man who armed the Panthers was named Richard Aoki, and guess who he worked for?

The fucking FBI.

That's right, they armed the panthers as an excuse to kill them off and prevent their progress.

But if you want to believe that having an armed populace does anything to stop government oppression, go ahead, you are just insanely ignorant and stupid. Keep jumping to Gulf of Tonkin every time you have a conspiracy even if it isn't related to any of the motives or actions that took place, just keep saying "Gulf of Tonkin was a conspiracy, so is everything else" until you believe it, also, ignore the arming and killing of the Black Panthers in the 60's, because that doesn't fit the narrative. Only Gulf of Tonkin does, right? Oh, and the only reason for violence in America is pills, nobody who hasn't been medicated has every committed a crime, right? Jesus fuck.

Come on Gipper you know I'm not saying that the only reason for violence is pills, I'm just pointing out that these mass murder suicides the guys are almost always on the drugs that claim violent thoughts and actions in the side effects. I'm also not saying that the black panther conspiracy that you cited isn't true, in fact it probably is. That actually sounds like the more recent fast and furious operation, arming the drug cartels and gangs to supposedly follow the guns when it was actually to demonize the second amendment until they got caught. Which I want to add was going on under Bush before Obama even got into office. I'm not saying everything is a conspiracy, I'm saying that when a government has been know to stage events for political gain time and time again, it would be stupid for them not to be suspects especially when they clearly have something to gain. It's funny how you only believe the conspiracies that fall in line with your beliefs, I take all of them into consideration, noone know the facts of anything for sure we just go on what we're told. I'm not claiming to know anything, just connecting dots, which you say don't connect.....

I don't see how a women who founds a Eugenics club also founds an Abortion club and has quote after quote promoting Eugenics and her Abortion club just so happens to be the largest abortion provider in the country....oh yeah and the government takes taxpayer money and gives it to this abortion club whilst having a senior advisor to the president of the country who wrote a book calling for forced sterilization and abortion....I guess that's just a coincidence, those dots don't connect at all.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #57 on: January 18, 2013, 02:11:10 PM »
Odd how on the AWS site they have the graphic without "Infowars" printed on it.  I question, along with OP, the legitimacy of this collab.

Also, Planned Parenthood does not use federal funding for abortions, those go towards other services for women's health.

Lastly, if you, TMKF, were a true libertarian you would recognize the rights of women to have an abortion despite your personal moral objections.

I guess if I were a "true" libertarian I'd be down for child pornography too right? If government funds go to Planned Parenthood its helps them as a foundation, they are the largest abortion provider in the country, so that bs argument doesn't work.


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #58 on: January 18, 2013, 02:14:58 PM »
The call for deportation about foreign subterfuge and subversion.  This collaboration is definitely not satire nor a hoax.  Alien has an ad on there page and here is the link to the store:

Here are the other products in the collab.

Gip, here is Black Panther Veteran, Larry Pinkney discussing cointelpro and much more on Alex's show last July:


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Re: Alien Workshop x Right Wing ?!
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2013, 02:17:00 PM »
One thing: there's nothing more pathetic than a bunch of dudes on a message board talking about abortion.